Saint Bernadette
Saint Bernadette
Saint Bernadette 245 Azalea Drive • Monroeville, PA June 17, 2012 Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time PARISH STAFF Reverend Anthony Gargotta, Pastor Deacon Michael W. Kelly, Director of Evangelization Mrs. Kathleen A. Klocek, Pastoral Associate Mrs. Michele Mullen, Business Manager Mrs. Marlene V. Kopper, Director of Religious Education PARISH MISSION STATEMENT Sr. Carol Arch, C.S.J., Elementary School Principal We of St. Bernadette Parish, are a Eucharistic Community, created by the Father, nourished by the Lord and led by the Holy Spirit. We are to be the eyes, ears, hands and heart of Christ, living by His example, sharing the Good News in Word and deed. Ms. Lauren Gates, Youth Minister MASS SCHEDULE Saturdays: 8:30 AM & 5PM Sundays: 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM 12:00 Noon, 7:00 PM Children’s Liturgy of the Word: In Church at 10:00 AM Mass. Daily: Monday 9:30 AM, 7:00 PM Tuesday & Thursday at 7:15 AM Wednesdays & Fridays 7:15 AM & 9:30 AM Holy Days: See Schedule in Bulletin PARISH PHONES Parish Office………………………..…412.373.0050 Pastoral Associate………………….…412.373.7588 Religious Education Office .……….…412.373.1797 School Office………………….……….412.372.7255 Lourdes Center......................................412.843.0668 Convent……………………….……….412.372.7263 Biedenbach Hall………………………412.372.7516 Parish Office Fax………..………….…412.374.8113 School Office Fax…………..………….412.372.7649 Parish Office Email……. School Office Email…… Bulletin Announcements…... Bulletin announcements due by Noon on Mondays. Parish Website……………….… PRAYER CHAIN: Call Mercedes at 724.327.5450 Mr. Joshua Bandish, Director of Music Ministries Ms. Anne Meynor, Parish Secretary Mrs. Francine Pochciol, School Secretary Mr. Tim Jacob, Maintenance Supervisor ++++++++++++++++++++++ SACRAMENT OF PENANCE: Saturday: After the 8:30 AM and the 5:00 PM Masses. Monday: After the 7:00 PM Mass. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: Baptisms are celebrated every Sunday of the month at 1:15 PM. Pre-Baptismal Seminar— The last Monday of every month at 7:00 PM. Please call the Parish Office to reserve dates for both the PreBaptismal Seminar and your child’s Baptism. RCIA PROCESS/SACRAMENTS OF INITIATION FOR ADULTS: Inquiry Sessions for those interested in becoming Catholic are held weekly. Call the Parish Office for more information. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE: Weddings should be arranged at least six months prior to the anticipated date. Call the Parish Office to make an appointment to assist you in beginning this sacrament. ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Will take place the first Sunday of each Month immediately after the 12 Noon Mass. ELEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Happy Father's Day A Dad is a person who is loving and kind, And often he knows what you have on your mind. He's someone who listens, suggests, and defends. A dad can be one of your very best friends! He's proud of your triumphs, but when things go wrong, A dad can be patient and helpful and strong. In all that you do, a dad's love plays a part. There's always a place for him deep in your heart. And each year that passes, you're even more glad, More grateful and proud just to call him your dad! Thank you, Dad…. for listening and caring, for giving and sharing, but, especially, for just being you! Happy Father's Day. Ben Garness Eagle Scout project. I am sure that by now you have seen the wall and the new plants on the left as you enter the driveway to the property. This was Ben’s Eagle Scout project, to beautify that area. Ben is now away at a summer camp, but the few pieces he has left to finish the project will be done towards the end of the summer when he returns. Thank you Ben for your hard work and for contributing to the beauty of our property. Nathan Condrac Eagle Scout Congratulations to Nathan for achieving the rank of Eagle Scout which he received last weekend; and again we’d like to thank him for the work he did at our parish. Habitat for Humanity Next week our group of young people from St. Bernadette and North American Martyrs will be heading to Ohio to work with Habitat for Humanity and helping people in need. Please keep this group in your prayers as well as those they will be ministering to with their work. This past week in one of my weekday homilies I shared a prayer of the Holy Spirit which I use daily. I was asked by a few people at that Mass to share it for all in the bulletin for you to pray for the Holy Spirit to guide you daily in your lives. Come Holy Spirit into my heart that I may see the things which are of God. Come Holy Spirit into my mind that I may know the things that are of God. Come Holy Spirit into my soul that I may belong only to God. Sanctify all that I think, say, and do that all will be for the Glory of God. Amen Peace of Christ, Fr. Tony ST. BERNADETTE PARISH MONROEVILLE, PENNSYLVANIA JUNE 17, 2012 Saint Bernadette Lazarus Choir is in Great Need of New Members The choir, made up of volunteers, sings at parish funerals, providing a comforting sign of solidarity with the families who are experiencing a loss. If you have time during the morning hours, whether you are retired, work at home, a college student or student on summer break, please consider joining this important ministry. Everyone is welcome. The choir rehearses prior to the funeral mass. For more information contact Josh Bandish, Director of Music Ministries at or 412.373.0050 extension 217. MASS INTENTIONS AVAILABLE There are still plenty of daily dates and times available in the 2012 MASS Book if you would like to schedule intentions (there are no Sunday or Holy Day intentions left). Even if you already scheduled intentions for this year, you may come to the Parish Office and schedule additional ones. We do ask that you come to the office to do this in person. The stipend for Masses is set by the Diocese of Pittsburgh and that amount is still $10 each. Fathers everywhere, we honor you and wish to say may God’s blessing be with you, In a special way today! To provide for the needs of the aged poor, Saint Jeanne Jugan, founder of the Little Sisters of the Poor, walked the roads of Brittany seeking alms. Knocking on doors, she asked for money and gifts in kind—whatever was needed for her poor. THE LITTLE SISTERS OF THE POOR will be at our doors next weekend, June 23-24 to ask your help in supporting their home for the aged in Pittsburgh. Please be generous. Next weekend, June 23-24, our diocese will take up the Peter’s Pence Collection which provides the Holy Father with the funds he needs to carry out his most important charitable works. The proceeds benefit the most disadvantaged: victims of war, oppression, and natural disasters. Through your generosity, we can cast the peace of Christ upon the world. Please consider having the Rosa Mystica Statute visit your home for a week beginning June 3—August 19. Please contact Donna Kozusko at 412.373.2067 to make your reservation. BAPTISMS Cole Sawyer Lichtenfels, Son of Joseph & Jill (Sankovitch) Lichtenfels Kayla Ann Morford Daughter of Justin & Christine (Ayres) Morford Monday 6/18 DEATHS Joan Fairchok Wife of Peter; Mother of Diane (Dan) Pavlik & Wally (Rose) Fairchok; Grandmother of Kristy, Jim & Alex John Ivanco, Jr. Brother of Michael; Father of Jean (James) Cook, Susan Davies & Mark (Annette) Ivanco BANNS OF MARRIAGE III—Julie Apel & Damian Paccio II—James Matthews & Cassandra Nicastro OFFERTORY REPORT Collection Budget Over/ Under Week 5/27/12 $11,580 $15,900 -$4,320 48 To Date $726,046 $763,200 -$37,154 Envelopes: 534 Tuesday 6/19 Thursday 6/21 1-2:30PM Grief Support– RC 1:30-3PM Vicariate Meeting– LC 6:30-9PM Youth Ministry– BH 6PM Meditation Group– RC 1PM Staff Meeting– RC KEY: AR=Art Room, BH=Biedenbach Hall, BMR=Borchick Mtg Rm, CH=Church, LC=Lourdes Cafeteria, MR=Music Room, NAM=North American Martyrs, RC=Rectory Conf. Room SCH= School, SL=School Library, ATI=Atrium 1, ATII=Atrium 2 SACRAMENTAL VISITS TO THE HOMEBOUND— Eucharistic Ministers and Parish Staff are available to bring Communion to the homebound. Just call Deacon Mike Kelly at 412-373-0050 or email him at ELECTRONIC GIVING—Saint Bernadette Parish offers electronic giving for those of you who wish to have your contributions transferred electronically to the church’s account. Sign up on our website, or contact the Parish Office for more details. ELEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME WINNERS UPDATE 6/9 #533 St. Bernadette School 6/2 #555 St. Bernadette School Grocery Certificates Sold………………….………....$8,550 Profit….………………………..…………………..….…..$476 Thanks!!! 250 Club Winners: God, bless all the fathers in the world. Guide them to be good role models and loving to all their children. Help them to be a father like You are. Give them grace and patience to handle situations in a loving way. Amen. The next M.C.C. Liturgy will be Friday September, 7. Genesis of Pittsburgh, Inc. would like to extend a warm thanks to all of your parishioners for their support of our 2012 Mothers Day Baby Bottle Drive. We raised $2340.40 to support our mission of helping local women & families in crisis. With your help, we can provide a hand up for these families that have chosen life and are working on creating New Beginnings for themselves and their child. Please refer any expectant parent in need to our services by having them call 412.766.2693. Thank You! Your generosity means the world to us! KEEP SAVING—Please continue to save Box-tops for Education, Campbell soup UPC labels, and printer ink cartridges for the school. We appreciate your support! Paul Koleske– Prayer Books Anyone who ordered prayer books from Paul Koleske during the Parish Mission in March may pick them up at the Parish Office. PROTECTING GOD’S CHILDREN Saint John Fisher—June 25 at 7:00PM please contact Gale Foster if you would like to attend 412.241.4722 or Other Protecting God’s Children Seminars can be found at If you have any questions please contact Marlene Kopper at 412.373.1797 or email at Sr Hi Youth Group schedule (9--12 grade): Monday, June 11, 7:30 PM Biedenbach Hall (St. Bernadette) Doors open at 7:00 PM Monday, June 18, 7:30 PM Biedenbach Hall (St. Bernadette) Doors open at 7:00 PM June 24 -- 29, Habitat for Humanity! NO YOUTH GROUP. Jr Hi Youth Group schedule (7--8 grade): HAVE A GREAT SUMMER EVERYONE!! See you all in August! HABITAT FOR HUMANITY: We are in need of water, and non perishable food items for our Mission Trip! If anyone can make food/paper products/monetary donations, please contact Lauren Gates and leave them in the Parish Office. Thank you so much! CEDAR POINT: Reservations are now being taken for the annual trip to Cedar Point. Any high school youth who will have finished 8th grade is eligible to attend. The trip will be Thursday and Friday, July 26/27. The cost of the trip, including the bus, hotel, tickets to the park for both days, pizza Thursday night and breakfast Friday morning will be $140.00 per student. A non-refundable deposit of $20 is due at the time of your reservation to hold your seat. Full payment must be made by June 30 (any payments made beyond this date will be assessed a late fee of $15). We will meet in the church parking lot at 6:00 AM on Thursday, July 26 and return approximately 1:00 AM Saturday morning, July 28. We will be staying at the South Shore Inn on Thursday night. Make a reservation by completing a REGISTRATION FORM and PERMISSION SLIP. These forms are available via email to or in the Youth Ministry box in the back of the church. Please direct any questions to Karen at (724) 733-5430. Space is limited…please make your reservations as soon as possible. YOUNG ADULT BIBLE STUDY: This Wednesday, June 20, in Penn Plaza from 7:30 to 9:00 PM. Our topic: "A Biblical Walk Through the Mass." Our presenter is Grettelyn Nypaver, and will run about 4 consecutive weeks. All faiths and ages are welcome! "If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other." -- Mother Teresa WELCOME TO ST. BERNADETTE PARISH So that we might better serve your needs, if any of the situations below apply to you, please fill out this form and drop it in the collection basket or mail it to the Parish Office. Thank you. Name _____________________________________________________ Address __________________________________________________ City/Zip Code ______________________________________________ Phone-H __________________________W ______________________ ___New Parishioner ___New Address/Phone ___Interested in RCIA ___Interested in Choir ___New envelopes ___Wish to speak to a priest ___Moving out of Parish ___Returning to Parish ___Returning Catholic ___Entering Hospital ___A Shut-in lives with me ___Questions on Catholicism ST. BERNADETTE PARISH MONROEVILLE, PENNSYLVANIA Still looking for something fun for the kids this summer? It’s not too late to register for God’s Great Earth Summer Day Camp at Cross Roads Presbyterian Church in Monroeville. The camp begins on Monday, June 11, and offers seven full weeks of all day camp for children ages 612. And, unlike many other day camps, THIS camp provides a good Christian foundation for your kids— with daily Bible stories, fun prayers and songs, and strong Christian youth role models. We still have room for you to come and experience a different kind of camp, filled with fun, learning, and Spirit! Registration forms are available on our webpage at, or call the church office at 412.372.2226 for more information. The VERIZON PIONEERS are again reaching out to our Parish community asking for help so that they can assemble health kits for the homeless shelters. They are in need of small hotel sample toiletries of every kind such as soaps, shampoos, lotions, washcloths, combs, conditioner, but are especially in need of small tubes of toothpaste, toothbrushes, and disposable razors. There are boxes located in the vestibule of the Church and also at the side door to make your donations. This is an ongoing project. The Sisters of St. Joseph are collaborating with the Beaver County Humane Society in a fun and worthwhile event. Join us on August 11, at the Motherhouse, 1020 State Street in Baden for an elegant evening of fine wines, food pairings and delicious desserts. The TAILS WITH TASTE event will benefit the Sisters of St. Joseph new Pet Therapy initiative whose goal is providing healing and wellness to young and old. The Beaver County Humane Society is a non-profit organization that depends on philanthropic support to care for more than 4,000 homeless animals annually. The donations received from this event will play a critical role in helping the Shelter meet the county’s changing needs by providing comprehensive care, community outreach and education covering animal-centered solutions. Only 300 tickets will be sold. For additional information or to make a donation, please contact Christina Thornburg (724) 869.6574 or or register or donate online at: If you would like to donate items for the Silent or Basket Raffle Auctions, please contact Anna Mae Cafasso (724) 869.2214. JUNE 17, 2012 EUCHARISTIC FESTIVAL OF PRAISE WITH BISHOP ZUBIK: We are blessed this year to have three Priestly Ordinations in our diocese! In preparation and to support the men being ordained, Bishop Zubik welcomes you to join him at the Festival of Praise at St. Paul Seminary on Thursday, June 28 at 7:30 pm. Bishop Zubik will be presiding and preaching, seminarians will be providing music, and there is a reception following. All are welcome to join us to celebrate the Church Alive! No RSVP needed. For more info contact Fortnight for Freedom Catholic Fortnight for Freedom. The U.S. Bishops have announced a two-week effort of prayer, study. Catechesis and public action to emphasize both our Catholic and American heritage of religious liberty. Bishop Zubik is asking the faithful of our diocese to pray for religious liberty, to learn about this issue, and to display publicly our gratitude for the blessing of religious freedom which, as Pope Benedict XVI has reminded us, is “our first and most cherished liberty.” Window signs showing support for Religious Liberty are included in this week’s Pittsburgh Catholic. Everyone is encouraged to place the sign in a window at home to keep the flame of religious liberty burning brightly. Bishop Zubik will begin out diocesan “Fortnight for Freedom” with Mass at St. Mary of Mercy downtown on Friday, June 22 at 12 PM. All are welcome. Visit for more information. Sister Judith, Mother Superior of the Little Sisters of the Poor, invites you to join them during their 140 year celebration of serving the elderly of Pittsburgh for a fun filled afternoon on Saturday July 28, 2012 from 12:00pm to 4:00pm as they host their annual Rock-A-Thon at their Home along 1028 Benton Avenue, Brighton Heights. Similar to a walk-a-thon where walkers solicit donations for each mile walked, all Rockers will solicit sponsors for specified increments of rocking chair rocking. Rockers of all ages are welcome. The funds raised from this event will be used to help purchase a much needed handicapped accessible van for the transportation of their elderly poor Residents to appointments and social outings. For additional information, to register as a Rock-A-Thon participant or to sponsor a rocker please contact Kathleen Bowser at (412).307.1268 or or visit The Viking Youth Football camp for boys entering grades 4 through 9 will be held Monday, June 25 and Tuesday, June 26 at Central Catholic from 6:00PM-8:00PM. For more information please contact Mike Kennedy at 412.334.3886. ELEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Liturgies For The Week June 17-June 24, 2012 SUNDAY—ELEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 8:00—Gloria Logan– Rob & Cathy Collins 10:00—Santo & Maria DiAnnibale– Mary Jane 12:00—Welfare of the Saint Bernadette Parishioners 7:00pm—Michael DiIorio– Wife, Sandy MONDAY—WEEDAY 8:50—Morning Prayer 9:30—Agnes Wozniak– Angelo & Evelyn DiPiazza 7:00 pm—Mass of Reparation of Sin– Apostolate of Reparation TUESDAY—WEEKDAY 7:15—Rinaldo Policicchio– Tony, Jennifer, Anthony & Angelo Mauro 9:30—Morning Prayer 7:00pm— Holy Hour WEDNESDAY—WEEKDAY 7:15—Welfare of Debbie Bennett– Buddy & Casey Sokol 8:50—Morning Prayer 9:30—Donato & Luisa DiGiorgio– Mr. & Mrs. Michael Grandillo THURSDAY—ST. ALOYSIUS GONZAGA 7:15—Frank & Irene LaBanz– Family 9:30—Morning Prayer FRIDAY— WEEKDAY 7:15—Frank Brozek– Mr. & Mrs. Art Silvis 8:50– Morning Prayer 9:30—Peter & Violet Parisi– Ed & Emma Diaz 10:30-Noon—Holy Hour SATURDAY—WEEKDAY 8:00—Rosary 8:30—Joseph Parise– Wife & Family 5:00pm—Gloria Logan– Robert & Irene Marmo SUNDAY— THE NATIVITY OF SAINT JOHN THE BAPTIST 8:00—Welfare of the Saint Bernadette Parishioners 10:00—Charles & Grace Skidmore– Family 12:00—Marie Kach– The Family 7:00pm—Antonio Tozzi– Wife & Family We reserve the right to make unavoidable changes in the Mass schedule. Liturgical Ministers Schedule Saturday, June 23, 5:00 PM R. Reinersmann, M. Whalen, L. Damratowski, F. Tartal, P. Boccardi, L. Biel, C. Gurski, J. Gurski Commentator Randy Berner Lector Lisa Mears Altar Servers Jacob Mears, Felicia Moon, Kassie Rihn Sunday, June 24, 8:00 AM J. Yakim, L. Hajdukiewicz, D. Clark, C. Bossart, L. Sepp Commentator Erin Almeter Lector Frank Randazza Altar Servers Clara, Nicholas & Teddy Almeter Sunday, June 24, 10:00 AM M.K. Mariotti, F. Steve, E. McDermott, J. Farr, J. Hildum, P. Larkin Commentator Bill Mackowick Lector Joe Hogue Altar Servers Elizabeth, Benjamin & Zachary Wernert Sunday, June 24, 12:00 Noon B. Colcombe, T. Colcombe, P. Coddington, W. Ritter, K. Horner, C. Horner, S. Hogue, A. Matthews Commentator Lisa Mears Lector Paul Rossi Altar Servers Natasha Herald, Noah Chough, Ryan Parsley Sunday, June 24, 7:00 PM P. Rogus, R. Rogus, E. Kulman, D. Marney, V. Wadyko, L. Lucas, K. O’Toole, J. Burke III, J. Vossen Commentator Elwyn Hildum Lector Erin Bozicevic Altar Servers Mark & Frankie Bozicevic, Joseph Katona Chances are available at the Parish Office for a beautiful hand made PENQUIN QUILT measuring 72” x 94.” We are grateful to Jean Ryer for donating such a gorgeous piece of handiwork to help our parish. Tickets are $2 each or 3 for $5. Drawing will be on Saturday, August 11, the last night of our Annual Parish Festival. Proceeds benefit our parish. Readings for the Week of June 17th, 2012 Sunday 4:26-34 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Ez 17:22-24; Ps 92; 2 Cor 5:6-10; Mk 1 Kgs 21:1-16; Ps 5; Mt 5:38-42 1 Kgs 21:17-29; Ps 51; Mt 5:43-48 2 Kgs 2:1, 6-14; Ps 31; Mt 6:1-6, 16-18 Sir 48:1-14; Ps 97; Mt 6:7-15 2 Kgs 11:1-4, 9-18, 20; Ps 132; Mt 6:19 -23; Jer 1:4-10; 1 Pt 1:8-12; Lk 1:5-17 Chr 24:17-25; Ps 89; Mt 6:24-34 Is 49:1-6; Ps 71; Acts 13:22-26; Lk 1:5766, 80 Please remember St. Bernadette Parish in your will. PLEASE REMEMBER these parishioners during your prayer time, that they may find peace and healing in the Holy Spirit. Comfort Quilt Recipients Tom Delaney Paul Decker Walt Forrest Ed Griger Andy Grego Matthew Jacko Lee E. Kearney Marion Krul & Family Barbara Mikulich Florence Moser Bill & Andrew Puskas Jean Valla Florence Sweeney Paula Titus Barbara Uniatowski ABUSE HOTLINE: 800.932.0313 DIOPITT VICTIMS ASSISTANCE: 412.456.3060
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Saint Bernadette - St Bernadette Church
Mrs. Kathleen A. Klocek, Pastoral Associate Mrs. Michele Mullen, Business Manager Mrs. Marlene V. Kopper, Director of Religious Education mvkopper@stb...
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