November 2011 NEWSLETTER - Tri
November 2011 NEWSLETTER - Tri
Tri-County Area School District November Tri-County Area School District 409 S West Street 2011Plainfield, WI 54966-9608 (715) 335-6366 PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID Plainfield Page #1 WI 54966 PERMIT #7 CAR RT ST RURAL ROUTE OR POST OFFICE BOXHOLDER November 2011 TC Football team competes in Level 1 of the playoffs. The last time was in 1999. Front row: Paul Kaehn, Dre Kramer, JJ Bartels, Raul Pascual, Trevor Hanke, Zack West, Tyler Schwartzman, Dylan Nigh. Middle row: Joey Woyak, Chase Knutson, Brock Akkerman, Tristan LaPorte, Dayton Jones, Mitchell Marinack, Austin Heise, Raymond Lauer, Luke Mullins, Zach Nigh. Back row: Coach Andy Louis, Clayton Reid, Erick Weis, Ethan Sigourney, Leighton Bates, Erik Erdmann, Will Roehl, Darin Reid, Coach Ron Nelson, Coach Ray Applebee JR 2011 Football Team Not pictured: Thomas Sachs, Coach Lamar LaPorte, Coach Jason Stiles The Varsity Volleyball Team finished 5th in the conference this season. Their overall record was 11-13. Their conference record was 6-8. Pictured: Kneeling (left to right): Maddie Sherman, Haley Wadel, Melissa Wysocki, Amy Dickinson, Crystal Stossner, and Jessa Lederer. Standing (left to right): Coach Jessica Rettler, Madison Halvorson, Sonya Christensen, Gabrielle Weekly, Isabella Weekly, and Rachel Applebee. Not show: Kayla Smiley. Varsity Volleyball Team Junior Varsity and Junior Varsity Reserve team pictures are on page 9. Tri-County Area School District November 2011 Page #2 Board Briefs Minutes are posted at the Royal Supermarket and Plainfield Community bank in Plainfield and in the National Exchange Bank, Hancock Community Bank, and Hancock Library in Hancock. Agendas, minutes, and policies are also posted on our website at At their October 25, 2011 meeting, the Tri-County Area School Board took the following action: ∗ Bender motion, Bacon second to approve the agenda. ∗ Bender motion, Bacon second to approve checks and receipt of revenue from September 27th to October 25th. ∗ Cesar motion, Cummings second to approve the following consent agenda items: ∗ Minutes from September 27, 2011 Regular Board Meeting. ∗ Hiring Philip Jagielo as High School Assistant (JV) Boys Basketball Coach at BBB Step 1. ∗ Hiring Travis Schumann as Middle School Assistant (7th grade) Boys Basketball Coach at BMA Step 1. ∗ Early graduation request for Sandy Edgerly. ∗ Hiring Wendy Hetzel as Administrative Assistant to the District Administrator at $14.00/hour as of December 1, 2011. ∗ Cesar motion, Lederer second to hire a 45% music teacher for 7th and 8th grade choir, general music, and vocal lessons. ∗ 1st reading of Policy 835, Use of Fitness Center. No action. ∗ Cesar motion, Bacon second to approve the following new policies (2nd reading): 831, Tobacco use on School Premises and at School Events and 833.2, Alcohol and Drugs on School Premises. ∗ Motion Cummings, Knutson second to approve language changes to the following board policies: 362 Rule, School Library media Centers Administrative Rule—Materials Selection and Reconsideration; 834, Use of School Forest (formerly 910); 834 Rule, Use of School Forest Administrative Rule (formerly 910 Rule); 835 Rule, Use of Fitness Center Administrative Rule; 840, Gifts from Private Sources; 840 Exhibit 1, Gifts and Donations to the School District; 860, Visitors to the School; 871, Complaints About Instructional Materials; 871 Rule, Complaints About Instructional Materials Administrative Rule—Procedure to File a Complaint About Instructional Materials; 871 Exhibit, Citizen’s Request for Reconsideration of Materials. ∗ Cesar motion, Bacon second to approve the 2011-2012 budget (see page 3) and tax levy. General Fund Community Fund Total School Levy $ 2,911,947.00 $ 20,080.00 $ 2,932,027.00 The levy rate is .00812440 ($812.40 in taxes for every $100,000.00 of property value). This is down from .00826348 a year ago. Tri-County Area School District, Plainfield, WI Tri-County Area School District Approved Budget for Publication November 2011 Page #3 Tri-County Area School District November 2011 Page #4 DNR Snowmobile Class Offered Joe Russo, Jr., a Wisconsin DNR Certified Safety Instructor, invites all young people interested in recreational snowmobile riding to enroll in a Wisconsin Snowmobile Safety course. The course will be held Saturday, January 7, 2012 from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm and Sunday, January 8, 2012 from 11:30 am to 4:00 pm in the agriculture/shop, Tri-County High School, Plainfield, 409 S West Street, and is sponsored by Mid-State Snow Drifters. Students must be 11 years old to enroll. There is no maximum age, and parents are also encouraged to enroll and participate. Advance registrations are required. Please contact Joe Russo at 497 1st Avenue, Plainfield, telephone (715) 3354858 OR Scott at (920) 787-2279 for details. The course fee is $10.00, and covers all necessary materials. Capitol ceremony celebrates 2011-12 Wisconsin Schools of Recognition MADISON — State Superintendent Tony Evers praised Tri-County Elementary School for being among 118 schools in the state that received Wisconsin School of Recognition honors (for three consecutive years) for the 2011-12 school year during a special Oct. 12 ceremony at the State Capitol in Madison. This year marks the 5th time the TC Elementary School has won this award. Evers welcomed, from left: Marjory Prescher, Shawn Jepson, and Rita Robinson to the recognition event. To be recognized, schools must be among those with the highest poverty rates in the state, have met adequate yearly progress goals under federal education law for the past two years, and have student achievement on state mathematics and reading assessments that is higher than schools with similar poverty levels and grade configurations. “Partnerships among teachers, parents, administrators, school staff members, and the community contribute to the academic success of students in schools that receive this honor,” Evers said. Persons successfully completing the course will receive a distinctive embroidered emblem and a snowmobile safety graduate certificate. Young students certified will be able to operate a snowmobile without a parent or guardian present at age 12 instead of age 16. Classes will cover snowmobile safety features, pre-ride inspections, basic riding skills, snowmobile rider responsibilities, laws and handling outdoor emergencies. Students will not be required to obtain a Wisconsin DNR customer identification number as part of the criteria to graduate. Students can obtain a Wisconsin DNR identification number from 7 am to 10 pm by calling 1-888-936-7463 or visit a DNR service center. Tri-County Area School District November 2011 Page #5 Elementary School News! Mrs. Ertl’s 3rd grade class is busy! All 3rd graders entered a coloring contest for the Waushara County Land and Water Conservation Association. The theme this year was "Forests for Everyone: More Than You Can Imagine." Three students from our school won awards for their great artwork. Paige Hopkins won 1st place, Christina Bartsch won 2nd place, and Daisy Gonzales won an honorable mention. Paige's drawing won 2nd place in the district coloring contest for the Wisconsin Land and Conservation Association. The students just finished a unit on simple and complex machines. To complete the unit, the students built their own complex machines and raced ping pong balls to see which machine would send the ball the furthest. The winning machine sent the ball rolling 13 1/2 feet. The winning group members were Esmeralda Banda, Blake Baehman, and Joseph Hoffmann. Today’s kindergarten is very different from the past. With only a few weeks into the school year, students are already reading sentences! The children are identifying letters and sounds, printing letters, blending letter sounds to make words, and identifying beginning, middle, and ending sounds in words. We retell and compare stories, make predictions, and identify characters and setting. New vocabulary words are discussed. Students show understanding of words that describe size (tall, short, big, small) and positions (over, under, inside, outside, on, above, below, in front, behind, left, and right). Kindergarten students count out loud, count objects, print numbers, and compare numbers. We create and interpret many charts, graphs, tables, and diagrams. Children identify and count money. Students are learning many ways to sort, classify, and make patterns. We also try to have fun while learning. Music, physical education, art, library, and recess are a favorite part of most days. We are fortunate to have Mrs. Helmrick, the Plainfield Public Librarian, come on Fridays to read stories. Bird feeders and leaf rubbings were made during our trip to the school forest. A walk to Tubbs’ pumpkin & squash stand taught students about the different types of pumpkins and squash and how they grow. Tri-County Area School District TRI-COUNTY AREA TEACHERS ANNUAL CHILI SUPPER AND SILENT AUCTION FOR SCHOLARSHIPS The Tri-County Teachers are sponsoring the annual chili supper on Thursday, December 8, 2011, from 4:00 p.m. until 6:30 p.m. in the Tri-County High School cafeteria in Plainfield, Wisconsin. The cost is $3.50 for adults and $2.00 for children age 10 years and younger. All profits will be used for scholarships for graduating Tri-County High School seniors. We will also be holding a silent auction at the dinner to raise additional funds for scholarships. Items that have been donated by staff members, community members, and area businesses will be auctioned at the dinner. Attention: Seniors 2012 Please get your senior pictures to Mrs. Horacek by Dec 1st. Attention: Parents of Seniors 2012 If you would like to put an ad in the yearbook, please bring a non-professional picture and a check to TC Yearbook for $35. There is a minimum of 50 words. This is due by Nov 15th. November 2011 Page #6 Tri-County Area School District November 2011 Page #7 Tri-County FFA Students Attend the 84th National FFA Convention Lindsay Knutson, Victoria McKenzie, Josh Marinack, Sarah Chojnacki and Shannon Heath had the opportunity to attend the 84th National FFA Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana on October 19th-22nd. Front Row (Left to right): Victoria McKenzie, Shannon Heath, and Melissa Meyer; Back Row (Left to Right): Josh Marinack, Sarah Chojnacki, Lindsay Knutson, Meghan Meyer and Dakotah Meyer. The convention presented FFA members with a world of possibilities. Attendees were able to explore the many opportunities available to today's agriculture students and learn how to believe in themselves. I Believe, was the convention’s theme, challenging students to find something that they believe in and never letting it go. It also challenged students to believe in action, service, leadership, possibilities, passion and the future. This message instilled in each student that as long as they have the belief they can go forth and achieve it. The National FFA Organization started on the beliefs of 33 farmboys in Kansas City, Missouri. Never did they foresee their organization growing to have 523,309 FFA members in 7,487 chapters in all 50 states, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. The national FFA convention is held each October with nearly 55,000 FFA members and guests from across the country in attendance. Members participate in general sessions, competitive events, educational tours, leadership workshops, a career show and expo, volunteer activities and much more. It is the largest annual student conventions in the country. The Tri-County students were able to watch their alumni members Melissa Meyer and Dakotah Meyer receive their American FFA Degree during their last day at the convention. The Tri-County FFA convention attendees would like to extend a HUGE thank you to the Tri-County FFA Alumni for their financial support in helping them attend this conference. TC High School art students visited the Woodson Art Museum in Wausau in October to view the internationally ranked Birds in Art exhibit. They are standing in the sculpture garden in front of a piece by artist Steven Siegel. Volunteers worked this summer with Siegel to create a tribute to central Wisconsin's heritage of logging and paper industries. The sculpture is made entirely of recycled paper, cardboard, and plastic packaging. Left outside, the piece will eventually resemble layers of worn sedimentary rock. Mr. Einstein graced us with his presence via Mr. Mesyk This year the High School Student Council got spooky again by sponsoring trick-ortreating and a costume contest. We all had a great time this year as the teachers, aids, cooks, and even Mr. Marti shared treats with the students. This year we had a wonderful assortment of costumes from thought provoking to fun, and of course scary!! Our official costume winners include: Ms. Carroll in the teacher category, Heather Reiser, Dustin Bowden, Felicity Betro, and Kaina Banda in the student category. Many thanks to all the staff members and family members who helped make it a fun celebration for the students and we look forward to next year! Clayton Reid, Melissa Wysocki, Adam Wysocki, and Josh Marinack posed for a great group shot. October Students of the Month Tri-County Area School District K-6 Counseling News November 2011 When asked why Kayla Phillips (Sophomore) deserves to be student of the month, Mr. Mesyk replied, “Kayla is one of those rare studens that day after day can be depended on to give her best effort regardless of the challenges she faces. She is a positive role model and excels in the classroom.” Page #8 From: Diane Reid It has been a busy month. I continue to see students in my office and have been sitting in with Mrs. Dudei’s kindergarten classes during their protective behaviors unit. There has been a bit of a lull with students lunching with me, but hopefully I will be able to start in with those again soon. In preparation of winter, I have cleaned out our elementary storage area where we keep emergency supplies for students who need to borrow gloves, etc. for recess. It is always a big job, but well worth the effort. Black and White Notes (November 1961) Ben Kramer (Freshman) was also chosen as one of the October students of the month. “Ben is reliable and dependable,” said Mr. Femal. Mr. McCarthy commented, “Ben has begun his high school education on a strong note. He’s doing very well in his classes as he is very motivated academically. Keep up the good work!” Mr. Biggs agreed that Devin Hirst (Junior) earned the right to be a student of the month: “Devin is new to Spanish this year and doing an exceptional job! He is serious about learning a language and very helpful to others… I wish all of my students were like Devin.” Mr. McCarthy stated, “As he keeps himself academically motivated, he will continue to achieve success.” Israel Juarez (Senior) was also selected. “Israel works hard every day in class. Not only that, he is willing to help others when they are having troubles. He is an excellent example for other students to follow,” says Mr. Dill. There was also a comment by Mrs. Limbach-Brown, “Israel is one of my 2D Art 2 students and I have known him as a student for the past six years. He is a serious student who is very conscientious about his work. It is a tribute to his effort that he has learned English and has succeeded so well academically since coming to school at Tri-County.” Here is an entry from the Black&White Notes as originally written by Mary Wanichek – Enjoy! Hi Kids! Once again we have come to the time of the year when everyone is thinking about deer hunting and Thanksgiving. Sometimes I think that too many of us have lost the real meaning of Thanksgiving. This holiday commemorates the feast of thanksgiving held by the Plymouth Colony in 1621 for the first harvest after a winter of near starvation. The colonists invited the neighboring Indians to share with them. Since then, Thanksgiving Day has been a symbol of hospitality with relatives and friends seeing each other and enjoying a delicious dinner. Too often people only think of Thanksgiving Day as a time when we can eat a lot of food, especially the traditional Thanksgiving dishes. However, we should think of it as a day when we give thanks to God for all of the wonderful things we have. I hope that everyone will think of this as they celebrate Thanksgiving. Also Successful Hunters – Black & White Notes (November 1961) Some of the successful deer hunters this last weekend were: Jim Petruska, Alfred McGregor, Tom Dudei, Tom Lewellan, Tom Brown, John Whalley, Gayle Bacon, Gale Ashley, Fuzz Ramczyk, Richard Hocking, Jim Thompson, and Doug Reid. Good Shooting, boys! Tri-County Area School District November 2011 Page #9 PTA News Things are really heating up for PTA even as the temperatures outside continue to fall. There are some events coming up which we hope you will enjoy. Book Fair - Our Scholastic Book Fair will again be held in conjunction with the elementary school parent/teacher conferences. This event occurs on Thursday, November 17 in the elementary school cafeteria. A large selection of books and other do-dads will be available for purchase. Support PTA and reward your little scholar with a new book or fun item. Calling all Elves!! - Santa's Workshop planning is well underway. Items have been organized and priced by some elves who worked over the summer. Now we want to let our volunteers know that the date set for Santa's Workshop is Friday, Dec. 16. The elementary music room location will again be the site of the event. Anyone wishing to volunteer with gift shopping, setup, take down, or gift wrapping can call Ann Hintz at 715-366-8802. Ann will handle scheduling for the day. You're invited to our next meeting - on Wednesday, Nov. 16, at 6 p.m. in the high school library. Junior Varsity Reserve Volleyball Team Junior Varsity Volleyball Team Back Row: Coach Helmrick, Sydney Small, Kasey Hirst, Kasey Rader, Megan Chojnacki Middle Row: Kayla Phillips, Cristian Moreno, Rebecca Cleereman, Haley Alexander, Felicity Betro Front Row: Kayla Bender, Nikki Bender, Maddie Sherman, Kristina Zaleski Kneeling (left to right): Rebecca Kimmel, Elizabeth Kemnetz, Joselyn Vang, Siandra Mata, Carla Ramirez, and Hailey Anderson. Standing: Coach Sandy Nigh, Breaunna Wade, Chelsea King, Kristin Riebe, Morgan Zywicki and Shayla Clapper. Tri-County Area School District November 2011 Page #10 Tri-County Area School District November 2011 Page #11 Tri-County Area School District Catching up with Technology From: Scott Weinfurter, Information Systems Specialist I have had plenty of questions from various people about what exactly I have to do during the summer months. After all, there are no students or teachers here, so why should I have any work to do? In reality, summer time is the busiest time of the year. Without having to worry about interrupting service for students and staff, I have the flexibility to work on projects that would not be possible during the school year. I also have many projects that would not get done without the assistance of a couple of student helpers. This past summer I had the privilege of working with two student volunteers, Audrey Bottomley-Tharp and Josh Kealiher. Both of these students are very hard workers who were willing to do anything related to technology, and had a lot of fun working here. Audrey was instrumental in our massive electronics recycling drive this summer. We worked many long days loading equipment onto pallets and counting what equipment we collected. In addition to the 38,000 pounds of electronic waste generated during our public collection, Audrey and I pulled in an additional 100,000 pounds of computers and monitors. Out of the nearly 140,000 pounds of electronic waste, I would estimate she handled about half of that herself. She was the only help I had in the morning of our public collection, and she unloaded and sorted thousands of pounds of electronics in the morning. Audrey took the lead with two additional projects: blowing out classroom computers with compressed air, and re-imaging all of our portable net book carts. Josh joined her in these projects as well. Even with two people working on the cleaning, it still takes about a week to blow out all the classroom computers, and then hook them all back up and make sure they are working before students and teachers come back to start the school year. The reimaging of the net book carts also took several days, with both of them working on loading the customized image for each cart, and renaming each individual computer. We also tested several systems to ensure compatibility with our existing network infrastructure. Both of these students worked several days each week for a majority of the summer. I will be happy to have both of them back again next summer when we have even more projects to handle. November 2011 Page #12 Band Program Update From: Mr. Femal, TCAS Band Director The Band Program has just completed the first quarter of activities and classes. This year our students did not take a summer break. We started with a Drum Corps show in June, Rome parade in July, WI State Fair parade in August and have already performed 17 times with our various ensembles. We have marched, performed at football and volleyball contests, supported the local communities in Plainfield and Hancock and are taking a short reprieve before we start the challenging work of Concert Band, Solo and Ensemble Contest and Honors Bands. The students of our program give a tremendous amount of time and energy to be a part of the music programs at Tri-County and we are very proud of them and what they have accomplished. The directors, Mrs. Femal, Mrs. Murray and Mr. Femal, would like to thank those students and the alumni of the music programs for what we have today. We also would like to recognize the administrators, school board members, maintenance staff, office personnel, parents and TCAS staff for providing us with an environment that has allowed us to thrive. The details of what happens behind the scenes, are numerous and tedious, but without those donations, musical instrument payments, bus drivers, chaperones, bottles of water at parades, repair people, budgets, good schedules, and many more important items, we could not maintain a program. Our next full band Concert is December 19th at 7 PM, in the High School Gym. This concert performance will include the band members from grades 6-12. Our 6th grade students or Macaroni Band will be ready. The Emperor or Middle School band will be great. Completing the performance will be the award winning Rockhopper High School Band, adding a touch of jazz for color and style! Dates to record are; CWC HS Band and Choir AllStar-January 14th, NBA HS/MS Honors BandJanuary 20-21, UWGBJazz Jan 28, February 25HS Solo and Ensemble at Wild Rose, February 2627-HS Dorian Band Festival, March 16-Band and Choir Middle School Solo and Ensemble-TCAS, March 24 or 25- STOMP in Appleton, and April 24th grades 6-12, our Final Spring Band Concert for the seniors of 2011-12! Please accept our open invitation to attend all events. A live performance is a great way to spend an evening and it always makes the night more enjoyable for the performers! Tri-County Area School District November 2011 Page #13 Tri-County Area School District Calendar of Events Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday December 2011 Thursday 1 Friday 2 3 5/6 Girls Hoop Troop, 8 am; WR @ Necedah, 9:30 8 TC Teachers Chili Supper & Silent Auction; MSBBK vs Iola, 5:30; WR @ Shiocton, 7 pm 9 10 5/6 Girls Hoop Troop, 8 am; HS Play, 7 pm 16 MSBBK @ Almond, 5:30; WR vs Manawa (h), 7:00 4 11 18 5 MSBBK vs Port (h), 5:30 6 5/6 Girls Hoop Troop, 5 pm; JVBBK @ Wild Rose, 6 pm; VBBK @ Wild Rose, 7:30 pm 7 12 13 14 15 MS/HS Choir Concert, 7 pm 5/6 Girls Hoop Troop, 5 pm; HSBBK vs Rosholt (h); HSGBB @ Rosholt Booster Club 6:30 pm EC– 6th Grade PTA Santa’s Workshop; Concert @ HSGBK vs 12:45 pm Gresham (h); HSBBK @ Gresham MSBBK @ St Petes, 5:30; WR v Wittenberg, 7 pm 19 6-12 Band Concert, 7 pm 25 Christmas Day 26 Saturday 20 21 5/6 Girls Hoop Troop, 5 pm; HSGBK @ Menominee Indian; HSBBK vs Menominee Indian (h) School Board Meeting, 7 pm 22 27 29 HS Play @ 7 pm; HSBBK vs Marion (h); HSGBB at Marion 17 5/6 Girls Hoop Troop, 8 am WR @ Kimberly, 9:30 am 23 24 Alumni Day Christmas Eve Early Release @ 12:30 pm 28 5/6 Girls Hoop Troop, 5 pm 30 31 5/6 Girls Hoop Troop, 8am TBA TC Holiday Basketball Invite Fitness Center Closed NO SCHOOL BBK=Boys Basketball; GBK=Girls Basketball; HS=High School; MS=Middle School; JV=Junior Varsity; WR=Wrestling Tri-County Area School District November 2011 Middle School Volleyball Team “A” Page #14 Middle School Volleyball Team “B” st 1 row — Megan Nigh, Ivy Klabunde, Kailey Bagley, Kaleigh Cayce, Macy Klabunde, Briana Dickinson 2nd row — Natalie Henriksen, Sydney Clapper, Katie Guetzke, Sarah Lauer, Mr. Dill, Emily Wills, Melinda Anderson, Victoria Boyd The middle school soccer team had a successful season by compiling a 6-2-3 record. With wins over Wautoma, Berlin, Montello, PJSC, and getting to the championship game at the tournament in Montello, the team was very competitive. The team had 22 players out this year. They were David Femal, Eduardo Pascual, Bradley Truehl, Alyssa Buechner, Lois Banda, Rheya Heiden, Oscar Pascual, Katie Craig, Garrett Femal, Miguel Gonzalez, Misael Perez, Arturo Anaya, Nick Belt, Carlos Cabral, Claudia Gonzalez, Josh Kealiher, Wyatt Miller, Adrian Pascual, Edgar Ramirez, Nick Samaniego, Zach Thruel, and Emma Walker. We would like to thank the School Board, administration, staff, and parents for their continued support. Soccer is an exciting game to watch. Coach Engel and Coach Seegert were very proud of our team this year. 1st row — Makayla Beggs, Kassidie Kramer, Briana Dickinson, Autum Akkerman, Lizzy Nigh, Paige Moen, Andrea’ Boyd 2nd row — Felicia Ramirez, Kailey Bagley, Makenzie Conley, Caitlin Eisner, Ivy Klabunde, Alesia Betro, Mrs. Dill Middle School Football Pictured: (left to right) Row 1: Eric Buechner, Claude Cleereman, Wyatt Alexander, Stone Stommel, Jacaup Podoll, Tyler Kramer Row 2: Daniel Trevino, Mason Beggs, Nicholas Schaars, Dominic Ramirez, Charleigh Anderson, Jared Goman Row 3: Coach Applebee, Kevin Garlow, Cody Eisner, Lyle Reid, Lucas Marinack, Coach Marten, Coach Rader Tri-County Area School District November 2011 Page #15 Halloween DanCe A Howling good time!! Our 7th and 8th graders got spooky October 26th at our costume dance! Everyone had a blast dancing and enjoying pizza and soda when they needed a rest. The DJ kept the mood spooky and energized on the dance floor the whole night. During the dance we also held a costume contest. Cody Eisner won first place for his scary costume shown to the left. In second place was Emma Walker (shown below, second from Garrett Femal and right in the back row) with her fantastic Cody Eisner Medusa costume, and Josh Kealiher came in third for his duct-tape robot costume! What a fun night!! A special Thank You to all the parents and staff who chaperoned and helped make this night possible! We greatly appreciate all the help! And of course congratulations to the student council for planning such a great event! Back row: Cody Lockhart, Charleigh Anderson, Sarah Lauer, Emma Walker, and Kayla Newby. Seated: Elizabeth Nigh, Ivy Klabunde, Victoria Boyd, Macy Klabunde, and Emily Wills Education Fair Coming to Tri-County in mid-March! The Tri-County Schools will be hosting a K-12 Education Fair to allow parents and community members in to our school to see all the great things being taught. Help us celebrate and catch our exuberant school pride. More information to follow in months to come!! M-T-W-TH-F Saturday Sunday 6:00—8:00 pm 8:00—10:00 a.m. 5:00—8:00 p.m. Resident Rates: Individual Monthly $ 14.00 Individual Yearly $ 120.00 Family Monthly $ 25.00 Individual Senior Citizen (age 60 or older) Monthly $ Individual Senior Citizen (age 60 or older) Yearly $ 60.00 Senior Couple (age 60 or older) Monthly $ 14.00 Senior Couple (age 60 or older) Yearly $ 120.00 7.00 Your first visit is free! Register with the fitness center supervisor and try it out! Membership cards can be purchased in the high school office. If you can’t get to the Fitness Center on a regular basis, we now take walk-ins. The charge will be $2.00 You must have the correct change. per visit. The Fitness Center Supervisor will not have access to change. Tri-County Area School District School Closings are posted at/on ... TC website @ TV Channel 2 (WBAY) - Green Bay TV Channel 5 (WFRV) - Green Bay TV Channel 7 (WSAW) - Wausau TV Channel 9 (WAOW) - Wausau TV Channel Fox 11 (WLUK) - Green Bay TV Channel NBC 26/UPN 32 Green Bay/Appleton WAUH 102.3 FM - Wautoma WBCV 107.9 - Wausau WDEZ 101.9 FM - Wausau WDKM 106.1 FM - Adams WDUX 92.7 FM - Waupaca WFHR 1320 AM - WI Rapids WGLX 103.3 FM - WI Rapids WGNV 88.5 FM - Milladore WIFC 95.5 FM - Wausau WISS 1100 AM - Berlin WIZD 99.9 FM - Stevens Point WKQH 104.9 FM - Marathon WLJY 106.5 - Marshfield WOFM 94.7 - Wausau WRIG AM 1390 - Schofield WSAU 99.9 FM - Wausau WSPT 1010 AM, 97.9 FM - Stevens Point WYTE 96.7 - Whiting November 2011 Page #16
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