St. Ann Parish - Saint Ann Roman Catholic Church
St. Ann Parish - Saint Ann Roman Catholic Church
St. Ann Parish “To Grow in Grace Through Jesus Christ” SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME • 502 South Main Street Phoenixville, PA 19460 • Phone: 610-933-3732 • Fax: 610-935-7958 • • • Facebook St. Ann Parish Phoenixville Pastor Rev. John J. Newns Email: Phone: 610-933-3732 Retired Priest in Residence Rev. Joseph A. Heim, M.M. Email: Phone: 610-933-1733 Permanent Deacon Deacon Daniel T. Giblin Email: Phone: 610-952-3765 Holy Family School 610-933-7562 Principal-Ann Marie Braca Chapel JANUARY 19, 2014 604 South Main Street Sunday Masses: 7:30, 9:30, 11:30 AM & 6:00 PM Sacred Heart Church 148 Church St. Saturday: 3:45 - 4:30 PM Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday: 5:00 PM Vigil Mass Weekdays and Holy Days Mass schedule listed in the bulletin CEMETERIES St. Ann: 305 W. Pothouse Road, Hours 8 AM - 3 PM Sacred Heart: 1258 Filmore St. Liturgy & Sacramental Preparation Madelyn O’Hara, 610-639-0923 PREP Julie Prichett, 610-755-1077 Youth Ministry 610-304-6222 Brett Illig, Spiritual Ministry 610-416-5431 Sr. Marie Rose Gibson, R.S.M. Pastoral Associate 215-866-6516 Sr. Rose Marie Martell, MSBT Music Ministry 610-933-3732 Tom Denny, Business Manager 610-933-3732 Lisa Burghardt Church Main Street & Third Avenue Church is open: Mon - Fri: 7:00 AM - 4:00 PM Sat: 9:00 AM - Noon WEEKLY DEVOTIONS IN CHURCH Rosary: Monday thru Thursday 7:35 AM Miraculous Medal Novena: Tues after 8:00 AM Mass Sacrament of Reconciliation: Tues after 8:00 AM Mass or call the Rectory to make an appointment. Infant of Prague Novena: Wednesday 7:55 AM Eucharistic Adoration: Wednesday 8:30 AM to 7:30 PM CONTACT THE LITURGY AND SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION OFFICE AT 610-639-0923 FOR: CONTACT THE RECTORY FOR THE FOLLOWING AT 610-933-3732 PARISH OFFICE BUSINESS HOURS - 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM, BAPTISM - Parents of children to be baptized are required to Mon - Fri. Submit all bulletin materials by Noon Monday. attend a Pre-Jordan session. Please make arrangements well CHANGES in address or phone number. in advance of the birth of your child. MARRIAGE - Make arrangements one year in advance. PARISH REGISTRATION takes place in the Rectory after the RCIA - To become a fully initiated member of the Catholic 11:30 AM Mass. Church. EUCHARISTIC MINISTRY - Eucharist is brought to those PREP CLASSES - All public school students Grades K-6 are expected to participate in PREP (Parish Religious Education Program). Classes are held on Sundays from 10:45 AM 12:05 PM and Tuesdays from 6:25 - 7:45 PM. Call Julie at 610-755-1077. unable to come to Mass because of sickness or age. ANOINTING OF PEOPLE WHO ARE SICK - In the event of an emergency contact the Rectory at any time. Anointings can be requested before a planned hospital visit. FROM THE PASTOR As we enter into Ordinary Time for the Year of Grace 2014, I think of the words of Mary Ann Evans (+1880), "If we had a keen sense of ordinary life it would be like hearing the grass grow and the squirrel's heartbeat; and we would die of the roar that lies on the other side of silence." The theologian St. Augustine of Hippo (+430) wrote that a function of "special" miracles was to awaken us to the wonder, miracle and mystery of existence itself. As we return to "ordinary" time let's note that the color for ordinary Christian life is green—the color of growth—reminding us that the ordinary, normal experience for a Christian is to be growing—especially in our awareness of the abnormalness, the specialness, the sacredness of "ordinary" human life and experience. I do not think that the late Mrs. Rosa Parks knew when she resisted injustice on December 1, 1955 that God was going to use her ordinary act to transform her ordinary pastor, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., into a leader for civil rights in our nation. As we join tomorrow with other Americans in celebrating the life and work of Dr. King that moved our society toward a more perfect union in the 1950’s and 1960’s, we remember that we simply don’t know which of our “ordinary” acts God is going to render extraordinary through Grace. So, let us do the right thing, and leave the outcome up to God. Which brings us to the ongoing work of being the salt of the earth the leaven of heaven as we take up our share of the burden in helping “to form a more perfect union” in our country. We are not to be passive, but to do the right thing, and leave the results up to the Lord. We celebrate not merely Dr. King’s dream, but perhaps even moreso his method—massive, active, provocative and non-violent resistance to evil. Let’s do something ordinary for the good. Let’s resist evil by providing women and families with support from conception through natural death. Let’s resist evil by supporting, both financially and personally, such groups and works as: St. Mary’s Franciscan Shelter, Good Samaritan Shelter, Mom’s House, PACS, Orion, the Food Ministries at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, Aid for Friends, Catholic Social Services and Adoption Services of good repute. Let’s resist evil by speaking the truth in love through non-violent witness on occasions such as this Wednesday’s 41st anniversary of the US Supreme Court’s decision denying equal protection under law to children in the womb. NINE DAYS OF PRAYER, PENANCE AND PILGRIMAGE - JANUARY 18‐26, 2014 Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap., encourages the clergy and faithful of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia to pray with the Bishops of the United States to end abortion. January 22, 2014, our nation marks the 41st anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court decision that made abortion legal throughout the United States. Since that date more than 55 million children’s lives have been lost to abortion. Our prayers and sacrifices make a difference, and do make a tremendous difference in the face of the culture of death with our real hope for a culture of life. Information on the “9 Days for Life” is posted on the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) website at We are now in the midst of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, a celebration that culminates each year on the Feast of the Conversion of Paul (this Saturday, January 25th). While there is a significant measure of unity among many Christians (“One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism”), the anniversary of the Roe v. Wade abortion decision within this week each year brings to light one example of real and significant disunity. Conversion means that we allow in perspectives that upset our current balance so as to bring us into a more perfect balance with Jesus. This is never easy, and so we do penance—both to name our sorrow and our sin, and also to be strengthened to be with and be for Jesus wherever He is suffering. We ask St. Paul to pray that we might continue to grow in grace through Jesus Christ—especially via the grace of continuing conversion that becomes incarnate in the protection of all human life from conception to natural death. 1 026Ann THE WEEK OF JANUARY 19, 2014 SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME SUNDAY Second Sunday in Ordinary Time WEDNESDAY cont. Day of Prayer - Catholics in our nation are called to mark this Wednesday as a Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of the Unborn. Tens of thousands of Catholics will join with tens of thousands of other folks in witnessing for the Unborn in the National March for Life in Washington. Also, we might practice penance by fasting (that is, cut out or at least cut back a bit) on something specific, for example: eat only one full meal; disconnect electronically for some portion of the day…). As a Parish, in Church this Wednesday, we will offer: 7:30 AM Mass in Chapel 9:30 AM Mass in Chapel 11:30 AM Mass in Chapel 6:00 PM Mass in Chapel 9:30 & 11:30 AM - Children’s Liturgy (602) 10:46 AM - PREP K-6 (School) 12:30 PM - Parish Registration (Rectory) 12:45 PM - 2014 Confirmation Prep (Church Hall) 7:00 PM - Sr. High Youth Group (Church Hall) 8:00 AM Mass 8:30 AM Exposition of the Most Blessed Sacrament 6:30 AM The Rosary in various languages 7:00 PM Word Service & Benediction 7:30 PM Reposition of the Blessed Sacrament MONDAY St. Fabian/St. Sebastian 8:00 AM Mass in St. Ann Church THURSDAY Seasonal Weekday National Holiday – Our Parish Business Office will be closed on Monday in observance of the life and work of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. In the event of an emergency, please do not hesitate to phone the Rectory for a priest. 8:00 AM Mass in St. Ann Church 8:30 AM - Church Cleaners (Church) 5:45 PM - Youth Choir (Chapel) 7:00 PM - Scripture Study (Rectory) 7:00 PM - Adult Choir (Chapel) 7:00 PM - ESL Classes (Church Hall 1, 2, 3 & 4) 7:30 PM - Pre-Jordan (Church Hall) 7:30 PM - Legion of Mary (Church Hall 2) FRIDAY St. Francis de Sales TUESDAY St. Agnes SATURDAY Conversion of Paul 7:00 AM - Men’s Bible Study (Church Hall) 3:45 PM - Confessions (Sacred Heart Church) 8:00 AM Mass in St. Ann Church 8:30 AM - Confessions (Church) 6:25 PM - PREP K-6 (Church, School) 6:30 PM - Jr. High Youth Group (Church Hall) 7:00 PM - Bible Timeline (Rectory 2) Vigil of Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 5:00 PM Mass in Sacred Heart Church Sun: Mon: Tues: Wed: Thu: Fri: Sat: Next Sun: WEDNESDAY St. Vincent of Saragossa 2:15 PM - HFS Prayer Service (Chapel) 6:15 PM - ESL Classes (Church Hall, 1, 3 & 4) 7:00 PM - Charismatic Prayer (Church Hall 2) 7:30 PM - Finance Council (Rectory) 2 THIS WEEK’S SCRIPTURES Is 49:3,5-6/1 Cor 1:1-3/Jn 1:29-34 1 Sm 15:16-23/Mk 2:18-22 1 Sm 16:1-13/Mk 2:23-28 1 Sm 17:32-33,37,40-51/Mk 3:1-6 1 Sm 18:6-9;19:1-7/Mk 3:7-12 1 Sm 24:3-21/Mk 3:13-19 Acts 22:3-16/Mk 16:15-18 Is 8:23—9:3/1 Cor 1:10-13,17/Mk 4:12-23 026Ann UPCOMING EVENTS CASSEROLES FOR ST. JOHN’S HOSPICE - St. John’s Hospice is located in Philadelphia and serves men who have no place to stay. The brothers provide them with a hot meal (the casserole), a bath and a bed. We invite you to join us in this worthwhile project. Pans and recipes for an easy to make casserole are available at the Rectory. In order to be in compliance with Food Safety Regulations, please put the date your casserole was prepared on the cover of each dish. Drop your frozen casserole off at the back porch of the Rectory on January 29 by 10:00 AM. SPECIAL COLLECTION – Next weekend we will join with the other Catholics of our nation in the annual The Catholic Relief Services Collection (formerly called the American Bishops' Overseas Appeal). For information about this important communal work, simply read the text on the special envelope you received in the mail for next Sunday, and/or visit Please make your checks out to St. Ann Parish. “Catholic Schools: Communities of Faith, Knowledge and Service” will be theme of the 2014 celebration of Catholic Schools Week which begins next Sunday, January 26th. CONCERTS AT THE CATHEDRAL BASILICA continues Wednesday, January 29 at 7:30 PM with Sequentia of Paris performing the works of Saint Hildegard von Bingen, O.S.F. (11th Century). Saint Hildegard is one of the most prolific and prominent female philosophers of the Catholic Church, earning her the title of “Doctor of the Church.” Sequentia presents a selection of the most innovative and expressive vocal music of the High Middle Ages in Germany. Performing these works will be Sequentia's ensemble of 7 women's voices. They will be joined by the core ensemble of men, for vocal and instrumental works from mystical poets of the German courts, schools and cloisters. Tickets are on sale now by going to or call 215-587-3696. OPEN HOUSE – Holy Family School will kick-off Catholic Schools Week next Sunday with an Open House from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM. Come and meet with our teachers, tour our facilities and talk with current parents about the great things happening here at our school. In-house registration for the 2014-2015 school year is currently in progress. Open registration begins January 26. For more information or a personal tour, call us at 610-933-7562 or email us at Join us at the HOLY FAMILY CYO "NIGHT AT THE RACES" on Saturday, February 1 at 7:00 PM in Griffin Hall, 3rd Avenue, Phoenixville. Doors open at 6:30 PM. Tickets are $20 per person, horses $10. Hot and cold entrees, beverages, horse races, games, and DJ. Tickets and horses can be purchased online at or through any Holy Family CYO coach or player. Benefits the sports programs for our parish children at Holy Family CYO. BAPTISM - At our 1:00 PM Group Baptism on January 26, we will welcome Ava Grace Colfer, Kara James Miller and Abigail Leigh Pilcicki into the Church and our parish community through the sacrament of Baptism. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED for the After School Homework Program at Holy Family School 2 to 4 days a week from 3:00 to 4:30 PM. If interested call Ann Haney at 610-917-9511. 3 026Ann SOUPER SUNDAY – On Super Bowl Sunday Feburary 2, we will have our annual St. Ann “Soup-er Bowl” when we take up a collection of non-perishable food items to help our neighbors through PACS (Phoenixville Area Community Services). While any of us can support PACS at anytime throughout the year (even with perishable food items), this will be one of the three occasions each year when we as a parish come together to feed those who are hungry. ALTAR SERVERS WANTED! Have you ever wanted to be an altar server? Are you in at least the 5th grade? We are forming a Spring training schedule for altar servers. If interested, please email Patty McGroary at AVISO: Declarar Impuestos 2013 - Tenemos los recursos para responder a todas sus preguntas sobre impuestos y para preparar sus impuestos correctamente y GRATIS. Para obtener más información, por favor llame a la Hermana Rose Marie después del 13 de enero 2014. DAY RETREAT – PRAYER AS AWAKENING Prayer will be considered as an awakening, a slowing down to give attention to what God is communicating/doing in our lives. Quiet time will be enjoyed to ponder the need to see life with the “eyes of our hearts.” Presenter: Sr. Mary Henrich, IHM, on February 4 at the IHM Conference Center in Bryn Mawr from 9:30 AM 2:30 PM. If you would like to carpool, please contact Madelyn O’Hara at 610-639-0923 or by January 27. Archdiocese of Philadelphia Television Mass Watch the Television Mass Sunday mornings at 5:30 AM WPVI-TV – Channel 6 It will be rebroadcast each Sunday at the following times: 9:00 AM DT-2 Channel 6 digital 10:00 AM La Salle University 56 5:00 PM DT-2 Channel 6 digital FIRST COMMUNION PARENT MEETING – There will be a First Communion Parent meeting on February 8 at 9:00 AM in Chapel for the parents/guardians whose children will be receiving their First Communion this spring. Please contact Madelyn O’Hara at 610-639-0923 or with questions. The Archdiocese thanks Channel 6 for its generosity in broadcasting the Television Mass. The WPVI Televised Mass on WATCH ABC WPVI-TV – Channel 6 now offers WATCH ABC a special new benefit brought to you by 6ABC and participating providers at no additional cost. Just enter your TV Provider account information to log in and get the WATCH ABC Live Stream RENEWAL OF MARRIAGE VOWS - We will have a renewal of marriage vows for our married couples within the 5:00 PM Vigil Mass at Sacred Heart Church on February 8. Registration is not required. of the Mass! 4 026Ann AID FOR FRIENDS - If you can assist us by creating single-serving meals with leftovers for the homebound in our community, you can pick up empty trays and supplies and meals can be dropped off at: NEED A RIDE - HOPE volunteers drive people in need to appointments or on essential errands, Monday - Friday, 7:00 AM - 4:00 PM. Please schedule a ride 4 days in advance. HOPE CAPTAINS: January 16 - 31: Bill Ross at 610-933-4740 February 1 - 28: Pat Solomon at 610-933-8693 602 S. Main St. Sunday 8:00 AM - 12:30 PM and 5:30 - 7:00 PM Necesita un “RIDE” - Nuestro Ministerio HOPE tiene voluntaries disponibles para llevarlo a citas esenciales de lunes a liernes, de 7 AM a 4 PM. Para coordinar esta actividad por favor llame a Rosa Padilla al 484-302-6056 con 4 días de anticipación. For more information call Kate at 610-933-3814 or REMEMBER OUR SICK Alicia Andrews, David Gioconda Annable, Chad Berish, Beth Booth, Mary Ann Brown, Ashley Rose Bukay, Ed Cain, Leroy Campbell, Marie Childs, Stanley Clark, Angeline Costello, Lizanne Dathe, John Daly, Gertrude Dawson, Joe Demyan, Michael DiArcangelo, Lida Dickinson, Barbara Douglas, Marie Dvorak, Tom Fedick, Maria Foerster, Kim Edney, Caroline Fusco, Ryan Gerhold, Frank Giampietro, Gordon Gladden, Desiree F. Hennessey, Kristie Hertzog, Jean Hoffman, Joseph Hohenleitner, Angela Hogan, John and Pearl Hrivnak, Michael J. Hudak, Jeanette Jelus, Ann Johnson, Rita Kamerdze-Hadden, Robin Kanaskie, Dolores Kassel, Irene King, John Koch, Theresa Kraynak, Irene Layden, Denise Long, Ray Long, Claire Maestrale, Pat Malarkey, Steve and Joanne Mardi, Marie Marosek, Helen McElroy, Rebecca Melvin, Ann and Liam Metscher, Tom Mitchell, Patti Morgiton, Ron Motzer, Tom Moyer, Karen Nesspor, Georgene O’Donnell, Florence Paster, Cindy Patton, Sherman Perkins, Dianne Litishin Ponzio, Anne Pristash, Christine Radoiss, Katherine Raggazino, Jerry Ratchford, Raymond Rodenbaugh, J. Richard Rosmos, Robert Scarangi, Pat Scott, Helen Shoemaker, Margaret Sim, James Smith, Ronald Spitz Sr., Eleanor Stecz, Marc Stevenson, Debbie Stonier, Ethel Thomas, Glenn Thomas, Don Troncelliti, Helen Twargoski, Anthony Valerio, Doris Valerio, Jeff Vance, Joe Vargo, Charles Wertz, Paul Wright, our homebound, parishioners in Nursing Homes, Hospitals and all serving in the Armed Forces. PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY The members of St. Ann’s Prayer Shawl Ministry have made beautiful shawls and lap blankets for those who have had surgery, are ill, or need to be comforted. If you know someone who could use a shawl or a lap blanket, please contact Madelyn O’Hara at 610-639-0923 or Sunday Collection for January 12, 2014 28th Sunday in Fiscal Year Budget: $15,780 Collected: $16,169 Overage: $389 (+2%) # Donors: 467 Sunday Collection Fiscal YTD July 1, 2013 - January 12, 2014 Budget: $437,200 Collected: $423,668 Shortage: $13,532 (-3%) Thank you for your support! 2013 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS If you would like to receive a statement for tax purposes contact the Rectory at 610-933-3732 or email 5 026Ann DEVLIN ROSMOS KEPP & GATCHA FUNERAL HOME & Cremation Services, Inc. George Michael T. Gatcha, Supervisor • J. Richard Rosmos, F.D. Funeral Pre-Planning 517 S. Main St. at Fourth Ave., Phoenixville 610-933-3012 JAMES JOHNS PAINTING Deck Refinishing Power Washing Free Estimates•Fully Insured PARISHIONER 935-2924 • 948-2327 CAMPBELL-ENNIS-KLOTZBACH MAIN SUBURBAN ELECTRIC CONTRACTORS, INC. FUNERAL HOME INC. 610-933-3572 ST. AT FIFTH AVE., PHOENIXVILLE Residential • Commercial Industrial • Installations Troubleshooting References Available KURT E. KLOTZBACH F.D. (1957 - 2002) WILLIAM E. HARNER IV F.D. DAMIAN M. PETACCIO F.D. 610-792-2600 Cell: 610-256-4688 JOSHUA T. KLOTZBACH F.D., SUPVR. GERALD J. RAFTER F.D. Thomas J. Michinock - Parishioner Family Health and Wellness Pediatrics • Women’s Health Osteopathic Manipulation & Treatment (OMT) Nutritional & Health Education Musculoskeletal Injuries Find out how far your heart can reach. Living at home with a little assistance. Long & Short Term Care Recovery ~ Respite When you need us, we are here. Free Assessment with Ad Phoenixville 610-933-0660 Millions of people overseas depend on you. 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