May 2016 Newsletter
May 2016 Newsletter
Verle Huffman 2680 W. Hampden Ave Englewood, CO 80110 Post 9644 PH: 303-789-9733 Veterans of Foreign Wars May | 2016 From The Post Commander: Do you believe in Miracles’? If you would like to see one in person just come down to the Post and cast your eyes on the still standing building. Why am I saying this…because at about 10:30 PM on Thursday April 21st a 28 ft. class C motor home crashed into the building a few feet east of the main front door! Where is the Miracle you ask? The Miracle is because the motor home crashed through and over the “gas main and meter” on its way to destroying the bar in our hall. The building immediately filled with natural gas and thanks to heroic efforts of the Fire Department, they were, somehow able to keep the building from blowing up!!!! We also need to THANK our Auxiliary’s Tuesday night hamburger crew for their diligence in shutting off the gas to our cooking area after their meal. They also saved the Post, because if those pilot lights would have been on it would not have gone well with the gas. through the wall? We don’t know. We do know it came down the hill on the road directly north of the Post. NO ONE was at the seen or in the vehicle when the police arrived. I do also know if anyone was at the drivers’ seat when it happened they would not be alive today. The police department has an active investigation into the incident and its cause. This is a good segway to what I would like to ask of our members. canteen area was safe to occupy. We spent several hours that morning calling engineering firms and when we said the word “today” the answer was no way sorry.. We got several referrals one of which was to a company called SBSA Engineering in Golden. They had a structural engineer available the only problem was he was at a trade show at the convention center. He called and asked if we needed help, yes we do was our PLEASE stop with all the rumors as answer and he said he would be to who did it or how it happened. It there in 30 minutes thus we able will only hinder and muddy the in- to get the kitchen (minus gas) open for our Friday night meal. vestigation. There have also been posts on social media that the Post Greta Bleau and crew overcame was closed indefinitely. Do not take the gas problem by cooking at her Posts matters into your own hands house and my house and served 63 when you have no idea what is the people for dinner. I might add Gretruth. The only person(s) who know ta had been preparing that meal for two weeks. That is 9644 memwhat it is that the Post is doing is bers’ folks, they overcome and ME, Ron Newlander and Don persevered. McNeely. If you need to know something about this please ask Please remember NO Rumors no one of us. BS on social media. Here is how 9644 perseveres, on Sincerely, Friday the day after it happened the Post was closed until a structur- Ron Davies al engineer could advise Randy Post Commander Mourning director of Public Works for the City of Sheridan that the How did a motor home crash Verle Huffman Post 9644 From the Post Sr. Vice: April was a little slow as far as new events but that didn't stop the great people of this post from giving their all for the dinners and breakfasts. Thank you all for what you do. I would like to thank Gretta Bleu for the time and countless hours she put into preparing for her famous Smoked Ribs dinner on the 22nd of April. Thank you Greta! It was a hit. I would also like to say congratulations to Joe Shiel for winning the Salute to Service Award. Thank you Joe for all you do. Its people like you who make this a great post. There was also a Salute to Service Dinner at Greeley Post #2121 to honor all who received this award. The VFW band put on a concert at Post 9644 on April 25th.It was a good time. Thank you all. On May 1st was Loyalty Day, The post will have Installation practice on the 12th of May at 7pm and the Installation on the 14th at 6pm. Hope to see you all there. The VA birthday party at the VA nursing home will be on the 20th, we will be doing buddy poppies on the 27th, 28th 29th and 30th. Let’s all do what we can to make this a successful event. Also, on the 28th The War Birds Auto Show will be at the Front Range airport in Watkins on the 28th. We will need volunteers for this event to pour and serve beer. See Bill Orloski for further information. Memorial Day services will be held at Fort Logan Cemetery on the 30th. Let’s all attend to honor all who have served and those who gave their all. Thank you all for all you do it is very much appreciated. God Bless. Paul Leveque Post Sr. Vice Verle Huffman Post 9644 1 29 22 15 BUDDY POPPIES Breakfast VA COFFEE HOUR 8:30 AM BREAKFAST POST BUFFET BREAKFAST 9 to Noon No Breakfast 8 Sun 23 16 9 2 Ft Logan Service At 11 AM Luncheon at Post Immediately following. 30 Memorial Day Post Bingo at Barry’s Bingo 12:00 pm Post Bingo at Barry’s Bingo 12:00 pm Post Bingo at Barry’s Bingo 12:00 pm Post Bingo at Barry’s Bingo 12:00 pm Mon 31 BURGERS 5 to 8 BINGO starts at 6 24 BURGERS 5 to 8 BINGO starts at 6 17 BURGERS 5 to 8 BINGO starts at 6 Wed 6PM Joint Mtg 7PM Post & Auxiliaries General Meetings after joint meeting 3 Finance Meeting 10 BURGERS 5 to 8 BINGO starts at 6 Tue rt 25 18 11 4 Thu PLEASE NOTE THAT ALL ACTIVITIES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE Aux. Bingo Barry’s Bingo 12:00 pm 26 Aux. Bingo Barry’s Bingo 12:00 pm 19 Aux. Bingo Barry’s Bingo 12:00 pm 12 Installation Practice 7 PM Fri 27 28 BUDDY POPPIES Home Birthday Party- Noon 7 14 21 INSTALLATION 5:30 PM Party to follow & KARAOKE Pot Luck Sat 20 VA Nursing 13 6 BUDDY POPPIES DINNER DINNER DINNER DINNER 5 NO Aux. Bingo Barry’s Bingo 12:00 pm May 2016 State Convention Father’s Day Sun 26 19 12 5 Post Bingo at Barry’s Bingo 12:00 pm Post Bingo at Barry’s Bingo 12:00 pm Post Bingo at Barry’s Bingo 12:00 pm Post Bingo at Barry’s Bingo 12:00 pm Mon 27 20 13 6 Flag Day Tue VFW Post 3917, Security CO 8 1 28 21 29 22 14 State 15 Convention 7 Finance Meeting 6PM Joint Mtg 7PM Post & Auxiliaries General Meetings after joint meeting Wed Thu 2 16 Aux. Bingo Barry’s Bingo 12:00 pm 30 Aux. Bingo Barry’s Bingo 12:00 pm 23 Aux. Bingo Barry’s Bingo 12:00 pm VFW Post 3917, Security CO State Convention Aux. Bingo Barry’s Bingo 12:00 pm 9 Aux. Bingo Barry’s Bingo 12:00 pm June 2016 VFW Post 3917, Security CO State Convention Fri 24 17 10 3 State Convention VFW Post 3917, Security CO Sat 25 18 11 4 From the Post Chaplain: It's a good thing May has 31 days, because I think every day you can celebrate something!! On top of all the declared celebrations, there are family confirmations, graduations and reunions. Did you know May 6th is Military Spouse's Day? Few realize the sacrifices they give up-as we always honor the one in service. You better not forget Mother's Day on the 8th. If mama's happy, everybody is happy. But she has to share the day with the Victory in Europe celebration. Not too many of the WW2 veterans are around to relive that glorious day. The 15th is dedicated as Peace Officers Memorial Day. They, too, are there to Serve and Protect. Armed Forces Day is celebrated on the 21st. But the two most important dates are Post Installation of your incoming officers, and Memorial Day. We have a lot of new members and I urge you to attend installation and show your support for those elected. In spite of the hype of political candidates, we are still at war. More troops will be sent to Iraq. Therefore, our Relief Funds must be replenished, as the needs will continue. You can help by volunteering for the Poppy distribution. Several within our Post have received assistance from the relief fund-you can pay that forward by donating a few hours at a store near you. The best part of May for my family is the return of my grandson Major Jason Kneuer from a year in Afghanistan (his 3rd tour). His change of Command is May 12, and then he's homebound. Even better, he will be stationed at Buckley. Prayers for all our service personnel deployed around. The world, at home, suffering in hospitals, and battling PTS. Bless the caregivers, comfort the grieving and heal our homebound. JUDGING OTHERS LEAVES NO TIME TO LOVE THEM. Doug Mayotte Post Chaplain Verle Huffman Post 9644 Post Officers Commander Sr. Vice Commander Jr. Vice Commander Quartermaster Chaplain Service Officer Ron Davies Judge Advocate Home Board Terry Goad Commander President Paul Le Veque Surgeon Lacey Hohn Trustee 3 Year Roger Edwards Vice President Tony Nickerson Trustee 2 Year Joe Schiel Quartermaster Doug Mayotte Trustee 1 Year Vince Neuroth Paul Morgan 3 Year Home Board Dir. Ron Davies 2Year Home Board Dir. Paul Gremse Warren Tellgren 1 Year Home Board Dir. Al Sanborn 2 Year Home Board At Leon Rodriguez Large 1 Year Home Board At Tony Nickerson Large Leon Rodriguez John Vaglienti Warren Tellgren Auxiliary President Concetta Kile Trustee 3 Year Dorothy Schiel Sr. Vice President Shelly Hall Trustee 2 Year Joyce Maes Jr. Vice President Penny Smith Trustee 1 Year Mary Jane Davies Secretary Paulette Proctor Banner Bearer Treasurer Debbie Blesh Flag Bearer Chaplain Guard Patriotic Instructor Anna Cabazos Color Bearer #1 Debra Connelly Color Bearer #2 Charlotte Beckert Color Bearer #3 Historian Conductress Color Bearer #4 Patty Orlowski Men Auxiliary President Sr. Vice President Jr. Vice President Secretary Treasurer Kevin Proctor Chaplain Carl Maschka Trustee 3 Year Frank Del Vescovo Trustee 2 Year Mike Neuroth Brian Pette Lito Vigil Darrell Gettman Trustee 1 Year Aaron Garcia Englewood, CO 80110 Post 9644 Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States of America 2680 W. Hampden Ave. V.F.W Verle Huffman Non-Profit Org. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Denver, CO Permit #340 Verle Huffman Post 9644
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