Conestoga Mennonite Church


Conestoga Mennonite Church
Conestoga Mennonite Church
May 31, 2015
Number 22
Teaching the Word (9:30 a.m.)
Classes available for all ages to connect with God and one another.
Children’s classes meet in the Nursery until 9:40 a.m.
Morning Worship (10:30 a.m.)
2015 Theme: “Behold I am making all things new.” Is. 43:19
Jill Waters
Welcome, Community Life, and Opening Prayer
Pastor Bob
Opening Hymns
Worship Team led by Krista Petersheim
The Word of the Lord
Hebrews 12:1-3
Cheryl Heineman & Jill Waters
Message: “Running a Successful Race”
Pastor Bob
Service of Communion
Children’s Time - “Why Do We Do This?”
Invitation to Communion as we “Run the Race”
Ministry of Music
Jill Waters
Invitation to serve one another
Worship in Song
 Thank you:
…Lyle and Tina Essick for serving as ushers
…Mike and Liz Petersheim for serving in the nursery
…Bob and Karen Horning for providing prayer ministry
…Gary and Sharon Stoltzfus for their Communion Preparation
 9:00 a.m. 30 Minute Connect - Coffee & Donuts
 During combined Sunday School we will hear testimony of transformed
lives by New Person Center Ministry. Our message will be by Director
Jordan Kauffman “What About the Rest of the Story?” from Gal. 2:11-21.
 Nursery: Bonnie Beam and Kaiti Fox
 Offertory: Sharon Stoltzfus
~This Week’s Activities~
Senior Youth:
Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Bible Study in Youth Room
9:15 a.m. Neighbors Tour and sample the delicious popcorn at Emma’s
Popcorn. To register contact Tina Essick.
6:45 p.m. Softball Game at West Nantmeal
7:00 p.m. “Beautiful Ever After” Support Group
8:30 a.m. Sewing Circle
9:00 a.m. Visitation Team
6:45 p.m. Softball Game at New Holland West
7:00 p.m. Pastoral Team
9:00 a.m. Prayer Time in Pastor Bob’s office. All are welcome!
~Conestoga’s Notes~
SUNDAY SCHOOL: This coming Sunday, June 7, all youth and adult
Sunday School classes will meet in the Fellowship Hall for a combined
Sunday School to hear from the men at New Person Ministries, a prisoner
re-entry home located in Reading, PA.
FAMILY GAME NIGHT: Come our for a fun evening of outdoor
games, weather permitting, on June 13 at 7:00 p.m.. If weather does not
cooperate we will be playing board games in the Fellowship Hall. Contact
Tina Essick with any questions.
BALLOT REPORT: Tellers report unanimous approval to support the
Jeremiah and Shaelagh Martin family in 2016 budget, and strong approval
of Susan Johnson as Director of Christian Education and Lyle Essick as
Director of Stewardship. Thank you for your prayerful participation!
NOMINATION FORM: Please prayerfully consider whom you believe
would serve well on our Oversight Team. Potential persons should be
proven and mature Kingdom leaders from outside our CMC fellowship.
You may nominate as many names as the Lord brings to mind.
SPIRITUAL GIFTS: Anyone who took the “Spiritual Gifts Survey” distributed in Sunday School two weeks ago, is invited to attend a special one
-time class on Sunday, June 21, in the Conference Room to better learn
how to use our gifts. Extra surveys are on the lobby shelf.
WOMEN’S CLASS: This Tuesday, June 2nd, the woman’s class
“Beautiful Ever After” will meet at 7 p.m. in the Conference Room. For
more information, see Jill Waters.
~Conestoga’s Notes Cont’d~
CHILD ABUSE CLEARANCES: If you filled out a clearance form
since the beginning of this year please be on the look-out for your clearance in the mail! You may put your clearance in the church office for
our records. Thank you!
BLESSING MWC LEADERS: Three to five Mennonite World Conference leaders will be attending Conestoga Sunday morning, July 19,
the Sunday before Mennonite World Conference. We need 1) a volunteer to drive to and from Harrisburg on that Sunday to pick them up at
the hotel where they are staying, and 2) a host/hostess to invite them
home for lunch. Please contact Lois Ann Mast if you can assist.
~Looking Ahead~
June 13 - 7:00 p.m. Family Game Night
June 26 - 6:15 p.m. Hebron School Banquet
~May 24, 2015 Reports~
Attendance: Sunday School 50 Church 103
General Offering: $2,816
Designated Funds: Still Waters $80
Our Ministers: Every Member
Pastoral Team:
Ministry Council:
Pastor Bob, Chair
Pastor Bob, Chair
Karen Horning, Elder
Dir. of Ch. Ed.: Dot Leatherman
Howard Moss, Elder
Dir. of Fellowship: Tina Essick
Brendon Petersheim, Elder
Dir. of Mission: Gary Stoltzfus
Jerry Petersheim, Elder
Dir. of Stewardship: Bill Beam
Rod Stoltzfus, Elder
Dir. of Worship: Sharon Stoltzfus
Rachel Mast, Min. of Youth/Young Adults
Youth/Young Adults: Rachel Mast
Lemar & Lois Ann Mast, Deacon(ess)
Church Staff:
 Pastor: Bob Petersheim:, 610-507-8862 (cell)
 Min. of Youth & Young Adults:, 484-941-4112
 Office Administrator: Rachel Mast:, 610-286-9124

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