A monthly newsletter devoted to informing and
A monthly newsletter devoted to informing and
RAISING THE BAR A monthly newsletter devoted to informing and engaging Wayne Law alumni and friends • December 2007 CONTENTS 2 Wayne Law Celebrates Student Success at the 2007 Honors Convocation 3 Wayne Law Featured in Princeton Review’s 2008 Edition of “Best 170 Law Schools” 4 Ronald Keefe Named President of Michigan Bar, Congratulations to Wayne Law Alumni on a 95% Bar Passage Rate 5 6 Alumni Profile: Mercedes Varasteh, Heather Joy Thompson to work for Hip-hop Mogul Student Profile: Matthew Goodman, Students Win Moot Court Regionals 7 Introducing: Colette Routel, Dean Wu Wins Trailblazer Award 8 Monthly Alumni Wrap-Up 10 Mark your Calendars: Wayne Law Upcoming Events Carl Ziemba Annual Scholarship recipients Dandridge Floyd, Karla Velikah and Lisa Zatyko pose for a picture with Aynne Zazas. WAYNE LAW CELEBRATES STUDENT SUCCESS AT 2007 HONORS CONVOCATION CEREMONY “I would like to express my sincerest gratitude to all our wonderful alumni and friends who helped make the ceremony possible. It is through their generous philanthropic efforts that students are offered recognition and financial support.” – Dean Frank H. Wu Wayne Law celebrated student success at its annual Honors Convocation Ceremony on Friday, Nov. 16, 2007. success, involvement in law school and community activities, financial need, or future career interests. More than 70 scholarships and awards were given to students. Eligibility for the awards was determined by academic A number of donors were present to meet and mingle with award recipients. Visit Wayne Law online at www.law.wayne.edu today! This publication was produced by the Law School Dean’s Office in conjunction with the Law School Development and Alumni Relations Office. Your comments are welcome. Feel free to email the editor at kcopenhaver@wayne.edu or send your correspondence to: Editor, Raising the Bar Wayne State University Law School 471 W. Palmer, Detroit, MI 48202 www.law.wayne.edu Has your address recently changed? If so, please send updated information to lawalumni@wayne.edu. * On the cover: 2007 Honors Convocation * Photography by MJ Murawka and Rick Bielaczyc Joseph Grano Endowed Scholarship recipient Manuel Haddad poses for a picture with Professor John Dolan, Daniel Grano and Eugene Driker. Michael L. Pitt and Peggy Goldberg Pitt Endowed Award recipient Andrew Maurer poses for a picture with Michael Pitt, Peggy Goldberg Pitt and Eugene Driker. 2 WAYNE LAW FEATURED IN PRINCETON REVIEW’S 2008 EDITION OF ‘BEST 170 LAW SCHOOLS’ The professors at Wayne are the perfect balance between scholars and practicing lawyers. They help you develop the analytical/theoretical tools you need for a long legal career while also breaking it down to what you really need to know in the real world. Wayne Law was recently featured as one of the nation’s most outstanding law schools, according to The Princeton Review. The New York-based education services company featured the school in the just-published 2008 edition of its “Best 170 Law Schools.” According to Robert Franek, Princeton Review VP of Publishing, “We select schools for this book based on our high regard for their academic programs and offerings, institutional data we collect from the schools, and the candid opinions of students attending them who rate and report on their campus experiences at the schools. We are pleased to recommend Wayne Law to readers of our book and users of our Web site as one of the best institutions they could attend to earn a law school degree.” “Best 170 Law Schools” has two-page profiles of the schools with write-ups on their academics, student life and admissions, plus ratings for their academics, selectivity and career placement services. The Princeton Review’s 80-question survey asked 18,000 students about themselves, their career plans, and their schools’ academics, student body and campus life. Some of the comments included the following: general because it is so close to the courts and major MI law firms, as well as very close to Canada. That location alone opens up many opportunities that other MI law schools just cannot compete with. The professors at Wayne are the perfect balance between scholars and practicing lawyers. They help you develop the analytical/ theoretical tools you need for a long legal career while also breaking it down to what you really need to know in the real world. If you want to be a lawyer or a judge in Michigan, Wayne is a great place to be. Half of the judges and 75 percent of the lawyers practicing in southeast Michigan are Wayne graduates. The alumni are very active and willing to help other graduates. The law library is well-equipped, and Wayne State is continually improving the technological resources. With [in-state] tuition costs of only $13,000 or so a year, Wayne State deserves even greater recognition as an excellent value in education. The Princeton Review does not rank the schools in the book on a single hierarchical list from 1 to 170, or name one law school best overall. Instead, the book has 11 ranking lists of the top 10 law schools in various categories. Conducted during the 2006-07, 2005-06, and 2004-05 academic years, the student surveys were primarily completed online. The lists are posted at www.PrincetonReview.com. There is an incredible internship program at Wayne that gives students such great realworld exposure to the legal profession…I had a judicial internship at the Federal District Court this semester and am participating in the Urban Housing and Community Development Clinic next semester! It is a fabulous location for a law school in INTRODUCING: FELICIA THOMAS DIRECTOR OF RECRUITMENT & ENROLLMENT, OFFICE OF ADMISSIONS “We are fortunate to have Ms. Thomas leading our recruitment and enrollment efforts and wish her the best in her new role.” Wayne Law recently strengthened recruitment and enrollment efforts by appointing Felicia Thomas, former Director of Academic Success, as the Director of Recruitment & Enrollment in Admissions. As director, Thomas will attend law school recruiting fairs; coordinate prospective student open houses and informational sessions; provide consultation to prospective students with regards to the Admissions process; and assist in the development of a comprehensive marketing plan to increase outreach and recruitment efforts, among other duties. “Ms. Thomas offers the Admissions Office a wealth of knowledge and experience that will help to identify and recruit high caliber, qualified candidates to Wayne Law,” said Dean Frank H. Wu. “We are fortunate to have Ms. Thomas leading our recruitment and enrollment efforts and wish her the best in her new role.” Thomas is a 2002 graduate of the University – Dean Frank H. Wu of Michigan Law School and has served as a law clerk to Judge Daphne Means Curtis (WSU Law ‘73) in the Wayne County 3rd Circuit Court, Civil Division. Thomas also worked in the Division of Student Affairs at the University of Michigan, Office of Student Activities and Leadership, and taught as a graduate student instructor in the UM Sociology department. She can be reached at (313) 577-8040. 3 CONGRATULATIONS TO WAYNE LAW M ALUMNI ON A 95% BAR PASSAGE RATE Official passage rates for first-time takers of the July 2007 Michigan Bar Examination have been released, and Wayne Law graduates far outperformed the field with 95 percent passing on the first try. With 130 out of 137 Wayne Law graduates passing the July 2007 bar examination on the first try, students who graduated from a law school other than Wayne Law were three times as likely to fail the exam on the first try as Wayne Law’s first-time takers. RONALD KEEFE, ’72, NAMED PRESIDENT OF STATE OF MICHIGAN BAR The three other law schools with large numbers of graduates taking the Michigan bar exam, Michigan State University, the University of Detroit Mercy, and the Thomas M. Cooley Law School, had firsttime pass rates of 90 percent, 87 percent and 74 percent, respectively. The overall first-time passage rate was 86 percent. Of the other law schools in the state, only the University of Michigan Law School, which had fewer takers than Wayne Law, had a bar passage rate comparable to Wayne Law’s. “As witnessed by such a high passage rate, Wayne Law truly prepares graduates for the real world by providing them with the tools and resources needed to pass the bar examination and enter into the legal community,” said Dean Frank H. Wu. “On behalf of Wayne Law, I would like to congratulate our recent alumni on a job well done.” The high passage rate marks the second consecutive year that approximately 95 percent of Wayne Law graduates have passed the bar examination on the first try. Ronald D. Keefe, ’72, was recently named the 73rd president of the State Bar of Michigan. “On behalf of Wayne Law, I’d like to congratulate Mr. Keefe on being named president of the State Bar of Michigan,” said Dean Frank H. Wu. “Mr. Keefe has had an exceptional career in law and is highly acclaimed among his peers. His experience as a leader in the legal community will certain bode well for the State Bar of Michigan.” Keefe was sworn in by Michigan Supreme Court Chief Justice Clifford W. Taylor. The ceremony took place at DeVos Place in Grand Rapids and was held in conjunction with the State Bar of Michigan 72nd Annual Meeting. Since 1998, Keefe has been a member of the State Bar Board of Commissioners and he has chaired many committees including those dealing with member services, professional standards, justice initiatives and finance. He has also been a commissioner liaison to numerous sections and committees of the Bar and was elected to the bar’s Representative Assembly from 1995 to 1998. Keefe started his career as an assistant prosecuting attorney in Marquette County over three decades ago. He served in the United States Army from 1969 to 1971. In 1976, he joined Kendricks, Bordeau, Adamini, Chilman and Greenlee P.C. where he is a shareholder. Mr. Keefe focuses on civil litigation, mediation and municipal law. He is also the Marquette city attorney. Recent Notable Gifts to Wayne Law • $50,000 from the Charles H. Gershenson Trust 4 ALUMNI PROFILE: MERCEDES VARASTEH, ’07 “I am deeply appreciative for the quality of the education I received at Wayne – I did not just receive a law degree, but I was actually taught to be a lawyer.” Mercedes Varasteh, ’07 Associate, Frank, Haron, Weiner and Navarro Why did you choose Wayne Law? I chose Wayne for its excellent reputation in the Michigan legal community, and based on the recommendations of the numerous Wayne Law alumni with whom I spoke. How did you find your first job? An attorney I knew posted a message on the Michigan Trial Lawyers Associate listserv asking if anyone was looking for a law clerk. A partner at my current firm responded to the message, and I started work at Frank, Haron, Weiner and Navarro in June 2005. I enjoyed the work and attorneys there so much that I decided to stay; I worked there part-time through law school and began as an associate this November. Was there one thing, one class, one professor at Wayne Law that was particularly important to you? Professor David Moran and Professor Katherine White were both amazing instructors. During my extremely challenging first year, Professor White constantly encouraged me and was always available to answer questions about her class or law school in general. Professor Moran’s classes were always engaging and highly informative – he has a unique way of capturing his students’ attention and making them really think through the cases and hypotheticals. How did involvement in student organizations affect your law school experience? I was a member of the Wayne Law Review, and being an editor not only sharpened my legal writing and analytical abilities but I met several of my best friends on the Law Review. I could not have imagined my last two years of law school without the support and friendship I received from the other editors. You recently passed the Michigan Bar Examination. How prepared did you feel? I honestly believe that no matter how much you study, the Bar exam is such a daunting experience and the stakes are so high that you can never really feel prepared! However, I was able to apply a great deal from the courses I took at Wayne to the topics covered on the Bar exam – for example, I could not have imagined studying for the Bar without having previously taken Criminal Procedure I and II. Do you plan on staying involved with Wayne Law in the future? I am definitely planning on remaining connected with the law school – right now I am mentoring a second-year law student, and I would love to continue working with students in the future. What advice do you give someone considering law school? You have to be prepared to work incredibly hard – if there is one thing I have learned from practicing law, it is that there are no shortcuts or easy ways out. However, I truly believe that the law is an exceptionally interesting, rewarding field to be a part of. Every day I learn something new or help someone meet a goal or resolve a conflict, and although it was an immeasurably challenging endeavor, going to law school was the best decision I ever made. What do you think sets Wayne Law apart from other law schools? Throughout my years at Wayne, I was constantly amazed at the caliber of the faculty members. Before starting at Wayne, I thought I was going to have to endure endless lectures by boring old men in tweed jackets. However, I was amazed at the diversity of the faculty members and their array of professional experiences. I truly felt that the professors cared about their students and wanted them to develop into insightful, ethical, prepared attorneys. I am deeply appreciative for the quality of the education I received at Wayne Law – I did not just receive a law degree, but I was actually taught to be a lawyer. Click here to join the Law Alumni Association HEATHER JOY THOMPSON, ’05 HIGHLIGHTED ON OPRAH AND NAMED PERSONAL ASSISTANT TO SEAN ‘DIDDY’ COMBS Thompson, the youngest of three children, was born in Detroit and raised in Southfield. She attended The Roeper School in Bloomfield Hills, earning her diploma in 1995. Upon graduation, she enrolled at Spelman College in Atlanta, Ga., and earned a Bachelor of Arts in studio art in 1999. Heather Joy Thompson, ’05, was recently selected as hip-hop mogul Sean “Diddy” Combs’ personal assistant after winning Combs’ YouTube contest. She was featured as the winner on the Nov. 6, 2007, episode of the Oprah Winfrey Show. After Spelman, Thompson enrolled at Wayne Law, where she was the recipient of the Kenneth V. Cockrel Scholarship and a member of the Jessup International Moot Court Team, The Black Law Students Association (BLSA), Executive Board, and a student attorney at Wayne State’s Free Legal Aid Clinic (FLAC). She has been a member of the State Bar of Michigan since 2005. In addition to her scholastic achievements, Thompson served in the Peace Corps in Burkina Faso, West Africa, from May 1999 to October 2000 where she worked at a local health clinic and initiated several high-profile programs to combat HIV/AIDS and other communicable diseases. She has also served as a policy analyst for Detroit City Councilwoman Sheila M. Cockrel and as a press secretary for the Greg Hecht for Lt. Governor of Georgia campaign. She competed and won the reality television competition, “The Intern,” and, in 2006, she passed the Foreign Service Written Exam and Oral Assessment. 5 STUDENT PROFILE: MATTHEW GOODMAN, 1L “I think in terms of getting prepared for the whole law school experience, the orientiation was very helpful here at Wayne Law. And, from stories I’ve heard, Wayne Law doesn’t seem as ultra-competive as other law schools. It seems very student oriented.” Matthew Goodman, 1L What made you decide to go to law school? I think I always knew I wanted to go to law school. I graduated from McGill University in Montreal, Canada, in December 2006 with a degree in political science. I decided to attend Wayne Law due to a combination of personal factors and because it seemed like a place I could receive a very worthwhile education. Is there one experience or encounter that stands out thus far? I think in terms of getting prepared for the whole law school experience, the orientiation was very helpful here at Wayne Law. And, from stories I’ve heard, Wayne Law doesn’t seem as ultracompetive as other law schools. It seems very student oriented. Are you finding the work very hard? The biggest adjustment was not in terms of the reading, but the outlining concept for exams and condensing everything. I’m getting used to it. It’s something I’ve never done in my other studies. There’s no real expectation of what it’s going to be. What are first-year classes like at Wayne Law? So far, so good. I really enjoy the professors. Professor Findlater is the most organized and well-structured professor. When you walk out of her class, you really don’t have any questions of where the class is going. She’s very into making the learning experience what it’s meant to be. Are you thinking of going into any particular area of law at this point? It’s still a gray area. I dreaded Contracts at first. As soon as I started reading it, though, it was a lot more interesting than I thought. That demonstrated to me that I need to keep my options open at this point. How is the social life in law school? Most people are pretty friendly. And there’s usually a lot of stuff going on. I’m a member of the Jewish Law Students Association and Professor Moss’ Volunteer Advocacy Group and I have met people through those groups. What advice do you have for incoming students? I’m just hoping to keep my head above water and keep my scholarships. I think the best advice I could give to incoming students is to get some information and talk to people, but don’t get overwhelmed with everything everyone else is doing. So many things are going on when you enter law school. If you worry about too much, you get a little lost. STUDENTS WIN REGIONALS Wayne Law students Paul Dickerson, AJ Kochis and Dan Williams recently won the 6th Circuit Regional Moot Court Competition in Cleveland, Ohio. As the number one team in the 6th Circuit, they will travel to New York in January 2008 to represent Wayne Law in the national championship hosted by the Bar Association of the City of New York. Are you interested in mentoring a Wayne Law student? Your knowledge and experience could assist a law student on their journey into the legal community. For more information on how to get involved, please send a message to lawalumni@wayne.edu today. 6 INTRODUCING: COLETTE ROUTEL “We are pleased to have Professor Routel joining us this semester at Wayne Law. She brings with her a wealth of knowledge and experience that will be a tremendous benefit to our students.” Dean Frank H. Wu Colette Routel is a Visiting Assistant Professor of Law at Wayne Law for the 2007-08 academic year. She will teach American Indian Law (Fall 2007), Natural Resources Law (Winter 2008) and Civil Procedure (Winter 2008). After graduating from law school, Professor Routel spent several years working at Faegre & Benson in Minneapolis, Minnesota. In 2007, Ms. Routel joined the Indian law boutique firm of Jacobson, Buffalo, Magnuson, Anderson & Hogen in St. Paul, Minnesota. Her practice includes both litigation and transactional work for Indian tribes, tribal members and businesses. Her work has spanned the gamut of federal Indian law, with representative matters involving tribal sovereign immunity, taxation, housing, the Indian Child Welfare Act, labor and employment, and gaming. She has also worked on tribally related financings involving more than 25 Indian tribes throughout the country. Professor Routel also maintains a substantial pro bono practice in family law, wildlife law, wilderness law, civil rights law and asylum refugee law. She has successfully represented environmental organizations in litigation seeking to preserve wilderness areas and has worked on several matters involving the protection of charismatic species such as the gray wolf, grizzly bear and dolphin under the Endangered Species Act and the Marine Mammal Protection Act. Professor Routel has a substantial asylum/refugee practice, and has represented clients from Guatemala, Laos, Togo and Gabon in proceedings before the IJ, BIA and U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit. In 2002 and 2004 she received the Sierra Club North Star Chapter Award for her pro bono work, and in 2005, she was nominated for the Minnesota Justice Foundation’s Outstanding Service Award. During the past six years, she has provided more than 2,500 hours of pro bono service to Indian tribes, low-income individuals and non-profit organizations. Professor Routel graduated magna cum laude from Ithaca College with a Bachelor of Music. She received her J.D. magna cum laude from the University of Michigan Law School, where she served as a Contributing Editor on the Michigan Law Review and was elected to the Order of the Coif. While in law school, Professor Routel received the Tapestry Award (awarded by the University of Michigan for leadership activities promoting social justice) and the Jane L. Mixer Award (awarded by the Law School for community service). DEAN WU WINS TRAILBLAZER AWARD Dean Wu has served as the ninth dean of the Law School since 2004. He also serves as a Trustee of Gallaudet University, the only university in the United States serving primarily deaf and hard of hearing. Wayne Law Dean Frank H. Wu was recently selected as a 2007 National Asian Pacific American Bar Association (NAPABA) Trailblazer Award recipient. The Trailblazer Award recognizes the outstanding achievements, commitments and leadership of NAPABA lawyers who have paved the way for the advancement of Asian Pacific American attorneys and community. Dean Wu was honored at the 19th Annual NAPABA Convention on Nov. 16, 2007. His professional experiences in academia include serving on the law faculty of Howard University, as an adjunct professor at Columbia University, as a visiting professor at the University of Michigan, as a teaching fellow at Stanford University, and as a scholar in residence at Deep Springs College. Prior to his academic career, Dean Wu held a clerkship with the late U.S. District Judge Frank J. Battisti in Cleveland and practiced law with the firm of Morrison & Foerster in San Francisco. In addition, he served briefly by appointment of the D.C. Court of Appeals on its Board of Professional Responsibility, was appointed by Mayor Anthony Williams For more Wayne Law news, click here! as Chair of the D.C. Human Rights Commission for 2001-02, and joined the Board of the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights Education Fund in 2004. He is also an elected member of the American Law Institute, and a member of the Committee of 100. Since becoming Dean, he has received numerous other awards and honors. They include the Arthur A. Fletcher Award from the American Association for Affirmative Action; a Special Recognition Award from the Wolverine Bar Association; the Walton A. Lewis Brotherhood Award from Bethel A.M.E. Church, and the Janet A. Helms Mentoring Award from Columbia University Teachers College. 7 MONTHLY ALUMNI WRAP-UP 50s Retired Warren District Court Judge Don Binkowski, ‘56, was listed in Who’s Who in American Law, 2007-2008. 70s Harold G. Schuitmaker, ’70, of Schuitmaker, Cooper, Schuitmaker & Cypher, PC, Paw Paw, Mich., has been elected vice-chair of the Probate and Estate Planning Section Council of the State Bar of Michigan. Robert A. Berlow, ’71, a member of Kickham Hanley P.C., has been named in the 25th anniversary edition (2008) of “The Best Lawyers in America.” A resident of West Bloomfield, Berlow, prior to joining the firm, was Executive Vice President, Chief Administrative Officer and General Counsel of Perry Drug Stores, Inc. Berlow is also a former chairperson of the Real Property Law Section of the State Bar of Michigan. Ronald D. Keefe, ‘72, was recently named the 73rd president of the State Bar of Michigan. Philip A. Grashoff, Jr. and Alan M. Kanter, ’72 and ’76, respectively, are among the four shareholders of Strobl & Sharp P.C. who have again been selected for inclusion in “The Best Lawyers in America 2008.” Loren M. Opper, ’73, senior counsel in the Detroit Miller Canfield office, recently received a Meritorious Service Award from the Tax Executives Institute (TEI), the preeminent, international professional organization of in-house tax professionals. Donald Wilson, ’76, has moved to Australia and now works as Senior International Tax Counsel at Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Ltd. in Sydney. Howard Hertz, ’76, co-founder of Bloomfield Hills-based Hertz, Schram P.C. (www.hertzschram.com), was recently recognized for two prestigious legal honors. For the second consecutive year, Hertz was named one of Michigan’s Super Lawyers by Law & Politics in its 2007 issue of Michigan Super Lawyers as an Entertainment and Sports Law practitioner. He was also selected for inclusion in the Best Lawyers in America 2008. Stephen G. Schaffer, ’77, a partner in the Southfield office of Michigan-based Jaffe, Raitt, Heuer, & Weiss P.C., has been named one of “The Best Lawyers in America for 2008.” 80s Catherine B. LaMont, ’80, founder and president of LaMont Title Coporation, has been named to the “Michigan Super Lawyers” list for the second consecutive year. Additionally, LaMont is included on the 2007 Super Lawyers list of the “Top 50 Women Lawyers” in the state. Robert E.L. Wright, ’80, an attorneymediator in the Grand Rapids Miller Canfield office, was recently elected to the Executive Committee of the ADR Section of the State Bar of Michigan for the 20072008 year. Wright is a Harvard-trained facilitative mediator and neutral arbitrator, resolving commercial, construction, divorce and employment disputes. He has more than 25 years’ experience in litigation for plaintiffs and defendants with particular emphasis in alternative dispute resolution and commercial litigation, including bankruptcy. He is listed in “The Best Lawyers in America,” 2006, 2007 and 2008 editions, as well as Michigan Super Lawyers 2006 and 2007 editions, for his work as a mediator. Steven R. Cole, ’81, a partner of the firm Lipson, Neilson, Cole, Seltzer, & Garin P.C., has been named by “Michigan Super Lawyers” magazine as a top attorney in Michigan for 2007. Michael S. Khoury, ’82, has been elected chair of the State Bar of Michigan Business Law section. Jay L. Welford, ’82, a partner in the firm Jaffe, Raitt, Heuer, & Weiss P.C., has been named one of “The Best Lawyers in America for 2008.” Janet Anderson-Davis, ’83, recently released a book titled “Dance of The Warriors.” The book includes a compilation of poems, each dedicated to a player involved in the Detroit Recount of 2005. Kenneth F. Silver, ’83, partner at Bloomfield Hills-based Hertz Schram PC, co-founded a recently launched website that was designed to connect business owners and entrepreneurs with potential business partners and investors called The Deal Gateway (www.thedealgateway.com). Silver co-founded the site with the goal of helping diversify Michigan’s economy by enabling people to identify new investment opportunities and business contacts. Linda G. Burwell, ’85, a partner at Detroitbased employment law firm Nemeth Burwell, P.C., spoke in New York City this month at a large conference of corporate in-house counsel attorneys on the topic of e-discovery and identity theft in the workplace. Burwell continues to be sought after for her expertise in this emerging sector of the law. She also co-authored an article on identity theft in the workplace, along with Nemeth Burwell attorney Terry Bonnette, which appeared in the November issue of the respected legal trade publication, In-House Counsel. Kathleen J. McCarthy, ’87, associate professor and reference librarian at Seton Hall University School of Law, will be volunteering as a short-term legal specialist for the American Bar Association Rule of Law Initiative, Europe and Eurasia program in the Republic of Armenia. Professor McCarthy will be assisting the Armenian Court of Cassation Judicial Department in developing topical indexing systems for its written decisions. In the fall of 2004, Professor McCarthy was in Armenia as a Fulbright Senior Specialist as part of an ongoing partnership between Seton Hall University and Armenia especially Yerevan State University following up on the Rule of Law project to strengthen Armenia’s Rule of Law through reforming legal education at Yerevan State University. 8 90s Esther “Lynise” Bryant-Weekes, ’91, was appointed judge of the 36th District Court. Lawrence Bryant Shulman, ’91, recently founded the firm of Draper, Rubin & Shulman PLC, with offices in Southfield and Grosse Pointe Farms. He is a former Wayne County Assistant Prosecutor, most recently a member of the Major Crimes Section. He specializes in defending white collar and general criminal matters in federal and state courts, nationwide. He is also a member of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, the First Amendment Lawyers Association, and the Litigation and Criminal Law Sections of the State Bar. The firm focuses its practice on business litigation. Mark W. Peters, ’93, was elected to serve as secretary of World Services Group for 2007-2008. Thomas Schramm, ’99, a Senior Attorney at Detroit-based employment law firm Nemeth Burwell, P.C., has been named a co-chair of the Labor and Employment Law Section of the Detroit Metropolitan Bar Association (DMBA). Schramm joined Nemeth Burwell, P.C. as an associate in 1999, and focuses his practice on employment litigation and labor law. 00s Jim Harlan, ’00, joined Siemens Corp. as IP Counsel, and is based in Plano, Texas. Mark C. Rossman, ’01, of Mantese and Rossman, Troy, was selected for inclusion in the Michigan Lawyers Weekly 2007 “Up and Coming Lawyers” edition. Shanta Driver, ’02, wrote an article concerning Prop 209 in California, called “Combating the New Jim Crow in California.” Association. Mindy will be handling Clean Water Act litigation in addition to being the lead attorney for the proposed Carbon Sequestration Regulations under the Safe Drinking Water Act. Neil Pioch, ’04, has joined Draper, Rubin & Shulman PLC as a litigation associate. The firm’s website is www.drsplc.com. Stephen P. Dunn, ’05, has joined Howard and Howard Attorneys, P.C. Jon T. Emaus, ’06, was recognized at the Association of Fundraising Professionals Greater Detroit Chapter’s National Philanthropy Day dinner at the Dearborn Inn on Nov. 15, 2007. The citation reads: “A 2006 graduate of the Law School, Mr. Emaus’ dedicated stewardship as president of the Student Board of Governors continues today with his service as secretary of the Law Alumni Association. An attorney with a young family, Mr. Emaus keeps volunteerism alive at the Law School by taking the lead on activities and issues related to the well being of students, alumni and the campus community. He serves beyond the call of duty in his commitments. Mark Erman, ’07, of Pepper Hamilton LLP, has been admitted to the Michigan Bar. Mr. Erman is an associate in the Environmental Practice Group resident in the Detroit office. Daniel Borst and Madelaine Lane, both ‘07 alumni, were welcomed as associates to Warner Norcross & Judd LLP in Grand Rapids. Submit your alumni updates and accomplishments to Kristin Copenhaver, Law School Communications Director, at kcopenhaver@wayne.edu! Wayne State University Board of Governors Tina Abbott Richard Bernstein Debbie Dingell Eugene Driker Diana Dunaskiss Wayne Law Board of Visitors Executive Committee Thomas T. Huff Earle Erman Co-Chair Erman, Teicher, Miller, Zucker & Freedman Kathryn J. Humphrey Dykema Gossett PLLC David M. Hempstead Co-Chair Bodman, LLP Candyce Ewing Abbatt Fried Saperstein Abbatt, PC Hon. Nancy G. Edmunds U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Michigan Thomas G. Kienbaum Kienbaum Opperwall Hardy & Pelton, PLC Michael L. Pitt Pitt, Dowty, McGehee & Mirer, PC William A. Sankbeil Kerr, Russell & Weber, PLC I.W. Winsten Honigman Miller Schwartz and Cohn, LLP Members Henry Baskin Baskin Law Firm, PC C. David Bargamian Barris, Sott, Denn & Driker, PLLC Roger C. Bauer Gillard, Bauer, Mazrum, Florip, Smigelski & Gulden Maurice S. Binkow Honigman Miller Schwartz and Cohn, LLP Roger Boesky Monte D. Jahnke Kerr, Russell and Weber, PLC David D. Joswick Miller, Canfield, Paddock and Stone, PLC Peter M. Kellett Dykema Gossett, PLLC Hon. Marilyn J. Kelly Michigan Supreme Court Carol H. Lesnek-Cooper General Motors Corporation Lawrence D. McLaughlin Honigman Miller Schwartz and Cohn, LLP Michael W. Maddin Maddin, Hauser, Wartell, Roth & Heller, PC Hon. Donna R. Milhouse 36th District Court E. Powell Miller Miller Shea, PC Albert T. Quick Smith Haughey Rice & Roegge James K. Robinson Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft David L. Rogers Rogers Mantese & Associates, P.C. Hon. Gerald E. Rosen U.S. District Court Eastern District of Michigan Garry G. Carley Paul A. Rosen Rosen & Lovell, PC Robert M. Carson Carson Fischer, PLC John E. S. Scott Dickinson Wright, PLLC Ina C. Cohen Paul M. Shirilla Munson Healthcare John J. Collins, Jr. Champion Enterprises, Inc. Krishna S. Dighe U.S. Department of Justice Hon. Edward Ewell, Jr. Third Circuit Court of Michigan Tyrone C. Fahner Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw Sherrie L. Farrell Dykema Gossett, PLLC Cynthia B. Faulhaber Michael D. Fishman Rader, Fishman & Grauer Mindy Nigoff, ‘03, has joined the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Water Law Office as an Attorney-Adviser. She is located at the U.S. Headquarters in Washington, D.C. Before joining she was a Presidential Management Fellow with the National Oceanic Atmospheric Paul Massaron Annetta Miller Jacquelin Washington Irvin Reid, Ex-Officio Julie Miller, Secretary David Galbenski Lumen Legal Miriam L. Siefer Federal Defender’s Office Barry P. Waldman Sachs Waldman, PC John J. Wallbillich Lexvista LLC Prof. Jonathan Weinberg Wayne State University Law School Marcy H. Wolfson Ford Motor Company Hon. Joan E. Young 6th Circuit Court Edward M. Zelenak City Attorney, Lincoln Park Honorary Consul, Slovakia Hon. Elizabeth L. Gleicher Gleicher & Patek, P.C. David M. Hayes Clark Hill, PLC Paul W. Hines Sommers, Schwartz, Silver & Schwartz, PC 9 UPCOMING WAYNE CHECK OUT WAYNE LAW FACULTY BLOGS AT: LAW EVENTS A Taxing Matter (Prof. Beale) Dean Blog (Dean Wu) Izumi Lecture Thursday, Jan. 10, 2008 4 p.m. Spencer M. Partrich Auditorium Wayne Law School Info/Law (Prof. Bambauer) Mergers and Acquisitions (Prof. Davidoff) Taxation and Development (Prof. McIntyre) Jazz Night Thursday, Jan. 24, 2008 5:30 p.m. Spencer M. Partrich Auditorium Wayne Law School White Collar Crime (Prof. Henning) Wayne Law, the Asian Pacific American Law Students Association, and the Black Law Students Association invite members and alumni to attend their annual Speaker Series - Kristen Clarke-Avery Monday, Feb. 11, 2008 4 p.m. Spencer M. Partrich Auditorium Wayne Law School “Jazz Night” I. Goodmen Cohen Lecture Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2008 4 p.m. Spencer M. Partrich Auditorium Wayne Law School Law Review Symposium Tuesday, March 4, 2008 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Spencer M. Partrich Auditorium Wayne Law School An evening of music, food and conversation Thursday, Jan. 24, 2008, 5:30 p.m. Wayne State University Law School Spencer M. Partrich Auditorium 471 W. Palmer St., Detroit Treasure of Detroit Saturday, April 5, 2008 5:30 p.m. Location yet to be determined For more information regarding Wayne Law events, please contact Robin Dortenzio at robind@wayne.edu or at (313) 577-3934. CHECK OUT THE LATEST NEWS AND UPCOMING EVENTS ONLINE AT WWW.LAW.WAYNE.EDU! EMAIL KCOPENHAVER@ WAYNE.EDU WITH ANY ALUMNI ANNOUNCEMENTS OR EVENT INFORMATION! Your RSVP to this event is requested by Jan. 18 to (313) 577-0300 or ses@lists.wayne.edu. For further information, please contact Tammy Bynum at (313) 577-3113. Be sure to spread the word to other law school alumni and friends! Please consider a donation to the Damon J. Keith Center of Civil Rights or the Student Organizations Fund. A donation slip is below. Please send it and your contribution to the Advancement Office at: 471 W. Palmer St., Detroit, MI 48202. Name: Address: Gift Options: Payment method: Account Number: Signature: Email Address: City: State: $1,000 $500 $100 $75 $50 Other check enclosed (payable to Wayne State University) Visa Mastercard Expiration Date: Please use my gift toward: Damon J. Keith Center for Civil Rights Student Organizations Fund (supporting law student groups, administered by Dean of Students) Zip: 10
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