May 2015 Newsletter - First United Methodist Church of Pleasanton


May 2015 Newsletter - First United Methodist Church of Pleasanton
Volume 158, Issue 6
Good News
June 2015
First United Methodist Church, Pleasanton, Texas
G-Force! VBS!
Special points of interest:
 G-Force! VBS!, p. 1
 From Our Wesley Nurse, p. 1
Inside this issue:
A Pilgrim’s Log
Worship in June
Hello, Pleasanton 1st United
Methodist Church
Church Council Minutes,
May 17, 2015
June 2015 Calendar
Children: School is out,
which means it is officially
VBS season. Our church
will be hosting VBS for 4yr
olds - 5th grade on June
22nd-26th from 9am11:30am. There are
registration papers in the
narthex as well as on-line
registration. If you have a
child that would like to
attend VBS you can
register them at
leasanton or pick up a
registration paper in the
I also have lots of
opportunities for
volunteers. I will have a
sign up sheet in the
narthex as well every
Sunday for you to check
out and sign up if you'd
like. You can also email or
text me if you would like
to volunteer.
Youth: Our high school
kids will be headed to
Arkansas on June 11th14th. Please say a prayer
for all of us for safe
travels and an all together
faith filled experience.
Sunday School/ Children's
Church: With summer
comes family vacations,
which is great! So, for the
months of June, July, and
August we will combine all
Sunday school classes
into one room (which will
be the Kinder room) and
Children's church will take
a break until September.
Nacona 
From Our Wesley Nurse
Blessing to All,
first Food Policy Council is
starting and we need
people to come join. The
Stephanie with the food
bank and Dru with Texas
A&M Agrilife Extension
Agent and I are starting
this council. If your
passion is healthy food
and feeding hungry kids
and families we would
love to have you join.
A few things that will be going
on here and in Atascosa
June 2nd & 16th Tuesday
at 11:00 am Master of
Memory will be held at
Senior’s Day at 2909
Austin Cir. Jourdanton, TX
at the Elderly Housing
Authority everyone is
June 3rd at 1:00pm, the
June 4th healthy cooking
class at Jourdanton
Square apartments
12:00 noon.
June 11th UMW group at
2Pm will be presenting
Stress Management.
My new hours June 1- Sept 4th
will be 7am to 6 pm
I was asked if I could do a
yoga class and I need to know
if anyone else is interested.
Please contact me at 210275-8809 if you are.
In His Love,
Linda Harper WN 
Page 2
Volume 158, Issue 6
A Pilgrim’s Log
If we hear the Spirit
well as we read the
Bible or pray, then
we may hear the
necessity to love
beyond our human
capacity: agapē!
Grace (graciousness is
another topic) is the key to
discipleship. First, grace in
Christian understanding is
God’s unlimited,
unmerited, unconditional
love directed towards all of
God’s Creation. That love,
which we also call agapē
(αγαπη), surrounds us
We participate in agapē
when we accept Jesus
Christ as Savior and Lord.
We are able to share it (a
scandal to first century
Greeks, who believed that
agapē was only the
possession of deity). Paul’s
First Letter to the
Corinthians has a chapter
devoted to it (1 Corinthians
13). Jesus demonstrated it
even towards his enemies.
Jesus commanded us to
love God, neighbor, and
self in terms of agapē.
If we are to live in and
enact grace (God’s
unlimited, unmerited,
unconditional agapē), we
must ask for help from
God’s Holy Spirit, given to
the followers of Jesus (the
Body of Christ, the Church)
at Pentecost Sunday in 29
As a result, we may love
even our enemies, not only
our friends. We can
certainly return agapē to
God as we would to our
parents or grandparents.
We may also love ourselves
in healthy and wholesome
Jesus also said that we
should love one another as
he loved us, with that
agapē, and in so doing
demonstrate that we are
his disciples. Disciples
serve, disciples are humble
(not humiliated), disciples
put the other before
themselves, disciples do
not toot their own horn nor
are prideful about having a
gift (or two) from the Spirit
for the common good.
Agapē has implications for
the ministries of the
church. A willingness to
include everyone, whether
they are like us or not; a
radical decision not to
judge anyone, but rather
leave that up to God alone;
a generosity of spirit and
substance; an
understanding that the
mission field is not us, but
those who do not know
God, especially those in our
If we hear the Spirit well as
we read the Bible or pray,
then we may hear the
necessity to love beyond
our human capacity:
Pastor George  ☺ 
Worship in June
6/7 2nd Sunday After
Psalm 138
Mark 3:20-35
6/14 3rd Sunday After
Dan Barrow,
6/28 5th Sunday After
Rev. Johnny Arrington’s
first Sunday
6/21 4th Sunday After
Psalm 9:9-20
2 Corinthians 6:113
Page 3
Volume 158, Issue 6
Hello, Pleasanton 1st United Methodist Church
If I were to write all that
is on the hearts of both
Patti and I as we
prayerfully contemplate
our upcoming move to
Pleasanton and all that
awaits each of us in
ministry together, well,
let's just say it wouldn't
be a very short letter of
introduction. I will do
my best to keep this
one short in honor of
space and time.
I will begin with a huge
thank-you to all who
made us feel so
welcome when we
finally had the
opportunity to meet
with the SPR ministry
team and others. A
special thanks to Rev.
Bradley and Mrs.
Bradley for opening
their home, the
parsonage, in the midst
of a very busy time.
There were so many
reminders to us of the
hospitality and down to
earth joy of "coming
home", which is exactly
how we both feel about
our move. When we
begin our time with
each of you it will be
our fourth appointment
and we are beyond
excited to get started.
Patti asked the other
day if I was going to tell
my "Texas" jokes any
more. I guess we better
let this cat out of the
bag early, I was born
and raised in Oklahoma
but got wise and
married a wonderful
Texas girl, see it gets
better already. My
response to Patti was,
"No more Texas jokes,
they work just as well
as Okie jokes." My point
is this, God has blessed
us in countless ways
over the past 17 years
of ministry and each
one has been joyful. I
love to laugh, to be a
part of the church and
the community I'm
blessed to serve in. My
faith is such that I see
God and the hand of
God in all things. I
assure you I embrace
my faith and my
relationship with the
Lord with all my being.
The greatest joy is when
I get to share that
journey with others
through laughter, tears,
quiet times and joyful
celebrations of life. I
sure could go on and on
but I hope this gives you
a very small glimpse of
how God has blessed
us and how we are
already praying God will
bless each of you as we
begin this journey
Almost 30 years ago a
newly married, fairly
young couple moved to
Colorado to live our
lives in the mountains
and all that is to be
experienced in those
mountains. God did not
disappoint. I can't count
the times when we
were sitting on top of a
14er or sitting beside a
campfire saying, "this is
awesome, we will never
leave." At that time we
felt no greater joy and
never expected to feel
any different. We
weren't going
anywhere. A Rabbi
friend once told me, "if
you want to make God
laugh, just tell God your
plans." We told God our
plans often and it
always included
Colorado. For the very
first time since that
proclamation of never
leaving Colorado was
shared between Patti
and I, we now have that
same feeling of
excitement, joy
and anticipation about
coming to serve with
you in Pleasanton, the
Las Misiones district
and the Rio Texas
conference. I actually
never expected to feel
that way again, but,
here we are and we
can't seem to pack fast
enough. I hope you
kinda get the idea.
So, we hold the church,
each of you, in our
hearts and prayers. We
can't wait to meet you,
discover God's call on
us as the church in
Pleasanton and get
things going. Basically,
we're coming home and
we can't wait.
The good thing is, we'll
have lots of time for
more details, more
conversations and
much to celebrate, side
by side.
Maybe I should say,
Pastor Johnny 
Page 4
Volume 158, Issue 6
Church Council Minutes, May 17, 2015
Those Present: John
Mayse, Peggy Schulze,
Curt Conroy, Ken Trapp,
Jr., Nacona David, Denise
Petter, Mike Petter, Fran
Mayse, Mary Carolyn
Chambers, Aileene
Oelkers, Judy Havins,
Frances Knight, , Pastor
George Bradley, and
Sandy Coward.
Denise opened the
meeting with a prayer.
The motion was made by
Peggy to accept the
minutes as presented,
seconded by Mary Carolyn
and the motion carried.
Peggy gave the
treasurer’s report. We still
owe $36, 343 on our
building repair note. We
have $8915 that has not
been applied. She
recommended we pay
that towards our building
fund debt. Judy made the
motion to pay $10,000 on
the note and it was
seconded by Mike. The
motion carried.
Curt reported that we are
ahead of the budget
currently, which is a good
place to be going into the
Ken reported that he is
going to follow up with the
roofer about a leak. He
feels that it will be
covered by warranty. Both
gates have been repaired.
The lights in the
fellowship hall and
Nacona’s office have
been repaired. The door
to the upstairs classroom
needs to be repaired and
to install a small awning
above the door. The cost
will be about $600. We
discussed the ceiling in
the parlor and cleaning
the carpet. Fran said that
she would talk with Goldie
and the Memorial
Committee about picking
up that cost.
Ken also discussed the
parsonage repairs that
are needed. Pastor John
will be moving into the
parsonage on June 4 or 5,
so it needs to be done
prior to his move in date.
The parsonage has some
repairs that need to be
made before he moves in.
The bathroom faucet and
the toilet will be repaired
by South Texas Plumbing.
The awning needs repair
and some fascia board
and trim. It will probably
be about $500. Barlett
Tree will trim the tree over
the roof and the tree
growing into the power
line. Rocking B gave him a
bid of $2700 to replace
the carpet or $3140 if we
choose vinyl flooring. The
last estimate to repaint
was $6000. Judy made
the motion to paint and
replace the carpet with
vinyl floors. Nacona made
the second and the
motion carried.
Nacona reported that the
Sunshine Kids had a
great last day for this year.
The Youth, with UMM
raised $540 Sunday at
breakfast. The money will
be used for their trip to
the Heifer Project Farm.
El Castillo came to the
rescue and helped on
Sunday. Nacona will send
a letter to the editor of the
Pleasanton Express with
Denise reported that Beth
asked for volunteers on
Wednesday about 10:00
to unload the food from
the Food Bank and on
Thursday to help with the
Pastor George reported
for Audrey that we now
have 343 members, after
Jackie Polson and
Monique and Terry Snyder
joined our church. Anisa,
their daugher, will be a
prepatory member.
Judy reported that UMW
met last Thursday with 10
members present. They
voted to purchase 2 car
seats for Linda’s Safety
Project. There was
discussion about the lack
of summer camps for our
conference. We are going
to get creative. Nacona is
working on some ideas for
activities next summer for
our youth. UMW has
purchased the warming
oven and new coffee pots
for our kitchen. We will be
celebrating Senior Sunday
on May 31.
Mike reported that the
breakfast was a great
activity for UMM. UMM
will be supporting the
youth on their trip to the
Heifer Project Farm. They
are planning the hayride
in the fall for our youth.
Aileene reported that
there will be a coffee for
Pastor George and Audrey
on June 21st. There will be
a pot luck on June 28th to
welcome Pastor John and
his wife. There will also be
5th Sunday meal on May
31. She reported that
CAM is in good shape
right now. We appreciate
the youth putting the
reminders out for the
Peggy reported that a
Going Away Party is
planned for Pastor George
and Audrey on June 19 at
6:00 at their home. Peggy
and Mel, Tannah and
Randy, and Randy, Ruth
Ann and Larry are making
Mary Carolyn closed with
a prayer.
Sandy Coward 
Page 5
Volume 158, Issue 6
June 2015
B: Bonnie McCown
B: Alex Brock
6 pm Holy Thursday
Worship Service
B: June Thompson
6:45 pm Good Friday
Worship Service
A: Danny & Joett
9:30 am Nursing Home
10 am Staff Meeting
B: Rebecca Dowdy, Eric
Yerkes, Sam Syring
A: Pat & Gina Cassaday
B: Lillley Conroy
B: Brentley Blalock,
Hope Macklin
2 pm UMW Daytime
3 pm Interagency
Council; CBC
6 pm Girls Scouts T-53
B: Stephanie Cude
4 pm Brush Country
Emmaus; FUMC
B: Tannah Tolbirt
A: James & Tenley
Barrow, Phillip & Amy
B: Brandon Below, Dora
9 am Pastor @ SATX:
Family Systems
6 pm UMM
6:30 Cub Scouts
B: Torey Dumont
1 pm Pastor @
B: Brian Butschek
B: Patricia Talkington
B: Gary Shannon
6 pm Church Council
B: Kellie Cochran
B: Deanna Popham
6 pm CASA Board
B: Deborah Keeler,
David Aydan Smith
10 am Pastor @
Spiritual Life &
Communion at Argent
A: Elton & Ilene
6 pm Girls Scouts T-53
A: Wade & Leslie Dowdy
A: Jerry & Sara
B: Amanda Brendele,
Troy Dusek
Recurring Events
SUN: Sunday School, 9:30 am; Worship, 10:45 am
MON: Walking Exercise—8 am
TUE, THU: Mother’s Day Out - 9 am-3 pm
TUE: T.O.P.S., 5 pm
WED: Walking Exercise—8 am; [THE FOLLOWING ARE OFF
DURING THE SUMMER] “Sunshine Kids”/UMW Women’s Bible
Study—5:45 pm; “Good Grief” Group—6 pm; Choir—7 pm
 FRI: El Charro Emmaus Group—6:15 am; Prickly Pear Emmaus
Group - 7 am; Walking Exercise—8 am
First United Methodist Church
PO Box 187
Pleasanton TX 78064
PO Box 187
(420 N. Main St.)
Pleasanton, TX 78064
Voice: 830-569-2083
Fax: 830-569-6450
We’re on the Web: