Vice President Elena..
Vice President Elena..
1 ELENA TORRES SEGUEL DATOS PERSONALES NOMBRE: ELENA TORRES SEGUEL NACIONALIDAD: CHILENA CEDULA DE IDENTIDAD Nº : 4.309.928-0 DIRECCION PARTICULAR: RICARDO MATTE PEREZ Nº 557 PROVIDENCIA SANTIAGO OFICINA: Avda. Bulnes 141.- Santiago Centro TELEFONO PARTICULAR: 2256082 TELEFONOS OFICINA: 6711228 - 6972334 Fax: 6711228 Email: / Títulos y Grados Académicos ABOGADA – Universidad de Concepción 1970 PERIODISTA – Universidad de Santiago 1997 MAGISTER EN CIENCIAS DE LA COMUNICACION – Universidad de Chille MAGISTER EN ESTUDIOS SOCIALES Y POLITICOS Y LATINOAMERICANOS Universidad Alberto Hurtado 2003 DIPLOMADO EN RELACIONES INTERNACIONALES. Universidad Alberto Hurtado 2001 DIPLOMADO EN PARTICIPACION CIUDADANA Y GESTION AMBIENTAL UNIVERSIDAD ALBERTO HURTADO AÑO 2000 DOCTORANDO EN DERECHO EN LA PONTIFICIA UNIVERSIDAD CATÓLICA DE CHILE, Y ACTUALMENTE ESTOY REALIZANDO TESIS SOBRE DERECHO NOTARIAL Y LA REALIDAD SOCIAL. 2 DIPLOMADO LA NUEVA EUROPA Y AMERICA LATINA. UNIVERSIDAD DE HEILDEBERG-U DE CHILE-U. CATOLICA. 2005 CURSO DE DERECHOS HUMANOS RICA 1999 INSTITUTO DE DERECGOS HUMANOS COSTA COURSE CAPA CITY FOR WOMEN „S SMALL AND MICRO-ENTERPRISES APEC E-BIZ TRAINING” APEC. SOOKMYUNG WOMEN UNIVERSITY. SEUL COREA 2004 Seminario Universidad de Carleton Otawwa Canadá. Y Universidad de Windsor en Windos Expositora en Conferencia “La mujer en A, Latina en lo profesional y en los negocios. Experiencias en latinoameri en Chile Propuesta para su desarrollo EGRESADA Escuela de Teatro Universidad de Concepción Curso de cine Instituto Chileno Norteamericano. Escribe cuento y teatro, ganando el primer premio dos Festivales Universitarios en la Universidad de Concepción (1966 - 1968). Abogada - Notario Público desde 1971 a 1981 en Arauco y desde 1981 en Santiago, hasta actualmente. Periodismo.- Dirige la Revista del Notariado Chileno.- Integra el directorio del Instituto la derecho notarial y el Directorio de la Asociación de notarios y Conservadores de Chile. Escribe en el Anuario Español del Notariado y en la Revista Le gnomon del Instituto de historia notarial Francia Produce y conduce el Programa “Mundo Ciudadano “ Radio Universidad de Santiago USACH 2002-2006 durante cuatro años. Programa que se reiniciará el 2010. Directora de Programas de extensión y difusión jurídica en la Federación de Mujeres profesionales y de Negocios en Chile y otros países de América Latina. Doctorando en Derecho en la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, y actualmente estoy realizando tesis sobre Derecho notarial y la realidad social. Directora Comité de ética de L Colegio de Periodistas. PARTICIPA CON EL TEMA MUJER Y MEDIO AMBIENTE EN LA REUNION CUMBRE DE RIO DE JANEIRO, EN SEMINARIO DE LA FEDERACION BRASILEÑA DE MUJERES DE NEGOCIOS Y PROFESIONALES, PARTICIPA como expositora EN SEMINARIO SOBRE LA MUJER INDUSTRIAL, ORGANIZADO POR O.N.U.D.I. E I.F.B.P.W. BUENOS 3 AIRES (1991) CON EL TEMA "LA MUJER INDUSTRIAL EN CHILE Y AMERICA LATINA". SEMINARIO UNIVERSIDADES CARLETON Y WINDSOR) TEMA " EL ROL DE LA MUJER EN LA INDUSTRIA Y EN LA MICROEMPRESA PROPUESTAS PARA SU DESARROLLO publicado en “Ties and Bind ” editado por el Centro de Investigación y educación Escuela de Negocios Carretón Universito Seminario taller organizado por agencia de desarrollo de Finlandia y BPW CHILE PARA MUJERES LATINOAMERICANAS con participación de mujeres seleccionadas del área negocios-textil y confección de ocho países. Realizado en Santiago de Chile en 1990 REPRESENTA A LA FEDERACION INTERNACIONAL DE MUJERES profesionales y de Negocios EN LAS CONFERENCIAS DE CEPAL realizadas en varios países de la Región REPRESENTA a BPW Internacional EN LA CONFERENCIA "POBLACION Y DESARROLLO" EN EL CAIRO. TALLER "ONUDI" SOBRE LA MUJER INDUSTRIAL, EN BUENOS AIRES. PANELISTA CON TEMA SOBRE LA MUJER Y EL TRABAJO INDUSTRIAL. 1988 ORGANIZA TALLER DE CAPACITACÌON AUSPICIADO POR PRODEC FINLANDIA. REALIZADO Y REALIZADO POR BPW Chile EN SANTIAGO 1992. EN EL QUE SON SELECCIONADAS 20 MUJERES DE DIVERSOS PAISES LATINOAMNERICANOS. PARA FORO DE ONGS de Reunión Regional de la Mujer MAR DEL PLATA. SEMINARIO SOBRE INTEGRACION DE LA MUJER EN EL DESARROLLO ECONOMICO Y SOCIAL DE AMERICA LATINA DEL CARIBE" 1994. CAPACITACION Y EMPLEO" Y SOBRE "EDUCACION DE LA MUJER Y LA FAMILIA CLAVE DEL DESARROLLO". ORGANIZA Y PARTICIPA COMO PANELISTA FORO DE LAS ONGs .en Beijing CHINA Conferencia Mundial de la Mujer SOBRE EL TEMA LA VIOLENCIA CONTRA LA MUJER I ENTRE LOS HECHOS Y EL DERECHO 1995. REALIZA VARIAS CONFERENCIAS TANTO EN ASONG, UNIVERSIDADES, INSTITUCIONES, ORGANIZACIONES Y CONGRESOS NACIONALES EN SANTIAGO Y OTRAS CIUDADES COMO CHILLAN, LOS ANGELES. CON EL INFORME SOBRE LA CONFERENCIA MUNDIAL POBLACION Y DESARROLLO EN EL CAIRO 1994. INFORME DE LA IV CONFERENCIA MUNDIAL DE LA MUJER "UNA MIRADA DESDE BEIJING" 1995. TAMBIEN ESTE TEMA FUE EXPUESTO EN COCHABAMBA. 4 ORGANIZACION DE SEMINARIO SOBRE LA FAMILIA LATINOAMERICANA EVENTO INTERNACIONAL CON LA PARTICIPACION DE DIEZ PAISES Y 35 ORGANIZACIONES DE CHILE, LATINOAMERICA Y EE.UU. (ONGS). SEMINARIO SOBRE “REALIDAD DE LA NIÑA ADOLESCENTE EN CHILE HOY” PRESIDENTA Fundadora de los Clubes rotarios de “CALICANTO” primero en el mundo integrado por mujeres y “ALAMEDA” de Chile.-Distrito 4340. Actualmente Gobernadora nominada Distrito 4340 periodo 2012 – 2013. En Brasil en la ECO Mundial sobre medio ambiente. Tema "La Mujer y su aporte al Medio Ambiente" Seminarios y Conferencias en Chile y en el extranjero con temas como "PARA EJERCER NUESTROS DERECHOS PRIMERO DEBEMOS CONOCERLOS" LA PROBLEMATICA DE LA MUJER ACTUAL, EN LO LABORAL Y EN LO JURIDICO. TEMAS EN DISTINTAS AGRUPACIONES, INSTITUCIONES Y UNIVERSIDADES. CONFERENCIAS SOBRE LA mujer y el MEDIO AMBIENTE, Talleres sobre VIOLENCIA INTRAFAMILIAR, VIOLENCIA EN LA FAMILIA EN AMERICA LATINA, TALLERES SOBRE PARTICIPACION CIUDADANA, LIDERAZGO, LA JUVENTUD Y EL SERVICIO, MICROEMPRESAS EN LA INDUSTRIA, LA MUJER EN LAS COMUNICACIONES, REALIZA CONFERENCIAS EN ASONG, UNIVERSIDADES, INSTITUCIONES, ORGANIZACIONES Y CONGRESOS NACIONALES EN SANTIAGO Y EL INFORME SOBRE LA CONFERENCIA MUNDIAL POBLACION Y DESARROLLO EN EL CAIRO 1994. NFORME DE LA IV CONFERENCIA MUNDIAL DE LA MUJER "UNA MIRADA DESDE BEIJING" 1995. TAMBIEN ESTE TEMA FUE EXPUESTO EN COCHABAMBA. ORGANIZACION DE SEMINARIO SOBRE LA FAMILIA LATINOAMERICANA EVENTO INTERNACIONAL CON LA PARTICIPACION DE DIEZ PAISES Y 35 ORGANIZACIONES DE CHILE, LATINOAMERICA Y EE.UU. (ONGS). ORGANIZACION DEL SEMINARIO SOBRE “REALIDAD DE LA NIÑA ADOLESCENTE EN CHILE HOY con participación de UNESCO Y CINCO ORGANIZACIONES CHILENAS RELACIONADAS CON LA JUVENTUD.. Realización de Seminario taller sobre transparencia 2009 Ley de responsabilidad penal-juvenil en Chile 2009. 5 SUPPORTIVE STATEMENT From my universitary life (law in the University (Concepción University ) I have participate in some groups relationed with topics like Citizen participation-Electoral process- Woman RightsAdolescent and girls Rights. Violence against women and children Human rights-Social Comunication . Work community , woman,old person ,children and adolescent International Law.- and Latinoamerican Political and social reality . Also in Art and comunication I wrote some drama and short story winner in the Festival theatre university After study journalist and I have a Magister in social comunication , Actually write in international magazine ( Spanish Magazine Notary public and Gnommon Magazine French Notary Public) I am doing a radio programme in University Radio called Citizen World” In the public world specially in no gubernamentals organization I have working with community organization, Foundress in Rotary club the first club in the world with woman founders and the first president ( Calicanto ) and after R.C Alameda with woman and men Foundres in Arauco the Red-Cross I was President ASONG ( National and international non Govermen Consultant type in the United Nation CEPAL 1996-2002 I was foundress president of Women Lawyer Matilde Troupp Asociation . Vicepresident of the National association Notaries and Curators of Chile( 92-94-) Actually representative in CEPAL ( ECLAC) since 1996. Counselor at the Citizen Council (adviser to Republic President) 2004) Councelor the Development and Enviroment Council (since 1999 and present) I work also with FINAM ( general secretary ) Chilean Branch of Woman World Banking Actually work like coordinator in the Committee “ Quality Education for all” (UNESCO) Actually I am director OF National Asociation Notary Public Directos OF Etica Commmittee National Jourbnalist Asociacion Nomminate Gobernor Rotary International Distrito 4340 – period 2012- 2013. No I participed like Coordinator , Speaker and Lecture in many Conference- Congress University- Rotary Clubs and association lawyer- Notarys and differents woman groups many countries (in Latinamerica Ecuador-Argentina-Brasil-Colombia –Venezuela- Costa Rica6 Paraguay- Uruguay- Panamá- Bolivia- Perú In Europe- Italy- Spain-France , in United Statesand Canadá in Asian Japón, Korea-China In Africa Egipt Kenia) in topics about Latinoamerican Woman- Rights Women-Violence against woman and girls ( family) Comunication. International Political and Social AffaireLeadership-Education- Environment- Women in enterprise Training for woman and girls. Laboral Law- Family law international law. Rotary topics. I have been invited by differents international or national organization of civil society and many of them like representative the latinoamerican area or like specialist in the topic In National Federation /Chile) I was the first president .and foundress of many chilean association .I worked and work specialize in the topic about leadership-citizen participation, education, girls , violence in family , project for woman specialize young mothers and chief of home (little entrepreneurs) Organized many seminars with Unesco-University –Municipalities-and others organization like Women Universities- Finam Journalist Association and Scientific society and the Literary International “Contest short stories write for women in Spanish” Now is V Contest 2008) In International Federation I am many years working in the Latinoamerican aerea with President Legislation Seminary- member of Employment and training Committee 1987-90 In the International Federation like President Legislation 1996-99 .Constitution Committee 199o-93I was representative of the Latin America and Caribbean Region Spanish language was in Ecuador.(2001) Also representative of BPW International was in World Conference aboutPopulation and development Egypt .-Organize and lecture in Seminar about Violence against woman in World Woman Conference in Beijing 1995. Like representative of BPW International in Cepal I was in Conference of Cepal in Venezuela, Chile. Colombia In United Nation New York ( in the Meeting about women condition (Seven Meeting) and also “Meeting for right children” Regional Latinoamerican meeting about Family in Colombia , about Enviroment Brasil . Secretary of Coordination Regional ( A.Latina and Caribbean 2005-2008 I work in cooperation with Coordinator M. Inés Bunning and Coordinator Regional Congress Latin America and Caribbean 2007 in Santiago Chile. Attend all regional meeting and give participation and cooperation 7 VISION Since 1986 I have participated and worked in BPW International as a member and President of the Association in Santiago(Chile).I´ve also participated for several years, as the Chilean Federation‟s President and internationally as a member of BPW International like president of permanent committees. Also organized and participated in several regional meetings, conferences, seminars, Presidents meetings and permanent committees like legislation, labour and training.I‟ve attended to national and international meetings covened by the United Nations in different countries. I‟ve applied twice to the BPW Vicepresident position, and once to the Latinamerican Coordinator getting a very good vote and lost by a few votes. I firmly believe that from the International Directory, is possible contribute to dynamize global BPW actions but also help every country Federation. - I believe it‟s important and necessary that members from differents federation and associations active participate. This is an essential and relevant matter. - Also, is necessary that international Committees work in best ways, for that, their actions must be strenghten by clear objectives and actions, but also support from BPW International it‟s needed. - Support to encourage actions, renew achievements and merits even with a minimum funding it‟s needed. Moreover, assuming a position in both, International BPW and national federation, it‟s an interesting challenge; but also is a position that need experience and knowledgment regarding this matter. 8 Objectives: Dynamize BPW action - This requires a shared work but also concrete actions. - Mantain clear and an objective work by the Federation and its members with a knowledge of their capacities. - Recognition of the Federation work in different countries, because is the sum of the members and Federations that makes BPW have presence in the world. - Help Federations or association that are going through hard times, and also increase memberships, difficult task but not impossible that needs knowledge of different countries and federations. - Raising projects that makes a good Organization image. Image without action is not the best formula. What is needed is to reinforce action and projects and display them properly. These are the points that I propose to improve. I hope to provide not only my professional experience but also my relationship ability regarding women from different countries that I‟ve worked. This, with a permanent participation, action and commitment with BPW. I believe is a valuable reference and background for this position. 9