Saint John Lutheran Church


Saint John Lutheran Church
Saint John Lutheran Church
The Torch
Our Mission Statement
"We are living and learning God's love by caring for our neighbors,
sharing Jesus Christ, and singing His praises."
Special Dates May 2016
May 1 May Day
Just a little of its history
May 1st, often called May Day, just might have more holidays than any other day of the year. It's a celebration of Spring. It's a day of political protests. It's a neopagan festival, a saint's feast day, and a day for
organized labor. In many countries, it is a national holiday.
In many countries, May Day is also Labor Day.
This originates with the United States labor movement in the late 19th Century. On May 1, 1886, unions
across the country went on strike, demanding that the standard workday be shortened to eight hours. The
organizers of these strikes included socialists, anarchists, and others in organized labor movements. On May
1, 1886, workers took to the streets in a general strike throughout the entire country to force the ruling
class to recognise the eight-hour working day. Over 350,000 workers across the country directly participated in the general strike, with hundreds of thousands of workers joining the marches as best they could.
In what they would later call the Haymarket riots, during the continuing strike action on May third in Chicago, the heart of the U.S. labor movement, the Chicago police opened fire on the unarmed striking workers
at the McCormick Reaper Works, killing six workers and wounding untold numbers. An uproar across the
nation resounded against the government and its police brutality, with workers' protest rallies and demonstrations throughout the nation set to assemble on the following day.
There is a lot more history to read It is important that we know and remember what our forefathers fought
for so that we are not domed to have history repeat its self.
National Mental Health
Awareness Month
Thursday May 5
National Day of Prayer
Tuesday May 10
National Clean up your
room day
Wednesday May 11
Eat what you want day
Sunday May 8
Friday May 13
Mother’s Day
Dinner night Out
Saturday May 14
Sunday May 22
Faith For Good
Third Stream Sunday
Sunday May 15
Sunday May 29
Day of Pentecost
Saturday May 21
Armed Forces Day
Honor Fallen Veterans
Monday May 30
Memorial Day Office Closed
Thoughts from Pastor Pete,
The month of May is one that includes a day that we as a nation honor our mothers. It is
good thing to honor mothers, for God has given them this calling in this world. They nurture and
raise their children in the ways and love of the Lord. Nothing is more important in the world than
that responsibility, and so it is good for us to give thanks and honor to our mothers.
But as I reflected upon that, it occurred to me that we could actually take the time to also honor
another mother of ours, so to speak, the church.
The Church, the Body of Christ is often referred to in Scripture as the Bride of Christ. And it is
through this Bride that Christ has given birth to believers. The church is where the Means of Grace
are found in the Word and the Sacraments. It is through the means of Grace, the Word and Sacraments that God the Father creates new believers, gives new birth to His Children. And since
those means of Grace are found in the Church, in that sense the church could be considered our
mother. For through her and through the means of Grace God gives us new birth.
How do we then respond to such gifts and love? With just a “Mother’s Day”, a flower or gift
on this one day, maybe a phone call, maybe even a visit? shouldn't every day be Mother’s Day in
the lives of all Christian men and women? What kind of children would honor their mothers with
tributes of flowers or other gifts on just one day and then by their misconduct disgrace or dishonor
her on other days of the year! I would imagine mothers would gladly be honored by affectionate
love and respect in their homes every day than to be placed on a lofty pedestal of praise and
adoration once a year.
Just out of sheer appreciation for the blessings that God has given us here we should we
keep coming here and not just on special occasions. We must come here, not only because our
Father has commanded it, but because of the continual blessings and nurturing and strength and
care we receive here in our “mother’s” arms of Word and Sacrament.
As we use this time of the year to show our appreciation and love of our mothers, and to continue to do so every day, let us also use this as an occasion to show our love for our spiritual
“mother”, the Bride of Christ, the Church, and all that God our Father works through her on our
behalf! Consider volunteering or joining one of the groups that are part of the life of St. John.
And if you want to start a new group, then consider starting one.
Pastor Pete
The Good News – About Energy at St John
As all of you know, we have fought high utilities for several years at St John – we are finally winning the battle!
The largest cost component of our bill has been the availability charges by Texas New Mexico and
not the kwh charges by our power provider, so reducing peak power demand was more important
than improving efficiency.
Our high peak demand problems were caused by the old electrical heating equipment. In the winter
months, we had peak demands about three times as high as the summer months. Unfortunately, Texas
New Mexico fixes the amount we will be charged for availability on an annual basis so our high winter
months caused us to be paying dearly all year long.
We debated the added cost to change our heating to natural gas, but the data suggests that we are
benefiting from the change. What this does for us is essentially reduce the excessive peak demand we
saw in the winter months. After a year of operation, Texas New Mexico has finally dropped our billed
peak demand each month to 40 KW from 88 KW. We are seeing a drop of about $500 per month in our
total energy bill even after the cost of electricity and gas are added together. This means that the
added cost of the gas lines will be paid back in about 2 years.
When you add in the improved comfort
with more even temperatures through out
the building, I think we have a winner -not to mention the safety concerns that
were uncovered and resolved during the
installation process.
For those of you who like to see the numbers, I have constructed some graphs.
The year 2014 is included as a historical
WELCA voted at their meeting on Sunday April 24th to donate $500.00 to the Synod disaster relief
fund to help the victims of our most recent floods. If you would like to contribute also you may do
so by giving a special offing dedicated to Houston Flood , are you may go to the Synod web site at
If you know someone how was affected be the flood these
# might be helpful.
Register with FEMA & Crisis Cleanup
Impacted residents may go online to
or call 800.621.3362 or 800.462.7585
Individuals can request volunteer agency help with clean up:
by calling 800.451.1954.
Thank you to all that supported
St John Angels R F L Team
“God’s work. Our hands.”
Sunday September 11 ,2016
Is an opportunity to celebrate who we are
as the Evangelical Lutheran Church in
America one church, freed in Christ to
serve and love our neighbor.
We need a project. If you know of an organization or a person that could us some
work done please let the church office
979-849-7253 or
office @
Please let the office know your suggested
projects by July 17th so that their will be
enough time to coordinate the project &
Luminaria Sales, Silent Auction & Spaghetti
Dinner where the 3 major fundraisers.
The total money raised from these three events
along with your generous donations allowed
St. John Angels to donate $3,000.00 to ACS
(American Cancer Society). These funds to go
to cancer research, Road to Recovery, Look
Good...Feel Better, Reach To Recovery for more
information visit
We as a congregation have
a need and a desire to help
others. There is a line item
in our budget that allows us
to do just that. To donate,
please write line item
“1140” or “congregational
care” in the memo of your
check or your giving envelope.
Friday July 29, 2016
will be hosting there
annual Golden Girls
Bring Your
Own Bible
May 15 at
6:30 pm We will finish up the
DVD on Dietrich Bonhoeffer.
Rummage Sale
We will be meeting once a month
Saturday June 18, 2016
during the summer for a movie
So as you do your spring clean- night. Be watching for more ining keep us in mind. It is one
formation. Contact persons are.
of our major fund raising
Sheila Walter 979-248-8644
events of the year
Pedro Lopez 979-848-7155
Lutherhill is coming to St. John to bring a little bit of
camp to Angleton. Lutherhill Day Camp will be held
July 10-15, 2016 from 9:00 am until 3:30 pm. This
camp is for all kids who have completed kindergarten
up through 5th grade. A $25 registration fee will be
needed per child $50.00 per family. And we need you
to sign up your kids since we can only accept 30
kids. (This won’t be like VBS where we can easily add
or subtract as needed so when we have 30 signed up, that will be all that can be accepted.)
We will need volunteers and helpers .
If you’re interested in helping with or have kids or grandkids that want to attend
Lutherhill Day Camp, please let Debra or Sheila know.
Debra Niemann
Sheila Walters 979-248-8644
We would like to give the family of St. John the first opportunity to participate in
Day Camp. Please get your child registered by June 5th. Day camp will be opened up
to the public on June 6th.
Day Camp Registration Form
Saint John Lutheran Church
2227 North Downing Road
Angleton, Texas 77515
Please print one per child.
Preferred Name
Birth Date _________
Parent/Guardian Name(s)
Home Phone (
Work Phone (
Email ___________________________________________________
Emergency Contact
Phone (
Phone (
Insurance Carrier
Group/Policy Number
Grade in school 2015-2016
Home Church
Any restrictions to physical activities
Any allergies (food, drugs, insects, etc.)_________________________________________
List any people and their phone numbers who may pick up your child from Day Camp
Emergency Release
I will not hold Lutherhill Ministries or St.John Lutheran Church and their staffs responsible for accidents,
claims and damages arising from my child’s participation in camp activities. I also give Lutherhill Ministries and St.John Lutheran Church permission to use any photograph/video of me or my child, taken at Day
Camp for future promotional materials.
Parent/Guardian Signature________________________________
Please note: Your child should wear play clothes and bring a sack lunch each day.
Friday May 13
El Toro Mexican Restaurant
120 Commerce, Clute TX,
RSVP Beverly Kolonko
Thursday May 26th 7:00pm
all women of the church invited.
The Loving Hands Prayer Shawl Ministry will meet
on Thursday, May 9, at 1:00pm. Bring your finished work
to show or bring your unfinished product to work on. If
you want to learn to crochet or knit, please come and we
can show you how.
Pastor & the worship committee are working on a way
to honor all our loved ones & friends that have lost
their life while serving in the military. This will take
place during the May 29 worship service, (observance
of Memorial Day is Monday May 30).We are asking
for names of all those you would like honored to be
turned in to the church office by Sunday May 22.
Email the names to or you may write them on the blue sheet
and designate that they are for Memorial Day on your next visit to St. John.
Lt. Matthew Boehm, grandson of the Boehm’s, University of Washington ROTC
Lt Emily Boehm, granddaughter to the Boehm’s, Navy Hospital in Japan
Mason Brand, son of Mary Brand
Andy Bull, brother of Jennifer Garrett, Little Rock, AK
Seth Collard, son-in-law of Chris Caso & Beth Benge, He & his wife & two children stationed in Japan.
Lt. Carl Cringle, friend of the Singer’s
Sgt. Clayton Crouch, nephew of Stewart & Robin, Camp Pendleton
Freddy Drennan, U. S. Army Medical Corp
PFC Paul Musick-Eller, Army Korea
Andrew Edinger, friend of the Chambers’, stateside
Jonathon Gaynor, friend of the Branch’s, stateside.
Kenny Hankins, friend of McDaniel’s, UN Military Police
Sgt. Robert Hartzog, grandson of Lonnie Brown, stateside
Alex Hernandez, Marine Corps, Japan
1st Lt. Bill Hillis, Jim’s great nephew, stateside
1st Lt. Clayton Hinchman, friend of the Henry’s, severely injured in Iraq
Lt. Commander Chris Hoffmeister, nephew of Lori Thomas, Annapolis
Kyle Hoffmeister, (nephew of Brian and Lori Thomas) is in the Army Serving in Kuwait.
Tracy Jones, grandson of Gene & Linda Cunningham, Japan (Marines)
 Seth Jordan , Graduating from Airforce BMT and going to Keesler AFB, Bilox, MS for technical
Jake Linder, Army Ranger
LCPL Paul A. Rangel, nephew of Pastor Pete & Eli
SSG Taylor Schmidt, son of Maureen Herbst, is stateside after being in Korea.
Amanda Sosa, daughter of our custodian Larry Sosa stationed in North Carolina.
SFC David Spoor, son of David & Deb Spoor
Kyle Stahlecker, Marine Corps
PFC Cody Williams, Army El Paso training to go to Kuwait
Sgt. Earl Willis, Ruth Brown's son-in-law, Serving at 29 Palms California
Lord, hear our Prayers
Lonnie Brown, continued prayer for strength & healing rehabbing at Laurel Court. 3830 Mustang Rd, Alvin, TX 77511
Bonnie Chambers, Ongoing health issues,
Brett & Allison Carter, prayers for healthy safe delivery of their daughter due around the first week of
June. Dr. have stopped early labor and placed Allison on bed rest.
Jan Janosky continued prayer for treatment of breast cancer & recovery from surgery to remove one kidney
Richard Kolonko, Jr., Has been diagnosed with early stages of Parkinson's disease. Pray for guidance &
wisdom for the doctors for the course of treatment for this diagnosis.
Billie Jean Matheson, rehab at Cypress Woods Care Center 135 ½ Hospital Dr. Angleton TX 77515 after
a broken hip.
Dorthy Mathew, still suffering from severe headaches
Sindy & Mark Ritz & family, prayers for strength, guidance & comfort through all the medical treatments
& health and healing for all the family.
Debra Rodrigues, relief from back pain and improved ability to do the things she wants to do.
 Loren & Pauline Zabel, Loren Zabel now at Tuscany Village Rehab in Pearland, continued prayers for
healing for Loren. Pauline home recovering from pneumonia. Pray for successful treatment and speedy
Carolyn Benkula, Sister-in-law of Connie Brewer healing for 6 broken ribs sustained in a car accident.
Clara Carter, mother of Jimmy Carter, after a short hospital stay is recovering at Country Village. Prayers for continued healing and increased strength.
Mack Casey, brother-in-law of Patrick Walters continued healing from stroke.
Carolyn Cernoch, sister of Beverly Kolonko, well have rotary cuff surgery on May 4.
Hudson DeMartini, Leslie & Tobi Meyer’s, grandson continued prayer for his heart condition.
Betsy Dvorak. Daughter-in-law of Rusty waiting for a second heart procedure at a later date.
Conner Gray, 19 yr. old nephew of Alice Harrington, diagnosed with leukemia
Derrick Gibson, Son-in-law of Sindy & Mark Ritz continued prayers for successful bone marrow transplant. Derrick's bone marrow showed no leukemia cells. Please keep him in your prayers he still has a
long way to go.
Prayers for Donald, brother of Vickie Ahrens, he is having heart issues.
Dean Hagedon, Brother of Pauline Zabel Lung Cancer the has metastases to the brain. Treatment is ongoing
Micky Huffman, Grandfather of Marina & Madison Huffman, diagnosed with Alzheimer
Richard Kolonko Sr., St. John’s Richard Kolonko’s dad hospitalized with pneumonia, prayers for peace &
guidance for him & the family.
Patricia Martinez, niece of Michael Niemann recovering from heart attack & stent placement.
Please pray for a healthy pregnancy for Carissa McDaniel daughter-in-law of Jimmy and Cathy McDaniel
she is expecting to deliver a baby boy in August.
Debbie McWhorter Warren, Cousin of Tom & Pam Bennett has Cancer & has had a stroke
Ruth More, mother of Holly Mathew, prayers for successful wound care for lymphedema in her legs &
memory issues. That she may maintain independent living
Lee Roy Niemann, brother of Michael Niemann diagnosed with bladder cancer pray that he will have the
strength & health to complete treatment. Please also keep Lee’s wife in your prayers also.
Jeff Smitherman, Kay Smitherman’s son, for God to give him saving faith, that she is strong , pursue a
healthy future, and does not yield to temptation.
Valerie Frazier, granddaughter of the Büengers, prayers for the gift of saving faith.
Savanna Sullivan, Granddaughter of Pauline Zadel in Rwanda as part of the ELCA’s Young Adult in Global Mission program please keep her in in your prayer
Henry Voldan, brother of Beverly Kolonko, infection in the hip replacement he had. The doctor has
cleaned and treaded the hip for infection. Prayers the treatment is successful
Please help us keep
Saint John’s prayer list current!
Notify the office when particular prayers are no longer needed
or prayers need to be updated.
Thank you for lifting up your loved one in prayer, and for praying for others.
FRIENDS of Saint John Lutheran Church
 Jonathan Adams, son of David and Melissa Adams, friends of the Kolonko’s starting second
round of chemo to treat the grapefruit size tumor next to his heart Keep him and the family in
your prayers.
 Terrell Anyaibe, friend of Amanda Boykin, to find strength & support with struggles in his
 Rachel Leist Cook, for her and her doctors treating her for a liver disease.
 Doug DeVries – deep depression – Pray that “The Joy of the Lord” will give him strength and
 Laurie Green, friend of Rollie & Dawn O’Dell, injured in a accident, multiple injuries. Prayers for
healing and for her family.
 David Farmer, friend of Pat Hines, had emergency sergury for large mass on brain. Mass is
cancer he is in Dallas he was unable to get in to MD Anderson for treatment.
 Carol Fenton, wife of Pastor Phil Fenton of St. Paul Lutheran Church, Brenham, esophageal
 Amanda Larson, Friend of Charles and Disa Schulze, young lady with cervical cancer.
 Laurie Monical, Friend of Tessa Williams, treatment for a rare and aggressive type of cervical
 Kati Turney, friend of Vickie Ahrens, health issues.
 Roy Yetter, friend of John & Holly Mathew, recently diagnosed with lung cancer. Prayer for
strength and healing.
Dylan Baker, friend of the Kolonko's who has a blockage in his large intestines Blockage has been successfully removed. Thank you for all your prayers
Jan Janosky is home recovering after successful surgery to remove one kidney.
Karen Voldan, Sister-in-law of Beverly Kolonko much improved after her stroke on February 29.Thank
you for all your payers
Altar Flowers
There are two arrangements on the Altar each
Sunday. Which means there can be two contributors each Sunday at $15.00 per arrangement or
you may chose to contribute for both.
Our Flowers for the month of May & June are
given by the following people
As of May print time May 2016 donors are.
May 1st, Vase 1 & 2, Carol Sebesta In Honor of her daughter’s Birthdays Amber Oliver & Tara Wandel
May 8th, Vase 1, James & Noreen Heck In Memory of Mildred Heck & Amanda
Vase 2, Kay Smitherman In Memory of Trudy Barrier
May 15th, 1, Open
Vase 2, Open
May 22nd, Vase 1, Helen & Pat Patterson In Honor of their 50th Wedding Anniv.
Vase 2, Open
May 29th, Vase 1, Kay Smitherman In Honor of Jeff & Mary Smitherman’s Wedding
Vase 2, Open
As of June print time June 2016 donors are.
June5th, Vase 1, Disa & Charles Schulze In Honor of Kash Morrison’s Birthday
Vase 2, Open
June 12th, Vase 1, Richard Kolonko In Honor of Beverly Kolonko’s B-Day
Vase 2, Open
June 19 th, Vase 1, James & Noreen Heck In Memory Douglas Heck & Harley Schumann
Vase 2, Open
June 26th, Vase 1, Beverly Kolonko In Memory of her Father George Voldan
Vase 2, Open
Alter Guild has always been able to supply flowers with sponsorships of our generous members. I hope
this continues to be the case. Please take a look at the flower book on the credenza in the narthex it
has been updated with the 2016 sign up sheets. .Sheila Walters Altar Guild contact
May 2016
Lions Club
National Day of
Noon –1pm
Mother’s Day
Lions Club
Prayer Shawl
6:30 pm
Dinner Night
Faith 4Good
El Toro
Lions Club
Wear Red
BYOB 6:30pm
Third Stream Sunday
Lions Club
6:30 pm
Memorial Day
Office Closed
Join us every Sunday!
9:00am Fellowship & Donuts,
10:00am Worship Service
Children's Church During Worship
Happy Anniversary & Birthday
May 2016
Brittany West
David Henry
Bryan Meador
Kay Smitherman
Loyd Ayers
Pedro Lopez Jr
Patrick Henry
Nancy Davis
M/M Larry
Daniel Burton
Pat Hines
Savannah Hillis
M/M Ross
Hegefeld 8th
Estelle Roesler
M/M Pat
Patterson 50th
If you would like something put in the
newsletter, please let the office know by
May 25th Just call , 979-849-7253 or email
If you cannot serve, please trade with someone and/or then let JoAnn Fuchs know,
May 1
May 8
May 15
May 22
May 29
Helen Patterson
Elo Buenger
Preston Brown
Nancy Anderson
Joy Birk
Patrick Henry
Michael Niemann
John Taylor
Nancy Anderson
JoAnn Fuchs
Kathy Henry
Patrick & Sheila
Kathy & Patrick
Nancy & Greg
Michael Niemann
Cathy & Jimmy
Kay Smitherman
Ash Weatherly
Nancy Allen
Amanda Boykin
Helen & Pat
Charles Schulze
Preston Brown
Wade Allen
Don Fuchs
Richard Kolonko
Greg Anderson &
Max Niemann
Kathy Henry
Connie Brewer
Alice Harrington
Carolynn & Elo
Joy Birk
Sophia Bloomberg
Nancy & Richard
Vickie Ahrens
Helen Patterson
Becky Branch &
Pat Hines &
JoAnn Fuchs
Becky Branch
JoAnn Fuchs
Richard Kolonko
Sheila Walters
Jan Janosky
Patrick Walters
Patrick Henry
Nancy Davis
Alice Harrington
Vicky Weirich
Joy Birk
Lay Reader
Will Allen
2016Congregation Council
Patrick Henry
Jim Hillis
Nancy Davis
Carolynn Büenger
Joy Birk
Alice Harrington
Vicky Weirich
Ministry of Music
Ruth Brown, Music Director
Debra Niemann, Organist
Nancy Allen, Accompanist & Organist
Richard Birk Third Stream Worship Leader
Property Chair
Richard & Beverly Kolonko
Fellowship Chair
Beverly Kolonko, Coordinator
Congregational Care
Debra Niemann (home) 979-292-0467
(cell) 979-418-0975
Prayer Ministry
JoAnn Fuchs, 345-7092
Mutual Ministry
Altar Guild
Sheila Walters
Church Staff
Pastor Pete Lopez (cell) 979-848-7155
Office secretary Sheila Walters (cell) 979-248-8644
Office Manager
May 2016
Brazoria County event
Come early their will be a free sack lunch
served to the first 200 and seating under a
huge tent. On the grounds of the Brazoria
County Historical Museum. This year the
prayer leaders are from different walks of
life and their pastors interdenominational.

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