Angels and Ancestors Magazine, May 2011, volume 5, issue 8


Angels and Ancestors Magazine, May 2011, volume 5, issue 8
Angels and Ancestors
Let’s be Honest!
Japanese Prayer Request
Astrology: Natal Houses
Four Myths about Aging
Crystals: Deva Stones
Wisdom Accumulates
True Andara Crystals
Honesty: a Folk Tale
May, 2011, Volume 5, Issue 8
Angels and Ancestors
Volume 5, Issue 8, May 2010
Since 2006
In this Issue
Four Myths about Aging
Spirit Animal: Coyote in times of Chaos
How to Distinguish True Andara Crystals
Folk Tale: Honesty and the Golden Axe
10 Crystals: Deva Stones
11 Spirit Speaks: Wisdom Accumulates
12 Japanese Prayer Request
13 Astrology: Houses in a Natal Chart
In every Issue
From The Editors
14 Judy’s Kitchen
16 Look at that Book (Book Reviews)
17 Joke of the Month
Editors – Judy Hirst-Joyeux and Roger Joyeux
Layout – Roger Joyeux
Advertising – Judy Hirst-Joyeux, Roger Joyeux
Publication Information
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Angels and Ancestors Magazine, April 2011, Volume 5, Issue 7. . . 2
From the Editors
credit card fraud. Additionally, can we trust
those who issue these cards? How much
of our personal information and spending
habits follow the data collected by computer chips now installed on the card? Just to
ask this last question reflects the state of
our suspicions. In this realm of human relations, trust that follows honesty is conspicuously absent. Crime costs more than lost
Staying on the path of honesty is not always straight forward. How easy to not declare earned cash against income, but how
honest are the authorities who collect taxes?
The dilemmas are a challenge, for we may
not always know what suits honesty.
I have always wondered what life would
be like if I did not have to lock my car at the
mall. I know how life is like when I work
with my spiritual friends. Their honesty
gives me hope. For the rest of the time,
when unsure: do unto others as you would
have them do unto you.
Let’s be honest!
What a wonderful world that would be!
Being frank as well, I must say that the
spiritual path that dominates my life has
many issues, but honesty is not among
the prominent ones. Sure, guilt, appreciation, detachment, self-deprication, self-esteem, courage, and more are fairly common
issues, but not honesty. When I hold workshops or sell crystals to those who come
to move their spiritual paths along, I have
no worries about honesty. Everyone that
comes for enlightenment knows the karmic
consequences of taking what is not yours.
One of the most applicable passages
comes from my book, The Story of Light,
Path to Enlightenment (section 2.7.1, “Karmic Encoding”). It reads: “Because of etheric (magnetic field) encoding, escaping our
transgressions is impossible. No one gets
away with anything ever.” Both honesty and Love and light from Angels and Ancestors
dishonesty, and in both their apparent and Judy and Roger
subtle forms, are written directly into our
personal etheric body codes. God sees all.
Spiritual people understand, but not
everyone is spiritual, and not everyone
Looking For Stories, Artiunderstands karmic consequences. Spiritucles, and Poems for Angels
ality, however, is not the great divide beAnd Ancestors Magazine
tween right and wrong. Honesty and dishonesty cut across all social categories.
Most of the individuals that cross my
Ideas are the light bulb that sends our
path in life are honest, but the dishonest
minds racing forward!
ones sure take their toll. Since the weather
started getting better, and as the hockey
We would like to show case some storplayoffs are in full swing, the kids in our dulies and articles from our readers. If
de-sac have been playing street hockey and
you have a story that needs to be told,
then leaving their nets, sticks, and goalie
or, know someone who has a story that
pads on the curb overnight and for many
should be told, please send it to us. We
nights too. This is a sure sign of honesty.
do not promise to print all of the storAlthough a person wonders how tidy their
ies in one magazine, or even in one
bedrooms might be, these kids are not payyear. We do promise to get as many
ing the price for dishonesty.
as we can publish, as the space allows
On the other side of the coin, all of our
each month. Send your submission to
credit cards are now chipped for security.
Passwords and the 3-digit id code on the
back were not enough to stem the tide of
Angels and Ancestors Magazine, April 2011, Volume 5, Issue 7. . . 3
The New Science of Aging:
4 Myths About How
Your Body Ages
By Gretchen Reynolds
Not long ago, most people—scientists included—were convinced that the biological
indignities of aging were more or less inevitable. Survive past midlife and you’d start
losing muscle mass, height, energy, and
your car keys. Well, nuts to that. New and
inspiring research shows that the supposed
physical “certainties” of aging are mostly
avoidable. Muscles don’t necessarily shrivel.
You don’t have to shrink or slow down. The
key to aging well? One word: Move. Even
minimal amounts of exercise can counteract
the effects of time.
Myth #1: Your muscles will wither.
Myth #2: Your mind will become a...
that thing full of holes, you drain pasta
in it...
Reality: You can change your mind with
a few steps—literally.
A growing body of neuroscience indicates
that exercise can remake and strengthen
the brain, no matter your age. Elderly mice
that are given access to running wheels
have been found to develop far more brain
cells in their hippocampus—a portion of the
brain devoted to memory—than nonrunners. And recently, in a telling experiment at
the National Institute on Aging, active and
sedentary adult mice were put in a Plexiglas
box and encouraged to touch their noses
to a spot on the wall in exchange for food.
Only the mice that regularly ran on a wheel
mastered the task (difficult by mouse standards) easily. They were able to remember
and learn; the sedentary mice, on the other
hand, struggled with the game.
Reality: Only if you let them.
Many of us lose muscle mass after age
40. We also develop schoolmarm wattles.
This is largely because aging muscle can
become riddled with malfunctioning mitochondria, cellular structures that convert
food and oxygen into energy. Without sufficiently robust mitochondria, muscle cells
waste away and opportunistic fat cells move
in. But not everyone suffers this fate—and
an important study published last year by
the Public Library of Science suggests why.
Canadian researchers biopsied muscle from
both sedentary and active adults between 53
and 75 years old, and found that the couch
potatoes’ muscles contained few healthy
mitochondria. The active people’s muscles,
by contrast, teemed with almost as many
functioning mitochondria as you’d find in
20-somethings. Best of all, the type of exercise was irrelevant—aerobic and weightbearing activities have the same effect.
internet image: creative commons licence
Humans don’t have to run to benefit,
though. Even walking seems to have the
same effect on the brain: In a study published this year, researchers asked previously inactive older adults to take a 40-minute
brisk walk three days a week for a year. At
the end of the study, MRI scans showed that
the volume of the subjects’ hippocampus
had increased by 2 percent.
Angels and Ancestors Magazine, April 2011, Volume 5, Issue 7. . . 4
Myth #3: Your bones will shrink and so physical activity levels may provide a prowill you.
tective effect,” the researchers concluded.
It’s a finding that’s pretty easy to live with—
Reality: Not if you stimulate some stem longer and better than ever.
©2011 by Gretchen Reynolds. Gretchen is a
staff writer for the O, Oprah Magazine. Used
with permission under the guidelines of Creative
Commons licensing.
Osteoporosis, the thinning of bone tissue,
is not just debilitating but also demoralizing.
Who wants to leave the sofa if you’re worried your limbs might snap? Yet inactivity is
one of the biggest threats to bone health.
In experiments at the University of North
Spirit Animal:
Carolina, scientists removed stem cells from
the bone marrow of mice; these particular
Call on Coyote for Help In Chaos!
stem cells are designed to turn into either
bone cells (which strengthen the skeleton)
or fat cells (which do not). Left to sit in a
lab medium, the stem cells generally turned
by Judith Hirst
into fat. But when stimulated with high-frequency, low-intensity mechanical signals—
similar to those generated during walking—they stopped turning into fat cells and
retained their ability to become bone. Related studies in mice found that those same
light forces led to greater bone density, too.
Myth #4: If you’ve never exercised
much, it’s too late to benefit now.
Reality: It’s never too late!
According to a survey of more than 13,500
women from the Nurses’ Health Study, being
active in middle age—no matter your earlier
(and perhaps deplorable) exercise habits—
significantly improves your odds of aging
without cognitive or physical impairments
or developing a chronic disease. Meanwhile,
research in the United States and Europe
has revealed that almost any kind of activity, at any age, helps preserve your telomeres—the tiny caps on the ends of the
chromosomes in each of your body’s cells.
When cells divide, these telomeres fray and
shorten, and when they become too short,
the cell stops dividing and dies. But a 2008
study showed that exercise can maintain
telomere length—potentially extending a
cell’s life span. And the ideal amount of exercise seems merely to be some: “Moderate
internet image: creative commons licence
The Spirit of Coyote and I had a long chat
the other night. I could not sleep, and Coyote is always restless. So, we sat down to
I had some questions. Like – why do
some legends call Coyote by the name, “The
Trickster”? Why is Coyote associated with
chaos? Is Coyote good or bad, and why?
Coyote grinned a lot. He got comfort-
Angels and Ancestors Magazine, April 2011, Volume 5, Issue 7. . . 5
able and then he began to talk. One of the
things that he told me was that many animal spirits agreed to be “in service” and
have been given directions by Great Spirit,
to try to help mankind. This was a direction given very early on in the Earth’s history. Many of the animals, Coyote included,
would therefore show up when someone or
some peoples were in trouble.
The Spirit Animals would fee the call of
the person’s soul, or their prayers, for assistance. The problem became a “chicken
and the egg situation”. When trouble was
brewing and Coyote showed up to help,
people began to associate Coyote with the
problem, and chased Coyote away. (People
did this with Raven, Badger, Wolf and Bear,
as well, fearing the Spirits as much as the
trouble that they were facing.)
People, with their belief systems, would
think that a situation should be resolved or
should move in a certain way. When the
situation did not go as they planned, the
person would need someone to blame, and
would therefore blame Coyote – whom many
tribes began to call “The Trickster”.
Coyote has now been called to active duty
once again because chaos is in the world
again. Coyote has the antidote for chaos –
stay in the moment (like Coyote does), and
see the humour and the good in all things.
Realize that one does not control Nature –
one works with it. And, say your prayers or
be in meditation on a daily basis. It is good
for the soul.
Seek not to change the
world, but choose to
change your mind about
the world. What you see
reflects your thinking.
And your thinking but
reflects your choice of
what you want to see.
Angels and Ancestors Magazine, April 2011, Volume 5, Issue 7. . . 6
municated to me that they were not for
everyone, and it would be made known
when to take them out. Sure enough, I sold
out of every shipment that came in.
As a IT Analyst and expert in Information Systems and Research, I researched
and wrote an article entitled “Andara Crystals – Bridging Science, Metaphysics, and
Healing ”to be passed out with each Andara
by Mark Naea
Crystal from “Life’s Treasures Hawaii”, our
In 2002, Andara crystals literally walked retail store back then. We have named our
into our store here on Kauai. Andara crys- web presence Life’s Treasures Kauai to give
tals were not widely known back then, with a better idea to our Internet visitors where
no information on the Internet about them. we are located physically.
Over the years, as they became more
But I knew instinctively that we should be
carrying them in our store. I’ll share that popular, many pretenders came into being,
claiming to be Andara crystals. Informastory in another blog.
From the very beginning, Andara crys- tion was everywhere on the Internet, with
tals were very special and treated that way. many misleading articles. It was only a matThey were not on display, very strange be- ter of time before my article became posted
havior for crystal for sale. My staff took a everywhere on the Internet, including the
while to understand how I could sell these if Andara pretenders websites.
It is my hope to try and clear the air
no one could see them displayed.
I told them that the Andara crystals com- somewhat on the many different crystals
How to
Distinguish true
Andara Crystals
Angels and Ancestors Magazine, April 2011, Volume 5, Issue 7. . . 7
called Andara, and how to distinguish the
original Monatomic Andara Crystals from
the pretenders.
True Monatomic Andara crystals come
from the High Sierra Mountains of northern
California, within a unique mineral deposit
of monatomic minerals including elements
of Gold, Silver, Iridium, Rhodium, Chromium
and Platinum monatomics.
In my years of extensive research for
other sources of Andara crystals, I have not
found another site that has the same unique
mineral deposit of monatomic minerals,
with verifiable sources and testing. It is the
monatomic nature of these Andara crystals
that separates them from the rest.
Many people have strong feelings about
Andara crystals, regardless of where they
are from. I am not disputing the metaphysical claims of the other crystals, but to
mislead by omission, in this case where the
source is, fails the test of integrity. Some
will disagree with this article, others may
feel threatened by it, but none can dispute
its veracity.
©2008 Mark Naea, re-printed with consent from
the author. Mark is the co-owner, web master,
blogger, crystal expert and guide at Life’s Treasures Kauai.
Link to original article here.
Angels and Ancestors Magazine, April 2011, Volume 5, Issue 7. . . 8
A Folk Tale:
Honesty and
the Golden Axe
Kostas and Eleni live near Paphos on the
island of Cyprus. Cyprus is near Greece and
Turkey. Part of the island is Greek, the other
part is Turkish. There is a “buffer” zone between the two parts.
Paphos is a very famous city in southern
Cyprus. It is said that the beautiful goddess
Aphrodite rose from the sea near Paphos.
Aphrodite is the Greek goddess of love and
beauty. There are many gods and goddesses in Cypriot legends.
Kostas and Eleni have a small farm. They
raise sheep and grow apples and other
vegetables. One day Kostas went into the
forest to cut some wood for a fire. As he was
using his axe to cut a tree, the axe slipped
from his hands and fell into the river. Kostas
was very sad. He knew he was too poor to
buy another axe.
The god who lived in the river felt sorry
for Kostas. He got a golden axe and gave it
to Kostas. “This is your axe.” the god of the
river told the farmer. Kostas replied honestly, “No, No that is not my axe.”
So the river god went back into the river
and got a silver axe. “This is your axe.” the
god of the river told the farmer. Again, Kostas told the truth, “No, No that is not my
The river god then went back into the
river again. This time he brought Kostas
his old axe. “This is your axe.” the god of
the river told the farmer. Kostas was very
happy, “Yes, Yes that is my axe.”
The river god then went back into the river
once more. He brought out the gold axe and
silver axe again. “These are all yours. You
are an honest and truthful man.” The farmer ran back to the village. He told Eleni and
all his friends what happened. He showed
them the gold and silver axes.
A greedy farmer, named Ares, saw the
golden axe and decided to get one for himself. Early the next morning, he threw his
axe into the river. He pretended to be very
sad about losing his axe.
The river god asked the farmer why he
was sad. Ares replied, “I lost my only axe,
and I am too poor to buy another one.” The
river god went into the river. He got a golden axe and gave it to Kostas. “This is your
axe,” he told Ares.
Ares was happy, “Yes, Yes that is my axe.”
The river god got mad and told Ares, “No
this is not your axe, you are not being honest.”
The river god went back into the river. He
did not let Ares keep any of the axes.
And this is how the villagers learned that
they should be honest and tell the truth.
internet image: creative commons licence
Angels and Ancestors Magazine, April 2011, Volume 5, Issue 7. . . 9
Deva Stones
by S. Roger Joyeux
ing its long presence on Earth, and evolved
in the Earth’s way as a physical presence.
The deva within each Deva, which is an extension of the spirit of the Earth, will reflect
the inherent life of the Earth with its numerous manifold extensions of how life is:
funny, humourous, serious, sedate, happy,
sad, and so on. The character emitted at
any one time, usually, but not always, corresponds to the opposing duality registered
in the Deva by the person holding it. If the
person is depressed, the stone is likely to,
but may not always, reflect joy to cause a
balancing of the general spirit of the entity
in question.
Regarding the chakras, the Deva acts to
efficiently ground Earthly light to displace
the tainted unbalancing energies. Where
the Deva’s deva detects a person who is attuned to the Earth and the ways of light,
its characteristic offerings may be coloured
by a variety of extensions of the Earth in a
spontaneous, usually joyful way. There is
no way to predict how the deva will come
across to any particular person, thus making the Deva a most unique and delightful
stone full of surprises.
The Deva stone is a unique and interesting extension of the energies of the Earth.
Its relatively recent emergence as a healing crystal comes under the protective custodianship of a person, who brought them
to light a little over four decades ago. The
many insights offered and the claims made
are verified as truth by the angelic ones who
inspired this article and The Story of Light
books, the Councilate of the Ascended-Light.
The Deva stone is a priceless and very
old contributor to the health of light beings
on the Earth. Its name is a vibration that
causes a certain amount of excited energy.
This stone is to be used by those who have
the ability to ascertain the dualistic nature
of overly unbalanced light. The stone will
work with its user to re-balance the vibrations within his or her chakras. Where the
emissions of the chakras are not cleaned by
their own light as channelled through the
crown chakra, the Deva serves to accelerate the vibratory frequency of the chakra
upon which it is placed. Thereafter, a greater amount of light enters to effect a healing. The light in-question is the light of the
Earth, and not of heavenly origin, and so,
it is black light. The balancing takes place
when the impure light, present to cause the
imbalance, is displaced by the light brought
forth by the Deva. The cleansing follows
the grounding of the Earth’s light within the
As the stone is of the original substance of
the Earth at its most humble beginning, as
is claimed by its custodians and reaffirmed
here, a patron of the Deva stone might sense
internet image: creative commons licence
that the life of the Earth that is present in
the Deva has a character of its own. This is
The negative-positive energy flows, using
because the life of the stone, which the deva
energies, ensure greater effiof the Deva carries with it, has evolved dur-
Angels and Ancestors Magazine, April 2011, Volume 5, Issue 7. . . 10
ciency in moving light through unbalanced
chakra centers. There is no general rule as
to how the stone might be placed around
the body. Simply use the male and female
stones at opposite sides of the chakra center
so that light is brought into and taken out
of the center. Being specific about which
goes above or below is not required―just
opposite sides. If one were to use only a
single Deva stone, the results would be only
marginally less effective in the movement of
light. A single Deva, male or female, moves
light by attracting Earthly black light to displace the tainted light at the center upon
which it is placed. The use of the polarity principle, of male-female opposition, has
greater effect than a single Deva; and placing the stone directly upon an unbalanced
chakra is of greater effect than simply carrying it in one’s pocket.
The Deva stone is perhaps the oldest
healing stone on Earth, and one of the most
ished, wisdom that now knows of its own
Nina Wise, “Sudden Awakening”.
I read this quote, and I had this click in
my brain that said I have seen or heard this
before, but not in this lifetime! It seems that
one of the life lessons that I have chosen
is to find out how wisdom works. What I
mean is, what is the shifting point where we
move from having random knowledge to the
point of having great wisdom?
The Mayan believed that the shift to wisdom happens between fifty and fifty-four
years old – if the person lived that long. Most
indigenous peoples do move their adults to
an honoured position of “elder” at about the
same time. Very rarely does one become
an elder at a younger age. So, the question
for me is – does the time frame that you are
alive automatically qualify you to be wise;
or, is it that something chemically happens
in your brain to make you wise?
In the reading that I have been doing,
it seems that there is an actual, physical,
©S. Roger Joyeux. Roger lives with his wife, chemical change in the brain around this
Judy, in Calgary, Alberta. He conducts Crys- age of life. This change also seems to be
tal workshops, offers crystal healing, balancing, reflected in the emotional, mental, and
Light Body, and empowerment layouts, and is spiritual make up of the person. Perhaps
the author of The Story of Light, volumes 1
that saying is true. “As we get older, we get
and 2. See his workshops here, and his books
What are your thoughts about this?
Spirit Speaks
Wisdom Accumulates
by Judith Hirst
Wisdom accumulates—not in a linear
arithmetic progression but in a complex,
dynamic system. Each understanding sheds
light upon the others in an interactive living process. Insights that seem unassailable may suddenly meet passionate doubt,
all clarity shattered at the very moment it is
most needed. Then, just as suddenly, wisdom will resurface, stronger for having vanAngels and Ancestors Magazine, April 2011, Volume 5, Issue 7. . . 11
StarTalker Classes
Starting Monday May 30, 2011, 8–10pm
The StarTalker program is for all those
people who wish to use their abilities to their
fullest potential – claircognizance, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairallience, clairambience, and clairsentience .
internet image: NASA
As the Star Talker apprentice moves forward, learning new skills and tools, their internal light shines more brightly. The apprentice becomes glowing, like the stars. As the
apprentice sorts through the trainings, she/he
becomes more present and walks apart from
the drama. The apprentice becomes transformed. As the transformation completes,
the apprentice becomes a Star Talker who in
turn, will teach, heal, and mentor those who
are drawn to the light.
Call Judy at 403-225-2016 or email for more information.
Limited space so please register.
Japanese Monk
Prayer Request
The Earthquake damage in Japan is devastating. Unable to cool the reactor, we
are facing the possibility of nuclear disaster. Please join our prayer.
The message from the Ise Shrine in
Japan: After sunset we need the strong
power of prayer. We can stop this Earthquake with our prayer, but right now the
nuclear plant is in danger.
Please everyone… heal the suffering,
sadness, anger, and worry about nuclear
plants. Please do not think this accident
will bring justice. Please care for each
The energy toward conflict and fighting
is fueling events right now. Please stop
the conflict, stop the fight, and change
the worrying voice to the power of prayer.
Please pray that as many people as possible are saved. We will be O.K. If our
hearts start connecting with each other,
the Earth will be healed.
Sound vibration can release the karma
of Earth. Anyone who can make prayer
sounds, who can do reiki, who can do long
distance healing, please direct your energy
to the center of Japan. The exact location
is above the Hachirogata, Akita Prefecture.
If you can sing, please sing. Humming is
fine too. Let the Earth listen to the sound.
Please send gratitude to the Earth. If
the mother Earth wakes up, the difficulties
will stop. The Song, Japanese Kanji, writes
that small efforts result is great influences.
Please send your prayers to the Earth to
wake up the spirit.
The chant to release Earth karma and
turn the wheel of time is:
I will be in meditation after sunset. I
will pray for light to brighten the sky even
in the darkness. Please everyone be safe.
Thank you for supporting my heart at this
very difficult time.
In Gratitude for life.
Angels and Ancestors Magazine, April 2011, Volume 5, Issue 7. . . 12
The Kinds of Houses in
a Natal Chart Report
by Jackson Swift
Your natal chart is a very accurate way to
get your horoscope. It captures exactly the
moment of your time and day of birth in a
certain time. It has a lot of different uses.
You can use it to get a gist of the influences
that will be affecting you on a certain date.
These are called transit charts. The celestial
bodies are calculated on the specific date, in
comparison the date of your birth.
There are houses which rule every aspect of an individual’s life. There are three
different kinds of houses. The first one is
the Angular house, which includes the first,
fourth, seventh and tenth houses in your
birth chart. The first house says a lot about
the personal character of the person. The
latter part of life, and marriage and relationships are depicted in the fourth and seventh
house respectively. Meanwhile, the tenth
house deals with public recognition. Usually,
birth charts which fall in the angular houses
are quite prominent.
The second house is called the Succeedent. The stable houses, namely the
second, fifth, eighth and eleventh houses,
are located in this division. They are fixed,
and very stable. Usually, they exhibit Earth
sign personalities. They are often found to
be very inflexible, unwilling to compromise,
and quite stubborn. If your astrology chart
leans toward the Succedent, then you may
have a tendency to be hard headed.
Finally, the third, sixth, ninth, and twelfth
houses are called the Cadent houses. They
exhibit the qualities of Air, as they are intellectuals, always thinking of something.
They also work well in communication and
in presenting their ideas. They do not have
a problem working with other people, and
are in fact very sociable.
You can get a free birth chart online today. You will also be able to find a lot of
accurate, free horoscope readings that will
surely help your everyday life.
A birth chart or astrology chart is generated by calculating the exact placements
of the celestial bodies during your time and
date of birth. These celestial bodies, which
include the seven planets, the moon, and
the sun, are believed to influence us in a
big way. It comes in a wheel pattern with
twelve divisions. It can be quite complicated
to read and interpret an astrology chart, as
professional astrologers usually do that job.
However, a little knowledge in how it is interpreted can help you expand your knowledge about Astrology and natal charts.
The sun conjunct moon suggests that
your emotions rule you at a certain point.
They indicate that your natural instincts are
very reliable. Also, it suggests that you are
content with yourself, and are very selfdriven. Sun conjunct Mercury means that
you are very stable and can handle a lot
of stress. Sun conjunct Venus has a very
positive effect, as they represent a need for
socializing. Meanwhile, sun conjunct Mars
can have a very aggressive, dominating effect. It also is a sign of physical achievements, natural drive and competitiveness.
Those with this conjunction are usually very
energetic. Extremes are what sun conjunct
Jupiter represents. If you are associated
with this conjunction, chances are that you
don’t give up easily, and can persevere for
a goal you want. Sun conjunct Saturn will
make you very disciplined and hardworking. Usually, those with this conjunction are
very mature and are quite organized. Sun
conjunct Uranus will make for an expressive
individual, while Sun conjunct Neptune will
be insightful. The last is Sun conjunct Pluto,
which denotes that you are very extreme
and mysterious.
Jackson Swift writes for Birth that
offers free Natal Chart services, Birth Charts
services and Free Horoscope.
Article Source:
Angels and Ancestors Magazine, April 2011, Volume 5, Issue 7. . . 13
Judy’s Kitchen
Carrot Cake with
Maple Cream Cheese Icing
Recipe from Barbara Hirst.
Adapted from the Smitten Kitchen blog:
blended. Add eggs, flour mixture, and stir
until blended. Add in carrots, walnuts and
raisins, if using them.
Bake cupcakes 14 to 18 minutes, and the 9”
pans for 40 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean. Let
cool before transferring cakes to a cooling
rack. Let cool completely before icing them.
Maple Cream Cheese Frosting
Two (8-ounce) packages cream cheese,
softened (I’m not kidding! Use 2!)
1 stick unsalted butter, room temperature
2 cups confectioners’ sugar
2 cups all-purpose flour
1/4 cup pure maple syrup
2 teaspoons baking soda
Beat: all ingredients in a mixer until fluffy.
1 teaspoon salt
Chill the frosting for 10-20 minutes, until it
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
has set, i.e., it spreads smoothly.
1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg
Assemble Layer Cake: 1. frost the top of
1 teaspoon ground ginger
one cake, 2. place the other cake on top. 3.
2 cups sugar
Frost the rest… creative you!!
1 1/4 cups canola oil
Decorate: mix the left-over icing with food
4 large eggs
colouring, then whorl your dervish!
3 cups grated peeled carrots
1 cups coarsely chopped walnuts (op- Refrigerate: the cake for 30 minutes to set
frosting. Devour with gusto!
Grate carrots very finely for a soft batter.
Makes 24 cupcakes or one two-layer cake.
1/2 cup raisins (optional)
From Buckingham Palace Chef
Darren McGrady
Beef Wellington
internet image: creative commons licence
Preheat oven to 350°F.
Prepare for 24 cupcakes, or use 2 x 9” round
pans. Dry mix: flour, baking soda, salt,
cinnamon, nutmeg and ginger. Stir sugar
and oil together in separate bowl until well
3lb beef tenderloin cut from the middle or
1 tbsp olive oil
1 tsp salt
1 tsp ground black pepper
½ tsp English mustard powder
¼ tsp celery seeds
8 oz of a good liver pate
1 lb portobello mushrooms – pureed in a
1 small onion – finely diced
1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
¼ cup heavy cream
2 oz butter
1 egg – beaten for glazing
1 box Dufour classic puff
pastry (14oz)
OR 1 box Pepperidge farm puff pastry (1.1lb)
Angels and Ancestors Magazine, April 2011, Volume 5, Issue 7. . . 14
1. Use a large pan. Add butter, onion and
salt. Cook until the onion softens. Add mushrooms and sweat until the liquid evaporates.
Add cream and Worcestershire sauce and reduce again to a smooth paste. Adjust seasoning, set aside to cool.
Everything you see I owe to spaghetti.
Sophia Loren
2. Heat oil in a non-stick frying pan. Season
beef with the mix of salt, pepper, mustard and
celery seeds. Sear the beef on all sides and
then remove to cool completely. Preheat the
oven to 390F or 200C.
A billion hours ago, human life appeared
on earth. A billion minutes ago, Christianity emerged. A billion Coca-Colas ago was
yesterday morning.
3. Roll out the pastry to fit the size of the
beef. Spread the mushroom mix over the pastry with at least 3” around the edges. Slice
the pate, then layer it in the centre of the
pastry. Place the tenderloin on top. Fold the
pastry and mushroom mix over the tenderloin
and stick with the beaten egg. Fold in the two
ends. Turn the Wellington upside down on a
baking sheet with the pastry crease on the
bottom. Brush the top of the pastry with the
remaining egg.
Only Irish coffee provides in a single glass
all four essential food groups: alcohol, sugar, caffeine and fat. – Alex Levine
4. Place Wellington into the oven and cook
for 10 minutes. Reduce the heat to 180C or
355F and cook for 20 minutes, or until golden
Remove from the oven and allow at least five
minutes before slicing. Trim off the pastry
ends. Cut into six slices and serve with a Madeira wine sauce or a hollandaise.
Food Quotes
Avoid fruits and nuts. You are what you eat.
Jim Davis
We are living in a world where lemonade
is made from artificial flavors and furniture
polish is made from real lemons.
Look at those cows and remember that the
greatest scientists have never discovered
how to turn grass into milk.
Michael Pupin
As for butter versus margarine, I trust cows
more than chemists.
Joan Gussow
Laughter is brightest in the place where
food is.
Irish Proverb
I bought a box of animal crackers and it
said on it “Do not eat if seal is broken.” So
I opened up the box, and sure enough...
Brian Kiley
Never eat more than you can lift.
Miss Piggy
My doctor told me to stop having intimate dinners for four, unless there are three
other people.
Orson Welles
internet image: creative commons licence
Vegetarian: an old Indian word for bad
Angels and Ancestors Magazine, April 2011, Volume 5, Issue 7. . . 15
Look at that book
Look at that book
Speaking Out for Animals: True How We Live Our Yoga: Teachers
Stories about Real People Who and Practitioners on How Yoga
Rescue Animals.
Enriches, Surprises, and Heals Us.
Stallwood, Kim W. (editor).
Jeremijenko, Valerie (editor).
July 2001. 256p. Lantern, paperback, $18
Oct. 2001. 224p. Beacon, paperback, $14
People who devote
their lives to helping
animals are a unique
minority. While working for people-related
causes is considered
animal-rights and animal-welfare
often find themselves
defending their activities. The people interviewed and profiled here explain how they
came to be involved in working for animals.
They include well-known activists such as
Paul McCartney and Peter Singer, as well as
unknowns such as Sherry Schulueter, who
is a member of the unique Abuse and Neglect Unit of the Broward County (Florida)
Investigative Services Division, charged
with investigating the abuse of animals and
select human groups. In addition to these
profiles, Stallwood includes the sad but
ultimately uplifting stories of animals rescued from horrible lives or pending deaths.
These are everyday people who go out of
their way to volunteer their time--the unsung heroes, as Stallwood refers to them.
The foreword is by Jane Goodall. — Marlene Chamberlain
books present photographs of fit people doing asanas, but the
physical aspect of yoga
is only one facet of a
complex and demanding
way of life, a truth editor
Jeremijenko unveils in
this unique and striking
collection of personal essays by yoga students
and teachers. A discipline aimed at unifying body and mind, yoga appeals to creative
people, and Jeremijenko’s eloquent contributors include writers, poets, and artists,
making for an exceptionally literary as well
as a profoundly affecting collection. Here are
testimonies to yoga’s healing power, including Samantha Dunn’s dramatic tale of how
yoga helped her recover the use of her shattered leg, and Lois Nesbitt’s and Robert Perkins’ beautifully composed accounts of how
yoga saved them from debilitating depression. Others, including Adrian Piper, Stanley
Plumly, Alison West, and Reetika Vazirani,
explore the differences between traditional
yoga taught in India as a spiritual practice
and America’s fitness-oriented approach in
penetrating essays that question notions
about the self, suffering, growth, and one’s
place in society. — Donna Seaman
Review reprinted by permission from http://
Review reprinted by permission from http://
Angels and Ancestors Magazine, April 2011, Volume 5, Issue 7. . . 16
Joke of the Month
The Service
Southern Infrared Products
Bay # 26 12180-44st SE
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
(403) 236 - 8005
By appointment, mention code #9304 from
Angels And Ancestors for $50.00 discount
One Sunday morning, the pastor noticed
little Alex was staring up at the large plaque
that hung in the foyer of the church.
It was covered with names, and small
American flags were mounted on either side
of it.
The seven-year-old had been staring at
th e plaque for some time, so the pastor
walked up, stood beside the boy, and said
quietly, “Good morning, Alex.”
“Good morning,” replied the young man,
still focused on the plaque.
“What is this?” Alex asked.
“Well, son, it’s a memorial to all the young
men and women who died in the service.”
Soberly, they stood together, staring at
the large plaque.
Little Alex’s voice was trembling and barely audible when he asked, “Which service,
the 9:45 or the 11:15?”
Cup Holder
Looking For Stories, Articles, and Poems for Angels
And Ancestors Magazine
Ideas are the light bulb that sends our
minds racing forward!
We would like to show case some stories and articles from our readers. If
you have a story that needs to be told,
or, know someone who has a story that
should be told, please send it to us. We
do not promise to print all of the stories in one magazine, or even in one
year. We do promise to get as many
as we can publish as the space allows
each month. Send your submission to
Tech Rep: “Yes, it is. How may I help you?”
Caller: “The cup holder on my PC is broken
and I am within my warranty period. How
do I go about getting that fixed?”
Tech Rep: “I’m sorry, but did you say a
cup holder?”
Caller: “Yes, it’s attached to the front of
my computer.”
Tech Rep: “Please excuse me if I seem a
bit stumped, it’s because I am. Did you receive this as part of a promotion, at a trade
show? How did you get this cup holder?
Does it have any trademark on it?”
Caller: “It came with my computer, I don’t
know anything about a promotion. It just
has ‘4X’ on it.”
At this point the Tech Rep had to mute the
caller, because he couldn’t stand it.
The caller had been using the load drawer
of the CD-ROM drive as a cup holder, and
snapped it off the drive.
Angels and Ancestors Magazine, April 2011, Volume 5, Issue 7. . . 17
Helping Practitioners and Small Business Owners Navigate The Business
Website navigation affects usability and
accessibility, so make it a primary concern.
Most websites and blogs use fairly common
navigational techniques that are expected
by the average visitor. The pages and sections of the site should be easy and logical
for visitors to maneuver. Don’t make your
visitors think about how to navigate your
site: It should be effortless and natural.
Top 5 Web Design
Small Businesses Make
by Grace Smith
If you’re a small business owner, your
website is the central hub of your company,
and it’s a pivotal part of your marketing and
Potential customers visit your site specifically for its content—its appearance and
usability are critical to its success and how
those users view your company. Getting
your Web design wrong can have a very
Want to read more about Web design?
negative impact on your business.
Check these out:
Here are five common design mistakes to
•7 Website Improvements That Will Inavoid in order to create a great user expericrease Sales Now
ence and grow your bottom line.
•Top 5 Mistakes To Avoid On Your Company Blog
1. Poor navigation
•5 Website Features You Can Offload To
Reduce Costs
Many small business websites fail to make
navigation a priority, but without careful
There are several principles you can folattention to how people navigate your site, low to create an effective navigation strucyou could unintentionally be creating a frus- ture:
trating experience for any potential visitor.
•Use icons to aid navigation, as these are
People visit your site for specific information,
both visually appealing and easy to use
and if they cannot find it they will quickly go
and understand.
elsewhere, leaving with the impression that
•Create logical groups of related links, with
your business is disorganized in more than
the most important links on the top-level
just its website.
navigation bar and functional (dashboard,
A good navigation structure should be
account, settings, etc.) and legal (copyseamless and will keep visitors on your site
right, privacy, terms) located elsewhere.
longer, which means potentially more read•Provide location information so users
ers, subscribers, sales or leads.
know where they are on any given page
Angels and Ancestors Magazine, April 2011, Volume 5, Issue 7. . . 18
and how to proceed to another area of the
website. This can be achieved by using
Breadcrumb navigation
2. No Clear Calls To Action
The fundamental error of many small
business websites is the lack of a clear call to
action. We’ve all seen bland small business
brochure websites with nothing but endless
descriptive paragraphs. If you aren’t leading the user to commit to an action—buy a
product, contact you or subscribe—then you
are losing them.
Driving traffic to your website is import-
ant, but that traffic is useless if your primary call to action is a plain “click here” link
buried in a sea of text. Call to action buttons
are a great way to grab the users attention, and they can be the key to higher conversions. Investing time and consideration
into creating successful calls to action can
help guide the user and address their needs
while achieving your own business goals.
•Each plays a vital part in determining how
effective the call to action is in directing
the user.
•Don’t make your users work or think,
or they’ll leave. It’s not that they aren’t
smart, it’s that they want access to information quickly without spending unnecessary time searching for it.
•Don’t overdo it with multiple, competing
calls to action on every page. Decide what
your primary target is and then define a
clear objective per page. Your content
should have answered, “What’s in it for
me?” and your call to action should now
answer, “What do I do now?”
3. Color & Contrast
Color and contrast aren’t usually high up
on the list of priorities for a small business
owner when it comes to creating a website.
But it should be, because if your website text
does not have sufficient contrast compared
to its background, people will have difficulties reading your content, especially people
It’s important to keep the following with poor vision or color-blindedness.
Aside from plain readability, color and
best practices in mind when creating
are important because they can be
an optimal call to action:
•The design of a call to action can be used to create visual interest and direct the
broken down into 4 simple elements— attention of the user. It can equally be effective in organizing and defining the flow
size, shape, color, and position
Angels and Ancestors Magazine, April 2011, Volume 5, Issue 7. . . 19
points of interest.
This is why it’s so
important to establish a strong visual
so users can quickly
scan your site and
sifting through relevant information. A
logical content hierarchy also acts as a
guide through each
page and creates
a more enjoyable
user experience.
So when focusand hierarchy of a page, and it’s therefore
an essential principle to pay attention to ing on your content, it’s best to keep in
mind these three tips:
during the design process.
•White space is possibly the most important factor to consider, as it will allow the
Here are some tips:
user to focus on the meaningful content
•Using a free a Color Contrast tool, which
within each section.
conforms to accepted standards, you can
•Break up lengthy pieces of information
easily check to see how the contrast on
into digestible blocks of text, utilizing
your website measures up.
headings, sub-headings, bullets, block•Research how major sites use color and
quotes and paragraphs.
contrast to improve readability and high•Readable content is important, so use
light specific sections, and use this knowa good line height that is large enough
ledge to experiment with color schemes
to make contentscannable. Margins and
One of best ways to create contrast is via a
letter spacing also need to be taken into
size difference between two elements, makconsideration.
ing some things appear larger than others.
Of course, when talking about content, it
This works especially well within a minimal
color scheme, and it means you don’t have goes without saying that spelling and grammar cannot be underestimated.
to necessarily rely on color.
4. Content, Content, Content
5. Clutter
People visit your website for its content,
and how that is structured is a huge factor
in its success or failure. Unfortunately, an
overwhelming number of small businesses
get so caught up in overloading the user
with information that they overlook how
that information is presented.
Most people do not read unless it’s absolutely necessary, and they prefer to scan
through information quickly to get to the
We all know at least one small business
website that seems to include everything
but the proverbial kitchen sink. Many small
business owners tend to cram as much as
they can onto a single page—the end result
is a busy, cluttered and unreadable page.
The more extraneous items there are on a
web page, the more unprofessional it looks,
and it becomes overwhelming, confusing and
distracting for the user. A cluttered website
will also affect traffic because visitors won’t
Angels and Ancestors Magazine, April 2011, Volume 5, Issue 7. . . 20
return if they can’t understand or follow the
content, which leads to low traffic, a high
bounce rate and possibly a poor page rank.
Clutter also applies to images, as too
many can be a huge distraction and just
plain annoying. Images should be used to
illustrate, capture attention and guide the
user where required.
Grace Smith is an experienced web designer
and founder of Postscript5, a successful micro
design studio based in Northern Ireland. Grace
is the creator of The Freelance Feed, the premium resource on freelance related resources
and is a wireframe junkie.
Follow these guidelines for a more
streamlined visitor experience:
•Challenge every item on each page and
ask, “Does it really need to be there?
Does it serve a specific purpose? Can I
live without it?”
•The key is to aid the visitor in finding the
information they’re looking for, so make
sure to differentiate between areas of
content, advertisements and promotions.
•Prioritize your content and decide what
is the most important to your visitor and
potential customer—and sell it well.
Even the greatest content can become
lost in a mess of words and graphics, so decluttering is essential.
These are just five web design mistakes
that many small businesses make. What
other mistakes have you noticed on small
business websites?
Image credits: RBFried, S. Roger Joyeux
Angels and Ancestors Magazine, April 2011, Volume 5, Issue 7. . . 21
We have the following in stock. Use these
incense sticks to help you move to a place
This page is for all of you who have asked of peace. Each scent focuses on a different
about the incense and clothing that we task.
carry. Any goods that must be ordered are
Uriel - Inner Light
to be prepaid. Call Judy at 403-225-2016.
Metatron – Psychical Consciousness
Haniel - Love
Melchizedek - Peace
Mikael – Prosperity
Raphael – Health
Green caftan, one size
Gabriel - Intuition
Needs to be ordered
Each package has 20 sticks and
is $6.00
We also have:
Lotus caftan, one size
Needs to be ordered
Mystic Incense - Peace
Ancestral Incense – Dragon Blood
Ancestral Incense – Myrrh
Each package has 20 sticks and is $6.00
Purple tie-dye caftan –
one size fits all
Needs to be ordered
We also have boxes
of Midnight Incense
$6.00 per small box
(This is the one I wore
for Spring Equinox)
Jimbe drum
15” x 8 ½”
We have 2 in stock.
Sunrise Incense
$6.00 per small box
Call Judy at 403-225-2016
Angels and Ancestors Magazine, April 2011, Volume 5, Issue 7. . . 22
Starting Mon., May 30, 8–10pm, The StarTalker program is for people who wish to
use their abilities to their fullest potential –
claircognizance, clairvoyance, clairaudience,
clairallience, clairambience, and clairsenWORKSHOPS & EVENTS at
tience. As the Star Talker apprentice moves
Angels and Ancestors
forward, learning new skills and tools, their
internal light shines more brightly. The apCRYSTAL LAYOUT PRACTITIONER CER- prentice begins to glow, like the stars. Call
Judy at 403-225-2016 or email judy@anAngels and Ancestors presents certification for more informaof proficiency in conducting crystal layouts. tion. Limited space so please register.
Info on certification can be found here. PART
1: Crystals’ Light Workshop, June 4th-5th
PART 2: Learn to Channel Spirit Guides,
PART 3: Crystal Layouts Practicum,
TBA, info at
June 8 -12, 2011 Opening the 2011 Spruce
Meadows Summer Series, the ‘National’
hosts the best show jumping athletes and
horses from throughout the Americas. The
Sat. Sun., June 4th-5th, 9:30am to 5pm.
‘National’ features the Spruce Meadows
You really love your crystals. They make you
Canadian Show Jumping Championship
feel good. But, how do they work and what
and over $870,000 in prize money. Family
do they do? The Cyrstals’ Light Workshop
entertainment and shopping available for
is comprehensive and in-depth. It explains
everyone from Friday to Sunday.
how you can use your crystals everyday and
in layouts, and how they work with light to
empower your world. For more info, or to
register, call Roger at 403-225-2016.
Tues, May 3, 7-9 pm, Toonie Donation. We Now available. For more info on the book,
will be guided by goddess, Green Tara. Her including a look at the table of contents,
name means ‘cross-over’. She will be show- introduction, and first 12 pages of chapter
ing us ‘the way’. Please bring rattles and 1, plus audio readings, go to www.thestorydrums, and a small snack (for 6-8 people) Call Roger Joyeux to order direct at 403-225-2016.
to share.
Call 403-225-2016, or email Judy here.
Wed, June 1, 7-9 pm, Toonie Donation.
Mother Earth is the guide. She has many
names—Gaia, Pachamama, Cybele. She
invites those that are called to join her.
Weather permitting, we will be outside.
Please bring rattles and drums, and a small
snack (for 6-8 people) to share in community after the meditation. Call 403-225-2016,
or email Judy here.
Sat. Sun., May 7, 9-6pm, May 8, 10-5 pm
West Hillhurst Arena, 1940-6th Ave NW,
Calgary. Sponsored by the Calgary Rock and
Lapidary Club. Spectacular Gem, Mineral,
Fossil, Crystal, and Lapidary Collections;
Outstanding Displays by club members;
Silversmithing, Carving, Scrimshaw and
Glass Engraving.
Angels and Ancestors Magazine, April 2011, Volume 5, Issue 7. . . 23
The Last Word
Author Unknown
A story tells of a merchant in a small
town who had identical twin sons. The boys
worked for their father in the department
store he owned and, when he died, they
took over the store.
Everything went well until the day a dollar bill disappeared. One of the brothers had
left the bill on the cash register and walked
outside with a customer. When he returned,
the money was gone.
He asked his brother, “Did you see that
dollar bill on the cash register?” His brother
replied that he had not.
But the young man kept probing and questioning. He would not let it alone. “Dollar
bills just don’t get up and walk away! Surely
you must have seen it!” There was subtle
accusation in his voice. Tempers began to
rise. Resentment set in. Before long, a deep
and bitter chasm divided the young men.
They refused to speak. They finally decided
they could no longer work together and a
dividing wall was built down the center of
the store. For twenty years hostility and bitterness grew, spreading
to their families and to
the community.
Then one day a man in
an automobile licensed
in another state stopped
in front of the store. He
walked in and asked the
clerk, “How long have
you been here?”
The clerk replied that
he’d been there all his
life. The customer said,
“I must share something
with you. Twenty years
ago I was “riding the rails” and came into
this town in a boxcar. I hadn’t eaten for
three days. I came into this store from the
back door and saw a dollar bill on the cash
register. I put it in my pocket and walked
out. All these years I haven’t been able to
forget that. I know it wasn’t much money,
but I had to come back and ask your forgiveness.”
The stranger was amazed to see tears
well up in the eyes of this middle-aged man.
“Would you please go next door and tell that
same story to the man in the store?” he
said. Then the man was even more amazed
to see two middle-aged men, who looked
very much alike, embracing each other and
weeping together in the front of the store.
After twenty years, the brokenness was
mended. The wall of resentment that divided them came down.
It is so often the little things that finally
divide people- words spoken in haste; criticisms; accusations; resentments. And once
divided, they may never come together
The solution, of course, is to let it go.
There is really nothing particularly profound
about learning to let go of little resentments.
But for fulfilling and lasting relationships,
letting them go is a must. Refuse to carry
around bitterness and you may be surprised
at how much energy you have left for building bonds with those you love.
Image credit: Jay at
Angels and Ancestors Magazine, April 2011, Volume 5, Issue 7. . . 24