N T ew radiTioNs


N T ew radiTioNs
Final Combined Adult Summer
New Traditions
Sunday School Class TODAY!
Rachel Estes, our Director of Outreach, will wrap up our
summer series focusing on Outreach. She will share where
we are involved locally, nationally, and internationally.
This class meets in Wesley Hall, M209, 9:15 a.m. - 10:15
a.m. To read one of the many success stories of this
organization, go to www.canterburyumc.org/success-story.
Newsletter E-blasts...Sign-up Now - Get the
latest news when it happens from the ministries you care
about the most! Now you can receive e-mail blasts directly
from Canterbury’s major ministry leaders – not just every
week or month – but whenever there is news to share with
everyone who wants it. To subscribe to the e-blast of your
choice, go to www.canterburyumc.org/newsletters.
August 10, 2014
Ninth Sunday After Pentecost
Travel to the exquisite five star
SpringHouse Restaurant on Thursday,
August 21 for lunch at noon. Rising out of the
hilltop, SpringHouse treats diners to award-winning local
cuisine served in rustic, casual elegance. We will also
view beautiful Lake Martin at Children’s Harbor Lighthouse
& Chapel. Reservations are requested and a fee of $65
is required. Contact Gloria for a reservation at
gloria.mcclendon@canterburyumc.org or at 874-1534.
Get geared up for new and exciting things coming your way
as we kickoff “Fall at Canterbury”. On Sunday, August 17
from 9:15-10:15 a.m., we will be registering all ages through
6th grade throughout the children’s building and on the 3rd
floor. If you have not registered your child, please help us to
complete the registration by attending this Sunday.
CARPENTER’S HANDS Workday - Carpenter’s
Summer Book club with Annie & Rachel
Attention All Parents of Third Graders: Sunday, August 24
will be a Milestone Event in the lives of our children and our
church as Canterbury’s Third Graders are presented with
their own personalized Bibles. Please contact Gina Thomas
at gina.thomas@canterburyumc.org to confirm your child’s
correct name for engraving. And don’t forget to attend this
very special part of worship in the Sanctuary on August 24.
Bring a sack lunch and join the discussion. The next
selection will be Snake Oil by Becca Stevens on August
20 at noon in M227 Aldersgate. (Becca Stevens will be
speaking at Canterbury this fall!)
Summer academy reading class
It is not too late to register and participate in the Canterbury
Academy Summer Reading Class as we explore Brian
McLaren’s book, Why Did Jesus, Moses, the Buddha, and
Mohammed Cross the Road? We will meet at the end of
the summer to share what we have read on August 10, and
17 at 5:00 p.m. in Room A123. Register for the class on the
Canterbury website, or by emailing or calling Ellen Thomas
(874-1533) (ellen.thomas@canterburyumc.org), or Oliver
Clark (868-6580) (oliver.clark@canterburyumc.org). (Brian
McLaren will be speaking at Canterbury next month!)
Preacher —The Reverend Drew Clayton
Liturgist — The Reverend Warren Nash
Keith Brandenburg, Conductor / Anne Skinner, Organist
Hands will have its next Saturday workday on August 16.
To volunteer, contact Adam Guthrie at adam.guthrie@
canterburyumc.org or 999-3963.
Brown Bag has enjoyed a great summer! On August 20,
we will welcome the Exceptional Foundation’s “Aktion Club”
members who will pack all the meal bags for us!
http://www.exceptionalfoundation.org/programs/. On
August 22, we will be in Canterbury Hall with UMW
Circles serving hospitality. Thank you to all of the groups
who volunteer with us—you make it all possible! For
information on Brown Bag, please contact Susan Dowdey at
874-1569 or susan.dowdey@canterburyumc.org.
Canterbury Day School
Openings for Fall 2014
Older 2’s (M/W or T/Th) — Your child must be
28 to 35 months old by September 1, 2014.
3’s (M/T/Th) — Your child must be 3 years old
by September 1, 2014.
4’s (M-Th) — Your child must be 4 years old by
September 1, 2014
5K (M-F) — Your child must be 5 years old by
September 30, 2014.
Please call Linda Wingo (874-1541)
for more information.
Pick up: 8/8, 15, 22
Pack: 8/3, 10, 17, 24
Distribute: 8/4, 11, 18, 25 (Off 8/29, 31 for Labor Day)
The roses on the sanctuary Lectern
are Placed IN HONOR OF...
• Joseph Morrow Jones, son of Anne & Hunter Jones,
born July 29, 2014.
• John Aidan Hobbs, son of Kim & David Hobbs,
born June 15, 2014.
• Ann Shelton Dunning, daughter of Adrian & Laura
Dunning, born August 1, 2014.
In the Hospital as of 8-4-14...
• Hanover House (933-1828) Helen Kinsey
• Brookwood (877-1940) Ford & Whit Macklem
• Greenbriar Leon Hamrick
• Oaks on Parkwood Florence “Issa” Scott
• St. Vincent’s (939-7111) Richard McLaughlin
“How To Walk On Water”
Order of Morning Worship
*Congregation Please Stand
URWB - Upper Room Worship Book UMH - United Methodist Hymnal
Words in bold type are spoken or sung by the congregation.
* Wesley’s Grace & Doxology
Be present at our table, Lord;
be here and everywhere adored;
Thy creatures bless, and grant that we
may feast in paradise with Thee.
Welcome and Worship Words
* Hymn 140 (UMH) Great Is Thy Faithfulness FAITHFULNESS
The Lord be with you. And also with you. Let us pray together.
Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the Universe, who grants us all spiritual blessings. When fear
and doubt are more convincing than Your love for us, reach out and save us with Your mighty hand
and outstretched arm. Provide us with a way forward when there seems to be no way. Use every one
of us to radiate peace to the world. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow;
praise Him, all creatures here below;
praise Him above ye heavenly hosts,
praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
old 100th
The peace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you. And also with you.
* The Peace
The Great Thanksgiving 37-40 (URWB)
Gloria in Excelsis
The Memorial Acclamation
Old testament lesson
The Word of God for the people of God. Thanks be to God.
Isaiah 43: 1-5 (NRSV)
* Alleluia
The Lord’s Prayer 454 (URWB, chanted)
* Gospel Lesson
Response to the Word
Hymn 195 (URWB)
Offertory Anthem
The Word of God for the people of God. Thanks be to God. Matthew 14: 22-33
“How To Walk On Water”
Rev. Drew Clayton
Through the Love of God Our Savior
O Lord, Increase My Faith
Orlando Gibbons
O Lord, increase my faith, strengthen me and confirm me in Thy true faith:
endue me with wisdom, charity and patience. In all my adversity, teach me to say Amen.
Fraction Anthem 413 (URWB)
Agnus Dei
bell agnus
Receiving the Bread and Cup by Intinction and Kneeling All are invited to receive Holy Communion. Ushers will guide you.
Communion Music (URWB) Please join in singing the hymn as we receive the elements.
Hymn 158 You Are Mine
Prayer After Receiving
We thank You, God, for inviting us to Your table where we have known the presence of Christ and have
received Christ’s good gifts. Strengthen our faith, increase our love for one another, and let us show forth
Your praises in our lives; through Jesus Christ our Savior. Amen.
*Blessing and Sending Forth
Want to know more about Following Jesus and Serving Others? To make Canterbury your home church,
Contact Rev. Drew Clayton at 874-1543 or drew.clayton@canterburyumc.org.