Descargar La Carta de la


Descargar La Carta de la
No tenga miedo de ser santos.
Seguir a Jesús Cristo que es la
fuente de la libertad y de la
luz. Estar abiertos al Señor
para que Él pueda iluminar
todos tus caminos.
Papa Juan Pablo II
“Oser l’Évangile”
“Atreverse a vivir el Evangelio”
de la
¡Hola queridos amigos!
Después de mucho tiempo de
espera, tenemos la Carta Canadá.
Esta carta nos da a conocer cada
uno de nuestros sectores de
Canadá y descubrir la vida fluyendo
dentro de ellos. También nos
permite a guardar el vínculo con la
internacionalidad del movimiento y
de viajar juntos en el camino de la
santidad según la espiritualidad
conyugal propuesta por el Padre
Noticias de la Región de Canadá
Louise and Yvon
Pareja Responsable de la Región de Canadá
Witness of Hope
Padre Christian Rodembourg, M.S.A.
Consejero Espiritual de la Región de Canadá
Carta del ERI
Tó and José Moura Soares
Pareja Responsable, ERI
Noticias Internacionales
Padre José Jacinto Ferreira de Farias, scj
Consejero Espiritual, ERI
Padre Caffarel
Padre Christian Rodembourg, M.S.A.
Consejero Espiritual de la Región de Canadá
Noticias de los Sectores
Después del año 2013, el equipo regional ha puesto énfasis en la
personalidad del Padre Caffarel: el hombre, el pastor, el visionario.
Por lo demás, se encuentra un artículo del asunto escrito por
nuestro consiliario espiritual, padre Christian Rodembourg, que
tuvo la oportunidad de conocer a Padre Caffarel. En el año 2014,
proponemos a ustedes a entender mejor la espiritualidad del
Padre Caffarel.
El siguiente link les dará a conocer
sus escritos y así a entender mas la espiritualidad que tenía por
dentro de el.
Te invitamos a utilizar los temas de reflexión (estudio) preparados
por el ERI durante sus reuniones mensuales de equipo. Se podría
descubrir la riqueza de «Atreverse a vivir el Evangelio» y los
textos muy bien elegidos para estimular su pensamiento. Como
parejas cristianas, nuestra misión es dar testimonio del amor
de Dios a diario en nuestros diferentes ámbitos de la vida que
podemos lograr a través de la pedagogía de los Equipos de
Nuestra Señora.
Damos las gracias a todos las parejas responsables de sector
que participaron generosamente en la redacción de esta carta y
también para todos los esfuerzos que proporcionan con el fin de
hacer crecer el movimiento en Canadá.
En cuanto a nosotros, esperamos poder visitar todos los sectores,
al menos dos veces durante nuestro mandatorio de cuatro
años para llegar a conocerlos, a entender su situación y poder
satisfacer mejor sus necesidades.
Además de la expansión del movimiento en todo el país, el
encuentro de 2016 está ocupando un lugar importante.
Os recordamos que este evento coincide con el sexagésimo aniversario de ENS en Canadá. Preparémonos entonces
para celebrar juntos.
Por diversas razones, no se imprimirá esta carta. Es por ello que pedimos a todos ustedes para asegurar que los
miembros del equipo que no tienen acceso a Internet pueden recibir una copia.
Pida a los Equipos de Nuestra Señora que interceda por nosotros para que seamos fieles predicadores de la Buena
Le deseamos Feliz Navidad y unas felices fiestas. Año 2014 te traiga la paz, la felicidad y la serenidad.
Todo a Jesús por María.
Louise y Yvon
Pareja Responsable de la Región de Canadá
Witness of Hope
Dear friends,
It is the hour now for you to awake from sleep in chapter
Rm 13,11. Therefore, let us wake up!
Without delay, we must return to the origins of our
christian faith for if we want to live what pope Francis
writes in his encyclical “The light of faith” and I quote:
“The light of Jesus is shining, like in a mirror, on the
faces of christians, and is spreading”… we have a long
way to go, a keen awareness that needs to be done on
our manner of being a christian and of living our faith.
Faith is transmitted from person to person, witness to
witness. The pope describes it by saying, flame to flame.
There are among us and near us many persons in need of
God. Many others who do not know Him.
Where is our faith? Was
the theme of our
gathering in Bordeaux
(July 2013).
Msgr. Dagens, Archbishop
of Angoulême and
member of the
“Académie française”
tells us that we must
recognize among our fellow men the work of God in them.
At the heart of our present world with all its sufferings,
questions and challenges of all kinds, we are invited to
recognize God as Someone who comes to remove us from
what is harmfull. As Luke 19,10, says: “God has come to
seek and to save what was lost”.
Msgr. Dagens has brought out the importance in the
present context of struggling against withdrawing into
oneself and shares with us two convictions:
1. Not to give ourselves the luxury of remaining selfcentered;
2. The christian novelty of God and the joy of believing
in Christ as alive and savior in our lives and within
Then, he spoke of three present requirements concerning
the new evangelization.
Like the disciples were caught in a storm, we also, today,
experience turbulence in this world… and our human
A. Our world seems to think that the future holds no
promises: the economic crisis, unemployment,
worsening of poverty, deficits, globality.
B. All of us are frail in the presence of a society of
overachievement that has become law in every
sector (economical and political) while cultivating a
certain compassion for those suffering in a superficial
manner… for certain humanitarian practices,
he points out, do not urge us to really share the
sufferings of those we pretend to help.
C. Finally, regularly, at the core of our societies, we can
see that we are troubled by the fear of the unknown,
of those around us without forgetting the bad things
that bother us: suicides, kidnappings, violence,
accidents, war, human or natural dramas, etc. We
seek out the guilty to punish them and exclude them.
Having described these three observations, Msgr. Dagens
1. With the pilgrims of Emmaus, we are aware that the
ancient world has disappeared and that something
radically new is beginning to emerge and that it is
possible for us to take part in this new life that has
as its source the heart of God, the Body of Christ
Jesus and communion with our brothers and sisters
of humanity : the pedagogy of hope.
2. To recognize our frailty as an element of our human
dignity, quoting “L’Arche” of Jean Vanier where
healthy and handicapped persons are equal as
Finally, Msgr. Dagens proposes three simple things to
practice this new evangelization:
1. Be silent in the presence of God, to wait and listen to
Him…Lord, what must I do?
2. To love others with a fraternal love.
3. To organize a pastoral of goodness open to the heart
of God and to the heart of others.
These last two points are from Madeleine Delbrêl, a
woman known in France for her proximity with the little
ones and the poor of France.
So, dear friends, let us face our own reality here in our
Are we witnesses of hope?
Padre Christian Rodembourg, M.S.A.
Consejero Espiritual de la Región de Canadá
creído en el amor
(cf. 1 Jn 4,16)
Todos nosotros, matrimonios de los
ENS, somos bien conscientes de las
dificultades y de las crisis que se
viven hoy en el matrimonio. Sabemos
cuán débil es la espiritualidad que
children of God. God takes on our humanity and
transfigures it! “When I am weak, then I am strong”
(2 Co 12, 10).
3. To reject this logic concerning good and evil, this war
of civilizations we have heard about a few years ago
and replace it by a logic of fellowship and forgiveness.
anima a las parejas, ya que falta
la capacidad de tener una visión
amplia y profunda que nos lleve a
detenernos y reflexionar frente a la
inmediatez de los acontecimientos.
No llegamos a profundizar en el
misterio de Dios ni a encontrar la
fuerza y la luz para afrontar las
pruebas de la vida. Nos perdemos
en la multiplicidad de nuestros
deseos, mientras que solo la fuerza
de la fe nos puede llevar a creer y
a confiar que sólo en la presencia
del “nosotros”, el hombre siente a
Dios más próximo. El camino hacia
la salvación será el resultado del
verdadero encuentro con DIOS, a
través de los hombres.
La Fe y la Esperanza nos fortalecen y
nos identifican con Jesús, y creemos
que la alianza que Él ha establecido
con nosotros durará para siempre.
Somos matrimonios de los ENS, un
Movimiento de Iglesia que nos ayuda
a madurar la fe por la que seremos
salvados. Caminamos al lado de un
Padre que nos conoce por nuestro
nombre y que nos hace capaces de
escucharle. Un Padre que no es ni
extraño ni misterioso. Un Padre que
nos guía en el camino, convirtiéndose
así en nuestro faro y con su Luz nos
muestra cómo resistir las amenazas.
Asumiendo esta condición de hijos muy
amados, nos atrevemos a hablar a otros
de aquello en lo que creemos.
La ORACIÓN nos lleva a ver la luz y a
sentir la paz.
En nuestro interior habrá fuentes que
nos lleven a encontrar un oasis de paz y
de reconciliación.
En el Silencio alcanzamos a percibir los
signos de los tiempos que nos conducen
a dejar de ser espectadores curiosos y
críticos de un mundo que, después de
todo, es el nuestro y a cuya humanidad
Creer en el amor, vivir la fidelidad
del matrimonio dialogando siempre
en familia, haciendo del diálogo una
realidad viva, aunque sea difícil de
llevar a cabo, he aquí el gran desafío
que el Evangelio nos lanza.
Ser familia es vivir las preocupaciones de
esta humanidad a la que pertenecemos.
Ser piedras de esta humanidad que
lucha y que llora, pero que quiere creer
que Dios está presente en todas estas
incertidumbres, es ser levadura de esta
familia que Dios nos ha confiado.
Lo que se nos pide es discernir cómo
buscar continuamente a Dios en todas
estas ocasiones, viviendo la esperanza
en nuestras dificultades, buscando
siempre la voluntad de Dios.
Descubrir personas que no conocen a
Cristo, haciéndoles tomar conciencia de
la gracia del perdón de Dios, será para
nosotros una preocupación constante,
una parte de nuestra praxis diaria.
Partir de este descubrimiento impulsados
por la esperanza es responder a una
llamada que nos llevará Dios sabe
dónde…, es partir al descubrimiento
de nuevos caminos y cosas nuevas en
nuestra vida, es encontrar en nuestra
vida conyugal un terreno fértil para la
práctica permanente de la abnegación.
Rápidamente nos daremos cuenta de
que hay una gran necesidad de amor en
estas personas que encontramos. Desean
ardientemente tener a alguien que les
escuche, con quien compartir la alegría
de ser amados, porque la misericordia
de Dios les ha comunicado la alegría de
la esperanza.
El eco en nosotros que provoca esta
llamada lanzada desde el Concilio
hasta el Papa Francisco no deja de
inquietarnos, invitándonos a no tener
miedo y a abrir las puertas a Cristo.
«Él está vivo y camina a nuestro lado
». Dejémonos guiar por la mística de
nuestro Movimiento y no pongamos
obstáculos a la voz del Espíritu Santo...
Él es quien sostiene y alimenta nuestra
esperanza en esta lucha que iniciamos
Siempre enraizado en la oración,
el primer combate será luchar
interiormente para abandonar nuestras
comodidades y dejar que Cristo tome la
iniciativa de guiarnos. Volver a la fuente
y abandonarnos a su mirada es reconocer
nuestra incapacidad para continuar el
Camino sin Él.
Reconocer que toda cruz lleva a la
resurrección, ya no es una señal de
sufrimiento, sino un signo de victoria,
en la convicción de que la Esperanza nos
Si la cruz es un signo del amor de Dios,
amor que Jesús asumió en la violencia de
su sufrimiento, ella nos hace participar
de la victoria de Jesús sobre la muerte.
Seamos, por tanto, verdaderos discípulos
de Cristo, acompañados por María,
símbolo de toda esperanza y memoria
de toda humildad. Con Nuestra Señora
seremos capaces de salir a las calles, de
entrar en las casas y celebrarlo, sabiendo
que Ella siempre estará presente para
enseñarnos a hacer todo cuanto Él nos
Tó y José Moura Soares
Pareja Responsable, ERI
Noticias Internacionales
Muy queridos equipistas:
Durante el último encuentro internacional de familias en Roma, el 26 y 27 de
octubre 2013, el Santo Padre habló de la necesidad de la oración y de los
testimonios de alegría que las familias cristianas están llamadas a dar al mundo
de hoy.
En lo que concierne a la oración, él insistió en dos temas: que la oración
(personal y en familia) debe estar marcada por el sentido de humildad, es decir
que debe proclamar la grandeza de Dios y nuestra pequeñez, moral y espiritual,
ante El, y que todos tenemos la necesidad de sentir la bondad y misericordia
de oración se debe hacer con sencillez y de acuerdo con nuestra condición de
y de acuerdo con nuestra condición de hijos amados de Dios. Y como ejemplo
de simplicidad, el Papa Francisco mencionó recitar el Rosario en familia, la oración de las gentes sencillas, y que
el bienaventurado Juan Pablo II decía que era el camino más corto para lograr la paz interior, y de esta manera,
poder ayudar a la construcción de la Paz entre los hombres y los pueblos. He aquí la importancia para nosotros, del
punto concreto de esfuerzo de la oración conyugal, y también del retiro anual, a los cuales todos debemos tratar
de ser fieles.
También quisiera compartir con vosotros mi último viaje al Líbano (el 17 y 18 de noviembre 2013) con ocasión de
las celebraciones de clausura del cincuentenario de la presencia de los ENS en esa región del mundo. Fui testigo de
la vitalidad y el entusiasmo de los Equipos en la práctica del método espiritual de nuestro Movimiento, y la alegría
de dar testimonio de la belleza del sacramento del matrimonio y del sentido de la familia cristiana en el mundo de
hoy. Durante el encuentro con los responsables, pude ver cómo están de comprometidos en la fidelidad al carisma
de nuestro Movimiento y al sentido de la internacionalidad, en el cual podemos verificar la gracia de pertenecer a
una gran familia, que es una parte, una célula viva de la gran Iglesia, del Cuerpo Místico de Cristo.
En la encíclica Lumen Fidei, el Papa Francisco nos recuerda que la fe siempre se vuelve más fuerte y viva en la
medida que seamos capaces de abrirnos a los demás, de estar juntos y compartir los unos con los otros las riquezas
de nuestra vida, de nuestra esperanza. La fe que nos anima, se origina en el amor del Señor que nos precede, que
nos une a los demás, en la diversidad de nuestra vocación y misión en la Iglesia y en el Movimiento. Para las parejas,
es maravilloso creer que fue el Señor quien las escogió y los hizo el uno para el otro, para que fueran testimonio de
la belleza del amor entre el hombre y la mujer, que son el uno para el otro según el deseo del Señor y, más aún, por
el sacramento del matrimonio, signos eficaces del amor de Cristo por su Iglesia.
El cristiano del futuro será un místico o de lo contrario no será nada: como parejas cristianas, sed testimonio vivo
de esa mística, que es el alma de nuestro Movimiento, dejaos transportar por la fantasía creadora de amor para
inventar un mundonuevo aún en las condiciones actuales de crisis moral y espiritual en la cual vivimos inmersos casi
en todas partes del mundo, pero especialmente en el mundo occidental. En este sentido, vosotros seréis, queridos
amigos, hombres y mujeres de esperanza, porque vosotros sabéis en quién habéis puesto vuestra confianza, en el
Señor Dios que es fiel y que os ama con un amor que es digno de confianza porque tiene la forma de la Cruz de
Que la Santísima Virgen Madre de Dios y madre nuestra, os proteja y sea para vosotros el camino que os conduce a
Recibid mi cordial saludo,
Padre José Jacinto Ferreira de Farias, scj
Consejero Espiritual, ERI
Padre Caffarel (30 de julio del 1903 – 18 de septiembre del 1996)
A few reflections to encourage us in our own journey towards Christ.
From the 4th to the 10th of July 1981, at the age of 21, I had the pleasure of following
a retreat in Troussures, preached by Father Caffarel. It was a very pleasant experience. It was truly a beautiful spiritual experience, communal and personal.
I have been asked, this evening, to tell you more about Fr. Caffarel. I therefore will
willingly take a few moments to share some aspects that seem important to me based
on what I have read lately and heard during a recent encounter in Bordeaux on the occasion of the International College 2013.
1.1 A man of discretion touched by the Lord. From a traditional family faith to a personal faith.
We do not have much material for historians except his texts meticulously corrected, gathered together and
published by himself during his entire life. Father Caffarel was a discreet person.
We will retain principally his encounter with Christ which will be decisive during his whole life, in March 1923. In
July 1978, in the magazine Panorama, he said: “At the age of twenty, Jesus Christ, in a moment, became Someone
to me. Oh! Nothing spectacular. During the late month of March, I knew that I was loved and that I loved, and that
from now on, between Him and me, it would be for life.The game was over”.
In the book “Un homme saisi par Dieu »(A man seized by God)
by J. Allemand, we also read: “Since that day, I have but one
wish: to enter into this intimacy with Christ, and this other
wish to lead others to do the same…”
“Since that day, I have but one
wish: to enter into this intimacy
with Christ, and this other wish
to lead others to do the same…”
I remember that he was a small man who spoke with authority,
seemed demanding, was precise when he spoke, had a great love
of the Church. I was moved by his concern for the ecclesia, for ecclesial communion. I noticed that he was very
marked by monastic spirituality. According to several persons who knew him, he was a patient man, intellectually
brilliant, loved literature and an attentive spiritual father, a man concerned about the collaboration between
priests and laity, which, during his time, is a major point to consider since Vatican II had not yet taken place… (I wish
to open a short parenthesis… I am thinking that in Quebec, at that time, we have Father Eusèbe Ménard, ofm, who
has the same conviction and who will also put it into practice in a very concrete way. It is another story for another
time if you so desire. End of my parenthesis).
A founder with many works and publications.
Following a retreat preached in 1938 and at the instigation of two women who were there, on the 25th of February
1939, Father finds himself in the presence of four couples who wish to go in depth into the theme of marriage. Three
other encounters will take place before the beginning of world war II. This group of persons will give themselves the
name of “Notre Dame de toutes joies” (Our Lady of total joy).
In August 1943, he preached a retreat in Lourdes to some widows. It will be the fertile ground of the foundation
“Fraternité Notre Dame de la Résurrection” (Our Lady of the Resurrection), and of the spiritual group “Espérance
et Vie” (Hope and Life).
Regarding publicatons, we can mention among others, the periodical “Anneau d’Or” (Gold Ring) (marital and family
spirituality – 1945), the editions Feu Nouveau (New Fire) (1945), the daily letter to the teams Notre Dame (1949),
the Cahiers (Notebooks) on Mental Prayer (1957)… without omitting courses on mental prayer by mail founded in
1970 that I had the pleasure of taking (which lasted 18 years)
In 1966, he is given Maison de Troussures where he will preach numerous retreats on the theme : to learn how to do
mental prayer in complete silence with personal accompaniment.
There is a point in common – a basic outline – in all his works and publications : pastoral marriage, his concern for
couples, their human and spiritual growth. not any god… a God of Love, a God of tenderness, a personable God. For
Fr. Caffarel would speak about a “decisive head to head” encounter between God and each one of us (cf. marriage
an adventure in holiness, p. 57).
A God of love at the heart of his life.
In a way, I won’t tell you anything new about Fr. Caffarel for all of us know that God was at the heart of his life but
not any god… a God of Love, a God of tenderness, a personable God. For Fr. Caffarel would speak about a “decisive
head to head” encounter between God and each one of us (cf. marriage an adventure in holiness, p. 57). God loves
each one of his children with a unique love (P. to D. p. 50). During his retreats in Troussures, he will underline how
mental prayer is the encounter and sharing of love between God and man, a dual activity (P. to D. p.9)!
In the work titled : “Présence à Dieu, cent lettres sur la prière » (Presence to God, one hundred letters on prayer),
from the outset, he writes : “The presence to God is realized essentially through prayer – I am speaking about the
prayer that is first of all adoration and offering of oneself. This is why initiating and helping christians to pray has
never been more urgent than now during which they become more conscious of their apostolic vocation and their
earthly tasks (p. 7)”. “The only true master to whom we must pray is the Holy Spirit (p. 8)”.
The postulator, Fr. Paul-Dominique Marcovits, o.p. underlined in Bordeaux how, during all his life, Fr. Caffarel stood
before God. I quote : “When he speaks, when he writes, he is standing before God, he seems to be praying. This
will give way to a manner of speaking which will always be concrete, simple and direct”.
The depth of his look.
As a young retreatant in Troussures in 1981, I remember having been surprised
and impressed by the look of Fr. Caffarel. Besides the words he said during
his interventions and eucharistic celebrations, I would be inclined to say that
he would profoundly move us by his look towards Christ and each one in the
assembly, wanting to pass on, not “his” wisdom, but divine wisdom.
I can’t help but trace a close link with the Gospels where is mentioned the
look of Christ when he meets people whether it is when he calls his
disciples: Jn 1, 42 (he looks at Simon, brother of Andrew) or in Lk 22, 61
when Peter denies Jesus three times, the Lord turned and looked at Peter
or again in Mk 10, 21 when a young man expressed his desire to find the
road of the Kingdom, Jesus looking at him loved him.
For Fr. Caffarel, love and a look are closely related. “One must look to love, but also to love in order to look
closely”. “The look of love awakens love”. (P. to D. p. 55). Fr Caffarel transmits not only with conviction but with all
his experience that can be seen in his look, his manner of preaching (if I dare say) that prayer is becoming conscious
of the loving look of God over us. To pray is to open ourselves in faith to the creative, regenerating, deifying and
beatifying action of God on our daily lives. God looks at you and loves you. God looks at me and loves me. A look of
wonderment, an indispensable look for our lives according to Fr. Caffarel. God is the essential source.
The influence of literature on his life and on ours…
Many are those who became aware how much Fr. Caffarel loved literature and used it as nourishment for his spiritual
life. He would extend this knowledge to those who came to listen to him, to meet him and consult him. As Claire
Daudin mentioned during an encounter at the College of the Bernardins on the 3rd and 4th of December 2010, Fr.
Caffarel would have recourse to literature, and I quote “for the growth of inner man”(p. 57). “to open oneself to
exterior influences, notably by means of culture and not to close ourselves on our home, though christian it may
be. Christian life is not sustained only by devotions, and a couple does not consist in living face to face. Prayer and
commitment, or service, must depend on the exercise of intelligence and have recourse to basic readings” (p. 66).
In his library, we will find various authors like Danielou, Urs von Balthasar, Maritain, Péguy, Claudel, Mauriac, etc.
“With his Notre-Dame Teams, he introduces authors to develop the spiritual life of the members of the movement
and to show them the mysteries of the human heart” (Claire Daudin).
In conclusion
You can imagine, dear friends, that I cannot prolong this presentation but I would like to conclude by sharing with
you a few convictions of Fr. Caffarel that seems helpful to guide us in our present modest mission with the NotreDame Teams here in Canada.
In the introduction to the Charter of the Notre-Dame Teams (1947), Fr. Caffarel wanted each couple and each
member of a couple to be “God seekers”, to be a contemporary missionary of Christ. I quote : “They seek to be
competent in their profession, they want all their activities to be a collaboration in the work of God and a service
to mankind”.
He would insist on mutual aid and witnessing. Mutual aid to have a better knowledge of God, a better understanding
of the road that leads to Love, to mystical union with him, prayer, to discover his great projects concerning the
realities of marriage, love, sexuality, maternity, paternity, education…
Witnessing to what each one is living, to what each couple is experiencing… and to bear fruit at the heart of the
world in which we live, here and now. His well known formula is : “To give ourselves to one another (husband and
wife) in order to give ourselves to others”.
From 1959, Fr. Caffarel will fear a weakening in the spiritual life of the team members, which explains the
importance given to what we call today the effort of specific points. But be careful, he would say, not to do all this
as an observance of the rule without life or spirit… In 1970, during an assembly in Rome, he will introduce into the
Charter the importance of reading the Word of God, mental prayer and asceticism that are for him, fundamental
elements in the growth of our couples and of ourselves, individually.
In 1962, during an encounter in Brazil, from the 1st to the 4th of November, Fr. Caffarel said that “the only valid
motive in belonging to a team is to better know, better love, better serve God. Other motives may be good but are
not sufficient”. He added : “the Notre-Dame Teams must be made up of christians with a profound interior life”.
Ten years later, in 1972, still in Brazil, he said that “a movement, a Church that no longer reflects on the continual
adjustment of her activities is a movement, a Church in decline and will soon be in a crisis (…) We must be a leaven
of renewal, if not of spiritual revolution.”
Probably others could add on many points. My objective is not to be exhaustive but to encourage us to pursue our
journey, together, towards Christ. Also, I will conclude with this sentence dear to Fr. Caffarel that has stayed with
me since my retreat of 1981 till today… and now that I have been a priest for 18 years, I repeat it after communion
with a few circumstantial adaptations…
You who are at home in the bottom of my heart,
• Show me how to seek you and reach you in the bottom of my heart.
• I am yours in the bottom of my heart.
• I am in communion with you in the bottom of my heart.”
Escrito por Padre Christian Rodembourg, M.S.A.
Consejero Espiritual de la Región de Canadá
Noticias de los Sectores
Dear team members of Canada,
Following the general meeting of the teams of the Montreal Sector on October 4, 2013, Oscar
and I of Montreal 47 decided to step in as new coordinating couple of the sector as of December
1, 2013, taking over from Marlène and Jacques. The way this happened is quite consistent
with the way we joined the movement not too long ago (2012) – a surprising call to take our
faith a step further, a prompt decision to follow – and here we are!! Sounds familiar?
We immigrated from Venezuela seven years ago with our two children, Teresa and Gabriel who
are now 13 and 11. Given our background it is no surprise that our family is multilingual, Oscar
being Venezuelan, me being German, and our two children being schooled in English and French, and we hope to
use it to open doors: for us to reach out to our French, English and Hispanic community and for all the people out
there to come in and see what this movement Teams of our Lady might be about.
We are thrilled to take this step forward, supported by our wonderful team: Marie-Claude and Steve, Annick and
Martin, Annie and André, Marie-Laurence and Jean Pierre and our most beloved Fr. Marie-Elie. Without them we
would not be able to do this job. As much as we love to serve our church we could never do it without the right
people around us to help us to find strength in our faith and to help us become the persons, the couple and the
community that God wants us to be.
We cannot wait to see what God has for us and how He is going to use us for His glory. Thank you all for being here,
across Canada and the world, for your support, your prayers, your blessings – we need you!
United with you and Mary in our faith in Jesus.
Suzana and Oscar
Pareja Responsable - Montreal
Quebec Sector
The launch of the Quebec sector
activities for the year 2013-2014 was
realized during a beautiful afternoon
in September. Nearly thirty people,
mostly team responsible couples
were attending.
It is under the theme: “Lord, to whom
shall we go, you have the words of
eternal life” that the introduction
prayer was featured. This word
also carried us all afternoon. The
presentation of the pastoral plan of
the Canada Region as well as news
from the Regional College paved the
way to the realities of the sector.
Participants were offered a summary
of team year-end review and an
overview of the pastoral plan of the
sector following the team member
consultation conducted last spring.
People were asked to respond to what
they heard and many commented on
how to implement the directions of
the pastoral plan to the effect that
sector teams needed liaison couples
and training for this purpose. Which
will take shape over the next year.
An interiority and prayer time
completed the organized segment of
this afternoon very rich in exchanges
and beautiful moments. And in the
joy and pleasure of being together,
some responded to the invitation
of sharing victuals for dinner and
brought a dish to share that all team
members in attendance enjoyed
with great pleasure.
the team members of the sector
and their families are invited to a
celebration in Spanish and French,
songs and music included!
The next gathering is set to December
8th, for the patron mass where all
Sylvie Mondor et Sylvain St-Georges
Sector Couple - Montreal
Beauce Sector
Our sector is effervescent. We can count on the dynamism and commitment of
our sector team to help us with the hosting and organization of spiritual,
liaison, formation and promotional activities in the Beauce sector. Their
profound spiritual sense is a source of great comfort and their energy is a
constant inspiration to be better.
support through prayer is essential
our teams.
We will be welcoming a new team of young couples in the big family of the
Teams of Our Lady this year in our sector. We will also be welcoming new
couples within already existing teams. They are couples with a rich prayer
experience and a thirst to grow in the love of God and of their neighbor. Your
for the progression of the TOOLS and to ensure the best ways of functioning in
Two couples from our sector have accepted responsibilities for the Canada Region. Lucie Boudreault and Robert
Dallaire will be the coordinating couple for the gathering of the Canada Region in 2016. Nicole Gagné and Daniel
Bolduc will be treasurer for the Canada Region. Thank you to these two couples who have already answered the
Lord’s calling in the past to be his workers for « The harvest is plentiful » (Matthew 9, 37) and who have answered
the Lord’s calling once more « This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my
disciples. » (John 15, 8)
Gloria Babineau et Raymond Champion
Pareja Responsable - Beauce
Estrie Sector
Lady to a local Spanish speaking
group of people. We had a nice
welcome and invite you to pray for
a fruitful outcome. Could it be our
Movement will gain new Spanish
speaking members? We leave this
Greetings to
you all, Team
members of
Here is some
news from our
This year, we had our year launching
in Lac-Mégantic, in order to show
our support and solidarity with
our members of that area greatly
affected by the train explosion. It
was very nice get together as well as
a chance to get acquainted with our
members from there who, because
of the distance from Sherbrooke,
are not always able to attend our
meetings. We were able to express
our admiration to the mayor, Mrs.
Colette Roy-Laroche, and pastor
Steve Lemay, both Team members.
We were very glad to have them with
Otherwise, Luc and I made
presentation of the Teams of Our
in the hands of God, master of all
Finally, Luc and I had the chance to
take part in the gathering of families
organized by Pope Francis at the
Vatican. He delivered a beautiful
message to families of the world,
all in simplicity and well-adjusted to
present day conditions. Among other
things, he recalled the importance of
inter-generational contacts and said
that « a country that didn’t listen
to grandparents is a dying country
». He also named three key words
for families: « Please, thank you and
sorry ». Although basic, these words
are sometimes forgotten in our
families, which slowly mines family
peace. As a bonus to end our visit with
the pope, we had the joy of meeting
Debbie and James, past Toronto
sector couple. We experienced this
as a delicate attention of Our Lord,
because in the midst of 100 thousand
pilgrims, it was very unlikely to see
We give thanks to God for all the
wonderful things he does for us and
we pray that he continues to watch
over each one of us.
With brotherly love,
Myriam and Luc Gendron
Estrie Sector Couple
Pareja Responsable - Estrie
Edmonton Sector
Nosotros somos Alexandra y Jose Leon. Somos la Pareja
Responsable del Sector Edmonton desde el mes de
Septiembre de este año. Tenemos 20 años de casados,
2 hijos maravillosos y llevamos 5 años en los Equipos de
Nuestra Señora. Vinimos a Canada en el 2007 y nuestra
ascendencia es ecuatoriana. El pertenecer a los Equipos
ha sido para nosotros encontrar nuestra familia en
Canada y sobre todo el soporte para iniciar el camino
de nuestro matrimonio hacia la santidad que antes no
conocíamos que existía.
confirmó que asistiría a la misa de nuestros Equipos en el
mes de marzo del 2014.
El sábado 5 de Octubre, en conjunto con la Pareja de
Espiritualidad, brindamos un retiro para parejas de la
parroquia de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe. Asistieron
10 parejas y fue desarrollado en base al material utilizado
en nuestro retiro de este año.
Por otro lado contamos con la Pareja Responsable del
Pilotaje y varias parejas Pilotos que al momento se
encuentran ofreciendo pilotaje a 9 nuevas parejas.
Adicionalmente el sábado 9 de noviembre viajamos 4
parejas y nuestro Consiliario a Fort McMurray, una ciudad
500 Km al norte de Edmonton, para ofrecer una charla
de información a 7 parejas y un sacerdote interesados en
crear el primer Equipo en esa ciudad. Estamos a espera
de su confirmación y estaríamos iniciando la primera
fase del pilotaje a fin de Enero 2014.
Para nosotros fue una gran sorpresa y un inmenso honor
cuando Angelica y Mario junto con el Consiliario nos
pidieron ser la nueva pareja Responsable del Sector. A
este llamado respondimos de inmediato positivamente
sabiendo que en Edmonton tenemos un grupo de parejas
siempre dispuesta a colaborar y que con la Gracia del
Espíritu Santo en esta misión no estaríamos solos.
El Sector de Edmonton inició su año equipista el 8 de
Septiembre con la Eucaristía, la Ceremonia de la Luz
y la entrega del material de estudio. En esta misa,
las parejas Responsables salientes entregan el Cirio
encendido a las nuevas parejas Responsables para que
esa luz les acompañe en su año de servicio; y nuestro
Consiliario bendice el material con el que trabajaremos
durante este año.
A mediados de Septiembre con nuestro Consiliario y la
pareja de Espiritualidad nos reunimos para presentarle
el Plan de Trabajo 2014 al Arzobispo Richard Smith. Fue
una reunión muy emotiva y al terminar, el Arzobispo
El día 8 de Diciembre se realizará nuestra Eucaristía
de Navidad. Al igual que la Ceremonia de la Luz, es
una Eucaristía para todas las parejas del Sector y sus
familias. Luego se comparte un refrigerio en el Hall de
la Iglesia y hay juegos y diversiones para niños y adultos.
En esta celebración se presentará a todas las parejas la
nueva página web del Sector Edmonton. Es un proyecto
desarrollado con la ayuda de la Pareja Responsable de
Media y Comunicación.
Todo este trabajo y esfuerzo no sería posible sin la
colaboración de las parejas del Sector y del equipo de
Soporte. En Edmonton realizamos reuniones de trabajo
y planificación cada trimestre tanto con las Parejas
Responsables de cada Equipo como con el Equipo de
También queremos
agradecer infinitamente
a la Región de Canada y
otras parejas de
diferentes Sectores,
que siempre han estado
dispuestos a brindar su
ayuda, soporte y
experiencias para que
nuestro movimiento se
siga desarrollando y
Que el Señor siga
bendiciendo a nuestras
familias, abrazos
fraternos y calurosos,
Alexandra y Jose Leon
Pareja Responsable - Edmonton
London Sector
We want to start this sharing by thanking Martin and Ginette whohave supported us unconditionally throughout these six years regardless of the
language barrier and the distance. We also want to thank Louise and Yvon for
accepting the responsibility of leading our movement in Canada for the next
few years. We ask especially for the light of the Holy Spirit so they can receive
wisdom and strength that is necessary in this new task.
Our sector has experienced enormous changes since last year. The experience
of XI International gathering in Brasilia was very enriching and at the same time
it renewed the spirits of each couple in our sector. Even more the couples in
our sector had a chance to live with fraternity and collegiality with couples from different races and nations.
Last year we started the piloting of two new groups, who responded in a very positive way to our invitation to
become part of our movement. At this moment both groups are finalizing their period of piloting to start to become
new groups of the movement.
A situation regarding the lack of priest has changed a bit, during the month of December we had an encounter with
a very special priest from Congo. Father Donato Lwiyando, who is now in charge of the francophone community
in London, accepted to be our spiritual counsellor to the Spanish groups. Also he proposed that we should have
the celebration of the Holy mass every Friday for the couples in the teams. Furthermore we want to thank Father
Donato in a very special way, who throughout this year has been the spiritual counsellor of four Spanish teams.
This year we had the opportunity to organize and host a retreat for the couples of the sector of Toronto. This
activity was very enriching and many people gave a lot of their time and effort to make this retreat possible. A lot
was learned from this activity and now we have more experience of what it’s like to have an activity such as this
We hope to have Father Alvaro Salazar’s help, a priest who just came to our city to take care of a bilingual parish.
Father Alvaro has a lot of experience in working with marriages, having belonged in the Teams of Our Lady in
Guatemala his country.
One of our main goals for next year will be to
prepare new piloting groups. We are aware of
the importance of forming and accompanying
the new couples that are leaders so they can
take care of the new groups in the future.
We hope to be able to help the teams
strengthen and keep encouraging new couples
to learn and integrate to our movement.
We put all our faith in the hands of our Virgin Mary and all these intentions for this year.
Luz María y Víctor Hugo
Pareja Responsable - London
Toronto Sector
Greetings from
We are comprised
now of 6 teams so
far with 2 in
Durham, 2 in
Oakville, 1 in
Orangeville and 1
in Scarborough.
Oakville 2 teams
is in the 10 meeting
after re- piloting
and appears to be going strong as does the Scarborough
team that lost a couple but got another couple to
join. Orangeville’s team has completed piloting and is
officially a team again but with only 3 couples and are
now searching for additional couples. It appears that the
Parish Priest may be interested to be Orangeville spiritual
director. Oakville 1 has lost their spiritual advisor and
is actively seeking another spiritual advisor. Details are
below in Appendix 1.
Debbie and James Rodrigues have shared information
about the TOOL movement with the Toronto Diocese
Vocations Director, Fr. Hansoo Park. This will hopefully
prove to be fruitful in promoting TOOL further in our
sector. One of the Durham teams has the Vice-Rector
of St. Augustine’s Seminary as their spiritual director!
Debbie and James are continuing with follow up.
We have had our first sector service meeting since we
have taken on new role as Sector Couple and next one
planned for March 1st. Family day was a good success
held in August 18th at the Martyrs Shrine in Midland. The
event combined a family picnic on the grounds of the
shrine, a mass exclusively for TOOL families with
Fr. Peter Marr as Celebrant, wonderful games and
activities for the children, and time for fellowship. We
had a speaker, which was interesting but will not plan to
have one for next year. Next years family day is planned
for August 17th 2014.
Spiritual advisors is a concern but we are actively seeking
to have either Priests or Deacons participate.
It looks like we will have a new team pilot in Burlington
in the New Year with a couple from Oakville 1 team,
Theresa and David Gilbert.
Debbie and James Rodrigues along with Joan and Brian
attended the College in Montreal in September.
Piloting is biggest focus and at recent sector meeting
a training course day and likely 2 sessions one in east
Toronto and one in west Toronto to be held in January or
February where we will seek volunteer couples to pilot
new teams and run information sessions to expand the
movement to other parishes and communities.
We had a good input from the RC’s at sector meeting
regarding the Pastoral plan and the pastoral plan will be
part of each Team in the next meeting.
We pray that all of the couples and teams in our sector
continue to grow in their married spirituality and are
blessed abundantly.
Detailed RC Team Updates at Sector Meeting 16th
November 2103.
Oakville 1
• Have 6 couples and missed last meeting due to a
number of circumstances.
• Mixed Faith Couple which brings opportunities for
growth for Couple and the team.
• Lost Spiritual advisor due to work load but seeing a
replacement either Priest or Deacon
• Retreat planned for February 2013
Durham 2
• 4 couples and going to 5
• Baby sitting has been solved with 2 baby sitters
looking after all the children and good solution.
• No spiritual director as meetings have to take place
on Sunday as on member is a restaurant owner.
Looking for a solution
Orangville 1
• 3 very dedicated couples and actively seeking new
couples but difficult to move forward until have
more couples
• No spiritual director but have interest from Parish
Priest Fr. Sean
• No retreat for 2 years
Durham 1
• Next Sunday is yearly review but strong attitude
with this team
• Rule of life is toughest area but all are committed
• FR. Peter Mark also Sector Spiritual advisor is Team
spiritual advisor
• Have Highs and Lows focused on one person each
meeting and works very well and rotates to next
person following meeting. Helps couples to share
ways that might help with endeavours.
Oakville 2
• Have missed several meetings during summer due to
serious health issues but back on track again.
• Deacon is Spiritual advisor and helping with focus
on one endeavour at the meeting
• Considering retreat in spring or perhaps the Group
Retreat one set in October 3-5th in London
Scarborough 1
• Just one year old and lots of growth. One couple
travel more than an hour to attend
• 3 months ago one couple left and now have had
another couple join
• 3 Couples went to Teams of Our Lady London
retreat in the previous year and very good feedback
Joan Hunter and Brian Barry
Pareja Responsable - Toronto
T: 819.821.0075