Welcome to St. Colette Parish!


Welcome to St. Colette Parish!
Welcome to
St. Colette Parish!
May 11th, 2014 - The Fourth Sunday of Easter
Kiana Allain
Neave McCall
Zachary Allain
Estefani Muñoz
Graycelin Arena
Angel Perez
Emilio Ayala
Brizeyda Valentina Perez
Jack Baker
Isabelle Perez
Fernando Bernal
Kenneth Perez
Quentin Brege
Maximino Perez
Matthew Cabrales
Ethan Petrielli
Gabriella Carlson
McKenzie Pfeifer
Maja Chmielowiec
Ashly Romero
Sophia Cobos
Alena Sabella
Seth Cohen
Erik Salamon
Ellie Connolly
Isabella Samiento
Izabella Decalarador Ruben Segura
Anna DeFilippi
Nikki Shim
Jessica Dmochowski Jessica Sokolowski
Brody Frieders
William Sperling
Mia Ganatos
Jack Stollfus
Keely Garrity
Jillian Stollfus
Jullianna Stollfus
Laisa Gutierrez
Nicolette Taylor
Angel Uriel Guillen Payton Tremanas
Jacqueline Guillen
Kevin Vasquez
Aaleyiah Haughton Monica Wolfe
Diego Hernandez
Valerie Wolfe
Francisco Hernandez Addison Wozniczka
Maria Clara Hildago Trinity Wozny
Corey Huitron
Mary Young
Ashley Kuhel
Isabella Ledesma
Thomas Lindholm
Oliver Lindquist
Clara Lopez
Kelli Lorden
Eric Marron
Angel Martin Del Campo
Monday - Friday
6:30am (Not everyday; call ahead)
8:30am & 5:00pm
7:30am & 9:00am & 10:30am
12:00pm (Español)
Saturday– After 8:30AM
3900 Meadow Drive,
Rolling Meadows, IL
Parish House:
Fax: 847-394-8102
Page Two
Mass Intentions for the week of
May 11 – May 18
-------------Intenciones del Domingo durante la semana
del 11 de mayo al 18 de mayo
Each Mass is offered for all the faithful, living and dead.
The following are specifically remembered this week:
SUNDAY– May 11th, 4th Sunday of Easter
7:30AM Sr. Jo-Ann Brdecka O.S.F., Joseph J. Brdecka,
Erin Miller, James Stuerebaut, Eleanore Healy,
Alicia Brennan
9:00AM Danny Miller, Gregg Miller, Genevieve J. Eshoo
10:30AM Eleanore Healy, Barbara W. Simek,
Daniel Moreno Sr., Daniel Moreno Jr.
12:00PM People of St Colette
MONDAY - May 12th — St. Nereus and Achilleus, Martyrs,
St. Pancras, Martyr
Lolita Villanueva -Birthday
TUESDAY - May 13th — Our Lady of Fatima
James Connolly
WEDNESDAY –May 14th—St. Matthias, Apostle - Feast
8:00AM David Wilson, Bud Simeon
THURSDAY– May 15th —St. Isidore
8:00AM Rita M. Healy
FRIDAY - May 16th
Intentions on Easter Flower Envelopes
SATURDAY– May 17th
8:30AM People of St. Colette
5:00PM Frank Miller, Maria Artushevskas
SUNDAY– May 18th, 5th Sunday of Easter
7:30AM Sr. Jo-Ann Brdecka O.S.F., Joseph J. Brdecka,
Erin Miller, James Stuerebaut, Eleanore Healy,
Robert Duffey
9:00AM Danny Miller, Gregg Miller, Stanley Buczek
10:30AM Eleanore Healy, Barbara W. & William R. Simek,
George & Jean Wenzel– 50th Anniversary,
Laurie Wenzel Kowaleski, Jay di John,
Linda Plunkett Nicklas
12:00PM People of St Colette
We encourage everyone to call or come in to the Parish House
to request weekday Mass intentions for your loved ones! Visit
or call the Parish House with all of your intentions at 847-3948100 ext. 102!
Animamos a todos a llamar o venir a la Casa Parroquial para solicitar
intenciones de misa todos los dias para sus seres queridos! ! Por favor, visite
o llame a la Casa Parroquial con todas sus intenciones al 847-394-8100 ext.
Happy Mother’s Day
We wish all mothers a happy
and blessed day today. May
God bless each of you and may
our Mother, The Virgin Mary,
protect you and be a shining
example to you of motherhood.
A mom's hug lasts long after she lets go.
Today is World Day of Prayer
for Vocations. Pray for an
increase of vocations today
and every time you say the
Our Lady of Fatima
Between May 13 and October 13, 1917, three Portuguese children received
apparitions of Our Lady at
Cova da Iria, near Fatima,
a city 110 miles north of
Lisbon. (See February 20
entry for Blesseds Jacinta
and Francisco Marto).
Mary asked the children
to pray the rosary for
world peace, for the end
of World War I, for sinners and for the conversion of Russia. The third
visionary, Lucia dos Santos, became a Carmelite nun
and died in 2005 at the age of 97.
Mary gave the children three secrets. Since Francisco
died in 1919 and Jacinta the following year, Lucia revealed the first secret in 1927, concerning devotion to
the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The second secret was a
vision of hell.
Pope John Paul II directed the Holy See's Secretary of
State to reveal the third secret in 2000; it spoke of a
"bishop in white" who was shot by a group of soldiers
who fired bullets and arrows into him. Many people
linked this to the assassination attempt against Blessed
John Paul II in St. Peter's Square on May 13, 1981.
The feast of Our Lady of Fatima was approved by the
local bishop in 1930; it was added to the Church's
worldwide calendar in 2002.
Page Three
Fourth Sunday of Easter
For a while it was very fashionable to own pigs as pets. The publicity surrounding these creatures informed us that they were-contrary to their popular image--very clean animals, and also quite
smart. Sad to say, sheep will most likely never enjoy this sort of
domestic vogue. They are neither clean nor smart and are largely
defenseless when left on their own, even in large numbers. The
biblical image of us as the flock of sheep is not a particularly flattering one. Sheep without a shepherd are truly sad, because they
most likely will perish either from their inability to fend for themselves or from their lack of defenses against predators. Placing
ourselves in the heart of this unflattering image can reinforce our
faith. Until we come to a profound realization of how much we
need a Shepherd, we cannot appreciate how deeply blessed we are
to have been given a shepherd, one who laid down his life for us
and was raised to life eternal in the Spirit, so he might guide us and
we might follow him in faith forever.
I walked into the hospital room, a brand new, Roman-collared shirt
on my back, a dog-eared, freshly highlighted, historically-critically
studied Bible under my arm: the seminarian-soldier going into his
first pastoral placement to instruct, guide, and comfort. At first I
could see no figure lying on the bed, merely tubes and the cords of
monitors all mysteriously ending amid the sheets. I finally discerned the frail figure under them, bald and emaciated from the
treatments. The voice seemed to come from her hollow, haunted
eyes, launched in my direction with a surprising vigor: "If you read
that *&(^!%$##%!! shepherd psalm I'm gonna pull the *&(^!%
$##%!! plug myself!" I sat down abruptly in the nearest chair, not
from any real need to stay in the room, but from my legs' sudden
impending failure. As my head stopped swimming a bit, I looked
around and noted the plethora of cards with Psalm 23, "Footprints
in the Sand," and the like. I did have my Bible dog-eared at Psalm
23, but the Holy Spirit--as so often--came to my rescue and guided
me back a page. Together we prayed, "My God, my God, why
have you abandoned me?"
Today's Readings: Acts 2:14a, 36-41; Ps 23:1, 3-6; 1 Pt
2:20b-25; Jn 10:1-10
Monday: Acts 11:1-18; Ps 42:2-3; 43:3, 4;
Jn 10:11-18
Tuesday: Acts 11:19-26; Ps 87:1b-7; Jn 10:22-30
Wednesday: Acts 1:15-17, 20-26; Ps 113:1-8; Jn 15:9
Thursday: Acts 13:13-25; Ps 89:2-3, 21-22, 25, 27;
Jn 13:16-20
Friday: Acts 13:26-33; Ps 2:6-11ab; Jn 14:1-6
Saturday: Acts 13:44-52; Ps 98:1-4; Jn 14:7-14
Sunday: Acts 6:1-7; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 18-19;
1 Pt 2:4-9; Jn 14:1-12
The joyful tone of the past three Sundays of Easter
is a little darker today. All three readings remind us
of suffering, death, and sin. We, like Peter's audience in the first reading, can ask, "What are we to
do?" And the answer will be the same: we must
reform. Or, as Peter says in his first Letter, we have
strayed like sheep and must return to the shepherd.
Jesus describes himself as a shepherd in today's
Gospel, and we know it was one of the earliest images of Christ in the apostolic church. Today's passage continues the darker theme of the first two
readings. Danger lurks and the sheep need protection. They might follow a false leader; they might
be stolen or destroyed. Only in Jesus Christ will we
be safe. Only in him will we have eternal life.
When at night you cannot sleep,
talk to the Shepherd and stop counting sheep.
Every rectory office has received a panicked
phone call from a person who has been invited to
serve as a godparent, or from someone newly engaged, who suddenly "needs to get confirmed."
While the lack of confirmation is not an obstacle
for marriage, it is for godparenting. Many are surprised that the Church seems to be looking for a
kind of sacramental "seal" on one's baptism before
the door opens fully to this ministry. Yet if you
think about it, would you want someone to guide
you to a place that he or she had not yet been? A
godparent has to be someone who has "been there"
and knows the way.
Although signet rings and wax seals have passed
from use, our society depends on "seals of approval" ranging from certificates of quality to the familiar safety seals on medicines and foods. While
Eucharist is the "seal" of the sacrament of baptism,
there is a sense in which one's Christian initiation
is also incomplete without confirmation. Have you
been confirmed? Perhaps it's time to inquire now,
before you have to make that dreaded phone call!
Page Four
We have openings in our ministry for volunteers in
wheelchair transport at Manor Care on Kirchoff
Rd. The time commitment would be twice per
month from 10:00AM until Noon. This is a wonderful opportunity to meet the residents and bring them
to our morning service. Please call Bonnie for
further information (847) 259-8496.
We will be having our meeting this upcoming
Wednesday May 14th at 7:00 PM. The meeting will
take place in Halpin Hall.
What Return Shall I Make to the Lord for All the Good
Things He Has Given Me?
Stewardship by the letters:
V is for Vocation. All of us are called to be stewards. Through free-will we either accept or reject
that call.
and challenge our commitment to stewardship.
¿Qué Debo Hacer Para Volverle Al Señor Por Todo Lo
Que Me Ha Dado?
Administración por letra
V es para la Vocación. Todos nosotros somos llamados a ser mayordomos. A través de nuestras acciones
libres aceptamos o rechazamos la llamada.
Today I wanted to tell all of you about an important service that we are bringing into our church
on 5/17/2014. Line Screening, a leading mobile
health screening service, will be here to offer lifesaving ultrasound screenings. These tests are important and necessary. Please consider taking part
in these life-saving screenings. By signing up for
this health event, not only will you be able to receive $10 off any package of $149 or more, but St.
Cole e Church will also receive a $10 dona on for
every member who signs up and a ends this Life
Line Screening event. To schedule your appointment and to receive this special offer, please sign
up only by either calling the dedicated Helping
Hands phone number, which is 1-800-324-9458 or
by visi ng www.helpinghandsforhealth.com.
Called Series
MAY 13
Catholic young adults, ages 18 to 35, desiring to listen closely to God's call are asked to please join us
for a Called Series evening on Tuesday, May 13,
2014, 7:30 - 8:30 p.m., at the Cenacle Retreat Center, 513 West Fullerton Parkway, Chicago, 60614.
Topics for discussion and prayer are taken from the
book Tuning In to God's Callby Fr. A. C.Wisdom,
OP and Sr. C. Kiley, ASCJ. Sponsored by CAVA
and the Archdiocese of Chicago Office for Religious.
For more information contact Sr. Elyse
at cava@archchicago.org (312) 534-5240.
Page Five
You’re Invited to
SonTreasure Island!
St. Colette Parish
invites ALL children
to join us at SonTreasure Island!!!!.
“SonTreasure Island creates a fun and exciting island atmosphere
where children will have a great time singing, watching skits,
creating crafts and playing game. But most important, they’ll
discover the treasure of God’s amazing love. We’re looking forward
to sharing this exciting event with the children and parents in our
neighborhood. We hope they will all join us at SonTreasure Island.”
SonTreasure Island begins:
Monday, June 23rd, 6:00pm – 7:30pm
and continues through
Thursday, June 26th , 6:00-7:30pm
located at St. Colette Parish
Ages: 4 yrs +.
Cost for all four evenings: one child $15,
two children $20, three or more $25
To register call:
Val Zemko 847-394-4098 or
Teri Toenjes 847-394-8100 x122
Page Six
See What’s Happening at St. Colette this Week!
Monday, May 12th
No events today!
Tuesday, May 13th
No events today!
Wednesday, May 14th
Mass with the schoolchildren/CH
Social Club Mtg./HH
Spanish Choir Practice/CH
Thursday, May 15th
Adult Choir Rehearsal/CH
Friday, May 16th
Rosary/Holy Hour Respect Life/CH
Saturday, May 17th
Tamales Preparation/HH
Lifeline Screening/PC
Share Faith& FOCUS Registration for 2014-2015/HH
Sunday, May 18th
Polish School Meeting/HH
FOCUS Pot Luck Dinner/HH
Collection for the Weekend of May 4 2014
Colecta del fin de semana de mayo 4 2014
Total Collection: $13,888.85
Total Attendance: N/A
Thank you for your continued generosity
May God bless you!
Gracias por su generosidad continua.
Catholic Charities Mother’s Day Collection
Thank you for supporting Catholic Charities in last week’s
collection. Every 30 seconds someone turns to Catholic
Charities for help. Thanks to you, they will find an open
door and a listening ear, ready to be their hope and guide
them. Donations can still be made online at
www.catholiccharities.net/donate or mailed to 721 N.
LaSalle St., Chicago, IL 60654. Learn more and watch a
short video about why your support is so vital at
May 17th &
Fr. Peter Galek
Fr. Bob Borre
Fr. Brian Simposn
Fr. Bran Simpson
Gray & Schindler
Otano & Otano
Rooney & Brandt
Loesch & Shirmer
E. Ramirez &
L. Ramirez
M. Lee,
B. Bansfield,
M. Chybicki,
M. Kroll,
M. Lund,
B.&T. Hansen
O. Carlson,
L. Kincl
M. Reza,
C. Stastny,
D. Kuforiji,
L. Brandt
M. Flannagan,
N. O'Connor,
A. Reza,
E. Paz
L. Guillen
N. Escuria
A. Reyes
J. Martin
Altar Servers
E. Wiley
D. Cavazos
G. Ramirez
A. Hernandez
J. Bolanos
M. Toenjes
M. Hamblin
I. Nehf
J. Arrroyo
V. Petrov
N. Bochenski
P. Fiscu
R. Quiroz
J. Leyva
D. Huerta
V. Rodriguez
Page Seven
Cuarto Domingo de Pascua
Entré al cuarto del hospital, con una flamante camisa de cuello romano, una bien recién marcada, releída y seriamente estudiada Biblia bajo el brazo: era el seminarista-soldado que
llegaba a su primera batalla en el frente pastoral para instruir,
guiar y consolar. En el primer momento no vi a nadie en la
cama, sólo tubos y alambres de monitores que terminaban
misteriosamente entre las sábanas. Finalmente pude distinguir
la figura frágil debajo de ellas, un cuerpo calvo y enflaquecido por los tratamientos. La voz me pareció salir de sus ojos
hundidos y persistentes que se lanzaban en mi dirección con
sorprendente vigor: "¡Si me lee ese *&(^!%$##%!! salmo del
pastor, arranco el *&(^!%$##%!! enchufe yo misma!" Abruptamente me senté en la silla más cercana, no porque necesitaba quedarme en el cuarto, sino porque mis piernas se
sintieron flaquear y pensé que me fallaban. Cuando la cabeza
dejó de darme vueltas miré a mi alrededor y noté cantidad de
tarjetas con el Salmo 23, "Huellas en la arena" y otras. Yo
tenía mi Biblia con la punta doblada en el Salmo 23, pero el
Espíritu Santo -como sucede muchas veces- vino a rescatarme y me guió a una hoja anterior. Juntos rezamos, "Dios
mío, Dios mío, ¿por qué me has abandonado?"
Feliz Día de las Madres!
Les deseamos a todas las
mamas un día feliz y lleno
de bendiciones. Que Dios
las bendiga hoy y siempre
y que nuestra madre, la
Santísima Virgen María,
las proteja y sea un gran
ejemplo para ustedes de
El abrazo de una madre dura aún después de que ella
se va.
Más tarde me enteré que nadie había permitido a esa mujer,
tan seriamente enferma, procesar espiritualmente la angustia
y el enfado que sentía por su enfermedad. Semanas más tarde,
ella me dijo: "Siempre pensé que era la tarea del Pastor no
las ovejas no son
dejarme caer en el valle de la muerte; ahora sé que su tarea es
estar allí conmigo." Estos pensamientos parecerán extraños
durante el tiempo de Pascua, pero nos recordamos del Buen
Pastor rezando el Salmo 22, abandonado en la cruz, sólo hace
unas pocas semanas. Al escuchar y cantar sobre las imágenes
consoladoras del pastor, es bueno que recordemos que hay
alguien probablemente sentado cerca de nosotros que está en
un valle oscuro, o que tal vez nosotros mismos estemos
atravesando por uno, o tal vez estamos por entrar en uno que
no sospechamos. Pero tenemos la fe de la resurrección para
pastorearnos; una fe que no sólo vive en nosotros, sino en la
Iglesia, el Cuerpo de Cristo, en nuestro Buen Pastor resucita- El tono de alegría de los tres domingos pasados se
ensombrece hoy. Las tres lecturas nos recuerdan el
do y vivo por el Espíritu.
Lecturas de hoy: Hch 2:14a, 36-41; Sal 23:1, 3-6; 1 Pe
2:20b-25; Jn 10:1-10
Lunes: Hch 11:1-18; Sal 42 (41):2-3; 43:3, 4;
Jn 10:11-18
Martes: Hch 11:19-26; Sal 87 (86):1b-7; Jn 10:22-30
Miércoles: Hch 1:15-17, 20-26; Sal 113 (112):1-8;
Jn 15:9-17
Jueves: Hch 13:13-25; Sal 89 (88):2-3, 21-22, 25, 27;
Jn 13:16-20
Viernes: Hch 13:26-33; Sal 2:6-11ab; Jn 14:1-6
Sábado: Hch 13:44-52; Sal 98 (97):1-4; Jn 14:7-14
Domingo: Hch 6:1-7; Sal 33 (32):1-2, 4-5, 18-19;
1 Pe 2:4-9; Jn 14:1-12
sufrimiento, la muerte y el pecado. Nosotros, igual
que la audiencia de Pedro en la primera lectura, podemos preguntar, "¿Qué tenemos que hacer?" Y la
respuesta es la misma: Tenemos que convertirnos.
O, como Pedro dice en su primera carta, nos hemos
extraviado como las ovejas perdidas y tenemos que
regresar al pastor.
En el Evangelio de hoy Jesús se describe a sí mismo
como el pastor y sabemos que fue una de las primeras imágenes de Cristo en la Iglesia de los
apóstoles. El pasaje de hoy continúa el tema más
sombrío de las dos primeras lecturas. El peligro acecha y las ovejas necesitan protección. Podrían seguir
un guía falso, podrían ser robadas o destruidas. Sólo
con Jesús estarán a salvo. Sólo con Jesús lograremos
la vida eterna.
Page Eight
Cada viernes,
excepto el primer viernes del mes,
La Exposición y
Adoración del
Santísimo Sacramento
en español a las 6 de la tarde.
Vengan a dar gracias por las bendiciones que reciben
cada día. Vengan a pedir sanación física, mental e
espiritual. Vengan a pedir consuelo y ayuda que
Jesús es misericordioso y atento a nuestra necesidades. Vengan a pedir por su familia, sus hijos, sus
padres y todos en su vida que necesiten oración.
Vengan a rezar por la paz, por el respeto a la vida,
por las ánimas benditas del purgatorio, por el Papa,
por la iglesia y por nuestra comunidad y por todo el
mundo O vengan solamente para darle a Jesús una
hora de compañía, amor, y alabanza.
La Inscripción para el
Programa de Educación
Religiosa de Santa
Colette para el año
escolar 2014-2015 ya
está abierto!
Este programa es para niños en los grados 1
al 12 que asisten a la escuela pública.
"Share Faith" - grados 1- 8 "FOCUS" - los
grados del 9-12
Por favor de traer Certificado de Bautismo
de su hijo/a y un depósito de matrícula para
la inscripción en Halpin Hall (sótano de la
iglesia) en las siguientes fechas: Sábado, 17
de mayo 10AM a 12PM O Sábado, 31 de
mayo 10AM a 12PM
Por favor, póngase en contacto con Teri con
cualquier pregunta 847-394-8100 x 122, vía
Necesitamos ayuda en el
Ministerio Hispano
Intreresdos en servir a Dios como:
Lectores, Ministros de Comunión,
Hablar con Raúl Trejo al
(847) 401-7680
Interesados a servir a Dios como: Ujier
Hablar con Jose Osuna al
(847) 776-0443
Interesados a servir a Dios como:
Miembros del Coro
Hablar con Nicolas Guadarrama al
Interesados a servir a Dios como:
Miembro del Equipo Promotor
Hablar con Maria Reza al (847) 414-4727
asistentes de
catequistas, y ayuda en
la oficina de Educación
Religiosa. Por favor
considere la oportunidad
de compartir su fe con
los niños del programa.
Las clases en español son los sabidos de
10AM a 11:30AM. Las clases empiezan en
Septiembre y se acaban en Abril. También
se necesita ayuda en los programas de
Si está interesado, por favor hablar con Teri
Toenjes al 847-394-8100 x 122, vía
stcolette-religioused@comast.net o hablar
en español con Edy Guillen al 847-3948100 x 102, via edy.guillen@yahoo.com.
Page Nine
Registration for St. Colette’s Religious
Education Program for the 2014-2015
school year is now open!
This program is for children in grades 1-12th
that attend the public school.
“Share Faith” - grades 1st-8th
“FOCUS”- grades 9-12th
Please bring your child’s Baptismal Certificate and a tuition deposit to registration in
Halpin Hall (church basement) on the following dates:
Saturday, May 17th, 10-Noon OR
Saturday, May 31st, 10-Noon
Sunday May 11th 10:30 am Teen Mass on
Mother's Day. - Please Honor your Mom by
bringing her to Church. (Sign up to Usher,
Lector, Welcoming)
Sunday May 18th - 6:00 to 8:00 pm FOCUS
POT-LUCK DINNER - with great food, year in review slide show and recognition of those who
made this an awesome year! Please SAVE THE
YES AND it is an opportunity to make a difference in our own community of Chicago! The Mission with Teen Service Week and is from Sunday, June 22 through Saturday, June 28th.
May 12th 6:00 p.m. in RE Office or Tuesday May
13th 6:00 p.m. RE Office. (Pick-up Information
and check out the WEB SITE).
Please contact Teri with any questions 847-3948100 x122, stcolette-religioused@comast.net
FOCUS Teens take to the streets of Chicago giving
out lunches and toiletry kits to the homeless.
Feed My Starving Children
Service Project
Wednesday, May 21 from 8:00-9:30pm
College students and young adults (1839) are invited to join Young Adult Ministry of Lake
County (YAM) for a service project at Feed My
Starving Children in Libertyville. At FMSC we will
work to package meals that will then be sent to children and families all around the world. Visitwww.fmsc.org and sign up by joining the group
“YAM Lake County”. Space is limited so reserve
your spot today! Afterwards we’ll make a quick stop
at Culvers for treats and fellowship! With questions,
please contact yamlakecounty@gmail.com
Welcome to Online
Baptism/Bau smos
St. Colette Parish has begun accepting online
donations through GiveCentral, our new online
donation service. GiveCentral is a safe, secure, and
paperless way to make your Sunday offertory and
other contributions.
In English - The 1st and 3rd Sunday of the
Month at 2:00PM.
For registration and more information contact
the Parish House 2 months in advance.
It was designed specifically for Catholic churches
and schools in the Chicago area, and many other parishes in our Diocese have already found success with
it. The site allows you to make a one time or automatically repeating payments on a schedule that
works best for you, using any credit card, debit card
or electronic bank account.
We believe that having a flexible online giving
option will make it easier for many of you
to support St. Colette.
Visit our website at www.stcolette.org and click on
the “GiveCentral” link or go to
and take a couple minutes to set up your donations.
Questions? Please call
Darlene Bulak at the Parish Office
at 847-394-8100.
En Español- Segundo y Cuarto Domingo del
mes a la 1:30PM.
Para registracion y mas informacion llamar a
la Casa Paroquial con dos meses de an cipacion.
Contact Parish House at least 6 months in advance for adequate planning.
Hablar a la Casa Parroquial con seis meses de
an cipacion para poder planear adequadamente.
Page Twelve
Please remember the sick in our parish and keep
them in your prayers.
Por favor recuerden los enfermos de nuestra parroquia y
manténgalos en sus oraciones.
Brandt Apa
Jade Cali
Kayla Domonico
Michael Gallaghar
Jack & Lorraine Grady
Linda Johnson
Annie Joyce
Mary Kedzie
Barbara Kronau
Werner Kronau
Shirley Lewan
Lucille McCafferty
Barbara McIntyre
Dorothy Hill
Bob Placek
Carolyn Skidmore
James Stastny
John Sulek
Dionisia Tejeda
Patty Villadonga
Joseph Wieczorek
Cynthia Williams
Don Di John
Jason Frieders
Jacob Arroyo
Dennis Beckman
Cheryl Fascano
Laura Couch
Anthony Faflik
Esther Foropoulos
Myra Garcia
Charlene LeValley
Sally Hedrick
Matt Horvath
Tom Johnson
Gloria Huberty
Jennifer Joyce
Nicole Joyce
Sherrie Kirmse
John Krohn
Delphine Kronau Gregg Gioulos
Paul Launer
Anne Lefevre
Tim Lock
Ronald Lohn
Daniel Krysh
Evelyn Stevenson
Nicholas Mostardo Krista Motley
Rita Olinake
Lawrence Parker
Jeanine Pickler
Guadalupe Robles
Jack Skrzypek
Jill Sperling
June Stastny
Phyllis Harmon
Gloria Tapling
James Coleman
Celeste Travino Cristeta R. Vega
Maria Elena Vinaja Miguel Vinaja
Eileen Devitt
Bob Lamb
Walter J. Zaremba Louise Zimmer
John Kuhn
Francine McCann
To appear on our Prayers For the Sick list, please notify the
Parish House at (847) 394-8100. We try to revise our list
every two weeks.
Para que puedan ser anunciados en la lista de nuestras
oraciones para los enfermos, por favor llamar a la Casa Parroquial
al 847-394-8100. Nosotros tratamos de revisitar nuestra lista cada
St. Colette Contact Information
Parish House Office Hours
Mon. - Fri. 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Sat. 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Sunday - Closed
St. Colette Parish House—(847) 394-8100
Pastor: Rev. Msgr. Peter Galek ext. #105
Associate Pastor: Rev. Brian Simpson ext. #104
Weekend Assistants: Fr. Bob Borre and
Fr. James Murphy
Deacon: John Connor (Retired) ext. #140
Pedro Sedano ext. 142
Music Director: Michael Myers ext. #107
Financial Operations Manager: Mrs. Darlene Bulak
ext. #103; darleneb6550@sbcglobal.net
Secretary & Sacramental Records: Mr. Eduardo
Guillen ext. #102; edy.guillen@yahoo.com
Religious Education: Teri Toenjes ext. #122
Youth Minister-Focus: Lori Brandt ext. #121
St. Colette School - 3900 Pheasant Drive
(847) 392-4098
Principal: Mrs. Valerie Zemko ext. #125
Bulle n Deadline / Plazo del Boletín
All articles must be dropped off at the Parish House or
emailed to Eduardo Guillen at
by noon on Monday to appear in next Sunday’s Bulletin.
Todos los artículos para el boletín deben ser dejados a la casa
parroquial o enviárselo a Eduardo Guillen a
para el Lunes al mediodía para que aparezcan
en el Boletín Dominical.
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