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PROUD TO SERVE THE POTASHVILLE AREA FOR MORE THAN 100 YEARS The SINGLE COPY $1.00 inc. GST PM#40011900 Monday, June 22, 2015 Vol . 44 No. 25 Esterhazy, Saskatchewan, Canada OFF PRESIDENT OF SASK. ELKS PAGE 2 EFFECTS OF FLOODING PAGE 3 RBC DONATES TO DAYCARE PAGE 8 EHS AWARD WINNERS PAGE 10 BUSINESS DIRECTORY PAGE 12-13 CLASSIFIEDS PAGE 14-15 “Friend” us on facebook and keep up to date with daily news from Esterhazy and across the province! The Rock 98.5 FM came to Esterhazy the afternoon of Tuesday, June 16, with its portable climbing wall. Program Director, Scott Fitzsimmons, broadcast live while at the event. Old and young alike tried the wall of courage. Photos to left: Zachary Reid was one of the many children who had fun climbing the wall after school. Photos by Christina Reid Barry Off president of Saskatchewan Elks by Shelley Gillespie Barry Off became the official Provincial President of the Saskatchewan Elks Association on June 13 at the Joint Installation of Officers and District Representatives (DR) Installation ceremony, during the four-day, 86th Annual Provincial Conference held in Esterhazy June 11-15 at the S.N. Boreen Community Centre and hosted by members of Esterhazy Lodge No. 459 More than 100 Elks’ members , their family members, dignitaries, and friends came from across the province to attend the conference and celebration of the installation of officers and district representatives; take part in workshops; canvass for and collect funds for the conference charity appeal; listen to reports on topics such as the budget, national charities, and provincial officers reports; and to socialize. Off first became a member of the Saskatchewan Elks Association when he was initiated into the Esterhazy Elks Lodge on April 7, 1987, after Barry Lowe introduced him to the organization. When Lowe went into the Exalted Ruler chair in 1989, Off took over as Secretary, where he remained until 1999, when he became Exalted Ruler for two years in 1999-2000, before returning to his position as Secretary. In 2009, Off became the District Deputy and held that title until 2012. The Yorkton Elks, Melville Elks, Kamsack Elks and Esterhazy Elks were in his district. In addition to his District Deputy responsibilities, Off also Pictured above (l-r): Barry Off, Provincial President of the Saskatchewan Elks Association, Ron Potter, Grand Lodge Esquire, and Maurice Koszman, Immediate Past President, dressed in full uniform for the 86th Annual Provincial Conference held at the S.N. Boreen Community Centre June 11-15. Photo by Shelley Gillespie started into the Provincial Chairs in 2011, first as Provincial Chaplain, and next as Third Vice-President, due to some vacancies in the positions before him. He vacated the position of District Deputy to become the Second VicePresident in the Provincial Executive in 2012. It was at this point that Off felt he needed to dedicate himself to one position within the organization. He quickly moved up to First Vice-President, and then became the Provincial President on June 13, 2015. As secretary, Off ’s duties were to take the minutes of meetings, keep reports of fundraisers up to date, and as District Deputy/Rep, he visited lodges in the district, sharing information from the grand lodge and provincial association. When Off was Chaplain he arranged for the prayers, memorials, and cards for families. Duties as third v.p. included confirming the conference site, as second v.p. he was the chairman of the membership committee, and as first v.p. he was the chairman of the forward planning committee. When Off held the title of Exalted Ruler, he ran the local lodge, which was the highest position, but mostly a figure head that gave guidance when needed. “In the home lodge I have helped with fundraisers such as ATV derbies in the fall, hockey pools in the spring, and snow machine rallies in the winter,” Off said. “Also, our lodge has held many Provincial Elks events daughter Stephanie (Ryan) and daughter Dalene (Kim) are not members, though they do attend various functions in support of Off ’s membership. The Mission Statement for the Elks of Canada is “A Volunteer Organization of Men and Women Serving Communities”, and one of the duties of all Elks’ members is to emphasize the importance of the organization doing everything they can for their community. Off’s itinerary as president will keep him busy for the next year, as he travels to other communities to speak about the Elks and their mission, takes part in fundraising events that will see the proceeds going to a variety of charitable causes that the Elks support, and meeting with other Elks Lodge members to com- municate their plans and concerns as they move forward as an organization that supports communities and their needs. The Provincial Golf tournament fundraiser will take place in Nipawin June 20-21; the Walk-aThon will also be in Nipawin, Oct. 16-18; and Provincial Bowling will take place in Esterhazy Nov. 14-15. These are just the provincial fundraisers that Off will be expected to attend. His appearance is also required at 16 different communities to promote the Elks and their goals, and he has four official conferences and conventions to attend as well, while still taking part in all of the local duties at his home lodge in Esterhazy. To learn more about the Elks organization, contact Barry Off at 306-7456504. such as the Walk-a-Thon, Provincial Curling, Provincial Golf (twice) and Provincial Bowling (twice). “For my term as President, my motto is ‘Moving Forward and With Purpose’. The Elks have to move on and continue to volunteer and fundraise for our communities. We have to be seen and heard in our accomplishments and help through the province. We hope the newer generations will see all that we accomplish and will want to be a part of our organization.” In addition to Off, his wife Sharon is a member of the Elks and a past Exalted Ruler of Esterhazy Lodge, and his son Ryan is also a member. Off ’s daughter-in-law Josie (Ryan), son Lawrence, son Greg (Brandie), son Cory, The Esterhazy Elks #459 Wish a THANK YOU To these people Provincial President Barry Off Merit Ford for the donation of courtesy vehicle for the weekend Lions Club for supplying drivers for the courtesy vehicles The Elks members who helped set up and cook and clean all weekend. OUR BOOKLET SPONSORS: Wolseley Industrial Western Star Group Saparaʼs Drug Mart Shop Easy Esterhazy Bowlarena & Catering Towne Autobody SaskPro Machine Works RBC Banking Canalta Hotels Crushrite Town of Esterhazy The Royal Canadian Legion Tagʼs Plumbing & Heating OUR SILENT AUCTION SPONSORS: Sask Tel Sask Energy Shop Easy Raymore Elks Zaparaniuk Agencies Esterhazy Agencies Yorkton RP Elks Barry & Sharon Off North Valley Credit Union Hudson Bay RP Elks 501 Audio Sundog Travel (Sheri) And also anyone else we have forgot to mention. Thanks for a great weekend. Page 2 I wish to thank everyone who helped my wife Sharon and I in making this 86th Conference for the Saskatchewan Elks Association become a success this weekend. • All the businesses that donated prizes and equipment and time for the Elks. • To Derek Tatton for doing all the work in collecting the tickets and keeping a record of them for the Association. For all the time consuming and hard work on Friday and Saturday. • To Calinda Nielsen & Sharon off for all the preparing, cooking and serving of meals Thursday and Friday. • To Craig Nielsen for all the help setting up the halls, picking up the refreshments, running around picking up things. • To Samantha Nielsen for all the help with the cooking, setting up and mostly for the taking care of the financial end of the conference and also clean up after. • To Daryl & Sandy Campbell and Bernie Berthelet for helping with the bartending, moving of supplies and helping in the kitchen • To Tim & Jen Zich for the food and great catering on the weekend. Also for the help in cleaning and setting up. • The 4 great chefs BBQing steaks Friday- Grant Bradley, Kevin Ecklin, Garnet Moore and Scott Soyka. Everyone said the steaks were perfect. • To Barry Lowe for helping set up the bar and helpers. • To Ed Harris for coming out to help. • To my family and especially my wife Sharon for helping and supporting everything this weekend. • To all the Elks members from across Saskatchewan that could make it to the conference this weekend. The Miner-Journal, Esterhazy, Sask. Monday, June 22, 2015 Update on the effects of flooding in the area by Shelley Gillespie The excess runoff from snow and rain in 2011 and 2014 have had lasting effects on Esterhazy and area that are still being dealt with this spring, as shown in the photo of C. Duncan Construction’s equipment as they implement slope remediation to keep the hills from sliding on the slope on the left hand side of the entrance into the valley on the way to Round Lake. Previous seasons had seen numerous landslides along the slopes of the valley, and the Department of Highways has contracted the construction company to do some preventative work on the slope alongside the highway to prevent any further slides from creating a dangerous or inconvenient situation if the slope were to slide onto the pavement again. It isn’t only the slopes that are receiving preventative measures that indicate that the effects of the flooding are not in the past. One drive down the access roads next to the cabins surrounding Round Lake show that cabin owners are still cleaning up after the lake rose and flooded numerous properties with lakeside lots. There are a number of ‘For Sale’ signs posted along the access road, showing that some cabin owners have had enough. Many cabins were repaired after the 2011 flood, only to be damaged again when the runoff was excessive in 2014. There are brown industrial garbage bins brimming with damaged wood and other building materials that have been removed from cabins that have been or are being repaired. Some lots have heaps of sand and gravel waiting to be spread out and leveled off as a measure to build up the height of the lot, or fresh gravel marks a lot that has already been raised. The Rural Municipalities in this area are still working daily to complete repairs and maintenance to roads that were run over by water as the levels rose, washing away large amounts of dirt, sand, gravel and clay that were a part of the roadway prior to the flood, leaving roads impassible or soft and in need of attention. Reeve Arlynn Kurtz of R.M. of Fertile Belt No. 183 has been dealing with road maintenance daily since 2011, and hopes that a drier season this year will allow There were five major crossings that needed major repair in 2014, and the road crews got them fixed up, according to Apland. Now, the goal is to maintain the upkeep of all repairs and see to the details. The R.M. of Spy Hill No. 152 was unavailable for comment. The consensus seems to be that the delays are mostly caused by supply and demand. There are not enough construction staff to handle all that is required in a HERPERGER HAIL INSURANCE C. Duncan Construction of Spy Hill, on behalf of the Department of Highways, is keeping employees busy at the entrance to the valley on the way to Round Lake, as they work on slope remediation to keep the hills from sliding. Photo taken on June 9, 2015. Photo by Shelley Gillespie his road crew the chance to catch up and complete all necessary repairs by the end of this summer. “We have 140 claims with PDAP (Provincial Disaster Assistance Program),” Kurtz said. “It may take years to get them all complete. After the runoff in 2014, the West End hill is permanently done for. It cannot be repaired. It is challenging, for sure. There are tenders out for roadwork, but this area has needed so much repair that there are not enough skilled repairmen, not enough equipment, and not enough time to get all repairs done in one season.” Engineers are doing a study to see what can be done north of Esterhazy on Grid 637. This spring there were no washouts, which is a plus, and a number of the big culverts have been saved. This spring was rough, according to Kurtz, because some seeding was done before the frost was completely out of the ground. Road repair will cost in excess of $7 million, according to Kurtz. The R.M. of Churchbridge No. 211 is in pretty good shape, according to Reeve Neil Mehrer. “There has been a bit of heavy-haul traffic,” Mehrer said, “but we managed to keep all of the roads intact. The highway north of Langenburg went out in 2014, but we got it replaced before the June flood that year. We have been working on water management for several decades now, and have good employees, so we have managed to keep up with everything and avoid any claims with PDAP.” The amount of rain and the topography of the regions vary quite a bit, according to Mehrer, and these variations would partially explain the difference in damage from R.M. to R.M. The R.M. of Saltcoats still has work to do, according to Town Administrator Ron Risling. Things have improved this year, but the R.M. did approach PDAP for an extension, needing more time to complete the necessary repairs. “Water levels are high next to the roads,” Risling said, “and there are frost boils and surface breaks that still require attention. We had 88 locations after 2014 that needed maintenance and repair, and we lost a huge culvert south of Bredenbury.” The R.M. is starting to heal slowly, again, according to Risling, and there is definitely a vast improvement compared to the original flooding damage in 2011. Reeve Ken Apland of the R.M. of Langenburg No. 181 said that the R.M. is coming along, although they still have problems with the roads in the area. “We are getting our roadways back into shape,” said Apland. “We still have some soft spots, and don’t have the grids quite where we want them. We have all the major work done. It is the minor fixes and details we need to deal with to get everything back to standard. The boys (road staff) are doing good.” a family business serving the community for more than 50 years Representing: Co-op, Butler Byers, Canadian, Henderson “same-day online quotes & applics.” AGENT: ALFRED HERPERGER (306) 745-7399 (888) 735-6616 toll-free Send that SPECIAL GRADUATE a special message! The Miner-Journal will be accepting messages of love, encouragement, special memories, congratulations and best of luck... for the ʻ15 graduates. These will be put on a special page in our grad keepsake issue coming out July 6. Whether you are a parent, a friend, a neighbor, aunt or uncle, sister, brother, or grandparent – that special graduate will be pleased to find a message from you in this special keepsake issue. Up to 25 words for only $16.05. Grad messages must be at the Miner-Journal office by Monday, June 29 to appear in the special keepsake issue. Monday, June 22, 2015 timely fashion. The equipment and vehicles needed for major repairs are in demand everywhere, and some maintenance need to wait. Supplies such as gravel and clay cannot be hauled until a truck is available. Everything needs to be done in a certain order, so it is a domino effect, where certain repairs must wait until other work is done. It has been a long process, but most of the R.M.’s are now in a position to see the end of the tunnel. The Miner-Journal, Esterhazy, Sask. Terri It has been magical watching you grow into a woman to be admired. May you be successful in all your endeavors. Love, Grandma & Papa Page 3 for the week of June 21 to 27, 2015 CROSSWORDS The luckiest signs this week: Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. ARIES You’re concerned about your health and you’d like to get a bit more fit, even if only for the summer months. This would be a good time to start a diet. TAURUS You’re given a platform on which to express yourself. You may say something that will be remembered for a long time to come or that will spread around the world, courtesy of the Web. GEMINI Big projects are being organized at home as well as between you and your partner. You may decide to live with someone new and start a family, even if it’s a blended one. CANCER You’re tempted to express out loud what others are only thinking. However, your wisdom and maturity ACROSS 1. Cradle cry should help you choose your words diplomatically. LEO You have a hard time controlling your spending when you find yourself in a beautiful store. A more spiritual way of life would be a very attractive option. VIRGO You may be able to accomplish a brilliant exploit. You may soon meet your soul mate if you’re single, or you start talking about the future with your new partner. LIBRA The most important thing right now is your health. You become increasingly aware of its importance and live more for the moment. Rest and relaxation are also on the menu this week. SCORPIO Not everyone can manage stress well. Start by accepting who you are and don’t try to swim against the current. You find a great source of inspiration. SAGITTARIUS A specific event requires you to call an emergency meeting, at work or elsewhere. Many people are relying on you to get everything done. CAPRICORN Even if you’re going on vacation, it’s important to take the time to get organized, especially if you’re going abroad or on a road trip. There are lots of things to think about. AQUARIUS If you’re on the point of renewing your mortgage, you’re in a strong position to renegotiate everything. You benefit from a more flexible budget. Copyright © 2014, Penny Press 5. Festive celebration 9. Feat 12.Part of a molecule 13.Rams’ companions 14.Salary 15.Space 16.Small duck 17.BPOE member 18.Brussels ____ 20.Sell 22.Sibling 24.Approval 28.Daddies 32.Single entity 33.Miss 35.Grade 36.Lukewarm 38.Aristocracy 40.____ clock 42.Money man 45.Not obvious 50.Smashing serve 51.Past curfew 53.Elaborate solo 54.Leaders 55.Nights before holidays 56.Sly gaze 57.Allow 58.Parking-lot mishap 59.Minus 19.Employ 21.Movie-rental choice 23.Barren 24.Mowed 25.Buck 26.Pinch 27.Twig 29.Amigo 30.Gallery showing 31.Earth’s upper atmosphere 34.Least binding 37.Had a fight of honor 39.“____ Are My Sunshine” 41.Desire strongly 42.Scoop out water 43.Complexion woe 44.Lofty home 46.Bat’s target 47.Pine, e.g. 48.Tells a whopper 49.TV’s rabbit ____ 52.Bo’s number HOW TO PLAY : ANSWER TO LAST WEEK’S PUZZLE Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the numbers 1 through 9 only once. Each 3x3 box is outlined with a darker line. You already have a few numbers to get you started. Remember: You must not repeat the numbers 1 through 9 in the same line, column, or 3x3 box. DOWN 1. Damages 2. At the summit of PISCES For one reason or another, you may have some difficulty in 3. Anchor coming to a decision. You try to weigh the pros and cons, but 4. Bullets, for short 5. Obtaining it’s your heart that will give you the answer. 6. Astound 7. Bounded 8. Dozing 9. Imitated 10.Hail 11.Toddler Publisher/Editor: Brenda Matchett Manager: Terri Duchek Advertising Manager: Jennifer Duff Monday, June 22, 2015 The Miner-Journal, Esterhazy, Sask. Freelance writer: Shelley Gillespie Freelance writer: Terri Eger Page 4 Shelley Gillespie Report from Ottawa a message from Garry Breitkreuz, MP Yorkton-Melville constituency You get what you pay for I am full of opinions that work well for me, but probably don’t matter at all in the big scheme of things, as far as anyone else goes. One of the opinions that I have is to never hire a relative. I learned this through experience, and it is both big and small events that have shaped my final verdict. Family is family and business is business, and there is too much room for a grey area for it to be a good thing to hire a family member to do a job. Not to say that family members can’t help each other out. I am not against that. But if we do something for a family member, or they do something for us, I don’t think that ‘something’ can be converted in a business transaction successfully with a family member. I love my family, and I work on the firm conviction that they love me too. And that right there is enough reason to do something to help them out, regardless of whether it is a big or a small favor, and not be looking for financial compensation. If it is a big favor that my family member does for me, or if I do one for them, we almost always look at the overall details to see if there is any out-of-pocket expenses that might be incurred while doing the said favor. There is usually some sort of discussion, and the amount exchanged lands somewhere comfortably in the middle of ‘free’ and ‘what a professional would charge’. For example, if I stop to get a few grocery items for my parents while I am out and about in the city, I never expect them to pay me for what I get, considering what I have gotten in return over the years. But my parents insist that they pay for the groceries, so I have come to a comfortable spot where I accept the payment for the goods, because otherwise, they are upset. I just try to find other way to help out for the hospitality, like doing the dishes, cleaning up after myself, treating them to a supper once in a while. It seems to work for us. They feel like they have paid for their goods, and I feel like I have helped out a little in return. I have stayed in the city twice while my brother and his family have vacationed in Hawaii so they would not have to put their cats in a kennel, and truth be told, I would have done it for free. I have to eat anyway, so I would have bought food during that time, so groceries were not a new expense. I had a house to myself, and read and watched TV and had the chance to visit old friends while I was there. It was like a vacation to me. The second time I stayed, in addition to caring for their two cats, I had a 15-year-old nephew as a roommate. It was an awesome opportunity to get to know him better, and he was a big help as far as the day-to-day chores that cannot be avoided. Still, my brother and his wife insisted on leaving me money for food and incidentals, and extra cash for me to spend on myself. They insisted that it was much less that they would have been charged at the kennel, and they enjoyed their holiday more because they knew that I was there. The amount was less than what I would have earned if I was at home, but more than I would have needed to get me to agree to stay. I accepted, mostly because by this age I do know that those of us receiving the favor would feel awful if we could not compensate for it in some way. I have heard horror stories about hiring relatives that have caused permanent rifts in families, and I have found that almost always there ends up being some kind of resentment when all is said and done, and I have never wanted to risk that. If I am having something done that I can hire someone to do, and having it done less than professionally will upset me in some way, I want to hire someone who offers a contract, with everything explained very clearly about what is being done and what everything will cost me, broken down into the details. I don’t want to ask my family members the same questions that I would ask a contractor or service provider. And I certainly could not use my negotiating skills in the same way in both scenarios. I would feel uncomfortable getting the ‘best deal’ from a family member. I would not want to complain if the work was unsatisfactory. A business deal is just that and no more, and all conversation will be about what is expected and what it will cost. That isn’t the relationship I have with my family. Regardless of your political persuasion, by now you have to agree with Saskatchewan Party Premier Brad Wall about one thing: It’s time to abolish the Senate. Of course, this is hardly some far out sentiment any more – the kind confined to the CCF/NDP or intellectual left who have always greatly resented an Upper House of appointed Lords overseeing the will of the commoners. In fact, it was always easy for the sanctimoniously left to make such grandiose gestures because there was never any realistic possibility (at least until recently) that there would ever be a chance of a federal NDP government exercising patronage. So as long as the Senate was acting in a benign way by not doing its job of overturning or even properly scrutinizing the laws of the elected politicians, it's useless nature was ignored by the public. Also, given the secrecy the old boys’ and old girls’ club subscribed to when it came to their own expenses and perks, there was little reason to even think about the Senate. But, then along came Stephen Harper who moved from appointing old party warhorses to TV media personalities like Pamela Wallin and Mike Duffy willing to exchange their previous good names and reputations for an role of partisan fund-raiser with the ability to attract big crowds. And then along came more efficient, effective and open audits that revealed not only the alleged abuses of Duffy, Wallin and Patrick Brazeau, but also the misspending of dozens upon dozens of other Senators. However, what's now in play goes beyond the alleged abuses of spending being played out both in the courts and court of public opinion. We now must ask the ques- Monday, June 22, 2015 We have every reason to celebrate on Canada Day Canada Day is a celebration of all that is great about our country – it honours our past, our present and our future. Our Government is proud to celebrate Canada’s rich history, diverse natural and cultural heritage, strong values and many accomplishments. Canada Day is a perfect time to remember that heritage; the things we, as a country, have survived and the things that have made us strong. Canada Day is a good day to celebrate the common goals and strengths that unite us. Canada Day is a good day to strengthen our resolve not to let our differences divide us. And Canada Day is a good day to commemorate a history filled with notable figures whose legacy has enriched the Canadian and global community. For instance, Alexander Graham Bell’s invention of the telephone changed the way the world communicates forever. Harriet Tubman’s courage and determination helped hundreds of slaves escape to freedom in Canada along the Underground Railroad. Nellie McClung’s leadership paved the way for equality for women in Canada. Terry Fox’s inspiring cross-Canada run continues to raise money and awareness for cancer research. Canada’s men and women in uniform have courageously fought tyranny and evil around the world throughout our history. And, every day, hard-working and generous Canadians from coast to coast to coast contribute to the Canadian experience. For nearly a century and a half, Canadians have worked together to build a place of peace, dignity, and freedom, united and prosperous. The Fathers of Confederation founded our great country with a vision for a united and prosperous Canada. A hundred and forty-eight years later, Canada stands on the world stage as a nation strong and free. Canadians share so much, including the common national heritage passed down from previous generations of people who shaped this country. Though our family histories may differ, that heritage is uniquely our own, whether Canadian by birth or adoption. Our Government is not content only to look back, however. We’re committed to building a stronger and more prosperous Canada for years to come. We are helping create jobs and opportunities for all Canadians, while keeping taxes low and balancing the budget. We are helping make our streets and communities safer. We are making historic infrastructure investments in communities across Canada. We are conserving Canada’s rich natural beauty. And we are protecting and promoting Canadian values of freedom, democracy and the rule of law in Canada and abroad. Our Government is proud to celebrate Canada – the best country in the world. God Bless our Country, and Happy Canada Day! Murray Mandryk reports from the Saskatchewan Legislature Senate must go tion that the NDP have been asking for years and that Wall is asking right now: What purpose does the Senate serve? It can not overturn the will of the elected. That was demonstrated 25 years ago when the then-Liberaldominated Senate tried to block former Prime Minister Brian Mulroney’s goods and services tax. And how did Saskatchewan benefit from this event? Well, we got the appointments of GST Senators Eric Berntson (convicted for frauds perpetrated against Saskatchewan taxpayers for his days in the Grant Devine government) and David Tkachuk (a one-time Devine principal secretary who has done little on behalf of the people of Saskatchewan other than collect his pay cheque). But it really doesn’t matter whether these Senators are old Progressive Conservatives or Liberals (who The Miner-Journal, Esterhazy, Sask. have been equally nefarious and useless) or true nonpartisans. The truth of the matter is that for whatever good these appointees do in their “role” of scrutinizing law, we could do much better in a much cheaper way by appointing judicial or citizen experts to oversee the supposed tyranny of the House of Commons majority for specific laws. This brings us to the questions of who wants the Senate and why. Well, there are a few commentators who still seem to be defending the validity of the Senate. But it's hard not to be a little suspicious that their motives might have something to do with following the Duffy and Wallin path. The “taskless thanks” of the Senate will remain a prize to such political types. And there are the well-meaning political science intellectuals who whole-heartedly believe we need that upper house safeguard. But even if so, we surely need to get rid of what we now have. Why not then have a proportional representation upper house whose make-up would be based on appointments from every party based on the results of popular vote from the last election? What better watchdog/safeguard could there be? Well, none. But that's something the politicians who run for specific seats will never allow because it cuts into their power. So we seem to be only left with Wall's alternative. Before we can even think of getting something better, this Senate has to go. Page 5 SPORTS TALK - by Bruce Penton Home run barrage back in baseball Something is happening in Major League Baseball that hasn’t been seen since the Steroid era of the late 1990s. The home run is back, which means tongues mayl start wagging pretty soon that players are juiced, the ball is doctored, the bats are filled with cork and hey, Alex Rodriguez is back from his one-year suspension. Home runs are flying out of major league stadiums so often that at the one-third pole, eight or nine players were on pace to exceed 50 homers for the 2015 season. Considering only 11 players hit more than 30 last year, and Nelson Cruz of the Orioles led the majors with 40, this year’s numbers are astonishing. Writer Tom Verducci of calls this year’s group of young sluggers the best to come along in the past 60 years. So what’s happening? Baseball has a new commissioner, but Rob Manfred replacing Bud Selig can’t be the reason for the power surge. No, what’s happening is that the next wave of baseball superstars is finally starting to fill out its promise. Bryce Harper, the Washington whiz kid who was 19 when he played his first big-league game, and Miami’s Giancarlo Stanton, a 25-year-old Californian, are setting the pace. On June 13, Stanton’s 22 blasts led Harper by one. Both are threatening to approach the formerly magic ‘60’ mark. Harper’s earning $2.5 million and called “the best bargain in baseball” by one sportswriter. Stanton signed a $325 million contract for 13 years this past off-season, so maybe he feels obligated to hit a bunch of homers. Cruz, now a Mariner, is proving last year was no fluke, with 18 homers and on a 54-homer pace. Then there’s arguably the best player in the game, Mike Trout of the Angels, who has slugged 16. Ever heard of Joc Pederson? He’s a rookie flash with the Dodgers who belted 17 homers in his first 54 games. Then there’s the likes of young sluggers Kris Bryant of the Cubs and Joey Gallo of the Texas Rangers, who were kept in the minors for seven or eight weeks so their teams could get one more full season out of them before free agency eligibility. Chicks dig the long ball, goes the saying. So do baseball fans of either gender. This year, there’s a lot of diggin’ going on. And it’s – boom! slam! crash! – great. • Brad Dickson of the Omaha World-Herald: “There is an online video of two bears in New Jersey fighting over garbage. This actually sounds a lot more interesting to me than Mayweather-Pacquiao II.” • Dickson again: “Yahoo! will carry the first Internet-only NFL game, a contest next October between the Bills and Jaguars. Because it’s the Bills and Jags, for that one day Yahoo! will be dropping the “!”. • TC in BC: “Japanese airbag maker Takata has recalled over 34 million cars in North America due to malfunctioning airbags. Tom Brady says that he knows how to fix them if they are overinflating.” • Blogger Chad Picasner: “Bryce Harper, who is among the leaders in the the Major Leagues in homers and arguments at home plate, is considering sitting out the Home Run Derby at the All-Star game. Will someone please tell him there are no umpires for that event?” • Dwight Perry of the Seattle Times: “Headline in The East Oregonian: ‘Amphibious pitcher makes debut.’ Apparently the A’s ambidextrous Pat Venditte is good insurance against rainouts, too.” • Comedy writer Alan Ray, on why American Pharoah is the Marshawn Lynch of horse racing: “He’s fast, agile, and won’t talk to the media.” • NBC’s Jimmy Fallon, after the Cavaliers’ oneman show helped win Game 2 of the NBA playoffs: “LeBron James said it was a huge win, and he couldn’t have done it UPCOMING EVENTS without the ball.” • RJ Currie of “In Game 1 of the Stanley Cup final, Bolts defenceman Victor Hedman claims Andrew Shaw of the Hawks bit him. You've got to be kidding – a hockey player with teeth?” • Comedian Conan O’Brien on late-night TNT: “Kim Kardashian rented out the Staples Center for Kanye West’s birthday and Kanye got to play a basketball game with friends, including Justin Bieber and 2 Chainz. They beat the Lakers in overtime.” • Comedy writer Alex Kaseberg: “The US women’s team beat Australia 3-1 in the FIFA World Cup. It was exciting, there was a FIFA executive at the game who throw out the first bribe.” • Dan Daly, via Facebook, on reports that American Pharoah’s stud fee could reach $175,000 per: “For that kind of money, they should rename him American Gigolo.” • Another one from Perry: “Barcelona soccer star Lionel Messi is set to face trial in Spain for tax fraud to the tune of $4.6 million. He faces possible jail time and/or a fine, but defence lawyers hope to get him off with just a yellow card.” Care to comment? Email We offer discounts on multiple run ad s. Contact Jennifer Duff at 306-745-6669 to find out more! 15064SDS01 June 22 – Final Exams start for grade 9’s June 22 - Jr. Awards Pool Party Day June 25 - last day of exams for grades 9-12 June 26 - Grad banquet at 4:30 p.m. Grad exercises at 7:30 p.m. June 26 – Gr. 6-8 last day of classes. Take your report card home with you. June 29-30 – Gr. 9-12 report cards will be available to pick up at the office from 1-4 p.m. on June 29 and from 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. on June 30. If report cards are not picked up, they will available at the office in the fall. They will not be mailed out unless requested. Ad sponsored by: Esterhazy & Area Church Notes Esterhazy Baptist Church 5th Ave. & Babyak Street, (306) 745-2222 Pastor Robert Moss Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Esterhazy Full Gospel Fellowship 520 5th Avenue Esterhazy (306) 745-2989 Pastors: Brent & Charlene Nightingale SuperChurch Sunday Service - 9:30 a.m. St. John's Anglican Church Sunday Services at 9:30 a.m. with Kids Corner Veterans Ave. and Esterhazy St., Esterhazy Rev. Kim and Rev. Susan Salo (306) 590-7222 / (306) 590-7227 Monday, June 22, 2015 St. Andrew's United Church 550 Sumner Street, Esterhazy (306) 745-3363 Catherine Pace Worship and Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Redeemer Lutheran Church 700-4th Ave., Esterhazy Worship time: 9:30 a.m. (306) 745-2077 Pastor Lori James Our Lady of Victories Parish Roman Catholic Church 308 Sussex Avenue, Esterhazy, Sask. (306) 745-3315 Mass Times: Saturday 6:15 p.m. Sunday 10:45 a.m. Fr. Valentine Amobi The Miner-Journal, Esterhazy, Sask. Page 6 Marion and Less Kell celebrate 70 years Marion and Les Kell celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary on June 15 at the Maple Street Manor in Esterhazy. Family and friends were present to help the couple celebrate. Photo bottom left: Wedding photo from 1945. Photo top left: Marion and Les show they are still as much in love as they were 70 years ago. Top photo: The happy couple pose with their family. ' () *) ANNOUNCEMENT Sarah Robleski Residential Specialist Cell: 306-740-9790 REMAX® Blue Chip Realty is pleased to welcome Sarah Robleski as their Sales Associate. We all share a common need in our lives , a place to call home , a place to raise our families, to feel relaxed. Our needs in housing can change dramatically as life takes us through different stages and no matter the reason I am here to assist in all of your real estate needs dealing with compassion and fairness to all of my clients. As your realtor I will work with you until my work is complete keeping you up to date with progress , having an open line of communication and making sure you are satisfied. I have the knowledge, skills and ability to list and market your property, find you the property your looking for walk you through the process, negotiate for your best interests and ultimately close the deal. Working with Remax will ensure you receive the upmost level of professionalism, service and value available. If your ready for a positive, successful experience With results I am here to be your realtor. Please call Sarah when she can be of service to you and your friends. ( )*+, ! ;# (9 )( + () "% ) "% " # $% & ' ()* % *<<< = #9 4 % .4! (! + "% ! )! + " " , % #! , # " %##% # - ! ./0 120 3) -!! 4/ 5# 61()0 37 -!! 4/ 5# ()1(60 38 -!! 4/ 5# .4 + / , > "1 # ##%9 4, . ?" / # ! % # " .4 = ! ! " # $ % & & &#' 269 HAMILTON ROAD, YORKTON 306-783-6666 Monday, June 22, 2015 #% # 0 , 9 : #% !9 /9 &! % % 7:1 2818) 7:128188! !"#$%#%&!"#$%#"$$ The Miner-Journal, Esterhazy, Sask. Page 7 PJ GILLEN KINDERGARTEN GRAD It’s that time again when the school year is coming to an end and summer holidays are right around the corner. The PJ Gillen Kindergarten class held its graduation ceremonies on Friday, June 12, in the gymnasium. Photo by Christina Reid RBC donates $10,000 to Daycare Cooperative On the morning of June 17, 2015, RBC’s Regional Vice President, Don Morris, traveled from Regina to tour the Esterhazy Community Daycare Cooperative and present a cheque to Noel DeBeer, the daycare’s Executive Director. The $10,000 donation is specifically earmarked to purchase equipment for the new School Age Program. Don Morris (left), RBC’s Regional Vice President, presents a cheque for $10,000 to Noel DeBeer, Esterhazy Community Daycare Cooperative Executive Director, donation is to purchase equipment for the new School Age Program. Photo by Kenneth Kerr The donation reflects RBC’s “Believe in Kids Pledge.” This is a fiveyear, $100 million commitment to improve the well-being of one million kids and youth. Indeed, RBC has a long legacy of supporting children’s causes worldwide, and they clearly understand that “Kids are our future and they need and deserve our complete commitment.” RBC also commented, “Our holistic approach addresses the needs of the ‘whole’ child – mind, body and spirit. That’s why we’ve pledged to support to a wide-range of programs that will have a true impact on the overall well-being of kids, including the arts, sports, education and wellness.” EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR The Opportunity We are currently hiring a Full Time Executive Director to join our team. In collaboration with Board of Directors the Executive Director will lead a multi-community team of staff. Through the provision of 3 residential homes, a vocational day centre, and employment programs, we respect and respond to the diverse needs of approximately 20 individuals with varying abilities in the communities of Langenburg and Esterhazy. LDAC also operates the SARCAN Recycling depots in both communities. LDAC provides competitive wages, benefits plan and opportunities for development. Key responsibilities include: • Strengthen community relationships and partnerships with agencies, government partners, participants and staff. • Provide all oversight and direction to the LDAC’s operations through a viable business and operational plan. • Assist in the design, development and implementation of the Board of Directors’ strategic plan for the LDAC “WHAT THE CANADA FLAG MEANS TO ME” Contest This contest is to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Canadian Flag. Contest is open to all students (from Kindergarten to Grade 12) THERE ARE TWO CATEGORIES: 1. Written – can be a poem or a short story or essay. 2. Artwork – can be any piece of art that depicts what the Canadian Flag means to you. All entries will be included in a display at the museum during the Canada Day Celebration. PRIZES: Ages 5-7: $20 gift certificate for the D.A. Mackenzie Aquatic Centre Ages 8-12: $30 gift certificate for the D.A. Mackenzie Aquatic Centre Ages 12-18: $40 gift certificate for the D.A. Mackenzie Aquatic Centre Grand Prize: 1 hour Pool Party for up to 20 people. Key qualifications and Competencies We are looking for a strong leader who is up for any challenge. A community-oriented individual who is passionate about helping people of all abilities thrive in our communities. In addition, successful candidates will have: • Relevant post-secondary education and related experience, with 3-5 years of experience in a management role, preferably in a not for profit organization and with experience in the health/social services/disability sector. A combination of training and experience may be considered. • Management skills in human resources, operations, and financial processes. • Knowledge of non-profit structure and experience working with a Board of Directors. • Time-management, organizational and communication skills are essential. • Ability to work independently and as part of a team to achieve organizational success. • Must provide a Criminal Record Check with Vulnerable Sector Check prior to employment. • Must hold a valid driver’s license and be bondable. Interested applicants should send a resume and cover letter outlining how they meet the specific requirements of the position to Board President, Marge Swejda, at or by mail to P.O. Box 632, Langenburg Sask., S0A 2A0. Submit your contest entries to : Tracy at the Town Office, 600 Sumner St., Esterhazy, SK. For more information call Tracy at 306-745-5402 or Andrea at 306-745-5404. The posting will close by June 22, 2015. Only those selected for an interview will be contacted. 24:1C 24:1C Page 8 The Miner-Journal, Esterhazy, Sask. Monday, June 22, 2015 District #3 Annual Ladies Auxiliary Meeting – submitted by Joan Petracek On a cool, but sunny spring morning, five of us left for Melville to St. Henry’s Parish Centre: Carol (our chauffeur), Gladys, Trina, Laura and I. We all came home happy. Everyone won a door prize and was educated by guest speaker, Marion Bjerke, from Osteoporosis Canada and also entertained by Len Gadica at noon break. Trina won his CD. Laverne Chapiel, President of St. Peter’s Hospital Auxiliary, welcomed us. Greeting were brought by Agnes Muir, SHAA Councillor. Roll call indicated 12 members present from Melville, Preeceville, 4, Kamsack, 4, Esterhazy, 5, Canora, 3, Wynyard, 1 and 2 from provincial for a total of 32. Wadena is no longer affiliated. Estevan will host Provincial Convention 2016. The minutes from the 2014 meetings, showed 34,000 volunteer hours. 19,362 hours from District #3. Reports were read from each auxiliary group. Ester Segalson, President of SHAA, brought her report. She spoke of networking – the mesh that holds us together – the friendship we form. To belong to the whole, then we can say “we” – we have put in the hours and the money. We are important. Be proud of what we have done as members of Health Care Auxiliaries. Ester concluded with this quote “If you want to go fast – you go alone. If you want to go far, you go together.” Ester noted there is $16,000 in the Education Fund – would you use this • Participate in weight bearing activities – walking, gardening, cycling, swimming. • Avoid twisting, be forever in motion. A Memorial Service: was held for Elsie Park, Mary Norek, Rose NOTICE OF CALL FOR NOMINATIONS Municipal Bi-Election PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that nominations of candidates for the office(s) of: Mayor: VILLAGE OF DUBUC Councillor: VILLAGE OF DUBUC Some members of St. Anthony’s Heath Care Auxiliary attended the District #3 Annual Ladies Auxiliary Meeting in Melville at St. Henry’s Parish Centre. Back: Laura Lomenda, Trina Nagy. Front: Gladys Lehtisaari, President; Joan Petracek, Secretary, Carol Helmeczi, Treasurer. will be received by the undersigned on the 8th day of July, 2015, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Dubuc Village Office and (if applicable) during regular business hours on June 23-July 8. Nomination forms may be obtained at the Dubuc Village Office during regular office hours. Dated this 15th day of June, 2015. fund? Cost is a factor in attending District and Fall Provincial Meeting. Discussion ensued on this fund. Marion Bjerke’s talk was titled “Speaking of Bones”, as she educated on Osteoporosis. Bones are a living and growing tissue; bones can repair themselves. As we age, our bones change and become thinner. This is all affected by bone mass, menopause and estrogen, calcium and Vitamin D and family history. Osteo-arthritis – causes pain in the joints. Osteoporosis has no pain and affects bones and fractures. One in three women will suffer an osteoporotic fracture. Consequences include hip fractures, one in four will die. Risk assessment – (Municipal or School Division Elections) By-Election Public notice is hereby given that nominations of candidates for the office(s) of: Mayor: Resort Village of Bird’s Point will be received by the undersigned on the 11th day of July, 2015 from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and during regular business hours on June 26, 2015 to Nomination forms may be obtained at the following location(s): The Resort Village of Bird’s Point Office Dated this 17th day of June, 2015 P.M. Ward (Returning Officer or Nomination Officer) Monday, June 22, 2015 Knourek, 2014. Wes Petracek, Vi Bohay, 2015. The Provincial Convention will be held on Oct.20, 2015, at Community Works in Melville, Sask. height changes (You can lose 2.5” since age 20 years). Smoking and alcohol affects this. It is recommended: • Take 1200 mg calcium per day • Take vitamin D year round, 800-2000 units per day JOAN KERR, Returning Officer 25:1c &)&'''% !&"!273&& +#"%'"!#%"% &#!!"%' %!!%"(!''"*!"&'%-,!'(%(!#'&""*!%' '02& #"*30 & %"! && #%"% & ! "!(' "! " "& "'& 1 &'%-, )&"!,",+#"%'"!"!&('!'&'0!"%%'"&&&&#"'!'#"'& !%-'"!0 && #%"&& !)")& &!! )%'"!& !'" ' %' ! &(%! ' %'(%!! *)&0!%,&"(%*&'%" &'%('(%&!"%!*'&'*! & +#"%'"!('"!&0 &!"'''(!&&,"()!"!''.,"(%!&%!"'!!'%0"#%)' #%"#%',*&&*'"('#%"%"!&!'0 +#"%'"!" #!,/ " ! !'"#%'"!&/*"(!5&'.6458 " #'"!""%!#%'"!&/%,((&'6458 %"% /6458 77 "(,"()!,$(&'"!&. #&"!''/ % (#%)&"% &'%-,%"' !, %, The Miner-Journal, Esterhazy, Sask. Page 9 2015 EHS Academic and Sports Award Winners Grade 6 Honour Roll Torie Lynn Patterson Zackary Lewko Austin Jones Cole Reimer Terris Duchek Liam McGowan Nicole Kirschman Estelle Dunster Dalton Norek Jasmine McRae Paige Petracek Kayden Tocher Hunter Roussin Mia Chretien Kavan deVries Cody Varga Shelby Patrick Leah Plaquin Zander Fortin Sara Lajeunesse Jarett Luhtala Connor Gareau Lauren Prazma McKenna Briggs Felice Rieger Kendall Walker Humanities Kendall Walker Math Science Kendall Walker Athletes of the Year Sara Lajeunesse Dalton Norek Grade 7 Honour Roll Casey Carriere Hayden Schlamp Garrett Johnson Shannon Moore Kaysen Nicholls Callie Helmeczi Dawson Jepson Rebecca Swann Page 10 Robert Huckell Chiara Cassidy Zoe Duncan Justine Lingon Krishka Chauhan Diana Handzii Reese Lippai Dakota Mutrie Kiara Wiechert Shaira Castillo Kaitlyn Nordal Scott Neville Ryder Burns Paul Haugen Makenna Vinish Mathew Metz Natalie Newton Austin Leposa Dylan Shire Haley Davies Amelia Baker Mackenzie Degenhardt Humanities Mackenzie Degenhardt Math Science Mackenzie Degenhardt Athletes of the Year Kiara Wiechert Ryder Burns Grade 8 Honour Roll Mishaela Duchek Noel Fouillard Zachary Gehl Teasa Morrison Corbin Taylor Cameron Noble Bailey Luce Jackie Mei Wyatt Patrick Parker Stevens Amber Nicholauson Skylund Kada Robyn Powers Cameron Neyedley Austen Presiloski Jessica Brar Alexa Nagy Carlie Moore Shelby Heise Katie-Ann Schmidt Madilyn Hollingshead Heather Fiske Taegan Kuntz Wrylee Paproski Chrissy Powers Taylor Petracek McKenna Davis Sophie Abel Hannah Schlamp Shae-Lynn Forster Kendall Junek Chloe Norek Humanities Chloe Norek Math Science Chloe Norek Athletes of the Year McKenna Davis Tyler Carriere Grade 9 Honour Roll Lucas Chaban Harry Lee Jenelle Lippai Hanna Beier Jayden Mozeski Ashlyn Hawcutt Alyssa Huckell James Raquion Keely-Shay Maki Kailin Patrick Kaylee Nagy Meeghan Plaquin Kirsten Neville Akilah Babyak Maheen Khan Reese Newton Ashlyn Helmeczi Luke Nkwama Matthew Degenhardt Renee Marchand Humanities Renee Marchand Math Science Renee Marchand Athletes of the Year Akilah Babyak Avery Dunster Grade 10 Honour Roll Brittany Varga Madison Tocher Christine Babyak Oren Cairns Reena Koch Adam Simle Eric Nixon Brayden Senger Rebecca Helmeczi Kayla Kilbach Eryn Johanson Andrew Metz Ally Nicholauson Emily Regular Jessica Chern Brenna Nagy Jana Lajeunesse Anna Leidl Jordan Junek Taylor Stauch Sarah Haugen Stacey Moore Humanities Stacey Moore Math Science Sarah Haugen Athletes of the Year The Miner-Journal, Esterhazy, Sask. Jana Lajeunesse Daniel Fiske Grade 11 Honour Roll Chelsea Gale Kaylub Sinclair Montana Bass Payton Robinson Marlee Joubert Mason Helmeczi Cassandra Daniel Hunter Freed Morgan Palmer Lucas Noseworthy Nicole Lanski Jaeleon Roberts Brayden Nagy Destiny Lauer Sage Litzenberger Melinda Irvine Kiara Meachem Larissa Rue Brandy Sash Taylor Daniel Victoria Forst Macaela Kweens Humanities Taylor Daniel Math Science Macaela Kweens Athletes of the Year Tori Forst Sam Baker Grade 12 Honour Roll Raje Duchek Kelsey Hnatyshyn Wyatt Jacques Kaila Paproski Ryder Duchek Sofiia Khrapal Ashley Petit Clayton Babyak Deanna Morrison Tori Geddes Marcus Kuling Wyatt Johanson Angelina Szikora Casey Bogdan Jonathon Marchand Dana Irvine Megan Lavender Bryce Lippai Raylene Hartl Yevgeni Petukhov Kaitlyn Helmeczi Humanities Awarded at Grad Math Science Awarded at Grad Athletes of the Year Tori Geddes Kaitlyn Helmeczi Jon Marchand Junior Spirit Award Carlie Moore Art Award Jordan Junek Practical and Applied Arts Awards Brayden Nagy Melinda Irvine Brandy Sash Band/Music Awards Ashlyn Helmeczi - Jr. Band Deven Roy - Sr. Band Abigaile Kuling - Sr. Choir Monday, June 22, 2015 Alice Chomos (Herperger) The family of Alice Chomos is sad to announce her death on June 12, 2015, in St. Anthony’s Hospital, Esterhazy, at the age of 95. Alice was born to Joseph and Julia (Shivak) Herperger in 1920 in the Stockholm District. Alice was a loving wife and mother whose devotion to her faith and church will be one of her many legacies. She loved playing bridge, sewing, cooking and volunteering in her church and community. Our mother never lost her keen interest in the lives of her family and the world around her. Alice was predeceased by her husband, Frank; son-in-law, Bryce Eckstein; brothers: John, Joe, Stanley and Steve; sisters: Annie Drozda and Margaret Schmidt; brothers in-laws: John and Joseph Chomos, Steve Stadler, Paul Csigi, Jim Drozda and Leonard Schmidt; sisters-in-law: Martha Herperger, Agnes Herperger, Annie Stadler, Margaret Chomos and Barbara Csigi. Left to cherish her memory are her children: Audrey Eckstein, Jerome, Father Basil, Raymond (Heather), Lawrence (Linda) and Annie (Larry) Chirka as well as her grandchildren: Paul Chomos (Robbyn), Kathleen Chomos, Laura Chomos, Scott Chomos (Gisele), Geoff Chomos (Patrice), Adam Chomos (Chelsea), Alison Jackson (Bryan), Ian and Evan Eckstein and Paul and Julia Chirka. She is also survived by her brothers: Frank (Betty), Peter (Ann) and Emery (Bonnie); sistersin-law: Mary Herperger Crop report For the Period June 9-15, 2015 Much of the province received scattered rainfall that helped replenish topsoil moisture conditions in some regions. However, significant rain is needed soon in many areas to help crops, hay and pasture develop. Topsoil moisture conditions continue to deteriorate despite the recent rain. Provincially, topsoil moisture conditions on cropland are rated as three per cent surplus, 45 per cent adequate, 35 per cent short and 17 per cent very short. Hay land and pasture topsoil moisture is rated as one per cent surplus, 33 per cent adequate, 42 per cent short and 24 per cent very short. Much of the hay is in poor condition and concerns about feed shortages continue. The Ministry of Agriculture has a Forage, Feed and Custom Service listing for producers to advertise and source feed products: Crop development is delayed in some areas, mainly due to cool and dry weather. Fifty-one per cent of fall cereals, 60 per cent of spring cereals, 53 per cent of oilseeds and 56 per cent of pulse crops are at their normal developmental stages for this time of year. The majority of crops are in fair to good condition. Crop damage was mainly caused by lack of moisture, hail and insects such as grasshoppers and flea beetles. Farmers are busy controlling pests and hauling grain. One year ago Producers had 95 per cent of the crop in the ground. Cool weather and heavy rain delayed crop development in much of the province. Follow the 2015 Crop Report on Twitter @SKAgriculture CROSSWORD PUZZLE ANSWER (last week) Monday, June 22, 2015 and Bernice Herperger; as well as 14 great-grandchildren and many nieces and nephews. The funeral mass was held on June 18, 2015, at Our Lady of Victories Roman Catholic Church, Esterhazy, with Father Basil Chomos officiating. Flowers are gratefully declined. Memorial donations may be made to St. Anthony’s Hospital Building Fund or a charity of choice. Thank you to those who cared for our mother over the past few months with a special thank you to Dr. Louw and Dr. Smit. Peter Carscadden Funeral Service, Esterhazy, were in care of arrangements. Evelyn Elizabeth McLean Sept. 6, 1937 March 27, 2015 Evelyn Elizabeth McLean passed away peacefully on March 27, 2015, in Langley, B.C. She will be missed by her family. She was a wonderful and caring mother, sister and grandmother. She loved her family and she had recently moved from Moose Jaw to be closer to family. Evelyn was born Sept.6, 1937, in Dubuc, Sask. to Andy and Mary Nelson. We lovingly remember Mom, Sister and Grandma who loved crocheting, knitting, gardening, cooking and enjoyed being a Grandma. Evelyn was a long time member of the First Baptist Church in Moose Jaw and the Moose Jaw Stitcher’s Club. She was predeceased by her parents and older sis- ter, June. She is survived by her brother, Lloyd (Cindy) Nelson of Minnesota, and Ivar Nelson of Moose Jaw; daughter, Karen (Rod) MacKenzie of Everett, Washington; and son, Paul (Ann) McLean of Cochrane, Alta; grandchildren: Korey, Michael and MacKenzie, and Jackson and Nicole McLean. A memorial service will be held at First Baptist Church in Moose Jaw on Aug. 8, 2015, at 10 a.m. She will be laid to rest beside her Mother and Father in Dubuc, Sask. following the service. Everyone is welcome to attend the service at the First Baptist Church to share in the celebration of her life. 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Page 11 Local Business Directory BLUE CHIP REALTY REAL ESTATE ROD VANJOFF RESIDENTIAL & FARM SALES 269 Hamilton Road Yorkton, SK S3N 4C6 Home: 306-793-2982 Fax: 306-793-2982 Email: Executive Rentals Now Renting Res: (306) 745-6452 Bus: (306) 783-6666 Fax: (306) 745-3715 Cell: (306) 745-7578 E-mail: 306-740-9392 269 Hamilton Road Yorkton, SK S3N 4C5 Website: Real Estate Delphine Gehl Realtor Tel: (306) 745-2697 Cell: (306) 745-9160 Box 1330 Fax: (306) 745-3384 Esterhazy, Sask. Email LOTS FOR SALE RETIREMENT VILLA HOUSING AVAILABLE NOW CALL (306) 530-9300 LJB Lawrek Johnson Bird ©Blue Chip Realty Independently Owned and Operated Real Estate Appraisals & Consulting Member of Appraisal Institute of Canada Marcel Decorby Robin Johnson, M.A. Econ., AACI, P.App. 2126 Rose Street Regina, Saskatchewan S4P 2A4 Sales Associate 80 Palliser Way Yorkton, SK S3N 4C5 Bus: (306) 534-4511 Fax: (306) 534-4455 Cell: (306) 745-7755 E-mail: Website: Direct: 306-721-5525 Cell: 306-529-3236 Main Office: 306-721-5522 Fax: 306-721-5532 E-mail: Advertise here for only $10/week LOCAL SERVICES AND BUSINESSES Melville - Saltcoats Constituency Bob BJORNERUD, MLA Box 3215 Melville, Sask. S0A 2P0 1-306-728-3882 (Melville) 1-306-744-2519 (Saltcoats) 1-306-730-7882 (Cell) Garth N. Forster Sales Consultant COMPLETE HAIR STYLING FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY Merit Ford Sales Tuesday to Saturday – 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Appointment and walk-ins welcome Junction of Hwy. 22 & 80 Esterhazy, Sask. S0A 0X0 MERIT Bob Bjornerud, MLA Bus: (306) 745-6355 Fax: (306) 745-2202 Cell: (306) 740-7725 Home: (306) 745-3624 Website: E-mail: Insurance Real Estate License Issuer 441 Main St 745-2697 BOCK & COMPANY LAW OFFICE FORMERLY Osman & Co. MacKenzie Law Office Barristers & Solicitors Notaries, Commissioners MILLER MOAR GRODECKI KREKLEWICH & CHORNEY Chartered Accountants 420 Main Street Esterhazy, Sask., Phone 745-6611 Zackly-Rite Massage (Platinum Studios – Main St.) Relaxation, Therapeutic & Hot Stone Massage Available Infant Massage Classes Offered For appointments, call: Aura-Lee Zack, RMT 745-9085 NORTH VALLEY CREDIT UNION Esterhazy Br. Stockholm Br. Box 1389 Box 130 Esterhazy, SK Stockholm, SK (306)745-6615 (306)793-2171 1-866-533-NVCU (6828) BRIAN’S VACUUM SALES & SERVICE Phone – 745-6572 BAGS, BELTS & PARTS New & Used Vacuums – All Makes Central Vacuums & Accessories Fast, Professional Service on all Vacuums 500 Maple St. (306) 745-3952; 745-6772 Fax 745-6119 Email: Branch Office: Rocanville: Friday Afternoons Phone: (306) 645-4552 Monday, June 22, 2015 602 Veterans Ave. ESTERHAZY For all your machining requirements. We measure success with quality MACHINE WORKS LTD. 1205 Hwy #22 East. Esterhazy, Sask. Ph: 745-6440 Fax: 745-6441 Cell: 745-7743 BROOKS MACK Legal Professional Corporation 306-743-5520 Langenburg, Saskatchewan x Corporate x Partnerships x Contracts x Real Estate x Leases x Courses/Seminars x Wills & Estates x Estate Planning x Power of Attorney x Debt Collection Manitoba & Saskatchewan Bars BROOKSMACKLAW.COM FISHER LAW OFFICE Serving Esterhazy and Area for over 30 Years Garnet M. Fisher B.A (Hons), LL.B. A general practice of Law including: Real Estate and Mortgages, Wills and Estates, Family Law, Corporate Law, Civil Law, Farm Sales 420 Main Street, Esterhazy Phone 745-2261• Fax 745-2815 Tuesdays and Thursdays 8:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. E-mail: ESTERHAZY AGENCIES (1986) LTD. Life and General Insurance, Investments, Motor License Issuer, Notary Public Bus. Phone – 745-3983 Res. Phone – 745-6991 Dr. Nathan Knezacek Open 7 days/week 6 a.m. – 10 p.m. Optometrist For appointments call: Mon. – Fri. 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Tel: 745-2524 Fax: 745-3437 519 Main St., Esterhazy Representative for Esterhazy: GOLDEN COMB New Image Fitness Lynnette Bock B.A. J.D. Main Office: Monday - Friday Call Lisa, Claudine or Wendy for an appointment at 306-745-6164 745-7404 CAL’S LOCK & KEY SERVICE • For all your lock & key requirements • Emergency Openings Phone: 745-2172 GRABER Blinds 306-793-2982 • Eye Exams • Glasses • Contact Lenses • Laser surgery referrals MOOSOMIN DENTAL CLINIC Dr. Pat Biglow-Lecomte D.M.D. Comprehensive General Dentistry 903 Broadway Ave., Moosomin, Sask. Office Hours: Mon-Fri. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Phone: (306) 435-3080/Toll Free: 1-800-668-3080/Emer: 435-2901 WA L L A C E ENTERPRISES • Medichair Dealer Stocking lift chairs, walkers, scooters and other living aids • Granite Memorials Indoor showroom Phone: Larry Wallace (306) 743-5188 104 4th St. S., Langenburg, SK, S0A 2A0 The Miner-Journal, Esterhazy, Sask. JIM MAGA Esterhazy, Sask. PH 745-7997/2404 J.M. YARD CARE Yard, landscaping, bobcat, sweeper, snow, etc. Page 12 LOCAL CONTRACTORS Crushrite Concrete Your exterior renovation experts for more than 20 years in supplying and installing: For every concrete project, residential or commercial Labor packages available FREE ESTIMATES 745-6671 RAY ISAAC CONSTRUCTION Kada Kats Skid Steer Service SERVICES INCLUDE: PILE DRILLINGS SHALLOW TRENCHING BASEMENT EXCAVATING Contact us today: 130 Livingstone St., Yorkton, SK Phone# (306) 786-7055 Fax# (306) 782-7371 Email: LANDSCAPING TREE TRANSPLANTING MATERIAL HAULING BARN CLEANING FOR FREE ESTIMATE CALL JASON KADA 740-7655 (cell) or 745-6592 New Homes, Additions, Renovations FREE ESTIMATES Bredenbury, Sask. Ph: 306-898-2285 • interior/exterior • free estimates GERRY OAKE (306) 745-3478 Cell: 306-745-7241 VISION COAT INDUSTRIES INC. W.D.K. INNOVATIVE PROTECTIVE TECHNOLOGY SPRAY FOAM INSULATION SPECIALTY COATING (DECK & CONCRETE FLOOR COATING, TANK LINERS, ETC) Construction & Excavating • Trackhoe • Dozer • Loader • Grader • Skid Steer • Hydro-Vac Truck • Backhoe • Trucks (Gravel & Low Boy) • Specializing in basements, sewer and water • Commercial & residential, farms, dugouts, etc • Sand, gravel & dirt (black & fill Willy: 306-740-7805 Bill: 306-745-7226 C’P AREY S LUMBING & HEATING LTD. Tyler Tranberg Installing energy efficient furnaces. A/C Units, Boilers, gas fire places, geo thermo units and more Dealing: Carrier, Viesman, Napoleon, Econar All Types of excavation: Pile drilling, stump grinding & concrete demolition Kevin Helmeczi Owner/Operator 306-745-6721 Ask for Mike Carey or Deb Kulovany Eagle Stone Contracting Ltd. RDH Plumbing Randy Yaholnitsky - Esterhazy, SK For all your plumbing, heating & cooling needs Phone: (306) 745-2417 Cell: (306) 740-7587 C • Carrier Furnaces • Regency Gas fireplaces • Softeners, pumps & filters • Hot water Boilers, in-floor heating • SaskEnergy Network Dealer Residential/Small Commercial Concrete Work, Concrete & Wood Basements, Garages Packages & Garage Floors, Patios, Sidewalks, Concrete Steps, Driveways, Flatwork Coloured, Exposed & Stamping finishes. Small Construction Projects, Building & Renovations, Tilework, Fences, Siding, Sheds and More! Phone 745-3908 D.J. Miller & Sons Const. Ltd. Specializes in CAT Call PETER at (306) 530-2295 Or DWIGHT at (306) 745-7608 Heavy Duty Equipment LANGENBURG, SK.. now offering MOBILE HEAVY DUTY MECHANIC SERVICES Peter Lylyk NVCU Lending Department: Mike, Leah, Chandra, Nicole Visit our Lending Department for all your mortgage needs, whether youʼre looking to buy a home or even build one. North Valley Credit Union offers competitive rates, terms and innovative mortgage products to choose from. “Make it Real” with a North Valley Credit Union Mortgage. Phone (306) 745-6615 or (306) 793-2171 CONCERNED ABOUT THE MARKETS? Ask about a complimentary second opinion today. Barbara March-Burwell, CFP | Investment Advisor 306-745-4764 | Professional Wealth Management Since 1901 RBC Dominion Securities Inc.* and Royal Bank of Canada are separate corporate entities which are affiliated. *Member-Canadian Investor Protection Fund. ®Registered Trademark of Royal Bank of Canada. Used under licence. RBC Dominion Securities is a registered trademark of Royal Bank of Canada. Used under licence. ©Copyright 2011. All rights reserved. CUSTOM BUILT HOMES/RTMʼS INTERIOR & EXTERIOR FINISHING INCLUDING: DECKS, CONCRETE WORK & HOME RENOVATIONS, CONTINUOUS EAVESTROUGH GET IN TOUCH GET A QUOTE GET IT BUILT 306-740-9995 HELMECZI PLUMBING & HEATING & BACKHOE SERVICE PHONE: 745-2486 FAX: 745-2252 BOX 1901 ESTERHAZY, SK S0A 0X0 40 Years Experience GET YOUR PROJECTS DONE RIGHT AND ON SCHEDULE! RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL Page 13 Gerry the Painter Secure and convenient Energy Star PVC Windows, Doors, Eavestrough, Soffit, Fascia, Vinyl Siding, Manufactured Stacked Stone CALL 306-740-7795 or 7796 Mini Storage now available Triple B Plumbing & Heating Ltd. “For All Your Plumbing Needs” Leslie Helmeczi Office: 306.745.2974 Cell: 306.745.8769 lhelmeczi@sasktelnet Licensed Gas Contractor Box 1953 Esterhazy, Sask. S0A 0X0 Richard Helmeczi 745-2972 LLOYDʼS BOB CAT SERVICES ADVERTISE HERE FOR only $7.50/week FINANCIAL SERVICES All Seasonal Bob Cat Services Business or residential offering services that require a fork, sweeper, or bucket. OWNER/OPERATOR LLOYD NAGY Phone: (306) 745-6738 Cell: (306) 745-8288 Esterhazy, Sk. Invest with a Sound Strategy Committed to the ʻclient comes firstʼ philosophy, Wade is dedicated to helping clients achieve their investment goals. He will listen first, and then help you formulate a suitable investment portfolio. Whether youʼre looking to retire comfortably, save for your childrenʼs education, or simply build a solid customized portfolio, Wade can help you to achieve your investment goals. Advertise here for $10/ week Wade Penman – Investment Specialist Credential Asset Management Inc. Wade Can Help You T: 306-745-6615 F: 306-745-2858 • Establish Financial Goals Email: • Determine your tolerance to risk • Develop a comprehensive investment plan • Build a diversified investment portfolio • Monitor your portfolio to ensure that as your goals change, your investments will evolve along with them Kevin Zazula, B. Admin, CFP, FCSI, FMA Investment Advisor & Financial Planner Professional Wealth Management since 1901. RBC Dominion Securities Inc.*and Royal Bank of Canada are separate corporate entities which are affiliated.*MemberCanadian Investor Protection Fund. RBC Dominion Securities Inc. is a member company of RBC Wealth Management, a business segment of Royal Bank of Canada. ®Registered trademarks of Royal Bank of Canada. Used under licence. ©RBC Dominion Securities Inc. 2012. All rights reserved. The Miner-Journal, Esterhazy, Sask. If youʼve received an early retirement package or any other type of settlement, we can help provide you with tax efficient investment options. Please Make an Appointment Today! ® Credential is a registered mark owned by Credential Financial Inc. and is used under license. 23 Phone (306) 745-6615 or (306) 793-2171 Monday, June 22, 2015 APAS Calls for Early Action for Livestock Producers Livestock numbers could be detrimentally affected in most of Saskatchewan as dry conditions continue to persist. submitted by Don Ross Client Relationship Consultant, APAS Normal or below normal snowfall during the 2014 winter and inadequate rainfall since April over most of the crop land south of Prince Albert is leaving pasture and hay land parched. Grass is becoming dormant, new growth is sparse and open water sources are dwindling. “Livestock production has been steadily decreasing in Saskatchewan since 2005 driven primarily by the BSE crisis and the US Country of Origin Labeling requirements,” says Norm Hall, APAS President. “With the EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Maple Creek News/ Advance Times is looking for a dynamic, self motivated fulltime Sales Manager to lead and build our bi-weekly n e w s p a p e r s . Responsibilities include maintaining and growing the current advertising base and managing the day-to-day operations of the newspaper. Apply to Coleen Campbell, Publisher, ccampbell@abnews weather pattern we are facing right now, livestock production will clearly decline given the feed and water available to producers at the moment. Immediate action by the Government of Saskatchewan to look at stopgap measures to maintain the current herd would demonstrate forward action and minimize the selloff of animals.” The west side of the province is in the greatest need of water. Looking at the provincial precipitation map as of June 7, other areas are in a similar situation. Early action by the Saskatchewan Government, and other organizations such as the Is your Company looking to recruit Aboriginal job seekers? Our Canadian wide Aboriginal recruitment website www. firstnationsjobsonline .com is now affiliated with 130 newspapers. By advertising on our website we can get your job posting and location to 950,000 circulated newspapers throughout Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Email: for more information First Nations Jobs nline Wildlife Federation and conservation agencies, could provide an opportunity to source emergency summer grazing and hay land for livestock producers. APAS is calling for: • Allowing that agricultural Crown leases be allowed to be subleased for 2015 • Allowing for transfers of patron cattle from Southern Provincial pastures to northern pastures that may have shortfalls • Opening up of Saskatchewan Wildlife Development Fund Lands to grazing • Encouraging conservation agencies holding lands to make them available for agricultural use. M E D I C A L TRANSCRIPTION! In-demand career! Employers have workat-home positions available. Get online training you need from an employer-trusted program. Visit: or 1-855-768-3362 to start training for your work-at-home career today! PO Box 46 Site 145 RR1 Brandon, Manitoba R7A 5Y1 Professional Drivers Wanted You offer: * Class 1 driving experience * Acceptable Drivers Abstract * Passport or FAST card We offer: * Well maintained, dedicated equipment * Pay starting at $0.48/mile plus loading+unloading * Extras including benefits, retirement plan, and monthly bonus To apply, contact Tyler: P: 204.571.0187 F: 204.571.9363 E: theuchert@ Newspaper/Online Sales Representative required by the Swift Current Prairie Post. Responsibilities include generating advertising revenues through our current customers and developing new business. Excellent communication, prospecting and organizational skills as well as the ability to work independently and in a team environment are required. Apply: Coleen Campbell, Publisher, ccampbell@abnews • Early assessment and write-off of spring seeded crops by SCIC to allow for cattle grazing • Initiation of a temporary fencing program to allow for crop lands to be grazed • Increased promotion and awareness of the Forage and Grain listing service to match up individuals that need feedstocks with individuals having surplus supplies • Where necessary increased funding to the Farm and Ranch Water Infrastructure program to ensure adequate water supplies are maintained “We had hoped that higher cattle prices would help Saskatchewan producers to turn the corner AGRICULTURE Best Herbicide Prices Guaranteed Featured Products: • Clever – one pass cleaver control • Smoke – loaded glyphosate • Foax – green foxtail and wild oats • Diquash - desiccant Dealers in most areas (new dealers welcome) 306 477-4007 AUCTIONS Sleep Country Canada is looking for highly motivated, energetic Sales Associates to join our growing family in Regina and Saskatoon! Working at Sleep Country Canada is more than just a job, it’s your opportunity to realize your full potential! Sleep Country Canada provides all of its associates with opportunities for professional and career growth. So if you are looking for career advancement, this is your opportunity! North West College U N R E S E R V E D AUCTION. Saturday, June 27. Tractor, convertible, boats, sea can, tools, antiques & more! Prairie Haven Acres, Dundurn, SK. Starts 11 a.m. Scribner Auction 780-842-5666; AUTO PARTS Wrecking over 250 units... cars and trucks. Lots of trucks... Dodge... GMC... Ford... Imports... 1/2 ton to 3 tons... We ship anywhere... Call or text 3 0 6 - 8 2 1 - 0 2 6 0 . Lloydminster Battlefords Campus WW1516 Posting #53-BC-1516 Reporting to the Manager of Corporate Services, the Coordinator, Assessment and Accountability is the College lead in assessing needs for operations, planning and internal decision making. The Coordinator will also take the lead in demonstrating satisfaction of institutional accountability requirements and quality assurance. Compensation: $60,391 to start, with excellent benefit package. GO GREEN Shopping Club: Wholesale direct from manufacturer to your door. 450+ green products: Pure Essential Oils; Cleaning & Laundry; Nutrition; Skincare & Cosmetics; Bath & Body & more! Get paid for referrals!!! For a complete position profile, and application visit Applications will be received until noon, Wednesday, June 29, 2015. Go to Call Rosemary 306-249-3669 CAREER TRAINING FOR SALE Advertisements and statements contained herein are the sole responsibility of the persons or entities that post the advertisement, and the Saskatchewan Weekly Newspaper Association and membership do not make any warranty as to the accuracy, completeness, truthfulness or reliability of such advertisements. For greater information on advertising conditions, please consult the Association’s Blanket Advertising Conditions on our website at FEED AND SEED Looking for feed barley. Call North American Food Ingredients @ 3064571500 ask for Mark for price. Buying/Selling FEED GRAINS heated / damaged CANOLA/FLAX Top price paid FOB FARM Western Commodities 877-695-6461 Visit our website @ HEATED CANOLA WANTED!! - GREEN CANOLA - SPRING THRASHED - DAMAGED CANOLA FEED OATS WANTED!! - BARLEY, OATS, WHT - LIGHT OR TOUGH - SPRING THRASHED HEATED FLAX WANTED!! HEATED PEAS HEATED LENTILS "ON FARM PICKUP" Westcan Feed & Grain 1-877-250-5252 PROVINCE-WIDE CLASSIFIEDS. Reach over 550,000 readers weekly. Call this newspaper NOW or 306-649.1400 for details. LAND FOR SALE FARMLAND WANTED NO FEES OR COMMISSIONS! SUMMARY OF SOLD PROPERTIES Central - 206 1/4’s South - 88 1/4’s South East - 40 1/4’s South West - 65 1/4’s North - 10 1/4’s North East - 8 1/4’s North West - 12 1/4’s East - 54 1/4’s West - 49 1/4’s FARM AND PASTURE AVAILABLE FINANCIAL SERVICES Need A Loan? Own Property? Have Bad Credit? We can help! Call toll free 1 866 405 1228 www.firstandsecond Advertising Budget? NO PROBLEM! That’s why we offer 3 options! www.makegreengogreen. com/rosemary $209 $259 w w w. n w r c . s k . c a Hopefully these measures, and others, will reduce the hurt caused by drought for our ranching community”. APAS is Saskatchewan’s general farm organization formed to provide farmers and ranchers with a democratically elected, grassroots, non-partisan, producer organization based on rural municipal boundaries. As the united voice of thousands of agricultural producers in Saskatchewan, we strive to represent the views of a wide variety of agricultural stakeholders in order to form comprehensive policies that can benefit all sectors of society. M E D I C A L TRANSCRIPTIONISTS are in huge demand! Train with Canada’ s top Medical Transcription school. Learn from home and work from home. Call today! 1.800.466.1535 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Coordinator, Assessment and Accountability This is a permanent, full-time opportunity with the College. and grow the livestock sector.” says Hall. “However, for many, there will be limited or no hay harvested this year. Livestock producers need to find grass and water for the summer months and find alternate hay sources for the coming winter months if our breeding herd is to be maintained. We would encourage producers with wet acres that could not be seeded to sow those acres to green feed and for other farmers with extra hay to contact Forage and Feed registry. When natural disaster strikes, collectively we rally to overcome the obstacles and help out our neighbours to get over the hurdles. $359 ONLINE LAND TO RENT PURCHASING: SINGLE TO LARGE BLOCKS OF LAND. PREMIUM PRICES PAID WITH QUICK PAYMENT. RENT BACK AVAILABLE Call DOUG 306-955-2266 Monday, June 22, 2015 The Miner-Journal, Esterhazy, Sask. -multi section, single section, motel style, and multi family units Order Your Custom Home NOW for Spring Delivery Selling and Servicing Homes Across Western Canada for Over 40 Years! 1.800.249.3969 Check out our inventory at Hwy 2 South Prince Albert SERVICES Hip or Knee Replacement? Problems with Mobility? The Disability Tax Credit $2,000 Yearly Tax Credit $20,000 Lump Sum Refund For Assistance Call: 1-844-453-5372 STEEL BUILDINGS STEEL BUILDINGS... “OUR BIG 35TH ANNIVERSARY SALE!” 20X20 $4500. 25X24 $5198. 32X36 $8427. 40X46 $12140. One end Wall Included. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422 STEEL BUILDINGS/ METAL BUILDINGS 60% OFF! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-457-2206 www.crownsteel WANTED MANUFACTURED HOMES BEST CANADIAN BUILT HOME BY MODULINE! BEST PRICE! Personalized Service Prices based on 25 words Book your Blanket CANADIAN MANUFACTURED backed by 10 year warranty New homes starting at $69.00 per sq foot 1520 sq. ft. Temora $104,900 1216 sq. ft. Oasis $84,900 ~ Call Stan ~ 306-496-7538 1-888-699-9280 Yorkton Weekend calls FIREARMS. All types wanted, estates, collections, single items, military. We handle all paperwork and transportation. Licensed Dealer. 1.866.960.0045 Make your ad stick out. Book your Response Builder TODAY. ONLY $259 to blanket the province Page 14 Proud to serve the Potashville area SUITES FOR RENT SUITES FOR RENT ONE & TWO BEDROOM APARTMENTS AVAILABLE 6 Contractor bachelor suites for rent in Moosomin, only 40 minute commute. Furnished, flat screen, free wifi, free laundry. $40/day or max $900/month. Call 1-306-4359686. 21:48c HOMES FOR SALE New 1,489 sq. ft bungalow, 2 bedroom and den. At Whispering Valley Estates, Round Lake. Phone Ken 306-740-9277. 22:4cc GARAGE SALE Garage Sale at 610 Rupert St. Friday, June 26, 2-7 p.m., Saturday, June 27. 8 a.m.-noon. New light fixtures, blinds, table & chairs, Little Tykes basketball net, HP printer/scanner/copier, household items. 25:1p COMING EVENTS Esterhazy Royal Canadian Legion #249 Dabber Bingo every Thursday. Earlybird at 7 p.m. Regular games at 7:30 p.m. $400 progressive Bonanza, $1000 jackpot. License #CB13-0045. 15:tfc UNDER THE COVERS 30 Betts Ave, Yorkton. Specialty Bras (28-56 Band, A-N Cup), Loungewear, Lingerie (S-6X), Adult Toys, Oils, Lubricants, Novelties. Bra Fittings, Home Parties Monday-Friday, 10 a.m.-6 p.m., Saturday, 1-4 p.m. Call 1-866-585-7982. 16:13c NEW ARRIVALS 1980 House for sale in Bredenbury. New high efficient furnace and central air in 2014. New shingles in 2012, new water softener in 2013. Central vac. 14 x 28 attached garage. Four bedroom, two bath, main floor laundry. Dry and finished basement. Garden shed. All new appliances in 2012. Asking $182,500. Call (306) 620-6211. 24:2c PUBLIC NOTICE White Pine Bed & Breakfast open again in Spy Hill. $50 per person/night. Phone 306534-2021 for reservations. Full bath, double beds, private entrance, close to Carlton Trail Golf Course. 24:1tfn CARDS OF THANKS I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their support during Blair’s illness and at the time of his passing. Thank you to my friends and family. To Deb, Cindy and Laverne for driving us to chemo. To Dr. Louw for the great care Blair received, and to all St. Anthony’s staff for everything they did for us. Thanks to everyone who sent flowers, food, cards and phone calls. Thank you to the Home Care nurses, to all my coworkers at St. Anthony’s and The Centennial Special Care Home. Also, a special thank you to Sister Cecile for the phone call. – Cammie Pfliger and family 25:1p Monday, June 22, 2015 CARDS OF THANKS Nelson Bramley, Ebenezer HERB ARNESON, FOAM LAKE Windowsinstalled installed September October 14, 2014 Windows 10, 2008 CALL 745-7266 FOR RENT INDOWS N ORTHOME C OMFORT W1990-2015 Celebrating 25 Years in Business Comments 5 years givesThey mewere “ The installation crew got here andlater: went to “What work like beavers. the most satisfaction about my windows is friendlythey & explanatory. They worked togetherno & hadup-keep the job done quickly. that are easy to clean, and frost-free in the winter. I would have to Northomea&good its employees have been great.” say they were investment.” HEAT & WATER INCLUDED ONSITE LAUNDRY FACILITIES 1-2 bedroom apartments for rent at 1021 4th Ave. Esterhazy. $775/month. All units include: fridge, stove and air conditioner. Heat and water paid, laundry facilities. $200 referral bonus to anyone that assists a resident with making a home at 1021 4th Avenue. Further information please contact: John Lukye at 306-421-9888. 25:tfn CLASSIFIEDS NIEBERGALL – Victor and Pamela Niebergall are proud to announce their fourth child, Caleb Victor, born on May 20, 2015. Caleb is a brother to Cadyn, Kason and Dagan. Proud grandparents are Charlie and Marlene Niebergall and Grant and Sharon Farden. 25:1p Phone Toll1-866-FOAMLAKE Free: 1-866-FOAMLAKe Phone Toll Free: (1-866-362-6525) PERSONALS VEHICLES If you have a drug problem and need help call Our House at 745-3478, 745-7241, 745-3576. Check out our online meeting is once again found on 50:tfcc Need support losing weight? Try TOPS – Take Off Pounds Sensibly. We meet Wednesdays at 6-7 p.m. in the Golden Jets basement. Call 306-740-9566 for information. $36/year and $5/month. First visit free. 49:50c If you want to drink and can, that’s your business. If you want to stop and can’t, that’s our business. Phone Alcoholics Anonymous at 745-6750, 783-6951, 745-6301, 745-6156. Family affected by someone’s drinking? Find help at Al-Anon: Mondays at 1 p.m., Lutheran Church or Wednesdays at 8 p.m.Town Office (west door) Phone: 745-6301, 534-4604. 47:tfc HELP WANTED The Old Central Hotel, Main Street, Esterhazy, 306-745-1717. Opening June 11. Newly renovated Coffee shop open 6 a.m. - 8 p.m. Specialty breakfast such as eggs Benedict, crepes with fruit and a wide variety of home cooked meals. (Bagged lunches available upon request), Tavern Bar, Steak Pit – operating daily until 9 p.m. - “cook your own steak”. Groups by reservation in advance. Watch for upcoming entertainment – Bands and events. Resumes can be forwarded by email or in person. – Management – Heather-Llynn Graham 24:10c Triple G Enterprises, Esterhazy, Sask. is looking for reliable workers. Must have 3A or 1A licence. We will train on heavy equipment. Benefits available. Call or text Sheldon at 306-745-7808 or email 25:3c 2012 BMW X1, AWD, 110,000 km, black exterior, red leather interior, fully loaded with navigation system, heated seats and steering wheel, sunroof, non-smoking, excellent condition. Asking $23,900. Call 306-745-7411. 25:4p PUBLIC NOTICE R.M. of Fertile Belt PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the Council of the Rural Municipality of Fertile Belt No.183 intends to adopt a bylaw under The Planning and Development Act 2007. INTENT – Certain land locations currently zoned as AG-1, Agricultural land, will be changed to RR – resort residential, HAmlet District. AFFECTED LAND – The affected land is legally described as Portion of the LS 9 & LS16 Sec. 30 Twp 18 Rge 03 W2M, and part of Parcel B, which is currently in the Agricultural District AG1 to Resort Residential as shown within the attached plan of proposed subdivision dated May 7, 2015 and signed by Larry McLeod, SLS. This land is located just north of the Organized Hamlet of Pelican Shores. REASON – The reason for the amendments is to rezone certain areas from agricultural to resort residential PUBLIC INSPECTION – Any person may inspect the bylaw at the Municipal Office located at 301 Ohlen Street, Stockholm, Saskatchewan between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday excluding statutory holidays. Copies are available at a cost. Contract Opportunity Caretaking Services PUBLIC HEARING – Council will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, July 14, 2015 at 9:00 a.m. at the RM of Fertile Belt No. 183 council chambers in the Village of Stockholm to hear any person or group that wants to comment on the proposed bylaw. Council will also consider written comments received at the hearing, or delivered to the undersigned at the municipal office before the hearing. A contract position is available at Parkview Manor in Spy Hill for caretaking services. Apply by June 30, 2015 to: Spy Hill Housing Board Wanda Petracek Box 183 25:2 Spy Hill, Sk. S0A 3W0 email: For more information call 306-534-2281 2014 Dodge Journey S.E., 2WD, low mileage, approx. 2,075 km. Bought in September estate sale. Make me an offer. Call Marge Barnes 306-7452107. 24:2p Issued at the Rural Municipality of Fertile Belt this 22nd day of June, 2015. C Signed: Lorie Jackson, Administrator The Miner-Journal, Esterhazy, Sask. 25:2C Page 15 BOOMBATA HOMES “Building Your Home Should Be Easy” D E E RWO O D D E V E LO P M E N T NEW HOMES FOR SALE 1,503 SQ. FT. 3 bedroom, main floor laundry, large kitchen. Close to elementary school Ready for YOUR choice of colors $389,900 GST INCLUDED NEW HOMES Starting at ... $250,000 plus lot 964-1,004 sq. ft 2-3 bedrooms Make your Dream Come True 1,152 SQ. FT. 3 bedroom, main floor laundry, large kitchen. Close to elementary school Ready for YOUR choice of colors $309,900 GST INCLUDED Progressive New Home Warranty 10 Years 306.530.9300 1.800.589.0984 See us at 302 Fifth Avenue for more information Page 16 The Miner-Journal, Esterhazy, Sask. Monday, June 22, 2015
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