Holy Priests for a Holy People – with the Heart of


Holy Priests for a Holy People – with the Heart of
The Ascension of the Lord
The Sanctuary Candle burns this week
For the Intentions of Pedro Marthel.
All Saints is a tithing community, giving back a
portion of God’s blessings in gratitude.
Our Call to Holiness
“Holy Priests for a Holy People –
with the Heart of Jesus”
Monday, May 17th ~ Acts 19:1-8; Jn 16:29-33
Mother’s Day Novena
In Memory of Frank Grimes
Tuesday, May18th ~ Acts 20:17-27; Jn 17:1-11a
St. John I
All Saints rejoices with the parents and families of
Casey Jean Caola and Jacob Thomas Fleming who
were recently welcomed into God’s family.
Congratulations and Best Wishes to Basilio G. Lizano and
Carmen E. Martinez who were married at All Saints last
weekend. May the Lord bless you and support you in this
beautiful commitment.
Please pray for those who are sick or in need, especially ~
Anastasia Adams, Jean Agnew, Manuela Alegrado, Marcella
Altizer, Helen and Rakesh Andrews, Megan Arp, Lorrie Ball,
Robin Bast, Robert Benedetto, Margaret Berdak, Denise
Biggs, John Borden, Tom Branigan, Jay Briseno, Jody
Carpenter, Timothy Ceschin, Brian Clark, Charlie Colby,
Charles Colgan Jr., John Connelly, Amy Cooke, Valerie
Corliss, Sandra Culebro, Riley Cullen, Carly Czajkowski,
Robert Dantona, Peter DeFranks, Karen Degennaro, Leo
DiFilippo, Judy Donovan, Stephanie Doyle, Lynn FergusonKerns, Nicole Fini, Reagan Elizabeth Flemming, Brooks
Foley, Nick Foley, Shannon Gammon, Graciela Garcia,
Teresa Ann Gilday, K. Darrell Gillman, Claude Grant,
Joseph Gonzalez, Moira Hall, Iva Hanford, Mary Hanford,
MaryAnn Hassan, David Hawkins, Danyl Henderson, Jack
Herbstreit, Gary Herman, Francisco Hernandez-Tarralba,
James Higgins, Autumn Hoeft, Marie Horn, Sherry Hudson,
Mary Hutchinson, Audra Peer Jackson, Mickey Johnson
Family, Mary Margaret Kohill, Jean Kovarik, Joyce Kozosky,
Joe Krzywicki, Bill Lahr, Brian Lee, Marian Lomis, John
Lucas, Morris Lusk, Ariadna Melendez-Guzman, Liem Shinta
Maria, Lenny Martelli, Patricia McAndrew, Kimberly
McNamara, Mary Ellen Merchant, Eduardo Minas, Ken
Moan, Terry Monihan, Bobbie Moore, Tullis Moyers, Julie
Kay Natali, George H. Nitzel Jr., Janice Parr Novak, William
Osborne, Anthony Panameno, Michelle Parker, Dottie
Patrick, Maria and Eduardo Pereira, Abigail Pell, Irma
Powell, Angela Reading, Jose Manual Rosales Rescendiz,
Sean Riley, Megan Rivera, Mary Rogers, Rita Rooney, Fred
Rose, Anthony S., Ariana Samoy, Donovan Samoy, Des
Sassov, Susie Serene, Diane Lynn Smith, Sheryl Smith, Stan
Sobczynski, Donna Stecker, Chela Sullivan, James Suraci,
Maureen Terza, Mary Tolley, Antonio Uribe, Jim
Westerhouse, Eleanor Grace Wisniewski, Robert W. Woods
and Richard Zavadowski
In Thanksgiving for Prayers Answered to
St. Rita
In Memory of Russell Townsend Sr.
Wednesday, May 19th ~ Acts 20:28-38; Jn 17:11b-19
In Memory of William E. McKenzie
In Memory of Christopher Lawston
Thursday, May 20th ~ Acts 22:30; 23:6-11; Jn 17:20-26
St. Bernardine of Siena
In Memory of Agnes Colgan
In Memory of Barbara Purcell
Friday, May 21st ~ Acts 25:13b-21; Jn 21:15-19
St. Christopher Magallanes and His Companions
In Memory of Ksawera Nuar
Intentions of the Faculty, Staff and Students
of All Saints School
Holy Hour and Adoration
Saturday, May 22nd ~ Acts 28:16-20,30-31; Jn 21:20-25
St. Rita of Cascia
Intentions of Royce V. Soberano
In Memory of Caroline Zartman
Intentions of the John Mohl Family
Sunday, May 23rd ~ Acts 2:1-11; Ps 104; 1 Cor 12:3b-7,12-13, Rom 8:8-17
Pentecost Sunday
Intentions of All Parishioners
Intentions of Marcel Gloesslein
In Memory of Jesse Riley
In Memory of Victoria Lisseth Chong
In Thanksgiving for Senor Huanca
Intentions of Kaitlin McCormick on the
16th Anniversary of her Baptism
In Memory of Ofelina Mendoza
~ Please pray for all the faithful departed ~
Josephine A. Demeria and Fr. Jack Fullen
A Message from our Pastor,
Fr. Bob Cilinski
Happy Anniversary
Congratulations to all Clergy on their Anniversaries of
Ordination being celebrated this year:
Fr. Bob Cilinski
May 12th
Fr. Gregory Thompson June 10th
Fr. Francisco Mendez June 24th
“Then he led them (out) as far as Bethany, raised his hands, and
blessed them. As he blessed them he parted from them and was
taken up to heaven. They did him homage and then returned to
Jerusalem with great joy, and they were continually in the temple
praising God.” ~ Luke 24:50-53
“God mounts his throne amid shouts of joy; The Lord amid
trumpet blasts. Sing praise to god, sing praise;
sing praise to our king, sing praise.” ~ Psalm 47:6-7
My Dear Friends,
Rev. Mr. John W. Eberlein
March 10th
Rev. Mr. Richard T. O’Connell
May 7th
31 Years (1979)
4 Years (2006)
50 Years (1960)
36 Years (1974)
22 Years (1988)
Not without embarrassment does the priest learn how,
through his weak and petty words, people can smile in the
last moment of their life; how, through what he says, people
find meaning again. He learns with gratitude how, through
his ministry, people discover the glory of God. He learns
how, through him, God does great things, and he is full of
joy to know that to be a priest is at once the greatest
demand and the greatest gift. ~ Pope Benedict XVI
Today we celebrate the Ascension of the Lord.
The New Testament does not end with a period but with an
exclamation point! Our scriptures don’t close with a
declarative statement, but open out to all ages with the
hope-filled exclamation, “COME LORD JESUS!”
While longing for the coming of Christ in glory at the end
of time, we believe that He comes to us in these in-between
times. We live in the in-between times of Christ’s
ascension into heaven and His glorious second coming.
The risen Christ pours out His spirit into the heart of His
people. Pentecost gives birth to the Church. Our God has
made us the body of Christ and the dwelling place of His
Holy Spirit on earth. The Vatican II affirmed this when it
stated that “the Church is Sacrament.” We are signs of
intimate union with God and the unity of all mankind; we
are instruments for the achievement of such union and
unity. Our seven Sacraments are indeed particular actions
of Christ continuing his ministry in and through the
sacramental Church. Jesus prayed that “all may be one.”
At the Eucharist, the Church involves the Holy Spirit to
accomplish this unity in us. Our gifts of bread and wine
become the Body and Blood of Christ given for us. The
Risen Christ is really present feeding our deepest hungers
and bringing us into communion with Christ. May we at
All Saints recognize that the differences among us make no
difference at all. All are one in Christ Jesus! Let us pray
for the coming of the Holy Spirit this Pentecost. Come
Lord Jesus!
Love and blessings,
Fr. Bob Cilinski
Ever-living God and Father of us all,
you give to your Church the Priesthood of your Son, Jesus, and by
the power of the Holy Spirit,
you provide holy priests for a holy people.
We pray for all our priests,
who announce the Word of God
and celebrate the Sacraments,
for those who are young and those who are old,
for those who serve in difficult and trying circumstances,
for those who are faithful and those who are faltering, and for
those who have died.
We entrust all our priests to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
and to the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
that they may persevere with fidelity
to you and to your Church.
With Saint John Vianney, patron of priests,
we pray that our priests may never fail to lead us to you.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Spiritual Bouquet Cards
Mark the Year for Priests, declared by Pope Benedict, by making
spiritual sacrifices for our priests! Simply fill out the Spiritual
Bouquet prayer cards available at the entrance to the parish or
online at www.arlingtondiocese.org. Please indicate on the card,
the number of Masses, Rosaries, Acts of Kindness, etc., that you
will offer for our priests, and return the bottom half of the card to
the Parish Office, drop it in the basket at the back of the Church,
or return it by mail. There is also a space on the back to write a
personal note, if you so choose.
Save the Date!
Mass of Dedication
All Saints Catholic Church
Saturday, August 14, 2010 at 10:30am
All Saints
Volunteer Appreciation Mass
You are cordially invited to
attend the
All Saints Parish Adult Lay
Ministry Volunteer Appreciation
Mass and Reception hosted by
the Pastor and Priests .
Please plan to join Bishop Paul Loverde, Father Bob Cilinski
and the members of our church and civic communities as we
celebrate the dedication of our beautiful new church building.
Check the All Saints website for updated photos of the
church interior.
Prayer for our New Church
Heavenly Father, author and inspirer of all things holy,
hear our prayers for our new Church. Send forth Your
Spirit that we may humbly be guided by your Divine Will.
Touch our hearts with true generosity to raise up a house of
God for the inspiration and renewal of all your faithful.
May the God who bestows great gifts on us continue to
bless us and nourish us in the days ahead. May our work
always reflect God’s glory. May our lives always reflect
God’s mercy. May our hearts always reflect God’s love.
Bless us Lord, as we gather, as we share, and as we work
for your Kingdom. We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Amen. Mary, Queen of All Saints, pray for us.
3.1 Million Pledged from
Church Completion Campaign
Cost of New Church Construction
12 Million
Total Cash Raised
$8.1 Million
Please join Father Bob Cilinski
and your fellow parishioners in
an Appreciation Mass and
Reception in your honor.
Wednesday, June 23rd
7:00pm Mass
All Saints Catholic Church
Following Mass, a reception will
be held at the Knights of
Columbus Hall.
Please RSVP by Monday, June 14th to voice
mail (703) 368-4500 ext. 112 or e-mail
This is an Adult only event (age 18 and
above). Thank you for your understanding.
Pro-Life Message
Pastoral Care Services
Supreme Court Sanity - In 2007, the US Supreme Court
upheld the federal ban on “partial-birth abortion.” In that
decision, the majority opinion states, “Respect for human
life finds an ultimate expression in the bond of love the
mother has for her child … It is self-evident that a mother
who comes to regret her choice to abort must struggle with
grief more anguished and sorrow more profound when she
learns the process.
Please notify us if you have a family member in Prince
William Hospital or one of the nursing homes. A priest or
Eucharistic Minister will then visit. Please leave patient’s
name and room number. In order to provide pastoral care
of the sick and their families, we need to be informed.
Please call us at (703) 393-1411 with the name of the
person in need.
Please pray to end abortions in Manassas. Peaceful
demonstrations are conducted along the northbound side of
Sudley Road on the sidewalk between Stonewall Road and
Grant Avenue. To help coordinate coverage of these hours,
a sign-up sheet can be found in the back of the church. Call
Aaron Messier at (703) 754-9712 for further details. God
bless you for all that you do for the unborn.
The Living Church: God’s Building
#59 In a Series - Building Maintenance
The design process will include planning for the long-term
and short-term maintenance of the new or renovated
building. The beauty and utility of a place of worship can
be sustained only by an ongoing, careful attention to its
upkeep through regular maintenance. Therefore, funds for
both general maintenance and capital improvements should
be anticipated in every future parish budget.
Durability and maintenance expenses are critical factors in
the selection of building materials and of the mechanical,
electrical, and plumbing systems. Decisions made on the
basis of short-term economy can be very costly when
viewed from the perspective of long-term expenses. A
well-thought-out plan for maintenance that includes a
financial component is necessary in the case of existing
structures. In addition, special attention may be needed
when the maintenance of historical buildings is at issue.
St. Vincent de Paul Society
If you are facing a financial emergency, please call (703)
368-2429; or, for Spanish-speaking members, please call
(703) 393-1483. If you would like to learn how you can
help, or join the St. Vincent de Paul Society, please call
(703) 368-2429 and you will be contacted by an All Saints
Parish Vincentian.
If you would like your loved one to be placed on our Parish
Prayer Tree, please call Maureen at (703) 361-4066. If you
would like your loved one to be placed in the bulletin,
please call Linda at (703) 393-1430.
Weekend Retreat for People Facing Serious Illness - A
retreat specially planned for men and women facing serious
physical illness will be held at the Dominican Retreat
House in McLean on May 28th-30th. A team of doctors,
nurses, priests, sisters and helpers will be present around the
clock. Scheduling allows plenty of time for rest and
reflection. This retreat is offered free of charge. This is a
non-smoking weekend. Registration closes May 19th.
Please call as soon as possible to the Dominican Retreat
House at (703) 356-4243.
“You will be My witness to the ends of the earth.” If you
think the Lord may be inviting you to carry on His mission
as a priest, deacon, or in consecrated life, please call Father
Brian Bashista at (703) 841-2514.
Servants at the Altar of the King of Kings
The following servers are scheduled for next weekend’s
Masses. Please remember them in your prayers.
Sat. 5/22
Laura Bailey
Allison Shomo
Sean Walk
Katie Walk
Sat. 5/22
Sarah Rouzer
Emilia Jaskot
Alyssa DeRaymond
Justin DeRaymond
Sun. 5/23
Ronan DuFrain
Michael Scheetz
Jonathan Fioramonti
John Foeckler
Sun, 5/23
Tony Holl
Stephen Foeckler
Nicky Gould
Andy Gould
Sun. 5/23
James Bartolozzi
Bobby Walk
Jonathan Jacobeen
Nicole Stalker
Sun, 5/23
George Anderson
Daniel Van Gorder
Nick Allen
Williard Humphries
Michael Primeau
Sun, 5/23
Paul Rook
Gabriel Freivald
Colin Foltz
Patrick Dunegan
Parish Life
Religious Education
Pre-K thru 8th Grade
Parish Library located in the School Gym Foyer
Sundays from 8:30am-12:00 noon and …
Wednesdays from 7:00-9:00pm
Eucharistic Adoration
“Could you not spend one hour with me?”
Adorers needed for the following hours: Monday from
12:00-1:00am and Monday from 2:00-3:00am
Thursday evening from 11:00pm-12:00am
Please call Aime at (703) 392-5260 if
you would like to adore.
May is the month of Our Lady. Come join us after 8:00am
Mass on Saturday, May 22nd in the Fr. Kelley Hall as we
continue the EWTN Home Video Series, “Hail Holy
Queen” with Scott Hahn and Mike Aquilina. View the
talks and enter the lively discussions thereafter. All are
welcome. Please contact Jim or Jean Mosimann at (703)
743-1430 for further information.
The Parish Library is asking for donations of religious
books in Spanish. If you have items to donate, they may
be placed in the Book Return located in the foyer of the
Church or dropped off at the Parish Library located in the
foyer of the gym Sunday mornings 8:30-12:00 noon. If
you are bi-lingual and would like to volunteer in the Parish
Library, please call Sheila at (703) 369-2436.
Prayer Shawl Ministry - Members of the Prayer Shawl
Ministry met recently to pray over the 12 shawls they had
made. The shawls were then distributed to parishioners
who are in need of the comfort, peace, and love that these
shawls can provide. The ministry would welcome more
knitters and crocheters to work in this worthwhile service.
Donations of heavy yarn would also be appreciated and can
be left at the All Saints Parish office. For information,
please call Arlene Desmarais at (703) 791-4051.
Community Events
The 8th Annual Frances Kelly Blood Drive will be held on
Saturday, May 29th in the school Gym from 7:30am-2:30pm.
We are again counting on families to give blood, help us locate
donors, and pray for the success of our blood drive. Full details
of eligibility can be seen on the Red Cross web site www.myredcross.org.
Donors may schedule their appointments in the following ways:
1. Email the Kelly's at kckelly_1@juno.com.
2 . S c h e d u l e on l i n e a t ww w. m e m be r s f or l i fe . or g
using sponsor code 10817.
3. Call the Kelly's at 703-257-7203 (leave a message with name,
time wanted, phone no., and email address.)
Registration for RE 2010-2011
Registration has begun for the 2010-2011
year! All families are welcome to pick up a
registration form in the church foyer under
the RE bulletin board or in the RE office
Monday - Friday.
Volunteers are needed for the RE Program.
Take this opportunity to volunteer with the children of our
parish as they learn of Jesus and His kingdom. Volunteer
forms are available in the church foyer.
First Communion
Please do not forget to attend your rehearsal for your First
Communion Mass. If you have any questions, call the RE
office or email Anna Marie at conroyam@allsaintsva.org.
RE Office: (703)393-2142
Young Adult Ministry
Game Night - The last Friday of every month is game night
for the young adults! We gather at the Knights of
Columbus Hall at 7:30pm to enjoy an evening of board,
card, and video games. Refreshments are provided, but you
provide the fun! Bring your friends and share in a great
night of fellowship in Christ.
Rush Hour Rosary/Bible Study - Every Tuesday, the
YAM will gather in front of the Mary statue to pray the
Rosary at 7:00pm. Immediately following the Rosary we
discuss a pre-determined Biblical passage, share prayer
intentions, and socialize with other young adults. All are
welcome! For information regarding which passages from
the Bible we are reading, please refer to our weekly events
email and our Facebook group.
All Saints Young Adult Ministry is open to anyone in their
20's and 30's, married or single, who is interested in
growing in their faith along with their Catholic
peers. Contact Sarah at allstyam@gmail.com for more
information or to be added to the email list.
Did you know that All Saints Parish has a
Cub Scout? It’s true! Pack 1188 has been
proudly serving the All Saints community
for over 30 years and sponsored by the
Knights of Columbus George Brent
Council #5332.
All Saints Golf Tournament – Monday, May 17th at the
Evergreen Country Club
Spring Choral Concert – Thursday, May 20th at 7:30pm
Final Day of Pre-Kindergarten – Thursday, May 27th
All Saints Shines in Diocesan Music Festival
All Saints Schola recently participated in the Diocesan
Music Festival at John Paul the Great High School. Choirs
and music groups from Catholic elementary and high
schools from across the Diocese performed for each other
and received comments from adjudicators highly
specialized in music education and choral conducting. Our
students performed two songs: "How Deep the Riches" and
"Hosanna Processional." They sang beautifully and
received wonderful comments referring to their "sweet
voices," "great composure," and "very enjoyable
performance." Congratulations to the following students:
Kaitlin Andres
Josephine Bennett
Gwen Blasco
Caroline Birmingham
Caton Brisbin
Mary-Margaret Burns
Leslie Chang
Erika Corchado
Meredith Hackerson
Lauren Jerothe
Carolyn Karcher
Vivienne Penders
Allison Rice
Danyelle Rinker
Lorraine Saupan
Megan Stalker
Katie Walk
Three All Saints 7th Graders Capture Prizes At Diocesan
Science Fair
The annual Diocese of Arlington Science Fair competition
was recently held at Paul VI High School in Fairfax.
Monica Gonzalez captured a third place award in the field
of Zoology for her science fair project entitled, “Can You
Hear Me,” in which she studied the effect of temperature
on the communication habits of crickets. Also winning a
third place award was fellow seventh grader Heather
Barnes for her project “Water as Fuel.” Choosing
Environmental Science as her category, Ms. Barnes built a
small engine which she operated at different temperature
extremes. “Shhh! Is It Quiet Now?” was the title of the
science fair project of seventh grader, Gwendolyn Blasco
who merited an honorable mention in the category of
Physics by investigating which type of insulation would
best sound-proof a room. Additional participants
representing All Saints at the diocesan science fair
included: Alyssa DeRaymond, Patrick Fall, Isabella Meier,
Ellen Orsi and Harrison Tamke.
Scouting isn’t about gluing macaroni to
paper plates! It offers a range of ageappropriate programs that provide fun and
adventure while helping build your son’s leadership,
teamwork, physical/mental fitness, and spirit of service and
duty, helping him grow into a competent, caring, adult of good
Boys can start at any level and no prior experience is required,
as long as they are between six and 12 years old. Our new
year starts in June, so all boys from current Kindergartener to
fourth grade are invited to our open house at our next pack
meeting in the Knights of Columbus Hall at 7:00pm on May
Your new Scout will experience a wide range of social
activities and award requirements that develop his selfresponsibility, confidence, and service ethic. Neighborhood
and family centered, Cub Scouts (Grades 1-5) meet weekly or
bi-weekly in small groups (dens) in homes or other community
locations led by volunteer den leaders, and monthly in pack
meetings with families and all other dens. They work on
award requirements (advancements) at meetings and with their
families, as well as take part in pack and den field trips and
special Cub Camps.
Along the way they also have
unbelievable amounts of fun!
If you have a Scouting-age boy who might be interested, give
us a call. He can come to a Pack meeting, see what’s going
on, and decide if it’s something he wants to be a part of. No
pressure. No obligation. To get the details call or e-mail
either Cubmaster Randy Waddy, (703) 283-0717/
rrwaddy@yahoo.com or Committee Chair Phil Kellogg at
(703) 365-0863/rbslkellogg@verizon.net.
Drama & Art Camps in Catholic Setting: Early Bird
Discounts! All Saints in Manassas & St. Mark in Vienna are
hosting the Spotlight on the Arts Summer Camps which
features one week day camps for youth from Pre-K through
12th grade held at the end of July. There are a variety of camp
offerings including Art Explorer Camp, Arts & Crafts Fun
Camp, Drama Bootcamp, and Camp Broadway. These camps
are taught by Catholics with extensive training in their fields in
addition to experience working with young people. There are
early bird discounts offered for registrations received in the
next few weeks. or contact Rob Tessier, Camp Director, at
tessier@allsaintsva.org or (703) 393-2141.
All Saints Youth Ministry
Sunday Nights 6:30-9:00pm: Gym
High School Ministry
May 30th
8th-12th graders Welcome!
Capture the Flag
- Team game using All Saints
Summer Youth Group!!!
June 6th
Auditions for
Upper Room Theatre Ministries
Ice Cream & Movie Night
- See the “Blind Side” on big
screen and make Sundaes!
June 13th
Water Wars
- bring your Super Soaker or use
one of ours!.. & waterbaloons
Weekly Events!!!
Auditions: May 16th & 19th...
Callbacks May 23rd
8th-12th Graders, College Students,
& Young Adults in 20s and 30s!
Catholic Life
Communities (CLC)
Time Out Tuesdays
Get together with teens
who want to delve deeper
into their faith in a small
faith group. Just show
up… Upper Room:
The Upper Room is open
on Tuesdays from 3:154:45pm... Come & hang
out, play sports, video
games, and other games
with friends! Snacks
always provided... join us!
Girls: Mon, 7:00-8:30
Guys: Thurs, 7:30-9:00
Sign-up to AUDITION: 703-393-2141
Performances will be July 21-25
Director of Youth Ministry,
High School, College, & Theatre
Rob Tessier... (703) 393-2141
Assistant Director of Youth Ministry,
Middle School
Tiffany Lambert... (703) 393-2141 ext. 261
(Habla Español)
Middle School Ministry
6th-8th graders Welcome!
Coming up:
May 21: Prime Time
June 20-23: Workcamp
Aug 21: Potomac Nationals
Game, Families Welcome!!!
May 21st is a
BBQ Cookout!
1st & 3rd Fridays (Sept—May)
from 8:00-9:30pm in the Gym
Last Prime Time of the Year: May 21st: Celebrate our 8th graders!
6 & 7th graders bring sides and desserts to share!
Forms & Info can be found at the
Youth Ministry Bulletin Board in
the breezeway near the Gym.
Or, our website:
Program Assistant
Cathy Sledz...
(703) 393-2141 ext. 246
Junior High Workcamp
June 20—23
Starts Sunday evening & ends Wednesday night
Each day is 8:30am—8:30pm and includes
A Service project in the Manassas community,
free time, meals, mass, a fun-filled evening program, and everyone gets a free T-Shirt!
Cost: $80
Deadline: when its full
Great way to earn service
hours, have fun, and grow
in faith… join us!
Download the form at our website!
Misa de 1:30 ~ En Memoria de Asunción Corral
Misa de 7:00 ~ Intenciones de Todos los Parroquianos
PASTOR ~ Rev. Robert C. Cilinski: 703-393-2155
Rev. Francisco Méndez: 703-393-2152
SE BUSCAN LIBROS - La biblioteca parroquial busca donativos de libros religiosos en español. Se les pide poner
los donativos en la caja marcada “Book Return” a la entrada de la iglesia. También se pueden dar directamente a
la biblioteca, localizada a la entrada del gimnasio de la
escuela, los domingos de 8:30 a.m. a 12:00 del mediodía.
Cualquier pregunta favor de llamar a la oficina parroquial. Nuestra colección de libros en español es bien pequeña y nos gustaría mucho engrandecerla antes de abrir
la nueva iglesia.
BOLETÍN EN ESPAÑOL ~ Adriana Swidal: 703-368-4500
MISAS EN ESPAÑOL: Domingos: 1:30 p.m. y 7:00 p.m.
Avisos de Educación Religiosa
CONFESIONES: Sábados: 8:30 a 9:30 a.m. y 3:00 a 4:00 p.m.
Se realizan todos los domingos a las 2:30 p.m. La clase PreBautismal se da el segundo miércoles de cada mes a las 7:30 p.m.
Es necesario registrarse antes de venir a la clase para que se le
de un certificado. Los padrinos tienen que tener 16 años o más,
ser católico confirmado y que haya recibido la Primera
Comunión, y sí está casado, la ceremonia tiene que haber sido
celebrada por un sacerdote o diácono católico.
Es obligatorio un programa de preparación de seis meses antes
de la fecha deseada. No se casen civilmente antes de la
ceremonia religiosa.
ASISTENCIA FINANCIERA: La Sociedad de San Vicente de
Paúl le puede ayudar. Llame a (703) 393-1483 y deje mensaje.
Se habla español.
Eventos Parroquiales
Pablo II en 1982 dijo: “Legionarios su vocación es ser
levadura en el pueblo de Dios.” Sois un movimiento de
laicos que se propone hacer de la Fe la aspiración de la
propia vida hasta conseguir la santidad personal. La Legión se gloria de llevar como bandera el nombre de María ya que en unión con Ella y con el amor a la madre sea
mas conocido y amado su Hijo Jesús, que es el camino,
verdad y vida en cada uno de los hombres. Con un método de espiritualidad y apostolado.
Si usted desea: a) que la imagen de María le acompañe
por una semana; b) aprender a rezar y entender el Rosario; c) visitar a los enfermos; d) llamarse un autentico
católico; e) si usted tiene interés o desea pertenecer a este
grupo...por favor comuníquese con la oficina parroquial o
visítenos cada miércoles a las 7:00 p.m. en el salón #230
de la escuela Todos los Santos.
De Lunes a Viernes de 9:00 a.m. a 5:00 p.m.
Para los padres que tienen niños en 2o grado
que van ha recibir Comunión, no se les olvide
venir al ensayo de la Misa.
Registraciones para Educación Religiosa empezaron el 3
de mayo. Habrá formas en el vestíbulo de la iglesia y en
la Oficina de Educación Religiosa. Favor de entregar el
pago con la forma. No se recibirán registraciones sin el
pago. Nunca se les negara clases de religión a los niños.
Si tiene problemas con el pago, pueden hacer una cita
con la Coordinadora. Por favor entreguen su forma a la
Oficina de Educación Religiosa solamente.
También estamos buscando Catequistas, Asistentes y
Voluntarios para todos los grados. Si gustan mas
información, pueden llamarnos.
Rito de Iniciación Cristiana
Clases del Mes de Mayo
Domingo 11:45 a.m. a 1:15 p.m.
Mayo 16, 23
(El ultimo día de clases es el 30 de mayo)
Lunes: 7:00 p.m. a 8:30 p.m.
Mayo 17
(El ultimo día de clases es el 24 de mayo)
Los Certificados serán entregados el último día de clases
que será el 24 de Mayo para las clases del Lunes que
acaban de recibir Sacramentos el 4 y 10 de Abril.
El regreso para las clases del domingo será del 12 de
Septiembre a la misma hora de siempre.