Utila East Wind
Utila East Wind
Monthly Newspaper Utila East Wind Issue no. 4 Bay Islands, Honduras Dedicated to Utila sharkspecial NEW MUNICIPAL POLICE August, 2005 Utila Thrillaz Municipality Talks 3 ● Weather 3 ● Bar & Restaurant Guide 13 ● Dear Dr. John 14 ● Puzzles 14 ● Classifieds 17 ● Horoscopes 18 ● Sport 20 Carnival 2005 Photo: Tony P The Viking float, a colourfully � Utila East Wind Staff A s the sun went down on this years carnival partygoers drank and danced on the beach, exhausted from the weeks festivities. The carnival had been officially opened by Miss Honduras joining local beauty queens for the traditional crowning ceremony on the main stage. Studio 99 and Shervin and the Boys were among the performers to glitz this years event, with new local talent, Utila Thrillaz making their debut. Despite heavy showers Saturday’s parade was hot, colourful and very loud with local businesses and families competing for the most elaborate floats. Organisers, pleased to see months of hard work pay off, would like to thank the sponsors and everyone who took part. “It was beautiful, just beautiful. Boy I`m gonna sleep now though” said Miss. Lillian (Carnival Committee) at the close of events. Mr. and Mrs. Denny Bush kindly sponsored the main stage while Caribbean Sea Food brought in dancers from San Pedro Sula and Bruce Wardley gave away 60 free passages to performers. “The whole town has been great, lots of people contributed”, said Patrick Flynn, also of the Carnival Committee. Money raised from this year’s carnival will go towards kitting out the new Lance Bodden Health Centre. ~ Mientras el sol se escondía al termino del carnaval, los fiesteros bebieron y bailaron en la playa, cansados despues de una semana enterá de fiesta. Miss Honduras y las bellas reinas locales se unieron a la fiesta con la tradicional ceremonia de coronación de la reina del carnaval en el escenario principal. Studio 99 y Sherwin and the boys fueron unos de los animadores del evento junto con el debut de Utila Thrillaz, un nuevo talento local. A pesar de la lluvia, el desfile del Sabado fue calido, colorido y escandaloso, las familias y los negocios locales compitieron en la elaboración del gernosas carrosas decoradas. Los organizadores orgullosos de ver la conclusión de meses de duro trabajo agradecen a todos los patrocinadores que formaron parte de este maravillosa evento. “Fue hermoso, simplemente hermoso, pero ahora me toca dormir” dijo Miss Lillian (comite del carnaval) al terminar el evento. Shark Special El Sr. y Sra. Denny Bush amaldemente patrocinaron el escenario principal, Caribbean Sea Food trabajo bailarines de San Pedro Sula y Bruce Wardley regalo 60 pasajes para las artistas. “Todo el pueblo fue muy bueno, hubo mucha gente involucrada” dijo Patrick Flynn del comite del carnaval. Todo el dinero recaudado durante el carnaval será donado para abastecer el nuevo Centro de Salud Lance Bodden. ■ 2 August, 2005 Utila East Wind NEWSINBRIEF Island shocked by horrific attack Iguana StationTake-over Management of the Iguana Station changed hands on the 26th of July with Aurel Heidelberg replacing Ingrid and Ludtz Dirkson after 22 months dedicated work. Following tradition Mr. Heidelberg is also from Germany and will continue to be assisted by groups of German volunteers. “Everyone is invited to meet me and a big thank you to Ludtz and Ingrid” he said. Work at the station will continue as usual however Mr. Heidelberg, Envirnomental Scientist, plans to introduce new projects later on in the year. Teething problems BGA continue to have problems with the new ATM. Since being installed one month ago there have been many complaints. “I had to go to the mainland to get money out in the end” said Ms. Bardon, resident of 17 months. BGA give no explanation for the inconveniences but state that, despite displaying the sticker, the ATM does not accept Mastercard. Doc gets Dengue The beginning of July was a bad time to get sick as both Dr. John McVay and nurse Mark Williams were hit by dengue fever. The duo were out of action for several days before bravely re-opening the clinic. Stairway collapses The stairway up the hill between the Main Road and Lozano Road collapsed suddenly last month. By diverting funds from the current road maintenance project the walkway was rebuilt immediately. “It was time and labour intensive, they needed lots of cement to stabilise the new stairway.” said Mayor Alton Cooper. Change of plans for Hole in the Wall To the relief of those on the point, owners of Hole in the wall opposite Utila Dive Centre have reconsidered closing and decided to save the much used snack bar / convenience store. They had planned to close last month, as reported in Utila East Wind, but are reorganising the shop instead and have plans for new stock. Utila East Wind Staff A young mans leg was set on fire as he slept outside the Casino nightclub on Saturday the 9th of July. Rene Cortez Portillo, known as Chiqui, passed out drunk on a bench after drinking all night with friends. “I woke up around 4am crying and in pain. I have no idea who did this”, he said. Mr. Portillo sought help from good friends Pam Muñoz and Mac Cory Ramon. “We applied aloe vera and took him to the Health Centre. I was very impressed with the quick reaction of the medical team,” said Mr. Ramon. The community donated cream to treat the burns however Mr. Portillo was taken to Tegucigalpa for further treatment after the wounds became infected. “I would like to thank everyone who helped, I just hope I wont lose my leg,” he said. Mr. Portillo is currently recov- Utila East Wind Founded 1st April 2005 Issue no. 4 Utila Bay Islands Honduras (504) 373 8530 utilaeastwind@gmail.com LOUISE POWELL TARA NOBLE-SINGH Editors EDITH EVA Translators SPECIAL THANKS TO THE UTILAEASTWIND TEAM Katja, Edith, Susan, Ayesha, Sam, Cecilia THANK YOU TO THE FOLLOWING FOR THEIR HELP AND SUPPORT Urs, Dr. John, Annie & Fernando, Alton, Gunter, Remi, Tony, Utila Thrillaz PRINTED BY La Prensa San Pedro Sula To make the news If you think its news call us on 373 8530. To place your ad Dance til you drop For adverts and advice on free classifieds call 373 8530. One professional dancer took the phrase “dance til you drop” a bit too literally at the carnival. She collapsed from heat exhaustion after hours of dancing in the summer heat. Several other cases of heat exhaustion have been reported, particularly amongst females. People are advised to keep hydrated, stay out of the midday sun and avoid strenuous activity during the hottest parts of the day. Letters are welcomed for publication. Priority will be given to letters dealing with local issues To air your views To get your paper Pick up a free copy from bars, restaurants and public places across the island and the ferry and tourist destinations on the mainland. Customer Services If you are dissatisfied with any aspect of our service please contact either Tara or Louise on 373 8530. Utila East Wind is available to view on-line at ering in Tegucigalpa but plans to return to his work on the island as soon as possible. Police investigating the incident are appealing to the public for any information. ~ El sábado 9 de Julio, un joven se despertó con su pierna en llamas afuera de la discoteca, el Casino. René Cortez Portillo, conocido como el Chiqui, se quedó dormido una banca, después de haber bebido toda la noche con sus amigos. “Me desperté a las 4 de la mañana llorando del dolor. No tengo idea de quien pudo haber hecho esto”, dijo el Sr. Portillo. Fue ayudado por buenos amigos, Pam Muñoz y Mac Cory Ramón. “Le aplicamos aloe vera y lo llevamos al Centro de Salud. “Me impresionó la reacción tan rápida del equipo medico”, dijo el Señor Ramón. La comunidad donó una crama para las quemaduras del Sr. Portillo, hasta que fuese transladado a Tegucigalpa, Mr. Portillo awaits further treatment for infected wounds para obtener más tratamiento, ya que la herida se le infectó. “Quisiera agradecer a todo el que me ha ayudado,solo espero no perder mi pierna” dijo. El Sr. Portillo se encuentra en Tefucigalpa, sin embargo pla- nea regresar a su trabajo lo más pronto posible. La policía que investiga el caso, hace un llamado al público para cualquier informacción. ■ Weather August, 2005 3 Utila East Wind Outlook Moons August on Utila is hot and humid with chances of thunder storms, especially in the late afternoons and evenings. It is hurricane season and although it is rare for a hurricane to hit Utila it is a possibility. Average August temp August ten year high 5th August Average August rainfall 3in. / 7.6cm August ten year high 6.8in. / 17.3cm Sunrise Sunset Water temp 13th August 87ºF / 31ºC 94ºF / 35ºC 26th August ≈ 05:26 ≈ 18:18 84ºF / 29ºC August Heat Warning Heat exhaustion and heat stroke are a danger, drink plenty of water and avoid prolonged exposure to the sun. UV levels in August are at their highest and it is important to ensure your skin is protected, regularly apply a high factor sunscreen. 19th August What they say “ Quotesof theMonth MUNICIPALITY TALKS Often seasons which have high hurricane activity in July tend to be active for the whole season ” Prof. Mark Saunders, Benfield Hazard Research Centre To keep yourself updated on hurricane activity tune into the Weather Channel (30) or check out the following internet sites weatherunderground.com and weather.cnn.com MAYOR ALTON COOPER I hope you all enjoyed this years Carnival, despite the odd shower. Its been a busy month at the municipality again, especially with the introduction of our new municipal police force. In the first week alone crime was greatly reduced and we all hope that things continue to improve. Thanks again for your support with the road works and remember, please feel free to approach me with any issues or concerns. ▼▼ Gracias otra vez por su apoyo con los trabajos en la calle y recuerden: siéntanse libres de acercarse con cualquier pregunta o preocupación. ▼▼ ▼▼ We have appointed a new municipal police force to patrol the streets from 10pm till 5am every night. The six men from the Island work closely with the Policia Preventiva to support our battle against crime. ▼▼ The 6 year old pipeline network on the Cayes underwent testing and repair and 100 anchors were laid to stabilise the underwater pipelines. This is a continuation of the ongoing project to provide the Cayes with a reliable water supply. ▼▼ The Towns water supply was also increased by at least 20% after we cleaned the wells at the beginning of July, aided by the Marine Corps. ▼▼ After the sudden collapse of the step road to the hill we diverted funds from the road works project to repair the walkway immediately. ▼▼ Espero que todos disfruten del carnaval de este año, a pesar de la rara tormenta que paso. Ha sido un mes bastante ocupado en la municipalidad otra vez, especialmente con la introducción de nuestra nueva Policía Municipal. En sólo la primera semana los delitos fueron reducidos grandemente y esperamos que las cosas sigan mejorando. I am still focused on fully refurbishing the roads by the beginning of next year. Again I thank you for your patience as this work continues. ~ Hemos seleccionado a un nuevo cuerpo de Policía Municipal que patrullará las calles de 10pm a 5am a diario. Lo seis policías isleños trabajan de cerca con la Policía Preventiva para apoyar nuestra batalla contra el crimen. ▼▼ La tubería de 6 años en los cayos paso por pruebas y reparos y 100 anclajes fueron puestos para estabilizar la tubería submarina. Esta es una continuación del proyecto en marcha de proveer agua potable a los Cayos. ▼▼ El suministro de agua del pueblo también fue incrementado por los menos en un 20% después de limpiar los pozos a inicios de Julio. ▼▼ Después del colapso repentino del camino de gradas hacia la loma desviamos fondos del proyecto de las calles para repararlo inmediatamente. ▼▼ Todavía estoy firme en renovar totalmente las calles a principios del año entrante. Otra vez les agradezco por su paciencia a medida que continúan estos trabajos. ■ “ How would you like to be swimming, without a sack of shark food, in the exact spot where some yahoo feeds sharks every day – on the yahoo`s day off. ” Rick Barry on shark feeding “ It was terrible, we nearly killed Mr. Dave . Manager at Bundu after they dropped a can of paint off the roof onto their neighbour ” “ I think it was due for a trim. . Dr. John after shaving off his beard cutting his hair. “ ” I’m not sure about that name . Shelby McNab on Derek’s stage name ‘Baby Murder’ (repeated 7 times on HQTV ” “ ” Louder Your Mayor, Alton Cooper Miss Kinder’s big speech after she was told to talk louder. 4 August, 2005 Utila East Wind New municipal police help manage crime What they carry Utila East Wind Staff S even men appointed by the Mayor have begun nightly rounds of the island in an effort to combat the levels of Municipal crime. Working alongside the Police Cap Policia Preventiva the new municipal police force will patrol the streets of Utila from 10pm to 5am. Mayor Alton Cooper dePepper cided to take action as Spray reports of crime increased dramatically over the past two months, “The last six weeks have been the we’ve ever seen” Stun Gun worst he said. The Police Officers have been given the task of protecting tourists, keeping kids of the streets and enforcing safety laws to restore a feeling of security at night. situation Handcuffs “The was really bad, it’s a group of fellas, just a small little group of people causing trouble and scaring off the tourists,” said Wilfred James, one of the appointed officers. Armed with pepper sprays, batons, stun guns and handcuffs the officers are granted the power to arrest anyone caught undertaking criminal activities and detain until a VHF Radio them member of the Policia Preventiva arrives. Khaki uniforms matching caps Baton with and fully equipped holster belts were provided by the Mayor and make the officers easily recognisable. The group are coordinated by Ronnie Ramon and work in pairs, communicating via VHF radio on frequency 78. “I’m gonna straighten it out, anyone you see stealing or breaking-in you can call me” said Mr. Ramon. The substantial costs of maintaining the force are, at present, covered by the dive shops, however Mayor Alton Cooper appeals to all busi- nesses for help. “We need the support of all businesses in order to sustain the project” he said. “We have already seen a dramatic improvement in just the first week so it is definitely worth it” he said. Mr. James spoke out recently on HQ TV “We’re asking the parents to authorise us to grab the children and bring them home in the safest manner” he said. “Our objective is to stop this wave of crime in the community and it is working,” he said. If you need assistance from the force they can be reached on VHF 78 during working hours or by contacting Mr. Ramon directly on 425 3187 or 425 3838. “A dramatic improvement in just the first week” ~ Hay siete personas seleccionadas por el alcalde en apoyo para combatir los actos delictivos. Trabajando junto con la Policía Preventiva y la nueva Policía Municipal, patrullan las calles de Utila desde las 10pm a las 5am. El señor alcalde Alton Cooper ha decidido tomar acciones ya que el nivel de crimen ha aumentado dramáticamente en los últimos dos meses y nos menciono que las ultimas seis semanas son las peores que ha visto. A los oficiales se les ha dado la tarea de proteger a los turistas, también vigilando que los menores no estén a horas inapropiadas y procurando de tener un ambiente de tranquilidad en general por las noches. “ Esta situación es terrible, es un grupo pequeño de muchachos que están causando problemas y molestando a los turistas” así nos dijo Wilfred James, uno de los oficiales. “The last six weeks have been the worst we’ve ever seen” Khaki Uniform Los oficiales están equipados con repelentes preventivos, bates, pistolas salvas y esposas, los oficiales tienen la autoridad de arrestar a cualquier persona que este actuando de forma impropia y tenerlos cautivos hasta que los miembros de la Policía Preventiva lleguen al lugar. El uniforme es de color caki, con sus respectivas gorras, cinturones y distintivos, que el alcalde les a otorgado para el reconocimiento inmediato. Este grupo es coordinado e integrado por Rony Ramón y se comunican vía VHF radio en la frecuencia 78. “Yo estaré a sus servicios, si ven a alguien tratando de robar o cualquier otro acto delincuencial, por favor llámenos” dijo el Sr. Ramón. El presupuesto del mantenimiento para tener este servicio hasta ahora se a logrado gracias al apoyo de las escuelas de buceo, pero se hace un llamado a los dueños de negocios para colaborar con esta causa. “Necesitamos el apoyo económico de las personas que nos puedan ayudar para continuar con este proyecto ya que hemos visto la diferencia que se ha logrado en esta primera semana, definitivamente es algo que vale la pena” dijo el Sr. Alcalde. El Sr. James hablo recientemente por HQ TV, “Les pedimos a los padres que nos autoricen para retornar sus hijos a casa de buena manera, los menores que sean encontrados fuera de casa a altas horas de la noche, nuestro objetivo es para esta ola delincuencial en la comunidad y esta funcionando”. Si ustedes necesitan asistencia, los pueden encontrar por radio VHF 78, durante el dia, pueden llamar directamente al Sr. Ramon al 425-3187 o 425-3838. ■ The Force Ronald Ramon Emilio A Reyes Molina Rodolpho Miralda Luke Norman Flynn Jack Cooper Garett Ramon Wilfred James August, 2005 Utila East Wind Staff S Safely on Utila, Capt. and first mate enjoy the carnival. boat to take down the sail it was towed back to Utila for repair. “It worked out well in the end, we always wanted to come to Utila and its perfect timing for carnival” said Captain Coupal. ~ BOTE A LA DERIVA Seis pasajeros y un bote velero a la deriva fueron rescatados después de 12 horas de odisea, depuse de ser envestidos por una tormenta. El “Honky Tonk” zarpo de Omoa el domingo 24 de julio. “Vi la tormenta venir entonces para evitarla di la vuelta” dijo el capitán Mario Coupal. La tripulación constaba del Capitán y dueño del barco el Sr. Coupal y Luice Sans con cuatro pasajeros más. El grupo llamo por ayuda cuando el Capitán vio que ya no podía hacer mas en esa situación, después las cosas empeoraron cuando una de las escotillas se abrió y el bote comenzó a llenarse de agua. La llamada de auxilio escuchada el Sr. Tony P. En Utila, entonces lo hizo lo posible para darle apoyo vía radio y rápidamente se organizo un grupo de ayuda que se movilizó de inmediato. Muchos capitanes corrieron al rescate aunque con dificultades para encontrar el “Honky Tonk”, que cada vez se alejaba mas empeorando el rescate. “Estábamos exhaustos y mareados no teníamos energía para nada” dice la señora Sans Cartier. Eventualmente cuando el hijo del capitán Mannie, lucho por bordar el velero para bajar la vela, luego fue remolcado hasta Utila para repararlo. “Todo salió bien al final, siempre quisimos venir a Utila y que mejor tiempo que para el carnaval”. ■ 04:00 Set Sail from Omoa partieron de Omoa 17.30 Storm Hits la tormenta comienza 19:30 Following May Day received from passengers: “May Day, Captain incapacitated, taking on water” la tripulación continua haciendo llamados de auxilio y el capt. Haciendo un su mayor esfuerzo 23:00 Captain Mannie’s rescue boat dispatched. el capitán Mannie sale al rescate de la embarcación 00:00 Honky Tonk reports a change in position, unable to lower sail. el Honky Tonk reporta el cambio de posición. 00.30 Captain Mannie in persuit. cap. Mannie en perseguido 01.30 Boats meet los botes se encuentran 02.45 Captain Mannie`s son boards Honky Tonk and lowers sail. el hijo del cap. Mannie, aborda el bote y logra bajar la vela 03:00 Towing begins comienzan a regresar 08:00 Boats arrive in Utila botes llegan a Utila Letters to the Editor Six stranded at sea ix passengers and a stricken sail boat were safely towed to Utila after a rough 12 hour ordeal at sea. The Honky Tonk was caught up in a squall after setting sail from Omoa on Sunday the 24th July. “I saw the storm and tried to avoid it, but it made a turn” said Captain Mario Coupal. Alongside Canadian owners Captain Coupal and Luice Sans Cartier the boat was also carrying four tourist passengers. The group called for help when the Captain became incapacitated and the boat started taking on water after the hatch blew off. The May Day was received by Tony P, on Utila and a VHF support team was mobilised immediately. Captain Mannie who was dispatched to the rescue had difficulties reaching the Honky Tonk, as it moved away, unable to lower its sail. “ We were all exhausted and seasick, we had no energy for anything” said Ms. Sans Cartier Eventually after Captain Mannie’s son struggled on board the 5 Utila East Wind Dear Editor Where have all the buoys gone? Joshua Swash, Pinnacle, Old House, Red Cliff, Blackish Point, and now, Aquarium are all missing buoys. When I enquire as to where there are, the answers are not clear. I’m told that, in the past, BICA used to collect diver fees of $1 per day per diver and maintained the buoys. BICA would contract with one of the local fishermen to replace them when they became detached. However, that was then, this is now. The current responsibility doesn’t appear to be as clear. I hear everything from BICA to dive boat captains to no one. The most popular answer is that shortly after the first of the year, divers started paying an additional dollar ($2 now) and UDSEC is responsible for maintaining the buoys. I’m not sure this is correct as I find it hard to believe that an organization dedicated to diving would not stay on top of maintaining the buoy system. It also doesn’t make sense given they have double the money. Maybe the question isn’t “where have all the buoys gone?”, It’s “who’s doing what to maintain them?” Chris, from the cinema Dear Editor I wanted to send a copy of July’s Utila East Wind home so my parents could read about the island, but the post office has been out of stamps for over a week now. Yep, post office no stamps. Apparently no where else on the island sells them either. What next? A diveshop with no tanks? A restaurant with no food on the menu? Peter Fletcher, Austrailian Got something to say? We want to hear it. Contact Tara or Louise on 373 8539 or email utilaeastwind@gmail.com or come and see us in our office downstairs at Munchies. bundu café 8am - 3pm Mon - Sat 425 3557 Fruit Salad ● Crêpes ● Yoghurt ● Granola ● Bagels Sub Sandwiches ● Salads ● Copan Coffee Expressos ● Mochas ● Fruit Smoothies Fresh Juices ● Great Vegetarian Choices Charlottes Famous Swedish Apple Pie GREAT FOOD & GREAT FUN ��������������������������������������������������� Sunday nights - Mexican food and beer buckets Coming Soon: Grill Nights and Artist Exhibition Night Fantastic Book Exchange Novels ● Classics ● Guide Books ● Phrase Books In a vatiety of Languages For rent, sale or exchange ������������������ ����������������������������������� ������������� ����������������������������������� ��������������������� �������������������������� Utila East Wind Miss Honduras? Lissa Viera Saenz, contender for Miss Honduras 2005 came back to her roots to parade alongside Miss Utila in this years carnival. The 22 year old beauty gave the Utila East Wind a few words. What’s your connection with Utila? I’m from Utila originally, my dad Alan and brother Johnny Alan both live here, so even though I grew up in Ceiba, I come to visit as often as I can. What title do you hold at the moment? I am Miss Cacao, it was a big pageant in Equador with girls competing from all over Central America, so I was very proud to win. How are the preparations for Miss Honduras going? I have been working with Eduardo, a fashion designer from Ceiba, for three years. He takes it very seriously insisting on three hours in the gym five times a week and a strict diet, I must loose some weight before the competition. Who are your sponsors? My family, particularly my Aunt Linda (Halveston) has been very supportive. What is your advice to other budding young beauty queens? Go for it, it’s a great experience.Self confidence and dedication is really important. Be Strong! ~ Lissa Viera Saenz , participante para el Miss Honduras 2005, regreso a sus raices para desfilar en junto con la electa Miss Utila de este año, en el carnaval. La belleza de 22 años, concedió al Utila East Wind una breve entrevista. Cuál es tu conexión con Utila? Yo soy originaria de Utila, mi papa Alan y mi hermano Johnny Alan viven aquí, pero me crecí en La Ceiba, y los trato de visitar tanto como se pueda. Que titulo estas portando en este momento? Soy Miss Cacao, fue una gran experiencia en Ecuador, compitiendo con chicas de toda Centro América, así que estoy muy orgullosa de haber ganado. Cómo te sientes con la preparación para el Miss Honduras? He estado trabajando con Eduardo, un diseñador de moda en La Ceiba por tres años. El es muy serio al momento de ocuparse de mi, poniéndome a hacer tres horas de gimnasio 5 veces a la semana y llevo una dieta rigurosa, tengo que perder peso antes del concurso. Quines son los que te apoyan? Mi familia especialmente mi tía Linda Halveston, me ha apoyado muchísimo. Cuál seria tu consejo para chicas que están en esta carrera? De poner todo su esfuerzo, es una gran experiencia. Confiar en si mismas y la dedicación es muy importante, sean perseverantes! ■ Stars of the This years Carnival was a glitzy affair with dresses galore, sexy dancing and an eclectic mix of music to suit all tastes. Over the week we counted sixteen beauty queens, seventeen floats, twelve parties, three inflatable Flor de Caña bottles, ten party casualties, four venues and fifty six playings of Utila Thrillaz ‘Carnavale de Utila’. Sufficed to say a good time was had by all, (those that do and don’t remember it) and thanks should go to the organisers for providing all the right party ingredients. Beauty Queens Abigail Jackson – Carnival Queen Flor de Elize Gabourel – Miss Utila Lissa Viera Saenz - Miss Cacao Alisha Bush – Juvenile Carnival Queen Miss Jackson – Miss Kinder Carnival organisers wish to thank Mr. and Mrs. Denny Bush Caribbean Seafoods Dr. Bruce Wardley Eduardo Roatan Mayor Jerry Hinds Luis & Alfred SunJam organisers The performers And everyone who attended August 2005 Carnival No. 1 Thrillaz! Saturday saw the release of the sensational debut single by the Utila Thrillas. Bound for fame, Utilas first Raggaton group opened this years carnival to an onslaught of screaming fans. The video and single both topped number one spots in Honduras. Local trio Harry Williams, 14, Dereck Zelaya, 15, and Marvin Escobar, 16, wrote and recorded “Carnaval De Utila”, “Saturday was our first performance, everyone’s been supporting us” said Mr. Escobar, aka Baby Murder. The boys and bikini clad friends had a wild day recording the music video, drinking champagne in the hot tub at the Mango Inn, cruising around on a speedboat and dancing away at Bar in the Bush . The video was shot by Funky Fat Fish productions and HQ TV were the first to snap it up. Having practised for only one week before going into AC recording studios in La Ceiba the group “…plan to make another single in a few months” said Mr. Zelaya, aka Thrilla D. “Carnival De Utila” can be heard on Power radio station or you can tune in to TeleCeiba, Channel 4 or HQ TV to watch the video. DVD`s and CD singles are selling like hotcakes at Ritas Bourtique. El sábado 23 el vimos el sensacional debut de los Utila Thrillaz, ya muy populares, es el primer grupo de reggeton en Utila, ellos se encargaron de la apertura de este carnaval, obteniendo el apoyo de sus seguidores, con muchos aplausos y ovaciones. Ya tienen el primer lugar en Honduras como mejor video. El trío local esta formado por: Harry Williams de 14 años, Dereck Zelaya de 15 y Marvin Escobar de 16, han escrito y grabado la canción “Carnaval de Utila”, “el sábado fue nuestra gran presentación y todos nos han apoyado mucho” dijo Mr. Escobar, conocido como “Baby Murder”. Los chicos y los bikinis han tenido un día agitado, filmando el video, tomando champagne, en la piscina del Mango Inn, dando un tour en bote y bailando en Bar in the Bush. El video fue filmado gracias a Funky Fat Fish Productions y en HQTV donde dieron su primer paso. Aunque solo practicaron por una semana, antes de ir a grabar a AC Estudio de grabación en La Ceiba, el grupo ya esta planeando hacer otro sencillo en unos meses dijo Mr. Zelaya, alias Thrilla D. “Carnaval de Utila” puede ser escuchado en estaciones de radio o lo pueden ver en TeleCeiba, canal 4 o HQTV para ver el video. DVD’s y CD’s de la canción, se están vendiendo como pan caliente y en Rita’s Boutique. ‘Carnival De Utila’ Utila Thrillaz Baby Murder (Estribillo) Bienvenidos a Utila. La isla esta de fiesta, este carnaval esta bien bueno, toda la gente estan celebrando. Bienvenidos a utila. Las isla esta de fiest, este carnaval esta bien bueno, toda la gent estan celebrando. Lil Flow en este carnaval todos vamos a gozar, a las nenas le gusta ver a los thrillas cantar. En este ritmo mami hoy tu tienes que bailar y con el flor de thrillas toda la noche a celebrar. En esto soy famoso tambien peligroso, a mi me gusta mami cuando lo mueves sabroso. Bienvenidas nenas a UT. Mani vengan a mi que Lil Flow te va enseñar a ti. En esta fiesta de tambore, mami de combinaciones, olvidemos los rumores esta noched con canciones. No lo vamos a para, esta noched asta el final, bailemos todos juntos porque how es carnaval. Baby Murder Estribillo Thrilla D We the Thrillas comin from Utila, straight to the top, we ain’t gonna neva stop, we gonna drop to that numba one spot. Kick it like the Derf and rock, if you like our songs, through it up until the song is ove. Girl shake that thang, cuz you got one night one life, tonight is the night for Utila right. Look it’s time for the white boy to do you right. Thrilla D ain’t gonna neva sto, I’m a rap til my longs collapse, it’s gonna be hot so dance. Till your legs get tired then drop. You betta not be in the back board, when them girls jamming on the dance floor. Second raps up girl, all I want you to do, is to shake that thing up for the Thrilla and the Flow. Baby Murder Estribillo Baby Murder Es el tiempo de Utila, somos los Thrillas, cantando para nuestra isla. Todas las mujeres estan presentes, ensenando esos cuerpos calientes. Proque es hora de bailar, es hora de gozar, nadie puede faltar en este carnaval. Mujeres quiero ver, sus cuerpos estremecer, suavemente, hasta al amanecer. En esta fiesta que esta bien Buena, en esta noche que esta serena. Estas mujeres estan bien ricas, moviendo todas sus cinturitas. Enseñando sus hermosuras, moviendo bien sus cinturas, se que te gustan las travesuras. Baby Murda Estribillo X 2 Baby MurderHey cano, we owe you for this onThrilla. dThat’s Right. Lil FlowUT news&reviews Utila East Wind DINER IN DISGUISE TOP FIVE THIS MONTH 1 2 3 4 5 La Piccola Dish: Chicken Scalopine Lps. 120 Beautiful chicken, bread and salad with meal. Would be great to have better parmasan cheese! Sit outside here the inside is too bright. ★★★★☆ Jungle Café Dish: Goulash Lps.170 Good amount, comes with excellent salads. Its a long walk though and you will need some bugspray, sandfies are bad! Again, very bright, more candles please. ★★★★☆ Ultra Light Dish: Falafal Lps.60 Delicious and filling but could do with more salad in the pitta. Good fresh OJ. Chilled, good for people watching but not too much atmosphere at night. ★★★☆☆ Champas Bar Dish: Chicken Burger Lps. 50 Good value burger, the whole chicken breast. But whats a burger without fries? Its always pretty quiet too so better for lunchtimes. ★★★☆☆ Bundu Dish: Chef Salad Generous salad with garlic bread, opt for the fantastic garlic dressing. Avoid the bagels though which are too heavy and forget this place if your in a hurry. ★★☆☆☆ Chill at “The Grill” N Katja Hock o fuss, no frills, great food, large portions and variety are what you can expect when you enter “The Grill”, a new restaurant in front of Tranquila Bar. A giant tree adorned with fairy lights shelters the outside seating area making for a cosy atmosphere while enjoying one of the international dishes on offer. “We have dinners as well as bar snacks and a variety of side dishes to choose from” said Manager, Jo, dedicated chef of the establishment. Snacks and appetizers are available from 3pm onwards - perfect for mixing and matching some hot and cold munchies while you sit in the bar and watch the sun go down. Full dinner plates are then served from 6pm until 9:30pm. Be prepared to face the difficult decision of which two mouth-watering sides to choose from though. The freedon to pick and choose from the menu means you never have to have the same meal twice and with very reasonably priced dishes, around Lps.120 you might as well have a bottle of wine too. Whatever the occasion theres something to suit at The Grill and plenty of bar traffic to keep diners entertained. ■ WORLD NEWS Debt Relief Ten massive concerts took place in cities across the globe to call for action against international poverty. The concerts were timed to coincide with the start of the G8 conference in Scotland. The eight world leaders met and agreed to boost aid for developing countries by $50 billion. Honduras received debt relief amounting to $1 billion alongside Rwanda and Zambia as part of the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries initiative. Terrorist Attacks Terrorist bombings shocked the world during the month of July. 52 people were killed and over 700 injured when four synchronised bombs were detonated across Londons busy transport network during morning rush hour on 7th July. At least 64 people were killed when three bombs exploded in Sharm al-Sheikh in Egypt on Saturday 23rd July. Monsoon Claims Lives More than 500 have died in monsoon floods in Mumbai (formerly Bombay) in India. According to officials, the rain on Tuesday 26th July was the heaviest recorded in a single day in India. New Planet Astronomers in the United States have announced the discovery of the 10th planet to orbit our Sun. Three times as far away as Pluto, it was first seen in 2003 but has only now been confirmed as a planet. It is a world of rock and ice about 3,000km across, and somewhat larger than Pluto. Coaster Collision At least 14 people have been injured in a crash between two rollercoaster cars at a Disney theme park in California. 18 ambulances and 100 firemen were deployed to the scene. Utila East wind August, 2005 Blue Pages shark spec ia To feed or not to feed? That is the question, should shark diving be condoned? Utila East Wind Staff T he gentle Whale Shark has long been attracting tourists to Utila but, as shark feeding dives become more popular how long will it be before other Utilian sharks steal the limelight? Waihuka Shark Adventures in Roatan already offers the opportunity to participate in a shark feeding experience. For $75 groups of up to 14 Shark Feeding in the Bahamas divers descend 70ft onto a seamount to watch Caribbean Reef sharks feed on proffered bait. The bait consists of 6 – 8 pounds of fish entrails and can attract up to 15 sharks. “I know there are issues, but its amazing to be able to see so many sharks close-up” said Andrina Bindon, customer. Exiciting as it sounds, the prac- tise of shark feeding or any other feeding of marine life is strongly opposed by many environmentalist groups. Opinion is split, PADI, the worlds largest dive association supports the activity arguing the educational value of these encounters “These close and direct encounters with sharks help alleviate fears of sharks and provide opportunities for divers to learn” said Jeff Nadler Vice President of Industry Relations, PADI. Opposition states that any interaction with wild animals interferes with their ecosystem. “Feeding disrupts normal ecological processes, it alters the natural behaviour of the marine life that is fed and it becomes an event associated with people and boats”, said Paul Johnson, Reef Relief spokesperson. Feeding of dolphins and other marine mammals is illegal in the US and this ban is supported by PADI, the question has been raised as to why shark feeding should be considered any different. Pro feeders claim that shark behaviour is unaffected by regular feeding and if sharks are contained within marine protected areas feeding eventually protects them. The combination of sharks, food and people all in close proximity to one another however must be carefully managed l for obvious safety reasons. “Worldwide numerous injuries to divers participating in these dives or simply visiting the feeding sites have been documented.” Said Bill Alevizon, Ecologist. So much so Florida has recently banned shark feeding dives, a decision backed by conservation groups including Cont.. pg. 10 For Against To make sharks more valuable to the local economy as a living resource than as a harvested one. Feeding alters natural behaviour and disrupts normal ecological processes. To help alleviate fears and provide education. Attacks and bites have been reported by those conducting the activity and others in the vicinity. If feeding within a marine protected area thereby encouraging the sharks to stay close, it may help to protect them. Utila East Wind August, 2005 Blue Pages Thinking Green U Jules Page tila has rich and diverse waters, from the whalesharks and dolphins to black coral. People are drawn from all over the world to see these different species. The University of Southern Mississippi is interested in studying dolphins. The species most commonly encountered in Utila are Spinners, Bottlenose and the Rough Toothed Dolphin. Little is known about the Rough Toothed therefore making Utila an ideal location to study them as there are many sightings year round. Rough-toothed dolphins (Steno bredanensis) are usually found in deep waters and have been observed near the shores of islands with steep drop-offs. However, these dolphins are rarely seen, even less often studied, and so are consequently poorly understood. The Marine Mammal Behaviour and Cognition Laboratory at the University of Southern Mississippi is conducting surveys off the coast of Utila. This work has found the dolphins Rough toothed dolphin Dive site of the month Raggedy Caye in waters ranging in depth from 12 m to 145 m, and photo ID revealed that some of the same dolphins were sighted on different occasions. Photographic data is used to identify individual animals and determine group composition, association patterns, and habitat within the study area. Ethograms (pictorial catalogue of the behavioural patterns of a species) and video is used to ascertain behavioural patterns. Hydrophone recordings provide information about the sounds produced by them. The collection of data through the year enables us to identify possible seasonal changes in the dolphins’ residency and behavioural patterns. As very little is known about the life history and behaviour of these dolphins, this information will give a better understanding of this species. It will also benefit the scientific community and conservation efforts to preserve this and other marine species. If you are interested in finding out Hawsbill Turtle aggedy Caye, a tiny uninhabited bird sanctuary, lies off the north west coast of Utila. Descending on the bouy line you reach a gently sloping reef flat at about 7m / 23ft. The shallows extend quite far from the island, you will have to swim down one of the many sand channels to the drop off. Be careful to take your bearings as you descend else finding the buoy line can be tricky. Once you reach the wall it falls steeply to around 40m / 130ft. Visibility can be variable, at its best the waters are a beautiful deep blue. Look out for schooling fish suspended above the drop off, including large groups of vibrant blue creole wrasse. On a good day the waters are full of life, green and spotted morays, hawksbill turtles and spotted drums are all commonly sighted. Further off shore than most of Utila’s sites, there is always the possibility of something bigger passing by, two Mantas were recently sighted here. On one rare sighting last month twelve Orchas (Killer Whales) were seen just off the Caye. Leave plenty of time to enjoy the reef top at the end of the dive, the shallows here are extensive and always busy with active fish. ■ WHALE SHARK (Rhincodon typus) < 15m DistributionCircumglobal, tropical and sub tropical seas DescriptionDark upper body with distinctive pattern of blue and white spots and lines. Large terminal mouth. DietA filter feeder, feeds on small plankton, fish and crustaceans. ReproductionLive bearer, no. of pups per litter unknown. FactContrary to popular belief whale sharks do have teeth. SILKY SHARK (Cacharhinus falciformis) < 3.5m DistributionCircumglobal, tropical and sub tropical seas DescriptionSlender grey with a long snout, often with dusky edges on fins. DietPelagic fish and bottom dwellers. Sharks ReproductionLive bearer, no. of pups per litter unknown. FactNamed for their smooth skin compared to other sharks. BULL SHARK (Carcharhinus leucas) < 3.5m DistributionCircumglobal, tropical and warm temperate waters Description Grey to brown with pale underbody. Stocky body shape, no fin markings. DietFish, seabirds, turtles, large prey. ReproductionLive bearers, < 13 pups per litter FactCan enter fresh water and even swim right up large rivers such as the Zambezi. NURSE SHARK (Ginglymostoma cirratum) < 4m DistributionTropical and sub tropical Atlantic and eastern Pacific. DescriptionYellow brown to Grey brown. DietBottom living fish and invertebrates. ReproductionLive bearer, < 25 pups per litter FactCommonly used in behavioural and physiological research. GREAT HAMMERHEAD SHARK (Sphyrna mokarran) < 6m DistributionCircumtropical and temperate seas. DescriptionGrey with pale underside, relatively small eyes. DietMostly fishes particularly rays. ReproductionLive bearer, < 40 pups per litter FactHave been observed ascending, spiralling slowly around each other to copulate at the surface. R CARIBBEAN REEF SHARK (Carcharhinus perezii) < 3m DistributionTropical and sub tropical western Atlantic. DescriptionSilvery grey with white underside and short blunt snout. DietVariety of fish ReproductionLive bearer, < 6 pups per litter FactMost commonly observed shark in the Caribbean. Sharks TIGER SHARK (Galeocerdo cuvier) < 6.5m DistributionCircumglobal, tropical and warm temperate seas DescriptionGrey with pale underbody, young have distinct vertical stripes which fade with age. DietEats almost anything. ReprodutionLive bearer, up to 80 young. FactShoes, a cows hoof, and medieval armour have all been found in the bellies of tiger sharks, known as the garbage cans of the sea. BLACK TIP SHARK (Carcharhinus limbatus) < 2.5m DistributionCircumglobal, tropical and temperate waters DescriptionGrey shark with dark fin tips, pale under body and white stripe on side. Long snout. DietBottom living fish and crustaceans. ReproductionLive bearer, < 7 pups per litter FactIn the Atlantic, blacktip sharks are over fished; commercial and recreational fishing regulations are in place for this species. are a rare sight in Utilian waters, if you are lucky enough to see one, it will probably be one of the these species. Despite their reputation sharks pose little danger to humans. Only about 70 people per year are attacked by sharks worldwide, less than 15 are fatal, most incidents involve spearfishers or shark feeders. Cont.. pg.9 UTILAS NEW DIVE PROFESSIONALS Altons Tina Liechti Michael Dyen Ecomarine Maria Gaugain Hjordis Möller Roswitha Schädler Tyler Wells Captain Morgans Lisa Stormer Deep Blue Paul Buck David Schult Paul Dale Paradise Pablo AI Cross Creek Geraldine Workman John Gallagher Jerald MacMurry Sarah Willson John Flynn Yinon Avraham Dawn Tichehurst Aleyande Eel Chris Harvey Meryl McLaren Chris Shenkel Mads Hollesen Faycal Bouazza Ben Wilson AI Pablo Arias Jacob Adriansen Søren Jensen Guillermo Julie Glavind UDC Thomas Erbe Course director Andi Dixon AI Claudia Leslie Levere Susanne Colin Alex Tom Sandi Blair AI Jo Inst John Inst Nick Inst Sam Inst Rodrigo Joduri Inst Chris Brady Inst Laurent Inst BICD Jess Amy Josh Wim Miranda Laura Sharks, unlike other fishes, have skeletons formed from cartilage, their skin is covered with hard scales giving it a rough feel. A highly developed sense of smell and the lateral line, a row of sensory pores used to detect sound and electrical vibrations make sharks highly efficient predators. Young of some species are born alive, others lay egg cases on the substrate. World Wildlife Fund, Wildlife Conservation Society and Reef Relief. “The contention that shark feeding will lead to a dangerous association of humans with food and increase shark attacks is not substantiated …there have been no fatalities attributed to shark feeding activities ” says Mr Nadler. This debate goes beyond the issue of shark feeding; will PADI’s policy of encouraging divers to obverse but not interact with marine life change? Neither side seem ready to compromise and as the demand for shark feeding dives increases the debate is set to grab more headlines in the future. ■ Animal Stories In 1987…. A diver…. No longer carrying any fish …was watching …as a spotted moray was fed. Another (spotted moray) swam over her shoulder from behind and bit her face twice, severely ripping her lips and requiring reconstructive surgery” Perrine 1989 “Feeding… has changed the fishes behaviour. Often the cod become agitated during feeding, bumping divers and fighting each other for food scraps. It was especially at that time that divers had their hands bitten… An au- topsy on the body in Cairns found a bump on his head and small punctures in his skin… the coroner concluded that he was crowned by a potato cod… it was hypothesized that while snorkelling the cod grabbed him and held him under long enough to drown” Quinn and Kojis 1990 As she reached into her bait bag for another piece of fish the barracuda suddenly darted in and shredded her fingers, which required 30 stitches” Perrine 1989 August, 2005 HOTELS Rooms Price range Facilities Opening hours Tel no. Map Alton’s Dive Inn 13 $3 - $4 / person Ocean front rooms, fan, shared bathroom, dock, kayaks 7am - 7pm 425 3704 2 Backpackers 6 $2 - $9 Share kitchen, fan, share bathroom, 1min from the beach 7am -7pm 425 3350 4 8am - 8pm not Sun 425 3114 4 425 3349 Cayes Bay View Hotel 11 $16 - $22 Private bathroom, fan, hot water, fridge, ocean view Captain Morgans 8 $3 - $5 / person Private bathroom, fan. 7:30am - 6pm 9am - 12pm 3.30pm - 6.30pm 425 3329 4 8am - 9:30pm 425 3184 2 Collibiri 8 $25 - $35 Restaurant, bar, pool, hot water, a/c or fan and seaviews Coopers Inn 16 Lps 120 - 150 Kitchen, resturant, fans, shared bathrooms. $35 - $65 / room Ocean front, AC, Private bathroom, hot water, restaurant and bar 6.30am - 10pm Coral View Resort 13 Utila East Wind 18 425 3778 4 RESTAURANT + BAR GUIDE Opening Hours Details Tel. no. Map 425 3190 2 Bando Beach 9am - 5.30pm Beach bar, snacks Bar in the bush Wed/Fri, 9pm - late Night club Big mammas cafe 6am - 4pm Sandwiches and breakfast 425 3883 1 Bundu Cafe Mon - Sat, 8am - 3pm; Tue/Thur/Sun, 6pm - 10pm Sandwiches, salads & international 425 3557 2 Cafe Barracuda Mon -Sat, 6.30am - 11pm International Captain Jacks 7am - 2pm Local food Casino 8am - 12am, Sat til 3am Night club and local 1 Coco Loco 4pm - 12am, Fri/Sat til 1am Dock bar 1 Cola de Mico Tue - Sun, 9am - 10pm; Fri/Sat til 12pm Pool Hall and bar Coopers Inn 5pm - 10pm, closed Wed, Sun Pizza and pasta Dave`s Restaurant Mon - Sat, 6.30pm - 9.30pm BBQ Driftwood Cafe 7am - 10pm International food and seafood 425 3266 4 El Castillo Tur - Mon, 6pm - 10pm European 425 3329 4 425 3185 4 3 1 425 3273 4 1 425 3184 2 1 Cross Creek Dive shop 14 $3 / person Fan, shared shower, shared kitchen and louge 8am - 6.30pm 425 3334 2 Cross Creek Cabins 4 $28 - $35 A/C, hot water, cable tv, fridge 8am - 6.30pm 425 3334 2 Freddy’s Place 8 $16 - $35 Ocean front, kitchen, hot water, AC or fan, dock, TV 6am - 10pm 425 3142 2 Fidi`s Bar Tue - Sun, 10am - 7pm Local 1 Glady`s Big Burgers 11am - 10pm Burgers 4 Holand`s Restaurant 11.30am - 2pm Local 425 3206 1 Jade Seahorse 7am - 10pm, closed Tue/Wed International 425 3270 1 Jungle Cafe 3pm - late International Tue/Fri/Sun. Daily Bar. 3 1 Hollands Inn Hotel Utila 6 20 $12 - $30 / room Private bathroom, fan, a/c. $14 - $51 Hot water, a/c, fan, private bath 7am - 9pm 7am - 7pm 425 3206 425 3340 1 Jade Seahorse 6 $72 / cabin, $12 / extra person Private bathroom, hot water, fans, a/c, fridge 8am - 9pm 425 3270 1 The Lodge 8 $65 - $95 Private batroom, fan, hot water, a/c, tv 7am - 6pm 425 3291 1 Kobs 9am - 10pm Ice cream 26 $3 / person $75 / room Pool, private bathroom, a/c, fan, tv, fridge, restaurant/bar, wireless network 6am - 8pm 3 La Cassetta de Coca Tue - Sun, 8am - 10pm Snacks Wed - Sun, 5pm - 10pm Italian food 425 3746 1 $30 - $50 Ocean view, AC, private bathroom, restaurant and hot water, fridge and TV La Piccola 7am - 9pm Las Delicias 3pm - 12am, Sat 3pm - 3am Bar and Snacks 425 3361 1 $35 Ocean front, AC, private bathroom, hot water and fridge 6am - 8pm Mamita`s Place Mon - Sat, 7.30am - 2pm 4.30pm - 10pm Local Mango Inn 6.30am - 9.30pm Pizza and international 425 3410 3 Mango Tree Gelateria Mon - Sat, 8am - 10pm, Sun 10am - 10pm Gelato and American coffee 425 3335 1 Mermaids Sun - Thu 11am - 10pm (Fri 3pm) Sat 6.30pm- 10pm International fast food, delivey 425 3299 1 Munchies 6am - 10pm International 425 3168 1 Paisano 7am - 10pm Local 425 2311 1 Pelican Bar 11am - 10pm Beach bar & international 4 RJ`s Wed/Fri/Sun 5.30pm 9.30pm BBQ 2 Seabreakers 5pm - 12am Dock bar Seven Seas Tue - Sun 6am - 10pm Local Skidrows 3pm - 12am Bar 4 The Island Cafe Mon - Sat 5pm - 10pm Local 1 Tranquila 3pm - 12am, Fri/Sat til 2.30am Dock bar Treetanic Bar 7pm - 12am Cocktail bar 425 3270 1 Ultralight Cafe Sun - Fri 7am - 10pm Israeli 425 3201 4 Utila Cuisine 9am - 10pm Local & vegetarian cuisine 425 3214 4 Zanzibar Cafe 7am - 4pm Local food Mango Inn Margaritaville Relax Inn 21 4 425 3305 425 3366 4 425 3879 2 Rubi’s Inn 12 $20 - $30 / room Fan, a/c, private bath, hot water, fridge, honeymoon suite, private balcony, waterfront. 7am - 7pm 425 3240 1 Tropical Hotel 17 $5 Fan, shared bathroom and shared kitchen 6am - 9pm 425 3568 4 Tropical Sunset, Seayeye resort 25 $25 - $125 Bar,Restaurant, Free use of Bando beach, dock, kayaks 8am - 614pm 425 3190 2 Trudy’s Trudy Suites Watersports The Mansion 28 7 6 $3 - $6 / person Fan, shared bathroom $45 - $50 7am - 7pm A/C, hot water, tv, fridge, microwave Hostel style, shared kitchen, shared bathrooms $3 / person 7am - 7pm 9am - 7pm 425 3103 2 425 3103 2 425 3239 1 TOWN MAP CHURCH SERVICES BICA Fire Station Hondutel Hugos Phone Service Immigration Offices Morgans Satellite & Cable Municipality Offices Police Port Captain Post Office Tourist Information Tropico Internet UPCO Utila Express 425 3260 382 4815 425 3101 425 3300 425 3365 425 3161 425 3255 425 3145 425 3116 425 3167 425 3255 440 3136 425 3193 425 3283 TAXI Hank’s Taxi – 425 3180 / 397 1678 Paisano Taxi – 425 3311 Stephanie 425 3987 / 384 3650 AIRLINES Atlantic Sosa 425 3364 425 3161 TELEPHONE LIST PRINCESS FERRY Tel 435 3390 Utila – La Ceiba: 6:20am & 2pm La Ceiba – Utila 9:30am & 4pm Adults: Lps. 290 Seniors Lps. 210 Children (6 – 12 yrs): Lps. 140 Children (under 6): free Place To Utila From Utila La Ceiba 06:00 (not Sun), 15:30 06:00, 15:30 (not sun) Price $34 SPS 14:00 06:00 (not sun) $82 La Ceiba 07:00 (not sun), 15:15 07:50 (not sun), 15:50 $34 Roatan 06:15 (not sun), 12:30 07:30 (not sun), 15:30 $68 SPS 13:50 07:50 $82 Utila Catholic Church 7pm Thu, Sat & Sun 7pm Jue, Sab y Dom 9am Sunday Shool 9am Dom clases para ninos. Mizpath Methodist Church 425 3205 Sun 10:30am Preaching Sun 2:30pm Sunday School Sun 7pm Preaching Mon 7pm Christian Endeavour Wed 6.30pm Bible study Fri 7pm Prayer meeting 7th Day Adventist Church Sun Evangelistic service 7pm Wed prayer meeting 7pm Fri youth meeting 7pm Sat Sabbath school 8:45am Sat devine service 11am Utila Church of God 425 3151 Sun school 9am Sun worship 10am Sun evening service 7pm Mon lady service 7pm Tue youth service 7pm Thur 7pm Friday youth service 7pm MEDIA 1 2 425 3377 2 1 2 SERVICES HEALTH SERVICES Utila Community Clinic (Dr John) 425 3137 Mon-Fri 8am-12pm, Sat 9am - 11am Centro de Salud 425 3277 Mon-Fri, 8am-12pm Medical Store Mon-Sun, 8am-8pm Chamber 425 3378 Mon - Sat 8.30 - 3.30 Dental clinic 425 3371 BANKS BGA 425 3117 Mon - Fri 8.30 - 3.30 Sat til 12.30 Banco Atlantico 425 3374 Mon - Fri 8.30am - 3.30pm Sat til 12.30 Reef Cinema (Cash advances) Mon - Sat 11.30am - 6pm SUPERMARKETS Bush 4253147 Mon - Sat 6:30am- 6pm; Sun til 12pm Hendersons 425 3148 Mon - Sat, 7am-12pm, 2-6:30pm Rose 425 3283 Mon - Sat, 7am - 12pm, 2-8pm Sea Eye Store Mon - Sun, 6am-12pm, 2pm -6pm Samanthas (7/11) 7:30am-11pm Meat Mart Mon - Sat, 7am-12pm, 2-6pm, Sun til 12 HARDWARE STORES HQTV Channel 31 Tel 425 3357 Utila’s local television channel Shelby Mcnab with a round up of daily news 7pm - 8pm Mon - Thur. Channel 17 Local messages and information Magic FM 107.1 FM The Roatan Bruce Show 12pm - 1pm Mon - Fri 4 Delco Mon - Fri/Sun, 8am-6pm Madera 5 Sisters Mon-Fri, 7am-12pm, 1:30-5:30, Sun 8am-12pm Ferreteria Rose Mon-Fri 7am-12pm 1:30-5:30 Sun 8am12pm BAKERIES Camilla’s Bakery Tue - Sat, 7:30am-2pm Sweet Tooth Bakery Mon-Fri 6am-12pm INTERNET JC’s Mon - Sat 9am - 7pm Sun 10am - 6pm Hideout 8am-8pm Cay Caulker Cyber Cafe Mon-Sat 8am-9pm, Sun til 5:30 Mermaids Sun-Thur 9am - 10pm, Fri 9am-5pm, Sat 6-10pm Howells Sun-thur 9am-6pm, Fri 9am-5pm Mango Tree Mon-Sat 9am-8pm, Sun 8-10pm Triple H Sun - Thr 8.30am-9pm Fri 8.30am-4pm Sat 7am-9pm TRAVEL AGENTS World Wide Travel 425 3394 Mon-Fri 8am-4pm Sat ti12pm SCHOOLS Escuela Republica de Honduras 425 3399 Methodist School 425 3272 Adventist School 425 3129 OTHERS Fringe Salon Mon/Tue/Thur 9am - 1pm, 2pm - 6pm. Fri/Sat 12 am - 8pm Utila Telephone Co. 8am - 8pm Johnny’s Water 425 3304 7am - 7pm RENTALS DC’s Bike Rental 425 3285 Ramon’s Services 425 3307 Kayaks and four wheelers Rita’s Rentals 374 3791 Golf Carts Utila Bike Rental 425 3800 SOUVENIRS Bay Islands Originals 425 3372 Mon - Sat 9am - 8pm, Sat 9am - 12pm Di Gial 10am - 9pm Ka-Taupe 8am - 8pm 14 DEAR DR JOHN Dear Doctor John, I am a local girl with a big problem. I was born and raised in Utila and married my first boyfriend who is also Utilian. The first year of married life was fine. Every Sunset we would ride on our moto to the Beach and once every couple of months we would go to Ceiba and spend the night at The Iberia eating pizza, watching TV, and making love. But then my husband started drinking Salva Vida and all he wanted to do was get drunk and ride around on his fourwheeler with his friends. I became very lonely and sad. All I did was walk around with my head down. Then one day I looked up and there was a beautiful young tourist man from England. We had a wild and passionate love affair for a week, but the he got on the yacht and left the island. My husband was off working all the time and I became lonely again. This time when I looked up I saw a pretty little tourist girl from Israel and before you knew it we were having a hot a steamy lesbian affair. But a week later she got on the yacht and left Utila. I was getting confused. I still loved my husband, but when he wasn’t working, he was either running with his friends or sleeping with his Spanish girl-friend. I felt lost and isolated. I was lonely again. This time when I looked up I saw my husband kissing a gay man on the lips. Now, I thought, our marriage was in critical condition. On this island, you either drink or go to Church, and I don’t do either. Things started getting completely loco. My husband was now coming home at night, which was good. The problem was we were not sleeping alone. Either he or me would bring another man or woman home to sleep with us. One night it was my husband and me plus two women and two men. Totally Crazy! I guess you would call it an orgy? This went on for about six months, but now I am not lonely anymore. My husband and I are together all the time having great sex. Just the two of us. The big problem I have now is that we are making love too much. All we are doing is eating, sleeping, and having sex. Sometimes 10 or 15 times a day! We can’t stop. We are addicted to love. Neither one of us can sit down and cross our legs. We need help!! My question to you, Dr. John, is there a pill or injection we could take to stop from always wanting to make love? Please Dr. John, we need a medicine to stop us from bunnin all the time before we drop dead. We both know that only you can help us. Over-sexed Utilian Girl PRAYERORACION ord of Lords, Creator of this marvellous Universe I thank you for this Jewel of the Caribbean called Utila. Please help us to preserve this incredible beauty above and especially underwater. Thank you for this second biggest barrier reef in the world you blessed us with. Bless all the environmental groups and individuals who are working on different projects to the betterment of Utila. Open the eyes of those who are blind to the splendour you surround us with. Especially I pray for our Mayor who has worked so hard to make Utila a safer and better place. Help us with one of our major concerns, our young people who are daily falling victims to substance abuse and other destructive habits which will end in disaster. Help parents to raise godfearing upright citizens, a difficult task in a permissive society. Help us help each other Lord before it is too late. In Jesus’ name Amen Señor de los señores, creador de este maravilloso universo, te agradezco por esta joya del caribe llamada Utila. Por favor ayúdanos a preservar esta toda esta belleza sobre y especialmente debajo del agua. Gracias por esta segunda barrera coralina más grande en el mundo, con la que nos has bendecido. Bendice a todos los grupos de conservación ambiental y a toda persona que trabaja por mejorar Utila. Abre los ojos de aquellos que no ven todo este esplendor con que nos has rodeado. Especialmente te pido por la sabiduría nuestro alcalde, quien a trabajado duro para hacer a Utila un lugar seguro y un lugar mejor. Ayúdanos con un alcalde que se preocupe por nuestros jóvenes, que están cayendo cada día, que son victimas de abusos y otros hábitos destructivos, los cuales terminan en desastres. Ayuda a los padres a criarlos guiándolos en tu palabra, para lograr mejores habitantes, en la difícil tarea de vivir en una sociedad pasiva. Ayúdanos a ayudarnos, los unos a los otros antes que sea muy tarde. En el nombre de Cristo Jesús, Amen. Sex is like water - too little of it and you die of thirst - too much of it and you drown in your own fluids. There are pills that you and your husband can take, but I don’t think you want to take them. The pill for you would cause you to grow a lot of hair on your face, talk with a deep voice, and watch football all the time. The pill for your husband would cause him to have big breasts, his testicles would shrink all up, and he would start playing with Barbie Dolls. The best that you can hope for is that the Utila Power Company generator breaks down and that the Utila East Wind stops blowing completely. You and your husband will be so busy sweating, swatting and itching at mosquito and sand-fly bites, that having sex will be the last thing on your mind. Dr. John. Doctor John welcomes all your letters. Please write to “Dear Doctor John” and then email your letter to UtilaEastWind@gmail. com or drop it off at the Utila East Wind Office at Munchies. QUIZ 1. Local What year was the famous Banco Atlantida heist? ~ ¿En que año fue el famoso asalto del Banco Atlantida? 2. Nautical CROSSWORD Dear local Sex Addict, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 16 18 19 20 21 22 24 23 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Down Across 2. Chubby infant with wings (6) 3. Take control (6) 4. Settle up (3) 5. Scoop (5) 6. Whirlwind (7) 7. Court command (4) 8. Not sunk (6) 12. Religious war (5) 13. White bear (5) 14. Slightly drunk (5) 15. DJ (5) 16. Rotation (5) 18. Giants (5) 19. Tropical disease (7) 21. Monkey food (6) 22. Bigot (6) 23. Antenna (6) 25. Chill (5) 26. Seeds (4) 28. Garden vegetable (3) 1. Exclusive (5) 6. Fine tune (5) 9. Keeps insects at bay (7) 10. Clemency (5) 11. Rummage (5) 12. Combined (5) 13. _________ Hill (7) 15. Return of the (3) 17. Adhere to (4) 18. Strange entity (6) 19. Inn, Tree or Cafe (5) 20. Away from home (6) 22. Insignia (4) 24. Eagle or Devil (3) 25. Umpire (7) 26. Leaves (5) 27. Rock bottom (5) 28. Imp (5) 29. Ocean bandits (7) 30. Dip (5) 31. Coral formation (5) How long do Whale Sharks live? SUDOKU ~ ¿Cuantos años viven los tiburones ballera? 3.Entertainment Which female popstar died in a car accident from La Ceiba to San Pedro Sula in March 2002? ~ ¿Que estrella de pop muriό en un accidnete automovilistico de Ceiba a San Pedro Sula en el 2002? When there are two full moons in the 4. General month, what is the second called? Knowledge 9 4 6 ¿Cuando son las dos lunas llenas en el mes como se llama la segunda? 5. In the News Where was the only Live 8 concert to be held in a country not part of the G8 group? 1 2 6. Food and Drink Which alcoholic beverage is derived from rye and juniper berries? ~ ¿Que bebida alcohlica se deriva del trigo y juniper berries? Enter the numbers 1 - 9 in the blank squares in such a way that each row, column and smaller square contains the numbers 1- 9. 3 1 2 6 5 8 2 4 1 6 8 1 6 7 4 3 8 7 4 5 3 1 2 9 ~ ¿Cual fue el unico conciento Live 8 que no se realizό en uno de los paises que forman parte del G8 5 8 4 5 2 4 ~ Answers: 1.1999 2 Thought to be upto 100 years. 3. Lisa ‘Left Eye’ Lopez 4.Blue moon 5. South Africa 6. Gin By Gunter Kordovsky L August, 2005 Utila East Wind July’s Answers 8 2 1 6 5 3 7 4 9 3 4 6 7 9 2 5 1 8 9 7 5 8 4 1 6 3 2 4 3 7 2 1 8 9 6 5 1 9 2 5 6 4 3 8 7 5 6 8 9 3 7 1 2 4 6 5 4 1 8 9 2 7 3 2 1 3 4 7 5 8 9 6 7 8 9 3 2 6 4 5 1 A C S H A R A L E R I T Z S E N E L B P T I N O D W W K S I S H O O L U P E C A A R R O W B Y A Z Y U A T R E A R I L E A M D E N S T E O M L P L E A D R U M S H E Y D A Y O R M E C B K C A A A I A H A T I R E G T A A S A R S N P R R D O A I M T E E U A N M K 17 JUST KIDS Animal Wordsearch A R A B B I T C O P N I F L E D F D R A C H D f L L I M A R T X A O M U G W E R S N R H I G U A V O D O G Y B O A K T T L R A R N X N G K O P U P O Y T A C P R o B M H A Q L H B R L I U O F E Y I J E L T K L W E B C F P O H A R K Q V K E G U R T N S Z A E L F E D O L P H I N C H E M K R L I E B R E Find the below listed animals both in Spanish and English. Words can appear forwards or backwards, but must always be in a straight line - horizontal, vertical or diagonal. CLASSIFIEDS Services Multiservicios y distribuciones generales ofrece productos de limpieza. No necesitos pagar por flete solomente llama al 374-7924 con Delmino Varela y tendras tu producto en 24 horas. Mr Fix it, for all your scuba gear. Contact Guillermo @ UDC. Tr a d i t i o n a l Thai massage, reflexology, Indian head massage, body massage. Ask for Andrina, Simon or Tara @ BICD 4253210 email: si- mon.andrina@ gmail.com Computer classes, flexible schedule, 3hrs/wk contact Sheryl @ Triple H internet. Ma-merr’s day care, open monfri 7am-8pm 2mths - 3yrs old, behind deposito Pepsi. Come in and see us! Videographer above and below water availiable for adverts, weddings, special events etc. Ask for Goran @ Altons dive shop. For Rent Camera with underwater housing, free delivery and collection. $25/ two dives call 425-3504 and ask for Tara. Lost Lady’s dive watch. Reward for safe return. Black velcro strap with white writing “x-treme”. Silver casing and purple analouge face. Call or see Rev. Janet Corlett. For Sale A/C Window units from the USA. For more information contact Liz or Rudy @ Taunties bou- tique or 3791045 Paint Ball Equipment all gear needed to play. See Brooks @ Tranquila. 26 ft. Skiff with console and scuba tank racks. $3500. Captain Morgan’s 4253349. Artesanias ‘Nico’ todo hecho a mano. Plata, coco, piedras etc. Abierto todos los dias de 5 - 9pm en supermercado Henderson. Souvenirs ‘Nico’, all hand mande, silver, coconut, stones etc. Open 5 9pm @ Hendersons Supermarket. CAT GATO CHICKEN POLLO DOG PERRO DOLPHIN DELFIN IGUANA IGUANA MONKEY MONO PARROT LORO RABBIT LIEBRE Wanted Art for display in busy cafe and also for exhibition nights in late August. See Andi @ Bundu or call 369 9265. Furniture for house. Couches, kitchen tables, chairs, etc. See Andi @ Bundu or call 369 9265. Restaurant and Commercial Kitchen equipment. See Andi @ Bundu or call 369 9265. Friends for two friendly, loyal, entertaining girls who have lost all theirs. Meet @ Tranquila on Wed nights. Jobs �������������������������������� ������������������������������������� ����������������������� ��������� ���������� (only once) Local Sports C o r re s p o n d ent needed for newspaper Contact Tara and Louise at utilaeastwind@ gmail.com. Waitress for busy restaurant 5:30 - 9:30 Wed, Fri, Sun. Contact Julie at RJ’s. Newspaper Delivery Boy/Girl for local newspaper contact Tara & Louise on 373 8530 Cleaner for tidy house in Sandy Bay. See Katja, Tara or Louise @ Altons’s dive shop or call 373 8530. Birthdays Gautam Happy Birthday. Daniel Happy Birthday for the 13th. Tara xx Messages Rahul Welcome to Utila. Ayesha Missing you lots, feel free to come back anytime you want, we wont take the piss, we promise. L&T xxx Goran Welcome home Sandra We miss you!! If you would like to submit a free classified in next months paper email: utila eastwind@ gmail.com Utila East Wind Aries Mar 21 - Apr 19 It is surprising you have the time in your hectic schedule to read this column. The planets are making your love life busier than it has been for a while, sorting you out for once and for all. Whether you are single or attached, it is your turn to be noticed – and you will be… Taurus Apr 20 - May 20 Still haven’t done this thing you meant to finish up already a while ago? Just going through the motions won’t make it any better. Take the bull by its horns and get it out of the way. It will fill you with relief and make room for more enjoyable things. Gemini May 21 - June 21 At the end of the day what matters is who you loved and who loved you in return. Your sign is lucky this month with romance and good loving coming your way. Just be open about it and see where it takes you. You never know – it may change your life. Cancer June 22 - July 22 Your job is bound to be very busy and tough the upcoming month. Concentrate on high priorities only and don’t take on more than you can handle. People need you and your good work! Know your limits and don’t forget that there is more out there than just work. Leo July 23 - Aug 22 There is a very interesting proposal coming your way – in your love or your professional life. Something you may have been waiting for quite a while now. Think about it thoroughly to make a sensible decision. However, don’t forget that what is important at the end of the day is that it fills you with happiness. Virgo Aug 23 - Sep 22 The planets are directing your attention to your work life this month. You will be bursting with creativity and new ideas. Act it out! People around you will be impressed. New introductions connected to your job are set to make life a lot more interesting for you. Libra Sep 23 - Oct 22 Best things in life are free! Love, friendship and spirituality is what you should be striving for this month. Why not have a more intense look at the matters of your heart rather than being overly dedicated to your profession? It will give you lots of energy and a new perspective to life. Scorpio Oct 23 - Nov 21 No, life is not unfair to you, even though this may be your conviction. It is what you make it. Dust yourself down and get ready to start over. Cancel anything that will get in the way of the new you. The good stuff is out there just waiting to be discovered. Sagittarius Nov 22 - Dec 21 You are unsure about an acquaintance you will make this month. Don’t give up on it too fast. Instead go ahead and investigate a little further. You may discover that you have more in common than you think and that romance may well be part of the package. Capricorn Dec 22 - Jan 19 Now, that you have made up your mind about what you want, just how are you going to get it? If you want advice, ask for it – your friends and family are ready and waiting. If you want to do things on your own, let them know and they will respect your wishes. Aquarius Jan 20 - Feb 18 When was the last time you treated yourself? Well, if it takes you a while to figure this one out, it is time to focus on yourself a little more. Enjoy the good things in life and don’t worry about letting others down. Your people will understand. Pisces Feb 19 - Mar 20 It is time to move on and to start a new chapter in your life. The only thing you need is the courage and the strength to follow your heart. It may feel a little risky just now, but don’t be alarmed, you are doing the right thing! BOOK&FILM HOROSCOPES 18 60 elevated seats in air conditioned comfort Tickets only 45 lps Screening in August Constantine, Space Station, Ice Princess and Guess Who are the featured films for the month. Wednesday is classic night where you can see movies you’ve always heard about but may not have seen. Movies like Four Weddings and a Funeral and Medicine Man. Fridays are “Drive-in Theatre” – movies not to be taken seriously and a perfect way to start the weekend. Look for Ferris Bueller’s Day Off and Run Lola Run. Movies are shown nightly at 7:30pm with the exception of Friday (8pm) and Saturday (6:30pm and 8:30pm). Check www.UtilaMC.com for more information. Constantine Director: Francis Lawrence Action/ Thriller with Keanu Reeves and Rachel Weisz Based on the popular Hellblazer comic book series, and directed by music video veteran Francis Lawrence, it’s basically The Matrix with swarming demons instead of swarming machines. Keanu Reeves slightly modifies his Matrix persona as John Constantine, who roams the dark-spots of Los Angeles looking for good-evil, angel-devil half-breeds to ensure that “the balance” between God and Satan is properly maintained. An ancient artifact and the detective twin of a woman who committed evil-induced suicide (Rachel Weisz) factor into the plot, which is taken so seriously that you’ll want to stand up and cheer when Tilda Swinton swoops down as the cross-dressing angel Gabriel and turns this silliness into the camp-fest it really is. The digital effects are way cool! Space Station Director: Toni Meyers Documentry staring Tom Cruise The partnership with NASA and IMAX films continues with a tour of the next step in space exploration: the International Space Station (ISS). Sixteen countries helped build this giant station (still being built upon the film’s release in 2004). The crystal-clear pictures of the station and the Earth are the best aspects of this film. To the film’s benefit, the narrator is Tom Cruise with a script tailored to his strong suits (the first line of “What an incredible sight!” is vintage Cruise). The film is also so light on its feet with a nice dose of music, including “Up on the Roof”. ■ August, 2005 HARRY POTTER JK Rowling I’ve just finished the last few words of the book. In the final few chapters, it seemed to rouse itself out of a slumber and concluded with a number of dramatic episodes that will no doubt leave devoted Potter fans reeling. I will not spoil the surprise for anyone reading this. But this I will say - all the pieces for the final book of the series are now in place. In many ways this book has been a mere staging ground for Rowling’s final narrative to come. Too much of the book was either a repeat of what we have seen before, or bogged down by Rowling’s attempts to manoeuvre plot lines and characters into position. After a while all magic tricks begin to lose their impact. Cut a woman in half? Boring. Make your assistant disappear? Seen it a thousand times before. Quidditch? Magic lessons? Dark Arts? After six volumes I am a little disinterested in the magic that Rowling has to offer. But of course the Potter phenomenon hurtles on like the Hogwarts Express. But with just one book left in the series, does JK Rowling have anything left up her sleeves? SUNJAM AUGUST 6TH 2005 Sunjam presents DJ’sLu Maya Jim Damato Balto DJ Chaser Rafael Tres Francis Davila Gary Eric Prestinary Mickey Franco For one night a year the exquisite island of Water Caye plays host to a unique international gathering., Sunjam. Celebrating its ninth consecutive year the festival entertains over 1500 partygoers, brought together by nine dj’s from across the globe and a 24,000 mega watt sound system . On two separate stages the eclectic mix of dj’s will spin progressive beats and uplifting house music to the crowds.. Complementing the music fire dancers will perform under darkness alongside other trippy acts. With the increasing numbers of ticket sales organisers are upping the profile this year. For the first time 10 security guards will be on site overseeing the event and crowds can look forward to the luxury of portable toilets. Pure party pleasure is what the organisers promise, and with such an irresistible venue you cant go far wrong. Carnival Parade Some like it hot Surprise Birthday Party Wedding Street Party Onlookers August, 2005 Out and About 19 20 LOCAL INTERNATIONAL Volleyball NBA L a r r y Brown has been appointed head coach of the New York Larry Brown Knicks. The 64 year old severed links with former team Detroit less than two weeks ago. Browns five-year deal that makes him the highest-paid coach in North American history. Baseball Roatan vs Utila on Chepes beach Carnival saw two hotly contested volleyball matches between Utila and Roatan, over the weekend of 23rd July. Utila claimed the victory on Saturaday but Roatan pulled it back by winning on Sunday. Baseball A team of ex-Utilians is due to arrive from New York on the 4th of August for a baseball tournament. The Utilan team has been preparing for their arrival, practising regularly under the watchful eye of coach Ronnie Ramon with Whitney as Captain. Two further teams will be coming from the mainland to compete. The tournament is due to last two days and consist of four games and will be held on th Concord Baseball Field. August, 2005 Sports Football Utilas footballers are taking a rest this month, the previous season ended in June with the Dolphins taking the Mens title for the second season running. The excitement is set to continue with a new season due to start in mid August with new mens, womens and boys leagues. If you are interested in Participating see Johnny Hinds at Triple H computers on Cola Mico Road. Baltimore’s Sammy S o s a moved into fifth place in Major Sammy Sosa League Baseball’s all-time home run list after hitting the 587th home run of his career. Sosa now trails Willie Mays by 73 runs for fourth on the all-time homer list. Cricket England were soundly beaten by Australia in the first test of The Ashes at Lords. Australia cruised to victory by 239 runs. Cycling American Lance Armstrong celebrated his retirement from cycling in style by winning his seventh straight victory Lance Armstrong in the sport’s toughest competition, Le Tour De France. Armstrong’s achievement of winning seven titles despite enduring a crippling bout of testicular cancer in his mid-twenties confirms his position as the greatest cyclist of his generation. Athletics The fastest man in the world, Jamaican sprinter Asafa PowJutsin Gatlin ell, was beaten by his rival, the American Justin Gatlin, when the two went head-tohead over 100 metres in London. Powell had become the new world record holder after running a time of 9.77 seconds in Athens last month but on this occasion he pulled up with an injury leaving the field open for Gatlin to take the glory. Football With no major games in July, European football has been dominated by dealings on the transfer market. Chelsea spent £23m on midfielder Shaun Wright Phillips, Juventus have acquired Patrick Vieira from Arsenal and Real Madrid are on the verge of signing the Brazilian prodigy Robinho. Olympics The International Olympic Committee announced that the 2012 Olympic Games will be held in London. The news came as a crushing disappointment to Paris who had been the favourites to land the event. Sam Keay EXCHANGE RATES US Dollar Euro British Pound Australian Dollar Canandian Dollar Guatemalan Quetzale Mexican Peso Nicaraguan Cordoba Costa Rican Colone 18.85 22.85 33.08 14.37 15.26 2.48 1.78 1 0.04