June 21, 2015 - Ascension School
June 21, 2015 - Ascension School
A Stewardship Parish, Sharing Our God -Given Gifts in Service 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time - June 21, 2015 Take time this week to reflect on today’s readings: First Reading — Job 38:1, 8-11; Psalm — Psalm 107:23-26, 28-31; Second Reading — 2 Corinthians 5:14-17; Gospel — Mark 4:35-41 THE WIND AND THE SEA READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Gn 12:1-9; Ps 33:12-13, 18-20, 22; Mt 7:1-5 Tuesday: Gn 13:2, 5-18; Ps 15:2-4ab, 5; Mt 7:6, 12-14 Wednesday: Vigil: Jer 1:4-10; Ps 71:1-6ab, 15ab, 17; 1 Pt 1:8-12; Lk 1:5-17 Day: Is 49:1-6; Ps 139:1-3, 13-15; Acts 13:22-26; Lk 1:57-66, 80 Thursday: Gn 16:1-12, 15-16 [6b-12, 15-16]; Ps 106:1b-5; Mt 7:21-29 Friday: Gn 17:1, 9-10, 15-22; Ps 128:1-5; Mt 8:1-4 Saturday: Gn 18:1-15; Lk 1:46-50, 53-55; Mt 8:5-17 Living along the shores of Lake Superior—the “big lake,” as the locals call it—you can often hear the advice, “Respect the lake; don’t take it for granted.” People who know Lake Superior respect its power and watch out for its many moods. Sunken ships and boats crushed into kindling are testimonies to what the lake can do. The readings of this Sunday evoke our memories of the lake, of the mighty Mississippi River, or of the ocean itself. Who but God can control these mighty waters and set limits to their advance? The lake described in today’s Gospel was a body of water subject to sudden storms and churned into dangerous waves by terrible winds. But these mighty agents are subject to God. The sailor and the fisher all respect the water. Even more, they respect the awesome power of the Maker of wind and sea. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. To prepare for the 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time: First Reading — Wisdom 1:13-15; 2:23-24; Psalm — Psalm 30:2, 4-6, 11-13; Second Reading — 2 Corinthians 8:7, 9, 13-15; Gospel — Mark 5:21-43 From the Pastor ASCENSION CHURCH Parish Center: 808 S. East Ave. Oak Park, IL 60304 Phone: 708-848-2703 Fax: 708-848-2773 OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Thursday: 8 AM - 8 PM Friday: 8 AM - 4 PM Saturday & Sunday: 8:30 AM -1:30 PM Bulletin Articles ascensiondome@ascensionoakpark.com E-Mail Personnel can be reached by first initial.last name@ascensionoakpark.com Web-sites www.ascensionoakpark.com www.archdiocese-chgo.org Pastor Rev. Larry McNally DEAR FAMILY OF ASCENSION, 848-2703 Pastoral Associate David Philippart 434-1533 Assistant Pastoral Associate Gene Wesolowski 434-1555 Director of Institutional Development Katie Moran Vanaria 434-1558 Director of Music David Anderson 434-1535 Director of Youth Ministry Julie Krakora 434-1546 School Principal Mary Jo Burns 386-7282 Director of Religious Education Diane Lawrence-Moriarty 848-3099 Religious Education Assistant Kathy Marifjeren 434-1554 Development Associate Marybeth Granholm 434-1541 Parish Office Support Staff Office Assistant: Jim Wojcik (M-F) x231 Sacramental Secretary: Deedee Ralston (PM: M-Th) x230 Pastor Emeritus Rev. Robert A. Cross Weekend Assistants Rev. John Cunningham, S.J. Rev. Bob Hutmacher, OFM Rev. Richard Woods, O.P. Deacon Couples Lendell & Tina Richardson Roger & Betty Vandervest Joe & Kathie Walsh Mental Health Counselor Bill Harrison - Claret Center 773-643-6259 Extension 24 HAPPY FATHER’S DAY to ALL parish Dads! Greetings! What a wonderful sight to see, last Sunday at our 11 am Mass, with our Sanctuary surrounded with a sea of blue and white tshirts of our 2015 ASP Teens and Adult Leaders. I thank ALL of you for your faith witness in your compassionate service to the needy in Appalachia. I won’t be here when you leave and return but please know I will pray for you during your ASP week. Be safe, and be sure to get some much needed rest when you return safely home. May God bless you in your good and compassionate work! Thank you Family of Ascension for your prayerful and financial support of the ASP trip. I thank you for all of your generosity in participating in the stock sales, flower sales, the car washes, Lou Malnati days and the Easter Lamb cake sales. Fr. Hurlbert will not be asking for a SOX design on his cake for next year but rather a CUBS design (hint-hint which city team he prefers). My family always enjoyed the SOX decoration before devouring the delicious cakes. Thanks ASP Teens and Adults! Thank you Rosemarie Nowicki for your leadership in last weekend’s Blood Drive. Thanks to all who donated their blood in giving life to others. Thanks to our volunteers for your service. Thanks to Bob Kutella and our many parish volunteers, our annual Summer Lunch Program is off to a very good start. Thanks Bob and to ALL of you for your kindness and compassion. The next summer lunch will be on the 4th of July. Congratulations to our new Pastor, Fr. James Hurlbert on the occasion of his 25th Anniversary as a priest. May God continue to bless you, Fr. Hurlbert, in your priestly ministry, especially now as you become the 10th Pastor of Ascension Parish. May you be as happy as I was here in my Pastorate. God’s blessings on your Priest Ordination Anniversary. Congratulations to Deacon Roger Vandervest on the occasion of his 10 years as a Deacon. Thanks Roger for your service to us as well as to the Archdiocese of Chicago. You and Betty make a wonderful Deacon Couple. Ordination anniversary best wishes go out to two of our former Associates, Fr. Tom Baldonieri and Fr. John Moulder. God’s blessings to you in your ministry. We are for sure now in the Ordinary Time of our Church Year with the wearing of green vestments and the green banners hanging from the ceiling in our church. For the next six weekends we will be reading from the Old Testament Prophets of Ezekiel, Job, Amos and Jeremiah, which in one way or another, are linked with the Gospel of St. Mark which we will be reading from. The Old Testament Prophets refer to the ‘Messenger’ to come, which of course is Jesus Christ. St. Mark centers on the theme of Jesus Christ ‘The Messenger’ of the New (Continued on page 3) J U N E 2 1 , 2 0 1 5 — P A G E 2 Testament who will have authority over sin and death. The ‘Mosaic’ of the readings will show God’s patience with God’s ‘Chosen Ones’ forgiving their false gods, selfishness and harshness of heart. The readings will remind all of God’s people of the love God has for us. They will suggest many practical ways in how we in our everyday living can find ways to stay ‘in God’s good graces’. As David P. wrote a few weeks back, there is nothing ordinary about Ordinary Time. Please keep returning your Parish Directory Information and your surveys to our Parish Center via the weekend Offertory collection basket, or by dropping it off at the Parish Center. Your response has been wonderful as we have received hundreds back so far. So thank you so very much for your cooperation. We have been invited by the OPRF Community of Congregations and the Historical Society of OPRF to participate in their annual House of Worship Walk on Sunday, June 28th beginning at 2 pm. For further information please see page five. Speaking of churches, we also have a ‘standing invitation’ from our Sharing Parish of St. Martin de Porres to join them and others, on the remaining Wednesday’s of this month and next, from 6-7 pm, on the corner of Laramie and Adams, to pray for an end of all this senseless killing and violence especially of our young people. As I have shared before, the readings of the names in the Prayer of the Faithful on the weekend because of this violence is heartbreaking and so very sad. Upon further review, the damage done to that air conditioning part was caused by a power surge which severely damaged the wire. Because of that the Archdiocese is submitting an insurance claim for this $16,100.00 part. Let us hope that they will accept our claim, and with our $1,000.00 deductible, the ‘financial hit’ won’t be as bad and frustrating as originally thought. The Insurance Company assures me that they will get back to me in a timely fashion. One of the recurring themes of the survey was your response to my weekly letter. Thank you for your positive remarks and your sensitivity and compassion toward me by not mentioning my attempt at a weekly joke or pun. I enjoyed doing J U N E 2 1 , this weekly letter. I did it at Queen of the Universe and I plan on doing it at St. Matthias. I have already received a deadline from them, as we have received a deadline for our Dome publication, for the weekend of the 4th and 5th of July. Sadly, for St. Matthias, I also plan on doing my letter with attempts at a weekly joke or pun. They have no idea what is coming their way! Anyway, thanks for your positive feedback and I always enjoyed doing this weekly letter. I tried my best to keep you informed the best I could on what were the ‘latest’ goings on with our Family of Ascension. I thank you for the many offers of a place to stay for next weekend but there is furniture that will remain in the parsonage for Fr. Hurlbert. Not all of the furniture was mine, some of it belongs to the parish. Thank you for your kind offers. As I have said each week, I thank you for your continued financial support and generosity. Remember that our fiscal year ends on June 30th, so any additional financial support you can give before the end of the month would be greatly appreciated. I thank you for ALL that you do for our Family of Ascension. I thank you for ALL that you do for God’s people here and far away, such as in Appalachia. I pray for you every day. I will always pray for you every day. Passengers that were on a United Flight to London had to spend a night in the U.S. Army barracks and the Crew stayed in a fancy hotel due to engine trouble. The passengers were not happy about their stay. United is saying that, at least, they had single rooms. United was using the Army slogan: ‘One Army one person’. Have a good week. And again, HAPPY FATHER’S DAY TO ALL PARISH DADS!! GOD’S BLESSINGS TO ALL. 2 0 1 5 — P A G E 3 A Blessing for Fathers We praise you, Father of Israel, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God of Joseph, holy guardian of the Divine Child, and the first to teach Jesus the Torah. Send your Holy Spirit upon our fathers, grandfathers, godfathers, fathers-in-law, uncles and all who have shown us fatherly love. Heal their pains and disappointments. Forgive all that needs to be forgiven. Give to them the good that they have given others. Welcome into your arms those who have died. Fill this world, O God, with a father’s love! We ask this through your Son Jesus Christ, who taught us to pray to you as Abba. He lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, who is Father of the poor, one God forever and ever. Amen. J U N E 2 1 , 2 0 1 5 — P A G E 4 Attention: Early Bulletin Deadline Coming Up Articles for the July 4th and 5th issue of The Dome must be sent to The Dome email address: ascensiondome@ascensionoakpark.com by 5:00 pm this Tuesday, June 23rd. Thank you. Ascension Shopping Certificate News The Ascension Shopping Certificate Program is changing! Over the summer, we will be transitioning to an all on-line ordering system. We will still accept paper orders during this time, but we no longer carry any inventory in the box kept in the parish center. All shopping certificates will be ordered to fulfill individual orders. You can fill out a paper order in the parish center for summer ordering dates: June 22, July 13, July 2, August 10 and August 24. All orders received prior to 9 a.m. on summer order dates will be ready for pick up after 3 p.m. in the Parish Center the next day (Tuesdays). Watch the Dome later during the summer for on-line ordering how-to's. Any questions? Please contact laceysikora@yahoo.com. Sacred Spaces Church Walk The fourth annual Sacred Spaces House of Worship Walk is next Sunday, June 28, 2015 from 2:00pm–5:00pm. The Community of Congregations of Oak Park and River Forest are sponsors of the Walk. The six churches featured this year are Cornerstone Anglican Church, Fair Oaks Presbyterian Church, New Life Ministries, Pilgrim Congregational Church, St. Giles Church, and United Lutheran Church. Tickets may be purchased before the Walk at The Book Table, Oak Park Visitors Center or at oprfhistory.org. On the day of the Walk tickets will be available at Pilgrim Congregational Church on Lake St. at Scoville where the tour begins. If you have not done so already, please return your Parish Directory Information and Parish Survey by Sunday, July 12th. You can drop it in the collection basket or bring it to the Parish Center Office during the week. Thank you. P.O.L.O. Happenings Parents of Little Ones is geared for families with children aged newborn to kindergarten. We hope to see you at an upcoming event. Older siblings are always welcome! A.M. Playdate -- Friday, June 26 10am - 12 Noon at Euclid Square. Contact Turie at turiei@yahoo.com for more info! To find out more about P.O.L.O. or these upcoming events, please contact Laura Moglia Kelley at polo.ascension@gmail.com. J U N E 2 1 , 2 0 1 5 — P A G E 5 . . . A note from Julie Krakora Happy Father’s Day to each dad who is a fabulous example of love, faith, and service to your children! On this day, I offer par ticular thanks to some special father s who have been a tr emendous help for ASP and support for my time in youth ministry! As this month of June comes to an end, so too all of our fundraising for ASP and my time here at Ascension as the Director of Youth Ministry. A hallmark of Ascension Parish is strong witness to be faith in action through social justice and a desire to be in solidarity with those less fortunate and in pain. May this example lead all of you, and especially our youth, into a strong membership in this community and deeper into our shared Catholic faith. It is only fitting that I close with the blessing we gave to those at 11am Mass on June 14th with ALL of you. Thank you for your witness, for your support, and prayers for me and our youth! Lord God, as an instrument of faith and grace, the membership of Ascension parish has been present to support our teens and adults in our desire to walk and become more like You. While we serve in Your name and in the name of our parish community, bless those here with genuine inner strength to always seek and live your ways at home. Allow each parishioner to feel the joyful gift of your Spirit in their giving and nourish their souls with the evidence of your love constantly alive through their actions and heartfelt service. We ask this Jesus, in your name. Amen. SCHOLARSHIP TIME !!! Kathleen Adams Scholarship application forms are now available at the Parish Center. As many as four $1000 scholarship grants will be awarded to Ascension School graduates or other Ascension parishioners. Applications must be returned to the Parish Center by July 1st. Ascension Summer Lunches The next Ascension Summer Lunches for the poor and needy in our area will be held in the Pine Room on July 4 and 11 and August 1, 8 and 15. IF YOU ARE ABLE TO WORK A LUNCH, DONATE FOOD, MONEY, SPONSOR A LUNCH, MAKE BAG LUNCHES FOR OUR GUESTS TO TAKE WITH THEM OR OFFER ANY OTHER ASSISTANCE PLEASE CONTACT: BOB KUTELLA (630) 863–1046; rjk671@yahoo.com DAVID PHILIPPART (708) 434–1533; dphilippart@ascensionchurch.com J U N E 2 1 , 2 0 1 5 — P A G E 6 Vacation Bible School Are you ready for fun this summer? Would you like to meet new friends and together learn to conquer the challenges in your life with the help of God’s Mighty Power? Coming Soon: Everest, Conquering Challenges with God’s Might and Power VBS July 13-17 9:00 am until 12 noon St. Edmund Parish-188 S. Oak Park Avenue. This Vacation Bible School is Sponsored by: Ascension, St. Bernardine, St. Catherine/St. Lucy, St. Edmund, St. Giles and St. Luke Parishes. All Children are welcome! (There will be a small fee for participation.) Adult Volunteers are needed if you can devote one or more days to help in VBS please contact the DRE in your parish. Living Your Strengths returns in the fall but you can sign up now Sources of Help Helping Someone in MentalCrisis Ascension's Living Y our Strengths journey helps parishioners identify one's God-given talents, determine how to develop them into strengths and explore how these talents and strengths can be applied into all aspects of one's life. Start by taking Gallup's "Clifton Strengths Finder" and attending one of the three Living Y our Strengths sessions being offered at Ascension in the fall. This is a professionally designed, implemented and facilitated program with a value of more than $250.00. It is being offered as a gift to Ascension parishioners, so there is no cost for you. Visit http://ascensionstrengths.eventbrite.com, where you will find the 2015 schedule and registration information. You can register now for any one of the three remaining sessions for 2015: Sunday, September 13; Saturday, October 17 or Saturday, November 7. FIND IT. BUILD IT. LIVE IT! J U N E 2 1 , Advice from the National Institute of Mental Health: "If you have a family member or friend who is suicidal, do not leave him or her alone. Try to get the person to seek help immediately from an emergency room, physician, or mental health professional. Take seriously any comments about suicide or wishing to die. Even if you do not believe your family member or friend will actually attempt suicide, the person is clearly in distress and can benefit from your help in receiving mental health treatment." www.nimh.nih.gov Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 800-273-8255. The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline No matter what problems you are dealing with, we want to help you find a reason to keep living. By calling 1-800-273-TALK (8255) you’ll be connected to a skilled, trained counselor at a crisis center in your area, anytime 24/7. Resources, including live chat: ww.suicidepreventionlifeline.org/ Loving Outreach to Survivors of Suicide (LOSS) 721 N. LaSalle, Chicago IL 60654; 312-655-7283 A free, non-denominational program sponsored by Catholic Charities that supports individuals who are grieving the loss of a loved one to suicide. LOSS Program for Children and Y outh Program addresses the unique needs of children and adolescents, ages three to 18, impacted by suicide of a family member or a person close to them. Domestic Violence Helper In an effort to help victims of Domestic Violence, we present this information for them and for anyone else wanting to help. Many times, those who are involved with DV need to go to court, attend appointments or need a surgical procedure and they have nowhere to leave their newborn to 6 year old child/ren. The Maryville Center for Children, located at 4015 N. Oak Park Ave., can be a lifesaving location for these parents and children. The Maryville Crisis Nursery provides care 24/7 for up to three days at no cost to the parents. If you know anyone who might need this crisis information, or if you would like to help the Maryville Center, please tell them or call, 773-205-3637 for more information about the many services they provide in a crisis situation. 2 0 1 5 — P A G E 7 Ascension School Third Trimester Honor Roll ** High Honors *Honors Grade 8 Grade 7 Grade 6 William Agnew* Dylan Bartlett* Simone Birriel** Bridget Boockmeier* Miranda Cardenas* Daniel Castro* Sophia Daun* Luke Fitzgerald* Erin Frumkin* Rachel Hansen** Matthew Hartman** Mary Cate Kohout** Luke Libunao* Sarah Lotus** Liam Magrady** Jacob Marchetti** Lillian McEachen* Rachel McGovern* Rachel Murphy** Sarah Murphy** Henry Northey* Simon Petrick* Tess Pierce* Thomas Pollard** Ethan Seavey** Grace Skelly* Liam Smart* Mary Vanek* Maximillian Wink** Cassidy Winston** Grace Winters** Indya Woods* Alexis Avalos** Cullen Biggus* Quinn Bowling* Michelle Brown* Roman Capozzoli** Grace Elmiger* Julia Goode** Weronika Gryszkiewicz* Dillon Hughes** Daniel Karkut* Fei Kirchen* Elizabeth Lee** Samuel Marino** Melissa McMahon** Marie O’Brien** Kaitlyn Reed** Christina Roche** Matthew Schejbal* Madison Schultz** Trinity Sheean* Thomas Skalitzky** Taylor Trimble** Montserrat Villalobos** Alessandra Weber** Liam Anderson ** Katherine Bartlett** Genevieve Bolino* Lillian Boockmeier* Jonas Capek* Victoria Daughtry** Emma Devitt** Dylan Esguerra* Thomas Gibbs** Rachel Hartman** Kevin Fahey* Paulina Harnisch** Owen Hess* Diego Jimenez* Sarah Kohout* Owen Lee** Afia Leeming* Kate Libunao** Angelica Martinez** Jessica McDuff* Ingrid McEachen** Luke McKenna* Bianca Meyer** Mary Rose Nelligan** Ruthie Petrick* Chelsea Quiroga* Victoria RichterStewart** Jackson Risch** Joseph Roucka** Chloe Seavey* Samuel Sikora* Hugh Skalitzky* McKenzie Smith* Natalie Weissburg* Our excellent Catholic school has limited openings in most grades. For registration or a tour of the school, call the school office at 708-386-7282. Summer office hours are Monday through Thursday *8AM - 3PM and Fridays *8AM until noon. J U N E 2 1 , 2 0 1 5 — P A G E 8 Mass Attendance Mass Attendance ........................................... 1010 Meetings and Events Today June 21 St. Martin’s Food Collection RCIA 215 Extending the Word DR Saint Martin de Porres Church Joins with The Chicago Police Department’s 15th District C.A.P.S. “100 Blocks/100 Churches” A Gathering of Community Residents and Churches Every Wednesday during June & July from 6:00 to 7:00pm at the corner of: Laramie & Adams Join with us on Wednesday Evenings as we work and pray together to make our community a safer place to live and grow for all of our residents. *** Show Unity By Wearing A Red Shirt *** Monday June 22 Tuesday 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:30 pm June 23 Variety Show Rehearsal Closed AA Meeting Wednesday PR LI June 24 RCIA Returning Catholics 215 Variety Show Rehearsal PR 2015 Blue Tie Auction Meeting DR Thursday 7:00 pm 7:30 pm 10:00 am 7:00 pm 7:30 pm June 25 Rising Readers-Oak Park Library LL Variety Show Rehearsal PR Friday 10:30 am 6:30 pm June 26 PR 7:00 pm FR. LARRY FAREWELL WEEKEND SAVE THE DATE Celebrate CHRISTMAS in JULY with Priscilla (our own Pat Bradley) In Concert Sunday, July 12th At 3 pm at the NINETEENTH CENTURY CLUB 178 Forest Avenue – Oak Park For information and tickets contact Priscilla at CLASSYDIVA1@SBCGLOBAL.NET Tickets - $25.00 Saturday June 27 Work Ministry DR Contemplative Prayer CH Variety Show honoring Fr. Larry PR Variety Show honoring Fr. Larry PR Sunday June 28 II Timothy Lowder & Ashley Wagner 2 1 , 7:30 am 8:30 am 2:00 pm 7:00 pm RCIA 215 9:30 am Extending the Word DR 10:15 am PARISH BLOCK PARTY HONORING FR. LARRY Green/Gym 12 noon - 4:30 pm Wedding Banns U N E At All Masses 9:30 am 10:15 am Variety Show Rehearsal PR Liturgy Committee Meeting 215 Stewardship Meeting DR Variety Show Rehearsal J Father’s Day 2 0 1 5 — P A G E 9 - REMEMBER IN PRAYER THOSE WHO ARE SICK IN MIND, BODY OR SPIRIT Gerry Archerd, Patty Ast, Silvia Balderes, Sarah Bowman, Linda Brown, Ann Callaghan, Josephina Carmona, Joe Cassidy, James Cincinelli, Mary Coppin, Geri Cundari, Ann Dant, Bob Doyle, Danny Doyle, Judith Dusenberry, Bill Dwyer, Jennifer Fischer, Don Hager, Meri Hale, Rebecca Hanessian, Patricia Hanley, Bill Hansen, Sharon Hart, Jane Hedges, Miguel Juarez, Evelyn Kelly, Helen Kelly, Jimmy Konrad, Margaret Kostopulos, Thomas P. Kragie, Scott Krusinski, Gerry & Mary Logan, Benoit Magrin, Rosita Malmis, Bobby Marino, Joe Massura, Mary Ruth McGrath, Ted Medina, Nora Meewes, Kaden & Kameron Moore, Len Mueller, Carol Ojala, Emilia Ortiz, Estelle Pargulski, Nina Petrosinos, Regan Pierce, Theresa Powers, Peg Prendergast, Lupe Ramirez, Colette Rehor, Philip Rice, Lisa Roche, Brad Ruth, Anne Sandow, Tom Slott, Elsie Smith, Steven Sobie, Elizabeth Stohl, Mary Strenski, Matthew Strudeman, Sharon Sugrue, Mary Jo Tenca, Mary Thomas, Marilyn Trainor, Jesse & Sonia Vasquez, and Baby Brennan Walsh, Barbara Wyman. SUNDAY - June 21 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time 5:00 (Sat) Ted & Roberta Rapacz / Robert Hill 7:30 For All Deceased Parishioners 9:00 Mary Alexander Walther / Gerald Walsh 11:00 The Talbot Family / Francis Glynn / Jack Walsh / Flordeliza “Flora” Manalaysay MONDAY - June 22 7:45 8:15 St. Paulinus of Nola, Bishop; Saints John Fisher, Bishop, and Thomas More, Martyrs Rosary (Monday—Friday) Josephine Rose Edin / Liz Stuart / The Kolovitz Family TUESDAY - June 23 8:15 “...COME TO ME AND I WILL GIVE YOU REST…” WEDNESDAY - June 24 Please pray for all of our deceased brothers and sisters. 8:15 On this Father’s Day we remember in prayer all of our deceased Fathers, Grandfathers, Godfathers and Uncles, and all who have shown us fatherly love throughout our lives. MAY THEY REST IN GOD’S ETERNAL PEACE. Ordinary Time Weekday Fr. Larry Schmuhl The Nativity of St. John the Baptist Jack Cullen THURSDAY - June 25 8:15 Ordinary Time Weekday Patrick Gibbons / Bertha Hamilton / Schulze Family & Bridget Decleene FRIDAY - June 26 8:15 Ordinary Time Weekday Eileen Gull SATURDAY - June 27 This Week Next Week 5:00 pm Fr. Bob Fr. Larry 7:30 am Fr. Larry Fr. Larry 9:00 am Fr. John Fr. Larry 11:00 am Fr. Larry Fr. Larry J U N E 2 1 , 5:00 Vigil: 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time Kevin Phelan / Angelo Madonia / Benedict, Mary & David Wojcik SUNDAY - June 28 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 9:00 Fr. Frank Jenks Marie Belmonte / Roman Dabrowski 11:00 Fr. Bernie White / Fr. Larry Schmuhl 2 0 1 5 — P A G E 1 0 PARISH INFORMATION - Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday 4:00 - 4:30 PM. Infant Baptism: Our parish celebration of infant Baptism takes place at 1 p.m., on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sundays of the month. A preparatory session for parents is held on the second Saturday of the month in the Parish Center at 9:30 a.m. First-time parents are required to attend. To register for a preparatory session, or to schedule a baptism, please call the parish office. Adult Initiation: Adults interested in information about the Catholic faith or wanting to become Catholic, should contact David Philippart, ext 233. Weddings: Please make an appointment with Fr. Larry to pick up a wedding information packet at the Parish Office at least a year prior to selecting a date or reception hall. Sick Calls: If there is anyone at home who cannot attend Mass or receive the sacraments because of illness or old age, please contact the Parish Office or one of the Ministers of Care Coordinators: Susie Cahill, 925-1512, Linda Dunne, 848-5574, or Cece Masella, 383-3785. Registration: All newcomers are welcome to the Ascension family and are asked to pick up a census/registration envelope at the entrance of the Church or by downloading a form from the parish website. Parishioners who marry, have a baby, or move to a new address should also notify the Parish Office. Audio Devices: Are available for the hearing impaired. Please see an usher or greeter before Mass. Infant & Toddler Care: Available during 9 & 11 a.m. Mass in the Cry Room of the Church. Lost & Found Box: Is under the table in the chur ch vestibule. Experiencing Domestic Violence: Call 911 or the NDV 24-hour Hot -line at 800-799-7233. You can also call the Parish Center at 708-8482703 and ask to speak with: Fr. Larry McNally, Mr. David Philippart, Ms. Katie Vanaria or Ms. Mary Jo Burns. Relevant Radio Chicago-Talk Radio for Catholic Life: Listen and be Inspired! WNTD-AM 950. Bulletin deadline: Monday 5 p.m. Please deliver articles to Parish Office or email to ascensiondome@ascensionoakpark.com
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