September 2014 Parent Chat WEBSITE (Read


September 2014 Parent Chat WEBSITE (Read
From the Director’s Desk................................................................................................................................ 3
Inkind News/ What is Inkind? ..................................................................................................................... 4-5
Policy Council ................................................................................................................................................ 6
Bus Riders ..................................................................................................................................................... 7
Websites ....................................................................................................................................................... 8
Heat Things Up On the Go: Zero to Three “Let’s Play!” App ............................................................................. 9
Family Advocate News ................................................................................................................................. 10
Center Based Early Head Start News........................................................................................................ 11-14
Center Based Head Start News ..................................................................................................................... 15
Growing Readers: Pu<ng Your Family Calendar to Work/ Ponga su Calendario Familiar a Trabajar .......... 16-17
Home Literacy Environment Checklist/ La Lectoescritura en al hogar Lista de Verificacion ........................ 18-21
Healthy Minds: Nurturing Your Child’s Development/ Mentes Saludables: Fomentando el Desarrollo de su
Hijo ........................................................................................................................................................ 22-33
Home Based Early Head Start News......................................................................................................... 34-36
Home Based Head Start News ................................................................................................................. 37-38
Health: Hand Washing/ Lavarse Las Manos.............................................................................................. 39-42
Social Service: Abuse or Violence at Home Affects Your Children/ El Abuso O La Violencia En El Hogar Afecta a
Los Hijos ................................................................................................................................................. 43-46
Birthdays ..................................................................................................................................................... 47
Parent Orientation Dates ............................................................................................................................. 48
September is National Library Card Sign Up Month....................................................................................... 49
The mission of Parent and Child Together (PACT) for West
Central Illinois is to provide a high quality, comprehensive
program of education, health, and social services to children
and their families, developing life-long learners.
Dear Parents,
As we start a new program year at Parent & Child Together (PACT) for West Central IL, we
have much to celebrate!
-We are welcoming both returning families and families who are newly enrolled!
-The funding that was cut from our agency last year as a result of the federal sequestration
budget cuts has been restored. $$$$
-We have opened a new infant/toddler room at our Pittsfield center, marking the first time
we have served infants at that center.
-Head Start is celebrating 50 Years of Opportunity! PACT will be planning monthly activities
and events and we hope that you will participate in celebrating 50 years of service to children and families.
And speaking of opportunity, I hope that you take advantage of every opportunity that PACT
offers to you and your child: learning activities for both children and adults, volunteer
hours, leadership positions, making new friends, networking, linkages to community services, advocacy activities….the opportunities are endless. We are looking forward to your
participation and the opportunity for us to make your experience the best it can be.
Feel free to call me or stop by my office in Mt. Sterling at any time if you have questions or
suggestions. We are looking forward to a fantastic year!
Denise Conkright
Executive Director
The charts below show inkind Year to Date (YTD) in the first column. The second column shows the total amount needed for the
2014-15 fiscal year.
Inkind is a very important part of our program. We need everyone’s help in reaching our goal. If
you have any questions on how you can help us reach our goal contact any staff member.
Camp Point
Scott County Home Based
Adams County Home Based
Schuyler Co. Home Based
Cass Co. Home Based
Brown Co. Home Based
Policy Council
Policy Council is a very important piece of our program.
Policy Council is a group of current and former parents and community representatives including child care, who are in leadership roles to work towards positive change for families. The 25 members of this group consist of current and
former Head Start, Early Head Start parents, Child Care, and community representatives that share in a common goal, “to benefit the children”. Policy Council
works together, learning about leadership, building on foundations and dreams,
all the while making a difference through parent and community involvement.
Policy Council, through shared decision making with the Governing Board,
learns about program planning, setting goals, personnel decisions, and budgets.
They learn about parliamentary procedure, Head Start Performance Standards,
program Self-Assessment, and have the opportunity to attend National and Regional conferences.
Becoming a member of the Policy Council is a commitment, a chance for personal growth, and an opportunity to serve others. It is a win, win situation for
Each year at the Parent Orientations representatives are elected to serve for the
following year on Policy Council at our five centers and four socialization sites.
If you would be interested in serving on the Policy Council for PACT talk with
your Family Advocate, Teacher, Site Supervisor, or you can call Mary Dunmire at
217-773-3903 and plan to attend Parent Night Orientation at your center or
Bus Riders
If you have a head start child that will be riding the bus this year here is a few simple guidelines for children who will be riding the bus:
1. 1. Have your child ready to load the bus ten minutes before the bus is scheduled to be there to pick up your child. The bus may come early because a child
before your pickup may not be riding or a change in regular route, it is always a
good idea to be ready a little early.
2. 2. Allow at least ten minutes for your child to be dropped off at home as sometimes the bus might be running behind schedule for the following reasons; bad
roads/weather, children not loaded/unloaded on time, children not ready to leave
the center, train, a change in regular route plans, road construction, or early dismissal.
3. 3. Be sure to walk your child to the bus to be picked up. Please walk to
the bus to pick up your child off bus. This is for your child’s safety.
4. 4. Make sure on pick up and drop off you are visible to the driver, this is to
acknowledge that you are aware that your child is being picked up or dropped
off. We will be unable to leave your child at drop off or leave on pick up unless
you have acknowledged your presence to the driver.
5. 5. If your child attends daycare and is being picked up or dropped off there,
make sure you have informed your provider of the bus information. Feel free to
copy this letter and pass it along to your provider.
If you have any questions please feel free to call me at 217-773-3903.
Thank you,
Mary Dunmire
Parent Engagement/Transportation Coordinator
PBSReadywww.pbs.rog/parents/talkingandreading (National Head Start Association) (IL Head Start Association) (national center for fathering) (healthy eating) (American Academy of Pediatrics) (resources about learning and development)
Heat Things Up on the Go
ZERO TO THREE has developed and released a new, free app called Let’s Play!, which provides parents
and grandparents with fun ideas for keeping babies and toddlers entertained and learning, especially
during daily routines. Parents can search activities by age, share activities via social media, and tag
their favorites. Check out these testimonials from parents who have used the app:
“Lots of fun, education ideas for all sorts of situations. The groupings by age and activity make it
easy to find activities quickly. Love it!”
—Tucson T.
“The ZERO TO THREE Let’s Play! app is really great. There are a bunch of useful tips that provide
fun, educational ideas on how to use everyday moments as learning and developmental opportunities. We do a lot of these activities with our daughter. I would highly recommend checking out
this app for anyone that wants to maximize developmental opportunities for a child.”
—Don S.
Download the Let’s Play! app on iTunes or from the Google Play Store
Welcome to PACT Head Start and Early Head Start. We are glad to have your family enrolled in our program.
The children will be geDng into a rouEne at school and will be bringing papers home weekly. Please take Eme to
check your child's book bag and complete and return the papers we send home to you.
If you haven't turned in the needed health screenings please do so as soon as possible.
Ms. PaGy and Ms. Sarah
We are all very excited to see the arrival of a new year!! Hope everyone has enjoyed their summer.
Please see below a schedule of events for September. As usual we are off to a busy start.
1. Four Rivers will be here Sept. 2nd thru Sept. 4th for Developmental Screenings for Head Start Children
2. Parent OrientaEon is Sept. 4th from 5:00 to 6:30 pm. Please plan on aGending.
3. Sept. 8th and 9th Pike County Health Dept. will be doing Hearing and Vision Screenings here at PACT for Head
Start Children.
4. Sept. 11th our full day Head Start classroom will be taking a field trip to the Pike County Dental Clinic.
5. Sept. 18th our half day morning Head Start classroom will be taking a field trip to the Pike County Dental Clinic.
6. Sept. 25th our half day aLernoon Head Start classroom will be taking a field trip to the Pike County Dental Clinic.
Just a few reminders.
1. Please call in to the center when your child is going to be absent.
2. Please send an extra set of clothes for your child.
3. Please send a back pack daily for correspondence with the teachers.
Ms. Veneita & Ms. Andria
CB 20
Welcome parents and families to CB 20. I can't wait to be able to work with your children this year. It is going to be a
great year for the children and parents to be able to explore in the classroom and even when we go outside. For this
month in the classroom we are going to be exploring the classroom and our new surroundings. We will also be going
outside at least twice a day so the children will be able to explore the great outdoors. I am going to be taking them
on buddy walks, painEng in the classroom, drawing, and we will also be exploring in the classroom to see what we
can come up with. We have lots of books that we are going to explore and look at. We would also love to have volunteers come in and play with us.
As a volunteer you can read to us, paint with us, draw with us, play with us, and so much more. We love having new
people come in and give us some volunteer Eme because it goes towards our inkind goal and that is what keeps our
program running and helps us provide services for your family. Anyway, come out and play with us. I wish everyone
a great year and I hope we exceed our goals this year.
Ms. Michelle
CB 22
Welcome to the 2014-2015 school year. We look forward to geDng to know all of you this year. For the first month
or so we will be doing acEviEes that help us learn about ourselves, our friends, and families. If you have any ideas for
acEviEes please let us know. One of the acEviEes we do is a family poster for the children to look at and name their
family members so please bring in 3 or 4 pictures we can put on your child's family poster.
We will be spending Eme outside and doing some messy
acEviEes, so please send extra clothing to change into if we
get messy or wet.
We will send home Inkind weekly. Please fill it out and return it. If you have any quesEons please ask.
Thank you,
Ms. Teresa, Ms. Kim, & Ms. Heather
CB 24
Dear parents, welcome to a new year!!!! We are all excited for the upcoming year and look forward to geDng to
know you and your children beGer.
First, we would like to welcome Lilli, Chance, Ghena, Kylynn & Yomna to our room. Next, we would like to welcome
Thomas, Symira and Quinn back to our room. We are glad to have each and every one of you and look forward to
teaching you as well as learning from you at the same Eme.
We would like to thank the parents for being paEent at the beginning of the year in scheduling and compleEng their
home visits. Remember, if you have any quesEons or comments, please feel free at any Eme to share them with us.
You can call or stop by at any Eme for a visit. We have an open door policy.
We look forward to a great year at school.
Ms. Carrie & Ms. Elizabeth
CB 25
Welcome to Early Head Start! We will start our year geDng to know
each other and our classroom. The children may need some extra
support during this change in their lives. As part of the team we will
work together with you in supporEng your child's development and
adjustment to the new rouEne and people. One classroom rouEne
that you should be aware of is that the adults and children wash
their hands upon arrival to class. A sink to wash hands is available in
the children's bathroom by the classroom. Having clean hands will
hopefully cut down on sharing germs and in turn keep the children
and adults healthier. Thank you for your help in teaching this healthy
habit to your child.
The teachers want to extend an open invitaEon to all parents to visit and volunteer in the classroom at any Eme.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any quesEons or concerns. We look forward to a fun-filled year working
with your child and family!!!
Ms. Cathy & Ms. Melanie
CB 26
Hello and welcome to the 2014-2015 school year in CB26. We are looking forward to geDng to know your family and
working with your child. We will be learning lots of new skills and making new friends.
Please remember to check your child's folder daily for any notes that need to go home. I will also be sending home
inkind weekly and it is very important that you get them turned in weekly as inkind is how we keep our program
Please make sure that your child has an extra change of clothes that are season appropriate. If you have any quesEons please let us know. We would also love to have you come in and visit the classroom.
Have a great month!
Ms. Jeri, Ms. Tammy & Ms. Tiffany
CB 27
Welcome parents and guardians! We are happy to see some returning friends and excited to meet some new ones!
Ms. Ashley and I are ready to start this new school year strong. We hope to have some help from you to make this
year an awesome and engaging one, for not only your child, but for our enEre class. Volunteering in the class is a
great way to meet all our wonderful friends that your child is classmates with.
Please remember to take home any papers that are leL in your child's cubby, this is where important papers and
reminders are placed. We look forward to learning more about each child and you.
Ms. Sharee & Ms. Ashley
CB 28
Welcome from CB28! We are very excited about starEng the new year. The first month of
school we will be geDng to know each other and learning our daily rouEne in the classroom.
We will be working on colors, shapes, and counEng throughout the year.
Remember to send your child in old clothes because we will be using paint and glue. We
look forward to geDng to know our parents as well.
Thank you,
Ms. Teresa, Ms. Suzy, & Ms. Carol
CB 29
Welcome to CB 29! We are very excited to start our new school year. First, we would like to welcome you to CB29!
We have a lot of fun things planned this year. We will first be working on self-help skills, and geDng to know each
child. Second, we handed out cardboard. This is to be filled out with pictures of your child and their family to put on
our family wall. You may decorate this however you like. Lastly, please make sure to bring extra clothes for your
child for those just in case moments.
We look forward to geDng to know all of you and having a wonderful year. If any of you have any quesEons or concerns please do not hesitate to ask.
Ms. Kim and Ms. Jennie
CB 1
Welcome back families!!! CB 1 is ready for the new year!! For the past month we have visited everyone in the building, playground, and areas in the classroom. We played games, listened to music, read many, many books, and
talked about our bus ride to school. Our class will continue to follow the rules, routines, and manners throughout
our school study.
Please remember that our goals for our CB1 classrooms are to have good attendance, complete your weekly goal
chart, and read to your child every day!!!!!
Ms. Susan & Ms. Tiphani
CB 7
Ready or not, here comes school!! Miss Aly and I are very excited to be back this year. We are already looking into
field trips and visitors to start our year off in a fun and interesting way! We are looking forward to getting to know
our many new families and students. New faces and personalities are just what we need to complete our crazy class
and bright-looking year ahead!
Ms. Hannah, Ms. Aly, Mr. Tyler, & Ms. Mary
CB 8
CB 8 is looking forward to an amazing school year. We look forward to getting back into the swing of things. To start
the year off we will be learning all about our school and ourselves. We will learn about our similarities and differences, where we come from, and what we look like. Hopefully it will be warm enough for us to get outside for some
water play.
We hope that everyone has an amazing school year.
Ms. Tiffany
I want to welcome our families to one of our new dual areas, 20 D, and thank you for
scheduling and keeping your intake visits with me. We are in the process of hiring a
teacher for your area but unEl then you are “stuck” with me. I enjoyed visiEng in the
homes so much that I considered hiring myself for the job! You gave me physicals,
dentals, and other needed screenings when I was there and others had scheduled appointments. Good job! These are requirements for our program so we will conEnue to
work on geDng these completed as quickly as possible.
Again, welcome to the program. I know it will be a fabulous year.
Ms. KaEe
Home Based EducaEon Coordinator
I want to welcome all my families to the PACT Family. My name is Iris Seckman and I have been with PACT for several
years. I live in Mt. Sterling, IL with my husband, Doug, and my 18 year old daughter, Maranda. I have a son, Michael,
who lives in Atchison, KS with his wife, Mallory, and their liGle 9 month old daughter, Chloe.
I started with PACT as a parent back in the early 90’s when Michael was in Home Based. I loved the program so much
that I tried for a job as a transporter in 1994 and about 10 years ago switched to being a Home Based Teacher. I have
loved every minute of my Eme here at PACT and I really hope you do too.
Thank you for so warmly welcoming me into your homes. I am looking forward to a fun-filled year! See you on home
Ms. Iris
Welcome back to a new school year if you are a returning family and welcome to you
and your family if you are new to me and our program. I am excited about working
with you and your children and I am looking forward to the input that you bring to us.
This is my 4th year with the Early Head Start program but I also bring more than 17
years of experience including Head Start Center Based Teacher, Family Advocate, Site Supervisor, etc. It is important
that we work as a team and I am looking forward to our new year as team members.
Keep smiling; it’s contagious!
Ms. Kathy
Hi to all my new families! I'm excited about our new year and geDng to know all of you! September will be familyfocused parent acEviEes and child acEviEes based on individual ages. Our socializaEons will be starEng at 9 am instead of 10 am and going to 11 am. Please try to aGend!
Cooler weather will soon be chasing us inside so please get out as much as you can! My leaves are already turning!
With older siblings back in school, be thinking about your hand washing rules and rouEnes. Let's try to ward off the
winter illnesses as long as possible! Make and keep those well baby checks for immunizaEons! Some diseases have
been trying to get a foot hold in our communiEes so protect your child!
Please don't hesitate to give me ideas for home visits and socializaEons! Let's partner together for all good experiences for your child!
Ms. Vicki
Hello to all! I am done with intakes and most trainings. This is always a busy time of year. I am looking forward to
my new families and getting back to the returning families. I hope to get off to a great start with inkind and health
Welcome back to Ms. Sandy!
Ms. Pixie
Welcome to PACT! I’m so excited to start this year with all my new and old families. I have some very fun lessons
and acEviEes for us to do this year.
So that we can have a successful year, I would like to remind everyone how important it is to keep our visits every
week. By doing so, this will help your children get into a rouEne that will be needed later, when they start school.
Another acEvity that will get them ready is our socializaEon. These are a great way to meet other parents of PACT
and let your kids socialize and play in a classroom seDng.
Regular attendance is a sign
That students and schools are heading in the right direction.
Ms. Toni
Welcome to the beginning of the new school year! This month we will start talking about apples and the colors of
fall. We will even make a yummy dip and have apples as a snack. Don’t forget to aGend socializaEons. Hope to see
you all there!
Don’t forget to get your health needs in and turn in a copy of your child’s birth cerEficate.
Ms. Hali
GreeEngs, everyone! I am Cindy Behrends, Area 2 HS Home Based Teacher. I live in rural Mt. Sterling with my husband, Bob. We have 8 adult children, 15 grandchildren, and one more on the way! Oh….. I can’t forget our 2 “grand
cats” also! Their names are Baby and Noah.
I am really excited about working with all of my families this year. Thank you for so warmly welcoming me into your
Parent orientaEon will be conducted at our first Parent Night along with learning pedestrian safety at socializaEon.
At our second September socializaEon we will have a fire drill and learn about fire safety.
Remember to complete your child’s health needs ASAP! Everyone is doing a great job! Thanks!
Also, I have 6 kiGens I would love to give away. Several of them are gray and white. Please give me a call at 217-4407985.
Ms. Cindy
Hello from Area 3. Where has the summer gone? It seemed to just fly
by. I hope everyone was able to get out and enjoy the warm summer
days. I am glad to be back and begin working with all my wonderful
families. I am looking forward to geDng to know all my families.
In the month of September we will be spending Eme geDng to know one another. We will spend as much Eme as
possible outside. As long as the weather is nice, we will be outside. I am looking forward to a great year. Keep trying
to get all the children’s health needs complete. If you have any quesEons please don't hesitate to ask.
Ms. Stephanie
My name is Sheri Allen and I am the Area 5 home based teacher. I want to welcome all my new families and the families that are returning. I am looking forward to working with each one of you. I am hoping for a great fall with wonderful weather so we can be outside. I am excited to see all the children and help you get them ready for Kindergarten.
Here’s to a great year!
Ms. Sheri
When there is name-calling, yelling, threats, hitting
or other abuse in the home, it affects the children.
This is true even if your children are asleep, not in
the room when the fighting or abuse happens, or
are too young to talk.
Even very young children know when something is
wrong at home. The longer your children live in
this situation, the harder it may be for them,
especially if they are very young.
Each child in the family may react differently,
depending on their age and what is happening at
home. They may hide their feelings, or they may
act up.
The following are some of the changes you might
see in your children:
Feeling sad, afraid, confused, angry, guilty, numb
or ashamed
Withdrawing from friends and activities
Acting younger, such as clinging, bed-wetting, or
Physical symptoms like nausea, stomachaches,
headaches, or tiredness
Sleeping problems, nightmares, or being afraid of
the dark
Changes in appetite, or gaining or losing weight
Trying to act like a perfect child, or trying to take
care of everyone
A drop in school grades, or difficulty concentrating
Getting into trouble with other children or teachers
at school – fighting, lying, stealing
Using alcohol or drugs, taking dangerous risks, or
getting into trouble with the law
Too many children who grow up in a
home with violence grow up to hurt their
own partners or children, and pass on
violence from one generation to the
We know that asking for help is difficult, but
it is important for you and for your children
that you get support. We want to help you
live a safe life with healthy relationships.
You and your children deserve this. We all
Even if you feel uncomfortable,
embarrassed, or don’t know what to say,
talking is the first step to healing. While children can bounce back, they often need help.
“What is happening is not your fault. This
is between the grown-ups. It’s not your
job to fix it.”
“You can talk to me any time or ask me
any questions about what is going on at
home. Can we talk about what happened? How did you feel?”
“Let’s figure out what we can do to keep
you safe when things get scary for you.”
“I am sorry that you saw/heard that. It is
okay to feel upset/sad/angry when you
think about what happened. It must be
very hard for you to see what happened.”
“What would make you feel better?
What can we do together to feel better?”
“What is going on at home is not okay.
You are right to feel that this should not
be happening. “ (Do not make angry
“Other children and families have had the
same things happen. We are not alone.
There are people who can help
us.” (Explain who might help.)
Let children know you are getting help to stop
the yelling, put-downs and fighting
Listen and hear your child’s story – let them
know it is okay for them to talk about what happened - don’t guess and think you know what
your child understands or feels
Be extra patient, and answer your children’s
questions calmly
Ask what they are most afraid of
Make a plan to help each child feel safe
For younger children, read storybooks about
“feelings”, write down their worries and talk
about them, or have them draw pictures about
how they feel
Suggest that older children write their thoughts
and feelings in a journal
Provide or encourage safe and fun activities
inside and outside of the home
Keep a regular, consistent schedule as much
as possible
Have children spend more time with other trusted adults
Show healthy ways to deal with anger and being upset, such as counting to 10 or doing
something physical like walking or marching
Try not to make promises you can’t keep
When a change is going to happen, let children
know ahead of time
This information sheet is provided by
the Santa Clara County Domestic
Violence Council. (2012)
Free download can be found at
• Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline
• National Teen Dating Abuse Helpline
• A Terrible Thing Happened (age
4-8) by Margaret Holmes
ISBN 1557987017
• Something is Wrong at My House
(age 3-12) by Diane Davis
ISBN 0943990106
• A Family that Fights (age 4-12)
by Sharon Bernstein
ISBN 0807522481
• Parental Stress Hotline 1-855-278-4204
• National Domestic Violence Hotline (for men &
women) 1-800-799-7233
• State of Illinois Domestic Violence HelpLine 1-877863-6338
Books, Pamphlets and Websites
• Healing the Invisible Wounds: Children’s Exposure
to Violence – A Guide for Families free download at
• Little Eyes, Little Ears: How Violence Against a
Mother Shapes Children as they Grow free download
at little_eyes_little_ears.pdf
• When Dad Hurts Mom: Helping Your Children Heal
the Wounds of Witnessing Abuse by Lundy Bancroft
ISBN 0425200310
• Men Stopping Violence
* The content of this information sheet is based on the
information that was available at the time the sheet
was prepared, and was adapted with permission from
Kaiser Permanente and other materials. Although we
have attempted to provide accurate and useful information, please consult a professional counselor or adviser if you need counseling for yourself or your children, or a lawyer if you need legal advice.
Los insultos, los gritos, las amenazas, los golpes u
otros tipos de abuso en el hogar afectan a los hijos.
Aún cuando estén dormidos, no se encuentren en el
mismo cuarto o estén muy chicos para hablar, las
peleas o el abuso pueden causarles daño. Hasta
los niños más pequeños saben cuando algo está
mal en su casa. Cuanto más tiempo estén en esta
situación, más duro será para ellos, especialmente
si son muy pequeños.
La reacción de cada niño en una familia puede variar, dependiendo de la edad y de la situación en el
hogar. A veces esconden sus sentimientos, o cambian su comportamiento. Estos son algunos de los
cambios que podría notar en sus hijos:
Sentirse asustados, confundidos, enojados, culpables, avergonzados, o actuar de manera indiferente
Alejarse de amigos o de actividades
Comportarse como si fueran más pequeños:
reaccionar con berrinches, orinarse en la cama
o chuparse el dedo
Experimentar náusea, dolor de estómago, dolor
de cabeza o cansancio
Dificultad para dormir, pesadillas, o temor a la
Cambios en el apetito; subir o bajar de peso
Tratar de actuar como niños perfectos, o tratar
de cuidar a los demás
Bajar su rendimiento académico o tener dificultades para concentrarse en la escuela
Pelear con otros niños o irrespetar a los maestros; mentir o robar
Involucrarse en actividades peligrosas o ilícitas
como empezar a usar drogas, o meterse en
problemas con la ley
Sabemos que pedir ayuda es difÍcil, pero es importante para usted y sus hijos buscar apoyo.
Usted y su familia merecen vivir una vida segura
y tener relaciones saludables. Todos lo
Aunque se sienta incómoda(o), avergonzada(o),
o no sepa qué decir, hablar es el primer paso
para recuperarse del abuso. Aunque los niños
pueden recuperase, casi siempre necesitan
Muchos niños criados en un hogar con violencia al
crecer se convierten en abusadores de sus compañeros o de sus hijos, y pasan la violencia de una
generación a otra.
“Lo que está pasando no es tu culpa. Esto
es entre adultos. No es tu responsabilidad
“ Puedes hablar conmigo a cualquier hora
o hacerme cualquier pregunta sobre lo que
está pasando en la casa. ¿Podemos
hablar sobre lo que pasó? ¿Cómo te sientes?”
“Vamos a tratar de decidir lo que vamos a
hacer para mantenerte seguro cuando las
cosas se ponen feas o te asustan.”
“Lamento que hayas oido o visto eso. Esta
bien que te sientas disgustado/ triste/
enojado cuando te acuerdas de lo que
pasó. Debe ser muy duro para tí.”
¿Qué te haría sentirte mejor? ¿Qué podemos hacer juntos para sentirnos mejor?
“Lo que está pasando en la casa no está
bien. Tú tienes razón de sentir que esto no
debería de haber pasado.” (No hacer malos comentarios.)
“A otros niños y a otras familias les ha
pasado lo mismo. No estamos solos. Hay
personas que nos pueden
ayudar.” (Explicar quien puede ayudar.)
Hágales saber que está buscando ayuda para que
no haya más gritos, reprimendas y peleas
Escuche a sus hijos- Recálqueles que está bien
que ellos hablen de lo que ha pasado- No piense o
suponga que usted sabe lo que ellos sienten o entienden.
Sea muy paciente, y conteste a las preguntas de
sus hijos con calma
Pregúnteles a qué le tienen mas miedo
Hagan un plan para ayudar a que cada niño se
sienta seguro
Para los mas pequeños, léales libros acerca de
como “se sienten”; escriba sus preocupaciones y
hable sobre ellas, o pídales que hagan dibujos que
ilustren cómo se sienten
Sugiera que los niños más grandes escriban sus
pensamientos y sentimientos en un cuaderno
Proporcione o apoye actividades seguras y divertidas dentro y fuera de la casa
Mantenga un horario regular y constante lo más
que pueda
Haga que los niños pasen más tiempo con otros
adultos de confianza
Enséñeles maneras saludables para afrontar el
enojo o la depresión, como contar hasta 10 ó
hacer ejercicio (caminar o marchar)
No haga promesas que no pueda cumplir
Dígale a los niños con anticipación cuando un
cambio va a ocurrir
Considere buscar consejeria para los niños
Línea de ayuda
• Ayuda Nacional para niños abusados
• Ayuda Nacional para adolescentes maltratados en el
noviazgo 1-866-331-9474
Líneas de Ayuda
Línea de Ayuda para Padres Estresados 1-855278-4204
Línea Nacional de Ayuda contra la Violencia
Doméstica (DV) (para hombres y mujeres)
Violencia doméstica del estado de Illinois Helpline al 1-877-863-6338
Libros, Folletos y Websites
Esta información es proporcionada
for el Consejo de Violencia Doméstica de el Condado de Santa Clara.
Puede encontrar una copia gratis en
A Terrible Thing Happened
para niños de 4 a 8 años de
edad, Margaret Holmes ISBN
Algo está mal en mi casa
(Something is Wrong at My
House) para niños de 3 a 12
años de edad Diane Davis
ISBN 0943990106
A Family that Fights para niños de 4 a 12 años de edad
Sharon Bernstein ISBN
Sanemos las Heridas Invisibles: Niños Expuestos a Violencia – Guía para familias
(Healing the Invisible Wounds: Children’s Exposure to Violence - A Guide for Families) copia
gratis en
Little Eyes, Little Ears: How Violence Against a
Mother Shapes Children as they Grow copia
gratis en
When Dad Hurts Mom: Helping your Children
Heal the Wounds of Witnessing Abuse Lundy
Bancroft ISBN 0425200310
Men Stopping Violence http://
* La información en este folleto se basa en datos disponibles en el momento en que fue preparado y se adaptó con
el permiso de Kaiser Permanente y otros materiales.
Aunque nuestra intención es darle información precisa y
útil, por favor consulte con un consejero profesional o un
abogado si usted o sus hijos necesitan ayuda legal.
Happy 2nd birthday to Carter on
September 26th!
Happy birthday, Baby Boy!
Mom, Dad, & Bubby
Parent Orientations have been scheduled for the center and home
based programs. This is an opportunity for families to meet one another, checkout their child’s classroom, visit with the teachers and
staff, learn more about the PACT program, and find out how they can
become more involved in their child’s school.
Hope to see you there!!!
Center Based Schedule
Pittsfield Center September 4th
5:00-6:30 pm
Beardstown Center September 8th 5:00-6:30 pm
Camp Point Center September 15th 5:00-6:30 pm
Macomb Center September 22nd
5:30-7:00 pm
Carthage Center September 29th
5:30-7:00 pm
Home Based Schedule
4-21D-27 September 8th 10:00 am
2-23D September 9th
10:00 am
3 -29 September 22nd
10:00 am
26 September 23rd
10:30 am
September is......
National Library Card Sign Up Month!
Library Card Sign-up Month is a celebration held each September during which
librarians across the country remind parents and caregivers that a library card is
the most important school supply of all.
As a new school year begins it is time to think about what things would benefit your child in
the learning process. One of the best things you can do for your child is to visit your local
library and apply for a library card. The library is one of the best resources available. If you
have questions, the Center Based families can contact Family Advocates at the centers and
Home Based families can talk with their teachers.