KUD ”Piskavica”


KUD ”Piskavica”
Planina Kozara
Kozara the mountain
Kozarski etno
Kozara Ethno
Kozara etno festival
Kozara ethno festival
Ciklus božićnih običaja
Cycle of Christmas customs
Traditional culture
Ansambl ”Botevgrad”
Ensemble ”Botevgrad”
Lous Crabots de Semisens
Lous Crabots de Semisens
Omladinsko kulturno-umetničko
društvo “Sveti Sava”
Sveti Sava Youth Cultural-Artistic Society
KUD “Braća Tolevi”
Cultural-Artistic Society Braća Tolevi
Fermenti sonori
Sound turbulences
KUD ”Piskavica”
Folklore club ”Piskavica”
KUD „Sveti Sava“
Sveti Sava KUD
KUD “Kolovit”
Cultural-artistic club “Kolovit”
KUD “Baščaršija”
Baščaršija KUD
Etno grupa Trag
The Trag Ethno Group
Društvo za razvijanje prostovoljnega dela
Association for the development of
Voluntary Work
Kozara etno festival 2013 - Program
Kozara Ethno festival 2013 - Programme
Planina Kozara
Umjereno - kontinentalna klima, dinamičan reljef, veliki
broj sunčanih dana i pitomi planinski vrhovi - vidikovci
sa kojih se vide naselja Gradiška, Prijedor, Kozarska
Dubica i okolina - daju posebnu vrijednost ovoj planini.
Planina Kozara se nalazi u sjeverozapadnom
dijelu Bosne i Hercegovine. Svojom visinom,
prostranstvom i ljepotom dominira tim područjem,
iako visina ni jednog od njenih vrhova ne prelazi
1.000 m nadmorske visine. U širem području, Kozara
kao brežuljkasti predio ispresjecan dolinama i
omeđen rijekama (Savom na sjeveru, Vrbasom na
istoku, Unom na zapadu te Gomjenicom na jugu)
predstavlja pravi „biser“ prirode. Dio planine Kozare
je proglašen Nacionalnim parkom 1967. godine, sa
površinom od 3.494,51 ha. On obuhvata centralni
dio planine čijim središtem, na zaravnjenom platou
nadmorske visine raspona od 700 do 800 metara,
dominira područje Mrakovice. Iako je osnovni razlog
proglašenja Nacionalnog parka Kozara bio istorijski
aspekt vezan za događaje iz drugog svjetskog rata,
područje Kozare i Potkozarja ima i velike prirodne,
kulturne, rekreativne i mnoge druge vrijednosti.
Nacionalni park Kozara je član Federacije nacionalnih
parkova Evrope - EUROPARC.
Kozara the mountain
Moderate continental climate, dynamic relief, numerous
sunny days, gentle peaks of the mountainssightseeing,
frow which it is possible to see the city of Gradiška,
the city of Prijedor, also town of Kozarska Dubica and
surroundings, give the special kind of values to the
with altitude of 700 to 800m. The main reason of
National park Kozara declaration was historical
aspect connected to events from II World War. Area
of Kozara and Potkozarje has large natural, cultural,
reacreative and many other values. The National Park
Kozara is member of Europe Federation Of National
The mountain of Kozara is located on northwest part
of Bosnia and Herzegovina. With its height, its expense
and beauty it dominates the area. Although height of
its peaks is not more than 1000 m of altitude. In the
wider area, Kozara as knoll with dales is surrounded
by rivers (Sava the River on North, The Vrbas river on
East and Una the river West and Gomjenica the river
on south) presents genuine “pearl” of nature. Part of
Kozara the mountain is declared as National Park in
1967, its acreage reaches 3.494.51 ha. It comprises
central part of the mountain Mrakovica on its plateau
Kozarski etno
Osnovna ideja Kozarskog etna je da se prezentuju
narodni običaji Kozare i Potkozarja, te ukaže na nove
pravce turističke ponude kroz ruralni turizam kao i
zaštitu i očuvanje kulturnih i prirodnih vrijednosti sela.
marketingu. Rezultati projekta prezentuju se kroz
tradicionalni međunarodni festival Kozarski etno koji
predstavlja “prozor u svijet” za tradicionalnu kulturu
Kozare i Potkozarja.
Kozarski etno je projekat koji su pokrenuli Turistička
organizacija grada Banja Luka i KUD „Piskavica“ s
ciljem razvoja preduzetništva i vještina u oblasti
ruralnog turizma na bazi kulturnih i tradicionalnih
vrijednosti Kozare i Potkozarja. Ostali ciljevi projekta
Kozarski etno su promocija i razvoj turizma Kozare
na principima održivog i odgovornog razvoja, te
zaštita i prezentacija prirodnih i kulturnih vrijednosti
područja. Kroz Kozarski etno realizuju se aktivnosti
na istraživanju tradicionalne kulture, prikupljanju
baze podataka o lokalnoj kulturi, obukama lokalnog
stanovništva iz oblasti ruralnog turizama, životne
sredine i rukotvorina, pomoći preduzetništvu i
Kozara Ethno
Constant Kozara’s villages vanishing and waste of it’s
resident’s cultural identity, inspite of all natural and
cultural potential essential for good life, were brain of
Kozara ethno project.
Kozara ethno is project actuated by Banja Luka
Tourist Board and Cultural and academic society
(KUD) “Piskavica”. The main goal of actuation was
development of entrepreneurship and skills in the
field of rural tourism based on cultural and traditional
values of Kozara and villages below Kozara, known
by the name of Potkozarje. Other goals of project of
Kozara’s ethno are promotion and development of
Kozara’s tourism based on principles of sustainable
and responsible development, protection and
presentation of natural and cultural values of the
area. Through Kozara’s ethno activities of research
on traditional culture are being accomplished
together with recollecting database about local
culture, trainings of locals in the area of rural
tourism, environment and handicrafts and help
given to marketing and entrepreneurship. Results
of the project are presented through traditional
international festival Kozara ethno, which presents
“window into a world” for traditionalism of Kozara
and Potkozarje.
Kozarski etno festival
Promocija raznolikosti lokalnih običaja i kultura svijeta
doprinosi očuvanju i zaštiti kulturnih identiteta, podstiče
razumjevanje i toleranciju između različitih etničkih
grupa, a konzumente kulturno obogaćuje, obrazuje i
Festival Kozarski etno se održava u prvoj sedmici
mjeseca jula, u potkozarskom mjestu Piskavica
i gradu Banja Luka na kojem učestvuje oko 400
izvođača iz nekoliko zemalja svijeta. Prvi Kozarski
etno je održan 2005. godine u organizaciji Turističke
organizacije grada Banja Luka i KUD „Piskavica“ koji su
iz godine i godinu unapređivali festival. Kozarski etno
festival prikazuje kozarskog čovjeka, kako se nekada
živjelo na Kozari i Potkozarju kroz prezentaciju
tradicionalonih običaja, kulture i domaće kuhinje.
Festival je obojen autentičnim etno zvukom
kroz smotru izvornih pjesama i sviranja u kojem
učestvuju grupe sa kozarskog područja kao i gosti iz
inostranstva. Festival Kozarski etno svake godine ima
određenu temu i svake godine predstavlja različite
aktivnosti koje su se u potkozarskim selima izvodile
u kući i polju. U skladu sa temom festivala organizuju
se performansi, izložbe, prezentacije i drugi kulturni
i turistički sadržaji. Običaji kao što su kosidba, žetva,
prerada tekstila, spravljanje domaćih specijaliteta,
svatovi, slava, babine, čarojice, miridba, prelo i drugi,
privuku veliku pažnju posjetilaca koji imaju priliku da
se upoznaju sa tradicionalnim aktivnostima ali i da u
njima učestvuju.
Kozara ethno festival
Promotion of local customs diversities and cultures
all over the world contributes to preservation and
protection of cultural identity, actuates undertanding
and tolerance among different ethnic groups, and
gives wealthy cultural education and information to its
Kozara ethno festival happens in the first week of
July, in Piskavica, small town beyond Kozara and in
city of Banja Luka. On the festival participates 400
performers for several countries around the world.
The first Kozara ethno happened in 2005 and was
organized by Banja Luka Tourist Board and Cultural
academic society ‘’Piskavica’’, they made the festival
better and better from year to year. Kozara ethno
festival presents person form Kozara, how people
used to live on the mountain and area beyond
Kozara by presenting customs, culture and food and
drink specialites. Music that follows and gives special
note to the festival are ethno groups form Kozara and
areas nearby the mountain as well as groups from
abroad that play. Every year Kozara ethno festival has
specified theme and every year presents different
activities that have been done inside and outside
of Kozara’s villages. According to the theme of the
festival, performance, exhibition, presentations and
other cultural touristic events are being organized.
Customs such as shering, harvest, refinement of
textile, making of domestic specialties, wedding
ceremony, celebration of family’s saint, celebration
of child birth, Spinning-Bee and other customs has
drawn attention of visitors that have chances to get
familiar with traditional activities and to participate
in it.
Ciklus božićnih
Kao što narodna izreka za nešto što je nedjeljivo ili
neodvojivo od nečeg drugog glasi: „ujedno su kao
Badnji dan i Božić!“, tako ova dva praznika treba
posmatrati kao cjelinu koja se jedinstveno svetkuje.
Niko kao Veselin Čajkanović nije ubjedljivije pokazao
da su, uz slavu ili krsno ime, Badnji dan i Božić
najpoznatiji i najpopularniji praznici u našem
narodnom kalendaru. Naročitost praznovanja
Badnjeg dana i Božića se vidi i iz činjenice da se među
svim praznicima koji se u srpskom narodu svetkuju,
pa i onim najopštijima, poput Vaskrsa, Đurđevdana,
Spasovdana, izdvajaju Badnji dan i Božić kao jedini u
kojima nema drugih prazničnih primjesa, pa tako ova
dva praznika nisu ničije krsno ime, ni zavjetni dan, ni
esnafska slava, već samo Badnji dan i Božić - najopštija
svetkovina, svakoga i svih, u cijelom srpskom narodu.
Ova dva praznika predstavljaju centralne događaje u
ciklusu božićnih običaja koji počinju božićnim
postom, a završavaju Malim Božićem. Božićni post kod pravoslavnih traje šest
nedelja i po riječima stanovnika Piskavice ovaj post su oduvijek postili gotovo svi
stanovnici, „i ljudi i žene i djeca“. Na Tucindan, dan uoči Badnjeg dana, su se „tukli“
- klali i pekli krmci za pečenicu. Ljudi su se dogovarali kad će to i kako raditi. Ako su
prasci mali u zajedničkoj pecani se peklo po dvoje – troje. Pečenica je do Božića
stajala na ražnju na nekom sigurnom mjestu, nedostupnom životinjama. Uveče se
išlo u šumu da se zabilježi badnjak – hrastovo ili cerovo drvo, koji će se na Badnji
dan usjeći. Vjeruje se da se na taj dan ne treba tući, „jer će onome ko tuče kraste po
tijelu izaći“. Uoči Božića, na Badnji dan žene „u šakama“ ništa ne rade. Sklone se
preslice, igle, vretena da „to ništa ne `oda po kući dok ne prođe Božić“. Ujutro rano
se mijesi badnji kolač od posebno mljevenog pšeničnog brašna koje se ranije
pripremilo, posebno za česnicu i kovrtanj, a posebno za Badnji dan. Starješina i
neko jače muško dijete išli bi da usijeku badnjak. Usiječe se lisnata grana koja će se
unijeti u kuću. Prije sječenja badnjaku se poželi dobro jutro i pospe se žitom koje
je domaćin za tu priliku sa sobom donio. Nastoji se da se badnjak usiječe iz tri
udarca, a iveri koji se tom prilikom usijeku se zamotaju i ponesu kući, da ih
domaćica naloži kad podgrijava mlijeko da bude deblji kajmak. Domaćin unosi
badnjak u kuću, a domaćica ga posipa pripremljenim žitom tri puta, govoreći:
„Sretan nam Badnji dan i Božić“. Kad ga unesu u kuću, domaćin jednom grančicom
koju je odlomio sa badnjaka čačka po vatri na ognjištu tri puta govoreći: „Koliko
varnica, toliko ovčica, koliko varnica, toliko kokica, koliko varnica, toliko kravica“. Tu
grančicu „zadije“ negdje u kući, gdje najčešće stoji do idućeg Badnjeg dana.
Badnjak iznese i prisloni uz kuću ili uz neko drvo, gdje stoji do Malog Božića. On se
kasnije isiječe i njime se loži vatra u danima koji slijede iza ovih praznika. Uveče, na
Badnji dan, sprema se dobra posna večera. Sprema se riba (slanik - bijela riba),
gnječeni grah, krompir, pita i salata. Večera i kolač „badnjica“ se služe uveče, kad se
okupi sva čeljad. Hranu uzima prvo starješina, a onda ostali. Prije večere domaćica
u kuću unosi slamu, rasporedi je oko ognjišta i u nju prosipa orahe, „ljelje“ – lješnike
i kocke šećera. Djeca kupe te slastice pijukajući, dok odrasli stoje ili sjede sa strane.
Žene kokodaču, a muški kukuriču. Slama, se poslije pijukanja prikloni negdje u kraj
prostorije gdje ostaje do Malog Božića. Po završetku pijukanja, svi ukućani operu
ruke, pomole se Bogu i pristupa se večeri. Nakon večere diže se svijeća i gleda se
vide li se svima cijele sjene na zidu. Vjerovalo se da osoba čijoj sjeni nedostaje
glava „neće pregodišnjiti“ - umrijeće te godine. Ljudi malo posjede, zabavljaju se
nekim igrama (kajiš, trika, karte...), pjevaju i prilično kasno idu na spavanje. Položnik
je osoba koja na Badnji dan prva uđe u kuću. To je obično muška osoba iz sela koja
obilazi nekoliko domaćinstava. Čim uđe u kuću položnik je morao sjesti na zemlju,
da ne bi kvočke ustajale kad se nasađuju. Domaćin ga posluži kafom, rakijom i
onim što ima na stolu, pa on odlazi dalje. Na Božić, poslije ponoći domaćin je išao
na bunar po vodu za česnicu. Kad uzme vodu posipao je bunar pšenicom koju je
sa sobom donio. Ljudi su se takmičili ko će to prvi
uraditi, a prosuto žito je značilo da je neko ranije
stigao na bunar. Po povratku kući, prema starijim,
kazivačima, domaćin je kuvao česnicu i kovrtanj.
Česnica se pripremala od brašna i vode i u nju se
stavljala para. Brašnom od česnice se mijesio i
kovrtanj – hljeb sa rupom u sredini za Mali Božić.
Česnica i kovrtanj su se pekli ispod sača na ognjištu,
koje je pripremila domaćica. Gotovu česnicu sa vatre
su vadili muški i prislanjali je negdje uz zid dok se ne
postavi sve za doručak. Kovrtanj se ogrtao čistim
stoljnjakom i vješao na čiviluk u kući, gdje je bio do
Malog Božića. Prema novijim izvorima, nakon Drugog
svjetskog rata, sve poslove oko česnice obavljala je
domaćica. Ona je prilikom odlaska na bunar po vodu
tražila i grančice lijeske sa resama kojima je mijesila i
šarala česnicu. Česnica se tri puta okretala prije nego
što bi se stavila na ognjište da se peče. Od tijesta za
česnicu se kidao komadić i pravio se kovrtanjić, koji
se pekao na ognjištu i zajedno sa lijeskovim resama
kačio negdje u kući. Ovaj kovrtanjić se zajedno sa
lijeskovim resama stavljao u napoj prvoj kravi koja se
oteli u toj godini. Prethodno se krava pomuzla, tako
da mlaz mlijeka iz svakog vimena prođe kroz kovrtanj
u posudu. Nakon pripreme česnice polako ustaju i
ostali ukućani. Kako ko ustaje ide prvo do ognjišta i
mašom „češe kladu“ – razgori vatru, uz želje da rodi
godina, da žive ovčice i krave... Svi ukućani moraju biti
umiveni i svečano obučeni. Domaćin skida pečenicu
sa ražnja i postavlja je po stolu. Vjerovalo se da svaki
ukućan treba prvo pojesti po komad mesa sa zakolja
– rez kojim je zaklana pečenica, jer će tako biti veseli
cijele godine. Na sto se postavlja i česnica, na koju se,
prema starijim kazivačima stavlja vino i četiri čaše.
Ukućani se ogledaju u zagrijanu kapljevinu – mast od
pečenice, jer se vjerovalo se da će osoba koja u
kapljevini ne vidi svoju glavu umrijeti. Prije doručka
okadi se kuća, svi ukućani, stoka i pomoćni objekti,
popije se kafa, koju je samo za Božić sva čeljad pila i
staje se oko sinije – stola koji je postavljen na slami.
Svi se pomole Bogu, izljube, zapali se svijeća, te se u
čaše nalije vino, kojim četiri muške osobe nazdrave,
popiju ga i lome česnicu. Ukoliko u kući nema četiri
muške glave, „može i žena da pripomogne“. Prije
lomljenja česnica se okreće tri puta „kako se nasijava,
na desno“. Vjeruje se da će neko od ukućana umrijeti
ukoliko otpadne mrva prilikom lomljenja česnice, pa
se na to posebno pazilo. Nakon lomljenja česnice svi
ukućani se izljube, sjedaju za sto da se goste. Svima
se da po komad česnice, a uz pečenicu je služena
čorba, pita, sir, pile i salata. Svaka namirnica se prije
jela ljubila, da bi ovce priljubile janjad, krave priljubile
telad... Svako bi pojeo i kašiku meda da bude sva
čeljad medena. Vjerovalo se da će onaj ko nađe paru
u česnici biti posebno srećan te godine. Ta para se do
idućeg Božića čuvala u kući. Svi su jeli jednom žlicom
koju je prvo uzimao starješina govoreći tri puta:
„Jedna `tica, jedna žlica. Rep u njivu, glavu u šumu“.
Nakon jela, starješina bi odjeljao kost od pečenja,
iznio je na dvor, dva puta zamahnuo i treći put je
prebacio preko kuće. Nakon toga se pred kuću
dovodio vo i preko praga mu se tri puta stavljao
kovrtanj na rog. Kovrtanj se zatim vraćao na čiviluk, a
vo u štalu. U ovom kraju nisu čekali da vo zbaci
kovrtanj na zemlju, da bi na osnovu toga predviđali
da li će godina biti dobra ili ne. Vjerovalo se da će
svaki posao koji se započne na Božić biti uspješan pa
je domaćica unosila alat za predenje u kuću i na
pitanje šta to radi ona bi odgovarala da prede „ćeten
svilu“, a domaćin bi na to dodao: „Predi, predi, bio ti
ćeten (lan) ko svila, prelja ko vila“. Ovaj ritual se
ponavljao tri puta. Valja se „prodijeti“ – prošiti tri puta
iglom na platnu, tri puta provući nit `ekljanom ili
pletaćom iglom, uzeti luga, zamješati ga u vodi i
malo oprati krpicu. Muškarci bi palili drugu svijeću,
uzimali tamjan i u posudu umrvili česnice i od svega
posluženog na stolu po malo. To se odnosilo u štalu
da „se zaspe“ blago – stavi im se po malo u usta.
Nakon ovoga svako je mogao ići svojim poslom, ali
ne valja spavati, jer se vjeruje da će u spavanju cijela
godina proći. Obično se odlazilo na neko mjesto u
selu gdje se igralo kolo. I na Božić se gatalo u svijeću.
Gledalo se da li svijeća suzi i vjerovalo se da će roditi
dobro godina ako svijeća dobro suzi, a ako ne suzi
godina će biti sušna. Po tome kako je slezena
božićnje pečenice okrenuta predviđalo se kakva će
biti zima. Gatalo se i u kobilicu pileta. Ona je mogla
pokazati ako će biti manjak u kući, bilo da je u pitanju
neka krađa ili smrt nekog od ukućana. Svijeća i hrana
postavljena na stolu stoje cijeli dan. Svijeća se po
završetku praznika gasila tako što se tri puta zalijevala
rakijom. Drugi dan Božića se nije palila svijeća i poslije
zajedničkog doručka svako bi obavljao svoj
uobičajeni posao. Postavljena trpeza se nije dizala do
večeri. U istoj atmosferi su prolazili i ostali dani do
Malog Božića.
Sedam dana nakon Božića praznuje se Mali Božić.
Uoči Malog Božića starješina bi išao na mjesto gdje
je arman – mjesto gdje se „vrlo“ žito, na čijoj sredini
udara kolac. Skoro svako domaćinstvo je imalo svoj
arman za vršidbu, ali su se stanovnici sela dogovarali
na čijem će se za Mali Božić okupiti. Ujutru na
dogovoreno mjesto idu svi ukućani. Domaćin
nosi kovrtanj, a djeca nose kanap. Poslije Drugog
svjetskog rata domaćica je uoči Malog Božića mijesila
novi kovrtanj pošto se onaj koji je napravljen za Božić
čuvao za napoj prvoj kravi koja se oteli. Po armanu se
posipa slama koju je svako dijete donijelo sa sobom.
Svi kovrtnji koji su doneseni se stavljaju na kolac, za
koji se veže kanap i za njega se hvataju djeca. Jedan
domaćin motkom goni djecu oko koca na desnu
stranu. Kad djeca primotaju konopac kocu, trčeći
i ržući kao konji, domaćin proziva četiri bogatija i
čuvenija domaćina u selu, da dođu i pomognu da se
pšenica vrše. Nakon toga djeca odmotavaju konopac
i kad ga odmotaju opet zovu čuvenije domaćine. Još
jednom se konopac namotava i pozivaju ugledni
domaćini da pomognu. Domaćin zatim skida
kovrtanje, od svakog nareže i svakom djetetu daje
po komadić. Svako ostatak svog kovrtanja nosi kući.
Djeca pokupe i po šaku slame koju su „vrli“ i nose je
kući da se na nju nasadi kvočka. Od kovrtnja se pravi
popara začinjena sirom tucanikom i kapljevinom
– mašću koja se cijedi prilikom pečenja pečenice.
Poparu jede sva čeljad iz domaćinstva. Poslije
doručka se slamom, koja je od Badnjeg dana bila u
kući, kiti voće, pa ukućani idu na dogovoreno mjesto
u kolo.
Cycle of Christmas
As a proverb that describes something that is
indivisible or inseparable from something else says
”they are one as Christmas Eve’s Day and Christmas
Day!”, these two holidays should be regarded as a
unity that is celebrated as one. Nobody was as
convincing as Veselin Čajkanovic in showing that
along with the festivities of family Patron Saint’s Day
or Christened Name’s Day, the Christmas Eve’s Day
and the Christmas Day are the best-known and most
popular holidays in our folk calendar. The specificity
of celebrating the Christmas Eve’s Day and the
Christmas Day is, also, seen in the fact that amid all
festivities celebrated by the Serb people, including
the most universal ones, such as the Easter, Saint
George’s Day, Ascension Day, the Christmas Eve’s Day
and the Christmas Day distinguish themselves as the
only ones without any other festivity’s admixtures,
meaning that these two holidays are nobody’s
christened names or votive days, they are not patron
saint’s days of any guild, but are simply the Christmas
Eve’s Day and the Christmas Day - the most universal
festivities of everyone and everybody of the whole
Serb people. These two holidays represent the
central events in the cycle of Christmas customs that
start with the Christmas Fast and end with Little
Christmas (New Year’s Day). The Christmas Fast of
Orthodox believers lasts six weeks and according to
those living in Piskavica this Fast has always been
observed by almost all inhabitants ”including the
people and women and children”. On Tucindan
[Beating Day], the day before the Christmas Eve’s Day,
pigs were ”beaten”- slaughtered and roasted for roast
meat. People would agree on when and how to do
that. If the pigs were small, two-three of them would
be roasted in a joint outdoor roasting oven. The roast
meat would stay on the spit and be moved some
place safe, inaccessible for animals. In the evening,
people would go to the forest to mark a badniak [a
tree log that is ceremonially burned on the domestic
hearth] - oak or Turkey oak to be cut on the Christmas
Eve’s Day. It is believed that there should be no
beating on that day because ”he who beats will have
his body covered with scabs”. The day before
Christmas, on the Christmas Eve’s Day, women do
nothing ”with their fists”. Distaffs, needles, spindles
are moved away so that ”nothing walks around the
house until Christmas is over”. Early in the morning,
Christmas bread is kneaded from specially ground
wheat flour that was prepared beforehand, separately
for česnica [Christmas bread] and kovrtanj [ringshaped Christmas bread] and separately for the
Christmas Eve’s Day. The elder and a strong male
child would go to cut the badniak. A leafy branch is
cut off to be carried inside the house. Before cutting
it, good morning is wished to the badniak and it is
sprinkled with wheat grains that the host brings
along for this specific occasion. One tries to cut
badniak in three hits, and the resulting splints are
wrapped up and carried home, for the housewife to
put them in fire when warming up the milk to make
the cream thicker. The host carries the badniak into
the house and the housewife sprinkles it with already
prepared wheat grains uttering three times:”Marry
Christmas Eve’s Day and Christmas Day to us”. Once it
has been carried inside the house, the host uses a
small branch torn off the badniak to stir a bit the fire
burning in the fireplace three times uttering ”As
many sparks, as many little sheep, as many sparks as
many little hens, as many sparks as many little cows”.
He then ”places” the branch somewhere in the house,
where it will, in most of the cases, stay until the next
Christmas Eve’s Day. He carries the badniak out of the
house and leans it against the house or a tree, where
it stays until Little Christmas. It is later cut in pieces
and used for fire wood during the days that follow
these holidays. In the evening, on the Christmas Eve’s
Day, a nice fast supper is prepared. Fish (salted fish white fish), mashed beans, potato, pie and salad are
prepared. The supper and badnjica [Christmas Eve]
bread are served in the evening, when everybody is
around. The elder is the first to take the food, and is
followed by others. Before the supper, the housewife
brings straw into the house, distributes it around the
fireplace and sprinkles it with walnuts, ”ljelje” hazelnuts and sugar cubes. Children pick up the
candies and peep, while the adults stand or sit on the
side. Women cackle and men crow. After the
peeping, the straw is placed somewhere aside in the
room where it will stay until Little Christmas. When
the peeping is over, all household members wash
their hands, say a Prayer to God and start eating the
supper. After the supper, the candle is lifted up to see
whether complete shadows of everyone can be seen
on the wall. It was believed that the person whose
shadow is without the head ”will not survive through
the year” - will die that year. People would then sit for
a short while, have fun playing some games (kajiš
[belt], trika, cards...), sing and go to sleep rather late.
Položnik is the first person that steps into the house
on the Christmas Eve’s Day. Usually it is a male person
from the village that visits several households.
Immediately after stepping into the house, the
položnik had to sit on the ground, to avoid broody
hens from standing up when eggs were put under
them. The host would offer him coffee, brandy and
whatever was on the table, and he would then move
on. On the Christmas Day, after midnight the host
would go to the well to fetch water for česnica.
Having fetched the water, he would sprinkle the well
with the wheat grains he brought with him. People
would compete who was going to do that first, and
the sprinkled wheat grains meant that someone had
already been at the well. After returning home,
according to elderly people, story tellers, the host
would cook česnica and kovrtanj. Česnica was made
from flour and water and a coin would be put in it.
Kovrtanj - the bread for Little Christmas that had a
hole in the middle would also be made from the
flour that was used for česnica. Česnica and kovrtanj
would be baked under a baking lid in the fireplace,
which had been prepared by the housewife. Once
finished, česnica would be removed from the fire by
the male members and leaned somewhere against
the wall until everything was set up for the breakfast.
Kovrtnjak would be wrapped in a clean table cloth
and hanged to the coat hanger in the house, where
it would stay until Little Christmas. According to
more recent sources, after the World War II, it was the
housewife that was doing all the job relating to
česnica. When going to the well for water she would
also look for small hazel branches with catkins to be
used for česnica kneading and decorating. Before
being put in the fireplace for baking, česnica would
be turned around three times. A small piece of
dough would be torn off to make kovrtanjić [small
kovrtanj] that was baked in the fireplace and hanged,
together with the hazel catkins, somewhere in the
house. The kovrtanjić together with hazel catkins
would be put in the water to be given to the cow
that was going to be the first to calve that year.
Before doing that, the cow would be milked in a way
where a jet milk flow from all udder quarters would
pass through the kovrtanj into a container. After
česnica is prepared, other household members get
up slowly. As they get up they first go to the fireplace
and, using the fire tongs, ”scratch the log” - stir up the
fire, with wishes for a good-crop year, for little sheep
and cows to live.... All household members must
wash their faces and wear solemn clothes. The host
removes roast meat from the spit and distributes it
on the table. It was believed that each household
member should first eat a piece of meat from the
zakolj area - the animal slaughter line, to make them
happy throughout the year. Česnica is also put on the
table, and according to elderly story tellers, wine and
four glasses are placed on it. Household members
look at themselves in the mirror of kapljevina - roast
grease, because it was believed that the person who
did not see their head in the kapljevina was going to
die. The house, all household members, cattle and
ancillary facilities are censed before breakfast, coffee
is taken, and it was only for Christmas that everyone
would drink it and people stand around sinija - a
table set up on the straw. Everyone say their prayer to
God, kiss each other, a candle is lit and wine is poured
in the glasses, and four men toast with them, drink
the wine and break česnica. If there are no four men
in the house, ”a woman can help out, too”. Before its
breaking, česnica is turned around three times ”in the
sowing direction, rightward”. It is believed that a
member of the household will die if a crumb falls off
during the breaking of česnica, and special attention
would be given to that. When the breaking of česnica
is finished, all household members kiss each other, sit
at the table to eat. Everyone receives a piece of
česnica, and thick soup, pie, cheese, chicken and
salad are served with the roast meat. Before eating,
each food is kissed, so that the sheep embrace lamb,
cows embrace calves ... Everyone would take a spoon
of honey, too, so that everyone would be as sweet as
honey. It was believed that he who found the coin in
the česnica was going to be especially lucky that
year. The coin would be kept in the house until the
next Christmas. Everyone would eat using the same
spoon that would first be taken by the elder who
would utter on that occasion ”One bird, one spoon.
Tail in the field, head in the wood” three times. After
eating, the elder would trim the bone, take it out in
the yard, waved it two times and the third time he
would throw it over the house. After that, an ox
would be brought in front of the house and the
kovrtanj would be put on his horn three times across
the door-step. The kovrtnaj would then be taken
back to the coat hanger and the ox to the stable. In
this particular area, people would not wait for the ox
to throw the kovrtnaj to the ground to predict, in that
way, whether the year will be good or not. It was
believed that every job started on Christmas would
be a successful one, and the housewife would,
therefore, carry her spinning tools inside the house
and say, answering the question of what she was
doing, that she was spinning ”flax silk”, and the host
would add: ”Spin, spin, may your linen be like silk, and
the spinner like fairy”. This ritual would be repeated
three times. One needed to ”prick through” - sew
through the fabric with a needle -three times, pass
the thread through with a crocheting or knitting
needle three times, pick a small piece of lye, mix it
with water and wash the small piece of clothes a little
bit. Men would light another candle, take incense
and crumb a small piece of česnica and of everything
else that was served on the table into a dish. This
would be taken to the stable ”to strew” the cattle - a
little bit of this would be put into their mouth. After
this was done, everyone was free to do their own job,
but one should not sleep, because it was believed
that one would then sleep the whole year through.
People would usually go to a place in the village
where kolo was being played. Divination was
practiced using a candle on Christmas, too. Divination
depended on whether the candle was shedding wax
tears and it was believed that the crop was going to
be good that year if the candle was shedding wax
tears well, and if not the year was going to be dry.
Divination was practiced to foretell what the winter
was going to be like on the basis of direction in
which the milt of the Christmas roast meat was
turned. Divination was practiced using chicken
breastbone, too. It could foretell whether the house
was going to suffer a loss, be it a theft or a death of a
household member. The candle and the food on the
table would stay there the whole day long. When the
holiday is over, the candle would be extinguished
with brandy poured onto it three times. No candle
would be lit on the second day of Christmas and after
having a breakfast all together everybody would do
their usual job. The food served on the table would
not be removed until the evening. The remaining
days until Christmas would pass in the same
Little Christmas was celebrated seven days after
Christmas. On the eve of Little Christmas, the elder
would go to the place where arman was - a place for
wheat ”threshing”, in the middle of which a pole was
beating. Almost every household had its own arman
for threshing, but the villagers would agree on the
arman where they would gather for Little Christmas.
As the morning comes, all household members go
to the agreed place. The host carries the kovrtanj,
and the children carry a rope. After the World War II,
the housewife would, on the eve of Little Christmas,
knead a new kovrtanj since the one made for
Christmas would be kept to feed the cow that was
the first one to calve. Straw that each child would
bring along would be scattered around the arman.
All brought kovrtanjs would be placed on the pole
to which the rope would be attached for the kids to
grab. One host would then chase the kids around the
pole rightward using a stick. When the kids wrap the
rope up around the pole, running and neighing like
horses, the host calls out four of the village’s richest
and best-known hosts to come and help thresh the
wheat. After that, the kids start unwrapping the rope
and, after having unwrapped it, invite the prominent
hosts again. The rope is wrapped up one more time
and the prominent hosts are invited to help out. The
host then takes off the kovrtanjs, cuts each of them
and gives a small piece to every child. Everyone takes
back home what is left of their respective kovrtanjs.
The kids pick up a handful of straw, too, that they
”threshed” and take it home to place it under the
broody hen. Popara [traditional dish made of left
over or fresh bread] is made using kovrtanj spiced
with Tucanik cheese [type of farmhouse cheese]
and kapljevina - grease seeping down during the
meat roasting. All members of the household eat
popara. After breakfast, fruits are decorated with the
straw that has been in the house since the Christmas
Eve’s Day, and members of the household go to the
agreed place to join kolo.
Mnoga banjalučka sela čuvaju tradiciju i narodne
običaje koji su se ovdje stvarali vijekovima. Specifična
pjesma i igra, narodna nošnja, kuhinja i tradicionalne
aktivnosti u kući i polju, daju banjalučkim selima
odlike očuvanih narodnih običaja. Uz tradicionalnu
gostoljubivost lokalnog stanovništva i bogatstvo
kulturnog i prirodnog nasljeđa doživite nova iskustva,
upoznajte običaje i naučite nove vještine.
Upoznajte dio tradicije Potkozarja kroz turističku
Obilazak etno kuće u Piskavici (U tradicionalnoj
potkozarskoj etno kući, u Piskavici, postavljena je
stalna izložbena postavka etno predmeta koji su se
nekada koristili u ovom kraju. Obilazak etno kuće
se organizuje uz interpretaciju domaćina kuće. U
dvorištu etno kuće organizovana je tržnica domaćih
Prikaz tradicionalnog običaja (U zavisnosti
od želje grupe, organizuje se prikaz jednog od
tradicionalnih običaja kao što su slava, svatovi
ili babine. Performans izvode mještani i članovi
lokalnog kulturno-umjetničkog društva, koji su
obučeni u tradicionalne narodne nošnje. Moguće je
učešće gostiju u performansu).
Tradicionalni ručak uz živu muziku (Tradicionalni
ručak pripremaju mještani sela i sastoji se iz, domaće
juhe, sarme, pečenja, pita, domaće pogače, kuruze,
domaćeg soka, rakije i domaćih poslastica. Sviraju
članovi orkestra lokalnog kulturno-umjetničkog
društva, a moguće je izvesti tradicionalne plesove
i nastupe pjevačke grupe kao i organizovati učenje
tradicionalnog plesa).
Program traje 4 časa uz minimum od 15 posjetilaca.
Traditional culture
Many of the villages of Banja Luka preserve the tradition
and folk customs that were created here for centuries.
Specific song and dance, traditional costumes, cuisine
and traditional activities in the house and in the field
give Banja Luka villages qualities of preserved folk
customs. With the traditional hospitality of the local
population and wealth of cultural and natural heritage
enjoy new experiences, meet the customs and learn new
Meet a part of Potkozarje tradition through the
tourist offer:
Touring the ethno house in Piskavica (In
traditional Potkozarje ethno house in Piskavica, there
is a permanent exhibition of ethno items used in this
area in the past. Touring the ethno house is organised
with the host’s interpretation. A homemade products
market is organised in the ethno house yard.)
Traditional custom presentation (Depending
on the group’s desire, presentation of one of the
traditional customs is organised such as Slava, a
wedding or a party after childbirth (being in childbed
after giving birth and custom of presenting gifts to
the mother, sim. to baby shower party). Local people
do the performance as well as the members of a
local cultural-artistic society, dressed in traditional
folk costumes. There is a possibility of guests’
participation in the performance).
Traditional lunch with live music (Traditional
lunch is prepared by the village local people and
it consists of home-made stew, cabbage rolls, pies,
home-made bread, corn bread, home-made juice,
brandy and national delicacies. Members of the local
cultural-artistic society play and it is possible to have
traditional dances performed and singing bands
appearances as well as to organise traditional dance
The programme lasts for 4 hours with minimum
number of 15 visitors
Folklorna grupa ”Razložki
Meraci“, Razlog (Bugarska)
Folkloran grupa ”Razložki Meraci” je osnovana 1996.
godine kao pjevačka grupa, a 2008. godine je prerasla
u folklorni ansambl. Grupa prezentuje pjesme, manire
i narodne nošnje iz bugarskog regiona Razlog. Njihov
repertoar je autentičan i praćen narodnom muzikom,
uključujući plesanje i karakteristične rituale. Ansambl
je učestvovao na brojnim nominacijama u zemlji
i inostranstvu. Jedano od njihovih posljednjih
priznanja je glavna nagrada festivala ”Maleševo
pjevanje i plesanje - Mikrevo 2012“. Umetnički
direktor grupe je Blagoj Jurukov.
Folk group ”Razlojki meratsi”,
Razlog (Bulgaria)
Formation ”Razlojki meratsi” was founded in 1996 as
a singing group, and in 2008 was transformed into
folk ensemble. It is an emblem of songs, manners
and national costumes of the Razlog region. Their
repertoire is authentic and arranged folk music
including dancing and distinctive rituals. The
ensemble has participated in numerous awards at
home and abroad. One of their recent accolades is
the grand prize of the festival ”Maleshevo singing
and dancing - Mikrevo 2012“. Art Director is Blagoj
Lous Crabots de Semisens,
St Vincent de Tyrosse (Francuska)
U jugo-zapadnoj Francuskoj departman Land bogat
je prirodnim nasljedstvom koje ima sve važniju
ulogu u turizmu. Predivan izgled mu daju Atlanski
okean, vinogradi Bordoa i okolina Pirineja. Ipak
jedno vrijeme ovo predivno područje bilo je zaista
napušteno uvodeći praksu korišćenje štula kao
potrebu. Unutar ovog močvarnog okruženja i divljine
su se tad pojavile štule i ta praksa, ali tek kasnije će
se početi koristiti u narodnom plesu. U mjesnom
kontekstu, to bi značilo u gradu Saint Vincent de
Tyrosse, TAL ”Tyrossa Centar za zabavu i razonodu”
1981 godine otvara sekciju za štule. Djeca iz opštine
Saint-Vincent-de-Tyrosse pozvana su na upis i u
arenama su obavljeni treninzi. Od sezone 1982.1983. motivacija će se nalaziti u velikom uspjehu
djece mjesnih osnovnih škola ali, iznad svega, i u
entuzijazmu učitelja, nepokolebljivog branioca
tradicija Landa i Gaskonje. Mame i tate počinju da
sve više i više prate uspjeh svoje djece i da učestvuju
u životu sekcije za štule. Prva priredba je postavljena
i biće predstavljena na parohijskom sajmu. Nakon
toga, naši mladi hodači na štulama susrešće se sa
ragbi igračima UST (naš mjesni tim) otpratiti ih do
igrališta i domaćih navijača da predstave svoju drugu
priredbu. Tako se ”mašinerija” polako zagrijavala.
Zatim se 1984, u službenom glasniku pojavljuje
udruženje “Lous Crabots de Semisens”. Ovo udruženje
će naslediti štule, ovčje krzno i kostime iz Centra za
zabavu Tyrossa.
Danas nakon 25 godina postojanja, Lous Crabots de
Semisens broji:
• 115 članova uključujući 53 hodača na štulama, 30
plesača i 10 muzičara;
• 25 pozivnica na državne i međunarodne festivale
(u Portugalu, Španiji, Švajcarskoj, Češkoj Republici,
Slovačkoj, Turskoj, Karibima, Sjedinjenim Američkim
Državama, Japanu, Kini) ;
• u prosjeku 30 priredbi godišnje u Francuskoj;
• 18 međunarodnih festivala koji se održe u okviru
• Nekoliko manifestacija i aktivnosti…
Tokom ceremonije otvaranja, 10 predstavnika će vam
pokazati dio svog programa uz pratnju tradicionalne
muzike (harmonike, orguljica, flaute sa tri otvora…)
Lous Crabots de Semisens, St
Vincent de Tyrosse (France)
In South West France Landes is a department rich
in natural heritage which offers a growing role in
tourism. Encircled from the Atlantic Ocean, the
vineyards of Bordeaux and the Pyrenees decor gives
it a stunning appeal. Yet at the time this beautiful
region was indeed deserted making the practice of
the stilts as the need to go. It is within this wetland
environment and wildlife that then appeared stilts
and practice and it was only much later that we
will use it for folklore dance. In a more local context,
that is to say in Saint. Vincent de Tyrosse city, the TAL
”Tyrosse Entertainment Leisure” opens in 1981 a stilt
section. A recruitment letter was sent to children
in the commune of Saint-Vincent-de-Tyrosse and
workouts are done in arenas. From the season 19821983, the drives will be offered in local elementary
school’s strong success with school children but also
and above all thanks to the enthusiasm of a teacher, a
staunch defender of traditions Landes and Gascony.
Moms and dads begin to follow more and more of
their children and to participate in the life of the Stilt
section.A first show is set up and will be presented
at the parish fair. Subsequently, our young waders
will be meeting the rugby players of UST (our local
team) escort to the stadium and the indoor market
supporters to their present their second show. Thus
the ”machine” was start up little by little.
In 1984, then comes the association « Lous Crabots
de Semisens » in the official gazette. It will inherit
material stilts, sheepskins and costumes from Tyrosse
Entairtainment Leisure.
Today after 25 years of existence, Lous Crabots de
Semisens account:
• 115 members including 53 waders, 30 dancers and
10 musicians;
• 25 invitations to national and international festivals
(Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, Czech Republic,
Slovakia, Turkey, Caribbean, USA, Japan, China);
• 30 performances a year on average in France;
• 18 international festivals held within the group;
• Several events and activities...
During the opening ceremony, the 10 representatives
will show you a part of their show accompanied by
traditional music (accordions, hurdy gurdy, flute with
three holes...).
Omladinsko kulturno-umetničko društvo
“Sveti Sava”, Nova Pazova (Srbija)
Omladinsko kulturno-umetničko društvo “Sveti Sava”
osnovano je u aprilu 2002. godine. U 12 godina
postojanja održala ih je, prije svega, ljubav prema
njihovoj tradiciji, narodnim igrama i pjesmama, koje
su znak raspoznavanja svakog od njih ma gdje bili. I
ljubav prema lijepo kazanoj riječi, na njihovom jeziku.
Grupa pored igrača, svirača i pjevača ima i recitatore,
a ukupno broji 140 članova. Zahvaljujući ljudima
dobre volje spremnih da pomognu, uspjeli su da
se opreme kostimima, postave nove koreografije,
da se nametnu mnogima koji su ih poslije zvali na
gostovanja. Gostovali su širom Srbije, a priliku da
njihov program vide imala je i publika u Bugarskoj,
Makedoniji, Mađarskoj, Poljskoj, Slovačkoj i Rusiji.
Rezultati napornog rada u proteklih 12 godina
ogledaju se kroz osvojena priznanja, a njihove vitrine
krase 8 zlatnih, 11 srebrnih i 4 bronzane plakete sa
pokrajinskih i republičkih smotri koje su osvojili
njihovi recitatori, dečije grupe i izvođački ansambl.
Pojedinačnih nagrada i nagrada sa drugih festivala
je puno više. Iz Društva poručuju da su zadovoljni
jer su bogati, a bogati su jer imaju prijatelje koji im
pomažu, jer imaju jedni druge, jer im dani protiču u
međusobnom druženju i druženju sa onima koji ih
vole i koje oni vole, jer ih na očuvanju tradicije, da bi
znali ko su, vode uvek njihova srca.
Sveti Sava Youth Cultural-Artistic
Society, Nova Pazova (Serbia)
Sveti Sava Youth Cultural-Artistic Society was
established in April 2002. During the 12 years of its
existence they have been subsisting on, first of all,
their love for their tradition, folk dances and songs,
as a distinctive mark of all of them no matter where
they are. And on the love for a nicely spoken word,
in their language. Aside from dancers, instrument
players and singers, this group also includes reciters
numbering a total of 140 members. Thanks to people
of good will, prepared to help, they have managed
to furnish themselves with costumes, set up new
choreographies, impose themselves on many who
later invited them to be their guests. They visited
places across Serbia, and the audiences in Bulgaria,
Macedonia, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Russia
have, also, had an opportunity to see their program.
The results of their hard work over the past 12
years are seen in the achieved recognitions, and
their display cases show off 8 gold, 11 silver and 4
bronze plaquettes earned by their reciters, children’s
groups and the performing ensemble at festivals
at the republic and province levels. The number of
individual awards and awards from other festivals is
much higher. The message this Society sends out
is that they are satisfied because they are rich, and
they are rich because they have friends who are
giving them a helping hand, because they have one
another, because they spend their days socialising
with each other and with those that love them and
that are loved by them, because it is their hearts that
always guide them in their work aimed at preserving
the tradition, for them to know who they are.
KUD “Braća Tolevi”, Đevđelija
Braća Tolevi nam dolaze sa juga Makedonije, iz
mjesta Prdejci u opštini Đevdjelija. Društvo postoji i
aktivno radi već 13 godina, a danas broji 60 folkloraša
koji rade u 3 grupe: prva grupa od 6 do 13 godina,
druga grupa od 14 do 25 godina i treća grupa
vokalni solisti. Društvo posjeduje svoje prostorije
za probe, kancelariju i ljetnu scenu. Braća Tolevi
svake godine je organizuju kulturnu manifestaciju
”Majska druženja” i to na njihovoj ljetnoj sceni. Iza
njih su mnoge turneje iz Holandije, Njemačke, Italije,
Francuske, Belgije, Turske, Srbije i BiH. Sarađuju sa
KUD ”Grozd” iz Aleksandrovca, KUD ”Batajnica”, kao i
sa KUD ”Piskavica” s kojim su počeli zajedno, odrasli
i postigli uspjehe.
Cultural-Artistic Society Braća Tolevi,
Djevdjelija (Macedonia)
Braća Tolevi comes from the South of Macedonia,
from the place of Prdejci in the Đevdjelija
municipality. The Society has been existing and
working actively for 13 years already, and presently
it numbers 60 members working in three groups: the
first group of the age between 6 and 13, the second
group of the age between 14 and 25, with the third
group comprised of solo singers. The Society owns
its own premises for rehearsals, office space and a
summer stage. Braća Tolevi organises the cultural
event of Majska Druzenja [May Gets Together] every
summer taking place on their summer stage. They
have made a number of tours in the Netherlands,
Germany, Italy, France Belgium, Turkey, Serbia and
BiH. They are cooperating with the Grozd KUD from
Aleksandrovac, Batajnica KUD, as well as with the
Piskavica KUD, that they started with, grew up and
achieved successes together.
Fermenti sonori,
Rimini (Italija)
Zvučna Previranja su muzička grupa nedavno
formirana (ljeto 2013), nastala u okviru Prosvjetnog
Društvaza Društvenu Promociju „Etnički nemir“ iz
Rimini-ja. Sastavljena od četiri istaknuta muzičara
grupa nudi jedan veoma širok repertoar, kako na
polju slušanja tako i na polju plesa, slobodno se
krećući od romanjolske narodne muzike (sa Saltarelli
i Manfrine1*) sve do one italijanske (sa Tarantelleama2* i Quadriglie-ama3*), od romantičnih
francuskih balada (sa Bourées4* Mazurke5* i
Scotisch6*), sve do uvrštenih muzika Balkana i
srednjeg Orijenta obuhvatajući bogat repertoar
prožet evropskim plesom. Iako je riječ o zajednici
novijeg datuma, grupa je ponosna na svoje članova
nekada na raznim koncertima među kojima su:
• Frontino (Festival graham)
• Verucchio (Pehari zvijezda)
• Rimini (razne priredbe sa plesom za narodne
• Riccione (Blagdan Svetog Josipa)
• Recanati (Festival čokolade)
• Fano (Narodna svečanost)
• Riccione (Pozorište na moru)
Sound turbulences,
Rimini (Italy)
Sound Turbulences is a recently established
musical band (summer of 2013), formed within the
framework of the Educational Society for Promoting
Society, Ethnic Anxiety from Rimini. Consisting of
four prominent musicians, the band offers a rather
broad repertoire, both at the listening level and at
the dance level, moving freely from the folk music of
Romagna (with Sartarello and Manfrine*1) up to the
Italian one (with Tarantella*2 and Quadrille*3), from
romantic French ballades (with Bouréss*4, Mazurka*5
and Scotisch*6), all the way to the classified music
of the Balkans and the Middle East, encompassing
a rich repertoire woven with the European dance.
While of a rather recent date, this band is proud of its
members sometimes in various concerts including:
• Verucchio (Stars’ Cups)
• Rimini (various dance performances for folk festivals)
• Riccione (Saint Joseph’s Feast Day)
• Recanati (Chocolate Festival)
• Frontino (Bean Festival)
• Fanø (Folk Festival)
• Riccione (Theater on the Sea)
KUD ”Piskavica”, Piskavica,
Banja Luka (BiH)
Kulturno umjetničko društvo „Piskavica“ je osnovano
2002. godine i radi u istoimenom živopisnom
potkozarskom mjestu Piskavica kod Banjaluke.
Društvo broji oko 150 članova svih uzrasta i profesija
(učenici, studenti, radnici i penzioneri) koji rade u
više sekcija. Najbrojnija sekcija je folklorna koja ima
tri grupe i to: dječiju grupu do 12 godina, omladinsku
grupu do 17 godina i izvođačku grupu starijih od
17 godina. U muzičkoj sekciji radi narodni orkestar,
pjevačka grupa i vokalni solisti. Društvo je jedinstveno
po tome što ima sekciju koja se bavi izvornim
narodnim stvaralaštvom u okviru koje članovi sekcije
pripremaju i prezentuju stare narodne običaje uz
tradicionalne izvorne pjesme potkozarskog kraja. Sve
koreografije su adekvatno kostimirane i izvode se uz
pratnju narodnog orkestra i sviranje uživo. Takođe u
sklopu programa spremljeno je više starih narodnih
pjesama koje izvode vokalni solisti i pjevačka grupa
bez pratnje i uz pratnju narodnog orkestra kao i
više instrumentalnih izvedbi narodnih kola. KUD
”Piskavica” je domaćin i suorganizator festivala
Kozarski etno”.
• Krajiške igre - koreograf Vaso Popović prof.
• Igre sa planine Grmeč - koreograf Vaso Popović prof.
• Igra iz okoline Prnjavora - koreograf Vaso Popović
• Igre sa Ozrena i Trebave - koreograf Mirko Arambašić
• Igre iz Obudovca - koreograf Vaso Popović prof.
• Igre iz stare Banja Luke - koreograf Vaso Popović prof
• Bunjevačke igrem - koreograf Mirko Arambašić
• Igre iz Šumadije - koreograf Živojin Đurić
• Vlaške igre - koreograf Vaso Popović prof.
• Igre iz Ponišavlja - koreograf Mirko Arambašić
• Igra Biljana platno beleše - koreograf Jovanov Gorgi
• Igre iz okoline Leskovca - koreograf Mirko Arambašić
Folklore club ”Piskavica”,
Piskavica, Banja Luka (B&H)
Cultural club „Piskavica“ (B&H) was founded in 2002
and operates in a similar picturesque place called
Piskavica, near Banja Luka. Club numbers around
150 members of all ages and professions (pupils,
students, workers and pensioners) who work in a
several sections. The largest section is the folklore one
which consists of three groups, namely: children’s
group until 12 years of age, youth group until 17
years of age and senior performing group from 17
years and above. In a musical section there is a folk
orchestra, vocalist’s group and vocal soloists. The
group is unique by its section which occupies with
authentic people’s creation where section members
prepare and present ancient customs with traditional
authentic songs from Potkozarje. All choreographies
are adequately costumed and performed followed
by folk orchestra and live playing. Also, within the
program there are many old folk songs performed
by vocal soloists and singing group without
accompaniment and with accompaniment of folk
orchestra as well as many instrumental presentations
of folk dance called kolo.
• Krajina’s dances choreographer Vaso Popović prof.
• Mountain Grmeč dances choreographer Vaso
Popović prof.
• Prnjavor surroundings dances choreographer Vaso
Popović prof.
• Ozren and Trebava dances choreographer Mirko
• Obudovac dances choreographer Vaso Popović
• Dances from old Banja Luka choreographer Vaso
Popović prof.
• Bunjevac dances choreographer Mirko Arambašić
• Dances from Šumadija choreographer Živojim Đurić
• Vlach’s dances choreographer Vaso Popović prof.
• Nishava region dances choreographer Mirko
• Dance ’Biljana platno beleše’ choreographer
Jovanov Gorgi
• Leskovac surroundings dances choreographer
Mirko Arambašić
KUD „Sveti Sava“
Banja Luka (BiH)
KUD „Sveti Sava“ je osnovano 2007. godine, i još
uvijek djeluje kao najmlađe kulturno umjetničko
društvo u Banjaluci. Društvo trenutno broji preko 260
članova, uzrasta od 6 do 45 godina, a u dosadašnjem
radu formirali su 4 folklorne grupe, pjevačku
grupu i orkestar. U proteklom periodu društvo je
održalo mnoštvo javnih nastupa, cjelovečernjih
koncerata, gostovanja, od kojih izdvajaju učešća na
međunarodnim smotrama folklora u Riminiju (Italija)
i Pragu (Češka). Pored pomenutih festivala Društvo je
nastupalo na „Svetosavskom balu“ u Gracu (Austrija)
koji je održan u. januaru 2014. godine. Društvo se
ističe društveno-odgovornim i humanitarnim radom
koji se ostvaruju kroz aktivnosti i socijalno odgovorne
Sveti Sava KUD
Banja Luka (B&H)
Sveti Sava KUD was founded in 2007 and is still
working as the youngest cultural-artistic society in
Banja Luka. The Society currently numbers over 260
members, of the age ranging from 6 up to 45, and it
has, in its hitherto work, formed 4 folk dance groups,
a singing group and an orchestra. In the past, the
Society has had a number of public appearances,
evening concerts, guest appearances, from amongst
which they are singling out their participation in
international folklore festivals in Rimini (Italy) and
Prague (Czech Republic). Aside from the mentioned
festivals, the Society also appeared at the St Sava Ball
in Graz (Austria) held in January 2014. This society
distinguishes itself by its socially-accountable and
humanitarian work that is carried out through
activities and socially-accountable projects.
KUD “Kolovit”,
Gradiška (BiH)
Kulturno umjetničko društvo „Kolovit“ iz Gradiške je
dobrovoljna društvena organizacija, osnovana radi
ostvarenja zajedničkih potreba i interesa građana,
a naročito djece i omladine u oblasti kulturnoumjetničkog rada. Društvo je osnovano 1992.
godine a trenutno sjedište mu je u zgradi Ustanove
Kulturni Centar u Gradišci. Društvo danas broji oko
430 članova podjeljenih u 7 programskih jedinica,
6 sekcija, 4 pjevačke grupe i narodni orkestar. Od
2003. godine „Kolovit“ je organizator višednevnog
Međunarodnog festivala narodne pjesme i igre,
kapaciteta 12 ansambala iz zemlje i inostranstva.
Društvo je učestvovalo na različitim smotrama i
festivalima u Srbiji, BiH, Hrvatskoj, Holandiji, Grčkoj,
Sloveniji, Rumuniji, Mađarskoj, Švedskoj i Makedoniji.
Cultural-artistic club
“Kolovit”, Gradiška (B&H)
Cultural-artistic club “Kolovit” from Gradiška (B&H)
is a voluntary social organization, founded in order
to meet joint needs and interests of the citizens
and children and youth in particular in the field
of cultural-artistic work. The Club was founded in
1992 and their current seat is in the building of the
Institution of Cultural Centre in Gradiška. The Club
counts around 430 members at present, divided in
7 programme units, 6 clubs, 4 singing groups and
a folk orchestra. Since 2003 “Kolovit” has been the
organizer of the International folklore song and
dance Festival in several days duration, hosting 12
ensembles from the country and abroad. The Club
participated in various parades festivals in Serbia, BiH,
Croatia, Holland, Greece, Slovenia, Romania, Hungary,
Sweden and Macedonia.
KUD “Baščaršija”,
Sarajevo (BiH)
Kulturno-umjetničko društvo Baščaršija od 1994.
godine nastavlja tradiciju„KUD Miljenko Cvitković”koje
je osnovano 1947. godine. Široka je lepeza djelovanja
ovog društva tokom njegovog šesdesetogodišnjeg
trajanja i uvijek uokvirena visokim umjetničkim
dometima. Spadalo je i spada među najrazvijenija
društva u Bosni i Hercegovini, pa prema tome i
u Sarajevu. Društvo je uspješno reprezentovalo
Sarajevo širom bivše Jugoslavije, velikom broju
evropskih zemalja i u nekim zemljama Azije i Afrike.
Društvo je dosezalo visoke umjetničke vrijednosti pa
je iz njegovih redova izrastao veliki broj afirmisanih
profesionalnih umjetnika. Posebno značajan je bio i
ostao vaspitno-obrazovni oblik razvoja kompletnih
ličnosti iz redova nekoliko desetina hiljada mladih
generacija tokom trajanja Društva. Od priznanja i
nagrada izdvajamo: „Šestoaprilska nagrada” grada
Sarajeva, „Prvomajska nagrada” Saveza sindikata,
„Orden bratstva i jedinstva sa srebrnim zracima”,
nagradu „Zlatni orden prijateljstva nacija” na festivalu
u Dižonu, prvu nagradu „Gran pri” na međunarodnom
internacionalnom festivalu folklora u Agriđentu,
Sicilija, „Zlatni hram” na festivalu u Susi, Priznanje
općine Stari Grad i mnoga druga. KUD “Baščaršija”,
sa ukupno 250 članova uzrasta od 6 do 55 godina,
prezentuje svoje aktivnosti i rad u 12 sekcija. Glavni
cilj i zadatak njihovih aktivnosti je očuvanje kulturnoistorijskog nasljeđa Bosne i Hercegovine. Sve naše
sekcije vode mladi i sposobni ljudi, bivši aktivni
članovi našeg Društva, obrazovani na seminarima i
školama folklora. Repertoar Društva je sastavljen od
pjesmi i igara sa područja Bosne i Hercegovine kao
i sa područja bivše Jugoslavije postavljene od strane
eminentih koreografa kao što su: Jelena Dopuđa,
Miroslav Šilić, Vlado Mandičevski, Ekrem Čizmić, Haki
Škrelji, Ivan Ivančan, Atanas Skolarovski, Izet Starčević,
Vinko Babić, Ablah Avdović, Stojče Karanfilov i drugi.
Baščaršija KUD,
Sarajevo (B&H)
The Baščaršija Cultural-Artistic Society has been
continuing the tradition of the Miljenko Cvitković
KUD, which was established back in 1947, since 1994.
The broad range of this Society’s activities during the
sixty years of its existence has always been within
the frames of high artistic achievements. It was and
still is one of the most developed Societies in Bosnia
and Herzegovina, and, therefore, in Sarajevo, as
well. The Society successfully represented Sarajevo
throughout the former Yugoslavia, in a large number
of European countries and, also, in some African and
Asian countries. The Society has been attaining high
levels of artistic value giving birth to a large number
of acclaimed professional artists. The educationaltraining form of development of complete
personalities from amongst the ranks of several dozen
thousands of young generations during the Society’s
existence was and remains of special importance.
Some of the recognitions and awards that we single
out include: 6th April Award of the City of Sarajevo,
1st May Award of the Trade Union Federation, Order
of Brotherhood and Unity with Silver Wreath, Gold
Order of Friendship of Nations of the Dijon Festival,
the Grand Prix award of the International Folklore
Festival in Agrigento, Sicily, Golden Temple of the
Susa Festival, the Recognition of the Stari Grad
municipality and many others. The Baščaršija KUD,
with a total of 250 members of the age between 6
and 55, present their activities and work through 12
groups. The main goal and task of their activities is
the preservation of cultural-historical heritage of
Bosnia and Herzegovina. All our groups are led by
young and capable people, former active members
of our Society, trained at seminars and folklore
schools. The Society’s Repertoire includes songs and
dances from the area of Bosnia and Herzegovina as
well as from the area of the former Yugoslavia, set
up by prominent choreographers such as: Jelena
Dopuđa, Miroslav Šilić, Vlado Mandičevski, Ekrem
Čizmić, Haki Škrelji, Ivan Ivančan, Atanas Skolarovski,
Izet Starčević, Vinko Babić, Ablah Avdović, Stojče
Karanfilov and others.
Etno grupa Trag,
Banja Luka (BiH)
Etno grupa„Trag“ je vokalno-instrumentalni sastav koji
njeguje tradicionalnu muziku Balkana. Na repertoaru
grupe nalaze se pjesme iz Republike Srpske (Bosne
i Hercegovine), Srbije, Crne Gore, Makedonije i
Bugarske, te ciganska muzika. Članove sastava
okupila je ljubav prema narodnom stvaralaštvu.
U želji da izvornu muziku spasu od zaborava, ali i
približe uhu današnje publike, tradicionalne ritmove
i melos utkali su u sopstvene aranžmane. Ove
pjesme su se, kao dio narodnog predanja, vijekovima
prenosile sa koljena na koljeno i živjele u narodu. Pri
tome su svaka generacija i svaki pojedinac u njih
unosili dio sebe bogateći ih i čineći da ostanu uvijek
jednako žive i lijepe. Slijedeći tragove narodnog
predanja, grupa „Trag“ je u ove pjesme udahnula svoj
lični izraz, kao i duh našeg vremena, oživljavajući ih
time, i ostavljajući, suštinski nepromijenjenim i uvijek
narodnim, u amanet budućim generacijama. Godine
2008. izdali su prvi album, pod nazivom „Zvuci
Balkana“, a 2012. u produkciji Radio-televizije RS izašao
je drugi album “Zavještanje”. Posebno mjesto na oba
albuma zauzima muzika Lijevča polja, do skora manje
poznata publici, jer je narodna muzika ovog područja
tek 2008. godine istražena i zabiljžena. U proteklih
jedanaest godina grupa “Trag” je održala brojne
koncerte i turneje u Rusiji, Njemačkoj, Švajcarskoj,
Holandiji, Srbiji, Crnoj Gori i Hrvatskoj. Nagrađivana je
mnogim priznanjima i nagradama, među kojima je i
zlato na festivalu “Zvučit Mosva 2010” u Rusiji. Godine
2012. Članovi “Traga” su predstavljali RS na “Danima
slovenske pismenosti i kulture” u Moskvi i Petrogradu.
Ostvarili su uspješnu saradnju sa poznatim režiserom
Emirom Kusturicom, učešćem na filskom festivalu
“Kustendorf” i punk operi “Dom za vješanje”.
The Trag Ethno Group,
Banja Luka (B&H)
The Trag Ethno Group is a vocal-instrumental band
nurturing the traditional music of the Balkans.
The band’s repertoire includes songs from the
Republic of Srpska (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Serbia,
Montenegro, Macedonia and Bulgaria, just like Gipsy
music. It is their love for the creations of folklore that
brought together members of this band. They have
woven traditional rhythms and melodies into their
own arrangements wishing to preserve traditional
music from oblivion but, also, to bring it closer to
the ears of the audience of our time. These songs,
as part of folk traditions, have been transferred
from generation to generation for centuries and
lived among the people. And, along the way, every
generation and every individual incorporated in
them a part of themselves enriching them and
making them always equally alive and beautiful.
Following the traces of folk traditions, the Trag band
breathed their own personal expression into those
songs, along with the spirit of our time, thus reviving
them and leaving them essentially unchanged and
continuously folk like, a behest for future generations.
In 2008, they issued their first album entitled Sounds
of the Balkans, and in 2012, their second album
Legacy was issued produced by the Radio-Television
of Republic of Srpska. Special place on both albums
belongs to the music of Lijevče Polje area, less known
to the public just until recently, for the folk music of
this area was researched and recorded only as late
as in 2008. Over the past eleven years, the Trag band
has held numerous concerts and tours in Russia,
Germany, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Serbia,
Montenegro and Croatia. It has received a number of
recognitions and awards, including the gold award at
the Moscow Sounds 2010 festival in Russia. In 2012,
members of Trag represented the Republic of Srpska
at the Days of Slavic Literacy and Culture in Moscow
and Saint Petersburg. They established successful
cooperation with famous director Emir Kusturica
participating at the Küstendorf Film Festival and the
Time of the Gipsies Punk Opera.
Društvo za razvijanje prostovoljnega
dela, Novo Mesto (Slovenija)
“Društvo za razvijanje prostovoljnega dela” Novo
Mesto je nevladina, volonterska, neprofitna i
humanitarna organizacija koja radi u javnom
interesu u oblasti socijalne zaštite. Osnovna misija
organizacije je promocija i razvoj volonterskog rada
(posebno u oblasti socijalne zaštite, obrazovanja i
kulture), stvaranje uslova za poboljšanje kvaliteta
života djece i adolescenata i promovisanje vrijednosti
solidarnosti, tolerancije i interkulturalnog dijaloga.
Društvo već godinama sarađuje sa projektnim
timom Kozara etno na polju edukacije, kulture i
ruralnog razvoja i redovni su gosti Festivala. I ove
godine “Društvo za razvijanje prostovoljnega dela” će
na festivalu Kozara etno predstaviti dio slovenačke
kulture putem Seminara na kojem će biti obrađeni
tradicionalni plesovi, pjesme i običaji Slovenije kao i
promotivnog štanda na kojem će biti predstavljeni
tradicionalna gastronomija, rukotvorine i promotivni
Association for the development of
Voluntary Work, Novo Mesto (Slovenia)
”Association for the development of Voluntary Work”
Novo Mesto is a non-governmental, voluntary, nonprofit and humanitarian organization working in the
public interest in the field of social protection. The
main mission of the organization is the promotion
and development of voluntary work (especially in
the area of social protection, education and culture),
the creation of conditions for improving the quality
of life of children and adolescents and the promotion
of the values of solidarity, tolerance and inter-cultural
dialogue. The Association has been collaborating
with the project team of Kozara Ethno in the field
of education, culture and rural development for
many years, and they are also regular guests of the
Festival. This year, ”Association for the development
of Voluntary Work” will present a part of Slovenian
culture through the Seminar at which they will
perform traditional dances, songs and customs of
Slovenia as well as through the trade show booth
at which they will present traditional cuisine,
handicrafts and promotional materials.
Kozara etno Festival 2014
04. jul, Piskаvicа
18.00 Izložbeno-prodajna postavka (etno tržnica)
19.00 Defile učesnika festivala
20.30 Otvaranje tematske izložbe “običaj o
Malom Božiću”
20.45 Prikaz tradicionalnog običaja „običaj o
Malom Božiću“
21.00 Smotra folklora
22.00 Izbor para u najoriginalnijoj narodnoj nošnji
05. jul, Piskаvicа
18.00 Izložbeno-prodajna postavka (etno tržnica)
19.00 Tradicionalne sportske aktivnosti
„Bacanje kamena s ramena“
20.00 Prikaz običaja „običaj o Malom Božiću“
20.20 Proglašenje pobjednika u tradicionalnoj
sportskoj disciplini
20.25 Nastup pjevačkih i muzičkih grupa
21.00 Festival izvorne pjesme Kozare (ojkača)
06. jul
Seminar na temu „Igre, pjesme i običaji Kozare i
07. jul, Trg srpskih vladara,
Bаnjа Lukа
(u slučaju kiše Narodno pozorište RS)
18.00 Izložbeno-prodajna postavka (etno tržnica)
18.45 Defile učesnika manifestacije (Narodno
pozorište RS – Trg Krajine)
20.00 Prikaz tradicionalnog običaja „običaj o
Malom Božiću“
20.15 Kombinovani program učesnika
22.15 Koncert etno grupe „Trag“
Na Festivalu, 5. jula, će se takmičiti 10 izvornih
pjevačkih grupa sa područja Kozare:
Ženske pjevačke grupe:
• Drugarice iz mladosti (KUD „Omarska), Omarska
• “Una”, Kostajnica
• “Kozara”, Prijedor
• ”Snop”, Nova Topola
Muške pjevačke grupe:
• ”Srce Knešpolja”, Knežica
• “Borino jato”, Rakelici
• “Janjac”, Svodna
• ”Kostajnica”, Kostajnica
• “Stari prijatelji”, Dvor na Uni
• “Zmijanje”, Banja Luka
Kozara ethno festival 2014
4th July, Piskavica
6th July
18.00 Show – sales setting (ethno market)
19.00 Festival participants parade
20.30 Opening of theme exhibition - custom
“Little Christmas”
20.45 Traditional custom “Little Christmas”
show – performance
21.00 Folklore show - traditional dances
22.00 Awarded a couple with the most beautiful
national costumes
Seminar on ”Traditional dances and songs from
Kozara and Posavina”
5th July, Piskavica
18.00 Show – sales setting (ethno market)
19.00 Competition in traditional sport discipline
(throwing stones)
20.00 Traditional custom “Little Christmas”
show – performance
20.25 Show of traditional music and songs
7 July - Trg srpskih vladara,
Banja Luka
(In case of rain ”National theatre“)
18.00 Show – sales setting (ethno market)
18.45 Festival participants parade (The Republic of
Srpska National Theatre – the main square)
20.00 Traditional custom “Little Christmas”
show – performance
20.15 Folklore Show
22.15 Concert Ethno group Trag
At the Festival, 5th July, will compete 10 singing
groups from the Kozara area:
Female singing groups:
• Drugarice iz mladosti (KUD „Omarska), Omarska
• ”Una”, Kostajnica
• ”Kozara”, Prijedor
• ”Snop”, Nova Topola
Male singing groups:
• ”Srce Knešpolja”, Knežica
• ”Borino jato”, Rakelici
• ”Janjac”, Svodna
• ”Kostajnica”, Kostajnica
• ”Stari prijatelji”, Dvor na Uni
• ”Zmijanje”, Banja Luka
10th Kozara ethno 2014
Vrijeme održavanja: 4 - 7. jul 2014.
Mjesto održavanja: Banja Luka - Piskavica
Tema: Običaj o Malom Božiću
Organizator: Turistička organizacija grada Banja Luka i KUD ”Piskavica“
Time of Event: 4th - 7th July 2014
Place: Banja Luka - Piskavica (Republic of Srpska, B&H)
Topic: Little Christmas
Organizers: Banja Luka Tourist board and Folklore club ”Piskavica“
Slatka tajna
OŠ “Ćirilo i Metodije“
Mesnica Kajkut Udruženje Makedonaca RS
Folklorna sekcija “Trentino”