Document 6565432


Document 6565432
Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, Sunnybank & Our Lady of Fatima Parish, Acacia Ridge
Acacia Ridge, Algester, Archerfield, Calamvale, Coopers Plains, Kuraby, Macgregor, Parkinson, Robertson, Runcorn, Stretton, Sunnybank, Sunnybank Hills
 Our Lady of Lourdes Church, 121 Mains Road, Sunnybank  Our Lady of Fatima Church, 350 Mortimer Road, Acacia Ridge
Priests (After Hours Emergency Only: 3345 3498)
Parish Office (adjacent to OLOL Church, Sunnybank)
Monday to Thursday, 8.30 am - 4.00 pm; Friday 9.00am - 4pm.
Ph: 3345 3766
Fax: 3344 3343,
Mass Times: 3345 1831
Fr Dan Ryan (Parish Priest: Sunnybank; Administrator: Acacia Ridge)
Fr Noyichan Mamoottil MCBS (Associate Pastor)
Fr Peter Kavumpuram MST (part time Associate Pastor, part time
chaplain to Syro-Malabar Community).
Post: PO Box 32, Sunnybank, QLD 4109.
Web: Email:
Deanery website:
29th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A
19th October 2014
This week’s diary
20th October
8:15 am
8:30 am
6:30 pm
Morning Prayer - S/bank
Mass - Sunnybank
Rosary - Acacia Ridge
Tuesday 21st October
8.15 am
8.30 am
9-11 am
6:30 pm
7.00 pm
Morning Prayer - S/bank
Mass - Sunnybank
Bible Study - Media Rm
Rosary - Acacia Ridge
Silent Adoration of the
Blessed Sacrament - S/bank
Dear Parishioners
As November approaches remember that November is a
special time to remember our loved ones and friends who
have died. On the table at the back of the Church is the
Memorial Book where you may like to write the names of
those who you would like prayed for during November. We also have special
November Envelopes where you can request a Mass to be said for your loved
ones and friends. These November Envelopes can be placed on the collection
plate at Mass or given to one of the Priests.
We will celebrate the special Memorial Mass for our loved ones and friends
who have died over the last 12 months on November 8th at 11 am. Please
Wednesday 22nd October
contact the Parish office (3345 3766) and give the details of those who you
8.15 am Morning Prayer - Sunnybank
would like to be prayed for on that day.
8.30 am Mass - Sunnybank
9:00 am Rosary - Sunnybank (3rd
week of month offered for world priests)
6:30 pm Rosary - Acacia Ridge
Thursday 23rd October
8.30 am Mass - Acacia Ridge
8.45 am Morning Prayer - Sunnybank
9.00 am Mass - Sunnybank
6:30 pm Rosary - Acacia Ridge
7.30 pm Meditation Media Rm
Some of our Parish Pastoral Councillors are coming to the end of their term.
Our Pastoral Council is now looking for you to recommend the names of new
Councillors. New members need to be people who have the interests of the
Parish at heart and wish to help the Parish in spreading the good news of
Jesus. There are sheets at the back of the Church on which you can write your
recommendations. Please think seriously about who you could recommend for
our Parish Pastoral Council.
The Sunnybank and Acacia Ridge Friendship Group is holding their Annual
General Meeting this Wednesday. I would like to publicly thank Maureen
Combey and her committee members for the wonderful service they have
24th October
provided to all those who enjoy the activities of the Friendship Group.
8:15 am Morning Prayer - Sunnybank
8.30 am Mass - Sunnybank
During the week about 35 Parishioners from both our Parishes attended the
9.30 am Benediction - Sunnybank
Child and Vulnerable Adults Safety Course. Everyone found the Course
9.45 am Legion of Mary - Media Rm
very informative and helpful. The next Course will be held on Saturday
6:30 pm Rosary - Acacia Ridge
November 29th from 9:15 am to 12:15 pm. Anyone who has interaction with
Saturday 25th October
children or vulnerable adults is expected to attend this Course. There will be
10.30 am
Novena to Our Mother of
other dates and times advertised for early next year.
Perpetual Help & Benediction - S/bank
11.00 am Reconciliation - Sunnybank
2.30-5 pm Catholic Charismatic Prayer
(Our Lady of Guadalupe) in Spanish Media room - Sunnybank
5.00 pm Reconciliation
6.00 pm Mass - Sunnybank
6:30 pm Rosary - Acacia Ridge
Sunday 26th October
30th Sunday in Ordinary Time
6.30 am
8.00 am
9.00 am
9.15 am
10.30 am
11.30 am
6.00 pm
6.30 pm
Mass - Sunnybank
Mass - Sunnybank
Mass - Acacia Ridge
Mass - Sunnybank
Mass - Sunnybank
Mass - (Spanish) - A/Ridge
Mass - Sunnybank: Youth
Rosary - Acacia Ridge
Early in the week I was a member of the panel that interviewed prospective
Principals for the position of Principal at our St Stephens Catholic Primary
School Algester. Mr Philip Manitta has been appointed as the new Principal.
Mr Manitta is presently at the Boonah Catholic Primary School. As well is
thanking Mr Steve Taylor for his time as the inaugural Principal, we wish
Mr Manitta all the best as he begins his new role at St Stephens.
Have a good week everyone.
Fr Dan.
If you are a newcomer, we are honoured to have you celebrate with us,
and would like to have the opportunity to welcome you and answer any
questions you may have about us. If you would like to hear more about our
caring faith community, please fill in one of the bright orange forms at
Sunnybank Church or the bright blue forms at Acacia Ridge Church and
place on the collection plate.
Next Sunday: 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time: Exodus 22:22-26; 1 Thessalonians 1:5a-10; Matthew 22:34-40
Reflections on the Readings
for 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A
Today, we recall how God uses events and people as part of his designs
while reminding us that being a good Christian also means being a
responsible citizen.
First Reading: Isaiah 45:1, 4-6
Isaiah speaks of how the Persian King Cyrus is an instrument of God’s plan in freeing the
Jewish exiles from captivity in Babylon.
Second Reading: 1 Thessalonians 1:1-5
Paul acknowledges the Spirit’s power at work amongst the Thessalonians in their active faith,
practical love and persevering hope.
Gospel: Matthew 22:15-21
Jesus offers his response to the question of God and Caesar. How to be a faithful disciple and
also a good citizen is one aspect of how to be morally responsible in our judgements.
On Sat 25th October at St Stephen’s Cathedral
Rosary Bouquet for Our Lady of Fatima
10.30 am Rosary 11.30 am Mass
followed by a procession to Villa Maria.
Worldwide Marriage Encounter: A weekend away
for married couples in peaceful, picturesque
surroundings – away from the distractions of everyday living. Take time out of your busy schedule, to
invest in your most precious asset . . . your Marriage!
This is a unique opportunity to recharge your relationship batteries, refocus on each other and fall in love
all over again!
Dates: 31st Oct – 2nd Nov 2014
Venue: Santa Teresa Spirituality Centre, Ormiston
For bookings/details contact: Tamara and Scott
Menteith, ph (07) 4634 3559,
Information website:
The next Sharing Recovery Information Forum
held for families, friends and carers supporting a
person with a lived experience of mental illness will
provide easy to understand information and a roadmap for supporting mental health recovery.
It includes guest speakers, take home information,
strategies, ideas and a chance to ask questions.
The session will be held at Kyabra Community
Association, Runcorn, from 10.00 – 1.30 on
Wednesday 12th November 2014. A light lunch will
be provided.
For further information or to book a place at the free
forum, please contact one of the Kyabra Recovery
Connections team on 3373 9499 or at See the flyer on the notice board.
Lourdes Hill College Past Pupils Association Memorial
Mass. All family and friends of past students are invited
to attend Venue: Our Lady of Lourdes Chapel ~
Lourdes Hill College Date: Saturday 1st November ‘14
Time: 10am (Morning tea to follow meeting)
Loreto Lotz 0412769708
Marilyn Loth 0422854737
All Hallows Past Pupils Association extends an
invitation to the Annual Mass for deceased past
pupils and staff, held in Chapel at 10.30 am,
Saturday 1st November 2014, followed by morning
tea in Loreto Hall. $15 per head. Registration and
payment can be made by visiting the AHS website<http// under
EVENTS. Information: Lenore Thompson 3831 5632
The Catholic Leader proudly presents
The Community Leader Awards
For information see the flyer on the notice boards.
Nominations close on October 31.
Visit to
nominate and purchase your ticket or call our office
on 3336 9382.
Clairvaux MacKillop College
is accepting enrolments for Years 7 - 12
for 2015 to 2017.
For further information please contact our Enrolments
Officer on 3347 9223
or email
Beside Restful Waters
Next Charismatic Mass is Wednesday,
22nd October.
Praise & Worship starts at 7.00 pm, Mass 7.30. at
St. Bernard’s church 4 Klumpp Rd. Upper Mt. Gravatt,
Fr. Hyacinth will be our Celebrant.
We look forward to seeing you all, please bring along
family and friends. Don’t forget to stay for supper and
fellowship after Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
and Prayer Ministry.
See flyer on notice board
Please see the notice boards for an advertisement
for housekeeping positions at Wynberg.
The notice outlines the duties and responsibilities
and gives the contact information.
Your Prayers Are Asked For:
the recently deceased: Emelita Borromeo, Ricardo De La Cruz, Anna Hoffman, Franca Matesa,
Patrick Miranda, Aldo Rivolini, Corazon Sanfernando.
those with anniversaries & others who have died: Gabriel Coorey, Elizabeth Goddard, Roy De Souza,
Patrick Kenny, Le Lam, Josip Matesa, Janice McCaba, Dang Xuan Mai, Ruben Salonga, Le Thang.
those who are unwell: Kath Adams, Myriam Adolphie, Nita Anthony, Eva Baker, Maria Baptiste, Diego Barake,
Elizabeth Boase, Barry Bobart, Janie Booth, Noel Brady, Andrew Callan, Margaret Campell, Jeremy Carroll,
Betty Catchlove, Anthea Chase-Currier, Clarisa Chase-Currier, Jaclyn Cho, Robyn Clark, Hilary Collins, Noel Combey,
Mag Complex, Lowell Cruz, Davies family, Angeles Denoyo, Mary Dixon, Ljerka Doslovic, Maureen Eastgate, Edward,
Ena, Catherine’s family, Nerio Felixberto, Tony Fiore, Bernard Fellowes, Flavia,Yvonne Fletcher, Jan Fooks,
Lorraine Garrigan, Ivan Golik, Mary and George Goode, Margaret Goves, Caitlin Hackett, Hall family, Les Haydon,
Pam Henry, Geoff Ives, Anne Jensen, Karen Jensen, Marilyn Jones, Blanche Keil, Baby Luka Kello, Lola Kelly,
Rosalie Kelly, Graham Kelly, Pat Knight, Istvan Kovacs, Piroska Kovacs, Daphane Maccampley, Milagros Mallari,
Margaret, Pat Marot, Anton Martil, Bridget Martysen, Mika Matesa, Danica Maydanski, Vince McCahon, Melissa,
Milo’s family, Catherine Miller, Zeljko Miocevic, Ivan and Manda Miocevic, Julie-Ann Mortinovic, Natalie, Jim Neehouse,
Laurence O’Donnell, Pat O’Leary, Desmond O’Reilly, Wendy Palmer, Ivan Perkovic, Stephanie Perkovic, Peter,
Mijo Prevolsek, Jan Powell, Vivian Pin, Pero Prgomet, Jenny Reed, Suzi Reis, Tricia Ryan, Lisa Russell, Sarina,
Rose Say, Sharni, Vera Silva, Julanne Slater, Sullivan family, Maria Surdo, Terube Maen Tebitara, Shirley and Martin
Tyquin, Bill Van der Zant, Jessica Vasen, Marie Vlieg, Emma Weatherley.
The annual Mass of Remembrance for those who
have family who have passed away in the past year
will be held in Our Lady of Lourdes Church on
Saturday 8 November at 11:00am. A morning tea
will follow the Mass on the side verandah of the
A family member will be invited to carry a rose to the
altar during the Mass. This rose will be provided by
the Parish. The name of your loved one will also be
included in a special Litany.
Please contact the Caring Coordinator at
the Parish Office on or before 31 October
if you wish to participate because roses
need to be ordered for the Mass.
Changes to Mass Schedule
at the Cathedral of St Stephen
on the G20 Weekend
Friday 14th, Saturday 15th and Sunday 16th November
There will be major disruptions in the CBD during the
weekend of the G20, which have necessitated changes to
the Mass and Reconciliation schedule at the Cathedral.
Friday 14 and Saturday 15 - there will be NO Masses or
Sunday 16 - 8 am and 10 am Mass as scheduled.
There will be NO 12 noon or 7.30 pm Mass
St Patrick’s - Sunday Mass as scheduled:9 am & 12noon.
Parishioners who do not live in the CBD are encouraged to
attend Mass at their local Parish that weekend.
Singles & Solos Lunch
This is a group for single and solo people of middle age
who meet on the first Sunday of the month . Our next
gathering is on Sunday 2nd November, at the Runcorn
Tavern, 124 Gowan Road, Runcorn. Ask for Mary H.’s
Table. Please note that lunch service starts at 11.30 am.
Sacramental Program 2015
Families who have children in Year 3 and upwards next
year are invited to celebrate the Sacraments of
Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation.
Please access the Parish website on and visit
the “Sacramental Program” under the heading
The program will begin with an interview with Sr Stella.
You will need to phone the Parish Office on 3345 3766
to arrange your interview.
Interviews start at the beginning of November.
Phone soon to ensure that you get the time which
suits you best.
Aria Angels Term 4 Dates
This program is offered for children between birth and 5
years. Parents and grandparents/caregivers join the
children in music, movement, art, craft, morning tea and
Wednesdays: October 22, 29; November 5, 12, 19, 26.
Time: 9am for 9.30am start - 11am
Place: Our Lady of Lourdes 121 Mains Rd Sunnybank.
Cost $5.00
For further information contact Anne Scott 0419 642 490
St Thomas More College Enrolment Open Day
Session &Tour: Tues 28 October 9am - 4:15pm
Bookings recommended by: 24 October
Phone 3323 4600 (Mrs Sharne Davies)
The Fundraising Committee of Canossa Services issues
a warm invitation to anyone who would like to attend their
Christmas Party Fundraiser at the Abruzzo Club, Carina,
renowned for its wonderful Italian food.
See the menu on the flyer on the notice board.
RSVP by 2nd November to Carol Micale
0438 737 883, or email
Pastoral Associate
Stella Noskoff rsj
Parish Office Staff
Karrin Halliday
Parish Manager
Gabby Nelson (Assistant)
Kristen Roe (Assistant)
Tam Nguyen (Accounts)
Caring Co-ordinator
Carol Micale
We continue looking at the Liturgy of the Eucharist, if you missed
out on any of the weeks where we have been explaining the Mass
go to and look at the past newsletters.
Youth and Young Adult
We have
this weekend!!
For just $2.50 enjoy a hamburger with the LOT!!!!
A sausage is just a donation,
anything from 5c to $100 =)
and just $1.00 for a drink!
The Piety Store is open too!
Unite Youth/Young Adults
Co-ordinators Steven & Eloise Bird
0403 182 617
Centacare - Sunnybank Aged Care
Community Program ManagerJennifer Vanarey
3216 9554
Paloma Reception Centre
3345 6666
THIS Sunday the
19th October after
Mass til 8:30pm
In the Media Room
Everyone is welcome
One of the dangers of our prayers at Mass is that they become
reactive rather than proactive.
“The Lord be with you – and with your Spirit
Lift up your hearts – we lift them up to the Lord
Let us give thanks to the Lord our God – It is right and just”
The preface (prayer above) is a prayer that asks that God’s spirit
will be very much alive and animated within you. Why? Because as
we move towards the consecration we are going to lay our life,
hopes, dreams, fears, anxieties and our very selves upon the altar
to be consumed and transformed by the God of the universe – we
need the power of the Holy Spirit to do this! As we pray the preface we are giving God permission to take, break and remake our
lives in Him.
When we pray/sing the “Holy, Holy, Holy” we are singing with the
angels and saints in heaven! As you pray/sing the “Holy, Holy,
Holy” at Mass imagine being in heaven with all the angels and
Stay tuned for more next week!!
OLOL School, Sunnybank
Principal - Mark Badke
3345 0700
Co-ordinator - Sarubh Malviya
3344 3064
OLOF School, Acacia Ridge
Principal - Warren Fields
3275 1152
St Stephen’s School, Algester
Principal - Steve Taylor
3711 4911
St Stephen's OSHC
Co-ordinator - Victoria Hickling
3711 9291
St Thomas More College, Sunnybank
Principal - Peter Elmore
3323 4600
End of Year CAMP!
All those in grade 6-11 are
invited to join us on the end
of year camp!
28th November-30th November
In Toowoomba.
Cost $130 (if paid before 24/10),
$140 if paid after.
Cost includes all transport,
accommodation, food and
Please contact Steven and
Eloise for more details.
Soubirous Place
Coordinator Sr Brigid Courtney rsm
3344 3481
Sunnybank Parish
Bob Davis
Therese Prygiel
Louise Weston
Latino American
Fr Martin Ignacio Gutierriez
0481 118 521
Marina Castellanos (Secretary)
0481 168 748
Office: Tuesday & Wednesday
9.15am - 3.00pm 3277 6367
Stay in touch by liking the ‘Unite Sunnybank’ page. All events are posted on facebook and extra things to make you think or
just smile =)
It’s the easiest way to be in the know!
Sunday 26th October
READERS: C. Son, S. Eastgate, R. Vaz
OFFERTORY: Shalomi, Elisha Tran
ALTAR SERVERS: A. Harman, L. Harman
SPECIAL MINISTERS: S. Robb, C. Burl, S. Ranatunga, G. Naidoo, S. Matthew, M. Henriquez, S. Powell
BBQ: D. Eastgate, S. Randle Piety Store: S. Powell