Exclusive at KBL Collarium® mon amie Interview Living


Exclusive at KBL Collarium® mon amie Interview Living
Issue November 2015
Latest information about
Exclusive at KBL
mon amie
Living the
American dream
with success!
page 6
page 10
sun, light, health and beauty
Vitamin D Test
was a hit
page 22
Who has thought just a few months ago that Germany
has to support hundreds of thousands of refugees from
crisis areas? We have to rethink – there are going to be
changes in our society. We have to rebuild because the
people need to have a secure accommodation in their
new country of asylum.
But our industry has also to reTHINK again and
again, renew itself and accept that the social and political frameworks are changing. As it is the case e. g. in
France. Read what is exactly happening there.
But besides reTHINKING, reBUILDING is another keyword for our industry as well.
Only those who invest and always keep up to date with solariums and their
tanning salons are prepared for the future. Read in this magazine in
“perspective” how a successful entrepreneur evaluates the tanning industry in the
All that remains for me is to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a
Those thoughtful days of peace
between Christmas and New Year
have affected many ones thoughts
as well.
peaceful, happy such as a successful year 2016.
Warmest greetings,
Joachim Ringelnatz (1883-1934),
actually Hans Bötticher,
German humorist. Poet and narrator.
Klaus Lahr
Management Board
My skin is important to me, that’s why
I consciously dealing with the sun. The
Collarium® by KBL makes it possible. I can
choose if I only want red collagen light for
6exclusive made by KBL
14 Smart Tan Nashville
16 Absurd!
18 Bearing parts
20 megaSun worldwide
22 megaSun Event
24 knowHow
26 megaSun worldwide
28 Interview
my skin or whether I want a gentle tan too.
Lena Dobschall
The Collarium® mon amie
The success story of Dan Caskey
The world largest fair for our industry
France reacts wrong!
Spare parts by KBL
Great Britain
A successful day in the sign of vitamin D
Value conservation
Geldern in Germany
The magazine “Enjoy the life” as a guest at KBL
Responsible for content and images:
KBL AG · Ringstraße 24-26 · D-56307 Dernbach · Phone: +49(0)2689 / 94 26-0 · www.kbl.de
All contents are subject to the copyright of KBL AG – The Beauty & Health Company.
The copying or use of any information or material contained in this magazine requires the explicit
written consent of KBL AB - The Beauty & Health Company. Subject to errors. KBL_150909
hat else can we offer to
our costumer’s high class
demands in a solarium?
This question already did not let us rest in
2009 and within our research it became
clear that in many cases scepticism on
solariums still dominates. But a wonderful
skin without any chemistry that is the wish
of everyone. And so we have developed the
A solarium that with its special light lamps
stimulates the collagen production in the
skin and reduces visible wrinkles and lines.
The highlight: the costumer can choose
whether she or he wants exclusively
stimulate the collagen formation or desires
additionally a gentle tan. The result is most
impressive: a wonderfully soft skin.
exclusive at KBL:
the Collarium
“The Collarium® by KBL is like a good friend.
Varendorf, beauty, fitness and spa in Rieste,
We can entrust ourselves entirely to her. Even
Germany has also made only good experiences
sensitive skin is gently tanned.” The opinion
with the collarium: “Our guests are thrilled
of many customers is highly positive that they
by the Collarium®. After a few treatments
even recommend the Collarium® to their best
they notice already that the skin looks
significant smoother and fresher.”
specifically ask for the Collarium mon
“Our clients love the Collarium®. Especially
amie by KBL.
in the fitness area the trend is towards
more healthy applications. Sun, vitamin
Bodo and Nicole Lascheit, owner of multi-
D, fitness and vitality fit perfectly and
ple beauty lounges in Krefeld, Germany are
so convinced that they offer the collagen
Alexander Fleming according to his experien-
light therapy with the Collarium
ces with the Collarium®, owner of the skyline
in all
their salons. Claudia Gellersen from Gut
gyms in Cloppenburg, Germany.
to them. But only 9 months later I wanted stores again and
bought a chain of 5 stores in Columbus Ohio and converted them into PBT.
What has changed over these years?
1. The quality and performance of the equipment.
2. Customers are willing to pay more money if they
don’t have to tan that often. The customer is more
requiring and more sophisticated.
3. The service and maintenance of the equipment. We are
used to clean the beds 2-3 times between the lamp
changes. So if we can handle this more easily like with
a lift for the acrylic (and not like in former times to get
the acrylic totally out) the costs for maintenance are
going down. Same with longer life time of lamps
(like with cpi). The maintenance guys don’t have to
Since when have you been in the tanning industry and
what brought you in?
I started working in a tanning studio at the age of 13 – cleaning
come that often. That saves the studio owner money.
4. Consumption of electricity did greatly reduce.
beds. You have to understand that my family did not
have much money. As at that time I wanted to become an
architect I thought a tanning studio could bring me through
college. In June 1993 I bought an existing studio near
the college and worked it by myself, together with some
students I have hired. At the end I sold it for virtually nothing.
I went back to my hometown Richmond and bought from
a couple with multiple tanning studio locations one and
paid them back monthly. I paid it of in 1 year.
I never finished college, but I could sell my first tanning
aniel Caskey, 41, Cincinnati, Ohio, is
studio with a high profit and bought a higher end one.
2001 I moved to Cincinnati, and in 2004 I already had 9
a veteran with unbelievable 28 years
tanning locations working. At the same time PBT opened
of experience in the tanning industry.
4 locations in Cincinnati. 2006 PBT asked me to work to-
He is today a part of the Palm Beach
gether – to convert my stores, but it ended that I bought
Tan group (PBT) with more than 400 salons located in more than 31 states from coast-to-coast,
an established, nationally recognized market
leader in the indoor tanning industry.
their 4 stores. In the same year I purchased 6 more stores
from Cincinnati Tan. I grew more and ended up with 29
stores in total.
Since 2006 I have been working with PBT under a gentlemen agreement – we shared ideas and I get to know them
better. In 2010 I was ready to join PBT and sold my stores
He is not only a franchise owner with multiple stores in
Columbus and Dayton but also working for corporate as
vice president of business development. Furthermore, he
is a franchise owner with Crunch fitness, a growing fitness
chain with more than 130 locations worldwide.
Tanning beds in the US are differently operated than in
the rest of the World. In Europe the irradiance output is
limited; in the US the dose is limited. So every single
tanning bed has its own tanning time (TE time). A 6900
alpha deluxe for example is a 10 minute bed.
nice to have
PRIOR to your tanning session
hat are all of these
lay on the outside of the
tion disp
symbols for? Next
time I will ask…
How often did you thought this by
Dan Caskey & his
partner Kevin Carson
yourself? This is why we developed
the practical little flyer that can simply
lie on the tanning surface of the
solarium or Collarium® which have the
Where do you think tanning studios have to go change?
And what is most important for a studio owner?
There are two major costs: rent and labor. So as studio
owner you should turn as many people as you can. Tanning
studios will become smaller – means less rent and less
equipment, means less staff in the studio and less labor
for maintenance. To turn as many customers as you can,
Favourite tanning level
Music selection
MP3 int.
Sun just like in Central
Songs stored in the
tanning bed
Mediterranean Sun
Your very own MP3-player
Studio music
Soothing aroma
USB port
Your short trip to the
you need smaller tanning times. That requires that a tanning
Wellness selection
studio owner has to reinvest into new equipment.
MP3 ext.
Connect the USB-Stick no further selection
”I truly want to live my life. I try to be as positive as I can; avoid negative
people and stay away from negative situations. If you want a change you have
to be the change.“
Spoken guide
preSelection display.
It explains simple and clear how the
customers can achieve their optimal
tanning session – and no questions
Air conditioning
remain unanswered.
Refreshing water spray
DURING your tanning session
Selection display inside
You also own Crunch Fitness Clubs. Why also Fitness? Is that not
a competition for your tanning studios?
A business partner of mine in my restaurant business had 3
friends looking into fitness. As they were all in the manufacturing
business, they did not know anything about retail. So I got asked
for consultation regarding the service industry. Right in the very
first meeting they have asked me if I want to become a partner
You are very busy - how do you relax?
and I said NO.
For the most part my partner and I had a small
6 months after several meetings and consultation and the more I
vacation home in Florida for ourselves and our
have learned about Crunch the more I became interested. Crunch
families. My partner Kevin’s daughter has 4 sons (age
philosophy is that tanning is an amenity for the customers.
1 to 6 years); so it became too small. We are looking
and navigating the menu display on the
Crunch is built on fitness; so tanning is only a small part of it.
now for a new one, but do not know exactly where.
inside of the solarium is incredibly easy.
Crunch is not a competitor for the tanning studios. They require 2
We want our families and friends come and spend
Call +49 (0)2689.9426-0 to order now. The
User-friendly display
The choose from the preSelection display
units per studio; maximum up to 6. They don’t want anybody to
time with us – put pictures of nice gatherings on the
flyer is available in German (item no.
get out of the business and try to work hand in hand. At Crunch
walls. We like to travel, so even on a business trip we
3010187220) and in English (item no.
we do not offer service or towels when it comes to tanning.
sometimes try to find some extra time.
Standard functions
MP3 songs stored
in the tanning bed
Studio music
Your own MP3 player
(3 different intensities
Susan Miller, President PC Tan,
Inc. Georg Holdings,
Prof. Dr. Michael F. Holick as a
prominent speaker at the trade
show. At dminder.info you can
find an app to help you regulate
your vitamin D level.
ESA President Christina Lorenz stated: “It is always exciting to hear a
presentation given by Michael Holick. He is THE number one vitamin
D researcher worldwide. I have already had many opportunities to
speak with him. He is still passionated about using his research to
educate others as well as bringing about changes in politics.”
his year the largest fair world-
Every year the large associations exchange
wide for the solarium indus-
information about global events occurring in
try took place in Nashville,
Tennessee once again. In addition to
represented by its president Christina Lorenz.
the presentations given and training
One major highlight was the presentation
sessions held during the fair, the various
given by Prof. Dr. Holick. He is a US
associations met at the Indoor Tanning
doctor and biochemist, whose research focus
World Summit.
has been on vitamin D since the 1970s. He
was persuaded to give a presentation about
vitamin D one of the worldwide leading
experts on this subject.
Political contacts were maintained as well.
On friday evening, Congressman George
Holding was honoured and subsequently
attended the PC Tan Dinner.
“The fear of skin cancer is
understandable but not due
to a tanning indeed and a ban
on solariums will not solve the
problem. Rather it will cause
other health issues, which
are successfully treated with
appropriate doses of solarium
Latest ne
Find f
xt magaz
“Many jobs depend upon
this as well. What are
we supposed to tell our
n September 16th, 2015 the French Senate voted for an
amendment that would provide for a ban on solariums in France
with a transition period of two years. This is part of a larger health
law, which is being discussed in a committee consisting of Senate
members and members of the National Assembly.
This committee is responsible for finding a compromise that both chambers might agree
to. During this process members of the National Assembly as well as the Ministry of
Health can propose suggestions for changes.
“My wife was able to successfully
treat her winter depression with
regular sun tanning sessions.
Her vitamin D level is now back
in the green zone. A ban would
be a catastrophe for us.”
Marisol Touraine, France’s Minister of Health and Social Affairs, has stated in public
a ban on solariums. At the end of the year a final vote on the entire health law will be
attended. It is – also on the basis of Touraine’s opinion – very unlikely that the National
Assembly will agree to the ban.
The European Sunlight Association (ESA) is in very close contact with all involved – on
both levels: french and european. The ESA informs about the activities of the european
solarium industry, such as the development of service standards and about the possible
consequences of a ban. The ESA thereby emphasises that the consumers are always
in the main focus and should be able to decide by themselves if they would like to have
the positive effect of a solarium usage.
Our question: How satisfied are you
with the spare parts supply of UWE
Light GmbH-parts through KBL?
How happy are you that there are
still parts available and KBL ensures
“As long-term partner we are naturally
happy that the spare parts supply through
the KBL AG is still ensured. We are also
sure that the corporation can operate and
function well as usual in this area and we
can in any case rely on KBL.”
Tamara Römer
D-56269 Dierdorf
“Through the retreat of UWE Light GmbH
the spare parts supply stood before the
end. A continuation through the company
KBL gave us as a long-term partner a
great pleasure. The need of spare parts is
still large.
We are sure that the corporation will
function well and all operators of UWE
Light GmbH solariums can expect firstclass costumer service in the future.”
Carsten Korte
UV-Power Solar GmbH
D-49716 Meppen
pare parts are always a matter of
trust. Specifically for devices that are
“As megaSun partner in Austria we are happy that
the brand UWE Light GmbH is going to be produce
by KBL. Therefore it is easier for us as dealer to
look after the many UWE Light GmbH costumers in
Manuel Vrabel
Vrabel Top Solar GmbH - The Sunshine Company
A-8073 Feldkirchen
close to your hearts. Our professional
for all questions about the UWE Light GmbH
machines is Patrick Müller. You can contact
him by email pmueller@kbl.de and by
telephone +49 (0) 2689.9426-0.
But of course he is also a professional for the
megaSun solariums and Collariums® by now. We could
catch some voices which confirmed that our expansion
was the right thing for our industry.
Ab Fab tanning salons story of success! Our
company was founded in 1984 as one of the
first ones in the UK supplying tanning equip-
bsolutely Fabulous UK Tanning
Chain opens their latest Megasun
Tanning Salon in Orpington, Kent,
UK. Read on for their story of success:
ment & tubes.
Over the years our business has transformed
& developed into ‘high class’ tanning salons.
We are one of the largest independent tanning
salon chains in the UK, manufacturing our
own tanning lotions & having manufactured
our own branded tubes via KBL.
Ab Fab salons are very lucky because our staff
Our business philosophy is simple: Make
are well trained & realise the value of looking
sure the customer is ‘KING’!
after our customers. Some of our staff have
This means offering the best equipment in the
worked with the company for over 15 years.
best surroundings with the best customer
service and most importantly the best
Our partnership with KBL, which we consi-
possible prices! The Staff in a salon play
der the worlds best solaria manufacturer, is
a massive role, because they are on the
crucial to our success up to now & for the
‘front line’ of our business & are the first point
of contact for our customers.
Our co-workers showed total commitment.
During the freezing cold they pulled out to
invite personally to the solarium-birthday.
he megaSun salons in Montabaur
and Neuwied, Germany are concerned about the health of their
costumers and therefore invited them to a
free vitamin D test on October 20th, 2015.
The 40th anniversary of the solarium became the
occasion to run tests with around 200 costumers.
The result was more than respectable: Around 70%
had a good vitamin D level, thanks to regular visits
in qualified tanning salons.
The result including expert advice had been
received around 4 days later, so that all can look
relaxed forward to the winter now.
e take safety and the preservation of value very seriously.
accurate production and premium quality
of KBL products need special care. The
use of original replacement parts as well as
regular maintenance and cleaning ensures
a faultless operation and thus additional
Preservation of value
It is extremely important to ensure that no liquids
get into the interior of the solarium. After each use
the acrylic panels, the handholds and handles
have to be cleaned with a special cleaning and
disinfecting solution.
Wipe down the lacquered surfaces with mild soapy
water, but do not rub them dry as this could
damage the surface. The high-gloss chromed
parts keep their gloss and value if they are regularly
wiped down with a damp window cleaning cloth
and an antistatic acrylic glass cleaner. After around
200 hours of operation, the tubes and UV-lamps
should be cleaned with warm water and a leather
The story of megaSun Lounge by Markus
standards. A real thinker and
Maurer is a real success story, which makes
maker for our industry, of
which we as KBL are justly proud.
fun. Since more than 15 years he has been
a convinced owner and has opened a third
megaSun Lounge by now, which is a real
design eye-catcher.
This time also he relies on his favourite brand
megaSun that fulfils all the requirements, so
that his clients are satisfied and be glad to
come back again and again. Markus Maurer
has very stringent requirements to the quality
of his tanning beds and offers with regards
to his demands and because of his unique
atmosphere as well as the well-trained staff
a service which is a second-to-none!
“Customers are happy to pay a fair price for
an all-round service, which is noticeable with
the closing of the discounter in my area” as
Markus Maurer explained.
Mrs Manthey, how did you get the idea with your
How did you come up with KBL/megaSun? Why did you
want to interview Klaus Lahr and Christina Lorenz?
I have got the idea of an own lifestyle magazine 14 years
I think KBL/MEGASUN is really appealing and when I got
ago. Actually, I am from the cosmetics sector, I worked
to know both, there was so much interest and sympathy.
for a long time as coach at Estée Lauder and my dream
I wanted to know who is behind this great company.
was to combine all beautiful things in the form of an own
Interesting and successful entrepreneurs – I wanted to
find out more about that.
What do you think of the themes like collagen
and vitamin D?
are important themes and couldn’t be
imagine without it. They are very important for health, beauty and the soul. That
in combination with tanning – amazing!
Do you use solariums/colariums?
I love your MON AMI. Tanning and do
something good to yourself – that is pure
relaxation and you feel great afterwards.
Cross your heart: how is your vitamin D level?
To whom does it refer and where can you find it?
I have done a test in your company and my vitamin D
Enjoy the life… is an exclusive platform for
level is too low. Now I am taking in addition something
doctors, beautiful restaurants, hotels, fashion,
and I am going once a week to megaSun in Montabaur.
beauty, cars, interior – all enterprises which find
themselves in this magazine and want to address
to that clientele.
Our sales and the distribution have a very good display
points this means that the costumers get to 300
magazines for their own expenses and we, the publisher, deliver all good destinations in Hessen and Rheinland-Pfalz. Thus 20.000 magazines come in circulation
and reach exactly the reader that we want to approach.
This system has proved very successful since 14 years.
hief editor of the lifestyle
magazine “Enjoy the life”
What are your main points?
What is your best relaxing ritual?
My main points are in the customer service. I
I am traveling a lot both internationally and nationally,
personally contact all costumers, conduct interviews
test hotels, drive often my car. In my free time I enjoy the
Christine Manthey intervie-
and photo shootings with the booked photographer
nature, like to receive guests, like to travel, do sports and
wed Christina Lorenz and
and organise events very successful. I think that my
read a lot.
Klaus Lahr for the issue 4/2015. On
strengths are to bring great and interesting people
But even after 14 years I can tell you that I love my job
in a pleasant way together…
and I am glad that the magazine is not only a success in
this date we used the opportunity to test
Hessen but also here in Koblenz and surrounding.
Mrs Manteys vitamin D level.
e asked you to choose! And
many of you did – Thank you
for participating!
All of the colours were chosen except for one, which
means our preselection adapted the demands of
the market. And then there was a clear ranking list.
an amazing 106 votes. But the undisputed
winner is the colour mother of pearl with an
The market is large and the demand even
unbelievable 186 votes.
larger. solariummarket.com offers all the
The colour black came in a strong 5th place with 36
votes, while the blue version came in 4th place with
37 votes. The dark red solarium came in 3rd place
with 73 votes, while the eggplant colour received
hat to do with your used
solarium if there is a new
one on your wish list?
possibilities on a free platform to advertise
used solariums to a wide public – worldwiWe had to draw picking a winner: And the lucky
recipient of the KBL voucher is Karl Chavet from
Mönchengladbach, Germany.
With solariummarket.com you can reach
several thousand users every month. Most
of them are already in a purchase process.
Naturally it creates entirely new possibilities
for you as a seller. The more exactly you
describe your offer the more relevant your ad
will be for the interested parties.
Free of charge, versatile, ever-present
and successful – use the possibilities.
megaClean plus
Liquid concentrate
Item no: 3010141502
1L 49,90 €*
Spray bottle
Empty bottle with foamspray-nozzle
Item no: 3010145255
6,90 €* p. Pc.
The ready-to-use
solution costs 0,74€
per litre
Higher concentration!
more efficiency!
Hygienically clean solariums in your salon are guaranteed with
megaClean plus. The concentrate has been proved by the
DGHM/VAH directives and is highly efficient - 1 litre generates
a 67 litre ready-to-use solution - it works super-fast and has a
pleasant smell.
Of course megaClean plus is suitable for disinfection of
smooth surfaces as well in fitness- and cosmetic studios as in
spa- and swimming pool areas.
Call +49(0)2689 / 94 26-0 to order
or contact your megaSun partner
*Prices do not include VAT or despatch costs