N ET AJ I SU BH AS OPEN U N I V ERSI T Y SCHOOL OF EDUCATION 25/2 Ballygunge Circular Road, Kolkata-700019 Phone Number: 03340047570/1, Email: schooledu@wbnsou.ac.in M emo No.: SoE/ 303 Dat e: 10.07.2014 BACHELOR OF EDUCATION(B.Ed.) ODL M ODE (2013-2015 PRACTICAL W ORK Practice Teaching and Final Teaching Schedule for Second Year B.Ed. (ODL) Students PRACTICE TEACHING a) According t o t he NCTE norm Lesson Planning and Teaching in real classroom sit uat ion school including int ernship is compulsory. Forty lessons are to be completed of which Twenty lessons will be from each teaching subject. Out of prescribed pract ice t eaching lessons at least fift y percent (20 lessons) w ould be monitored fully by t he M entor (t he Head of t he Inst it ut ions or one of his/ her nominat ed Senior Teacher having B.Ed. or B.T Degree, at least 5 years of t eaching experience). Feedback given t o t he pract icing t eacher w ill be given verbally as w ell as comment s in w rit ing. Record of lesson planning, t eaching and supervision w ould be maint ained properly. Improvement s suggest ed by t he M ent ors should be incorporat ed in t he lesson plans. b) The practice teaching will start on and from 11 August 2014 and continue till 12 Sept 2014 (both days inclusive). c) St udy Cent re Coordinat ors w ill organize pract ice t eaching as per t he schedule in t he respect ive schools of t he st udent t eachers w here t hey w ork as Resident Teacher. d) Government Order An Order from t he Govt . of WB (School Educat ion Depart ment ) has been issued in t his regard [No. 656(21)-SE/ PTTI-7/ 2011(Pt -1) Dt . 02/ 07/ 2014] and t his has been given in t he annexure for circulat ion t o all st udy cent res and M ent ors for informat ion and necessary act ion. A Copy of this Order is to be given to the student teachers for their respective schools for necessary action. The M entor (t he Head of t he Inst it ut ion or one of his/ her nom inat ed Senior Teacher having B.Ed. or B.T Degree) w ill assign marks in 20 practice teaching lessons. All t he lessons Plans are t o be signed by t he M ent or w it h dat e, Official Seal and comment s. Practice Teaching and Final Teaching Schedule For B.Ed. Programme through ODL M ode, 2013-15 Page 1 of 4 Full M arks in Pract ice t eaching is 50 . This w ill be assigned by t he M ent or and handed over t o t he Principal/ Coordinat or w it h proper seal, signat ure and st amp. e) Teaching Aids/ M odels and Lesson Plan Notebooks Students Teachers will develop at least two teaching aids/models to present their lessons effectively. These are to be developed by them only and will be endorsed by the Mentors. Students Teachers must prepare TWO LESSON PLAN NOTEBOOKS, one for each method subject, to maintain the record of lessons delivered and that should be available with them while delivering lesson in the classroom during practice teaching classes. FINAL TEACHING I. II. III. IV. Final Teaching is t o be complet ed during 15 September 2014 to 27 September 2014 (both days inclusive) . This w ill be organised by t he Principal/ Coordinat or. For t his purpose, Principals/ Coordinat ors w ill ident ify Schools/ M adrasas for conduct ing t he Final Teaching Examinat ions. Final Teaching Examinat ions w ill be conduct ed by bot h Int ernal Examiner (Principal or Coordinat or) and Ext ernal Examiners. A list of Ext ernal Examiners w ill be given t o t he Principal/ Coordinat or from t he Cont roller of Exam inat ions’ Office. One Examiner w ill conduct examinat ion of 25 st udent s (50 Lessons) in each day. So for 100 st udent s 4 days are required and for 200 st udent s anot her 4 days are t o be required. A st udy cent re may engage t w o ext ernal examiners for t w o schools on t he same day but t his may be done for 200 st udent s only and t w o int ernal examiners are also required for t his purpose. The Cont roller of Examinat ions w ill send t he list of Examiners for ext ernal examinat ion. FINAL TEACHING w ill be evaluat ed by bot h Ext ernal and Int ernal Examiners. The distribution of marks of Final teaching is as follows: Allotment of M arks in Final teaching Total M arks: 150 Internal Examiner: External Examiner: Total Practice Teaching and Final Teaching Schedule For B.Ed. Programme through ODL M ode, 2013-15 = = 50 100 = 150 Page 2 of 4 V. Duties and Responsibilities of the External Examiners: a. Tw o lessons of t w o M et hod subject s of each st udent ; b. Evaluat e t hem (100 marks for each st udent ); c. Evaluat e school based act ivit ies (50 marks for each st udent ) t he records of w hich are w it h t he St udy Cent ers. HONORARIUM TO EXAM INERS FOR TEACHING PRACTICALS AND SCHOOL BASED ACTIVITIES 1. Int ernal examiners w ill get Rs. 10/ - per candidat e (t w o lessons); 2. Ext ernal Examiners w ill get Rs. 20/ - per candidat e (Rs. 10/ - for School Based and Rs. 10/ - for Final Teaching evaluat ion); 3. Above bills are t o be subm it t ed t o t he Cont roller of Examinat ions’ Office for payment ; 4. Any ot her expendit ure, like Travelling Expenses, Refreshment et c., w ill be paid by t he respect ive St udy Cent res from t he Cont ingency grant as paid by t he SoE, NSOU. A.N. Dey Direct or, SoE, NSOU S. K. Sarkar HOD, SoE, NSOU Practice Teaching and Final Teaching Schedule For B.Ed. Programme through ODL M ode, 2013-15 D. M ukhopadhyaya Professor of Educat ion SoE, NSOU Page 3 of 4 ANNEXURE -1 Practice Teaching and Final Teaching Schedule For B.Ed. Programme through ODL M ode, 2013-15 Page 4 of 4