Saint Bernadette - St Bernadette Church
Saint Bernadette - St Bernadette Church
Saint Bernadette 245 Azalea Drive • Monroeville, PA May 6, 2012 Fifth Sunday of Easter PARISH STAFF Reverend Anthony Gargotta, Pastor Deacon Michael W. Kelly, Director of Evangelization Mrs. Kathleen A. Klocek, Pastoral Associate Mrs. Michele Mullen, Business Manager Mrs. Marlene V. Kopper, Director of Religious Education PARISH MISSION STATEMENT Sr. Carol Arch, C.S.J., Elementary School Principal We of St. Bernadette Parish, are a Eucharistic Community, created by the Father, nourished by the Lord and led by the Holy Spirit. We are to be the eyes, ears, hands and heart of Christ, living by His example, sharing the Good News in Word and deed. Ms. Lauren Gates, Youth Minister MASS SCHEDULE Saturdays: 8:30 AM & 5PM Sundays: 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM 12:00 Noon, 7:00 PM Children’s Liturgy of the Word: In Church at 10:00 AM Mass. Daily: Monday 9:30 AM, 7:00 PM Tuesday & Thursday at 7:15 AM Wednesdays & Fridays 7:15 AM & 9:30 AM Holy Days: See Schedule in Bulletin PARISH PHONES Parish Office………………………..…412.373.0050 Pastoral Associate………………….…412.373.7588 Religious Education Office .……….…412.373.1797 School Office………………….……….412.372.7255 Lourdes Center......................................412.843.0668 Convent……………………….……….412.372.7263 Biedenbach Hall………………………412.372.7516 Parish Office Fax………..………….…412.374.8113 School Office Fax…………..………….412.372.7649 Parish Office Email……. School Office Email…… Bulletin Announcements…... Bulletin announcements due by Noon on Mondays. Parish Website……………….… PRAYER CHAIN: Call Mercedes at 724.327.5450 Mr. Joshua Bandish, Director of Music Ministries Ms. Anne Meynor, Parish Secretary Mrs. Francine Pochciol, School Secretary Mr. Tim Jacob, Maintenance Supervisor ++++++++++++++++++++++ SACRAMENT OF PENANCE: Saturday: After the 8:30 AM and the 5:00 PM Masses. Monday: After the 7:00 PM Mass. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: Baptisms are celebrated every Sunday of the month at 1:15 PM. Pre-Baptismal Seminar— The last Monday of every month at 7:00 PM. Please call the Parish Office to reserve dates for both the PreBaptismal Seminar and your child’s Baptism. RCIA PROCESS/SACRAMENTS OF INITIATION FOR ADULTS: Inquiry Sessions for those interested in becoming Catholic are held weekly. Call the Parish Office for more information. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE: Weddings should be arranged at least six months prior to the anticipated date. Call the Parish Office to make an appointment to assist you in beginning this sacrament. ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Will take place the first Sunday of each Month immediately after the 12 Noon Mass. FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER The month of May is traditionally dedicated to Mary in many cultures. May is considered the season of the beginning of new life. Already in Greek culture, May was dedicated to Artemis, the goddess of fecundity. In Roman culture, May was dedicated to Flora, the goddess of bloom, of blossoms. The Romans celebrated the floral games at the end of April, asking the intercession of Flora for all that blooms. This is also related to the medieval practice of expelling winter. May 1 was considered the beginning of growth. With this history in mind, we see that the month of May has always historically been associated with blossoms, that is, new life. When we think of Mary our Blessed Mother, we can see how she fulfilled most completely being the instrument to help life blossom and become new. The above examples are the belief that the false gods will bring this new life, but for us we know our True God is what brings forth ‘New Life’. Jesus said, “Behold, I make all things new.” In order for Jesus to make all things new, to become a human being and live perfectly the way humans were created to live, He needed a vehicle to become human. That vehicle is our Blessed Mother, her womb, and her whole life. She said yes to God fully and did not hold anything of herself back. She bore the fruit of the Son of God as a human being. Jesus died for us, gave His whole life for us, and asked us to do the same for Him and others. He asked us to become one with Him, one body with Him as the head. If Mary gave birth to Jesus as the head of a body that He is building, she therefore has to give birth to the rest of the body, that is us. In Revelations Chapter 12, we see that great vision of Mary as Queen, but at the end of the chapter, it states that Mary becomes the mother of all who believe in Jesus. As we honor Mary in the month of May, as we honor her bringing forth the blossom of our Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ, let us entrust ourselves all the more to her to allow her to help us blossom into the ‘New Life’ as the body of Jesus Christ. Congratulations to our First Communicants To all the children who made their First Holy Communion for the first time yesterday. We are so happy for them to be able to experience Jesus inside them in this special way. Congratulations! May Crowning Our May Crowning of our Blessed Mother will be today Sunday, May 6 after the Noon Mass. Please plan on staying for this time honoring our Blessed Mother. Festival of Praise A few weeks ago we had our first Festival of Praise. It was an awesome night of praise and worship. Our next one is scheduled for Friday, May 11. Please see the flyer inserted in today’s bulletin, and come praise the Lord with us. Jerusalem I will be away from the parish May 14-25 and on Pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Pray for me and our group. We will pray for you too. Peace of Christ, Fr. Tony ST. BERNADETTE PARISH MONROEVILLE, PENNSYLVANIA MAY 6, 2012 In love and support to Eddie MacMurchy’s plea to help children with cancer, the Wednesday third grade CCD class from Saint Bernadette’s wanted to help in observance of the Lenten Season, and the teachings of Jesus. The students and their teachers donated one hundred dollars, along with many prayers for God’s Blessing. Truly Eddie is an inspiration to these young third graders, and to us all! THE INFANT JESUS RESPECT LIFE GROUP meeting for the East Suburbs will be held on Tuesday, May 8 at 7:00 PM in Beaufort Hall at St. John Fisher Parish in Churchill, Sister Michele Bisbey, CDP, Ph.D., Division Chair, Humanities and Professor of Religious Studies at LaRoche College will present, “Lessons from the Good Samaritan; the View from the Ditch” with a slide show. Refreshments. All parishioners are most welcome to join us for this special evening presentation. For more information, please call; 412.373.2076 MAX AND ERMA’S FUNDRAISER Please support our School by attending the Max and Erma’s Fundraiser in Monroeville on Thursday, May 10. This fundraiser will be held all day long. A profit of 20% of each check will be given back to our school. A flyer is included in the bulletin this weekend that must be given with your bill in order for the School to benefit. Make copies of the flyers and give to family, friends and neighbors. Sunday 5/6 Monday 5/7 Tuesday 5/8 Wednesday 5/9 Thursday 5/10 Friday 5/11 Saturday 5/12 KEY: AR=Art Room, BH=Biedenbach Hall, BMR=Borchick Mtg Rm, CH=Church, LC=Lourdes Cafeteria, MR=Music Room, NAM=North American Martyrs, RC=Rectory Conf. Room SCH= School, SL=School Library, ATI=Atrium 1, ATII=Atrium 2 Attention anyone who will be in high school during the 2012-2013 school year and is interested in playing softball this summer should contact Heather Bache at 412.380.9310. Children ages 4 through 2nd grade are invited to break open the Word of God with a Catechist each Sunday during the 10:00AM Mass. PROTECTING GOD’S CHILDREN Biedenbach Hall – Thursday May 17, 6:30 PM DIOCESAN DATABASE & REGULATIONS ARE FOR ALL MINISTRIES. Questions? Call Marlene Kopper 412.373.1797. PLEASE REMEMBER these parishioners during your prayer time, that they may find peace and healing in the Holy Spirit. Comfort Quilt Recipients Tom Delaney Paul Decker Walt Forrest Ed Griger Andy Grego Lee E. Kearney Marion Krul & Family Barbara Mikulich Florence Moser Bill & Andrew Puskas Grace Signore Florence Sweeney Paula Titus Barbara Uniatowski Jean Valla 1:15PM May Crowning– Mary Shrine 12:00-2:30PM CGS Dinner– BH 3:15-4:30PM Children’s Cantor Choir– CH 6:30-9PM Youth Ministry– BH 7PM Divorced and Separated– BMR 10AM Tai Chi– BH 1:30-3:30PM Cursillo– LC 3-5PM Brownies– BH 6PM Meditation Group– RC 1:00-2:30PM Faith Study– ATII 3:15-4:30PM Children’s Cantor Choir– CH 3:15-5PM Jr. Girl Scouts– BH 6PM Cantor Practice– CH 6:30PM Band Concert– Gym 7PM Choir Practice– CH 3-6PM Market Day– BH 3:15-4:45PM Jr. Girl Scouts– SCH 6:30PM Pastoral Council– AR 7:30PM Pastoral Council– RC 7PM Festival of Praise– CH 8PM Festival of Praise Social– LC 10:30-Noon Fr. Tom’s Theatre Group-BH 6PM SBS Gala– Churchill CC OFFERTORY REPORT Collection Budget Over/ Under Week 4/22/12 $13,981 $15,900 -$1,919 43 To Date $656,669 $683,700 -$27,031 Envelopes: 557 A GENTLE REMINDER that the handicapped parking spaces are reserved for those persons who need them, meet the requirements and display the proper handicapped placards or license plate. Thank you. If you have any announcements that you would like to be read at mass please contact Anne in the Parish Office or email her at Please remember St. Bernadette Parish in your will. FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER WINNERS UPDATE Cherise & Dave Reynolds 4/28 #136 Carl Maskiewicz Grocery Certificates Sold………………….………..$10,525 Profit….………………………..…………………..……..$550 Thanks!!! 250 Club Winners: 4/21 #010 On Saturday, May 12, St. Bernadette will celebrate their FIRST ANNUAL GALA fundraiser at Churchill Valley Country Club. Prices are $75. The price includes hot hors d’oeuvres, a 4-course sit-down dinner and complimentary beer and wine. Each ticket purchased also receives chips “on the house” to be used in the casino. In addition to live music and dancing, there will be both silent and live auctions, raffles and door prizes. Won’t you join us for this fun filled evening in support of St. Bernadette School? Ticket forms will be available after Masses. If you have any additional questions, please contact Leslie Giannetta at 412.824.8984. ST. BERNADETTE SCHOOL ACCEPTING REGISTRATIONS for the 2012-2013 school year each day at the school office from 9:30-11:30 AM. Students must be 3 years old by September 1, 2012 to be eligible for 3 year old Pre-school, 4 by the same date for 4 year old Pre-school, and 5 by the same date for Kindergarten. Please bring Birth Certificate and a check to pay the registration fee. THANK YOU! Almighty God, help me to understand that peace does not come in rebellion or grieving, but is obtained through the calm of the soul. Grant that if I may be perplexed or worried today, I may have the power to control myself and wait in thy strength. Amen. SACRAMENTAL VISITS TO THE HOMEBOUND— Eucharistic Ministers and Parish Staff are available to bring Communion to the homebound. Just call Deacon Mike Kelly at 412-373-0050 or email him at PRE–BAPTISMAL CLASS for anyone baptizing a baby in the near future will be held tomorrow, Monday, May 21, at 7:00 PM in the school library. Please call the Parish Office to register. Sr Hi Youth Group schedule: Monday, May 7, 7:30 PM Biedenbach Hall (St. Bernadette's) Doors open at 7:00 PM Monday, May 14, NO YOUTH GROUP -- NAM'S CONFIRMATION Jr Hi Youth Group schedule: Tuesday, May 15, 7:30 PM TBA -- Note: this is a 3 week gap from our last meeting! Tuesday, May 29, 7:30 PM TBA Tuesday, June 12, 7:30 PM TBA -- Final Jr Hi Meeting! CEDAR POINT: Reservations are now being taken for the annual trip to Cedar Point. Any high school youth who will have finished 8th grade is eligible to attend. The trip will be Thursday and Friday, July 26/27. The cost of the trip, including the bus, hotel, tickets to the park for both days, pizza Thursday night and breakfast Friday morning will be $140.00 per student. A non-refundable deposit of $20 is due at the time of your reservation to hold your seat. Full payment must be made by June 30 (any payments made beyond this date will be assessed a late fee of $15). We will meet in the church parking lot at 6:00 AM on Thursday, July 26 and return approximately 1:00 AM Saturday morning, July 28. We will be staying at the South Shore Inn on Thursday night. Make a reservation by completing a REGISTRATION FORM and PERMISSION SLIP. These forms are available via email to or in the Youth Ministry box in the back of the church. Please direct any questions to Karen at 724-733-5430. Space is limited…please make your reservations as soon as possible. CYM SOFTBALL: To join the high school, co-ed CYM Softball team, please contact Lauren Gates or Heather Bache at Sr Hi Youth Group is 9-12 grade Jr Hi Youth Group is 7-8 grade Young Adult Group is college age to age 35. Contact Lauren Gates: 412-445-6570; "Just going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in your garage makes you a car." -- G.K. Chesterton WELCOME TO ST. BERNADETTE PARISH So that we might better serve your needs, if any of the situations below apply to you, please fill out this form and drop it in the collection basket or mail it to the Parish Office. Thank you. Name _____________________________________________________ Address __________________________________________________ City/Zip Code ______________________________________________ Phone-H __________________________W ______________________ ___New Parishioner ___New Address/Phone ___Interested in RCIA ___Interested in Choir ___New envelopes ___Wish to speak to a priest ___Moving out of Parish ___Returning to Parish ___Returning Catholic ___Entering Hospital ___A Shut-in lives with me ___Questions on Catholicism ST. BERNADETTE PARISH MONROEVILLE, PENNSYLVANIA BANNS OF MARRIAGE I—Krista Rafferty & Donald Turner II—James Ferchak & Jessica Yost BAPTISIMS Noah James Snyder son of Timothy & Christine (Glasser) Snyder Joseph Anthony Charmello son Christian & Tina (Cutruzzula) Charmello DEATHS Kathleen Schreck aunt of John (Beth), Debbie (John), Robert (Mary); and sister of “Chris” Grace Signore mother of Mary, Tina (Eric), & Michael (Jennifer); grandmother of Josh, Michael, & Hunter Lord, I love you and I need you, come into my heart, and bless my family, my home, my friends, and me. Amen. SAINT JOSEPH HIGH SCHOOL has kicked off the new 2012 Super Raffle! Only 500 tickets will be sold at $100 a ticket. The grand prize will be $20,000. The drawing will be held at the 20th Anniversary Spartan Scramble Golf Outing on June 11, 2012. Winner need not be present to win. Please support the young men and women of Saint Joseph High School. View the brochure and order form online: Even buy your ticket online! Or, call the high school office to purchase your ticket at 723.224.5552. MAY 6, 2012 FAITH STUDY GROUP Did you ever wonder what goes on in the Atrium or what is the Atrium? Have you wanted to go deeper into the understanding of our liturgy? Have you wondered what is the connection between the Old and New Testament? Where do I fit into Salvation History? If you would like answers to these questions and more, you are invited to attend Adults in the Atrium beginning Wednesday, May 9 from 1 PM to 2:30 PM in the Level II Atrium (former Choir Room) To register, please contact Kathy Klocek at or 412-373-7588. If you or someone you know would benefit from receiving a Comfort Quilt, please submit their name for consideration on a slip of paper and deposit it in the Collection Basket. Please indicate your name and phone number as well as the name and address of the recipient. The Verizon Pioneers are again reaching out to our Parish community asking for help so that they can assemble health kits for the homeless shelters. They are in need of small hotel sample toiletries of every kind such as soaps, shampoos, lotions, washcloths, combs, conditioner, but are especially in need of small tubes of toothpaste, toothbrushes, and disposable razors. There are boxes located in the vestibule of the Church and also at the side door to make your donations. This will be an ongoing project. The annual SAINT MAURICE CHURCH GIANT FLEA MARKET will be held on Saturday, May 12 from 9:00AM to 2:00PM in the Church garage, 2001 Ardmore Boulevard in Forest Hills. Jewelry, housewares, electronics, small appliances, toys, tools, crafts, holiday decorations, books, music, and much, much more! FLEA MARKET AND CRAFT SALE Saturday, May 19 – the biannual indoor Flea Market and Craft Sale will take place at Saint Gerard Majella Church– 121 Dawn Drive, off of Hamill Road in Penn Hills– From 8AM-2PM. A number of vendors have already signed on but there are still tables available at $15 each. If you are interested in selling, please call Rose Graziano at 412.795.0085 after 7PM. Thank you! Chances are available at the Parish Office for a beautiful hand made PENQUIN QUILT measuring 72” x 94.” We are grateful to Jean Ryer for donating such a gorgeous piece of handiwork to help our parish. Tickets are $2 each or 3 for $5. Drawing will be on Saturday, June 23, the last night of our Annual Parish Festival. Proceeds benefit our parish. On Saturday, May 12, letter carriers will be collecting perishable food donations along their routes for delivery to the local food banks and pantries. It is the 20th annual “STAMP OUT HUNGER” food drive conducted by the National Association of Letter Carriers– the largest one-day food drive in the nation. It’s also easy for you to help; simply place a food donation by your mailbox on Saturday, May 12 before your mail is delivered. Your letter carrier will deliver it to the local food bank or pantry. HELP US HELP OUR COMMUNITIES! FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER Liturgies For The Week May 6-13, 2012 SUNDAY—FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER 8:00—Richard Deane– Family 10:00—Anne Petsche– Joe & Maureen Petsche 12:00—Agnes Wozniak– Doreen Franceschini, Louis & Nina 7:00pm—Joe D’Agostino– Mom & Dad MONDAY—EASTER WEEKDAY 8:50—Morning Prayer 9:30—Stella Constantin– Family & Friends 7:00 pm—Michael Schaab– Family TUESDAY—EASTER WEEKDAY 7:15—Rinaldo Policicchio– Tony, Jennifer, Anthony & Angelo Mauro 9:30—Morning Prayer 7:00pm— Holy Hour WEDNESDAY—EASTER WEEKDAY 7:15—Edward P. Patula– Family 8:50—Morning Prayer 9:30—Kathy Pristak– M/M Chet Kempinski THURSDAY—EASTER WEEKDAY 7:15—Betty Graham– Edward & Family 9:30– Morning Prayer FRIDAY— EASTER WEEKDAY 7:15—June Mitlo– Friends & Family 8:50– Morning Prayer 9:30—Helen Rausch– Donald Rausch. 10:30-Noon—Holy Hour SATURDAY—EASTER WEEKDAY 8:00—Rosary 8:30—Jim Moon, Sr.– Carmel & Family 5:00pm—Deceased Members of Kliche & Gurski Families– Chris & Joe Gurski SUNDAY— SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER 8:00—James Hajdukiewicz– Family 10:00—Marie Ward– Family 12:00—Fran Mascaro– Maureen & Joe Petsche 7:00pm—Welfare of St. Bernadette Parishioners We reserve the right to make unavoidable changes in the Mass schedule. Readings for the Week of May 6th, 2012 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Fifth Sunday of Easter Acts 9:26-31; Ps 22; 1 Jn 3:18-24; Jn 15:1-8 Acts 14:5-18; Ps 115; Jn 14:21-26 Acts 14:19-28; Ps 145; Jn 14:27-31a Acts 15:1-6; Ps 122; Jn 15:1-8 Saint Damien Joseph de Veuster of Moloka’i, Priest Acts 15:7-21; Ps 96; Jn 15:9-11 Acts 15:22-31; Ps 57; Jn 15:12-17 Saint Nereus and Achilleus, Martyrs Saint Pancras, Martyr Acts 16:1-10; Ps 100; Jn 15:18-21 Sixth Sunday of Easter Acts 10:25-26, 34-35, 44-48; Ps 98; 1 Jn 4:710; Jn 15:9-17 Liturgical Ministers Schedule Saturday, May 12, 5:00 PM R. Reinersmann, M. Whalen, L. Damratowski, F. Tartal, P. Boccardi, L. Biel, C. Gurski, J. Gurski Commentator Elwyn Hildum Lector Sherry Aubele Altar Servers Brian & Megan Corletti, Gianna Bermeulen Sunday, May 13, 8:00 AM J. Yakim, L. Hajdukiewicz, D. Clark, C. Bossart, L. Sepp Commentator Randy Berner Lector Erin Almeter Altar Servers Clara, Nicholas & Teddy Almeter Sunday, May 13, 10:00 AM M.K. Mariotti, F. Steve, E. McDermott, J. Farr, J. Hildum, A. Matthews Commentator Bill Mackowick Lector Michelle Chapkis Altar Servers Elizabeth, Benjamin & Zachary Wernert Sunday, May 13, 12:00 Noon B. Colcombe, T. Colcombe, P. Coddington, W. Ritter, K. Horner, C. Horner, S. Hogue, P. Larkin Commentator Linda Valentine Lector Joe Hogue Altar Servers Natasha Herald, Noah Chough, Ryan Parsley Sunday, May 13, 7:00 PM P. Rogus, R. Rogus, E. Kulman, D. Marney, V. Wadyko, L. Lucas, K. O’Toole, J. Burke III Commentator Lisa Mears Lector Laura Lynskey Altar Servers Joseph & Whitney Burke, Amanda DeVlaeminick WALK THIS WALK! Join Catholic Charities Free Health Care Center staff and volunteers for the Highmark Walk for a Healthy Community, Saturday, May 19 at Stage AE on Pittsburgh’s North Shore. Your participation in the 5k or 1 Mile Fun walks will help provide free medical and dental care for people without health insurance. Not able to join us? You can make a donation as a virtual walker. Get registration and donation details at Thanks for your support. MASS INTENTIONS AVAILABLE There are still plenty of daily dates and times available in the 2012 MASS Book if you would like to schedule intentions (there are no Sunday or Holy Day intentions left). Even if you already scheduled intentions for this year, you may come to the Parish Office and schedule additional ones. We do ask that you come to the office to do this in person. The stipend for Masses is set by the Diocese of Pittsburgh and that amount is still $10 each. ABUSE HOTLINE: 800.932.0313 DIOPITT VICTIMS ASSISTANCE: 412.456.3060