
This Week’s Calendar of Events
Today, June 7
8:30am: Worship
9:35am: Sunday School
10:45am: Worship
Monday, June 8
10:00am: Bible Study - FH
4:00pm: CanLink Groups - FH & MPR
Tuesday, June 9 & Wednesday, June 10
Sessions for Pictorial Directory - FH
Wednesday, June 10
5:30pm: Link Board Mtg. - MPR
7:00pm: Chancel Choir - CR
First United Methodist Church
Friday, June 12
Sessions for Pictorial Directory - FH
10246 Warwick Boulevard
Newport News, Virginia 23601
Saturday, June 13
Sessions for Pictorial Directory - FH
8am - 2pm: TDP - Room 203
6:30pm: A. A. - MPR
Sunday, June 14
8:30 am - Worship
9:35 am - Sunday School
10:45 am - Worship
Second Sunday After Pentecost
Holy Communion
All Choirs Sunday
Welcome Visitors to this service of worship! Please complete
the information on the attendance register located in each pew.
Cushions & listening receivers are available for your use during the
service by asking an usher. First time visitors, please ask for our
“Visitor Welcome Kit“. If you have any questions about us, contact
the Pastor ( Monday thru Thursday.
Sunday School Classes are available for all ages.
June 7, 2015
8:30 a.m. and 10:45 a.m.
Edited for
Opening Words
Bringing in the Light of Christ
Music for Celebration
When We All Get to Heaven
Chapel Ringers
- Nancy Tipton
A Nursery is Available
Coffee & Refreshments: Between first and second services, visitors & members
are invited to enjoy Coffee and Refreshments in the Fellowship Hall.
Young Jin Cho, Virginia Conference Bishop
Seonyoung Kim, York River District Superintendent
Esther Karimi Gitobu, Missionary in Cambodia
First United Methodist Church of Newport News Staff
Rev. Robert L. Haley, Pastor
John E. Garrett, Director of Music: Instrumental
Mary Matthews Garrett, Director of Music: Choral
Megan Dible, Youth Coordinator
Laurie Paquin, Office Manager
Ronald Bowser, Custodian
Kaylee Correll, Nursery Attendant
* Processional Hymn
When in Our Music, God Is Glorified
No. 68
* Call to Call to Worship
Our God hears our prayers. O Lord, I pray, save my life!
Our God blesses us with abundance. O Lord, I pray, give me life!
Our God’s love and covenant are steadfast and true. O Lord, I pray, accept
my sacrifice—a sacrifice of thanksgiving, praise, and worship!
* Collect for Purity (In unison)
Almighty God, unto whom all hearts be open, all desires known, and from
whom no secrets are hid: Cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the
inspiration of thy holy spirit, that we may perfectly love thee, and worthily
magnify thy holy name: through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Anthem (10:45)
Come, Come, Everybody Worship
The Cherub/Wesley Choir
Old Testament
1 Samuel 8:4-20 (11:14-15)
Epistle Lesson
2 Corinthians 4:13-5:1
Anthem (10:45)
My America
The Epworth Choir
-Natalie Sleeth
Pages 239-240, 243
Page 1006
-arr. Joyce Bacak
Exchange of Signs of Peace, Joy and Love
Joys and Concerns
Prayer requests should be written on the pink Prayer Request cards.
Presentation of Tithes and Offerings
Please place completed attendance sheets and prayer cards in the offering plate.
Musical Offering (8:30)
My America
The Epworth Choir
-arr. Joyce Bacak
This Little Light of Mine
Chancel Ringers/Mary Garrett, Piano
- Linker/McFadden
Look at the World
-John Rutter
The Cherub/Wesley, Epworth, and Chancel Choirs
Children’s Sermon
Pastoral Prayer - Silent Prayer - The Lord’s Prayer
“There is Power in HIS Music”
* Hymn of Preparation
* Presentation#682, Vs.5 Praise God, From Whom All Blessings Flow - Tallis’ canon
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
praise him, all creatures here below;
praise him above, ye heavenly host;
praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.
Anthem (10:45)
can Satan throw Satan out? 24A kingdom involved in civil war will collapse.
And a house torn apart by divisions will collapse. 26If Satan rebels against
himself and is divided, then he can’t endure. He’s done for. 27No one gets into
the house of a strong person and steals anything without first tying up the
strong person. Only then can the house be burglarized. 28I assure you that
human beings will be forgiven for everything, for all sins and insults of every kind.
But whoever insults the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven. That person is
guilty of a sin with consequences that last forever.” 30He said this because
the legal experts were saying, “He’s possessed by an evil spirit.”
His mother and brothers arrived. They stood outside and sent word to
him, calling for him. 32A crowd was seated around him, and those sent to him
said, “Look, your mother, brothers, and sisters are outside looking for you.” 33He
replied, “Who is my mother? Who are my brothers?” 34Looking around at
those seated around him in a circle, he said, “Look, here are my mother and my
brothers. 35Whoever does God’s will is my brother, sister, and mother.”
Pastor: This is the Word of the Lord.
People: Thanks be to God.
Page 895
* Gospel
Mark 3:20-35
Jesus entered a house. A crowd gathered again so that it was impossible for
him and his followers even to eat. 21When his family heard what was happening, they came to take control of him. They were saying, “He’s out of his
The legal experts came down from Jerusalem. Over and over they charged,
“He’s possessed by Beelzebul. He throws out demons with the authority of the
ruler of demons.”
When Jesus called them together he spoke to them in a parable:” How
Rev. Robert Haley
O God Beyond All Praising
No. 2009
Consecration of the Elements
Giving the Bread and the Cup
Communion is non-alcoholic according to United Methodist guidelines.
* Prayer After Communion (In Unison)
Merciful Father, you gave your Son Jesus Christ to be the good
shepherd, and in his love for us to lay dow n his life and rise
again: keep us always under his protection, and give us grace to
follow in his steps; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
* Closing Hymn
All My Hope Is Firmly Grounded
No. 132
* Benediction
* Taking the Light of Christ Into the World
* Closing Voluntary
Toccata on Engelberg
* Stand as you are able, to praise God!
- Robert Hobby
Today’s Communion Offering: Peace with Justice.
The Flowers on the Altar are given to the glory of God by in loving memory
of June Jones by Hal and Barbara Swiatek.
Doris Preston, Nancy Spreder Stoddard, Chris Creech,
Robert Walker, Janice Williams, Norman Shields, Jr., Dot Coleman, Ronald
Hicks, Ann Barker.
Deepest Sympathy to John Harrell and family on the recent death of his
brother, James Harrell. Condolences may be sent to 213 N. Sixth St., Hampton,
VA 23664.
Condolences to Irene Mears in the death of her daughter in law, Shirlee
Mears, in Orlando, Florida. Irene can be reached at 13 Timberline Crescent,
Newport News, VA 23606.
Monday, June 8th at 10:00am, bible study in the fellowship hall with Pastor Haley
leading us in in Chapter 4 of 1st Peter. All are welcome!
Leading our Worship Service on Sunday, June 7
Communion Stewards: Mike and Kim Webster
Crucifers: (8:30)
Acolytes: (8:30)
Lay Readers: (8:30) Hal Swiatek
(10:45) Marcus Jacobs
Ushers: (8:30) Ed Wagner, Jr., Al Hall (10:45) Linda & Dave Dellinger,
Jonathan Smith, John Midyette
Leading our Worship Service on Sunday, June 14
Acolytes: (8:30)
Lay Readers: (8:30) Shelby Knoble (10:45) Sally Spreder
Ushers: (8:30) Ed Wagner, Jr., Al Hall (10:45) Glenn Miller’s Team
Welcome! Please join us in welcoming the newest members of our
staff, Kaylee Correll and Megan Dible. Kaylee has accepted the position of
Nursery Attendant and Megan the position of Youth Coordinator With their
background and experience, both ladies will be an asset to the anticipated
growth of the Church and we are blessed to have them as an addition to our
church family.
It’s Time for Directory Pictures!! Photography sessions begin Tuesday, June
9th at 2:00 p.m. Please enter through the back of the church and arrive 10
minutes prior to your scheduled time (to sign in). Pictures and viewing will be done
in the educational wing of the church, specifically room 110 (the history room) and
109 (the preschool music room). Be sure to wear a smile!!
Vacation Bible School 2015. It will be held at St. Andrews/Hilton Presbyterian
the week of July 13 -17. Just Around the Corner! VBS will soon be here. Have you
registered your children, grandchildren, neighbors? Can you volunteer to help the
week of July 13-17? Each church's congregation can help VBS by bringing in
items to support the Menchville House, the mission of this year's VBS. Baskets are
located in the narthex for paper products, paper plates, towels, cups, tissue, plastic
ware, and children's sheets.
United Methodist Men will have our annual yard sale on June 27, 8:00 a.m. to
noon, and we are requesting donations of items that we can sell. You may
place your items on the stage in the fellowship hall or in room 105. If you have
donations that need to be picked up, please call Bill Knoble at 930-3311. Thank
you for your generosity.
Thank you to all who donated and who assisted in filling the mission tote
bags for school kits. We had 133 kits for the conference from our church! These
kits go to UMCOR where why reach around the world for those in need.