Biscottificio Di prima Giampaolo
Biscottificio Di prima Giampaolo
Biscottificio Di prima Giampaolo _______________________________________________________________________________ Via G. Donizzetti sn – 95040 Ramacca (CT) -ItaliaTel. 0039 3333190562 / 0039 3299431383 E-mail: Internet: Partita IVA 03601250875 Corporate performance "Biscottificio Giampaolo Di Prima" Our company specializes in the production of biscuit s specially "Pasta di Mandorle Special", a old recipe of t he famous Sicilian pastry consisting of peeled from at least 40% Almonds from Sicily. The company was founded in 1999 by two brothers, "Di Prima" after a long ex perience in the artisanal pastry shop founded, since then we have wit h our professionalism and Have ex cellent quality of our products. Our cookies were on hand from tradit ional Met hod produced nat urally without preservat ives or dyes and are individually Always packed so fresh and delicious. To nam e a few: the t raditional past a di mandorla pure alm ond paste, t he soft amaret to obtained with the original bitt er almonds Flavor, the Riccio Caffè Italian Espresso wit h real, he is ideally suited to espresso Cappuccino and tea All stages of production, from select ion of raw materials to packaging, are subject t o strict Quality standards in accordance wit h EU direct ives. Yours sincerely, Paste di Mandorla (Soft almond biscuits without added flavoring) Paste di Mandorla Aromatizzati (Flavored soft almond biscuits) (Fiocco Kaffee) (Bittermandeln) (Fiocco Haselnuss) (Mandel Krokant mit Honig) (Riccio Kaffee) (Riccio Haselnuss) Biscotti al Burro Ripieni (Filled Butter Cookies) (Canestrini mit Nougat-Creme) (Farfalla mit Nougat-Creme) (Buccellato mit Feigen-Creme) (Margherita mit Marillenmarmelade ) (Margherita mit Nougat-Creme) (Farfalla mit Marillenmarmelade) Biscotti al Burro (butter cookies) (Girella mit Schoko) (Stern mit Schoko) (Rosetta mit Kirsche) (Mond mit Schoko) (Herzchen mit Schoko) Biscotti al Burro (butter cookies) (Ungarisch) (Blatt mit Schoko) (Girella Vanille) (Gestreift) (Blatt mit weiße Schoko) Packaging Article number: D 010 200 g Article number: D 020 250 g Article number: D 011 300 gramm Article number: D 013 (500g) / D 014 (1000g) 500 gramm / 1000 gramm Article number: D 015 (500g) / D 016 (1000g) 500 gramm /1000 gramm Article number: D 018 5 Kg.