Document 6592524
Document 6592524
St Mary’s Catholic Church Tovey Road Swindon SN2 1LQ Tel: 01793 535089 Parish Priest: Fr Michael McAndrew - Parish Administrator: Elias Fernandes - Safeguarding Rep: (CRB): Teresa Sugden - Parish records: Deacon: Rev Shaun Murphy (retired) Parish website: Deanery website: Diocesan website: THE DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY, November 9, 2014 SUNDAY MASS TIMES Entrance Antiphon: I saw the holy city, a New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared like a bride adorned for her husband. 6.00pm (Sat) 8.30am 10.30am Response to the Psalm: The waters of a river give joy to God’s city, the holy place where the Most High dwells. CONFESSIONS Saturday: 9.30am – 10.00am & 5.00pm - 5.30pm Gospel Acclamation: I have chosen and consecrated this house, says the Lord, for my name to be there for ever. Communion Antiphon: Be built up like living stones, into a spiritual house, a holy priesthood. THIS WEEK’S MASS TIMES AND INTENTIONS 06.00pm (Sat) Mass - Deceased members of Fernandes family + Martin Moloney (RIP) 08.30am Mass - Antonio Carelli (Anniversary) 10.30am Mass - Frank Buchanan (RIP) Monday 09.00am Mass – Remedios Rodrigues (Anniversary) Tuesday 09.00am Mass – Peggy Millard (RIP) Wednesday 12.00am Requiem Mass – Thresiamma Xavier Thursday 09.00am Mass – Effie Gonsalves (Intentions) Friday 09.00am Mass – Lourence & Effie Gonsalves (Intentions) Saturday 09.00am Mass – Deceased members of the Gonsalves family NEXT SUNDAY’S MASS TIMES AND INTENTIONS (NOVEMBER 16, 2014) Sunday 06.00pm (Sat) Mass – Pedro Vas (Anniversary) 08.30am Mass – Ruzai Cabral (RIP) 10.30am Mass – Antonia Tucci (RIP) Sunday CHURCH CLEANING: Every Friday, after the morning Mass. Your help would be much appreciated. PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS all those who are sick especially: Cathy Walker, Joshua Crabb, Eileen Blackwell, Anna Tickner, Mary Donnelly, Peadar Heffron, Liam Cahill, Brian Murphy, Michael Fry, David Crosto, Sheila Hughes, Peter, Alfie and Harry Crabb, John and Rosemary O’Gorman, Christopher and Cath Brown, Sally Burke, Marie Mundy, Julia Harrison, Lena Watson, Cheryl Dawson, Louise Stacey, Maria Walsh, Sam Rees, David Edwards, Kevin Jones, Zach Magill, Irena Fliska, Joe Shannon, John Foley, Christine Beale, Mary Lynch, Eleanor Lynch, Molly Prendergast, Barbara Enright, Mary Stewart, Marc Young, May Franco RECENTLY DIED: Please remember in your prayers Thresiamma Xavier who died recently, and her family. Her Requiem Mass will be here at St Mary’s on Wednesday, November 12, at 12noon. BLESSING OF THE GRAVE: There will be annual blessing of the grave at 2.30pm that is on 16th November at Whitworth Cemetery and on 30th November at Kingsdown Cemetery. 200 CLUB OCTOBER 2014: The winners are N.72 Maureen Harvey £20. N.108 M Austen £10. N.146 Anna Moran £5. Congratulations to all the winners. BAPTISM: We welcome into the Church Niamh Ballard Dunne and Kian Nee who are being baptised here at St. Mary’s this weekend. MASS OF REMEMBRANCE will be held on Tuesday 25 November at St Joseph’s Catholic College at 4.15pm. It will be for the local community to remember all those who have had some involvement with our Deanery Catholic Schools and have since passed on. All members of the local community are very welcome. GIFT AID ENVELOPES 2015: The new Gift Aid yellow envelopes (for tax payers) for 2015 are ready to collect at the back of the church. Please ensure you take your correct box as they are all numbered. Non-Gift Aiders (non-tax payers) may please take a box of green envelopes. Any person who wishes to start donating weekly/ monthly either through Gift Aid envelopes or direct debit/ Standing order may take a form from the table at the back of the Church or you may speak to Fr. Michael or contact the parish office and we will post a form to you. BIG SING THING: Back to entertain us are the Big Sing Thing & Guests on 7.30pm Friday 14 November 2014. They were well received in the spring so make sure you get your tickets early. Joining them will be St Mary's Junior Parish Choir. Tickets available after Mass on Saturday Evening, Sunday morning mass. Tickets Adult £5.00, Under 16 Free. Please ring Terri on 01793 874807, Jackie O'Shaunessy on 01793 336436 or Det Bathe 01793 644982 for further details and tickets. FILLING STATION: Many thanks to all the volunteers who contributed food, toiletries and juices to help feed the homeless in Swindon. 200 CLUB: Envelopes for the new season are available from the back of the church. There is a Vacancy List for new members to join. Just enter your name and details and you will receive a membership letter and number. Subscription is just £12 for the year, payable in cash or cheque on joining the 200 Club. There are monthly draws (1st prize £20); a Christmas draw (1st prize £50) and a Grand Draw (1st prize £400). All remaining funds go to the parish. Please help the parish by joining up. Any queries please phone Rosemary on 01793 337566, or e-mail: JUNIOR PARISH CHOIR: will meet on Wednesday 3.45 - 4.30pm here in the Church. Ages 7-14 all are welcome to come and join for an afternoon of singing here in St Mary’s Church. DATES FOR YOUR DIARY: In 2015 Bishop Declan Lang will be coming to our Parish to celebrate the Sacrament of confirmation on Wednesday, 20th May. Forms for those who wish to be confirmed will be available in the beginning of December 2014. First Holy Communion days are Sunday 7th and 14th June. Preparation will begin in the New Year and forms will be available, beginning of December 2014. St. MARY’S SVP CHRISTMAS LUNCH. This years Christmas lunch is being held at The Southbrook Inn on Saturday 6th December at 1pm. The Southbrook are offering us a choice of main course and pudding and you will be able to enjoy a complimentary glass of wine or fruit juice with your lunch. As in previous years there is no actual cost to you however, if you would care to offer a voluntary donation it will be more than gratefully received. If you wish, we can even arrange transport in case you need one. Numbers are limited, so please get your name of the list as soon as possible to join us for our annual celebration. OFFERTORY COLLECTION LAST WEEKEND: £771 (of which £105.10 was Gift aided) and £501 was given by standing order. The Parish Development Fund second collection came to £256. Thank you very much for your generosity. ST MARY’S SVP ANNUAL APPEAL: There will be A RETIRING COLLECTION for our Parish SVP after Mass this Sunday. Your kind donation will enable us to continue organising outings and lunches for those we visit and offer financial support to families less fortunate than ourselves. Our work falls into several areas but focuses on visiting the housebound and others of our Parish who may feel lonely or in need. If you are aware of anyone who you think would like a visit from our group or would like to find out more about this International Voluntary Organisation then please contact Fr. Michael and we would be happy to help if we can. Living stones. The normal place for the Christian community to gather together is the building called the Church. This is the symbol of the spiritual temple which Christ is building up, little by little, through us. We are the living stones and Christ himself is the corner stone. The Basilica of St John Lateran is the Cathedral Church of the Pope as Bishop of Rome, and as such is regarded as the mother of all the Churches throughout the world.