The Shah Alam Urban
The Shah Alam Urban
The Shah Alam Urban -The Shah Alam B & P Trek R SHAH ALAM Incorporating pedestrian & bicycle lane. URBAN PREPARED BY : MAJLIS BANDARAYA SHAH ALAM TREK MBSA THE SHAH ALAM URBAN TREK – INCORPORATING A PEDESTRIAN & BICYCLE LANE The existing pedestrian lane of 1.5 meters on both side of the Shah Alam road shoulders have not allowed ample space for bike use. Even pedestrian use lack safety, comfort and space . THE SECTION 4 BICYCLE & PEDESTRIAN LOOP The section 4 bike & pedestrian way connects the main neighborhood play area to the green corridors to the east and south of the neighborhood. The shared bicycle & pedestrian trail has 3 bridges, 9 (nine) crossings, 40 safety signages, 2 (two) gazebos and outdoor gym (10 items). THE SHAH ALAM BICYCLE & PEDESTRIAN WAY It was at early 2012 that the Shah Alam city council took the bold step to lay a dedicated bike and pedestrian way that provides safety, comfort and freedom of space for the section 4 residents. The 3.0 meter wide two kilometers trail traverses the section 4 neighborhood green corridors. The Pegawai straight trail Wooden bridge that crosses the perimeter drain Wooden bridge that crosses perimeter drain Shelter 1 The Pegawai pass Central Entrance Trail marker The Pegawai Intersection Intersection 4 THE 6.7 km BICYCLE & PEDESTRIAN LANE. The 6.7 km trail comprises of 10 Treks with all the safety features : 1) The Tasik Trek – Connects from section 4 green area to The Lake Garden and Commercial areas. 1) Trek Length: 1632(466m) 2) Nos of Signage: 9 3) Nos of Bollard: 300 4) Nos of Railing: - The 7.0 km dedicated bicycle & pedestrian lane. Construction of the 2nd phase of the Shah Alam Urban trail which began in year 2013 offers an off the road a dedicated safe and unobstructed bike and pedestrian lane. “ A WALKABLE CITY” The 6.7 km, 3.5 meter wide dedicated urban trail, The Shah Alam B & P TREK allows for a recreational leisure & safe commute for both pedestrian & cyclist. It allows recreational a walkable city for both citizens and tourists. Pedestrian & cyclist, citizen and tourist can now enjoy the shah alam streetscape & skyline away from the main motorway. 5) Nos of Gazebo: 1 6) Nos of Crossings: 84msq Legend: Symbol Item Bicycle trek & Pedestrian lane Crossings Water bodies Green areas CONTINUING THE LEGACY OF A WALKABLE CITY The 2014, Green city Initiatives continues with the expansion of the city wide pedestrian and bike trail. A 10km trail will connect the existing trail to the Shah Alam stadium and the Shah Alam weekly bazaar to the east and to the section 7 Lake Garden to the west. The Shah Alam city center West Trek To Sect 7 Lake Garden The Shah Alam City Center East Tre To Shah Alam Stadium