telitec open day - Vista Costa Blanca
telitec open day - Vista Costa Blanca
FREE It’s all you need for a great read. 12th - 19th November 2014 (#52) Your Number One Read, Covering Alfaz del Pi, Albir , Altea, Benidorm, Finestrat, La Nucia, Moraira, & Villa Joyosa. HWE eaTWILL ing uREMEMBER p f o r f i e sT a s TemperaTures rise for Benidorm fiesTas week The final poppy was “planted” shortly before 11am on Armistice Day (11th November), the time which the armistice was signed, ending the war in 1918. Holiday makers and locals will Each of the 888,246 blooms have a fantastic time during the in the artwork, "Blood next week fiesta party and we Swept Lands and Seas of can expect temperatures rising Red," represents a life lost up to 30 degrees. The weather in World War I -- one for has been absolutely glorious, each of the British and last night the temperature didn't Colonial soldiers killed in drop below 20 degrees this is the conflict that began 100 absolutely amazing for this time years ago. of year and perfect for the thousands of party goers for 2014 Unfortunatly the amazing fiesta celebrations. installation... Read More.. See Center7 Pages continued on page Free varifocal lenses with glasses from 89€ See our ad inside for details 59€ 2 Info & Announcements Dear Readers As I am writing this note, I can see grey skies and dark grey sea; not the normal view from my window! However, it is still 14 degrees and with the forecast being positive for the week ahead. For today, it is actually pleasant to have a a look around and see the change of view across the coast line and over the mountains. We can see how a change in the weather can make such a difference to how we feel and to our general mood. I will enjoy a walk along the promenade followed by a lazy day on the sofa, as it is Sunday. With this years fiestas in Benidorm and Alfaz coming to an end, I have spoken to loads of people who have been enjoying the events and activities, as well as having had some very late nights. The surprising thing is where everyone gets their energy from, to be able to party day and night for almost a week. To me, this is an incredible feat. Maybe it is me getting old but then again, the average age of the party goers is 40+ ....... With just less than six weeks to Christmas Eve the shopping days are sliding away. Before we realise, we will be sitting down to Christmas dinner and taking time to see our friends and family. We aim to provide our readers with lots of Christmas bargains and gift ideas. So by reading each week, you will find our weekly features for shopping, home and family: with cooking ideas, recipes and Christmas events and entertainment. There will be a weekly snap shot of the very best things to do and what is going on in the North Costa Blanca. Next week we will be hosting our very own birthday celebration "The Weekly Buzz Birthday Bonanza" at the indoor market aisle 6, from 12 midday until 4pm. Not only are we celebrating our birthday, we are also celebrating our partnership with "TELITEC", who are the market leaders in the North Costa Blanca for telecommunications; Internet - UK TV - Telephone and Mobile. Come along to the official opening day of the Telitec shop at the Weekly Buzz press room on Thursday 20th November from 12 noon. We have some great free giveaways and opening offers on all of the products available. If you own a business and want to advertise, then please give the sales team a call, text or e mail on 673 652 340 or please come along to visit us in the indoor market in Benidorm. It is a great place to browse the many shops. You can eat and drink with a selection of cafe bars and you can pick up your FREE VISTA CARD in order to get hundreds of local savings and loyalty rewards. Read The Buzz online with all of the back issues available at Have a great week, and enjoy a massive Fiestas Party - we hope to see you there! Marco and the Buzz Team Deposito Legal A 447-2014 Printed by: INDUGRAFF OFFSET Sales Office: Via Emilio Ortuño, 15, 03500, Old Town Benidorm Press Office: Aisle 6 Indoor Market, Rincon de Loix, Benidorm Tel - 965 020 250 - - ADVERTISING DEADLINE EVERY WEDNESDAY FOR THE FOLLOWING WEEK PUBLICATION The Weekly Buzz, its publishers, members of staff and its agents do not accept responsibility for claims by advertisers nor can it be held responsible for any errors in advertisements which are reproduced from poor artwork, low quality electronic data or inadequate instructions for text or other layout features. Further no responsibility is accepted for any loss or damage caused by an error, inaccuracy or non-appearance of any advertisement, although all advertisements produced are checked prior to insertion. We regret that we cannot accept responsibility for more than ONE incorrect insertion and that no re-publication will be granted in the case of typographicalor minor changes which do not affect the value of the advertisement. E&OE. NO PART OF THIS NEWSPAPER MAY BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE PUBLISHERS Editor Benilon S.L Sales Co-ordinator Carol Sizer Telephone Sales Coordinator Lynda Ormston Design Manager Marco Baiardo Jr. 12th - 19th November BENIDORM Where to get ALBIR Consum LPD Travel Wyndhams Mendoza Supermarket Benidorm Indoor Market - Rincon De Loix Round Town Travel - Rincon De Loix & LA NUCIA C/Gerona Supermarket La Nucia Euro Cars Benidorm Palace - Rincon De Loix Aldi Supermarket Rays ll Chippy - Av Meditteraneo,58 VILLAJOYOSA/LA CALA ALTEA Expats Super Market Cafeteria Campomanes - Mascarat Harbour Sotherby’s MABS Charity Shop Lock Stock Bar Rascals Cafe ALFAZ Supermarket, Altea la Vella Mendoza Supermarket Yorkshire Linen, Cap Blanc PMR Property Moraira Telitec Office Monroes Yorkshire Pride Pubs - 1,2 & 3 Med Playa Hotels - Regente,Riudor, Rio Park Vincents Pubs - White Horse & Plaza Costa Less - (Close to Outdoor Market) Specsavers - Benidorm Old Town Quick Save next to Burger King Rincon Hotel Moli Expats PLUS OVER 100 MORE LOCATIONS MONDAY La Nucia - Opposite the auditorium in the town square, would be best to drive. TUESDAY Altea - Largest street market in the region, drive or take the number 10 bus from Benidorm. WEDNESDAY Benidorm - Outdoor market, situated near Hotel Pueblo, you can´t miss it, just follow the crowds! THURSDAY Villa Joyosa - Big market 09:00-14:00 free road parking. - El Cisne - Flea market, not far from Benisol camping. FRIDAY Alfaz Del Pi - The number 10 bus will take you to the start of the market, find fresh fruit & veg, clothes and shoes! SATURDAY La Cala - Busy Saturday market located right on the beach, great fun! SUNDAY Benidrom, La Cala, El Cisne, Albir, La Nucia & Polop Lots to choose from. CONTENTS PAGE 8 FOOD & DRINK PAGE10 TRAVEL AROUND PAGE 19-22 PROPERTY + PAGE 30-33 TV LISTINGS PAGE 34-35 CLASSIFIEDS PAGE 36-40 SPORT News 12th - 19th November 3 CELEBRATE OUR BIRTHDAY WITH US ON THURSDAY 20th NOVEMBER Visit us and our partners from Telitec at the indoor market from 12 noon until 4 pm on Thursday 20th November. Join in on our celebration! We shall have some fantastic offers and free mobile phones! The first birthday of the Weekly Buzz Newspaper is a very important event for the team and for the readers. We have delivered in excess of half a million copies since the first issue. Delivering local news and information has been made possible by the help and support of our readers and by our customers, who have continued to advertise their businesses with us. Without this help and support we would not have been able to achieve what has been a big task. Starting a newspaper was not planned without considering the Market place and the needs of the local readers. It was evident to us that the public needed a weekly read, that offered local news and had a dedicated view of the local community. Reading about local events and seeing advertising for local businesses became the focus of the Weekly Buzz from the first issue. Building up the customers and readers over the last year has provided the base for a long and prosperous future. The Weekly Buzz has already grown in pages from 32 each week to 40 and is planning to add 8 more pages very soon! Also now expanding the circulation into other areas of the North Costa Blanca the newspaper is continuing to grow. Take Me I’m Yours! TELITEC OPEN DAY 20th Nov, Benidorm Indoor Market DW7KH:HHNO\%X]]RU9LVWD&DUG2ɝFHV H: -RLQXVIRUDJODVVRIEXEEO\FDQDSHVDQGFODLP\RXU I FREE Samsung Mobile* Mobile, Landline, Internet & UKTV %ULQJ\RXUFXUUHQW0RYLVWDURURWKHUSURYLGHULQYRLFHDQG ZHȇOOVKRZ\RXKRZPXFK\RXȇOOVDYH @ Call Us: 902 88 90 70 965 743 473 Email Us: Visit Us: www . t elit Find Us: facebook: telitec communications *T Terms erms and Conditions apply 902 88 90 70 965 743 473 sales@t Keeping You Connected 4 NEWS WHAT A BULLY! As a special event for the fiestas on Sunday and Monday, there was amateur bull fighting at the Benidorm bullring. For anyone who has fancied visiting the bullring to see what the tradition is all about, but has been too frightened to do so in case they witness great cruelty, this was the perfect time to go along and have a look. There was no blood and gore at all! In fact, every young bull that our reporter saw, ended up coming out on top. It was the "would be matadors" who teased them the most, that ended up with a lesson learned, to the delight of the crowd. It was nice to actually take a look at the set up inside the bullring. There was a really good crowd of spectators that a UK football match would have been proud of. Certainly for the last hour or so of entertainment, no payment was required from those going in. 12th - 19th November In the ring itself, there were various pieces of wooden equipment, such as steps, platforms, cages and fences, where the "would be matadors" could retreat in safety, if the bull got too close. The amateurs were mainly young men. However, there were a few older members of the public and certainly at least one female. Most were pretty fit and could easily jump the perimeter fence to safety, which was about 5 feet high from the inside. The bulls were all young and very enthusiastic. They appeared like cats chasing a piece of string. They seemed to see it as a big game. It was down to the individual as to how close they went to the bull, how far they wandered into the middle of the ring away from safety and how much they teased the bull by throwing sand or banging on the apparatus. There was one young man who dared hold his coat out and let the bull charge. He was always quick enough to side step as the bull ran through the coat. The bulls obviously like charging, as any chance to head-butt the flags or coats that were held out was taken and they would go back for more. Mostly the owners of the items were in the safe zone. In just the hour that our reporter was there, she saw the bull actually catch a couple of guys and a young lady, who had teased the bull just a little too much and not got away quick enough. There appeared to be no serious injury and people did applaud the bull. On one occasion it was really quite funny as the bull managed to bring down one of the young men who appeared to be showing off. The worst damage was a tear in his trousers unless you consider his embarrassment when he got up, as his trousers fell down, revealing his bottom to the full crowd! Each of the young bulls are only out in the ring a fairly short time and they are not caused any harm or distress. When their time is up, they bring in like a big old "daisy looking" bull and the young bull follows it out of the ring. There is a 5 minute breathing space between each bull coming out. When a bull does catch a person, the others do their best to distract it away. There are bar facilities at the bullring and of course other types of bull fights are also held there. NEWS 12th - 19th November THE TELITEC PARTNERSHIP AT THE BENIDORM INDOOR MARKET The Weekly Buzz Press room in the Indoor market has its doors open to the public six days a week in order to receive local news, information about events and also as a place to get advice and information for advertising. From now in addition, you are able to get the latest offers and information on the products supplied by Telitec, the market leaders in telecommunications in the Costa Blanca. Becoming partners, Telitec and the Weekly Buzz can now offer the public a one stop shop for all telecommunication needs, offering information on the products and services. Bringing together the experience and quality of the Telitec team direct to our readers, will provide the very best products and a high level of services to take advantage of. Also, the very best prices, offers and the latest product information for fast Internet, UK TV and also mobile phones. The Telitec partnership with the Weekly Buzz Newspaper has been achieved through the general understanding of our readers and from the general public as a whole, especially those from the ex-pat community. One of the most common topics of conversation between the team at the Weekly Buzz and its readers is, "who can we recommend for telecommunication services?". It is a very common problem here in the Costa Blanca and the word "Telecommunications" can often get your hair to stand up on end. So many people, have experienced the problems of "slow" Internet or "No" Internet and this is among the very many other complaints such as poor customer services and over charging issues. We believe that we have now found the answer to solve the problems. Being able to communicate both locally here in Spain and also with our friends and relatives abroad is not much to ask, is it? We are living in a modern age and 2014 is a year of the most modern technology and the recent launch of the latest mobile tablets and phone products. So why do we get so many people experiencing the same problems? Most of it simply comes down to the poor quality of the providers of the services. Spain now has the infrastructure of 3G and 4G communications coverage, as well as fast wireless Internet services in some areas. The lack of fibre optical lines is among some of the most common problems of achieving decent Internet through a phone line (ADSL). However, wireless networks have recently grown and the coverage is getting better all of the time. The unfortunate people who have so far taken up the services of wireless Internet did in many cases experience problems and difficulties with interrupted services and poor speeds. This has been mainly due to the networks being overloaded in the very early stages and also before there was a period of enough testing. Telitec have been building their wireless internet infrastructure with precise planning and restrictions in the number of users in the initial stages. Now across the North Costa Blanca, Telitec have increased the number of transmitters and access points. This growth has provided enough coverage and speed for them to be in a position to offer, what is considered to be the best of all providers. Landline Internet Internet Mobile UK TV raditional or VoIP VoIP Traditional T ADSL or Wir Wireless eless Calls & Data Data IP IPTV TV or Sat Satellite ellite Call the 902 88 90 70 Professionals Pro Pr ofessionals ww Now N ow 5 12th - 19th November A SEA OF RED From page 1...will not be hanging around,from 12th November, just 24 hours after the final poppy was “planted” 8000 volunteers who helped put it together will sweep in and begin dismantling it, "picking" each flower. The poppies will then be checked, cleaned and packed before being shipped to their new owners -- each has been sold, for £25 (about $40), to benefit six armed forces charities. including Help for Heroes and the Royal British Legion. The Royal British Legion has said it hopes the sale of the poppies, after the in-stallation has been dismantled, will raise in excess of £15m. But following widespread calls for the hugely popular installation to remain in place longer, even until 2018, leaving them at the Tower for the duration of the NEWS 7 WWI anniversary, organizers said two parts of the display would be kept in place until the end of November. The "weeping window" and the "wave" of poppies across the path leading into the Tower will then be taken on a tour of the UK, before becoming part of the permanent exhibitions at the Imperial War Museums in London and Manchester. The prime minister said the display had "in a very short space of time become a much loved and respected monument". Up to four million people are expected to have visited before 12 November. Entitled Blood Swept Lands And Seas Of Red, the installation is the work of ceramic artist Paul Cummins, from Derbyshire. MAKING NOISE OVER THE SPANISH ITV TEST The Valencian government is laying down plans to keep the noise level test that was added to the ITV certification process., if this is to stand it will be the only region in the whole of Spain to include this part of the test. At presenntthe ITV test in the Valencian region is more expensive than anywhere else in Spain, the additional noise test is an additional cost although they have cut down the extra cost to €2.48. We recommend that anybody who is due their ITV takes their car to a well known mechanic and get a pre ITV check so you are aware of any issues before taking the full test. We use Boxes Phillip, if you live in the North Costa Blanca then this is a great place to get your car looked after. You can find them in Alfaz up the cobbled road past the church. Baah If you’re looking for great value telecoms, follow the crowd! ADSL upto 10Mb from 19,99€/mth Mobile & data from 3.23€/mth UK internet TV incl sports & movies Landline: UK calls from 1c/min @ 902 88 90 70 965 743 473 facebook: telitec communications 902 88 90 70 965 743 473 Keeping You Connected Terms & Conditions apply on all offers. Prices subject to IVA. ADSL from 24,19€/mth - Mobile & data packages from 3.90€/mth, landline from 0.00121€/minute 8 FOOD & DRINK EL ITALIANO THE REAL TASTE OF ITALY ON THE SEA-FRONT IN ALTEA A visit to this superb Italian restaurant in Altea is a must. The staff here are really friendly and welcoming and they pay every attention to detail, even down to the superb cleanliness of the vinegar pots. They are always on hand to check that everything is to your satisfaction and offer a very professional service. Attention has even been paid to the menus. They are written in English, Spanish and Italian and are easy to understand and being plastic, are a l s o q u i t e c h i l d proof! The mana g e r Paolo, cannot do enough to make sure that your meal is a wonderful experience and he is only too happy to tell you all about the food and the wine and their origins. The Menu of the Day is really good value at only €11.95 for 3 courses and allows you to try a range of traditional Italian dishes. However, we opted for A La Carte. There is a real wide range of cold and hot starters and for the mains many, many Pizzas, Pastas, Meats and Fish dishes, to choose from. The starters range from €2.50 for garlic bread to €13.50 for Frutti di mare alla marinara. We opted for the Tocaccia with ali oli sauce and tomato dressing and also the Italian salad. These starters really complemented each other and were great to share. The presentation of the salad was excellent and it included tuna, mozzarella, chicken, mango and pineapple. Another nice touch are the place mats. Whilst waiting for your meal you can study the map of Italy and Sicily and there are little flags showing where the various wines come from. To accompany our meal we had the Anoranze tempranillo. At just $10, this was an elegant and intensely fruity red. There are a good selection of wines offered and also cava and champagne are available. For the main course, I had the Tagliatelle Altea (€10.50), which was cooked to perfection with aubergine, cherry tomatoes, mozzarella and parmesan (€13.50). My partner had the Spaghetti Marinara served with assorted shellfish. When we had finished, there was not a morsel left on either plate. Dessert was something else! My panacotta at €4.25 was absolutely delicious and my partner was highly delighted with the Tiramisu (€4.25). It was so light and he said the best he had ever tasted. We finished off with coffee and a limoncillo, which was again perfectly served. The restaurant is in a lovely setting on the pedestrian promenade in Altea. You can enjoy your meal and the sea views. You may sit outside or inside. The restaurant is large and was very busy so obviously has a good reputation, for which I am not surprised. We would certainly return there and highly recommend it. El Italiano, Paseo Mediterraneo, 29, Altea. Tel: 965 843 416 (please note that this restaurant has no connection with a restaurant in Benidorm of the same name) 12th - 19th November 12th - 19th November FOOD & DRINK VALID UNTIL Oct 31st 9 10 Nightlife & Entertainment ROCKING & ROLLING FOR 10 YEARS! The Rock and Roll House annual celebration marked its 10 year anniversary last weekend. The house was totally Rokin and the fans who visit each year enjoyed yet another fantastic party. Europe’s Number 1 Elivs tribute Simon Patrick was performing live with Mills and Boone backing vocals. Nowhere else can give you so much top class rock and roll it is simply live music at its best. After a thrilling musical spectacle from Elvis, Dean Ryan took over the stage as Shakin Stevens who knows his stuff and had the crown jumping and jiving. Simon Patrick joined together with Dean Ryan for their famous duo and with the backing of Mills and Boone it was one great performance the four really rocked the roof off! the crowd were simply overcome by the show and wanted more.... and that’s what they got. The Rock and Roll House is also home to the Elvis Festival held in Benidorm each year in and this event is now recognised as a major tourist event attracting hundreds of visitors to Benidorm. The Rock and Roll house birthday celebration event now 10 years on is becoming a regular attraction for visitors from all over the UK who just love it and keep on coming back year after year. The dancing and rockin went on all night until the early hours and there were free T-Shirts handed out to the crowd as memorabilia of the event. Nightlife & Entertainment Q & A With Kev Woods Well it's time to tell my readers a little bit more about Heat FM and the presenters, in the last issue of the Weekly Buzz we gave our readers an insight and a little history about Heat FM. I'm now going to find out more about the presenters and what's makes them tick so this week it's all about Shorty B and the very popular Big Breakfast show daily from 8am. Hi Kev, so where are you from originally and how ling have you been in Spain? "I am originally from Chesterfield, Derbyshire and have been in Spain on and off for about 10 years now" So What is your favourite City back I the UK? "Has to be Blackpool, Loved going there on holiday when i was a kid. Do you visit the UK very often and why? "Only usually December/January to spend Christmas & New Year with my Daughter and family." What is your favourite act in Benidorm? "I like most acts in Benidorm and work with a lot of them in Sandra's but my favourite is Gaga Xpression." Where Do you go on holidays? Or if you don't where would you choose to go on holiday? "Don't normally go on holiday but would love to take my Daughter Kelsey to Disneyland someday." When did you first do a live show on the radio? "I Started in radio back in 2005" What would you say is the best advantage for you living here is Spain? "Has to be the weather...To be able to wake up to the sunshine most of the year." Who is your favourite radio DJ ? "Steve Wright (I was gonna say Shorty B but his head is too big already lol)" Where is your favourite location in the Costa Blanca to visit for leisure time out? "Love taking my Daughter to Mundomar and seeing the live Dolphin & Sealion shows." Do you get your inspirations from this DJ or from somewhere else? "Yeh, I love the way Steve Wright makes it sound so natural and easy...Wish i could do the same!" Where is your favourite restaurant? "Levi's Showboat in Benidorm...Great food, Great staff & excellent show." What music Do you like to listen to and who is your favourite group or artist? "I like most types of music really...My favourite band is UB40 and it was great to see them this year at Benidorm Palace." So what do you like most about Benidorm? "The variety something for everyone to do no matter what age" What do you most dislike about Benidorm? "Kids on mobility scooters." What would you change if you could about Benidorm? "Only let people that need them use mobility scooters!" Have you got a VISTA CARD & if you have dis you ever used it & where or why haven't you used it? "Yes i have i use mine all the time...Great offers in a variety of places!." 11 12 TRAVEL AROUND Moraira The Jewel of the Costa Blanca Few people forget their visit to Moraira, and fewer still do not return on holiday here year after year, having discovered the jewel in the Costa Blanca's crown. Moraira's roots are those of a small fishing village and one of the first things you realise when you arrive is that unlike the other resorts along the Spanish coastline, Moraira has not forgotten its roots. Although Moraira has grown in recent years, becoming one of the most popular destinations on the Costa Blanca it has not soldout to the tourist boom and isn't plagued by the high rise buildings and overcrowding of other resorts. The town centre and beaches are very clean and attractive and an obvious attention to detail has gone into the town's planning, this is apparent in every thing you see, including how easy it is to park in the town centre itself, essential if you are on holiday with children. Quite simply, Moraira is now the most exclusive and pleasant place to stay whilst on holiday on the Costa Blanca, perhaps in Spain. It still has all of the charm of a small picturesque fishing town nestled between mountains and vineyards but at the same time has grown to offer almost everything to everyone that stays here. Moraira's two main beaches are made up of clean golden sand and nestled in attractive bays, swimming here is safe and pleasant and the beach is a relatively uncrowded place to be even in the peak of summer and cleaned daily. Moraira's main beach is situated right next to the town centre with convenient pedestrian walkways and a park area meaning that it is not necessary to cross any roads to get to the town or the marina from the beach Moraira offers a huge variety of restaurants and bars to cater for every taste and budget. Whether you are looking for typical Spanish cuisine in Spanish surroundings or international cuisine like Chinese, Japanese, Greek, Italian or even just egg & chips, then Moraira offers it all in style. As the sun goes down and your meal is finished you can always head to one of Moraira's many cafe bars and sit and watch the world go by, or move on to one of several bars or one of the town's two nightclubs. For those with children quick relief can be found opposite the town centre where an excellent permanent fair- Have you got a location that you would like to hear about? Then why don’t you tell us?! Email the ground resides. There are many small rides, mostly suitable for the young but even adults can participate in the bumper cars and hover boats. Once you are finished at the fair you can choose from one of several places that serves every flavour of ice cream or browse the stalls of the interesting street market nearby. Intertwined with Moraira's restaurants and bars are many interesting shops that stay open late into the evening. These range from the usual tourist fayre, to designer clothing, art galleries, spanish leather goods and fresh produce that can be found in the local bakers, butchers and fish mongers. The Friday market held opposite the town centre is an excellent opportunity to purchase all manner of fresh produce as well as imitation leather goods, clothing and jewellery. For the adventurous a fresh fish market at which all are welcome is held in the town's marina every morning except Sunday. Park, Aqualandia, Mondumar, Font D'Algar, Verger Safari Park or even Valencia for it shopping and culture. Ultimately, whether you choose to lounge by the pool or on the beach, eat at a one of the many restaurants or visit other nearby towns, villages or attractions we know your holiday in Moraira will offer you what you are looking for and entice you back year after year. CASTILLO DE MORAIRA This fortress, which stands on a rocky hill at l'Ampolla beach, was built in the18th Century. Over the entrance hangs the royal coat of arms of the Bourbons. The date of 1742 which is shown on the arms probably indicates the year of completion of the construction work. The Castell was built as a means of protection against attacks by Berber pirates. The unusual shape of the building is commonly known as a pezuña de buey (ox hoof), since it has a semicircular southern facade and a straight northern facade, through which one passes to the interior of the Castell. The interior is divided into three wings and two floors, with a height of ten metres. Lookout posts were established by means of small slits in the Castell's walls, and gun ports were located a various points, on which cannons were mounted. The building was completely restored at the beginning of the 1980s. Just walking around Moraira is a rewarding pursuit in itself - the central market square has many places to sit down and eat or drink, the streets are a mix of quaint cobbled narrow alleys and modern avenues lined with palm trees and fountains and there are many quiet places to sit and watch the world go by or to watch the sea and stunning vista along the coastline to Calpe. For the active Moraira offers an excellent array of sports to suit all, including jet ski hire, water skiing, deep sea fishing, diving tuition and equipment hire, tennis courts, a golf CASTILLO course, mini golf and mountain bike hire. For children there are specially designed park areas to play safely in and around the town. Moraira is geographically situated in a perfect location, around Moraira itself the landscape changes from the desert like flatness of Alicante to become greener and more undulating as you head North. It is an ideal location to easily visit other towns including Gudalest, Benidorm, Calpe, Javea, Valencia, Alicante and Denia. Alternatively for a great day out visit Paramount Theme DE MORAIRA WH SPA 13 12th - 19th November 2014 LPD VIATGES ALFAZ LPD Travel is an agency formed by professionals with over 20 years experience. Thanks to our collaboration agreements with tour operators and wholesalers, we can offer our customers the most competitive prices. There are always lots of different trips and excursions on offer and you can also book tickets for all the best activities in the area. Just pop along to the office in Albir which you can find just past Mendoza Supermarket opposite Sol Albir. LATEST OFFERS * Galicia: Coach - 6 days/5 nights. Hotel 2 **/***. Full board with water and wine. Guide, insurance and excursions. 09/11/14, 16/11/14, 22/02/15. Price per person in a double room 189€ (Cambados winery visit and Tower of Hercules) rre de Hércules) Tower of Hercules (To * Costa Fortuna: Amsterdam, Bergen, Hellesylt, Andalsnes, Olden, Flam, Stavanger, Amsterdam, 9 days. Flights from Alicante. All inclusive (alcoholic and none alcoholic drinks). Port and airport fees. Price per person in a double cabin from 1459€ * Asturias/Cantabria and the Picos de Europa: Coach - 6 days. Hotel 2 **/***. Full board with wine and water, insurance, guide, 09/11, 16/11, 22/02/15. Excursions included. Price per person in a double room 220€ * Aragonese Pyrenees/Lourdes and Andorra: Coach - 6 days. Hotel 3 ***. Full board with wine and water, insurance, guide, 22/03/2015. Price per person in a double room 265€ (includes entry to Jackfruit Cathedral, San Juan de la Peña and Bernadette house) Christmas Specials: * Gran Canaria. Flights from Alicante. 7 nights, transfers, travel insurance, hotel 4 ****, half board, 20/12/14, rates, price per pax h.doble 851€ * Tenerife tickets from Alicante, 20/12. 7 nights, Beatriz Atlantis Hotel, 4 ****, half board, insurance, transfer, price per pax h.doble 755€ * H.Peñiscola Square Suites: Coach 5 day, full board with Gala Christmas, 23/12 to 27/12, price per pax h.doble 275€ or ti: 325€ * Granada: Coach 5 days, hotel 4 ****, half board with gala included, from 23/12 to 27/12, price per pax h.doble 235€ Cruise Deals: * Costa Pacifica: Valencia, Barcelona, Savona, Malaga, Casablanca, Cadiz, Lisbon, Valencia, on the 28/03/2015 and 04/06/2015, 9 days, price per person in double occupancy: from 749€ (includes taxes and drinks) * Costa Fascinosa: Valencia, Savona, Marseilles, Tangier, Casablanca, Cadiz, Lisbon, Valencia, on January 26 2015. 11 days. Price per person in a double room from 639€ including taxes. * Costa Celebration: Istanbul, Mykonos, Santorini, Kefalonia, Dubrovnik, Venice. 7 days, with flights from Valencia and all inclusive (alcoholic and none alcoholic drinks),port and airport fees. Price per person in double cabin from 959€ Reguliersgracht - One of the mos t popular sightseeing spots in Ams terdam * Costa Luminosa: Stockholm, Helsinki, St. Petersburg, Tallinn, Stockholm. 7 days. Flights from Alicante. All inclusive (alcoholic and none alcoholic drinks), port and airport fees. Price per person in a double cabin from 1159€ We also offer flights with Easyjet, Ryanair, Norwegian, Monarch, Jet2, Iberia, KLM, etc. We offer car rental, boat tickets, train, bus, plane tickets. Please ask for any holiday destination. C/Camino Viejo de Altea, 36 Local 7 EL ALBIR CALL - 966 86 84 77 / 14 Altea & La Nucia ROADWORKS FOR ALTEA Major roadworks are planned to take place in January 2015 on Altea’s Avenida Jaume. Residents and businesses were told this week that the whole road will be resurfaced which will imitate a cobbled road. The cost of the project is estimated at around €240,000, and alongside the resurfacing they will extend the pavements up to the town hall so it is the same as the south side where they will also remove all plants and trees giving the whole area a nice facelift. Residents and business owners are hoping that the works are completed in good time and do not cause too much disruption. 12th - 19th November ALFAZ FASHION SHOW Last week saw Costa Blanca Fashion Week come to a close and the models went home happy and excited to have visited our beautiful Coast. The winners of the Best International Male and Female Model World competition were Miss Latvia and Mr Romania but the competition proved to be the real winner with the contingent of over 30 models, 4 tv crews , numerous designers and International press enjoying the events over the 10 days. Thanks to all sponsors and participants from Sukier Model International. 12th - 19th November Alfas and Albir 15 NEW CAR PARK FOR ALFAZ The much needed car park next to sports centre in Alfas is now open the investment in this project has been over 375,000 euros, although "the total investment made by the municipal government in the promotion, development, improvement and maintenance of the sports facilities amounting to 9,286,195 euros," according to the statement drawn up by technicians and the mayor of L'Alfas. The new car park has 130 parking spaces, including 5 disabled, the site is suitable for holding all kinds of social, cultural and festive events and has already been used during the Alfas Fiestas. It also has direct access to the sports centre and the new children’s playground. The sports centre l'Alfas del Pi has already held 140 competitions, rallies or events so far this year including both national and international events. Through local schools and clubs, the sport centre took part in about one thousand activities and competitions last year. Interest in sport is remarkable in the town and surrounding areas. It has doubled the number of people who regularly take part in sport, from the 1,290 counted in 2012 to the current 2,207 in recent years. GET DOWN TO THE ALFAS EXPO 5th-8th December Get down to the Alfas expo from the 5th to 8th December, This is an annual business and trade show giving local businesses and service providers an ideal chance to get face to face with the public and show off what they have to offer. You will see it advertised to the locals as Fira de la Tardor, it’s definetly worth a visit as there is plenty to see and do and you can normally walk away with some freebies! The expo will be held at the brand new car park next to the Alfas sport centre. 16 Shopping & Style Don Quijote RASTRO Rastro Don Quijote offers you a wonderful opportunity to cash in on some of your unwanted things by selling them, and to find beautiful used goods at boot sale prices. Either way, if you are selling or buying, going to the market is a beautiful way to spend your day. With Live Music, inside and outside bars, attractive menu and BBQ, you can be assured to have a lovely day out. The variety of products offered by the merchants is so large, it is impossible to name all of it. But if you're looking for used furniture, vinyl records, retro items, antiques, glasswares, electronics.... it's all available. And if a merchant does not have it currently, there is a good chance they can arrange it for you. There are also merchants who provide services, such as manicures, barber, hairdresser... So, come join us on the Rastro for a great day out! Our regular opening days are Saturday and Sunday from 10 AM. From Friday 7 September, Don Quijote has been serving as an Auction house. Auctions are usually held every Friday, with viewing starting at 6 PM and the auction at 7:30 PM. On the auction evenings the Bar and BBQ will be open as well, and there will be live music or karaoke. So, come join the fun at Don Quijote! 12th - 19th November 17 Whats On IT’S STARTING TO LOOK ALOT LIKE CHRISTMAS! Well it is that time of year again, Christmas is coming and we are constantly reminded of it. The Christmas adverts always start on the telly, right after Halloween. It’s always interesting to see what new ideas the big companies have come up with but a huge majority of people will always say that their favourite is from Coca Cola, with the snow, big artic lorry and the lovable polar bears! DID COCA COLA MAKE SANTA RED? No. It's widely believed that today's Santa wears a red suit because that’s the colour associated with Coca‑Cola, but this isn’t the case. Before the Coca‑Cola Santa was even created, St Nick had appeared in numerous illustrations and written descriptions wearing a scarlet coat. However, it is true that Coca‑Cola advertising played a big role in shaping the jolly, rotund character we know and love today. In 1931, Coca‑Cola commissioned Swedish-American artist Haddon Sundblom to paint Santa Claus for the company's Christmas adverts. Prior to this, Santa had been portrayed in a variety of ways throughout history: tall and gaunt; short and elfin; distinguished and intellectual; even downright frightening. Sundblom’s paintings for Coca‑Cola established Santa as a warm, happy character with human features such as rosy cheeks, a white beard, twinkling eyes and laughter lines. This grandfather-style Coca‑Cola Santa captivated the public and, as our adverts spread globally, the perception of the North Pole’s most-famous resident changed forever. Father Christmas has been pictured with Red and Green Robes in England Since Henry 8ths reign. A NIGHT OF QUEEN A GREAT MUSICAL PRODUCTION DEDICATED TO QUEEN, MORE THAN 100,000 VIEWERS HAVE SEEN THIS AMAZING SHOW SINCE IT OPENED IN LA NUCIA, NOVEMBER 5, 2010. PERFORMED BY A FANTASTIC ORCHESTRA AND MORE THAN 40 ARTISTS WHO IS ONE OF THE MOST FAMOUS ROCK VOCALISTS OF ALL TIME. FREDDIE MERCURY HAS BEEN REVIVED TICKETS 35€ R E B M VE O N € 3 0 T H IC K E T S 3 5 T 6P M 18 12th - 19th November U3A MARINA BAIXA ON THE ROAD AGAIN! On 1 November a coach filled to capacity with U3A members set off for the one and a half hour journey from Benidorm to the All Saints’ Fair “Fira de Tots Sants” at Concentaina. For some of the members is was a return visit but for others it was their first experience of this lively Medieval Fayre which has been celebrated in Concentaina since 1346. Held in the old part of the town its narrow streets were filled with all manner of stalls selling tapas and wine, tractors and rotorvators, beds and sofas, cutlery and crockery, jewellery and handbags in fact almost anything you could possibly wish to buy! The food stalls were a feast to behold with huge joints of meat roasting over barbecues, giant paellas simmering away and enough sausages to reach end to end to Alicante!! In the agricultural section horses and donkeys provided perfect subjects for the many visitors with their cameras at the ready. Partially hidden behind the stalls were some beautiful buildings and detours into these provided many surprises as well as respite from the unseasonably warm sunshine. One in particular, the Palau Comtal, was worth visiting for its magnificent painted ceiling depicting the nobility and power in the Kingdom of Valencia as well as exhibitions about coins, Concentaina 40 years ago and philately from 1717. In the Patronato Cor de Jesus there was an exhibition of specimen bonsais and in the Calle Sants Metges thirty separate fabric canvasses were draped on balconies. The “Fira” certainly provided something of interest to all the U3A members and it was a weary group who returned to the coach for the return journey to Benidorm. Thanks to the skilled budgeting of the Travel and Events Co-ordinator, Rob Parker, who managed to provide the members with a full day trip for €6 each, it was yet another opportunity for exploring a small part of this beautiful country which many of the members now call home. A CLOSE LOOK AT VILLA JOYOSA Located just outside of Benidorm on the north of the Costa BLanca, Villajoyosa (La Villa Joiosa) is the capital of the Marina Baixa district. A delightful and historic town, it stretches the length of a lovely wide, sandy beach, with pretty coloured fishing houses running along the seafront and is encompassed with a backdrop of mountains. Situated around 26 kilometres from the city of Alicante and Alicante International airport, Villajoyosa is a well-situated destination, ideal for exploring the rest of the Costa Blanca coastline History Villajoyosa has a rich cultural heritage. It’s history as a town dates back to the 6th century and it has been settled by the Greeks, Phoenicians, the Romans and of course the Moors, when it actually fell into some decline, which is unusual for a Moorish occupied town. The town as it is known today was founded in 1293 by an Admiral who served in the Kingdom of Aragon’s navy. It’s name Villajoyosa, literally means Joyful town. Throughout the centuries Villajoyosa has been an important trade point along this coastline; trading in olive oil, cereals and wine, and shipbuilding, amongst others. But probably what it is most famous for is chocolate. During the 19th century the town started to develop a chocolate-making industry. Because of its trade connections, it started importing cocoa from Ecuador and Venezuela and the industry grew and grew. The chocolate brand, ‘Valor’, which can be found in most shops and supermarkets throughout Spain comes from Villajoyosa. If you visit in July, you can watch the splendid week-long Moors and Christians fiesta with mock battles re-enacting the Christians reclaiming their land from the Moors. Theis festival is one of the best in the region and many tourists come back each year n July especially for this. MUSEUMS Villajoyosa Museum Some outstanding archaeological artefacts from the Valencia region are housed in the town museum, which was set up in 1975. For those interested in finding out more about the history of the region, you can join one of the museum's guided tours. As well as the museum, the tours also visit the old town, chocolate museum and Barbera Museum. Children can embark on a pirates' tour or become a Roman for a fun-filled hour. Barbera Del Aragones Museum Step back in time when you walk through the door of this 17th century palace. You can find out how people lived in the 17th to 19th centuries. The museum houses many period pieces from those centuries so you can see how they entertained one another and cooked. Valor Chocolate Museum No visit to Villajoyosa would be complete without a trip to the Valor Museum. After a short film explaining how the chocolate is made and where the cocoa beans come from, you can see how it is produced. The tour ends in the Valor chocolate shop where you can sample the produce before you buy. Old Town Villajoyosa old town is a delightful place to wander through. Its narrow streets lead to charming squares where you can enjoy a coffee or a meal while watching the world go by. The old town is a Spanish historic heritage site because it is such an interesting and well-preserved quarter. Here you can see the colourful houses hanging over the river Amadorio and cross the bridge dividing the old and new towns. Fish Market A trip to the afternoon fish market should be on your agenda. It is a chance to see the wide variety of fish and shellfish caught in the Mediterranean and brought to shore by Villajoyosa fishermen. Beaches Villajoyosa’s beaches are absolutely fantastic. Up and down the Costa Blanca coast you have other also very good beaches but Villajoyosa’s are something special. All of Villajoyosa’s beaches have the European Blue Flag awards which indicate a good quality standard of beach and facilities. A ARROCES RROCES Y P PAELLAS AELLAS CARNES CARNES GRILL G RIL Tipical Tipical SSpanish panish TTAPAS APAS IT'S ALL IN A CLICK YOUR ONE STOP PROPERTY PORTAL WWW.VISTA COSTABLANCA.COM/PROPERTY So what's different at our property + web site? recently launched "Property Plus" has provided a weekly read and this very easy to use online search engine that is geared completely for the user to find exactly what they are looking for. If you have seen a advert featuring a property that is of interest then simply add the reference number and click "find property" or if you are wanting to search by area then the facility is easy just choose the area together with the option of adding the property type. You can even specifically choose from the additional options such as the number of bedrooms, bathrooms and price range. The search engine is designed to suit your exact requirements and is so easy to use just give it a try and see for yourself. Property + also gives you online news and information about the property market in the Costa Blanca region of Spain together with a choice of recommended property agents. What is different about the web site is that it has everything on offer, not just property for sale but also long term property for rental, holiday rents, business sales in fact there is every thing that our readers want from a local provider using local knowledge and information. Only in the third week since the launch the site has had an amazing increase in users, the dedicated area "Property Plus" is getting over 150 unique viewers each day and is growing in popularity. With more and more property agents joining with "Property Plus" the search engine will be providing more and more properties for the readers to view so keep looking and clicking at SIMPLY THE BEST REALTY ON THE COSTA BLANCA First Line Villa, Calpe 2.890.000€ ID: CHFi247 New built Villa in San Jaime 2.490.000€ New built ID: CHFi236 New built Villa in Altea, 1.150.000€ Lovely Villa in Sierra de Altea 485.000€ ID: CHFi401 More detailes on Our Website ID: JOFi105 We always look for good properties for our Clients, contact us if you want to sell yours. 2I¿FH$OWHD2I¿FH0RUDLUD 3DUWLGD&DS1HJUHWDSE&DUUHWHUD0RUDLUD&DOSH1U 7HO7HO $OWHD#FRVWDEODQFDVLUFRP0RUDLUD#FRVWDEODQFDVLUFRP THE GL GLASS ASS IS AL ALWA ALWAYS WAYYS MORE THAN HALF FULL WITH TELITEC WA 902 88 90 70 965 743 473 sales@t 20 PROPERTY+ Sponsored By Sponsors of PROPERTY+ THE IMPORTANCE OF PROPERTY SURVEYS WHY DO I NEED A SURVEY? Unfortunately, there are many examples of residential buildings that have been built with poor construction details or where quality control has been lacking during construction. Structural defects in domestic buildings are not uncommon, even those built in recent years. There are also many new properties which have stood empty for several years as a result of the worldwide economic crisis. In Spain the residential property market has perhaps been the most affected and many properties remain incomplete or those that remain unsold have not been maintained in the intervening years. The majority of overseas purchasers do not bother with a survey and are not encouraged to undertake one by many agents. In our experience many agents will actively discourage the use of a surveyor or even deny that we are present in Spain. Do not be dissuaded – we can usually arrange for a Chartered Surveyor be undertake a survey within three working days of the appointment and to produce the associated report within three days of the inspection visit. It is essential when buying in Spain to have a survey undertaken. We strongly advise that this is undertaken before a deposit is placed to reserve a property (unless the deposit is fully refundable in the event that an adverse report is obtained). The report will provide a general opinion on quality and condition of the fabric of the building and will highlight evident defects. This information is essential in making an informed decision on a purchase and can often assist with price negotiations. legal documents relating to a property to be incorrect or out of date. For example, in the past a builder may have been have been tempted to under-declare the true size of the property that was constructed in order to pay less tax on the declared building cost. Conversely, in recent years developers have sometimes constructed smaller properties than specified when they were originally bought off-plan. A survey can help to identify obvious errors relating to the property descriptions which may not otherwise be detected during the normal legal checks. It is also not uncommon for extensions or swimming pools to be added to properties, perhaps without the correct legal authority, and a survey can help to highlight such discrepancies prior to purchase. It is also important to understand how a survey can assist your legal adviser during the purchase. It is not uncommon in Spain for the THE GL GLASS ASS IS AL ALWA ALWAYS WAYYS MORE THAN HALF FULL WITH TELITEC WA 902 88 90 70 965 743 473 sales@t 22 PROPERTY+ MOLINO VILLAS COSTA BLANCA S.L. MOLINO VILLAS COSTA BLANCA S.L. has been a registered Estate agency since 1999 in the delightful seaside town of Moraira, Costa Blanca, Spain. We offer a wide range of Villas, Apartments, Fincas, Bungalows, New Construction and Plots for sale, in Moraira, Javea, Benitachell, Denia, Orba, Altea, Calpe, and Jalon valley, including surrounding areas within the Costa Blanca North. We have a reputation as an experienced, knowledgeable, professional and friendly service to our Buyers and Sellers with over 1,000 properties.. Our 'Impressive Property' Selection is also available for those clients looking to buy or sell top quality properties with something special and these can also be found on our sec- process, and an after sales commitment for total customer satisfaction. If you are looking to sell your property we are always available to value and advise on the best marketing approach and the steps to be taken to make the property legally saleable. We will also pay for your Energy Proficiency certificate if we sell your property! So whatever your dream is, we can help you achieve it , and make the purchasing or selling process as straight forward as possible. Give us a call or come to our offices and meet us! ond website: Having an extensive knowledge of the area and market, we can offer a full property finding service with a personal touch throughout the whole purchasing email: Land line: (0034) 96 649 2335. Mobile: 600 541 452 Molino villas website: 23 WHAT’S HOT AND WHAT’S NOT TELLS US Leonardo Restaurante Sidreria Aurrera Steak House El Rincon Bulevar de los Musicos | esquina Ruperto Chapi, El Albir, L'Alfas del Pi We must get Leonardo to number one C/ Martinez Oriola 18, 03501 Benidorm avd/Severo Ochoa n04. local 12, 03503 Benidorm “Fabulous place” “Excellent meal once again” Reviewed 12 October 2014 We have literally just got back from a very memorable evening at this restaurant. I so want to find fault but it would be a waste of my time; we had a splendid evening. We have tried to visit on a couple of occasions but, it is just a little out of the way and, like many others, our commitment to sampling the local wine can sometimes blurr our judgement; but we found it tonight, our last night this time. So, how was it? Well it was splendid. This is a very professional operation, run by people who are customer led and customer first, they have no pretentions; if they have it they will cook it for you and they will cook it well. We like to mix and match the menu which to all but the better skilled is not acceptable well tonight it could not have been more welcome and more acceptable. The service was really good the food was extremely well cooked and well presented; this evening was more of an event than just a dining experience. In my experience as an industry professional of many years standing we, you and me should do all we can to get this restaurant to the top of the ratings Reviewed 11 November 2014 Food is excellent, great value for money and service is perfect! Enjoyed the menu del dia and also the steak menu. Don't leave Benidorm without having a meal there. Reviewed 23 October 2014 We came here with friends last November and had one of the best steaks ever, so I took a group of friends along during my visit to Benidorm earlier this week. We were made immediately welcome and the owners sorted a table with very little fuss for 10 people. The service was excellent and the steaks were perfect. I would recommend El Rincon to anybody travelling to Benidorm, it's well worth the walk up from town! “Great food, service and value” Reviewed 12 October 2014 Had Sunday lunch here on a lovely October afternoon. We went for the VIP special menu at E21.95. A good cava as an aperitif, bread and ali oli, my personal choice was then goats cheese, plaice with gratin potatoes and chocolate mousse all accompanied by a half bottle of rose wine. Fantastic value. We sat out on the terrace but the interior had a really nice decor for cooler days or nights. The service was excellent and we were made to feel very welcome. My niece is in a wheelchair and the restaurant had good and easy access at the entrance via a ramp. I found it by reading the good reviews on TA by regular contributors and so once more was not disappointed. “Fantastic food - and service !!” Reviewed 10 October 2014 “What a fabulous value for money Menu del Dia” Reviewed 2 November 2014 This basement gem is a find.Felix and staff give a warm welcome and is usually packed by 2pm, Spaniards lunch hour. We enjoyed a lovely lunch and the poached pears are stunning. A must do as is the Steak and Tapas deal at night “Wonderful evening” Reviewed 13 October 2014 We went here to celebrate my fathers 70th birthday. We pre booked 6 adults and 2 kids. The food was excellent and the staff couldn't help enough. They put candles in his dessert ( we brought them with us) and they even gave us a bottle of bubbles to toast my dad. Overall a wonderful night in a lovely restaurant with great food and staff. “Fantastic Restaurant” Reviewed 22 September 2014Reviewed 22 September 2014 This place is a little gem. We had the set menu which was about 25 euro but well worth it. The tapas starters just fab & steak was amazing. Just too much so could not eat the pudding!!!! We will be going back Sunday to try something else from the menu & have to say the staff were just lovely which made it for us “Steak stones were fantastic” Reviewed 22 August 2014 The food here is excellent and the service very good as well. We all had the steak supreme which came on a steak stone and although the stones went cold eventually, we asked for a fresh set and they willingly obliged. Nice setting in a small side street in the old town and one of the best meals we had in the Dorm. “Lovely meal in Steakhouse El Rincon” Reviewed 16 October 2014 Dined in this steakhouse last night (16th October) Chose to eat off the Set 15 euro menu.Great value with good food It ticked all the boxes.I will definatley return in February.Keep up the good work.the Steak was to die for “Not as good as previous visits” Reviewed 13 September 2014 When my partner and I first went to Benidorm in 2011, we fell in love with this restaurant. It was traditional and homely and the steaks were to die for. We also loved the smiley friendly lady owner and when we returned in 2013, the standards were the same. However this year we were both disappointed with our meal. We got the same food as both times previously-my partner had the T-bone steak and I had the sirloin steak. We asked for it to be well-done but my steak was as tough as old boots. It was impossible to chew and I know some might say it's because I asked for it to be well-done, but I've had it cooked that way before and it was moist. The vegetables on the side were raw and the potato was hard in the middle. I was disappointed as I loved this restaurant but I don't think I'll go back if they carry on serving charred chewy lumps of meat. Wine was lovely, though. To recommend - nothing more to say - we'll be back, a lot !! :-) The service from the owners, both husband and wife was amazing !! HAVE YOUR SAY! BUSINESS OWNERS & CUSTOMERS WHAT’S YOUR SIDE OF THE STORY? Tell us about your dining experience email: THE REVIEWS ARE THE SUBJECTIVE OPINION OF TRIPADVISOR MEMBERS ABD NOT THAT OF THE WEEKLY BUZZ TEAM SPANSK SPANSK NORSKE DAGER 12 ÅR JORNADAS HISPANO NORUEGAS 12 Años 2014 L’ALFÀS DEL PI MEGLERHUSET Lørdag / Sábado 15.11 - 19.00 h. Restaurant Casa Vital, Altea, Calle Salamanca 11 Innvielse av kunstutstilling med malerier av Carmen Ferrer Maciá / Inauguracion de la exposición de pintura de la artista Carmen Ferrer Maciá Cristina Rico, gitar / guitarra Gratis adgang / Entrada gratuita Lørdag / Sábado 15.11 - 20.30 h. Restaurant Casa Vital, Altea, Calle Salamanca 11 Kunstnermiddag / Cena de Inauguración 3 retters middag med ½ fl. vin / Menu con ½ botella de vino 33 Euro (reservasjon / reservas Casa Vital, tel.965840936) Søndag / Domingo 16.11 - 19.30 h. Minnekirken Villajoyosa Villajoyosa/Iglesia noruega en Konsert med Ketil Bjørnstad og unge prisvinnere / Concierto ofrecido por Ketil Bjørnstad y jóvenes músicos galardonados Ketil Bjørnstad, Vivian Tsui, Eirin Avnskog, Duo Baptismatibus, Thomas Reiner 20 Euros (det settes opp kirkebuss / se ofrece traslado en autobús) Mandag / Lunes 17.11 - 17.00 h. Reumasol, Urb. Foya Blanca, Calle del Helecho, 2 Konsert Unge Prisvinnere / Concierto con jóvenes músicos galardonados Vivian Tsui, Eirin Avnskog, Duo Baptismatibus, Thomas Reiner 15 Euros (Billettsalg også Reuma-Sol / Venta de entradas tmb en Reumasol) Mandag / Lunes 17.11 - 19.30 h. Kirkesenter Albir/Centro de la Iglesia Noruega del Albir, Carrer Marts 8 Bokbad med Ketil Bjørnstad & Kirsti Baggethun / Ketil Bjørnstad & Kirsti Onsdag / Miércoles 19.11. 20.00 h. Tirsdag / Martes 18.11 - 19.00 h. Casa de Cultura, L´Alfàs del Pi Ja, vi elsker (dette landet) med Ole Paus & Ketil Bjørnstad og Kor Favor / Concierto ofrecido por Ole Paus & Ketil Bjørnstad y Kor Favor Ole Paus, Ketil Bjørnstad, Kor Favor 30 Euros Tarde literaria con Baggethun 15 Euros Sjømannskirken Torrevieja, Urb. La Siesta / Iglesia noruega de Torrevieja, Urb. La Siesta Konsert med Ketil Bjørnstad og unge prisvinnere / Concierto ofrecido por Ketil Bjørnstad y jóvenes músicos galardonados Ketil Bjørnstad, Vivian Tsui, Eirin Avnskog, Duo Baptismatibus, Thomas Reiner 20 Euros Torsdag / Jueves 20.11. 20.00 h. Casa de Cultura, L´Alfas del Pi Spansk Aften med Flamenco og Paella / Noche de flamenco y paella Jesus Guillen Ortiz, Diego Navas, Maria Jose Moya 15 Euros Mere informasjon Facebook / Más información Facebook Billettsalg / Taquillas: L’Alfàs del Pi: Det Norske Bokhandel - Den Norske Klubben - Casa de Cultura Albir: Spaniatjenester - Kirkesenter Albir – Pavarotti/Aktuelt Spania Billettsalg ved inngang Internettsalg: og Spansk-Norske Dager / Jornadas Hispano-Noruegas Tel: 965 840 936 COSTABLANCA! Aktuelt Spania - MER ENN 20 ÅR PÅ COST COSTABLANC ABLANCA! ABLANC A! aktuelt Spania Camino de La Canter era a no. 12 (bak Consum i Albir) 634 182 240 Med FLEST LESERE på Costa Blanca nord! #AMINODELA#ANTERANO!LBIRs4LF # AMINODELA#ANTERANO!LBIRs4LF Villa Romántica Apartamentos Turísticos / Apartments for rent / Utleieleilighter Velkommen til advokat Karl Johan Lien Warpe Juridisk - Eiendom - Skatt Tel: +34 965 889 151 Mobil: +34 607 334 031 Telf: 96 588 87 14 Móv.: 607 882 532 Advokatfirma Warpe, Calle T Teniente eniente Seguí 20, Alfaz del Pi SMARTERE INTERNETT Telitec er den störste uavhengige internet leverantören i Spania. I mer enn 10 år har vi levert internetforbindelse, telefon och övrig kommunikation till firmaer och konsumenter. Som grunn for vår infrastruktur har vi ett fiber-optiskt ”backbone”. Det betyr at vi har en og samme plattform for overvåkning och service till dig. Telitecs design ger også grunn for hantering av flere språk, og vi tillbyr nu våre tjenester for Skandinaviske kunder i Spania. Det betyr forbedret service och kundestöd på ditt eget språk. Utover det tilbyr vi også relevante produk- ter for Skandinaviske kunder som kjente Skandinaviske tv kanaler og telefon med fast avgift. Du kan selvfölgelig gjöre ett oppehåll i ditt kontrakt når du ikke er tillstede i Spania, uten extra omkostninger. Vår lange erfarenhet og en etablerte infrastruktur er din beste garanti for support som du kan stole på. Telitecs uttrykte strategi for kontinuerlig utvikling er å väre konkurransedyktig, samtidig som vi behåller kvaliteten. Smartere Internett I motsetning til andre trådløse internett-leverantörer krever vi ikke betaling når du ikke er her. Du betaler heller ikke når du skrur av og på, du betaler kun når du er i Spania. Du trenger ikke engang en fast telefon! Trådløst internett basert S§ȴEHURSWLVNEDFNERQH Fra 19,99€ pr mnd. (gratis installasjon) @ 902 88 90 70 965 743 473 www.telit facebook: telitec communications Kontrakts vilkår (terms ekskluderer IVA. Kontr akts vilk år (t erms and ccondition) ondition) . Prisene ekskluder er IV A. 902 63 69 09 965 020 358 sales@t Keeping You Connected CODE CRACKER WEEKLY WORDSEARCH Find All The Words - BAND AID Abba Beach Boys Beatles Bee Gees Blondie Carpenters Doors Eagles Faces Four_Tops Genesis Hollies Jethro Tull Kinks Osmonds SUDUKO (EASY) Find the 9 letter word and as many other words as you can! E B N D CO R T Queen Spinners Steely Dan Supremes T Rex Who Wings O W R SUDUKO (MEDIUM) QUICK CROSSWORD ACROSS 1 Find by searching or examining (6) 4 Refuge (6) 8 Hooded snake (5) 9 Without assistance (7) 10 Extend (7) 11 Squeeze (5) 12 Heavy waterproof cover (9) 17 Early birds (5) 19 Showing no expression (7) 21 Discard (4,3) 22 Early part of life (5) 23 Cloth used with polish (6) 24 Go up (6) DOWN 1 Destructive migratory insect (6) 2 Floor-show (7) 3 Distinguishing feature (5) 5 Surgical knife (7) 6 Gatehouse (5) 7 Unostentatious (6) 9 Previously unknown (7-2) 13 Give back (7) 14 Roman sea god (7) 15 Serene, unruffled (6) 16 Without shoes (6) 18 Takes a break (5) 20 Bottomless gulf (5)) SUDUKO (HARD) PUZZLE PAGES CRYPTIC CROSSWORD 27 WEEKLY HOROSCOPES wE27 ARIES (March 21st-April 20th) You're making great headway across the board of you life, but take a step back to assess how far you've come on your journey so far. Some situations are not as clear as they could be, so get to the nitty gritty and show others you're determined to win through. TAURUS (April 21st-May 21st) You're such good company when you don't have worries weighing on your mind, and everyone wants to be part of your coterie. Don't think you can please all of the people all of the time though, you cant, so do everything in your power to please yourself. They'll follow. GEMINI (May 22nd-June 21st) You have everything you need to get everything you want from life this week, so don't hold back. You'll find a little cheek goes a long way, especially if its accompanied with a twinkle in your eye.. Your popularity is off the scale so get out there and socialise. Have fun. CANCER (June 22nd-July 23rd) A quieter approach works best this week and helps you combat any anxiety in the air. If you keep a low profile and sidestep taking chances, you'll get through the week unscathed. Trust your intuition to lead you in the right direction at work and play. LEO (July 24th-August 23rd) Although you've got a lot going on this week, try not to run blindly from pillar to post, hoping that something will gel along the way. It wont. Focus on your personal life before everything else and issues over work, money and plans for the future will fall into place. VIRGO (August 24th-September 23rd) Across Down 1 Small animal with broken leg in mine (6. 4 Plans to produce starch (6) 8 A cricket ground for the aristocracy (5) 9 Instrument making some kaleidoscopic colours (7) 10 Man left in - he made people laugh (7) 11 Stagger from a labyrinth (5) 12 Irishmen name passenger ships (9) 17 Sailor a foot nearer the stern (5) 19 X, defined by the crossword setter - that's what we hear in bar (7) 21 Food for stolen animals (3,4) 22 Slip back over river for daggers (5) 23 Slough produces gold in bulk (6) 24 On Friday satellite TV is lively (6) 1 Course for 99 in college (6) 2 A wreath of flowers for Judy? (7) 3 Support for an artist (5) 5 Replacement for the acre! (7) 6 Woman distributing hoard (5) 7 Many small kernels (6) 9 Poor female swan on river steamship (9) 13 He appears in panto, but put on weight (7) 14 Agrees with boringly orthodox people (7) 15 On the border a month of malicious damage (6) 16 Woolly garment for a cow? (6) 18 Current tour without upper-class thespian (5) 20 A tree that's cared about (5)) How willing are you to display your charm and easy going manner in discussions, and life in general? Leave worrying over other things to one side for now and focus on the new incentives on offer. Sticking to the tried and tested will get you fast results. LIBRA (September 24th-October 23rd) In order to make the kind of headway you want, you may have to streamline your life in some way. Lose the outdated and outmoded and focus on a slick, speedy road ahead. The more you achieve early in the week, the more time you'll have to enjoy yourself at the weekend. SCORPIO (October 24th-November 22nd) Humour is the way to move forward and get what you want. Even though your intellect is sharp as a tack, bring yourself to a level that will appeal to all and sundry and you'll advance much quicker. You can be frugal where money is concerned, but you don't have to be Scrooge. SAGITTARIUS (November 23rd-December 21st) The lunar low is still around so you'll need to work extra hard to achieve your objectives, even if it would be more sensible to put things on hold for a day or two. If changes need to be made at home, there's no time like the present, but remember you wont always get your own way. CAPRICORN (December 22nd-January 20th) Although there may be misunderstandings to deal with through this whole week, you've got what it takes to sort them out amicably. Your mind is firmly set on mapping out the future and you're seeing the turn of the year as a new start. Power of positive thinking. AQUARIUS (January 21st-February 19th) Brain Teasers 1. What 5-letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it? 2. In Istanbul you cannot take a picture of a man with a wooden leg. Why not? Scribble Pad… You're very assertive and wont take no for an answer this week especially if you think the issue in question is important to you. You're not in the market for an argument either, and just t be clear, you'll stamp on anyone's opposition long before it gets to fallout stage. PISCES (February 20th-March 20th) Work fulfilment comes from the recognition you get from others, so when others tell you how talented you are, you may finally believe it. Keep a sense of proportion over family arguments this week as issues at the eye of the storm aren't as important as you'd thought. Health & Family ANAEMIA LINKED SPAIN TO RESEARCH HIV CURE TO STROKE 28 Anaemia is very common affecting around 30% of the world’s population. There are different forms of anaemia but by far the most common is iron deficiency anaemia. Iron deficiency can be a result of a poor diet, blood loss or illnesses such as Crohn´s disease which affect to body’s ability to absorb iron from the diet. Research indicates that anaemia may actually increase the risk of ischaemic stroke. Ischaemic strokes are caused when a blood clot interrupts the flow of blood to the brain as opposed to the less common haemorrhagic stroke when there is a bleed in the brain. Each year around 15 million people will suffer a stroke causing almost 6 million deaths. According to Dr Claire Shovlin of the National Heart and Lung Institute at Imperial College London, anaemia causes platelets in the blood to become sticky causing clots. Dr Shovlin´s research suggests that even patients with moderately low iron levels have twice the risk of stroke compared to those with iron levels in the middle of the normal range. Iron deficiency anaemia may be avoided by consuming iron rich foods such as meat, poultry, fish and foods enriched with iron such as certain breakfast cereals. Dr Shovlin commented on her research: The National Transplant Organization (ONT) and the Spanish Hematology and Hemotherapy Society (SEHH) have launched a joint project to see if the HIV virus can be eliminated by carrying out stem cell transplants on patients who also suffer from cancers of the blood or bone marrow. The idea is to improve the study of the method that has so far led to the only known case of someone being cured of HIV: Timothy Ray Brown, a US citizen known to the medical world as The Berlin Patient, who has been free of the virus for four years following a hematopoietic stem cell transplant, despite being off antiretroviral medication. ONT director Rafael Matesanz said they would search Spanish umbilical cord banks for high-quality samples with a mutation in a receptor called CCR5 delta32. This protein is one of the “locks” that HIV picks open in order to infect the lymphocytes, explained Javier Martínez of IrsiCaixa, a center specializing in HIV treatment. “It’s the same thing that was done with the Berlin Patient.” In September 2013, a 37-year-old Barcelona man submitted to the same ex-perimental treatment, said Rafael Duarte, director of the Hematopoietic Transplant Program at the Catalan Cancer Institute. This patient had “an aggressive lymphoma as well as HIV.” said Duarte. In fact, cells extracted from the Barcelona patient showed that they were now protected against HIV because they failed to get infected in the presence of the pathogen. Unfortunate-ly, the patient died and the experiment came to a halt. Undergoing a transplant to regenerate bone marrow is a difficult procedure. The complication rate, including mortality, is between 15 and 25 percent two years after the surgery. That is why doctors are not considering performing them on all HIV patients, who are better off keeping the virus at bay with medication, said Martínez. Also, the procedure only works for HIV subtypes that attack the CCR5 receptor. Those that focus on different receptors do not respond to this treatment. Following the transplant, weekly tests for the presence of the virus were carried out over three months. The last test “demonstrated that the virus had been eliminated,” "Since platelets in the blood stick together more if you are short of iron, we think this may explain why being short of iron can lead to strokes, though much more research will be needed to prove this link." PUZZLE ANSWERS If you are anaemic it is important to know what is causing your anaemia and to receive appropriate treatment but it seems that for all of us, especially those at increased risk of stroke, it may be wise to keep our iron levels at a very healthy level whilst awaiting the outcome of further research. CRYPTIC CROSS WORD CODE CRACKER QUICK CROSSWORD BRAIN TEASER: 1.Short ,2. You need a Camera Not a wooden Leg - WORD WHEEL: 9 LETTER WORD - CURBSTONE Health & Family THE TERRIBLE TWO´S Many parents become exasperated by their much loved, but challenging toddlers. Babies, although hard work are much more manageable than active toddlers who have the ability to tear around at the speed of light! Toddlers are little people who are struggling to become independent. They start to realize that they are individuals and it is normal behavior to either ignore you or protest when you tell them to do (or not to do) something. They certainly do not understand when you try to reason with them. At this age their brain is developing faster that their bodies and toddlers become extremely frustrated when they physically are not able to manage a task they want to achieve. Also, because of limited vocabulary, they cannot express themselves. This may lead to temper tantrums which at this age are considered normal. The best way to avoid tantrums is firstly to ensure your toddler receives lots of attention. To a 2 year old being ‘told off’ is actually much more preferable to being ignored. Try to reward good behavior with lots of enthusiasm. BENIDORM DOG HOMING Where have all the volunteers gone? temper tantrum ‘brewing’. The best way to avoid it developing is to divert the child onto something else – maybe a different less challenging toy. Also, be aware that a tired child is likely to be more cantankerous (just like tired adults!). Although toddlers start to nap less, still try to encourage some quiet time, say curling up on the sofa with a book after lunch. If the inevitable happens and your child does throw a tantrum be firm and again direct your child’s attentions elsewhere. Most importantly, don’t throw a tantrum yourself as this will only inflame the situation. Should you feel your toddler’s behavior is not normal, steadily becoming worse, or you are struggling to cope, do seek help from your G.P. As adults we can more often or not see a Coming to the end of September and we have had a very long hot summer till this last week! Yet throughout the summer the backbone of our group has always been the volunteers. Without them we cannot do the good work that saves the lives of many Spanish dogs. Yet now they have just vanished, so where have they gone? Many people who live here don’t even know that Benidorm has a dog pound to try to help save the lives of the stray and abandoned dogs that would litter the streets. We need to let you know that you can help. Volunteers come and walk the dogs and they come from many places, residents, tourists and people just wanting to do something different and that person could be you and help us fill the huge gap that we have in helpers. Many of whom have been students here over the summer filling in the jobs in your bars and restaurants and getting the chance to learn English. Now it can be your turn to give a little back to this community. So what is Benidorm Dog Homing? Benidorm dog pound is just outside this popular holiday resort. A very short taxi ride from the main hotels and we are always in need of volunteers to walk the dogs in our care. SPAP Benidorm runs the pound to look after animals and they have a policy to protect and not destroy animals. However the shelter provides extremely basic facilities, food is donated from hotels, medical care is limited and it is difficult to fully look after up to 300 or more animals. Benidorm Dog Homing are the volunteers who walk the dogs and give vital support. We need you to spare a bit of your time to help socialize these dogs, take them for a walk and show them that humans can give love too. It’s not just about coming walking, let your fingers help a dog find a home too! Because being a cyberbuddy is a very important job too. I often get asked what a cyberbuddy has to do and I reply ‘Imagine this was your dog and you had to search for a new home, where would you try, Offer extend ed 29 Free varifocal lenses with glasses from 89€ 59€ At Specsavers, if you buy any single pair of glasses from our 59€ range or above, we’ll fit Standard PENTAX varifocal lenses, usual price 69€, free. Alternatively, if you prefer any other varifocal lens you can still save, with a 69€ discount. All our lenses include a scratch-resistant treatment at no extra charge. FREE EYE TEST Valid for one test booked on or before 30 Nov 2014. Present voucher at time of test. Cannot be exchanged for cash or used with other offers. One per person, at named Specsavers stores only. Request an eye test online at or by calling your local store. Benidorm 965 859 577 c/ de Gambo 2 Cannot be used with other offers. 199€ Fineform and Rimless ranges: include 1.6 PENTAX Standard varifocal lenses. All lenses are scratch-resistant. Extra Options available at an additional charge. Subject to suitability. Ends 30 30 No November 2014. ©2014 Specsavers. All rights reserved. what would you do and then please just give it a go and keep your dog’s posts active on Benidorm Dog Homing and other sites a few times a week’ That is the basic job description but what it means to the dogs is a chance, hope, a future as without a cyber-buddy on their side it is harder for them to be noticed and their posts slip away deep into the page and they become invisible, forgotten and No Hope! You can find out more about this vital support you can give from anywhere in the world by joining our Facebook page ‘Benidorm Dog Homing’ and looking through all our dogs who are in need of a Buddy and a home. Just mention on the dogs post that you want to be their buddy and I will show you all the information you need and it only takes a few minutes of your time a few days a week. Your help does make a difference and at the happy ending time when a new home is found for your dog, you get to celebrate too! Then the volunteers can take over and with our many language skills we can help get a dog passported and off on its travels to a new home. We do need help and you can make a donation using PayPal to or contact us on Facebook to find out more about our dogs in need! You can help with donations using PayPal to or contact us on Facebook to find out more about our dogs in need! For me walking the dogs gave me connections in this country and help that I never knew I needed. SO being a volunteer is not just about the dogs it’s about us humans too. So now it’s your turn to help, here are The WI! Balton born 2012. This young dog was found abandoned and bought into us. He is a lovely small dog who is missing having a loving home to call his own. He came into us in October and now faces a long cold winter on a concrete floor when he used to know a warm bed and love. Marco can you please add Marias contact info 30 Wednesday 12th November PLEASE NOTE ALL TIMES ARE IN GMT 06:00 Breakfast 09:15 Neighbourhood Blues 10:00 Homes Under the Hammer 11:00 Call the Council 11:45 Don't Get Done, Get Dom 12:15 Bargain Hunt: Wetherby 13:00 BBC News at One 13:30 BBC London News 13:45 Doctors: A Foot Wrong 14:15 Moving On 15:00 Escape to the Country: Herefordshire 15:45 Glorious Gardens from Above 16:30 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 17:15 Pointless 18:00 BBC News at Six 18:30 BBC London News 19:00 The One Show 20:00 Waterloo Road 21:00 The Apprentice 22:00 BBC News at Ten 22:25 BBC London News 22:35 Looking after Mum - a Children... 23:35 Film 2014 06:00 Homes Under the Hammer 07:00 Call the Council 07:45 Don't Get Done, Get Dom 08:15 Holiday of My Lifetime with Len... 09:00 Sacred Rivers with Simon Reeve 10:00 Building Dream Homes 10:30 See Hear 11:00 BBC News 11:30 BBC World News 12:00 Coast 12:10 Animal Park 13:10 The Life of Birds 14:00 Tennis: ATP World Tour Finals 17:00 Flog It! 18:00 Eggheads 18:30 Strictly Come Dancing - It... 19:00 The Great Interior Design... 20:00 MasterChef: The Professionals 21:00 Great Continental Railway Journeys: Rome to Taormina 22:00 The Apprentice: You're Fired 22:30 Newsnight 23:15 Teenage Tommies 11:55am ITV News 12:00am This Morning 13:30pm Loose Women 2:30pm ITV News & Weather 3:00pm Dickinson's Real Deal 4:00pm The Alan Titchmarsh Show 5:00pm Tipping Point 6:00pm The Chase 7:00pm ITV News London 8:30pm ITV News & Weather 8:00pm Emmerdale 9:30pm Coronation Street 9:00pm Celebrity Squares 10:00pm Scott & Bailey 11:00pm ITV News at Ten & Weather 11:40pm Through the Keyhole 05:35 Countdown 06:20 King of Queens 07:10 3rd Rock from the Sun 07:35 3rd Rock from the Sun 08:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:00 Frasier 09:30 Frasier 10:00 Daily Brunch with Ocado 11:00 Come Dine with Me 12:00 Channel 4 News Summary 12:05 Come Dine with Me 13:05 Come Dine with Me 13:40 Small Animal Hospital 14:10 Countdown 15:00 Fifteen to One 16:00 Deal or No Deal 17:00 Come Dine with Me 17:30 Coach Trip 18:00 The Simpsons: 18:30 Hollyoaks 19:00 Channel 4 News 19:55 Rory Peck Awards 20:00 Posh Pawn 21:00 Liberty of London 22:00 The Million Pound Necklace:... 23:05 24 Hours in A&E 21:00 You Can't Get the Staff 22:00 Gogglebox 23:00 24 Hours in A&E 06:00 Children's Tv 09:15 The Wright Stuff 11:10 Cowboy Builders: Bradford 12:10 5 News at Lunchtime 12:15 Alex Polizzi's Secret Italy 13:15 Home and Away 13:45 Neighbours 14:15 NCIS: The Good Son 15:15 Film: Carnal Innocence 17:00 5 News at 5 17:30 Neighbours 18:00 Home and Away 18:30 5 News Tonight 19:00 Police Interceptors 19:55 5 News Update 20:00 New: Gibraltar: Britain In The Sun 21:00 New: Can't Pay? We'll Take It Away 22:00 New: Wentworth Prison: Into the Night 23:00 200 Nips & Tucks and I Want More! 00:00 New: Dallas: Hurt 00:50 True Crimes: The First 72 Hours The appreNTice Season 10 Episode 6 of 14 Board Game Alan Sugar summons the entrepreneurs to HMS Belfast, where the battleship inspires the next task - devising and selling a board game. In the scrabble for ideas, one team comes up with a globetrotting game for the family, while the others pin their hopes on something a little more risque. But the fun really begins when the hopefuls hit the streets in search of sales and arrange appointments with leading retailers. BBC1 London 9:00pm Wed 12 Nov PLEASE NOTE ALL TIMES ARE IN GMT OF K C I P DAY E H T 10:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30am This Morning 12:40am The Undriveables OF PICK DAY THE 06:00 Breakfast 09:15 Neighbourhood Blues 10:00 Homes Under the Hammer 11:00 Call the Council 11:45 Don't Get Done, Get Dom 12:15 Bargain Hunt 13:00 BBC News at One 13:30 BBC London News 13:45 Doctors: Motherhood 14:15 Moving On 15:00 Escape to the Country: Norfolk 15:45 Glorious Gardens from Above 16:30 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 17:15 Pointless 18:00 BBC News at Six 18:30 BBC London News 19:00 The One Show 19:30 EastEnders 20:00 Watchdog 21:00 Life Story 22:00 BBC News at Ten 22:25 BBC London News 22:35 Question Time 23:35 Looking after Mum - a Children... 7:00am Good Morning Britain 9:30am Lorraine Thursday 13th November 06:05 Homes Under the Hammer 07:05 Call the Council 07:50 Don't Get Done, Get Dom 08:20 Holiday of My Lifetime with Len... 09:05 Human Universe 10:05 Gardeners' World 10:35 HARDtalk 11:00 BBC News 11:30 BBC World News 12:00 Coast 12:10 Animal Park 13:10 The Life of Birds 14:00 Tennis: ATP World Tour Finals 17:00 Flog It! 18:00 Eggheads 18:30 Strictly Come Dancing - It... 19:00 The Great Interior Design... 20:00 MasterChef: The Professionals 21:00 The Fall 22:00 Russell Howard's Good News 22:30 Newsnight 23:15 The Mekong River with Sue Perkins ... 6:00am Good Morning Britain 8:30am Lorraine 9:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30am This Morning 10:55am ITV News 11:00am This Morning 12:30pm Loose Women 1:30pm ITV News & Weather 2:00pm Peter Andre's 60 Minute Makeover 3:00pm The Alan Titchmarsh Show 4:00pm Tipping Point 5:00pm The Chase 6:00pm ITV News 7:00pm Emmerdale 7:30pm A Fair Deal for Women: Tonight 8:00pm Emmerdale 8:30pm Paul O'Grady: For the Love of Dogs 9:00pm Neil Diamond: For One Night Only 10:15pm ITV News at Ten & Weather 10:55pm Wilderness Walks with Ray Mears 11:25pm The Chase The Fall 05:35 Countdown 06:20 The King of Queens 06:45 The King of Queens 07:10 3rd Rock from the Sun 07:35 3rd Rock from the Sun 08:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 08:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:00 Frasier 09:30 Frasier 10:00 Daily Brunch with Ocado 11:00 Come Dine with Me 11:30 Come Dine with Me 12:00 Channel 4 News Summary 12:05 Come Dine with Me 12:35 Come Dine with Me 13:05 Come Dine with Me 13:40 Small Animal Hospital 14:10 Countdown 15:00 Fifteen to One 16:00 Deal or No Deal 17:00 Come Dine with Me 17:30 Coach Trip 18:00 The Simpsons: To Surveil with Love 18:30 Hollyoaks 19:00 Channel 4 News 19:55 Rory Peck Awards 20:00 George Clarke's Amazing Spaces 21:00 24 Hours in A&E 22:00 Babylon 23:05 8 Out of 10 Cats 23:50 24 Hours in Police Custody Season 2 Episode 1 of 6 The return of the thriller about Detective Superintendent Stella Gibson's efforts to catch a serial killer. It has been 10 days since Paul Spector told Gibson that she would never catch him, and as she tries to help a surviving victim remember the identity of her attacker, he is forced to deal with the loose ends that he left behind. He returns to Belfast only to discover someone from his past has been helping police with their inquiries, forcing him to change his plans - with terrifying consequences. BBC2 London 9:00pm Thu 13 Nov 06:00 Children's Tv 09:15 The Wright Stuff 11:10 Cowboy Builders: Potters Bar 12:10 5 News at Lunchtime 12:15 Gibraltar: Britain In The Sun 13:15 Home and Away 13:45 Neighbours 14:15 NCIS: See No Evil 15:10 Film: Rosamunde Pilcher: The Unknown... 17:00 5 News at 5 17:30 Neighbours 18:00 Home and Away 18:30 5 News Tonight 19:00 The Gadget Show 19:55 5 News Update 20:00 New: Underground Britain: Wales 21:00 Streets of Rage: Caught On Camera 22:00 Fred & Rose: House of Horrors 23:00 Can't Pay? We'll Take It Away Friday 14th November PLEASE NOTE ALL TIMES ARE IN GMT 06:00 Breakfast 09:15 Neighbourhood Blues 10:00 Homes Under the Hammer 11:00 Call the Council 11:45 Don't Get Done, Get Dom 12:15 Bargain Hunt: Oswestry 13:00 BBC News at One 13:30 BBC London News 13:45 Doctors: Fear & Loathing 14:15 Moving On 15:00 Escape to the Country: Somerset 15:45 Glorious Gardens from Above 16:30 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 17:15 Pointless 18:00 BBC News at Six 18:30 BBC London News 19:00 The One Show 19:30 Children in Need 2014 22:00 BBC News at Ten 22:25 BBC London News 22:35 Children in Need 2014 06:05 Homes Under the Hammer 07:05 Call the Council 07:50 Don't Get Done, Get Dom 08:20 Holiday of My Lifetime with Len... 09:05 £100k House: Tricks of the Trade 10:05 Children's Hospital: The Chaplains 10:35 The Travel Show 11:00 BBC News 11:30 BBC World News 12:00 Coast 12:10 Animal Park 13:10 The Life of Birds 14:00 Tennis: ATP World Tour Finals 17:00 Flog It! 18:00 Eggheads 18:30 Strictly Come Dancing - It... 19:00 The Home That Two Built 20:00 Mastermind 20:30 Tom Kerridge's Best Ever Dishes 21:00 The Fish Market: Inside... 22:00 Children in Need 22:35 Newsnight 23:10 Never Mind the Buzzcocks 23:40 Later... with Jools Holland:... 00:40 Film: Michael Collins 6:00am Good Morning Britain 8:30am Lorraine 9:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30am This Morning 10:55am ITV News 11:00am This Morning 12:30pm Loose Women 1:30pm ITV News & Weather 2:00pm Peter Andre's 60 Minute Makeover 3:00pm The Alan Titchmarsh Show 4:00pm Tipping Point 5:00pm The Chase 6:00pm ITV News 7:00pm Emmerdale 7:30pm Coronation Street 8:00pm Secrets from the Sky[ 8:30pm Coronation Street 9:00pm Lewis 10:00pm ITV News at Ten & Weather 10:40pm GoldenEye[FILM] Saturday 15th November 06:00 Breakfast 06:05 Film: My Forbidden Past 06:00 Children's TV 10:00 Saturday Kitchen Live 07:15 Rugby League: Four Nations 9:25am The Hungry Sailors 11:30 James Martin: Home - Final 10:25am Murder, She Wrote Comforts: Home-Cooked Treats 10:00 The Life of Birds 12:00 BBC News 10:50 Animal Park 12:10 Football Focus 11:20 Coast 12:50 Saturday Sportsday 12:00 Rick Stein's Far Eastern 12:30pm Surprise Surprise 13:00 Rugby League: Four Odyssey 1:30pm Faith in the Future Nations... 13:00 Escape to the Country: 2:00pm Doc Martin 14:00 Rugby Union: Autumn... Herefordshire 3:05pm Keep It In The Family 16:30 Children in Need: The Best 14:00 Tennis: ATP World Tour Bits Finals 17:50 BBC News 17:00 Rugby Union: Autumn... 11:20am ITV News & Weather 11:30am Storage Hoarders 4:05pm ITV News London 4:15pm ITV News & Weather 18:00 BBC London News 19:30 Flog It! Trade Secrets 4:30pm Euro 2016 Qualifier Live: 18:10 Pointless Celebrities 20:00 Perry & Croft: Made in Britain England v Slovenia 19:00 Strictly Come Dancing 20:30 Dad's Army 7:15pm The Chase: Celebrity Special 20:30 Atlantis 21:00 QI XL 8:15pm The X Factor 21:15 Casualty: Deadfall 21:45 War of Words: Soldier-Poets 9:55pm The Jonathan Ross Show 22:05 The National Lottery Live of... 22:15 BBC News 23:15 TOTP 2 22:35 Mrs Brown's Boys: 00:15 Film: Down Terrace OF K C I P DAY E H T 06:00 Children's Tv 09:15 The Wright Stuff 11:10 Cowboy Builders: Tettenhall 12:10 5 News at Lunchtime 12:15 Underground Britain: Wales 13:15 Home and Away 13:45 Neighbours 14:15 NCIS: Meat Puzzle 15:10 Film: Rosamunde Pilcher: The Unknown... 17:00 5 News at 5 17:30 Neighbours 18:00 Home and Away 18:30 5 News Tonight 19:00 New: World War II In Colour: Closing the Ring 19:55 5 News Update 20:00 Rome: The World's First Superpower 21:00 New: Alex Polizzi's Secret Italy 22:00 New: Body of Proof: Disappearing Act 23:00 New: NCIS: Los Angeles: Hand to Hand Charity telethon raising money for Children in Need. BBC1 London 7:30pm Fri 14 Nov PLEASE NOTE ALL TIMES ARE IN GMT 23:05 Jack Whitehall Live 05:35 Countdown 06:20 The King of Queens 07:10 3rd Rock from the Sun 07:35 3rd Rock from the Sun 08:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 08:25 Everybody Loves Raymond: 08:55 Frasier 09:25 Frasier 10:00 Daily Brunch with Ocado 10:55 Celebrity Come Dine with Me: Return of the Worst 11:30 Celebrity Come Dine with Me: Return of the Worst 12:00 Channel 4 News Summary 12:05 Celebrity Come Dine with Me: 12:35 Celebrity Come Dine with Me: 13:05 Celebrity Come Dine with Me: 13:40 Channel 4 Racing 16:00 Deal or No Deal 17:00 Come Dine with Me 17:30 Coach Trip 18:00 The Simpsons: 18:30 Hollyoaks 19:00 Channel 4 News 19:35 Unreported World: 20:00 Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 21:00 Gogglebox 22:00 Alan Carr: Chatty Man 23:10 Toast of London: Desperate Measures 23:40 Film: Psycho (1960) 00:00 Will Ferrell for SU2C childreN iN Need 2014 OF PICK DAY THE Mammy's Ass 31 10:55pm ITV News & Weather 11:10pm Euro 2016 Qualifier Highlights 05:55 Kirstie's Vintage Gems 06:05 NFL: Rush Zone 06:30 Trans World Sport 07:25 River Rat Race Stockton 07:55 The Morning Line 09:00 Weekend Kitchen with Waitrose 10:00 Frasier 10:30 Everybody Loves Raymond: Cruising with Marie 11:00 The Big Bang Theory: The Convention Conundrum 11:30 The Big Bang Theory: The Locomotive Manipulation 12:00 The Simpsons: Krusty Gets Busted 12:30 Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Face My Enemy 13:30 Channel 4 Racing 16:00 Come Dine with Me 17:00 Come Dine with Me 17:35 Come Dine with Me 18:05 Come Dine with Me 18:35 Channel 4 News 19:05 Speed with Guy Martin 20:00 Walking Through History: Nazi... 21:00 It Was Alright in the 1970s 22:00 Film: Chronicle (2012) 23:40 Film: Max Payne (2008) live iNTerNaTioNal FooTball England v Slovenia England v Slovenia (Kick-off 5.00pm). Coverage of the Euro 2016 Group E qualifier at Wembley Stadium, where the hosts are expected to record another victory. Roy Hodgson's men have won all three of their fixtures so far and are favourites to comfortably top the group, but Slovenia should provide a decent test, as they have got their own campaign back on track after suffering an opening defeat to Estonia. ITV London 4:30pm Sat 15 Nov 06:00 Children's Tv 09:55 New: Can't Pay? We'll Take It Away 10:55 Alex Polizzi's Secret Italy 11:55 Film: Christmas Heart 13:40 Film: Help For Christmas 15:20 Film: Christmas Mail 17:10 Film: A Grandpa For Christmas 18:55 5 News Weekend 19:00 Film: Battle of Britain 21:35 Film: The Wild Geese 32 PLEASE NOTE ALL TIMES ARE IN GMT 06:00 Breakfast 09:00 The Andrew Marr Show 10:00 Sunday Morning Live 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Bargain Hunt: Scotland 13:00 BBC News 13:15 Escape to the Country: Carmarthenshire 13:45 Gareth's All Star Choir 14:45 Gareth's All Star Choir 15:45 Points of View 16:00 Lifeline: Alzheimer's Research UK 16:10 Songs of Praise 16:45 Life Story 17:45 BBC News 18:05 BBC London News 18:15 Countryfile: Crafts of the Countryside 19:15 Strictly Come Dancing 20:00 Film: War Horse 22:15 BBC News 22:35 BBC London News 22:45 Michael McIntyre's Showtime 23:45 The Apprentice 00:45 Film: Repo Chick OF K C I P DAY E H T PLEASE NOTE ALL TIMES ARE IN GMT 06:00 Breakfast 09:15 Neighbourhood Blues 10:00 Homes Under the Hammer 11:00 Call the Council 11:45 Don't Get Done, Get Dom 12:15 Bargain Hunt: Lewes 13:00 BBC News at One 13:30 BBC London News 13:45 Doctors: Niamh Donoghue 14:15 Moving On 15:00 Escape to the Country: County Durham 15:45 Glorious Gardens from Above 16:30 Flog It!: Somerset 17:15 Pointless 18:00 BBC News at Six 18:30 BBC London News 19:00 The One Show 19:30 Fake Britain 20:00 EastEnders 20:30 Room 101 21:00 New Tricks 22:00 BBC News at Ten 22:25 BBC London News 22:35 Ebola Frontline - Panorama 23:20 Jamie Baulch: Looking for My... OF K C I P DAY E H T Sunday 16th November 06:00 Life in a Cottage Garden with... 06:30 Great British Garden Revival 07:30 Countryfile: World War One Special 08:40 Glorious Gardens from Above 09:30 Saturday Kitchen Best Bites 11:00 James Martin: Home Comforts: Lazy Days 11:45 James Martin: Home Comforts: Comfort Cooking 12:30 Rick Stein's Far Eastern Odyssey 13:30 Rugby Union: Autumn... 14:25 Film: Up Periscope 16:15 Glorious Gardens from Above 17:00 Flog It!: Worthing 18:00 Tennis: ATP World Tour Finals 19:00 Human Universe 20:00 The Mekong River with Sue Perkins 21:00 World's Greatest Food Markets 22:00 Russell Howard's Good News 22:30 The Wrong Mans 23:00 The Wrong Mans 23:30 Film: Regeneration 06:00 Children's TV 9:25am Dickinson's Real Deal 10:25am Murder, She Wrote 11:25am ITV News & Weather 11:35am Carry On Cowboy [FILM] 1:25pm All Star Family Fortunes 2:10pm The Unforgettable Benny Hill 2:50pm The X Factor 4:25pm Downton Abbey 6:00pm You've Been Framed! 6:30pm ITV News 7:00pm Keep It In The Family 8:00pm The X Factor Results 9:00pm I'm a Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here! 10:40pm ITV News & Weather 10:55pm Broadmoor 11:55pm Rugby Highlights: Aviva Premiership 05:15 Location, Location, Location 06:10 NFL: The American Football Show 07:05 How I Met Your Mother: Arrivederci, Fiero 07:30 How I Met Your Mother: Moving Day 07:55 Everybody Loves Raymond: Ray Home Alone 08:25 Frasier: Police Story 08:55 Jamie's Comfort Food 09:30 Sunday Brunch 12:30 The Big Bang Theory: The Table Polarization 12:55 The Big Bang Theory: The Friendship Turbulence 13:20 Channel 4 Racing 15:40 Film: 17 Again (2009) 17:45 Film: Mirror Mirror (2012) 19:40 Channel 4 News 20:00 Speed with Guy Martin 21:00 Homeland: From A to B and Back Again 22:00 Micky Flanagan: Back in the Game 23:40 Alan Carr: Chatty Man 06:00 Children's TV 09:55 Access 10:05 Police Interceptors 11:10 Police Interceptors 12:10 Film: The Good Witch's Charm 13:55 Film: A Star For Christmas 15:40 Film: Farewell Mr Kringle 17:25 Film: Dumb & Dumber 19:30 5 News Weekend 19:40 Film: Superman II 22:00 Film: Conan The Barbarian 00:15 Film: Chaos 02:05 SuperCasino 03:10 Mysteries of The Bermuda Triangle i'm a celebriTy GeT me ouT oF here! Season 14 Episode 1 of 20 New series. A fresh batch of famous faces wave goodbye to their lives of luxury and set up camp in the Australian wilderness for up to three weeks, battling bugs and Bushtucker Trials, rations and rain, and heat and hunger, all in the name of entertainment. ITV London 9:00pm Sun 16 Nov monday 17th November 06:05 Homes Under the Hammer 07:05 Call the Council 07:50 Don't Get Done, Get Dom 08:20 Holiday of My Lifetime with Len... 09:05 Celebrity Antiques Road Trip 10:05 Tom Kerridge's Best Ever Dishes 10:35 Click 11:00 BBC News 12:00 Daily Politics 13:00 Coast 13:10 The Life of Birds 14:00 The Great British Bake Off 15:00 A Place to Call Home 15:45 The Rockford Files 16:35 Cagney and Lacey: A Cry for Help 17:20 Vintage Antiques Roadshow 18:00 Eggheads 18:30 Strictly Come Dancing - It... 19:00 Tom Kerridge's Best Ever Dishes 19:30 Children's Hospital: The Chaplains 20:00 University Challenge 20:30 Only Connect 21:00 Intruders 21:45 Some Irish People with Jokes 22:00 Never Mind the Buzzcocks 22:30 Newsnight 23:20 Great Continental Railway Journeys: Rome to Taormina 6:00am Good Morning Britain 8:30am Lorraine 9:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30am This Morning 10:55am ITV News 11:00am This Morning 12:30pm Loose Women 1:30pm ITV News & Weather 2:00pm Peter Andre's 60 Minute Makeover 3:00pm Secret Dealers 4:00pm Tipping Point 5:00pm The Chase 6:00pm ITV News 7:00pm Emmerdale 7:30pm Coronation Street 8:00pm Countrywise 8:30pm Coronation Street 9:00pm I'm a Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here! 10:00pm ITV News at Ten & Weather 10:40pm The Agenda 11:20pm The Jonathan Ross Show 06:20 The King of Queens 06:45 The King of Queens: 07:10 3rd Rock from the Sun 08:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 08:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:00 Frasier: And the Whimper Is 10:30 Frasier: Give Him the Chair! 10:00 Daily Brunch with Ocado 11:00 Come Dine with Me 11:30 Come Dine with Me 12:00 Channel 4 News Summary 12:05 Come Dine with Me 13:05 Come Dine with Me 13:40 Small Animal Hospital 14:10 Countdown 15:00 Fifteen to One 16:00 Deal or No Deal 17:00 Come Dine with Me 17:30 Coach Trip 18:00 The Simpsons: 18:30 Hollyoaks 19:00 Channel 4 News 19:55 The Political Slot: 20:00 How the Rich Get Richer: Channel 4 Dispatches 20:30 Sarah Beeny's How to Sell Your...: ...Home 21:00 24 Hours in Police Custody 22:00 8 Out of 10 Cats 22:50 Toast of London: 23:20 The IT Crowd: 50/50 23:50 NFL: The American Football Show 24 hourS iN police cuSTody Season 1 Episode 7 of 7 The Crime of the Century Drunken abuse, the theft of 98p's worth of fizzy drinks and the joyriding of a 45-seater bus are all in a day's work for acting sergeant Wil Taylor. Some can seem like a waste of police time, while others quickly become serious - such as the case of three sex workers who have been arrested during a raid on a local brothel. Are the women victims, possibly trafficked to the UK from Eastern Europe, or are they running the business and exploiting others? Channel 4 9:00pm Mon 17 Nov 06:00 Children's TV 09:15 The Wright Stuff 11:10 Cowboy Builders: Bounds Green 12:10 5 News at Lunchtime 12:15 Rome: The World's First Superpower 13:15 Home and Away 13:45 Neighbours 14:15 NCIS: The Missionary Position 15:15 Film: A Christmas Visitor 17:00 5 News at 5 17:30 Neighbours 18:00 Home and Away 18:30 5 News Tonight 19:00 New: The Gadget Show 19:55 5 News Update 20:00 New: Jack The Ripper: The Missing Eviden 21:00 New: Gotham: Spirit of the Goat 22:00 New: Under The Dome: Go Now 22:55 New: Set Up 33 PLEASE NOTE ALL TIMES ARE IN GMT 7:00am Breakfast 10:15am Rip Off Britain: Live 11:00am Homes under the Hammer 12:00pm Call the Council 12:45pm Close Calls: On Camera 1:15pm Bargain Hunt 2:00pm BBC News at One 2:45pm Doctors 3:15pm Perfection 4:00pm Escape to the Country 4:45pm Holiday of My Lifetime with Len Goodman 5:30pm Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 6:15pm Pointless 7:00pm BBC News at Six[SUB] 8:00pm The ONE Show 8:30pm EastEnders 9:00pm Holby City 10:00pm DIY SOS: The Big Build 11:00pm BBC News at Ten 11:35pm Panorama Special 12:35pm The Street Tuesday 18th November 7:05am Homes under the Hammer 8:05am Call the Council 8:50am Close Calls: On Camera 9:20am A Taste of Britain 10:05am Antiques Roadshow 11:05am Building Dream Homes 11:35am HARDtalk 12:00pm BBC News 12:30pm BBC World News 1:00pm Daily Politics 2:00pm A Taste of My Life 2:30pm Ready Steady Cook 3:15pm The Rockford Files 4:00pm Cagney and Lacey 4:50pm Who Do You Think You Are? 5:50pm Great British Railway Journeys 6:20pm Flog It! 7:00pm Eggheads 7:30pm Strictly Come Dancing - It Takes Two 8:00pm Big Dreams Small Spaces 9:00pm The BBC Children in Need Sewing Bee 10:00pm Human Universe 11:00pm Later Live... with Jools Holland 11:30pm Newsnight 12:20am Wonders of the Monsoon 6:00am Good Morning Britain 8:30am Lorraine 9:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30am This Morning 10:55am ITV News 11:00am This Morning 12:30pm Loose Women 1:30pm ITV News & Weather 2:00pm Peter Andre's 60 Minute Makeover 3:00pm Secret Dealers 4:00pm Tipping Point 5:00pm The Chase 6:00pm ITV News 7:00pm Emmerdale 7:30pm International Football: Scotland v England 10:15pm ITV News at Ten & Weather 10:55pm International Football Highlights OF K C I P DAY E H T 7:20am The King of Queens 7:45am The King of Queens 8:10am 3rd Rock from the Sun 8:35am 3rd Rock from the Sun 9:00am Everybody Loves Raymond 9:30am Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00am Frasier 10:30am Frasier 11:00am Daily Brunch 12:00pm Jamie's Money Saving Meals 12:30pm Come Dine with Me 1:00pm Channel 4 News Summary 1:05pm Come Dine with Me 1:35pm Come Dine with Me 2:05pm Come Dine with Me 2:40pm Come Dine with Me 3:10pm Countdown 4:00pm Fifteen to One 5:00pm Deal or No Deal 6:00pm Four in a Bed 6:30pm Come Dine with Me 7:00pm The Simpsons 7:30pm Hollyoaks 8:00pm Channel 4 News 8:55pm The Political Slot 9:00pm Obsessive Compulsive Cleaners 10:00pm You Can't Get The Staff 11:00pm Gogglebox: Celebrity Special For SU2C 11:35pm Secrets of the Living Dolls 12:35am Scrotal Recall live iNTerNaTioNal FooTball Scotland v England Scotland v England (Kick-off 8.00pm). Coverage of the friendly match from Celtic Park in Glasgow, where the two oldest rivals in the international game face each other. This is the 112th fixture to take place between these nations, and the second in two years having also met at Wembley Stadium in August 2013, in a contest that saw England emerge with a 3-2 victory. ITV London 7:30pm Tue 18 Nov 10:15am The Wright Stuff 12:10pm Cowboy Builders 1:10pm 5 News Lunchtime 1:15pm The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door 2:15pm Home and Away 2:45pm Neighbours 3:15pm NCIS 4:15pm Stolen Innocence[FILM] 6:00pm 5 News at 5 6:30pm Neighbours 7:00pm Home and Away 7:30pm 5 News Tonight 8:00pm Meerkat Manor 8:30pm The Secret Life of Pets 9:00pm Britain's Worst Crimes: Kidnapped - The Stephanie Slater Story 10:00pm CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 11:00pm NCIS 11:55pm NCIS 12:55pm Secrets and Lies 34 CLASSIFIEDS & SERVICES 22ndPOWERED BY AIRPORT ENTERTAINMENT ROCK & ROLL HOUSE. The best live music in Benidorm.Avenida Doctor Severo Ochoa Rincon de Loix VISTA OFFER - Free shot with your Vista Card CARS Have you got a car for sale? Need to Advertise? Email or Call Now 965 020 250 - Option 2 classifieds@ BOXES PHILLIP Your English speaking garage. Alfaz del Pi Call 965889188 VISTA OFFER AIR CON REFILL FROM 50€ - 25€ only p/hour Eurocars New & Nearly New Car Dealership, Specialist In Automatics. La Nucia CLEANING BENIDORM PALACE Brand new show EFEX Fantastic Dinner & Show.Best night out in Benidorm TRIANGLE Late night Disco, Dancing & Karaoke. Avenida de Estocolmo Rincon De Loix. FASHION VISTA OFFER - 10% Off with Vista Card FITNESS Body’s Centre local 12, Partida cap blanc 43,, Altea,Alicante,03580 VISTA OFFER - No Joining fee- only 25€ per month MINI GOLF BENIDORM Fantastic 18 Hole Course only 5€ per person fun for the whole family. 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Calle Lepanto 12/13. , 03580 MONROES CARVERY & RESTAURANT Great British Food, and Carvery everyday Closed Tuesdays THE GUINNESS BAR Beach front bar, great food & drink plus live entertainment. Levante Beach Front VISTA OFFER - 20% Discount off drinks. VISTA OFFER - 10% off Main Meals. VISTA OFFER - 10% Discount on all food and drinks STRETFORD END Great Food & Drink, Massive Screens, All Sport Shown Bookies Open Every Day. Calle Londres, Rinco de Loix. Benidorm PIG N’ WHISTLE Traditional British Pub VISTA OFFER - Free bottle of bubbly for All live sports shown on 6 groups - Free soft HDTV’s, Aircon drink for kids. Pool Table & Darts Calle Pal 5 Old Town Opp. MAGIC RESTAURANT Rich Bitch Traditional British Food since VISTA OFFER - Free 1980, Steaks, Burgers, Ribs bottle of beer or for & Homemade Chips. Ladies free cocktail C/Ibiza,9, Benidorm VISTA OFFER - Curries buy 1 get the 2nd half price or one child can eat free per paying couple. SUBWAY DAYTONA BAR Sub Sandwiches, made your r, Live music everyday, Great way. Rincon de Loix, deals & Offers. Av,Estocolmo,2 & Levante Levante Beach Front, Beach Front. Benidorm VISTA OFFER - 20% Discount off drinks. VISTA OFFER - Buy one dish get one free or 10% off the A La Carte Menu.. VISTA OFFER - Buy one get one free of the same kind. JUKEBOX Family run sports bar, Food served all day, Pool Table & Darts Avd, Roma 9, Rincon de Loix COMPUTERS VISTA OFFER - 10% off food anytime.. VISTA OFFER - 10% off the bill over 20 € DRIVING LESSONS SPICE OF LIFE Indian Restaurant & Takeaway Dr.Orts Llorca 11. VISTA OFFER - 10% off the menu EL ITALIANO Quality Authentic Italian Cuisine, Fantastic Pizza & Pasta Plaza de Hispanidad 3 (Plaza Triangular) Tel: 965 859 533 VISTA OFFER - 10% Off the bill. INDIA GATE Traditional Authentic Indian Cusine, Restaurant & Take Away. Outside seating Calle Gerona 2/14. (FOOD STREET) Tel: 636059785 VISTA OFFER - 10% Off Takeaway Orders. VISTA OFFER - 10% off the A La Carte Menu. THE PLAZA All Sports Shown Live Great Pub Food, Avenida de Estocolmo, 5 Rincon de Loix VISTA OFFER - Free shot with your Vista Card VISTA OFFER - 10% off Main Meals. CLASSIFIEDS & SERVICES FOOD AND DRINK VISTA OFFER - Free Glass of wine with each Sunday lunch. LAUNDRY SERVICE THEMEPARKS REMOVALS LIMOUSINE HIRE PERSONALS POS SYSTEMS CHESS CLUB LOOKING for Lorraine, lived in Alfaz del Pi 19941995, email Pete at PETS VISTA OFFER - 2 bottles of Cava with the Vista card MOBILITY PRINTING AMIGO 24 Mobility Hire, Scooters, Wheelchairs, Avda Almirall Bernat Sarria. Opposite Outdoor Market in Benidorm BRITISH HAIRDRESSERS, Benidorm, OUR staff needed - beauty/nail CLASSIFIED SECTION person & hairdresser IS GROWING EACH please contact Tracy 635 312 743 WEEK VISTA OFFER - 10% Discount with your Vista Card. VISTA OFFER - 10% off Tappanyaki Menu. 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Tel 965 020 252 or email or find us on FaceBook VISTA OFFER - 10% Off With Vista Card VISTA OFFER - Free Cocktail with Main meal. 35 FEATURED SERVICE WE OFFER GREAT DEALS ON ALL ADVERTS SMALL LARGE & LINEAGE CALL US NOW TO GET A QUOTE 965 020 250 LOOKING FOR STAFF??? REACH 10,000+ READERS EACH WEEK PLACE YOUR ADD NOW JUST CALL 965 020 250 VISTA CARD The Vista Card is fantastic way to generate extra business and can be used as a simple marketing tool to spread the word about your company and attract cus tomers from other areas. The Vista Card is simple and can be used in many ways to suit your business needs, you can make customers aware of new or existing products you wish to push or you may wish to encourage customers to visit during quieter trading hours. Whatever your business, the Vista Card is a fantastic marketing tool to help grow your business and can be adapted and used to suit your business 36 LOCAL SPORT ALFAZ FANTASY JUKE BOX FOOTBALL LEAGUE PREDICTIONS Sponsored by LEAGUE Place NEW NAME 1 SHARON JB 2 RYAN 3 DARREN 4 STAN 5 IAN 6 FRED Pool 7 LEE H 8 TONY H 9 LISA 10 BERNARD 11 NICK 12 KEN 13 CLIVE 14 TOM S.E. 15 KEV SCOT 16 BOBBY BB 17 LILA 18 DAN B 19 MARIE JB 20 PAUL ENG 21 KEN G BAR 22 GARY/SUE 23 TOBY 24 KELLY 25 MAC 26 JULES 27 ALEX T 28 DANIEL 29 GARY/JOSEY 30 LES JB 31 DAVID JB 32 DAVE LEE 33 DEREK 34 GARY G BAR 35 WES 36 BRIAN 37 JEAN 38 IAN/MICHELLE 39 MICHELLE/IAN 40 TONYstret 41 SAM 42 JOHNNY 43 DEBS 44 BERNIE 45 TOM t 46 LUCHIE 47 BOBBY 48 JAN JB 49 FAYE 50 BRAIN S/E 51 LEROY 52 BRIAN BOYD 53 LOUISE 54 NORAH 55 DAVE BROOKS 56 JIM 57 JANET 58 SCOTT 59 KEITH U Jack 60 KYNE Bidvest 61 ASH 62 JOHN BOOKIE 63 TRISH 64 LINDA 65 JASON Bidvest 66 ALAN BOOKIE 67 LINZI JB 68 J. JOYCE 69 TONY 70 CHRISTINE G BAR 71 RON 72 DONNA 73 KATH 74 CALLUM A/O/S 75 DAVE/Brenda 76 JAKE ENG 77 JOSEY 78 ELAINE S NO 6 20 54 55 29 10 30 32 19 42 77 11 52 61 70 25 27 66 3 23 36 43 51 58 67 45 60 12 49 1 4 7 26 31 74 8 9 13 15 16 63 65 39 40 44 46 47 2 34 53 33 48 71 75 76 41 18 28 35 57 59 62 68 21 56 64 5 17 73 37 38 22 69 78 14 24 50 72 Tot 85 81 82 79 75 78 79 79 75 76 78 75 78 75 75 75 61 73 74 71 71 74 73 72 71 70 70 71 71 72 68 69 69 70 69 68 65 64 68 67 67 69 67 66 65 67 67 64 67 63 66 63 67 66 67 63 65 63 63 62 63 63 66 63 64 63 60 62 62 60 58 56 59 60 58 54 51 52 g13 5 7 5 8 9 5 4 4 6 5 3 5 2 5 5 4 18 6 4 7 7 4 5 6 7 7 7 5 4 2 6 5 5 4 5 5 8 9 5 6 6 4 5 6 7 5 5 7 4 8 4 7 3 4 3 6 3 5 5 6 5 5 2 4 3 4 6 4 4 5 6 6 3 2 3 6 6 4 Tot 90 88 87 87 84 83 83 83 81 81 81 80 80 80 80 79 79 79 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 77 77 76 75 74 74 74 74 74 74 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 72 72 72 72 72 71 71 71 70 70 70 70 70 69 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 67 67 67 66 66 66 65 64 62 62 62 61 60 57 56 Goals were in short supply in the 1 Monday Night game and full Premier League programme at the Weekend which only provided the Alfaz Fantasy League with 25 goals,6 clean sheets,56 yellow cards(most so far this Season) and 2 red ones.Crystal Palace's Skipper Jedinak and Spur's Full Back Naughton being this Week's naughty Boys.We managed to get a Penalty awarded at the Weekend thanks to Referee Lee Mason who gave Everton's Leighton Baines the chance to equalize against Sunderland. I don't think I have seen so many Handballs and fouls in the Penalty Area go unpunished for a such long time. I think the Referees have had a Meeting and agreed to only award 1 penalty a Weekend. Kevin's Team Bars a Loner went 6 points clear of Steve's Cowden Red Devils at the top of the Alfaz Fantasy League.Neil's Blue Moon Rising had a good week bagging 41 points which places him nicely in 3rd spot 1 point behind the Red Devils and only 7 points behind the Leaders.It really is tight at the top as there is only 28 points between the top 11 which makes for an exciting Season ahead.I wish I could say the same about life at the bottom of the Table where Les's Team Have Not Got a Clue only scored 2 points which leaves them 38 points adrift of Winnie's Team Le Hombre Rioja. Mind you there could be some light at the end of the tunnel for Les as one of his Strikers West Ham's Andy Carroll made a return from a long injury on Saturday. Sharon's Team Shaztastic regained the top spot of our Mark Carter Ladies Section by overtaking Super Suze by 8 points. Pam's People moved a little closer to the Summit and are in 3rd place.Debbie's Foxy Filberts & Kim's Ginger United are also in contention in 4th & 5th position.Down at the foot of the League Winnie's Le Hombre Rioja have been going backwards for Weeks,this Week they only managed 5 points which puts them 33 points from the nearest Team Kate's Mixed Bunch. There was plenty of action in our U.K.T.V.SPAIN Junior League where Lily's Sponge Bob XI stretched their lead at the Summit to 9 points over Super Rhys. Ginger Ninja is in 3rd place but the Team to watch out for in this Section is Anthony's Team Dart Vader who are arrowing in on the Leaders after getting this Weeks top score of 49 points which helped them move up 5 places to 4th. At the other end of the Table Adam's Team What's the Point are getting left behind as they are now 29 points away from Calum's Rees Red Devils. One of our Junior Teams is top of our Golden Boot League which is sponsored by Leonard Knowles Construction. Super Rhys have maintained the the No 1 spot for the 2nd Week running by holding off the challenge from Keith's Max & Paddy who are only 4 points behind. Eric's Team The Chosen Ones are in 3rd place then comes another one of our Junior Teams Sponge Bob XI. No reprieve for Les's Team at the bottom Have Not Got a Clue as they have gone 7 Weeks without scoring. 3 Teams go into the Pot for our Premier Imports Draw for a case of fine Wine at the end of the Month and they are Anthony's Team Dart Vader who top scored with 49 points and our 2 lowest scoring Teams Les's Have Not Got a Clue and Joanna's Los Torres Harriers who only managed 2 points. The Manager of the Month for November is being kindly sponsored by Darren & Lorna at the Brisa Del Mar in Albir who provide excellent good wholesome home cooked food at good prices.With only 2 Weeks gone Dave's Team Up The Clarets are still in pole position with a narrow 1 point advantage over Lenny's Spreaders. Both Managers are Burnley Fans so they both must have celebrated the Clarets 1st win in the Premier League at the Weekend.Knowing both of them I'm sure they did.In 3rd place Dean's Globe Trotters are only 1 point behind the Spreaders. Our fastest moving Team this Week is Bobby's Team Newcastle Old Boys who moved up 43 places to No 155 which has earned this avid Newcastle Fan a super Breakfast for 2 at Rafters sponsored by Kate. At the time of going to Press I have not had time to collate all the scores for our very popular K.O.Cup Competition so I will report on it next Week. By the time you read this all the scores and Results will be up on our website which is If you can't access a computer why not pop into Hepburns in Albir and view all the Results on their Notice Board or you can always visit Me at The Local also in Albir at the Weekend and get all the latest News and Results. BENIDORM POOL LEAGUE DIVISION 1 TEAM PLD W D L F A PTS JUKEBOX B 3 3 0 0 22 8 9 IBROX 3 2 1 0 17 13 7 Y PRIDE A 3 1 1 1 13 17 4 BOBBY'S BAR 2 1 1 0 11 9 4 GRILL HOUSE 3 1 0 2 16 14 3 TILLY'S TAVERN 3 1 0 2 12 18 3 SERENAS A 3 0 1 2 13 17 1 ROCKSTAR 2 0 0 2 6 14 0 DIVISION 2 TEAM PLD W D L F A PTS WAIKIKI 3 3 0 0 18 12 9 JUKEBOX A 3 1 2 0 16 14 5 NEPTUNES 3 1 1 1 16 14 4 SEREANS B 2 1 0 1 10 10 3 Y PRIDE B 2 0 1 1 8 12 1 TARTAN BAR 3 0 0 3 12 18 0 Pos Team P W D L 1 Chelsea 11 9 2 0 28 11 17 29 2 Southampton 11 8 1 2 23 5 18 25 3 Man City 11 6 3 2 22 12 10 21 4 West Ham 11 5 3 3 19 14 5 18 5 Swansea City 11 5 3 3 15 11 4 18 6 Arsenal 11 4 5 2 19 13 6 17 7 Man Utd 11 4 4 3 17 14 3 16 8 Newcastle 11 4 4 3 13 15 -2 16 F A +/- Pts 9 Stoke City 11 4 3 4 12 13 -1 15 10 Everton 11 3 5 3 20 18 2 14 11 Liverpool 11 4 2 5 14 15 -1 14 12 Tottenham 11 4 2 5 14 16 -2 14 13 West Brom 11 3 4 4 13 15 -2 13 14 Sunderland 11 2 6 3 12 19 -7 12 15 Hull City 11 2 5 4 13 15 -2 11 16 Aston Villa 11 3 2 6 16 -11 11 17 Crystal Palace 11 2 3 6 14 20 -6 9 18 Leicester City 11 2 3 6 11 18 -7 9 19 QPR 11 2 2 7 11 22 -11 8 20 Burnley 11 1 4 6 7 5 6 19 -13 SPORT 37 ENGLAND LOSE ROKODUGUNI GOOD WEEK England wing Semesa Rokoduguni has been ruled out of Saturday's game against South Africa with a thigh injury and replaced in the squad by Marland Yarde. Rokoduguni was injured in the second half of the 24-21 defeat to New Zealand at Twickenham last weekend. He has failed to prove his fitness in time to face the Springboks and, as a result, Harlequins wing Yarde, who has made five appearances for England, has been drafted into a 24-man squad named by head coach Stuart Lancaster. "Roko has done some limited training but is unlikely to fully recover from his thigh injury in time, so Marland is in the group coming back into camp on Wednesday," said Lancaster. Fiji-born Rokoduguni, who plays for Bath, became the first serving soldier since Tim Rodber in 1999 to be capped by England when he made his debut against the All Blacks. who has made five appearances for England, has been drafted into a 24-man squad named by head coach Stuart Lancaster. "Roko has done some limited training but is unlikely to fully recover from his thigh injury in time, so Marland is in the group coming back into camp on Wednesday," said Lancaster. Fiji-born Rokoduguni, who plays for Bath, became the first serving soldier since Tim Rodber in 1999 to be capped by England when he made his debut against the All Blacks. Rokoduguni was injured in the second half of the 2421 defeat to New Zealand at Twickenham last weekend. He has failed to prove his fitness in time to face the Springboks and, as a result, Harlequins wing Yarde, MCLAREN TO DECIDE THIS WEEK ERIC BOULLIER, the McLaren racing director, is to sit down with CEO Ron Dennis this week for a final round of talks in a bid to resolve the team's driver line-up for 2015. Discussions have been ongoing between the duo for some time as they mull over who should partner the returning Fernando Alonso, who is due to be confirmed by McLaren by the end of next week. After negotiating his severance payment with Ferrari - Alonso had two years remaining on his agreement with the team the Spaniard is to join McLaren on a two-year deal, with the option of a third. As to his team-mate, paddock sources have suggested Boullier and Dennis have a difference of opinion, with the Frenchman favouring Jenson Button, whilst the latter prefers Kevin Magnussen. With Dennis promising in early September to deliver an answer by the end of the campaign in Abu Dhabi, the clock is ticking, although he ultimately has the final call. If Dennis needed any convincing Button's experience was the way to go then his performance over the weekend in Brazil will have helped. In qualifying fifth and finishing fourth at Interlagos, the 34-year-old has now KENNY WINS SECOND MEDAL scored nearly double the number of Magnussen's points this season - 106 to 55. Boullier refused to be drawn on whether anything could be read into the result, other than to state it was "a great weekend for the team". Jason Kenny claimed his second medal of the UCI Track Cycling World Cup in Guadalajara, Mexico, by winning silver in the men’s individual sprint on the last day. Kenny, who had already taken gold in the men’s team sprint 24 hours earlier, was beaten 2-0 in the gold-medal final by Australia’s Matthew Glaetzer following two closely contested heats. Kenny had earlier beaten New Zealand’s Sam Webster 2-0 in the semi-final to book his place in the decider. Britain finished the event second in the medal standings, with two golds and two silvers. Australia topped the table with three golds and two silvers. BAD WEEK KIWIS LOSE LEULUAI FOR FINAL "Prior to Sochi [the Russian Grand Prix] we were a little bit down," he said. "But in two of the last three races now we have clearly shown we are capable of putting cars in the top five Austin [the United States Grand Prix] was a little more difficult. But the performance levels are rising, we're closing the gap, and for me it is important to seize this Former Wigan Warriors and London Broncos scrummomentum at the end of the season. "It means everything we have done through the season half and hooker Thomas Leuluai has been ruled out of the New Zealand side to play Australia in the Four is now starting to pay off, and we are building for the Nations Series final in Wellington on Saturday. future, so it's good. But this weekend specifically, and The New Zealand Warriors player, who started two of this race specifically, Jenson did really great." the Kiwis' three group matches at hooker, picked up a shoulder injury - as well as a badly-gashed face Button, meanwhile, has dismissed suggestions he is during Saturday's 16-14 win over England in chasing one final big pay-day, with the feeling of being Dunedin. wanted far more important than money as far as his 38 SPORT VIOLINIST MAE GIVEN FOUR YEAR BAN ENGLAND LOSE CARRICK TO INJURY Michael Carrick has been forced to pull out of the England squad after suffering a groin injury.The Manchester United midfielder had been reinstated in the national squad for the forthcoming matches with Slovenia and Scotland. Carrick, who last appeared for England in their World Cup qualifier against Poland at Wembley last year, had been in line for a first appearance since being overlooked by Roy Hodgson for the summer finals in Brazil. The 33-year-old, who picked up the injury at St George's Park, will have a scan to discover the severity of the injury. The injury is a huge blow for both England and the midfielder himself, with Hodgson believed to have turned to Carrick to fill a void now left by the retired duo of Steven Gerrard and Frank Lampard. CESC FABREGAS IS OUT OF SPAIN’S UPCOMING MATCHES Violinist Vanessa Mae has been given a four-year ban by the International Ski Federation for taking part in races allegedly 'manipulated' to help her qualify for the Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics. The governing body said its hearing panel found 'to its comfortable satisfaction' that the results of a series of races in Slovenia in January were set up in order for Mae to achieve the qualifying points required to compete at the Games. Representing Thailand and competing under the name Vanessa Vanakorn, the classical violinist took part in the women's giant-slalom in Sochi and finished last out of the 67 competitors. An FIS statement read: "After considering written submissions and testimony at a hearing on 3rd October 2014, the Hearing Panel found to its comfortable satisfaction that the results of the four ladies giant slalom races that took place on 18th and 19th January 2014 at Krvavec (SLO) were manipulated, resulting in the calculation of FIS Points that do not reflect the true performance of the competitors that participated in those events and in particular the points awarded to Vanessa Vanakorn (Mae)." MURRAY HANGS ON Murray was blown away in his opening match by Kei Nishikori, but made no mistake against the Canadian by securing a straight-sets victory. The Scot secured two breaks of serve in the opening set to move one set up in a little over 30 minutes. Although Murray broke Raonic in the third game of the second set his 23-year-old opponent hit back immediately to square things up. It was not until the 11th game that Murray secured another break which allowed him to serve for the match. Although one match point came and went, he secured the contest at the second time of asking when a Raonic shot drifted long. Roger Federer's win against Kei Nishikori earlier on Tuesday meant Murray knew he had to match that to avoid early elimination. Murray could beat Federer and still go out depending on the score between Raonic and Nishikori, but equally a loss for Murray would not necessarily eliminate him. Murray takes on Federer on Thursday at the O2 scheduled for 8pm GMT Chelsea midfielder Cesc Fabregas has been ruled out of Spain’s European Qualifier against Belarus on Saturday. The 27-year-old, who arrived for national duty with a hamstring complaint, had a MRI scan in Madrid on Tuesday morning. Fabregas will also miss the match against world champions Germany next week but hopes to be available for Chelsea’s next match on November 22. The Barclays Premier League leaders will entertain West Brom at Stamford Bridge before travelling to Germany to play Schalke in the Champions League three days late A statement from the Spanish Football Federation (RFEF) said: "The Chelsea midfielder has been ruled out for the games against Belarus and Germany following tests and an evaluation of his condition that was carried out this morning by the medical staff of the Spanish national team. "The MRI done this morning in the Sanitas Clinic in La Moraleja showed a clear improvement with respect to the one done by his club on Sunday. "Although the MRI discards a hamstring tear, the player continues to have discomfort and the medical team considers that his involvement in the next games would not be advisable for his complete recovery." SPORT GROUP A GP W D L GF GA GD PTS Iceland 3 3 0 0 8 0 +8 9 Czech Rep. 3 3 0 0 8 4 +4 9 Netherlands 3 1 0 2 4 5 -1 3 Latvia 3 0 2 1 1 4 -3 2 Kazakhstan 3 0 1 2 3 7 -4 1 Turkey 3 0 1 2 2 6 -4 1 GROUP B GP W D L GF GA GD PTS Wales 3 2 1 0 4 2 +2 7 Israel 2 2 0 0 6 2 +4 6 Belgium 2 1 1 0 7 1 +6 4 Cyprus 3 1 0 2 4 5 -1 3 Bosnia-Herz. 3 0 2 1 2 3 -1 2 Andorra 3 0 0 3 2 12 -10 0 GROUP C GP W D L GF GA GD PTS This Weeks Fixtures Slovakia 3 3 0 0 6 2 +4 9 Spain 3 2 0 1 10 3 7 6 Ukraine 3 2 0 1 1 +2 6 Geordia V Poland 6pm 3 14th November Macedonia 3 1 0 2 4 8 -4 3 Germany V Gibraltar 8.45pm Belarus 3 0 1 2 2 6 -4 1 Scotland V ROI 8.45pm Luxembourg 3 0 1 2 3 8 -5 1 Greece V Faroe Islands 8.45pm GROUP D GP W D L GF GA GD PTS Poland 3 2 1 0 11 2 +9 7 Ireland 3 2 1 0 10 2 +8 7 Scotland 3 1 1 1 4 4 0 4 Germany 3 1 1 1 3 4 -1 4 Georgia 3 1 0 2 4 3 +1 3 Gibraltar 3 0 0 3 0 17 -17 0 GROUP E GP W D L GF GA GD PTS England 3 3 0 0 8 0 +8 9 Slovenia 3 2 0 1 3 1 +2 6 Lithuania 3 2 0 1 3 2 +1 6 Switzerland 3 1 0 2 4 3 +1 3 Estonia 3 1 0 2 1 2 -1 3 San Marino 3 0 0 3 0 11 -11 0 GROUP F GP W D L Hungary V Finland 8.45pm Romani V N.Ireland 8.45pm Pirtugal V Armenia 8.45pm Serbia V Denmark 8.45pm 15th November Luxembourg V Ukraine 6pm Austria V Russia 6pm Moldova V Liechtenstein 6pm England V Slovenia 6pm San Marino V Estonia 6pm Switzerland V Lithuania 8.45pm Spain v Belarus 8.45pm Montenegro V Sweden 8.45pm Macedonia V Slovakia 8.45pm GF GA GD PTS Nor. Ireland 3 3 0 0 6 1 +5 9 Romania 3 2 1 0 4 1 +3 7 Finland 3 1 1 1 4 4 0 4 Hungary 3 1 1 1 3 3 0 4 Greece 3 0 1 2 1 4 -3 1 Azerbaijan V Norway 8.45pm Faroe Islands 3 0 0 3 1 6 -5 0 Bulgaria V Malta 8.45pm GROUP G GP W D L GF GA GD PTS 16th November Netherlands V Latvia 6pm Belgium V Wales 6pm Cyprus V Andorra 6pm Italy V Croatia 8.45pm Austria 3 2 1 0 4 2 +2 7 Israel V Bosnia & Herz 8.45pm Russia 3 1 2 0 6 2 +4 5 Czech Rep. V Iceland 8.45pm Sweden 3 1 2 0 4 2 +2 5 Turkey V Kazakhstan 8.45pm Montenegro 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 4 Moldova 3 0 1 2 2 5 -3 1 Liechtenstein 3 0 1 2 0 6 -6 1 GROUP H GP W D L GF GA GD PTS Croatia 3 3 0 0 9 0 +9 9 Italy 3 3 0 0 5 1 +4 9 Norway 3 2 0 1 5 3 +2 6 Bulgaria 3 1 0 2 3 4 -1 3 Malta 3 0 0 3 2 10 -8 0 Azerbaijan 3 0 0 3 0 6 0 GROUP I GP W D L -6 GF GA GD PTS Denmark 3 1 1 1 3 3 0 4 Albania 3 1 1 1 2 4 -2 4 Portugal 2 1 0 1 1 1 0 3 Serbia 2 1 1 0 4 1 +3 1 Armenia 2 0 1 1 2 3 -1 1 39 SPORT KLINSMANN DEFENDS POCHETTINO G ET REA L REAL SOCIEDAD APPOINT MOYES David Moyes has become Real Sociedad's new head coach on a contract until the end of the 2015/16 season according to Sky Sports. The Scot has signed a deal until the summer of 2016 and returns to football six-and-a-half months after losing his job as Manchester United boss. Moyes had been considering Sociedad's offer for some time and, according to Sky Sports' Spanish football expert Guillem Balague, was pressed for a decision with second-choice Pepe Mel waiting in the wings. Balague told Sky Sports News HQ: "I'm so excited about this. He's one of the top British managers and he's actually going to go to La Liga, to a team he can improve. "The interesting thing is Real Sociedad have not accepted no for an answer. They insisted they wanted him to be the man and received very good reports. It's not a decision that's been taken lightly at all." Moyes joins a club third from bottom in La Liga following a poor start to the season that cost Jagoba Arrasate his job. But Sociedad were in the Champions League as recently as last season, when they were drawn in the same group as Moyes' United, who won at Old Trafford and drew in Spain. The San Sebastian-based club have a history of appointing British managers, and Moyes is following in the footsteps of Welshmen John Toshack and Chris Coleman. Balague said: "It's a club with some Britishness about it - the first foreigner to play for them was John Aldridge and Chris Coleman was also there. The area is also 'British' in the eyes of the rest of Spain - it rains a lot USA head coach and former Spurs striker Jurgen Klinsmann has called for Tottenham manager Mauricio Pochettino to be given time to build his own team at White Hart Lane. Spurs were booed off the pitch on Sunday after they slumped to a 2-1 defeat to Stoke their fourth loss in six Premier League games at home this season.The latest loss saw Pochettino's men drop to 12th in the league but Klinsmann, who scored 38 goals in 65 appearances during two successful stints at the club, believes the Argentinian will be a success. Klinsmann told Sky Sports News HQ: "He needs to have the coaches on the same page, from the youngest to the oldest. "He needs to have everybody following the same philosophy and saying 'ok this is what we stand for'. INSIDE EURO 2016 TABLES AND FIXTURES FOR 14TH-16TH NOVEMBER
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