OCTOBER 19, 2014 ~ THE TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME THEME We are citizens of heaven; but we are also citizens of earth. We live in a secular world. There will always be tensions between this world and the kingdom of God. We shall never completely solve these tensions. Yet in every aspect of our public life we must seek to serve God. Let us pray for wisdom to be good citizens of this world while we serve the Lord in all things. 18 SATURDAY – ST. LUKE, EVANGELIST 8:00 am Natalie Meaney 5:00 pm Deceased Members of the deSante Family 19 SUNDAY – THE TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 8:00 am People of St. Isaac Jogues 10:30 am Antonette DiBona 12:00 pm Birthday Intentions of Jane Shaw 5:00 pm Imelda Mannion From the Desk of the Pastor - Father Moerman welcomes all to join us at St. Isaac Jogues Parish Mission on November 15th – 19th. Father Nathan Cromly, CFJ will preach at all Masses on the weekend of Nov. 15 & 16, on the topic of Pope Francis and the New Evangelization. Mission Schedule Sunday Night November 16th 6:30 pm Holy Hour with Confessions 7:30 pm Talk 8:30 pm – 9:00 pm ~ Light refreshments in the Parish Hall Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, November 17th, 18th, 19th 9:00 am Class in the Parish Hall 10:00 am Same topic class 12:05 pm Mass ~ Preside & Preach Father Nathan 6:30 pm Holy Hour (The Holy Hour will include confessions on Monday & Tuesday only) 7:30 pm Talk 8:30 pm ~ 9:00pm ~ Light refreshments in the Parish Hall 20 MONDAY – ST. PAUL OF THE CROSS, PRIEST Mary Bell 8:00 am 12:05 pm Arthur J. (Marty) O’Connor 21 TUESDAY Joseph Mieloch 8:00 am 12:05 pm Thomas Law 22 WEDNESDAY – BLESSED JOHN PAUL, II, POPE Natalie Meaney 8:00 am 12:05 pm Intentions of Katie & Carolyn Mahon The Readings for the Weekend of October 25 & 26 First Reading – Exodus 22:20-26 (148A) Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 18:2-3, 3-4. 47, 51 Second Reading – 1 Thessalonians 1:5c-10 Gospel – Matthew 22:34-40 Thank you to all who attended our St. Isaac Jogues Wine & Cheese Social, in honor of St. Isaac Jogues Feast Day. 23 THURSDAY – ST. JOHN OF CAPISTRANO, PRIEST Anthony J. Cucchi, Jr. 8:00 am 12:05 pm Mary Bell 24 FRIDAY – ST. ANTHONY MARY CLARET, BISHOP Dorothy O’Hara Eke 8:00 am 12:05 pm 58th Wedding Anniversary of Dominic & Nancy Tosconi 25 SATURDAY 8:00 am Thomas DeFranco 5:00 pm Matias Tirador 26 SUNDAY – THE THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 8:00 am Holy Souls in Purgatory 10:30 am People of St. Isaac Jogues 12:00 pm Phoebe Wang 5:00 pm Nancy Myles Parish Registration - If you are new to our parish family, we extend a warm welcome and hope you will find our church family a community where your faith will be nourished. We hope that you will share your special gifts with us. Your presence, your talents, your time and above all your prayers are most cherished. If you have not already registered and would like to, please call the Parish Office at 610-687-3366 to do so. Again, Welcome to St. Isaac Jogues Parish! Why should we register at St. Isaac’s? Parish registration is necessary to receive the Sacraments of Baptism, First Penance, First Holy Communion, Confirmation, Marriage, anointing of the sick, Christian burial and to receive sponsor letters and letters of recommendation. Also please notify the rectory if you are moving out of the Parish. Page 1 – 030 St. Isaac OCTOBER 19, 2014 ~ THE TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME THIS WEEK AT ST. ISAAC'S Parish Coffee – Please join us for a Parish Coffee immediately after the 10:30 am Mass in the Religious Education wing. The coffee is hosted by CCD. Pumpkin Sale - Support the Youth Group and buy your pumpkins on this weekend of October 18-19, after all Masses. Second Collection – This weekend’s Second Collection will be for Mission Sunday. Donations are collected at these worldwide Masses and they go, in their entirety, to support churches, hospitals, schools and vocations in countries where the Church is new, young or poor. Jolly Jogues Camilla Hall Bingo - The Jolly Jogues will once again go to Camilla Hall and join the Sisters for Bingo and prizes on Thursday, October 23rd. We will meet in the parish hall for a Pizza luncheon at 11:30 am and leave for Camilla Hall at 12:45 pm. All are welcome to donate gifts. Gifts may be dropped off at the Rectory. Ex. Candies, stamps, note cards and cash are always enjoyed. Stuffed Animals & Talcum Powder are a huge hit. Sign up at the October Meeting or call Gerri Derescavage at 610-964-9012. Jolly Jogues Christmas trip to Hershey – All are invited to join the Jolly Jogues on a Christmas trip to Hershey, PA on Thursday, December 4th. For more detailed information flyers are available at all Church entrances. Don’t delay this trip is filling up quickly. Deadline November 2nd. 40 Days for Life – Join the Fall Campaign. St. Isaac Jogues Day is Sunday, October 26th. Choose one hour to pray at West Chester to end abortions at Planned Parenthood in West Chester. Contact Mary Zeglin at 610-296-5012. FLOWERS – Anyone wishing to make a donation towards keeping flowers in the Church Sanctuary every week please call the Carol Friel at the Rectory Office at 610-687-3366. In case of illness please contact the Rectory Office to advise the Pastor. Please remember in your prayers the sick of the Parish: Roberta Adams , Bernie & Catherine Brill, Roger Burgess, Sal DiMaiuta, Mary Fogliano, Jerry Friel, Sean Harmer, Annette McCauley, Mary McElwee, Tillie McHugh, Jane Mieloch, Jacob Nichols, Steve Pannella, Michael Wusinich and Brian Wood. We know our prayers are heard and answered. Please call the Rectory when the individual’s health improves or they have returned home from service duty so they can be removed from the list. Also the members of our Military: TSgt. Megan Burton, US AIR FORCE Sgt. Ryan Burke, US Marine Corp Sgt. Bruno Sicilia, US Army, Iraq Capt. Adam Bouvier, US Army, Afghanistan Capt. Katherine L. DePaul JA, US Army Capt. Ben Dutka, US Army Corp. Brendan Burke, US Marine Corp 1st Lt. Troy Bouvier - Gondela, US Army Lt. Colonel Patrick Mulloney, US Army, Afghanistan Capt. Daniel Kohli, US Marine Pilot, Afghanistan Capt. William Gondela, US Army, Afghanistan Airman 1st Class Tim Selman, US Air Force Prayer for Peace Among Nations - O Almighty God, the Father of all humanity, turn, we pray, the hearts of all peoples and their rulers, that by the power of the Holy Spirit peace may be established among the nations on the foundation of justice, righteousness and truth: through him who was lifted up on the cross to draw all people to himself, your Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. THE TASK AHEAD OF YOU, IS NEVER GREATER THAN THE POWER BEHIND YOU. CatholicPhilly.com – Stay informed of important Catholic news in southeastern Pennsylvania – visit CatholicPhilly.com for updates every day and sign up for a free, weekly email newsletter Literature and Postings - No one is permitted to put literature or flyers around the Church or at the doorways without getting the Pastor’s okay, no exceptions. Please respect this for the sake of orthodoxy and courtesy. Be strong in the Lord, and in his mighty power. (Ephesians 6:10) Page 2 – 030 St. Isaac OCTOBER 19, 2014 ~ THE TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME RELGIOUS EDUCATION NEWS STEWARDSHIP CORNER No Children’s Liturgy of the Word SUNDAY FIRST COLLECTIONS FOR PARISH USE ONLY CALENDAR YEAR THROUGH SUNDAY, OCT. 12, 2014 This Year: Last Year: Change: WHAT DRAWS PEOPLE INTO THE CATHOLIC FAITH? - While there are many different circumstances that lead a person in the direction of Catholicism, the simple answer is, “Because God has called them.” $ 433,893 $ 444,468 $ -10,575 Parish Giving - is a safe, convenient and effective way for you to support our parish. Our goal is to significantly increase the use of this important stewardship tool here at St. Isaac’s. Over the next few weeks we will be asking that you prayerfully consider enrolling in Parish Giving. Visit the website www.stisaac.org or call 1-866-307-7140. St. Monica Parish Presents the Called & Gifted Workshop Join Catholic lay people from the Greater Philadelphia region to discern your spiritual gifts. The two-day workshop begins on Friday, October 24th, from 7:00 pm to 9:30 pm and continues on Saturday, October 25th, form 9:00 am to 4:00 pm at St. Monica Parish in Berwyn. Cost is $40 and includes presentation and materials, plus a continental breakfast and catered lunch. Register on line at www.stmonicachurch.org. For further information, call the parish office 610-644-0110. Little Sisters of the Poor - Dinner at the La Locanda 4989 West Chester Pike in Edgemont on Wednesday, October 25, 11:30 am to 10:00 pm. Call the restaurant for reservations and let the waiter know you are there for the Little Sisters of the Poor. 20% of your bill will benefit the needy elderly residents at Holy Family Home. Cash Bar available. What’s happening at the National Shrine of St. Katharine Drexel: Saturday, November 1, - 10 a.m.—4 p.m. Retreat given by Sr. Joanne Bauer, SBS. “How Blessed Are You!” Includes lunch and praise music by FACEDOWN. $25 per person ~ RSVP by October 24 Saturday, November 8, 2014 ** 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. Craft Show *** Vendors needed. Call 215-244-9900 X380 or email skdshrine@comcast.net Catholic Life Congress – Allow God to set your faith on fire! This year’s Catholic Life Congress “A New Pentecost for a New Evangelization” features dynamic speakers, inspiring breakout sessions, vibrant music and life-giving prayer, all of which are designed to allow the Holy Spirit to ignite our hearts and our communities, with living faith and the courage to proclaim the Gospel everywhere. Join us on November 1st, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm at the Sheraton Philadelphia Downtown Hotel. Table of 10 $550; Individuals: $60 each. For more info Visit www.PhillyCongress.org. Most often, God calls to us through the people closest to us, through our families and friends. Most who have entered the Church have been influenced by a Catholic spouse, fiancé, or close friend. For many of these people, a desire to raise their children in the knowledge of God spurred them to action. What is this if not the action of the Holy Spirit? If you, or someone you know, is interested in learning more about Catholic Faith and Worship contact Louis Valenti at 610-687-2481 or email SIJDRE@gmail.com YOUTH MINISTRY Attention all Youth between 7th and 12th Grade - Please join us every 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month for Youth Night after the 5:00 PM Mass. Come and grow in your faith, meet new friends and for a great time. Junior High Youth Group - meets on the 3rd Friday of the month from 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm.in the Parish Hall. Devon Preparatory School – Scholarship/Entrance Exams will take place on Sunday, October 19th, and Saturday, October 25th, from 8:30 am until 11:45 am. Families may email pkane@devonprep.com to register for one of these dates. Academy of Notre – A private preparatory school for boys and girls will offer its Ninth Grade Scholarship and Entrance Examination on Saturday, November 1st, and Sunday, November 9th. Open House will be held on Sunday, November 2nd, from 10:30 am to 1:30 pm. For more information call 610-971-0498. St. Joseph’s Preparatory School – Join us at an Open House Sunday, November 2nd, 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. Before the Open House you are also invited to join the Prep Community for Mass at 8:45 am in the Church of the Gesu (on campus). Registration for Pre 7th and Pre 8th grades will be available. For more information, please call 215-978-1954. Items for the Bulletin should be submitted in writing by Friday Noon of the week before, to the Editor, Carol Friel the Parish Secretary, email carol@stisaac.org, for approval by the Pastor. 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