Document 6596696


Document 6596696
Guardian Christian Academy
November 7, 2014
Helping Those in Need
During the month of November our students’ collective focus on others is called “Change for Change”. GCA students will
be collecting change (coins, cash, and checks accepted) in buckets in their classrooms the weeks of December 1-12. Each class’
goal is to fill the bucket to OVERFLOWING with coins and cash … Just like God’s love for us is OVERFLOWING! With this money
we will be blessing a family in need who would not have a Christmas celebration as we know it. Connecting Community Service
with Economics our high school students will go shopping for the items needed. Last year GCA collected over $1,000 and was able
to help more than one family with everything from groceries and a gas card to toys and clothing.
Will you help your student with this project? Where are some places that
you have coins? Make it a game to see who can find the most coin
change in the seats of the car, in the seat cushions of the couch, maybe
even in the pockets of pants and jackets.
As we enter the Thanksgiving and Christmas season use this opportunity
to talk about our blessings, our God who provides them, and our responsibility to help others with their physical needs as Jesus did.
Sharing in Chapel on Grandparents' Day
Trevor Reed: Ephesians 14:11
After each of the elementary grade levels recited their memorized scripture in the Grandparents’ Day Chapel, Trevor Reed
and Dev Patel quoted a favorite scripture and shared how it applied to their lives. Below is what Trevor shared. (Dev’s will
be printed in a December newsletter.)
Trevor quoted Romans 14:11, “It is written: ‘As surely as I
live,’ says the Lord, ‘every knee will bow before me; every
tongue will confess to God.’” This means that no matter what,
God wins. It’s like watching a game after it happens. If you
know who wins, it doesn’t matter what happens in the game.
Also it testifies that God is an absolute. The verse doesn’t say
that most people will bow or the majority. ALL people. And
EVERY tongue. No one will refuse to say or choose to lie.
That doesn’t mean everyone is saved. Everyone will meet God
but not everyone will be enjoying it.
Great American Fundraising items arriving
on November 12th.
Fall has come and winter is on the way. Christmas will be
here before you know it! NOW is the time to get those
items you did not purchase in September. And what a
perfect gift the sweatshirts, hoodies, and tie-dyed shirts will
make for Christmas! Forms are being sent home today
(make sure to check backpacks), and prepaid orders will be
received through November 24 to insure shirts are back
before school is dismissed for Christmas.
A minimum quantity of each must be placed
for the order to be accepted. If we do not have
that quantity, your check will be returned.
Note: We have a supply of PJ bottoms in
youth and adult sizes for purchase. Please contact Mrs. Moncada if interested.
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Guardian Christian Academy
6851 Courthouse Road  Chesterfield, VA 23832
Equipping students to become
Christian leaders who impact the
culture for Christ
November 7, 2014
Guardian Christian Academy
What a great crowd we had Monday evening;
and what a great way to relax and have some
fun! Skates were glowing and music flowing!
It was a wonderful time for friends and family
to enjoy each other in a different setting.
Put February 16th on your calendar—the next
Family Skate night!
The 1st quarter of the 2014-2015 school year has just ended, and report cards
will be coming home Thursday, November 13, to those families whose accounts
are up-to-date. (Accounts are inclusive of all GCA programs and pertain to
items as large as tuition and child care and as small as library fines.) Report
cards are designed to indicate the progress made in grade-appropriate skill development. For more information about what a grade means attend the parent meeting “What’s in a
Grade?”, Wednesday, November 19, 2:00 pm. RSVP with Ms. Dee at the front desk.
November 7, 2014
Guardian Christian Academy
Squirrels, Policemen, Athletes, Princesses, Farmers, Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer, Potato Heads, and many other creative
characters filled the hallways of GCA for Fall Festival! The students and volunteers warmed hearts with their cheer during
the fun filled day. (See insert with pictures). Thank you so very much to all of the Home Room Parents, classroom volunteers, and those who sent in items to make the event a success!
Thank you MaryAnn Carlson, Skate A Way Chair, and your volunteers for a fabulous job preparing for Monday night’s
event. Thank you also to Teresa Peckens and Jana Wood for helping sell tickets. What a great time of fellowship for students, parents, and staff!
We would like to send our continued appreciation to all of our Door Greeter, the Loop Group, our Copiers, and the Duty
Free Lunch Volunteers. You are so greatly appreciated and help our school run smoothly!
Upcoming Opportunity to Volunteer!
The Great American Orders are due to come in on Wednesday, Nov. 12th. If you would like to help, please contact Becky
Angelilli ( or Joy Roberts ( Thank you!
By: Sam Sears and Gracey Docsol
Henricus Historical Park was very enjoyable. Our class learned many things
about how the Powhatan Indians hunt, how they make their clothes, and how
they talk. Indians not only hunted the deer for food, but also used most of the
deer to make items. We learned that the Indians used the hooves to make glue,
and the jaw of a deer to cut grass. Indians did not have metal to use so they
made their knives and tools from rocks. We learned how trees were used to
make canoes. We were all able to scrape the fur of a deer, and scrape the canoe.
The second part of our field trip was spent learning about maps, about the
world, and about ships. A compass works because of a magnet in the ground.
Each of us was put in a group and given a box of Lego blocks. We made different buildings and put them on a large map according to the best area that was fit
for them. After learning about maps, we had our lunch outside and returned
back to school. It was so much fun. Thanks to all the chaperones that attended
and helped our field trip to be so enjoyable.
This Sunday, November 9th, GCA
will participate in the Eastern Cheer
and Dance competition at the VCU
Seigel Center. Doors open at 12:00
noon. Please come out and “cheer” on
your GCA team. Thank you!
Picture This Returns
Sports Team Pictures
Student Government
Picture This will be back on Thursday,
November 20, to take pictures involving
the above groups and/or individuals. All
pictures are prepaid. Picture This envelopes will be coming home for group /
team pictures next week.
Those needing retakes
must bring their entire package
back to GCA prior to the retakes.
Cheerleaders may come to school in
their cheerleading uniforms and change
into school clothes after the pictures.
Thursday, November 20
November 7, 2014
Guardian Christian Academy
We’ve included more Grandparents’ Day pictures for you to enjoy.
November 7, 2014
Guardian Christian Academy
November 7, 2014
Ashley Taws
Music Happenings at GCA
I am thrilled to be writing
my first article for the GCA
Shout Out!
For those who aren’t familiar with me, I am the new
music teacher here at
Guardian. I teach preschool
through 5th grade. I have
been teaching here for
exactly one month, and I
am loving it!
I am a Florida native, and
just moved to the Richmond
area a little over three
months ago. God swiftly
provided this opportunity
for me to teach at GCA.
In music for the past month,
we have been focusing on
the annual Christmas musical: Isaiah Jones! In music
class we split the time
evenly between learning
Isaiah Jones songs and
learning new musical techniques.
Each class has been learning about the basics of music for the past three weeks.
We started with rhythm
and dynamics, and are
quickly moving towards
melody and reading sheet
In Kindergarten and 1st
grade, we started with
rhythm and learned how to
keep a steady beat with
our hands. We then moved
to keeping a steady beat
with our feet and hands.
We are now learning the
difference in soft and loud
volumes in music.
For 2nd-5th grade, we
started learning dynamic
markings such as Forte
(loud), Piano (soft), Mezzo
Forte (med. loud), Mezzo
Piano (med. soft), Pianissimo (very soft), and Fortissimo (very loud). Each
grade level is actively listening to musical examples
of these dynamics in class
and participating in demonstrating these dynamics!
For our prep for Isaiah Jones
we are singing through all of
the songs and practicing
stage etiquette -such as being respectful when a student
has a solo, standing still when
needed, and watching the
director. We also get to
dance with the choreography
and have a blast!
GCA students have more
energy than I have ever
experienced as a teacher! It
thrills my heart to see them
so excited about music,
praising God, and to be
welcomed with such open
November 7, 2014
Guardian Christian Academy
I Give Thee Thanks
For all the blazing sunsets of this year.
For all those precious children, Oh, so dear.
For small and insignificant things
And for the songs that my heart sings,
I give Thee thanks. I give Thee thanks ...
For loved ones who forgive my failing ways.
For kindness done to me on dreary days.
For lessons learned without the awful pain.
For truth that comes with value, wisdom gained,
I give Thee thanks. I give Thee thanks ...
For all the soldiers who are serving us.
For those who bear the blessed gospel trust.
For old acquaintances renewed.
For wonders clearly signed by You,
My Lord, I give Thee thanks.
Sweet Lord, I give Thee thanks.
By: Joan Clifton Costner
November 7, 2014
Guardian Christian Academy
Students From GCA Middle and High School Attend the Association of Christian
Schools International (ACSI) Leadership Conferences
On Tuesday, October 21, nine GCA middle schoolers were among the sixty students who attended the ACSI Middle School Leadership Conference at Swift Creek Baptist Church. After
eating some breakfast and playing some ice breaker games, Pastor Dan Yoon shared principles of leadership with the attendees. Using Nehemiah as an example, he challenged the students to pray for everything , identify how God wants to use them, delegate and motivate, lead
by example, resist opposition, decide and act, serve, and depend wholly on the Lord. Students
listened attentively and discussed each principle in small groups led by teachers from the various schools in attendance. At the end of the meeting, students were encouraged to put these
principles into action at their respective schools, to be doers and not hearers only. Our students thoroughly enjoyed the conference and plan to apply these principles here at GCA.
Then, on November 2, a group of high school students left for a three day, two night, ACSI
High School Leadership Conference held at Rockbridge Alum Springs camp in Goshen, Virginia. There were over 200 in attendance representing Christian schools from several states in
the Southeast. The retreat type setting provided for engaging worship and challenging sessions with small group breakouts where students were lead in processing the message presented. The general sessions were lead by representatives from a variety of Christian colleges, the worship team from Asbury University, and two speakers, Andrew McPeak and P.J.
Simmons, from the Medici Project in Atlanta, Georgia. Students were challenged to consider
their own personal story as they engaged in a Bible-based worldview exploration of their Passions, Journeys, and Purpose. Looking closely at the life of John the Baptist and several modern day Christians, they learned that they are each created to play a unique part in God’s plans
for not only themselves but for the world. The conference days also included time for fun and
fellowship with time for gaga ball, basketball, campfires, home-cooked family style meals, and
much, much more - all set in the beautiful fall surroundings of the mountains of western Virginia. The students described their conference experience as “awesome”!
November 7, 2014
Guardian Christian Academy
(Trevor Reed continued from page 1)
No one bows to something they don’t believe in, but by that point it
will be too late. God has a deadline and we must meet it or we
won’t be on His team.
Ok, so we win. So no one can stop the Lord. So, if this is true and
we are on the winning team, what’s holding us back? Why are we
afraid to go spread the Word? Persecution? Scripture says, ‘Fear
the one who can kill both the body and destroy the soul in hell.”
But God isn’t angry with us. God doesn’t hate people. God loves
each and every one of us. But He has to punish us.. I’m sure you
have had a moment that you have said, “I love you, but I have to
punish you.” God doesn’t like to punish us.
One more part of this verse to look at: “As surely as I live.” God
is swearing on His life that this will happen. So how long does the
Lord live. The Lord lives for eternity. How long is eternity??
Well, our human brains think in terms of 70 or so years. You
know, as long as we usually live. We can’t imagine eternity. Let
me explain in an illustration: A bird travels once a year to a beach
and takes away one piece of sand per year until all of the sand on
that beach is gone --that is the first day of eternity.
Monday, November 10:
 Boys’ Basketball Tryouts (3:15-4:30pm)
Wednesday, November 12:
 Great American orders come home
 K Informational Meeting - 12:00-1:00pm
 Girls’ Basketball Tryouts (3:15-4:30pm)
Thursday, November 13:
 K Informational Meeting - 12:00-1:00pm
Wednesday, November 19:
 Parent Meeting, “What’s in a Grade?”, 2 pm
Thursday, November 20:
 School Pictures
(Re-Takes, Sports/Teams, etc.)
Monday, November 24:
 GCA Shirt Orders Due (GCA must
meet a minimum to place an order)
Where will you be spending eternity?
Wednesday, November 26:
 STUDENT HOLIDAY (Child Care Open)
“What’s in a Grade?”
Parents see homework grades; tests come home;
now report cards will be coming your way. But
what does the letter grade really indicate? If my
child earns a C should I be concerned? Are my expectations realistic? These questions and more will be addressed.
All parents will benefit from attending this session: Wednesday,
November 19, at 2 pm. Please
Thurs, Nov. 27 & Fri., Nov. 28:
 Thanksgiving Break for all students (all GCA programs closed)
Tuesday-Sunday, December 2-7:
 Scholastics Book Fair - Atrium
Friday, December 5: 7:30pm
 Christmas Program (all students participate)
Tuesday-Thursday, December 16-18:
 Papa John’s - “Dollars for Dough”
Friday, December 19:
 K-5 Christmas Parties - 2:00-3:00pm
(Christmas attire allowed)
RSVP with Ms. Dee.
Just in time for Christmas giving!
Please join us at our annual Cash and Carry Book Fair
— just in time for Christmas! Books will be available for
purchase December 2– 7. Students will have an opportunity
to make wish lists.
Mr. Scott Ford with
daughter, Allie
Mr. Michael Wells
with daughter, Julia
Volunteers are needed on all
days and some evenings to
assist students and parents.
Please see Mrs. Knecht.