December 2013 Newsletter - Tri
Tri-County Area School District December 2013 (715) 335-6366 December 2013 Tri-County Area School District 409 S West Street Plainfield, WI 54966-9608 Page #1 PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID Plainfield WI 54966 PERMIT #7 CAR RT ST RURAL ROUTE OR POST OFFICE BOXHOLDER Pictured left to right: Caitlin Eisner, Kevin Garlow and Anna Juarez. Congratulations to Kevin Garlow! He is the winner of the billboard contest and will receive the $100 prize. Ana Juarez placed 2nd and Caitlin Eisner placed 3rd. All participants received a $5.00 gift certificate for Plainfield Bowl. Tri-County Students Will Be On WDUX 92.7 Radio Station! WHEN: December 25th from 10:30 -11:00 *Mrs. Murray has arranged for K-12th grade students in the elementary music program, Middle/High School Choir Concert & MS/HS Band Concert, to play pieces from their concerts on WDUX Christmas Day! ENJOY!! Thank you Mrs. Murray for arranging this wonderful experience. Brrr...It’s Getting Cold Outside! Dear Parents of Elementary Children: Please make sure your child is dressed for the cold weather. We will have recess unless it is below 0 (including wind chill) or raining. We recommend students wear hats, mittens/gloves, boots, jackets, and snow pants if possible. Recess is a great time for kids to have fun outside playing with their friends. It is also wonderful to get some fresh air during the day. Thank you for helping us give children that opportunity! Tri-County Area School District December 2013 Page #2 First graders have enjoyed their first quarter of school. We had a presentation by the Plainfield Fire Department where students received life saving tips to follow in the event of a home fire. Mr. Miller treated the students to a packet of goodies. The bag included coloring books, pencils and stickers that they took home to reinforce what they’d learned during class. We all enjoyed a wonderful Halloween Parade thanks to Mrs. Dill’s careful planning. Halloween was a fun time for all and we captured many smiles of students in costume. Thank you to our families for the time spent putting costumes together, that day was so much FUN! Our school forest trip was bumped around on the calendar from a lot with unpredictable weather. We finally settled on a day outside at school! High School counselors led classes for the afternoon and we moved to locations around the building. It was fun for all and the sun actually came out for a bit of it! This quarter first grade teachers administered Phonemic Awareness (PALS). PALS and Language Screening test is now mandated by the state of Wisconsin. The first grade team enjoyed spending individual time with students as they were able to gather valuable information on exactly where students would be successful in reading and writing. The test will be given again in the fourth quarter. Lastly, we wrapped up the first quarter and began second quarter with homemade butter. Students were surprised how easy it was to make butter. Okay, maybe not easy, but simple. SHAKE, SHAKE, SHAKE, and SHAKE SOME MORE! Tri-County Area School District December 2013 Page #3 On Friday, November 8th, Mr. Doug Moericke from the Wisconsin Timber Wolf Alliance came to talk with the 3rd graders about wolves in Wisconsin. The students learned about wolf behavior, pack life, pups, diet, and the life span of wolves in captivity and in the wild. The students also learned about the differences in size between wolves, coyotes, and foxes. We are grateful to have had this opportunity to learn so much about this amazing creature! THIRD GRADERS RECEIVED DICTIONARIES On November 1, The Elks Club from Portage County presented the third graders at Tri-County with student dictionaries. Mr. Willis and his wife distributed the dictionaries, and then shared some of the things the students could find in their dictionaries. They found out what president was born in Iowa; that the longest word has 1,909 letters (a medical word); facts about the solar system; and what ‘gazetteer’ means. Mr. and Mrs. Willis said, “We always enjoy coming to Tri-County because the students are wellbehaved, and enjoy learning about new things.” Along with Mr. & Mrs. Willis are: Giselle Loa, Alex Garcia, Ramon Calderon, Braelyn Pionke, Nevaya Klesmith and Amber Wills January Tri-County Event Calendar Tri-County Area School District Sunday Monday December 2013 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Page #4 Friday Saturday 1 2 3 MSWR @ Manawa 6:00 p.m 4 HSWR @ Manawa 10:00 a.m. Christmas Vacation 12/22/13 through 1/1/2014 Return to School on 1/2/2014 5 6 MSWR @ Horace Mann 7 HSGBB @ Rosholt HSBBB vs. Rosholt 8 Booster Club Meeting 6:30 p.m. HS Pep Band UWSP 7:00 p.m. 9 MSGBB vs. Wild Rose 10 HSGBB @ Menominee HSBBB vs. Menominee 11 CWC Honors All-Star Band and Choir Menomonie 12 13 MSGBB vs. Rosholt MSWR @ Rhinelander 4:15 p.m. 11th Grade rewards night 5:00 p.m. 20 14 HSGBB vs. Almond HSBBB vs. Almond MSBB @ St. Petes 15 MSGBB and MSWR Pictures HS Pep Band UWSP 7:00 p.m. 16 MSBB vs. Amherst HSWR@ Amherst 7:00 p.m. 17 HSGBB @ Bowler HSBBB vs. Bowler 18 HSWR @ Clintonville 10:00 a.m. NBA in WI. Rapids Concert 7:00 p.m. 21 HSGBB vs. Tigerton HSBBB @ Tigerton 2nd Quarter ends 22 23 No School MSGBB vs. Port Edwards 3rd Quarter Starts MSWR @ Amherst 4:00 p.m. Quiz Bowl vs. Rosholt 12th Grade rewards night 5:00 p.m. 24 HSGBB vs. Port Edwards HSBBB @ Port Edwards 25 HSWR @Manawa 10:00 a.m. 19 NBA in WI.Rapids 26 27 MSGBB @ Iola MSWR @WI. Rapids 4:15 p.m. 28 HSGBB @ Wild Rose HSBBB vs. Wild Rose (Teacher In Service day) Math League Meet II HS Pep Band UWSP 7:00 29 Quiz Bowl @ Manawa 30 MSBB vs St. Petes HSWR @AB/Pacelli 10:00 a.m. 31 HSGBB vs. Marion HSBBB @ Marion BB=Boys Basketball; GB=Girls Basketball; HS=High School; MS=Middle School; JV=Junior Varsity; WR=Wrestling Junior Varsity Games @ 6 p.m. Varsity Games @ 7:30 p.m. Middle School Games start @ 5:30 p.m. Tri-County Area School District December 2013 Page #5 Tri-County Area School District December 2013 Page #6 On Saturday, the 11th of January, 2014, the Central Wisconsin Conference Band and Choir All-Stars will have their practice and performance in Menomonie, WI. Madison Halvorson is a senior at Tri-County and plays french horn. Aaron Thompson is also a senior and plays trombone. They are both outstanding students and athletes for TC and strong leaders for the Band program. These accomplished musicians will perform with other members of the CWC at the 4:00 P.M. concert. Congratulations to these five outstanding musicians from Tri-County School. They were selected to participate and perform at the National Band Association's convention on January 18, 2014. The concert is a winter favorite and is held at the Wisconsin Rapids High School auditorium at 7 P.M. Andrea Boyd and Caitlin Eisner were selected as high Alternates on flute. David Femal plays Baritone, Shawn Kemnetz plays trombone and Daniel Kaehn plays the trumpet. They are members of the TC middle school band. The concert is free to the public. The All State Middle School Band will be conducted by Ms. Liz Rosenthal this year. Andrea Boyd and Caitlin Eisner- Back Row David Femal, Shawn Kemnetz and Daniel Kaehn - Front Row These young ladies are the Color Guard and Majorettes for the Tri-County Rock Hopper Marching Band. They completed a very active marching season which included the Wisconsin State Fair, Wo-Za-Wha days in Wisconsin Dells, Cranberry Festival in Warrens WI and other local events. Melinda Anderson, Briana Dickinson, Megan Nigh - front, Katie Guetzke, Emily Wills, Isabella Weekly, Madison Halvorson and Kailey Bagley –back. Majorettes- Chelsea King, Rebecca Cleereman and Sarah Lauer) Tri-County Area School District December 2013 Page #7 Local Musicians chosen for the 2014 National Band Association’s Honor Band On Friday and Saturday, January 17 and 18, 2014, Aaron Thompson and Cody Lockhart from the Tri-County Area School’s High School Band will be performing in the National Band Association All-State Band. Thompson and Lockhart’s band director is Mr. William Femal. Participants in the band were chosen from nearly 200 applicants from NBA member schools from across the State of Wisconsin. Membership in the band signifies a level of achievement which places these student musicians in the top percentile among all student musicians in our State. This year’s band will be conducted by Mr. Joseph Hermann from Tennessee Tech University. The All-State Band will conclude the State NBA-WC convention with a Finale Concert. The concert will be held at the Performing Arts Center of Wisconsin Rapids High School on Saturday, January 18, 2014 at 7:00 PM. All are welcome to attend. Katie Craig, a 9th grader, is an ideal student. Mrs. Helmrick says that Katie has an immense dedication to her studies and expects nothing less than the highest standards. She is a great role model for her fellow freshman class and I look forward to seeing her grow academically throughout high school. 10th Grader, Sydney Clapper, is a very hardworking individual who always goes above and beyond of what is expected of her in class. Ms. Stillman says that she is a positive role model in and out of the classroom. Hailey Anderson, an 11th grader, has really dedicated herself to my Chemistry course, says Mrs. Helmrick. The improvement she has made, just in the first quarter, has been notable. I have been impressed at the amount of time she has dedicated to studying for Chemistry and her willingness to extend her knowledge in the subject. Mr. Raboin says that 12th grader, Shannon Altenburg, always maintains strong grades. He has found her to be a highly intelligent student. Tri-County Area School District December 2013 Page #8 ATTENTION Parents/Guardian of the Junior Class, Mark your Calendars It’s our turn to support our High school students and come together and start planning the Junior Class Post Prom 2014. There will be an organizational meeting on December 11, at 6:30 p.m. in the High School cafeteria Please plan on attending; we need your support and ideas for fundraisers, entertainment, games, prizes, etc. Prom is scheduled for Saturday April 12, 2014 and we have lots of planning to do !!! If you have any questions or ideas and cannot attend the meeting please feel free to contact Kathy Knutson at 715-366-8001 (home) 715-340-5155 (Cell) or email or Dawn Kemnetz at 715-249-3196 (home)715-3403196 (cell) or The next TC Booster Club meeting will be Wednesday, December 11, 2013 at 5:30 p.m. in the HS cafeteria. Please submit all agenda items by Monday, December 9 at 10 a.m. I would like to encourage all supporters and coaches to attend! We had a great discussion, at our last meeting, and would love for each meeting to be forward focused with specific plans to implement. Any questions, please feel free to contact me at 715.570.1717. Stacy Schubert TCBC President Note: Time change for this month! The Scentsy warmers are here! Stop in the High School Office to see one on display or to pick up an order form! Be sure to check out the new Booster Club tab on the school website under Athletics/ExtraAthletics/Extra-Curricular for future news and apparel items! Tri-County Area School District December 2013 Page #9 NOTICE OF SCHOOL BOARD ELECTION Tri-County Area School District – Plainfield, Wisconsin April 1, 2014 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that an election will be held in the Tri-County Area School District on Tuesday, April 1, 2014, the following offices are to be elected to succeed the present incumbents listed. The term of office for school board member is three years beginning on Monday, April 28, 2014. Office Incumbent Area 1 (Town of Leola, Town of Rome, Town of Almond, Town of Buena Vista, Town of Pine Grove, Town of Grant) Jim Cesar Area 2 (Town of Rose, Town of Oasis, Town of Plainfield, and Village of Plainfield) Randy Thurley Area 3 (Town of Deerfield, Town of Colburn, Town of Hancock, and Village of Hancock) Mark Bacon NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN, that a Campaign Registration Statement and a Declaration of Candidacy, must be filed no later than 5:00 p.m., on Tuesday, January 7th, 2014), in the office of the school district clerk. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN, that if a primary is necessary, the primary will be held on Tuesday, February 18, 2014. A description of the school district boundaries can be obtained from the school district office. This was also posted in the Waushara Argus compliant to the rules on 11/19/2013 Thanks, Wendy Hetzel Dates to Remember: Winter 6-12 Choir Concert Thursday December 12th in the H.S. Lecture Hall 7:00 p.m. K-4th Winter Concert—Friday December 13th 2013 in H.S. Gym 12:45 p.m. 5th and 6th Grade Winter Concert—Friday December 13th 2013 in H.S. Gym 2:00 p.m. Winter 6-12 Band Concert Monday December 16th in the H.S. Gym 7:00 p.m. Early dismissal on 12-20-2013, Christmas vacation 12-23-2013 through January 1, 2014 Return to School on January 2, 2014 Tri-County Area School District December 2013 Page #10 Tri-County Area Teachers Association Scholarship Raffle The Tri-County Area Teachers Association is once again holding a Scholarship Raffle. All proceeds from this raffle will go towards scholarships for this years Tri-County High School seniors. The raffle drawing will be held on Thursday, February 27 at 7:30 p.m. in the Tri-County High School cafeteria. Raffle prizes are 1st - $1,000; 2nd - $500; 3rd - $250; 4th - $250; along with other prizes. You need not be present to win. Be sure to purchase your tickets from any Tri-County Area Education Association member or at various Tri-County events. Each ticket is $5.00 or you can purchase 3 for $10.00 or better yet 7 tickets for $20.00. New from Nicholas Marti: This year, we are taking on several new initiatives with our students in grades 7-12. Among these endeavors are quarterly class meetings, at which various grade-specific topics are discussed, including the establishment of academic goals for each quarter. Each class is being challenged to set a goal for a targeted minimum percentage of its members who will earn all passing grades for the quarter. The students are provided with pertinent data from their most recently completed grading period, and then use that information to create a goal that poses a challenge for improvement…but that is also realistically attainable. Our intent is to not only see our classes meet these goals each quarter, but to also see them improve upon them through each quarter as the school year progresses – which would be absolutely amazing. Impressively, our classes have taken this idea and, in several cases, shown some significant progress and growth to start this year. I am proud to report that three of our classes did attain their 1st Quarter goal, with the other three classes establishing strong starts to the year and currently working toward reaching recalibrated 2nd Quarter goals. For those classes that met their goals for the 1st Quarter, we will be holding special evenings at school dedicated to all members of their respective classes: 1ST QUARTER REWARD NIGHTS (PIZZA AND A MOVIE ON THE BIG SCREEN): 7th Grade (Class of 2019) 1st Quarter Goal: 85.0%; 1st Quarter Result: 86.7%! Tuesday, December 10 (3:00-5:30 – Cafeteria/Lecture Hall) th 11 Grade (Class of 2015) 1st Quarter Goal: 70.0%; 1st Quarter Result: 80.4%! Monday, January 13 (5:00-7:30 – Cafeteria/Lecture Hall) th 12 Grade (Class of 2014) 1st Quarter Goal: 80.0%; 1st Quarter Result: 88.9%! Thursday, January 23 (5:00-7:30 – Cafeteria/Lecture Hall) Congratulations to the Classes of 2014, 2015, and 2019! Best of luck to all classes in attaining their 2nd Quarter goals. Tri-County Area School District December 2013 Page #11 Calling All Alumni The annual alumni day is scheduled for Friday, December 20th. We will gather in the lecture hall and begin the formal question-and-answer session at 9:30 AM. All alumni are welcome to come and share post high school experiences, offer advice and answer questions juniors and seniors may have about life after high school. Whether you graduated in 2013 or in 1913, we want to hear from you. Following the question-and-answer session, we will have the usual and much anticipated informal gathering in the "science department." We will have lots of food and refreshments. We hope it will be a chance for you to see each other again and get caught up on what has been happening at Tri-County. Hope to see you on the 20th. Food Drive Results! Thank you to everyone who donated to our 7th-8th grade, and 9th-12th grade food drives Nov. 18th-22nd. We were able to collect over 350 items in total! We are thrilled that these donations have gone to make the holidays a little brighter for our community members! As an added bonus, the 8th grade and Mr. Wenndt’s Impact groups will be enjoying some treats for collecting the most food in their respective groups. Way to go! Snowmobile Safety Course Saturday December 28, 8:00 - 5:00 Sunday December 29, 12:00-4:00 Tri-County Ag Shop at the Tri-County Area School District Sponsored by Mid State Drifter and DNR Must be 11 years of age to enroll. The course fee is $10.00. Advance registration is requested. Contact Scott Schubert 920-787-2279 or Joe Russo at 715-335-4858. You can also register at Classes will cover snowmobile safety features, pre-ride inspections, basic riding skills, snowmobile rider responsibilities, laws and handling outdoor emergencies. Students will be required to obtain a DNR customer ID# as part of the criteria to graduate. Students can obtain a DNR ID # 7a.m - 10p.m by calling 1-888-936-7463. Tri-County Area School District School Closings are posted at/on ... December 2013 Page #12 M-T-W-TH-F Saturday Sunday 6:00—8:00 pm 8:00—10:00 a.m. 5:00—8:00 p.m. TV Channel 2 (WBAY) - Green Bay Individual Monthly $ 14.00 TV Channel 7 (WSAW) - Wausau Individual Yearly $ 120.00 TV Channel 9 (WAOW) - Wausau Family Monthly $ 25.00 Individual Senior Citizen (age 60 or older) Monthly $ Individual Senior Citizen (age 60 or older) Yearly $ 60.00 Senior Couple (age 60 or older) Monthly $ 14.00 Senior Couple (age 60 or older) Yearly $ 120.00 TV Channel 5 (WFRV) - Green Bay TV Channel Fox 11 (WLUK) - Green Bay TV Channel NBC 26/UPN 32 Green Bay/Appleton WAUH 102.3 FM - Wautoma WBCV 107.9 - Wausau WDEZ 101.9 FM - Wausau 7.00 WDKM 106.1 FM - Adams WDUX 92.7 FM - Waupaca WFHR 1320 AM - WI Rapids Passes can be purchased in the high school office. Non-resident rates available. WGLX 103.3 FM - WI Rapids WGNV 88.5 FM - Milladore WIFC 95.5 FM - Wausau WISS 1100 AM - Berlin WIZD 99.9 FM - Stevens Point WKQH 104.9 FM - Marathon WLJY 106.5 - Marshfield Your first visit is free! Register with the fitness center supervisor and try it out! WOFM 94.7 - Wausau WRIG AM 1390 - Schofield WSAU 99.9 FM - Wausau WSPT 1010 AM, 97.9 FM - Stevens Point WYTE 96.7 - Whiting If you can’t get to the Fitness Center on a regular basis, we now take walk-ins. You must have the correct change. The Fitness Center SuperThe charge will be $2.00 per visit. visor will not have access to change.
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