October 2015 Newsletter - Tri


October 2015 Newsletter - Tri
Tri-County Area School District
October 2015
(715) 335-6366
Tri-County Area School District
409 S West Street
Page #1
Plainfield, WI 54966-9608
Plainfield WI 54966
October 2015 Newsletter
It’s been a “Patriotic” Homecoming 2015
This year we saw a lot of Red, White, & Blue. Homecoming started with the student’s window painting. The windows looked fantastic. We would like to thank the businesses for
letting us decorate. The halls were also decorated and judged for spirit points along with the
building of the floats. We also celebrated with elementary students receiving temporary
tattoos, our powder puff and volleyball tournaments, parade, and dance. Our High School
Dress up Days were: Pajama, Fictional Character, & Patriotic Day. It was a Throw Back
Thursday and Friday our T-C Color Day. Presiding on Homecoming Court were: Queen
Macy Klabunde and King Lucas Marinack, Sarah Lauer and Nicholas Belt, Natalie Henriksen and Matthew Nigh, Victoria Boyd and Jordan Heck, Emma Walker and Wyatt Miller.
After the game on Friday, a bonfire was held. A huge THANKS to all our administration &
staff, officer Fenske, fire department, & community members who made all of this happen.
We also would like to thank Creative Custom Embroidery who did our Homecoming shirts
and our very own DJ “Cheapskate” for providing our music for the dance. Student council
would like to thank everyone for their support.
Queen Macy Klabunde and King Lucas Marinack, Sarah Lauer and Nicholas Belt,
Natalie Henriksen and Matthew Nigh, Victoria Boyd and Jordan Heck, Emma Walker
and Wyatt Miller.
Tri-County Area School District
October 2015
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Tri-County Area School District
October 2015
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In the Spotlight - Grades 5 and 6 by the 5-6 Staff
The first days of school have gone by so quickly! We are always excited to see our sixth grade students
return to school and welcome our new fifth grade students. Students have adapted
to new schedules and the infamous “intimidating lock” has been mastered!
A warm welcome to Mrs. Wilkinson, our 5-6 resource teacher. Mrs. Wilkinson, known as “Ms. Jen” by
the students, is a tremendous asset to our 5 / 6 Team! Be sure to stop by and say hello!
We are getting ready to head to the school forest in October. This is always a very
interesting day! The Environmental Education students spend a great deal of time preparing
for our students. We really appreciate their effort and enthusiasm! Hopefully the glorious
weather will continue for our event.
STAR testing in Math and Reading has been done. The information we gain from
these tests help us to guide our instruction as we continue to plan focused and core-building
lessons. Students use the results when selecting academically appropriate novels and planning practice sessions to match learning goals.
Thank you, parents and guardians, for working with us to help your student obtain the very best education possible. We appreciate your efforts in checking the agenda each night, making sure your child is dressed
appropriately for the weather, and keeping us informed about any changes or needs that come up. As always,
please feel free to contact any member of our team with questions, comments or concerns. Thank you for sharing your child with us this year! We are off to a WONDERFUL beginning!
T-C Pride students adding to the
Homecoming 2015 Spirit, James
Uribe, Claudia Gonzalez, Carlos
Cabral and Griscelda Ramirez.
Everyone seemed to enjoy homecoming and the wristbands issued by PTA. Thank you all for participating.
As PTA starts off this New Year, we are asking for your cooperation with a few items; please show your support
of PTA by joining now, consider spending 1 or 2 hours participating in a PTA activity. Our fundraisers would not be
possible without your help. There is a core group of members who have been vital to our efforts, some of this group
has moved on, leaving gaps that need to be filled. Please consider expanding your support of PTA to include participation in our fundraising.
PTA officers elected for the 2015-2016 school year are:
Martha Becher,-President
Amanda Appel, -Vice President
Ruth Greuneberg,-Treasurer
Virginia McGregor,-Secretary
If you have any questions or would like to help please contact, Virginia McGregor at 715-335-6867.
Tri-County Area School District
October 2015
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7th & 8th Grade Dress
Up Days!
7th & 8th Graders showed their School Spirit during homecoming with the following dress up days,
Sports Team Day, Red, White and Blue Day, Fake an Injury Day, VS Day (Students picked a popular
rivalry and choose a side to dress like), and they wrapped up the week with T-C Color Day!
Monday many staff and students were sporting Green Bay Packer attire in support of MNF. The halls were quite
Patriotic on Tuesday, with all the red, white and blue. It is a great theme the High School Student Council decided
on this year and we were happy to join in. Wednesday was a very unique day, staff and students came to school
with head injuries, crutches, arm, leg and knee braces, some had facial injuries complete with Halloween stickers
showing blood and gore. Other staff members in the building showed concern for individuals with injuries, until they
realized it was a DRESS UP DAY. Thursday was VS Day, also known as Rivalry Day, and there were a lot of rivalries going on in the middle school hallways. Some rivalries included Pepsi vs. Coke, Batman vs. Superman, Coloma
Softball vs. Plover Softball, Almond vs. TC, the NFL rivalries included Green Bay Packers, Chicago Bears, Seattle
Seahawks, Dallas Cowboys, and Pittsburgh Steelers. A notable rivalry by one 8th grader was Doctor Jekyll vs. Mr.
Hyde. Finally Friday, everyone pulled out their red, black and white in support of Tri-County Homecoming 2015!!!
Good Luck Penguins.
Pictured are Kyle West and Lucas Makaryk along with their conductor from Green Bay Southwest High School,
Brandon Rockstroh. Kyle and Lucas participated in an event designed for M.S. & H.S. men who like to sing called
"Real Men Sing" put on by UW-Milwaukee. It was an early day, but there were over 200 M.S. boys from around the
state who participated. There was also a high school men's group of over 500. Each group rehearsed pieces throughout the day and performed for each other. They also got to hear the college men's choir sing a selection for them.
It was a great day of music making and fun to be around other men who enjoy singing. They got to learn about why
Real Men Sing. How singing can help you be a better husband, father, boss, worker, and every aspect of life because
it helps you to be human.
Large picture is a picture of the M.S. choir performing.
Tri-County Area School District
October 2015
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4th Grade is still looking for
Heart to Heart Volunteers!
Our students in 4th grade have the chance to be a part of a great program called Heart to Heart. The students are beginning to learn about the life cycle and the changes we go through as we grow up. We have a
number of senior community members who come in and volunteer their time and patience to work with our
4th grade students.
If you are interested in volunteering your time working with and doing activities with our 4th grade students,
we would be more than happy to have you come help out!
Our first Heart to Heart event will be Wednesday, October 14th from 12:45-2 pm. Volunteers will be
paired up with a few students and will be their partners for the rest of the school year. We typically have
events once a month on a Wednesday.
If you have any interest in helping us out, please contact Grace Schmid, the elementary school counselor.
You can call me at 715-335-6366 x2950 or email at graceschmid@tcpenguin.net. We would love to have
you come help out and learn with our 4th graders!
5th through 12th grade Student Needs Assessment
During the month of October, the school counseling department is going to be doing a needs assessment
with all students 5th through 12th grade. The purpose of a needs assessment is to obtain information on
students regarding their personal/social, academic, and career development in school. The questions would
focus on these three key areas that relate to our students’ progress in school. Any answers students would
provide on the assessment would remain confidential between the students and the school counselors. In
doing a needs assessment, the hope is that the school counselors would be able to obtain some information on students and be able to focus their services on the areas where students feel like they need some
support. For example, plan a small group for students who feel they need help with study skills or prepare a
lesson on bullying or resolving conflicts if that appears to be a common struggle of students.
If you have any questions or would prefer for your child not to participate in a needs assessment, please
contact your students’ school counselor:
Lara Craft (7-12th grade school counselor)
715-335-6366 x3910, laracraft@tcpenguin.net
Grace Schmid (EC-6th grade school counselor)
715-335-6366 x2950, graceschmid@tcpenguin.net
Juniors who signed up will be taking the PSAT (Preliminary SAT) on Wednesday, October 14th. Students or parents who want more information can contact
me, and I will have the PSAT student guide which will include test-taking tips,
information about the National Merit Scholarship Program, and a full-length
practice test.
November Tri-County Event Calendar
Tri-County Area School District
October 2015
Second Quarter
vs. Nekoosa,
4:30 p.m.
Blood Drive
9-1:00 p.m.
Grade Only
@ Port Edwards 5:30
Grade Only
@ Marion 5:30
Grade Only
vs. Rosholt
5:30 p.m.
FFA Fruit Sale
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Math League
Booster Club
Meeting 6:30
H.S. Cafeteria
PTA Meeting @
6:00 p.m.
4k-6th Grade Parent/Teacher Conference
8 a.m. –7:15 p.m.
Normal School
Day 7th-12th
Grade Only
vs. Wild Rose
5:30 p.m.
Pacelli 5:30
Bonduel &
Octonto 5:30
Grade Only
vs. Rosholt
5:30 p.m.
12:30 p.m.
MSWR @ John
Muir 4:15 p.m.
December 1
Bowler 6:00
No School
Happy Thanksgiving
HSBBB vs. Port
Edwards 6:00
HSWR @ Almond 7:00 p.m.
H.S. Play
Hospital HiJinx 7:00 p.m.
HSBBB = High School Boys Basketball; HSGBB High School Girls Basketball;
MSBBB=Middle School Boys Basktball; HSWR=High School Wresling; MSWR=Middle School Wrestling
For further information or more up to date please refer to the All CWC Conference Athletic Schedules located on home
page or at this link.
Tri-County Area School District
October 2015
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Title I
“Children are made readers on the laps of their parents.”
Emilie Buchwald
As a parent or caretaker, you are familiar with those middle of the night cries from your child. The cries that tell you they’re
hungry, cold or hot, and need to be changed, but lately, I’ve been hearing a very different cry from my one year old daughter. I’m awakened to, “Book… BOOK!” I roll out of bed as she continues her “Book” chant, make my way to her room, and lower myself into a chair
next to her crib. Thankfully I have some classic stories memorized so no light or actual book is needed; the words from these familiar
books are all that are needed to pacify her. Eyes closed, I begin, “In the great green room, there is a telephone, a red balloon (yawn) and a
picture of….the cow jumping over the moon, (doze off).” A militant command of “BOOK!” from this little blonde cherub wakes me
again. Oh yeah, where was I? “Big A, little a, what begins with A? Aunt Annie’s alligator begins with A.” On and on we go until she falls
back to sleep. Her late night literacy cravings are a powerful reminder of the importance of reading at a young age.
Children whose parents read to them get a head start on language skills and literacy. Unfortunately, one-third of children starting
kindergarten do not possess the language skills needed to learn to read according to the article, “Never Too Young: Pediatricians Say
Parents Should Read to Infants” featured on National Public Radio, NPR.
I’ve learned the power of the spoken word with my one year old, not just from reciting books to her in the middle of the night,
but from singing simple nursery rhymes. Now it appears I’ve seemingly “Pavloved” her into a state of calm whenever I read a book or
sing a song. Turns out, research has found that early exposure to language, whether through reading, talking or even singing, has a profound influence on children's learning throughout life. Now I know we all love the educational programming that technology blessedly
provides, but it turns out studies have found that hearing language from a TV isn't the same. For young children, the words have to come
from a real live human according to the article featured on NPR.
The 2011-2012 National Survey of Children's Health cites that just one-third of children in families below the poverty threshold
are read to daily. As a result, children in poorer families lag behind in language processing as early as 18 months of age,
a study published last year in Developmental Science found.
As parents, caretakers, and educators, we must recognize the importance that literacy plays in infancy. Angel Taveras told Jennifer Ludden of NPR when speaking on the importance of early literacy, “I realized we really need to start in the cradle, and that is what
this is about — starting in the cradle and working with the child's first teacher, a parent."
Liz Bechard
Title I Coordinator
Fruit Sale
October 16
November 16
Contact FFA Member
Or Zeth Engel
Ext. 4280
Tri-County Area School District
October 2015
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Tri-County Area School District
October 2015
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Thank you to all the forest work crew
students. Pictured above and below
are part of the work crew. Cordell
Sharp, Jacaup Podoll, and Mr. Bates.
The Lady Penguins are 6-3 in conference. The conference
champion will be determined on Saturday, October 10th and
the Lady Penguins are in the hunt. Pictured here is the Lady
Penguin's Varsity team by Lake Michigan after their 2nd
place finish at the Algoma tournament. Ivy Klabunde,
Brooke Hopkins, Andrea Boyd, Macy Klabunde, Sarah
Lauer, Emily Wills, Megan Nigh, Briana Dickinson, Amber
Baehman (not pictured because they were playing in the
Wautoma tournament are Kailey Bagley and Makenzie
Tri-County Area School District
October 2015
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Tri-County Area School District
October 2015
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Ponderosa Pines held their annual baggo, volleyball, and bake sale fundraiser event in
July. The proceeds were donated by Ponderosa Pines to the Tri-County Volleyball and
Wrestling teams. Receiving the money from Deniell Bula are Coach Rettler and Coach
Woyak. A special thank you to Ponderosa Pines owners, employees, campground residents, and participants for making this fundraiser such a success again this year.
By: Eugene
This show is produced in
cooperation with Eldridge
Plays & Musicals,
Lancaster, PA 17604
If ever there was an emergency, it's the emergency room at Calamity University
Hospital! The two on-duty doctors have been mysteriously shipped out of the country;
essential medical supplies keep disappearing; and four student nurses, whose grades are
so low they had to get down on their hands and knees to read them, have been assigned
there. Add to the mix a nurse who gets hysterical over a split fingernail; a student who
accidentally glues herself to her desk; and a professor who tries to freeze-dry himself for
posterity and things get even more entertaining! The student nurses may not know how to
take a temperature, but can they disguise themselves to thwart an evil plan by the calculating doctor at a rival hospital?
December 4th and 5th 2015
7:00 p.m.
Tickets: $3.00 for adults
$1.00 T-C Students and Seniors
Fall Awards Night– Monday, October 26, 2015
at 6:00 p.m.
Date: Monday, November 2, 2015
Time: 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
Place: Tri-County High School Gym
To make an appointment, please call Ann Hintz at 715-335-6366 ext. 4910
Tri-County Area School District
October 2015
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6:00—8:00 pm
8:00—10:00 a.m.
5:00—8:00 p.m.
Individual Monthly
$ 14.00
Individual Yearly
$ 120.00
Family Monthly
$ 25.00
Individual Senior Citizen (age
60 or older) Monthly
Individual Senior Citizen (age
60 or older) Yearly
$ 60.00
Senior Couple (age 60 or older)
$ 14.00
Senior Couple (age 60 or older)
$ 120.00
Passes can be purchased in the high school
office. Non-resident rates available.
Your first visit is free!
Register with the
fitness center supervisor
and try it out!
If you can’t get to the Fitness Center on
a regular basis, we now take walk-ins.
must have the correct
change. The Fitness Center SuperThe charge will be $2.00 per visit.
visor will not have access to change.

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