The Catholic Communities of St. Adalbert and St. Patrick
The Catholic Communities of St. Adalbert and St. Patrick Church of St. Adalbert Church of St. Patrick 90 Alden Avenue Founded 1915 64 Pearl Street Founded 1860 Visit the website for the Catholic Communities of St. Patrick and St. Adalbert Rev. John Weaver, Pastor Rev. Anthony J. Bruno, Weekend Assistant Deacon Paul L. Robert Offices for St. Adalbert and St. Patrick 64 Pearl Street • 860-745-2411 • Fax: 860-253-9483 E-mail address: Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9am-4pm June/July/August — Monday-Thursday Religious Education Office 73 Pearl Street • 860-741-0572 Prayer Line 860-745-6492 Baptisms and Marriages Please call the Office Schedule of Masses and Confessions Saturday Confessions: 3:30-4:00 PM - Only at St. Patrick Church Saturday Vigil: 4:30 PM at St. Patrick Church Sunday Morning: 8:00 AM and 9:30 AM at St. Adalbert Church and 10:45 AM at St. Patrick Church Weekdays: 8:00 AM Monday & Tuesday at St. Patrick and 8:00 AM Wednesday & Thursday at St. Adalbert Monday: 6:00 PM - Spanish Language Mass at St. Patrick THE CATHOLIC COMMUNITIES OF ST. ADALBERT AND ST. PATRICK Saturday September 17 4:30 PM St. Patrick’s—Joseph & Esther Lauria—Req. by the Family Sunday September 18 8:00 AM St. Adalbert’s—John & Stella Los—Req. by Daughter 9:30 AM St. Adalbert’s—Leonard Quartin—Req. by Wife & Family 10:45 AM St. Patrick’s—Carlo & Rose Casinghino— Req. by the Family Monday September 19 8:00 AM St. Patrick’s—Francine Cunningham—Req. by Jack & JoAnn Swift 6:00 PM St. Patrick’s—For the Parishioners of St. Adalbert & St. Patrick Tuesday 8:00 AM September 20 St. Patrick’s—Anna Fiore—Req. by Dr. Louis Fiore & Jean ENFIELD, CT WELCOME! No matter what your present status in the Catholic Church; no matter what your current family and marital situation; no matter what your personal history, age, race, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, physical condition; no matter what your own selfimage; you are invited, welcomed, accepted, loved and respected here at Saint Adalbert’s and Saint Patrick’s. Readings for the Week of September 18, 2016 Sunday: Am 8:4-7/Ps 113:1-2, 4-8/1 Tm 2:1-8/Lk 16:1-13 or 16:10-13 Monday: Prv 3:27-34/Ps 15:2-5/Lk 8:16-18 Tuesday: Prv 21:1-6, 10-13/Ps 119:1, 27, 30, 34-35, 44/ Lk 8:19-21 Wednesday: Eph 4:1-7, 11-13/Ps 19:2-5/Mt 9:9-13 Thursday: Eccl 1:2-11/Ps 90:3-6, 12-14, 17/Lk 9:7-9 Friday: Eccl 3:1-11/Ps 144:1-4/Lk 9:18-22 Saturday: Eccl 11:9-12:8/Ps 90:3-6, 12-14, 17/Lk 9:43b45 Next Sunday: Am 6:1a, 4-7/Ps 146:7-10/1 Tm 6:11-16/Lk 16:19-31 Wednesday September 21 8:00 AM St. Adalbert’s—Jerry Torre—Req. by Wife & Children Thursday September 22 8:00 AM St. Adalbert’s—Justine Wajda—Req. by Claire & Ralph Cerrato Friday No Morning Mass September 23 Saturday September 24 2:00 PM St. Patrick’s—Wedding: Erin Tuttle & Alex Ledger 4:30 PM St. Patrick’s—John O’Brien—Req. by Helene Malley & Family Sunday September 25 8:00 AM St. Adalbert’s—Gail Mercik—Req. by Husband 9:30 AM St. Adalbert’s—Irene Verrier—Req. by the Ouellette & Pietras Families 10:45 AM St. Patrick’s—Josephine Caruso—Req. by her daughter, Nicky Quartin OCTOBER - THE MONTH OF THE ROSARY Join us on Wednesday evenings during the month of October for recitation of the rosary; October 5, 12, 19 and 26 at 7:00pm at St. Adalbert Church. Each week we will pray for a special intention as we ask for the intercession of Our Lady of the Rosary. In your charity, please pray for the souls of Rosemarie Olschafskie, Frank Petraitis, Irene Broderick, and Sally Ann Baribault Sept. 25th—Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Fight the good fight of faith. Take a firm hold on the everlasting life to which you are called. Pray for those who are called to run the race as priests, sisters, and brothers. If you are being called to run the race as a priest or religious, call Fr. Jeffrey Gubbiotti, Director of Vocations, Archdiocesan Center at St. Thomas Seminary, Tel. 860-2425573, email or visit the web at St. Patrick Church Wedding Banns I Nicole Santanella & Shawn Santos Wedding Banns III Erin Tuttle & Alex Ledger TWENTY FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME BEGINNING EXPERIENCE WEEKEND For all who are divorced., widowed, or separated-there is a special heartache in finding oneself alone again. DIVORCED, SEPARATED AND WIDOWED MEN AND WOMEN of all ages are encouraged to attend a Beginning Experience weekend designed for those who wish to resolve the pain and grief of losing the marriage relationship and create a more peace-filled future. The Beginning Experience Weekend will be held September 30— October 2 at the Archdiocesan Conference Center at St. Thomas Seminary in Bloomfield. The weekend begins Friday evening, September 30 and continues through Sunday, October 2, concluding with Mass. The weekend fee is $235/person, which includes the program and materials, all meals on Saturday and Sunday and two nights’ stay, as well as a follow-up event. For more information and an application for yourself or for a friend, please call Victoria at 860-993-7866. For more information, go to: Beginning Experience is endorsed by the Archdiocesan Family Life Office. A & P STORE Just a reminder that this is the final week to donate summer clothing to the store. We appreciate all your donations and look forward to your participation in the cooler and colder months. Thank you again for all your support and God bless! Saint Martha Annual Fall Festival Saturday, September 24th, 10am - 3pm 214 Brainard Rd, Enfield CT Knights of Columbus Car Show - Food - Vendors Bounce Houses - Face Painting - Demonstrations Mum and Pumpkin Sale and much more! We have something for everyone! For more information or interest in becoming a vendor please email COMEDY HYPNOTIST MINDMASTER BRUCE JAMES St. Bernard School will be jumping with fun, laughter and definite foolishness as Mind Master Bruce James excites the audience with his hilarious Hypnosis Show on Friday, September 30 at 6:00 PM, St. Bernard Catholic School, 232 Pearl St. Tickets for Students, $10.00 and Adults $15 or 2/$25. For more information call Tanya Hughes at 860 -874-1691. SEE THE SHOW ~ BE THE SHOW! SEPTEMBER 18, 2016 HOPES COLLECTION The HOPES Collection benefits the Catholic elementary schools of the Archdiocese by providing schools with individual HOPES Grants supporting the funding of safe Catholic school environments, the expansion of innovative educational technology, and the marketing of their Catholic schools as centers of excellence. The collection also supports the broad-based marketing and promotion of Catholic schools. Please help us provide a culture of faith and academic excellence to elementary school students by giving to the 2016 Catholic elementary school HOPES Collection on the weekend of September 24/25. UNLOCKING THE MYSTERY OF THE BIBLE NEW BIBLE STUDY PROGRAM FOR PARISH All of us want a deeper relationship with God., a better understanding of our Catholic Faith, and the meaning of our life and God’s plan for it. All of that is in our reach when we reach for the Bible. Holy Family Parish will begin “Unlocking the Mystery of the Bible” on Tuesday, September 27 at 7:30 PM. Please register for this lifechanging program by contacting Fr. Tim at or 203-996-7854 (voice/text) no later than September 20 or by calling Holy Family Church at 860-741-2101. The cost for the program is $20 to cover program materials; you must provide you own Bible. (scholarships available if needed’ please state need when registering). The program will run for eight weeks and includes a half-hour video presentation and lively group discussion each session. Mexican Independence Day occurred on September 16, 1810. The Enfield Mexico-American Group is celebrating that day on September 18, 2016 at the American Legion Hall on Enfield Street beginning at 5:00 PM. Their goal is to remember and promote their Mexican culture and its integration with American culture. With that in mind, they will begin with the singing of the American National Anthem and the Mexican National Anthem. There will be performances by singers and folkloric dancers as well as other entertainment. Miguel “El Palomo” and radio personality Paty Munguia will be Masters of Ceremonies. Entrance is free. Mexican food and soft drinks available with a small donation. Surprise raffle. Family dancing begins at 8:30 PM. You are invited to join the festivities! The 27th Annual Rosary Rally will be held at the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception in Waterbury on October 2nd from 2—3:30 PM. Procession, rosary, talk and Benediction. Fr. Matthew Mauriello, Pastor of St. Rock’s Church in Greenwich, CT and President of the No. American Congress on Mercy is the guest speaker. “Learning and Living Mercy” is the topic of his talk. For more information call Lorraine Greski at 203-736-9606. TWENTY-FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME SEPTEMBER 18, 2016 September 18—September 25 Treasure: Weekly offering for the weekend of September 10/11 St. Patrick Church Weekly offertory Online Giving—9/1—9/12 $4,508.44 $2,159.00 St. Patrick’s Online collection schedule for the month of September & October 2016: September 25—Weekly & Diocesan October 2—Weekly & maintenance October 9—Weekly October 16—Weekly & Mission collection St. Adalbert Church Weekly offertory Monthly Online giving—9/1—9/13 $3,517.70 $320.00 $303.00 St. Adalbert’s Online collection schedule for the month of September & October 2016: September 25—Weekly October 2—Weekly & monthly October 9—Weekly October 16—Weekly & fuel collection SUNDAY Baptisms—St Adalbert’s Church & St. Patrick’s Church Confirmation Parent’s Meeting, 6:00 PM, St. Patrick’s Church Hall MONDAY Spanish Language Mass, 6:00 PM, St. Patrick Church TUESDAY Stewardship Meeting, 6:30 PM, St. Patrick Church Hall A & P Store, 12 Noon—2:00 PM, St. Patrick’s Parish Center Hearing Voices Network Meeting, 6:30 PM, St. Patrick’s Parish Center WEDNESDAY St. Adalbert/St. Patrick Religious Education Classes: K 4th, 4:00—5:00 PM; 5th—8th, 6:30—7:30 PM, St. Bernard School FRIDAY FoodShare Truck, 12:45—1:15 PM, St. Patrick’s Church Parking Lot SUNDAY Baptisms: St. Adalbert Church & St. Patrick Church St. Adalbert’s Parish Council Meeting, 6:00 PM, St. Adalbert Church Thank you for your generosity! ON LINE GIVING The On Line Giving Program is a safe and secure way to contribute to the parish. To make use of this service, simply go to our parish website – and click on the On Line Giving icon. You must be a registered parishioner with or without offertory envelopes. If you wish to register, or if you have questions about this program, please call Betty at the Rectory Office, 860-745 -2411, Monday – Friday, between 9:00 AM and 4:00 PM ST. ADALBERT PARISH COUNCIL MEETING The next St. Adalbert Parish Council meeting will be held next Sunday, September 25, 2016 at 6:00pm in the church hall. Parishioners are cordially invited to attend. Thank you. Don’t forget the Enfield Food Shelf September - boxed meals (Hamburger Helper) soups, etc. Collection boxes may be found at the entrances to St. Adalbert & St. Patrick Churches UPCOMING MEETINGS AND EVENTS September 26—Spanish Language Mass—St. Patrick Scout Meeting—St. Patrick September 27—Hearing Voices Network Meeting—St. Patrick September 28—Religious Education Classes—St. Bernard School September 30—A & P Store—St. Patrick October 2—Baptisms St. Adalbert/St. Patrick Confirmation Class, Grade 10—St. Patrick October 3—Spanish Language Mass—St. Patrick Scout Meeting—St. Patrick Stewardship Meeting—St. Adalbert October 4—A & P Store—St. Patrick Hearing Voices Meeting—St. Patrick Mt Carmel Women’s Auxiliary Meeting— Mt. Carmel October 5—Religious Education Classes—St. Bernard School October 7—FoodShare Truck—St. Patrick Church Parking lot October 9—Baptisms—St. Adalbert/St. Patrick Confirmation Grade 9—St. Patrick Village Dinner—St. Patrick SEPTEMBER 18, 2016 SAINT ADALBERT & SAINT PATRICK MINISTRY FAIR October 22 & 23 (after all the Masses) By definition, A Ministry is an activity carried out by its members to express or spread their faith. Is there a ministry that you feel passionate about? Do you enjoy helping others? Do you enjoy working with others to spread your faith? Have you thought about volunteering, but just didn’t know how to become involved? This is a great opportunity for you to learn about our parish ministries. For more information about our Ministry Fair call Marie Pyznar at 860-741-3432. ANNIVERSARY SUNDAY CELEBRATION A special Mass will take place at St. Joseph’s Cathedral on Sunday, October 16, 2016 at 2:00 PM ALL COUPLES CELEBRATING THEIR 25TH, 50TH, 60TH AND ANY OTHER SPECIAL WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES THIS YEAR ARE INVITED. Archbishop Blair will be the main celebrant. Mass will include the renewal of marriage vows, followed by a simple reception and an opportunity for a photo with Archbishop Blair. Family members and friends are encouraged to attend. Please call the Rectory office at 860-745-2411 to respond to this invitation. 20TH ANNUAL EMS GOLF TOURNAMENT Benefiting Enfield Montessori School Sunday, September 25, 2016 11:30 AM Registration—12:30 PM Shotgun Oak Ridge Golf Club 850 South Westfield St—Feeding Hills, MA 01030 Wonderful Prizes! Raffle! Great Food! Gather your foursome and get ready for some fun in support of a great cause! Not a golfer? Join us for dinner! For information contact Jon Wyse at or 860-836-0372. It is the mission of the Enfield Montessori School to continue the ministry of Jesus by nurturing the whole child using the Montessori Method NORTHWEST CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL Northwest Catholic High School invites prospective students and parents to attend an Admission Information Session in Windsor or Avon in early October. NWC will also host an Open House on Sunday, October 30th from 1—3 PM.. For more information or to register for an info session online, go to Please contact Andrew Selig at with any questions. PEERLESS PEERLESS TOOL & MACHINE CO., INC. $ 5 OFF any purchase over 50 $ PRECISION MACHINING SINCE 1942 5 PEERLESS WAY, ENFIELD, CT 06082-2371 *one coupon per family. Expires 10/31/16 WWW.PEERLESSTOOL.COM 420 Enfield St. • Enfield | 860-745-5676 TEL: 860-763-5557 • FAX: 860-763-5999 ALLEN & NAYLOR TAX SERVICES !"#$%&$%'&()$%$)#%*'+$%$&,#-. Portia D. Allen & LaTonia N.M. 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Victoria Liro Financial Professional Associate The Southern New England Financial Group The Prudential Insurance Company of America 1751 Ellington Road South Windsor, CT 06074 !"#$%&'()*+,-*--./ 0%11&2345%&'()*6.'*)/' 37789::;;;<8=>?%57@A1<$4B:#5A5$@A1* advisors/ct/southwindsor/victoria-liro Contact Mark Gresens to place an ad today! or (800) 477-4574 x6358 Don’s Auto Care Center Don Walker, Owner Insurance issued by The Prudential Insurance Company of 12+$%*)!)&,!%3'!)4-.%)3+'5!6!789:!;$(,+&3%).!"%&)&*%).0!<&*5!)&,! its related entities. Prudential, the Prudential logo, the Rock '=2>#.!)&,!?$%&@!A#($!BC)..+&@+'!)$+!'+$/%*+!2)$D'!#4! Prudential Financial, Inc., and its related entities, registered in many jurisdictions worldwide. 8779EF8G88887G88 ROGERS ENFIELD LOAVES & FISHES SOUP KITCHEN Food Drive at Stop & Shop September 24, 2016 ~ 8:00 AM—8:00 PM * 14 North Road - Route 140 East Windsor 860-292-8917 Full Service Automotive Repairs Master ASE Certified ROGERS MEMORIAL STUDIO Over 90 Years Of Service !"#$%&'%()*+,"-%./"0' 1"23%"4%*5,6%7"$89,$:6 ;,9,:,/<%=,::,/>$5%?%;+,@$>$5 ABC%D$4>,+E%F:/,,:-%D$4>,+E-%;G% For ad info. call 1-800-477-4574 • G,+'%745-2464 St. Patrick, Enfield 03-0109 1144 1144 Browne Memorial Funeral Chapels, Cremation Services, & Funeral Services OUR FAMILY SERVING YOUR FAMILY 43 Shaker Road, Enfield, CT 06082 • 860-745-3115 • appl. 99¢ FOR ANY MUFFIN +taxes PLU#2601 !"#$%#&'(%()&*+,&-)*,#% ./&0&122&3$4$,5&67#89&:;<(#"5 Expires 10/19/16 • Limit one coupon per customer per visit. Mary LaMesa a T/MA Licensed Realtor - Serving CT/MA FREE MARKET ANALYSIS Weddings • Anniversaries • Bridal Showers Funerals • All Occasion Parties and Gatherings 2 Banquet Halls with Full Service Event Catering -On and Off Premise. 860-202-7166 ALLPOINTS REALTY | 4 Alden Avenue • Enfield, CT 06082 860-745-5390 CT Lic. No.: P1-280769 Fully Insured D&D PLUMBING SERVICES !"#$%&'()*+,'-+./$*0'12+'34##5*$1&'-$*6+'789: 777 Enfield Street, Enfield HOD#115 !"#$%&'$#()* S1 302317 P1 202118 Always a 10% Senior Citizen discount on labor cost 179 Elm Street, Enfield • (860) 745-7177 David Waleryszak, Owner WE ANSWER OUR PHONES 24 HOURS A DAY HOD#15 !"#$%&'"()*+$%#,#'#-.$/00(+*&1(2 (3$'"#$/-+"4*(+#0#$(3$5&-6(-47$82+9 $ ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 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