NOVEMBER 9, 2014 ~ THE DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA______ THEME Through our baptism, we were made one with the Body of Christ, the Church. By our Confirmation, we have been sealed with the Holy Spirit and are charge with responsibility for fulfilling the mission of the Church. Let us give thanks for having the privilege to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 8 SATURDAY 8:00 am Deceased Members of the Maneclang Family 5:00 pm Richard deSante 9 SUNDAY – THE DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA 8:00 am 63rd Wedding Anniversary Intentions of Jim & Mary Bard 10:30 am Natalie & Francis Meaney 12:00 pm Deceased Members of the Legion of Mary 5:00 pm People of St. Isaac Jogues 10 MONDAY – ST. LEO THE GREAT, POPE 8:00 am Birthday Intentions of Connie Cekaitis Eugene Fitzmaurice 12:05 pm Mission Schedule Sunday Night November 16th 6:30 pm Holy Hour with Confessions 7:30 pm Talk 8:30 pm – 9:00 pm ~ Light refreshments in the Parish Hall Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, November 17th, 18th, 19th 9:00 am Class in the Parish Hall 10:00 am Same topic class 12:05 pm Mass ~ Preside & Preach Father Nathan 6:30 pm Holy Hour (The Holy Hour will include confessions on Monday & Tuesday only) 7:30 pm Talk 8:30 pm ~ 9:00pm ~ Light refreshments in the Parish Hall Social Networking with the Archdiocese 11 TUESDAY – ST. MARTIN OF TOURS, BISHOP Anthony J. Cucchi, Jr. 8:00 am 12:05 pm Ludwig & Gretel Blendel 12 WEDNESDAY – ST. JOSAPHAT, BISHOP Eleanor C. DeGrandis 8:00 am 12:05 pm Intentions of Katie & Carolyn Mahon The Office for Communications invites you to stay connected and informed on the latest news throughout the Archdiocese. Archbishop Charles Chaput’s official Facebook page: Become a fan of the official Archdiocese of Philadelphia Facebook page: 13 THURSDAY – ST. FRANCIS XAVIER CABRINI, VIRGIN Rocco Tatasciore 8:00 am 12:05 pm Intentions of the Kerkoff Family 14 FRIDAY 8:00 am 12:05 pm From the Desk of the Pastor - Father Moerman welcomes all to join us at St. Isaac Jogues Parish Mission on November 15th – 19th. Father Nathan Cromly, CFJ will preach at all Masses on the weekend of Nov. 15 & 16, on the topic of Pope Francis and the New Evangelization. You can also follow the Archdiocese on Twitter: And for the latest videos check out the Archdiocese YouTube channel: Bing Chen Jorge Tirador 15 SATURDAY – ST. ALBERT THE GREAT, BISHOP 8:00 am Sung Dinh 5:00 pm People of St. Isaac Jogues 16 SUNDAY – THE THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 8:00 am For the Success of Our Parish Mission 10:30 am Sara Ristey 12:00 pm Bernard Guarascio 5:00 pm Ethel Dagit Cunningham The Readings for the Weekend of Nov. 15 & 16 First Reading – Proverbs 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31 (157A) Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 128:1-2, 3, 4-5 Second Reading – 1 Thessalonians Gospel – Matthew 25:14-30 I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you. Isaiah 41:10 Page 1 – 030 St. Isaac NOVEMBER 9, 2014 ~ THE DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA______ THIS WEEK AT ST. ISAAC'S Parish Coffee – Please join us in the Parish Hall immediately after the 10:30 am Mass for a coffee social hosted by Religious Education CCD. Please consider hosting a Parish Coffee and help keep this fellowship tradition alive! Call Carol Friel in the Rectory Office to schedule a date. Priest, Prophet & King - Fr. Barron’s new series on Jesus, is concluding this Sunday, November 9th, at 1:15 pm in the Video Room and on Tuesday November 11th, at 7 pm in the Parish Hall. This week’s session is KING OF KINGS. Even if you missed the first sessions, you are welcome to join us for the closing DVD and discussion. New Rectory Office Hours Beginning November 3rd Monday and Friday - 8:00 am - 3:00 pm Closed on Saturday & Sunday Jolly Jogues Advent Giving Tree Tags – The Jolly Jogues will be assembling the tags for the Advent giving tree on Tuesday, November 11th, from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm in the Parish Hall. Refreshments will be served. Please bring a brown bag lunch. The Jolly Jogues Book Club - will meet on Thursday, November 20th, at 10:00 a.m. in the classroom 7/8. We will be discussing, The Growth of the Soil by Knute Hansum. Mr. Hansum was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature for this novel. New members are always welcome! Adult Choir – To join our adult choir which meets on Thursdays, please contact Margaret Deckman at 610-2772246. St. Malachy’s Thanksgiving Dinners - DINNERS ARE DUE IN THE PARISH HALL: FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21st – 9:00 AM – NOON & SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 22nd – 9:00 AM – NOON. Dinners must be brought during these hours! Please refer to the flyers for further details. “Snow is in the Air” – In the event of severe snow the 8:00 am Weekly Daily Mass Schedule will be based on the Tredyffrin School District Schedule. If the school is closed or delayed there will be no 8:00 am Daily Mass that day. Please call 610-240-1970 to check for school closings. In case of illness please contact the Rectory Office to advise the Pastor. Please remember in your prayers the sick of the Parish: Roberta Adams , Bernie & Catherine Brill, Roger Burgess, Sal DiMaiuta, Mary Fogliano, Sean Harmer, Annette McCauley, Mary McElwee, Tillie McHugh, Steve Pannella, Michael Wusinich and Brian Wood. We know our prayers are heard and answered. Please call the Rectory when the individual’s health improves or they have returned home from service duty so they can be removed from the list. Also the members of our Military: TSgt. Megan Burton, US AIR FORCE Sgt. Ryan Burke, US Marine Corp Sgt. Bruno Sicilia, US Army, Iraq Capt. Adam Bouvier, US Army, Afghanistan Capt. Katherine L. DePaul JA, US Army Capt. Ben Dutka, US Army Corp. Brendan Burke, US Marine Corp 1st Lt. Troy Bouvier - Gondela, US Army Lt. Colonel Patrick Mulloney, US Army, Afghanistan Capt. Daniel Kohli, US Marine Pilot, Afghanistan Capt. William Gondela, US Army, Afghanistan Airman 1st Class Tim Selman, US Air Force Prayer for Our Military - Thank You, Lord, for the courage and selfless service of our military troops. May my loved one and all who serve around the world turn to You for rest and protection. Keep them safe from all hidden dangers and deadly diseases. May they not fear the terrors of night or the disaster that strikes at midday. Order Your angels to protect them wherever they go. Keep their feet from slipping, and hold them securely in Your strong right hand until they are safely home. (Ps. 91:1-11, 121:3, 139:10) St. Isaacs would like to recognize Nick Boccella, Jimmy Cooper, and Jack Iffert for their great performance on November 1st, which resulted in their team finishing 2nd in the state at PIAA High School Cross Country Championships in Hershey. Nick, Jimmy, and Jack, are part of a seven member varsity team at Conestoga that won the 2014 Central League and 2014 District One championships. Page 2 – 030 St. Isaac NOVEMBER 9, 2014 ~ THE DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA______ RELGIOUS EDUCATION NEWS STEWARDSHIP CORNER No Children’s Liturgy of the Word SUNDAY FIRST COLLECTIONS FOR PARISH USE ONLY CALENDAR YEAR THROUGH SUNDAY, Nov. 2, 2014 This Year: Last Year: Change: WHAT DRAWS PEOPLE INTO THE CATHOLIC FAITH? - While there are many different circumstances that lead a person in the direction of Catholicism, the simple answer is, “Because God has called them.” $ 466,843 $ 478,457 $ -11,614 Please remember to use your offertory envelopes. If you do not use them please call the Rectory Office so that we may discontinue them thus saving printing and postage costs. Parish Giving - is a safe, convenient and effective way for you to support our parish. Our goal is to significantly increase the use of this important stewardship tool here at St. Isaac’s. Over the next few weeks we will be asking that you prayerfully consider enrolling in Parish Giving. Visit the website or call 1-866-307-7140. – Stay informed of important Catholic news in southeastern Pennsylvania – visit for updates every day and sign up for a free, weekly email newsletter. Sing Praises to the Lord! - We know you're out there! We hear you singing! We are very much in need of more members - we have so few at this time that it makes a difference if only one or two can't come to a service. Choir practice is on Thursday nights at 7:30 pm, in church. This is actually a pleasant way to share your talents with your parish! Young Adults: Meet The Culture Project! - The Culture Project is a new, international group promoting the dignity of the human person. It seeks to invite our culture to become fully ALIVE! It believes in the beauty of love- real lovewhich is found in the person of Christ and His Church. Please join us this Wednesday at 7:30pm at Ss. Peter and Paul for the chance to hear this group speak on a mystery topic along with some discussion & prayer. For more info about the Catholic Young Adults of Chester County (CYACC), check us out on Facebook, at, or request more info by emailing World Meeting of Families is coming to Philadelphia in September 2015. Learn about the World Meeting of Families on the website You can also “Light a Candle” with your intentions or sign up for our newsletter. Most often, God calls to us through the people closest to us, through our families and friends. Most who have entered the Church have been influenced by a Catholic spouse, fiancé, or close friend. For many of these people, a desire to raise their children in the knowledge of God spurred them to action. What is this if not the action of the Holy Spirit? If you, or someone you know, is interested in learning more about Catholic Faith and Worship contact Louis Valenti at 610-687-2481 or email YOUTH MINISTRY Attention all Youth between 7th and 12th Grade - Please join us every 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month for Youth Night after the 5:00 PM Mass. Come and grow in your faith, meet new friends and for a great time. Junior High Youth Group - meets on the 3rd Friday of the month from 6:30 pm - 8:00 the Parish Hall. Bishop Shanahan High School Fine Arts Department proudly presents - “CINDERELLA” - on November 14th, at 7:30 pm. The matinee performances will be held on November 9th, 15th, at 3:00 pm. Reserved Lower Level at $15 and reserved Upper Level at $12.00. For ticket information please call 610-518-1300 ext. 427. Christmas Craft Fair & Bazaar - Mother of Divine Providence in King of Prussia is holding their 14th annual Christmas Craft Fair and Bazaar on Saturday, November 15th, from 9:00 am. - 3:00 pm. in their school facility. Shoppers and guests will find over 100 crafters selling their hand-made only items, a wide range of café selections for breakfast and lunch, children’s games, white elephant, and much, much more. For directions or to learn more log on to Items for the Bulletin should be submitted in writing by Friday Noon of the week before, to the Editor, Carol Friel the Parish Secretary, email, for approval by the Pastor. Page 3 – 030 St. Isaac NOVEMBER 9, 2014 ~ THE DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA______ Page 4 – 030 St. Isaac NOVEMBER 9, 2014 ~ THE DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA______ Page 5 – 030 St. Isaac