March 20, 2016 | Palm Sunday of the Lord`s Passion
March 20, 2016 | Palm Sunday of the Lord`s Passion
March 20, 2016 | Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion 300 East Ta Avenue • Orange, CA 92865 Telephone: (714) 637-4360 • Fax: (714) 637-4311 CLERGY SCHEDULE OF MASSES Rev. Patrick Rudolph, Pastor Rev. Fredy Mancilla, Parochial Vicar Rev. John Duy Nguyen, Parochial Vicar Rev. Antonio Zapata, In Residence Deacon Dave Blake Deacon Joseph Esparza Deacon Juan Espinoza Sunday: 7:30 a.m., 9 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 12 noon, 2 p.m. (Spanish), 5:30 p.m. and 7 p.m. (Spanish) Monday - Friday: 6:15 a.m. and 8:30 a.m. Wednesday: 7 p.m. (Spanish) Saturday: 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. (Sunday Vigil) Holy Days of Obliga on: as announced MINISTRY CENTER STAFF Ahl Agus n, Chris an Service Irene Ahedo, Office Manager Joseph Ciccoianni, Principal, St. Norbert Catholic School Charlene Dumitru, Adult Faith Forma on John Erhard, Music Ministry Carmen Estrada, Hispanic Ministry Amy Glenane, Parish Life Janine Kilgore, Liturgical Ministries Kirsten King, Youth Faith Forma on & Confirma on Maria Mar nez, Business Manager Robin Mayes, School of Religious Educa on CONFESSIONS Saturday: 3:30 to 4:45 p.m. First Friday of each month: 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. MINISTRY CENTER HOURS Monday - Friday: 9 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Saturday: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Sunday: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION First Friday of each month beginning at 9 a.m. and concluding at 8 a.m. on Saturday with Benedic on. BAPTISMS Please call the Parish Office for informa on and to schedule Bap sm Prepara on. Programs are available in English or in Spanish. MARRIAGES Please call the Parish Office for informa on. Six months advance no ce is required. Marriage Prepara on is available in English or in Spanish. A NOINTING OF THE S ICK , C OMMUNION FOR THE S ICK & H OMEBOUND Kindly call the Parish Office to make arrangements. FUNERALS At the me of death, kindly call the Parish Office for assistance in making arrangements. St. Norbert Parish is a dynamic community of disciples of Jesus Christ striving to continue His ministries of prayer, love and service. ST. NORBERT CATHOLIC CHURCH | WWW.STNORBERTCHURCH.ORG 2 Stewardship Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion Jubilee Year of Mercy Misericordiae Vultus: The Face of Mercy is Pope Francis’ official decree announcing this Jubilee Year of Mercy. But Francis had already declared that Jesus “has shown the face of God’s mercy” back in 2013 on his first Palm Sunday as pope. Francis described Luke’s account of Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem: “Crowds, celebra ng, praise, blessing, peace: joy fills the air. Jesus has awakened great hopes, especially in the hearts of the simple, the humble, the poor, the forgo en, those who do not ma er in the eyes of the world. He understands human sufferings . . . has bent down to heal body and soul.” Entering Jerusalem, Jesus looks at all of us with love, Francis con nued, at our sicknesses and sins. “A beau ful scene, full of light—the light of the love of Jesus” (Pope Francis, Palm Sunday homily, March 24, 2013). May this Jubilee Year’s Holy Week and Triduum make us Jesus’ own light-bearers and love-givers to all who long to see the Face of Mercy. —Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc. Letters & Cards for Our Elect We invite you to write a card or le er of encouragement or welcoming to our Elect and Candidates to be received at the Easter Vigil. It means a great deal to these new Catholics to feel known and welcomed by their brothers and sisters in the parish. It is also a good Lenten project for families to do together. Both adults and children will be received into the church on Easter. Please drop off your cards at the Ministry Center by Sunday, March 20. The names of those to receive Easter Sacraments are listed below. The Elect (unbap zed) are: Adults to be Bap zed, Confirmed and receive First Eucharist: Teresa Carrasco, Berry Stevens Children and teens to be Bap zed, Confirmed and receive First Eucharist: Aus n A. (16), Haley A. (15), Derek A. (11), Lyssa D. (14) Gael G. (9), Miguel G. (10), Carlo M. (8), Adrian M. (8), Leon P. (10), Allison P. (9), Brisa P. (10), Luis R. (11), Ximena R. (10). Jeffrey S. (14), Arturo V. (11), German V. (13), Lauren V. (13) The Candidates Bap zed in other Chris an faith tradi ons are: Those who will make a Profession of Faith, be Confirmed and receive First Eucharist: Natalia G. (12), Samantha G. (8), Mia V. (10), Tiana Marmi (adult) _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Divine Mercy Novena & Divine Mercy Sunday In prepara on for the Feast of Divine Mercy, we will be praying the Novena and Chaplet for nine consecu ve days, beginning on Good Friday, March 25, through Saturday, April 2. Please join us in the Blessed Sacrament Room each day a er the 8:30 a.m. Mass for this beau ful devo on. On Easter Sunday, the Novena and Chaplet will be said privately. Let us ask God for guidance and mercy as we walk through these difficult mes together. We will celebrate Divine Mercy Sunday at the 12 noon Mass on April 3. Venera on of the image of Divine Mercy and a first class relic of St. Faus na will follow the Mass along with the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. Saint John Paul II granted a plenary indulgence to the faithful, under the usual condi ons, with par cipa on in the Feast of Divine Mercy. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Thank You, Blood Donors! The blood drive on February 28 was a success, with 42 pints collected. Thanks to so many people: the donors, especially those who have given mul ple mes, and to the Knights of Columbus members who arranged scheduling, obtained the signups, and par cipated on the drive day. Over the years 20 parishioners have donated over 60 gallons of blood!! Many of these were honored with Gallon Club Donor pins recognizing their accomplishments. Another drive is planned during the Fall (Advent). We look forward to seeing you there. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Weekly Parish Offering Thank you for your continuing support of St. Norbert Parish. For the fiscal year July 1, 2015, to June 30, 2016, our parish budget calls for $26,850 to be donated weekly at the Sunday collection. The collection for Sunday, March 13, will be reported next week. . These collections are not only for operating expenses each week, but also for any ongoing repair work, upgrades, etc. to our parish facility. Your regular donations are needed for the good of St. Norbert Parish and the spread of the Gospel. 3 MARCH 20, 2016 | PALM SUNDAY OF THE LORD’S PASSION Parish Life Fast & Abstinence on Good Friday A reminder of the Church’s fast and abs nence teachings for Good Friday: Fas ng is obligatory for all who have completed their 18th year and have not yet reached their 60th year. Fas ng allows a person to eat one full meal. Two smaller meals may be taken, not to equal one full meal. Abs nence (from meat) is obligatory for all who have reached their 14th year. _______________________________________________________________________ Celebrate with our Neophytes Receiving new members to our Church is a reason to celebrate for all of us. We are asking parishioners to bring dona ons of “finger-foods” (cookies, vegetables, small sandwiches, appe zers, etc.) to the Ministry Center on Saturday, March 26, to be used at the recep on celebra on for our new Catholics who will be bap zed and confirmed at the Easter Vigil. Dona ons of food may be dropped off at the Ministry Center Office from 9 a.m. un l 2 p.m. or taken to the Ministry Center hall between 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Also, any parishioner who would like to volunteer for hospitality at the recep on is invited to call Charlene at (714) 637-4360. We invite all parishioners to a end the Great Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday at 8 p.m. and celebrate with our newly Bap zed and Confirmed parishioners. _______________________________________________________________________ New Parishioner Welcome Social We’d like to personally welcome new parishioners into the St. Norbert community and get to know you be er! If you’ve joined the parish within the last year, please join us for a Welcome Social on Saturday, April 9, at 6:30 p.m. in the Ministry Center Hall. All ages welcome! Please RSVP to Amy Glenane at (714) 637-4360 x399 or _______________________________________________________________________ Holy Week Collections This year the collec on on Holy Thursday, March 24, will be earmarked for Chris an Service. Special Schedule on Easter Sunday Please see the back of today’s bulle n for the Easter Sunday liturgy schedule. Mass mes have been adjusted to allow at least 2 hours between Masses to accommodate increased traffic and allow the parking lot to clear. Please drive with extra cau on next weekend, and look for opportuni es to show St. Norbert hospitality to visitors and newcomers. _______________________________________________________________________ Vacation Bible School 2016 VBS sign-ups begin in April! Our theme this year is CAVE QUEST…Following Jesus The Light of The World! Join us for a week of fun June 27 through July 1, from 9 a.m. to 12:15p.m. each day. This faithfilled adventure includes games, exci ng Bible stories, cool cra s, yummy snacks, and live music each day! Registra on and volunteer sign-ups will begin at our kickoff weekend Open House which will be held a er all Masses on Saturday and Sunday, April 2-3: Registra on will begin for students entering grades Kindergarten through 5. If you sign up in person that weekend, you’ll get an Early Bird discount of just $50 per child for the week! Price will go up to $60 a er April 3. Space is limited, so be sure to sign up early! Student volunteer sign-ups will begin. Students entering grades 6 through 12 are able to help as leaders and assistants. Earn service hours while having tons of fun! Adults who sign up to volunteer for the whole VBS week get to register their children for half price! Our Preschool Program is only open to the children of adult volunteers. If you’re interested in having your 3- or 4-year-old a end, please contact us for volunteer opportuni es. Wear a VBS T-shirt from past years on our kickoff weekend and be eligible to win some cool prizes! Don’t have a child to sign up, but s ll want to support VBS? Come take a look at our “Wish List” of items we would love to have donated! Please contact Amy Glenane at or (714) 637-4360 x399 for more informa on. The collec on on Good Friday, March 25, is designated to support the needs of Chris ans and care of shrines in the Holy Land. The collec ons on Saturday and Sunday, March 26 and 27, are the annual Easter collec on. As always, we are grateful for your generosity in suppor ng these special needs. The Ministry Center Office will close at 12 noon on Good Friday, March 25, and will be closed on Easter Monday, March 28. ST. NORBERT CATHOLIC CHURCH | WWW.STNORBERTCHURCH.ORG 4 Youth & Teen Ministries School of Religious Education Pre-K and Kindergarten SRE classes will meet at 10 a.m. this Sunday, March 20 (Palm Sunday). There will be no SRE classes on Monday of Holy Week, March 21, and on Easter and during Easter Week, March 27 and 28. Classes will resume on April 10 and 11. ________________________________________________________________________ First Eucharist Retreat The combined SRE and SNCS First Communion Retreat will take place on Sunday, April 10, in the Family & Youth Center. The retreat will begin with the 9 a.m. Mass and conclude in the Family & Youth Center at 1:30 p.m. At least one parent for each child must a end. Please RSVP to Robin Mayes in the SRE Office at (714) 9981070. Youth Ministry & Confirmation Please direct all ques ons or inquiries to April Cur n while Kirsten is on maternity leave. Please con nue to keep Kirsten and her family in your prayers! Confirmation Program Holy Thursday Mass Thursday, March 24, at 7 p.m. All Youth Faith Forma on teens and families will host the candlelight pathway for the procession of the Blessed Sacrament from the church to the FYC a er Mass. Please join us for this special Mass as we begin the sacred Triduum, and for the procession a er Mass. YM teens and families are asked to assemble quietly on the Ramada a er Communion . ________________________________________________________________________ First Friday Youth Holy Hour St. Norbert Catholic School SNCS Golf Tournament Be sure to register for the St. Norbert Catholic School 1st Annual Golf Tournament to be held on Monday, April 11, at the Anaheim Hills Golf Course. The day will include 18 holes of golf; cart; range balls; entry into pu ng, closest-to-the-pin and longest drive contests; box lunch on the course, dinner and awards banquet, swag bag. We also encourage friends who aren’t golfing to join us for dinner! This will be a 1 p.m. shot-gun start, scramble format. Sponsorship packages are available. Please visit our website at h ps:// or contact Patty Bornhop at (714) 6376822 x204 or ________________________________________________________________________ Now Enrolling for Fall 2016 St. Norbert Catholic School is now accep ng applica ons for prekindergarten through eighth grade for the 2016-17 school year. Space is limited and tui on assistance is available. Please stop by our school office to pick up registra on materials, or call us at (714) 637-6822. Age eligibility varies for the first three grades: Preschool (3-year olds): Must be 3 years old by September 1, 2016 Preschool (4-year olds): Must be 4 years old by September 1, 2016 Kindergarten: Must be 5 years old by September 1, 2016 To learn more about our parish school, or to take a tour of the campus, please contact Pa y Bornhop at (714) 637-6822 x204 or Friday, April 1, from 7 to 8:15 p.m. in the church. All Confirmation teens who attend are required to attend with a parent and to sign in in the YM Log Book. All are welcome to join us for a holy hour featuring prayers, music, meditation and silent time. ________________________________________________________________________ Vision Leadership Team Vision March Easter Social: Wednesday, March 30, from 6 to 8 p.m. in the Youth Room. Dinner will be provided for all who a end! Please be sure to bring your Retreat paperwork by this mee ng. ________________________________________________________________________ Junior High Ministry Junior High Formation Day: Monday, March 21, from 4 to 5:15 p.m. There will be no Junior High classes on March 28 for our Easter Break. Happy Easter! Registra on for Junior High Ministry is ongoing. Call April with ques ons at (714) 637-4360 x215. ________________________________________________________________________ World Youth Day We are accepting names for a “Wait List” for our Pilgrimage to Poland in July 2016 for World Youth Day events. Please contact April at acurtin@stnorbert ASAP to get more information or to sign up! 5 MARCH 20, 2016 | PALM SUNDAY OF THE LORD’S PASSION Faith Formation & Enrichment R.C.I.A. RCIA sessions will not be held during Holy Week and Easter Week. We will resume our Thursday sessions on April 7, with reflec ons on the Resurrec on and our own Easter experiences. immorality of his fellow students, he abandoned his studies when he was around twenty years old and went to Lake Subiaco between Rome and Naples where he lived in a cave overlooking the lake for about three years devo ng himself to prayer. Anyone desiring to become a Catholic is welcome to begin the Inquiry Process on Thursday evenings at 7:30. Inquiry sessions are available year-round, except for holidays, and new par cipants are welcome at any me. Whether you have decided to become a Catholic, wish to learn more about the Church, or just have ques ons that you would like to discuss, we encourage you to join us. There is no obliga on at this stage of the RCIA process, but for those who desire to con nue to the recep on of sacraments, the process usually takes a minimum of one year. Anyone wishing bap sm or recep on into the Church by Easter 2017 should begin before Easter this year. As Benedict’s holiness grew, so did his fame, and people from the surrounding area would come to him for prayer and advice. A community of monks nearby asked him to become their abbot. He agreed, but found their way of life to be disorganized and morally ques onable. Benedict tried to enact reform, but this angered the monks who tried to poison him. Legend has it that every a empt to poison Benedict was thwarted by divine interven on. One monk served him poisoned wine. As Benedict prayed a blessing over the wine, the glass sha ered. Another presented him with a loaf of poisoned bread. As Benedict prayed over this bread, a raven swept in and plucked the bread from his hands. ________________________________________________________________________ Easter People – Those who Knew Jesus A er Easter we will have a DVD and discussion series on the various persons found in the Passion and Resurrec on Narra ves. We will explore such people as Mary Magdalene, Peter, John, Thomas and others from the viewpoint of scripture, later hagiography (lives of the saints), and legends. In these individuals who experience the death of Jesus, and were witnesses to his Resurrec on, we may find similari es to our own spiritual journeys. We will begin on Wednesday evening, April 6, in the Ministry Center Library at 7:30 p.m. _______________________________________________________________________ A Biblical Walk through the Mass Do you understand the meaning behind the parts of the Mass? In his video-based study A Biblical Walk through the Mass, Dr. Edward Sri explores the roots of the words and gestures we experience at Mass and explains their profound significance. In this study, you will come to know and understand the Mass as never before, leading you to a richer, more frui ul worship experience. We will begin on Monday, April 25, from 9:15 to 11 a.m. and con nuing every Monday for five weeks. For more informa on or to register for the study, contact Mary at (714) 7093768 or Kathy via e-mail at ________________________________________________________________________ What was happening in the Sixth Century? Hermits and small communi es of monks had been prevalent in the Eastern Church since St. Anthony in the second century, but this lifestyle of dedica on to God was to take on new dimensions and to grow significantly in the west during the sixth century. A er the fall of Rome, western civiliza on began a decline in educa on, government, law, morality, and culture. Some men and women wishing to escape from the dissolute culture and to focus on God began to leave the ci es and live as hermits or in loosely organized monasteries. One of these men was Benedict of Nursia. The exact date of Benedict’s birth is unknown, but is thought to be around 480 B.C. He was born to a noble Roman family and received excellent educa on; however discouraged by the Soon, Benedict le these monks, and established twelve religious houses in the area around Subiaco. Later, he moved further south and established the great monastery of Monte Cassino on the crest of a mountain that was to become a center of religious life in Europe for centuries. He wrote a rule of life for them that emphasized a balanced lifestyle of prayer, work, and study. The monks would gather together at intervals throughout the day to pray the Psalms, have work periods in the fields, kitchens, or building and repairing structures, and have me that they were to devote to study or wri ng. Benedict’s rule was regulated, but not overly strict. He did allow the monks the occasional glass of wine, and me for recrea on. Eventually, the Rule of St. Benedict, as it came to be called, became the standard for monas c life throughout the western church, and he is known as the Founder of Western Monas cism. St. Benedict had a twin sister named Scholas ca who is also a saint. There is a story that a er a long separa on, St. Scholas ca journeyed to visit her brother at his monastery. The two were delighted to be reunited and spent the day engaged in conversa on. As nigh all approached, Benedict told Scholas ca that she would have to leave, as it was unseemly for a woman to remain at the monastery overnight, and that he must return to his cell. But Scholas ca wanted a longer visit with her brother and pleaded with him to remain with her. He refused, so she began to pray. Suddenly, a great storm arose with heavy rain and wind, making it impossible for either of them to leave the guesthouse. Benedict asked his sister, “What have you done?” She replied, “I asked you and you would not listen, so I asked God and he did listen.” The brother and sister con nued their conversa on through the night. The next morning Scholas ca le to return to her own religious community, and three days later, on February 10, 543, St. Scholas ca died. St. Benedict is said to have had a vision of her soul leaving her body. He ordered his sister’s remains to be brought to his monastery at Monte Cassino where he had her buried in a tomb he had prepared for himself. And, so, the history of the Church con nues. LA IGLESIA CATÓLICA DE SAN NORBERTO | WWW.STNORBERTCHURCH.ORG 6 Ministerio Hispano Domingo de Ramos de la Pasión del Señor Año Jubilar de la Misericordia Misericordiae Vultus: El rosto de la Misericordia es el documento oficial (en este caso una Bula papal) anunciando este Año Jubilar de la Misericordia. Sin embargo, el Domingo de Ramos de 2013, el Papa Francisco había anunciado que “Jesús ha mostrado el rostro de la misericordia de Dios”. El Papa Francisco describe la historia del Evangelio de Lucas donde Jesús entra en Jerusalén así: “Gen o, fiesta, alabanza, bendición, paz. Se respira un clima de alegría. Jesús ha despertado en el corazón tantas esperanzas, sobre todo entre la gente humilde, simple, pobre, olvidada, esa que no cuenta a los ojos del mundo. Él ha sabido comprender las miserias humanas, ha mostrado el rostro de misericordia de Dios y se ha inclinado para curar el cuerpo y el alma”. El Papa Francisco sigue diciendo que Jesús al entrar a Jerusalén mira a todos con amor en nuestras debilidades y pecados. “Es una bella escena, llena de luz – la luz del amor de Jesús, de su corazón –, de alegría, de fiesta” (Papa Francisco, homilía del Domingo de Ramos, 24 de marzo de 2013). ¡Qué la Semana Santa y Triduo Pascual de este Año Jubilar de la Misericordia nos hagan portadores de la luz de Jesús y mensajeros de amor a todos los que anhelan ver El rostro de la Misericordia! —Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc. Celebremos con Nuestros Neófitos Recibir a nuevos miembros en nuestra Iglesia es una razón por la que tenemos que celebrar, por esto mismo te invitamos a par cipar juntamente con ellos y sus familias en la celebración de Sacramentos el Sábado de Gloria, y también a que dones botanas, (galletas, sándwiches pequeños, vegetales, emparedados, etc.), ya que tendremos una recepción después de la celebración el Sábado de Gloria, 26 de marzo. Favor de traer tus donaciones al Centro de Ministerios de 9 a.m. a 2 p.m., si por alguna razón no los puedes traer a esa hora, puedes hacerlo de 6:30 p.m. a 7:30 p.m. También, si alguien puede ser voluntario ese día, por favor comuníquese con la señora Charlene al (714) 637-4360. Recuerden esta invitación a par cipar en la celebración de los Sacramentos el Sábado de Gloria, que dará inicio a las 8 p.m., contamos con su presencia. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ‘ ‘‘ Escuela Bíblica de Verano ¡Anoten la fecha para registrar a sus niños en la Escuela Bíblica de Verano, que se llevará a cabo del 27 de junio al 1 de julio! Las inscripciones para los estudiantes de los grados K-5 y los voluntarios comenzarán el fin de semana de Casa Abierta en todas las misas del 2 y 3 de abril. Las personas adultas que estén interesadas en ser voluntarias, favor de comunicarse con Amy Glenane al (714) 637-4360 x339 o en ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ‘ Servicio Cristiano ‘‘ Este mes de marzo Servicio Cristiano está colectando la tas de salchichas de Viena. Favor de dejar sus donaciones en los recipientes que están en las oficinas del Centro de Ministerios. Dios les bendiga por su continuo apoyo para ayudar a los más necesitados. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ‘ Misa Crismal Todos están invitados a la bendición de los santos aceites y renovación de compromiso sacerdotal durante la Misa Crismal. Esta inspiradora celebración se llevará a cabo en el Arboretum de la Catedral de Cristo, el lunes 21 de marzo, a las 5:30 p.m., lunes de Semana Santa, la cual será presidida por el Obispo Kevin W. Vann. Vengan y oren por y con nuestros sacerdotes y Obispo. Durante esta celebración diocesana el Oleo de los Enfermos y el Oleo de los Catecúmenos serán bendecidos y el Santo Crisma será consagrado para ser usados en cada una de las parroquias de nuestra diócesis. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ‘ Ofrenda Semanal Parroquial . ‘‘ Agradecemos su apoyo con nuo a San Norberto para el año fiscal de julio 1, 2015 a junio 30, 2016. Sus donaciones dominicales aportan al presupuesto que nuestra parroquia necesita para cubrir los gastos de cada semana, el cual es de $26,850. La colecta del domingo pasado 13 de marzo, se publicará el próximo fin de semana. Se necesita de su donación semanal para el bienestar de nuestra parroquia y para la promoción del Evangelio. La parroquia de San Norberto es una comunidad dinámica de discípulos de Jesucristo que se esfuerza por continuar sus ministerios de oración, amor y servicio. 7 20 DE MARZO DE 2016 | DOMINGO DE RAMOS DE LA PASIÓN DEL SEÑOR Ministerio Hispano Padres de los Niños de Primera Comunión: ¿No han tenido su entrevista? Padres de familia, favor de llamar a Aracely al (714) 637-4360 x 105 para hacer su cita y tener la entrevista para los papás y niño que hará su Primera Comunión. Todas las familias necesitan venir a su entrevista antes de la celebración del sacramento, también pueden pasar a la oficina el día sábado porque allí tenemos el calendario para anotarse. Muchas gracias por el esfuerzo común. No Habrá Clases de Formación en la Fe el Sábado Santo Padres de familia cuyos niños están en el programa de Formación en la Fe, NO tendremos clases el sábado 26 de marzo, por ser Sábado de Gloria. Volveremos a clases el sábado 2 de abril en los horarios regulares. Todas las familias están cordialmente invitadas a los servicios de Semana Santa. Por favor traigan a sus niños para que ellos también conozcan y oren por todas las necesidades de cada familia, contamos con su presencia, porque ustedes son importantes. _______________________________________________________________________ Formación en la Fe en Español Padres de familia, favor de anotar en su calendario las fechas del 2 y 16 de abril, a las 6 p.m. Fechas en las que daremos inicio a la preparación de las Primeras Comuniones. En los siguientes sábados estaremos enviando notas con sus niños, favor de revisar sus mochilas para no perder dicha información. Si todos los padres par cipan el día de la celebración del sacramento de sus hijos, será todo un éxito, porque todos estaremos trabajando como un solo equipo y no perderemos ninguna información que se dé en estas reuniones. También recordamos a los papás que no han traído el cer ficado de bau zo de sus niños, que ya estamos en los prepara vos y necesitamos la información que con ene dicho cer ficado. Para más información favor de comunicarse al (714) 637-4360 x105 o 106 con Carmen o con Aracely. _____________________________________________________________________ Retiro de Primera Comunión del Programa de Inglés Se recuerda a los padres de familia que tienen a sus niños en el programa de catequesis en inglés, el retiro de sus niños se llevará a cabo el domingo 10 de abril en el gimnasio, dará inicio con la Misa a las 9 de la mañana, y concluirá a la 1:30 p.m. Favor de planear su día para que puedan acompañar a sus niños. Para más información favor de comunicarse con la señora Robín Mayes al (714) 998-1070. Parish Calendar March 20, 2016 ~ March 26, 2016 Sunday, March 20 Special Palm Sunday Mass Schedule 3:15 p.m. Grupo de la Divina Misericordia Monday, March 21 9:00 a.m. Divine Mercy Prayer Group 9:15 a.m. Monday Morning Bible Study 9:30 a.m. Mothers Group Park Day off-site 4:00 p.m. Junior High Forma on 7:00 p.m. Lady Knights 7:00 p.m. Estudio Bíblico para Grupo de Oración Tuesday, March 22 7:00 p.m. Support Group for Divorced & Separated 7:30 p.m. RICA 7:30 p.m. Praying with Scripture Wednesday, March 23 7:00 p.m. Adult Confirma on Class 7:45 p.m. Grupo de la Divina Misericordia Thursday, March 24 Holy Thursday / Jueves Santo 8:30 a.m. Morning Prayer 7:00 p.m. Mass of the Lord’s Supper/Misa de la Cena del Señor 11:00 p.m. Night Prayer Friday, March 25 Good Friday / Viernes Santo Ministry Center Closed at 12 noon 8:30 a.m. Morning Prayer 9:00 a.m. Via Crucis 1:00 p.m. Celebra on of the Lord’s Passion 7:00 p.m. Celebración de la Pasión del Señor Saturday, March 26 Holy Saturday / Sábado Santo No Chris an Service Food Distribu on 8:30 a.m. Morning Prayer 8:00 p.m. Easter Vigil / Vigilia Pascual ST. NORBERT CATHOLIC CHURCH | WWW.STNORBERTCHURCH.ORG 8 Community Life & Groups Chrism Mass All are invited to the Chrism Mass for the Blessing of the Holy Oils and Renewal of Priestly Commitment. This inspiring celebra on will take place at the Arboretum at Christ Cathedral on Monday of Holy Week, March 21, at 5:30 p.m. with Bishop Kevin W. Vann presiding. Come and pray for and with our priests and bishop. The Oil of the Sick and the Oil of the Catechumen will be blessed and the Oil of Sacred Chrism will be consecrated for use in each of the parishes at this diocesan celebra on. _______________________________________________________________________ Praying with Scripture The Prayer Group will meet on Tuesday, March 22, but NOT on March 29. Weekly prayer sessions will resume on April 5. This hour of prayer me u lizes varying prayer forms each week. It is a me to meet with others in quiet and peace away from the busyness and noise of the world. We meet in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel at 7:30 p.m. _______________________________________________________________________ March Christian Service Food Collection This month we’re collec ng cans of Vienna sausage. Kindly leave your dona ons in the Ministry Center any me during the month. Thank you for your con nued assistance in helping us feed those who are hungry. _______________________________________________________________________ Mothers Group Come connect with other Catholic moms! We are a diverse group of women gathering together for mutual support, fellowship, service and love. We welcome you to join in our upcoming events and become a part of this great group of moms. Here’s what we have coming up next month: Monday, March 21: Park Day at 9:30 a.m. Call for loca on. Friday, April 15: Couples Game Night at 8 p.m. Monday, April 18: Park Day at 9:30 a.m. Call for Loca on. Friday, April 29: Faith & Fellowship at 7:30 p.m. For ques ons please contact Penny Kim at or (714) 310-8158 x129. Giving Thanks When You Shop Please be sure to patronize and thank the generous advertisers in our bulletin. Through their participation, our parish receives our weekly bulletin free of charge. Pray for the sick . . . Frank Andrade Kennedy Blalock Giovanni Camponovo Nancy Buxton Martha Centellas Olga Centellas John Cordaway Sara Haines Stacy Hellar Faraj Joubran Mary Jean Kempf Gloria Leal The León Family Mark Losi Andrea Marmi Madeline McKimmey Chloe Maestrejuan Thelma Marquez Hilda Mendoza John Needham Brenda Oswald Alice Pine e Barbara Pine e Max Roy Aurora Sánchez Stacy Smith Janice Taylor Ma hew Vega Msgr. John Urell Allie Walker . . . and for those who have died. Gladys Fiz Lillian Owens Patricia Sandhoefner Donald Selska James Turley Rogelio Valenzuela _______________________________________________________________________ Mass Intentions Saturday, March 19, 2016 5:00 p.m. + John Simmons Sunday, March 20, 2016 6:30 a.m. St. Norbert Parishioners 9:00 a.m. Vasquez Family 10:00 a.m. + Carl Esparza 12:00 p.m. + Grimanesa Prado 2:00 p.m. Hector Soto 5:00 p.m. + Michael Mencias 7:00 p.m. + Elena Duran Soto Monday, March 21, 2016 6:15 a.m. + Elmer Wheeler 8:30 a.m. + Rosa Sanchez Tuesday, March 22, 2016 6:15 a.m. + Helen Dick 8:30 a.m. + Mr. & Mrs. Francisco Garcia Wednesday, March 23, 2016 6:15 a.m. + Segundina Gano si 8:30 a.m. Chut Nguyen 7:00 p.m. Acción de Gracias– Virgen de Guadalupe Thursday, March 24, 2016 8:30 a.m. Morning Prayer 7:00 p.m. Mass of the Lord’s Supper/Misa de la Cena del Señor 11:00 p.m. Night Prayer Friday, March 25, 2016 8:30 a.m. Morning Prayer 9:00 a.m. Via Crucis 1:00 p.m. Celebra on of the Lord’s Passion 7:00 p.m. Celebración de la Pasión del Señor Saturday, March 26, 2016 8:30 a.m. Morning Prayer 8:00 p.m. Easter Vigil/Vigilia Pascual 9 MARCH 20, 2016 | PALM SUNDAY OF THE LORD’S PASSION Our Parish & Beyond Support Group for Divorced & Separated The Journey of Hope Ministry for Divorced and Separated meets weekly with a trained facilitator to support one another through the emo onal pain of divorce and separa on. Key challenges and unique family dynamics as a result of this unexpected journey are addressed in a safe environment. Open yourself up to experience healing and allow Jesus to restore your faith and renew your journey. We follow a 13-week repea ng program, so you may begin at any me during a series. We meet at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday evenings in the Oscar Romero Room. Please visit the parish web page for more info and schedule: www.stnorbert ________________________________________________________________________ Catholic Charities Auxiliary Women who assist Catholic Chari es of Orange County (CCOC) with fundraising, community service & extending God’s love. Christ Cathedral Drama Series The Passion According to Luke In the Passion According to Luke, the inspiring Easter story is brought to life in a beau ful, deeply moving, and drama c portrayal of the Death and Resurrec on of Jesus Christ. This produc on draws audiences into a deep understanding of the immensity of God’s love for His children. The Passion opens with Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem and carries us through the Last Supper, the Agony in the Garden, onto the Cross, and the glorious Resurrec on. Today, March 20, is the final day of this resentation. Tickets are available online at or by calling (714) 2823045. Save the Date: Thursday, May 12 The Catholic Women-of-the-Year Luncheon will be held at the Hilton Orange County Costa Mesa to honor diocesan women for volunteerism. For ques ons please contact Laurie Bois at (714) 600-0191. ________________________________________________________________________ Mental Health Awareness Forum Tuesday, April 19, from 7 to 9 p.m. at Christ Cathedral Parish in the Large Gallery The Mental Health Awareness Forum will feature some outstanding speakers who will share their exper se on the topic of mental health. These include Janiss Diaz-Soto, the Mul cultural Program Coordinator for the Na onal Alliance on Mental Health Orange County (NAMI-OC); Jeannine Loucks, MSN, RN, the manager of Emergency Care at St. Joseph Hospital and an innovator in building a resilient network of mental health care; Brian Ha ield, Garden Grove Police Department; and Rose Stock, LMFT, OC Links Navigator. The forum will examine the effect on families and individuals, response and resources, and the growing coopera on in Orange County between our churches, our first responders and medical community, and the community itself. Christ Cathedral is located at 13280 Chapman Avenue, Garden Grove. For further informa on please call (714) 282-6001. New Hope Crisis Counseling Center Telephone Hotline & Online Counseling A faith-based response—24 Hours a day/ 7 Days a Week Trained crisis workers provide peer counseling to people who are struggling to cope with day-to-day life. (714) New Hope (Hotline) / (Online) Our services are free and open to all. We are seeking volunteers to a end an intensive training program to learn the “ac ve listening” model of peer counseling. For further informa on, contact Dr. Louise Dunn, New Hope Director at (714) 620-8810 or Wedding Anniversary Celebrations! Are you celebra ng a 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55 or 60th Wedding Anniversary this year? Please let us know! We’d like to applaud you and celebrate with you by publishing your good news in our parish bulle n. Names: _____________________________________________ Anniversary Date: _________________ Years Married: _______ Phone Number:_______________________________________ Please turn in to the Ministry Center no later than 12 noon on the Monday before publica on. PLEASE NOTE: Due to space limita ons, only anniversaries that are mul ples of 5 will be published. Sunday, March 20 Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion / Domingo de Ramos de la Pasión del Señor Special Mass Schedule Please note me changes to our regular Sunday Mass schedule. 6:30 a.m., 8 a.m., 10 a.m., 12 noon, 2 p.m. [Spanish], 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. [Spanish] Thursday, March 24 Holy Thursday / Jueves Santo Morning Prayer, 8:30 a.m. Mass of the Lord’s Supper / Misa de la Cena del Señor, 7 p.m. Night Prayer, 11 p.m. Friday, March 25 Good Friday / Viernes Santo Morning Prayer, 8:30 a.m. Via Crucis, 9 a.m. Celebra on of the Lord’s Passion, 1 p.m. Celebración de la Pasión del Señor, 7 p.m. Saturday, March 26 Holy Saturday / Sábado Santo Morning Prayer, 8:30 a.m. Easter Vigil / Vigilia Pascual, 8 p.m. Sunday, March 27 Easter Sunday / Domingo de Pascua Special Mass Schedule Please note me changes to our regular Sunday Mass schedule. 6 a.m. [Sunrise] Bring your own chair!, 8 a.m.*, 10 a.m.*, 12 noon, 2 p.m. [Spanish] and 7 p.m. [Spanish] No Mass at 5:30 p.m. *Masses in the church and Family & Youth Center