The Local and the Global ASMCF
The Local and the Global ASMCF
The Local and the Global ASMCF-‐SSFH Postgraduate Study Day University of Exeter, Saturday 7 March 2015 Registra2on is now open for the ASMCF-‐SSFH Postgraduate Study Day. Please find below the full 11:30am: Professional Development programme and registra2on details. 9:30am: Registra2on & Coffee 10:00am: Welcome & Housekeeping 10:15am: Professional Development Joanna Warson (Portsmouth): Preparing for your viva Jenny McCall (Palgrave Macmillan): Turning your thesis into a monograph 11:15am: Coffee Penny Roberts (Warwick, Co-‐Editor of French History): Getng published in a journal Ludivine Broch/Alison Carrol (French History Network): Using social media 12:30pm: Keynote Address Claire Eldridge (Southampton): The Local, the Global and the Colonial: ConnecDng Memories of the Algerian War of Independence 1:30pm: Lunch 2:15pm: Parallel Session One Panel B: Representa2ons of Francophone Africa Panel A: History & Poli2cs in the Urban Environment David Cummings (Queen’s, Belfast): ‘Algériens nous sommes!’: Social class, space and Will Clement (St John’s, Oxford): Local reformers and internaDonal innovaDons: the se3ler idenDty in French Algeria cités ouvrières of nineteenth-‐century Mulhouse Wabiy Salawu (Kent, Canterbury): Une étude comparée: les plaies de la société Ravi Hensman (Manchester): ‘Sous les pavés, le béton’. AcDvism and local comme facteurs de dénonciaDon dans le roman francophone du XIXe au XXe siècle governance in La Courneuve, 1959-‐1973 Monika Kukolova (Manchester): Abderrahmane Sissako’s West Africa: Between the Rebecca Shtasel (Sussex): Betrayal and CollaboraDon: trade union leaders in West and the East occupied Le Havre 3:30pm: Coffee 3:45pm: Parallel Session Two Panel D: France & the World: Colonial & Postcolonial Approaches Panel C: Nego2a2ng Iden2ty through Language & Text Erin O’Halloran (St Antony’s, Oxford): France in Lebanon, 1982 – 1984: Two Adrian Chrimes (Exeter): NegoDaDng idenDty through language in the Bri3any Peacekeeping Deployments Margin Kelsey Suggi3 (Portsmouth): The Importance of Land under French Colonial Rule: Houssaine Rifai (Kénitra, Morocco): TraducDon et li3érature au Maroc à l’ère de la The case of the Organisa;on Commune des Régions Sahariennes colonisaDon française Roel van der Velde (Portsmouth): Should the spread of French military doctrine of Jordi Cassan (Clermont-‐2, France): La globalisaDon, un concept de dominés peu à Guerre Révolu;onnaire be understood transnaDonally? même de penser l'arDculaDon actuel entre globalité et localité : l'exemple du rugby 5:00pm: Closing Remarks To register for this event, please visit: h3p:// The deadline for registraDon is 27th February. RegistraDon is free of charge, but you must be a member of either the AssociaDon for the Study of Modern and Contemporary France or The Society for the Study of French History to a3end the conference. Both socieDes offer affordable rates for postgraduates with membership benefits. Please indicate on the registraDon form which society you are/intend to become a member of. Associa2on for the Study of Modern and Contemporary France: h3p:// The Society for the Study of French History: h3p:// If you have any other quesDons, please do not hesitate to contact the organising commi3ee at: