SAINT FRANCES XAVIER CABRINI Sll11tlllit/Stl JJfltll tll/llm
SAINT FRANCES XAVIER CABRINI Sll11tlllit/Stl JJfltll tll/llm
SAINT FRANCES XAVIER CABRINI WORSIDP SITES / SITIOS DE ADORAe/ON ANNUNCIATION OUR LADY OF THE AMERICAS ST. MICHAEL 864 E. Main Street Rochester, NY 14605 869 N. Clinton Avenue Rochester, NY 14605 1754 Norton Street Rochester, NY 14609 Sll11tlllit/Stl JJfltll tll/llm TElElJHONE NUMBERS I NlJJtEROS DE rEIiFoNo OFFICE/OFICINA: (585) 325-4041 FAX: (585) 325-5771 OFFICE HOURS IHOHAS DE OFlClNA MONDAY· FRIDAY: 8:30 A.M.• 5:30 p.~1. PARISH OFFICE: 124 EVERGREEN STREET, ROCHESTER, NY 14605 English Prayer Line: Frances C. Grillo: 288-6107 / SACRAMENTAL Linea de LIFE orecton en Espano/: Llame a fa Oficina af mimero de arriba Ministry Team I Equipo Ministerial Pastoral Administrator I Administrador Pastoral Baptism Celebrated the last weekend of each month (except during Lent). Call the office for pre-baptismal preparation information. Reconciliation (Confession) Saturdays, Annunciation, 3:30 p.rn, - 4:00 p.rn., or by appointment with a priest. Deacon David Palma ext. 208 Assisting Priests I Sacerdotes Asistentes Fr. Mickey McGrath Fr. Robert Werth ext. 209 ext. 210 Senior Priest I Sacerdote Mayor Marriage Call the rectory one year before the proposed wedding date. Anointing of the Sick Please contact the office. Fr. Laurence Tracy 325-4041 Deacons I Diaconos Dcn. Den. Den, Dcn. Dcn. Faith Fonnation Pre-kinder through Adult Formation, First Eucharist, First Reconciliation I Penance, and Confirmation. RCIA: Sacraments for Adults For more information, please call the office. Jose Berrios Benny Dejesus Jorge Malave Bob Meyer Carlos Vargas ext. 207 ext. 203 ext. 207 ext. 207 ext. 207 Pastoral Minister I Ministro Pastoral Visitors Welcome to our parish. We would like to get to know you, and invite you to register. Registrations are available in Church or in the office. Priscila DeJesus ext. 203 I Outreach I Youth Minister· Ministro de Jovenes I Faith Formation Coordinator I Youth Minister ~====================~I James Smith VIDA SACRAMENTAL Coordinador de Formaci6n de Fe / Ministro de J6venes Bautismo Se ceJebra eJultimo fin de semena del mes (can excepcion de la Cuaresma). Llame a la oficina para preparaci6n pre-bautismal. SabadOS,~e:u~~~:~~~~6:e (;'~~~6~~·oo I Martha Montes ext. 205 Faith Formation Administrator Administradora de Formacion de Fe p.m., a par cita can el sacerdote. Mary Beth Fuehrer ext. 201 Bookkeeper I Contadora Matrimonio Uame a la oficina un ana antes de /a fecha propuesta. Gina Luke ........................................................••• Uncion de 105 Enferm05 Favor de comunicarse con /a oncina. Fonnaci6n de Fe Pottneaor: para Pre-kinder hasta Adultos Primera Comuni6n, Primera Reconciiiaci6n / conteston, Y Confirmaci6n. RelA: Sacramentos para Adultos Para mas informacion, lIame a la oficina. Visitantes Bienvenidos a nueslra parroquia. Quisieramos conocerles e invitarles a registrarse. Las registraciones esf(m disponifles en JaIglesia yen la oficina. 325-4041 ext. 206 Secretaries I Secretarios Elvy Delgado John Palermo ext. 211 ext. 212 Maintenance I Mantenimiento James Smith Jose Anibal Rivera I' 325-4041 325-4041 Chairperson, Pastoral Council P Presidente del Concejo astoraI Milton Eschrich .467-5322 Diocesan Financial Fraud & inancial Abuse Hotline I Fraude Financiero Diocesano & Linea Directa de Abuso Financiero 585-328-3228, ext. 1266 I 1-800-388-7177, ext. 1266 Page Two I ST. FRANCES XAVIER CABRINI, Rochester, New York WEEKLY MASS SCHEDULE , ABBREVIA TJONS Annunciation: ANN; Our Lady ofthe Americas: OLAM; St. Michael: STM I English: ENG; Spanish: SP Saturday, March 3 4:15 p.m. (ANN) ENG Juan 8. Gonzalez, by Gonzalez Family Sunday, March 4, Second Sunday of Lent 9:00 a.m. (OLAM) ENG Carmella Hughes, by Anne, Len, & family 10:30 a.m. (ANN) ENG Maria Migliore, by Jim & Anna Saturno 10:30 a.m, (OLAM) SP Los feligreses de Santa Francisca Javier Cabrini 11:30 a.m. (STM) SP Gladys Martinez de parte de sus sobrinas 4:00 p.m. (STM) ENG Stephen Aman, by John & Carrol Arena Monday, March 5 8:15 a.m. (ANN) ENG Ralph & Ann 80tti celli , by Evelyn Botticelli 10:00 a.m. (Seneca Towers) ENG (NO INTENTION) Tuesday, March 6 8:15 a.m. (ANN) ENG Lorris Doucette by the Family 12:10p.m. (STM) SP Para 105 olmos del Purgotorio, 10 paz en el mundo, para 105 enfermos y para 10 renversidn de 10 gente • en honor de IQ Virgen del Perpetuo Socorro . tie porle tie Feledt« VOsquez Wednesday, March 7 8:15 a.m. (ANN) ENG Mary & Alexander Palombieri, by Germaine Redfearn Thursday, March 8 8:15 a.m. (ANN) ENG Anthony DiDonna by daughter Friday, March 9 Saturday, March 10 4:15 p.m. (ANN) ENG Alice Anselm by Karen and Sam Castellano Sunday, March 11, Third Sunday of Lent 9:00 a.m. (OLAM) ENG Deceasedmembersof Knights of St.John & ladies Auxiliary 10:30 a.m. (ANN) ENG Bernadette Gilbert by Gail Bauerschmidt 10:30 a.m. (OLAM) SP Rosendo Santiago de parte de su hija Coco 11:30 a.m. (STM) SP Luis y Edwin Martinez de parte de Paquita Martinez 4:00 p.m. (STM) ENG Sam Mitrano, by Gene & Mary Kay Volpe This Week the Sanctuary Candle at Our Lady of the Americas will burn for Ralph & Ann Botticelli We welcome our Bishop, Matthew ClarkI He will be visiting us on Saturday March 10 at the 4:15 Mass at Annunciation and also at the 10:30 Mass at OLAM. iDamas la bienvenida a nuestro Obispo Mateo Clark! EI nos estara visitando el Sabado 10 de Marzo en la Misa de las 4:15 en Anunciaci6n y tambit!m en la Misa de las 10:30 en Nuestra Senora de las Americas. ST. FRANCES XAVIER CABRIN'I PARISH ~.~~ISHM!.~'STRIES.i. St. Andrew's Food Cupboard: 338-17M:Tues. Fri., 9:30'j:ril2. f1 St. Vincent de Paul Society: 338·2330 (Call, leave mesaage) Regis. Food Ministij;316 Bay S!.: Mon. & Tues.,1~:OOp.m •.• 3:00J)~m; Thurs: 12:00 p.m.· 2:00 p.m. Matthew's Closet IBeacon of Hope Clothing Boutlqu~;.~32~5160, 316 Bay St.: Tuesday • ThurSday, and Saturday Phone/numbers listed are for individual ministries only. CALENDAR of EVENTS Please call in calendar events to 325-4041, or e-mail: or Saturday, March 3 • Sunday, March 11 S(lturd(lY, M(lrch J 1:00 p.m. RHYBL Couches Certification, OLAM hall SundllY, Mllrth 4 II :45 o.m. Seniors meeting, ANN,holl 10:00 n.m. EnglishChoir rehedrsal, OLAM,hall 2:30 p.m. Bowling at Terra(e Gardens Mond(lY, M(lrch S 3:00 5:00 7:00 7:00 p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. Hope Youth Center, STM,hall Bingo Get-together, ANN, hall Bible Study (ENG/SP),OLAM, office Liturgy Suh-remmittee meeting, ANN, hall TuesdllY, Mllrch 6 10:00 a.m.ITALEOI, ANN, hull 7:00 a.m. Liturgy Sub- Committee meeting, OLAM, holl 3:00 p.m. Hope Youth (enter, Free Baseball (lini( STM,holl 6:00 p.m. AA meeting, STM,hall 6:30 p.m. Prayer (irde, STM, chapel 7:00 p.m. SVDPmeeting, STM,office Wednesd(lY, M(lrch 7 3:00 p.m. Hope Youth (enter, STM,hall 7:00 p.m. Lenten Soup Supper @ STM(SPand ENG) 7:00 p.m. Boy Scouts meeting, OlAM, hall Thursd(lY, Mllrth 8 6:00 p.m. 12:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Devotion to the Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ. sm, chapel Senior Bingo, ANN, hall Hope Youth Center, STM,hall Prayer meeting, OlAM, (hopel AA meeting, ANN, hall RCIA(ENG/SP),OLAM, office Urban Youth(lutino) Empowerment meeting, OLAM,office Frid(lY, M(lrch 9 by Evelyn Botticelli Sr. I', March 4,2012 I 7:00 p.m. Via Crucis, OlAM, SP 7:00 p.m. Station of the Cross, STM, ENG 7:00 p.m. Youth Group, OlAM, hall S(lturd(lY, M(lrch 10 8:00 a.m. Inter Urban Purish lent Retreat, OlAM, hall Sundlly, Mllrch T T 8:45 a.m. Men's Ilub meeting, ANN, hall 10:00 o.m. English Choir Reheorsal, OLAM, hall 2:00 p.m. Church Tour, STM ST. FRANCES XAVIER CA8RINI SANTA FRANCISCA JAVIER CABRINI STEWARDSHIPGIVING CORNERIf MASSATTENDANCE INFORMACION ADMINISTRIYA CDLECTA a ASISTENCIA EN LAS MISAS FEBUARY25-21i. 2012 / 25·26 DEFEBRERO2012 Parish Sunday Collection/ (ntettn Dominicol Totol Attendon£ej Totol de Asistencio $ 6,165.74 960 Page Three ST. FRANCES XAVIER CABRINI, Rochester, New York 2nd SUNDAY OF LENT Mark 9:2-10 SUMMARY The closest we come to understanding the Resurrection is through the Transfiguration of Jesus, as described in today's gospel. Only after the Resurrection could the three disciples understand what they saw that day on the mountaintop. Peter, James and John went with Jesus to a mountain. Mountains were often the places of divine revelations, and the same voice that spoke at Jesus' baptism also spoke at the Transfiguration, instructing the three to listen to Jesus, God's Son. The disciples were confused because, as yet, they did not understand the Resurrection. Instead they focused on the earthly glory of Jesus, and were not prepared for the suffering He predicted. REFLEcrlO~ The glory of God was revealed in the Transfiguration of Jesus. Even though we weren't there to see this wonder, parents are in a good position to understand something about God's glory. Since conception, our children show us the truth about the wonder of God. There's much we don't understand about their formation and creation, but we are willing to accept the development of their lives on faith. It is our faith in God that helps us recognize the creation and growth of these precious miracles. - Faith First Gospel RejlectiollS LENTEN SOUP SUPPER All are invited, Wednesday, March 7th, for a meatless Soup Supper begin at 6:00 pm followed by Lenten Reflections by various speakers at 7:00 pm. English and Spanish at St. Michael Church. LENT STATION OF THE CROSS Join us to pray The Way of the Cross, Friday, March 9th, at 7:00 p.m. At Our Lady of the Americas (Spanish) At Saint Michael (English) March 4, 2012 2do DOMINGO DE CUARESMA Marcos 9:2-10 RESIIMEN Lo mas cerca que podemos entender la Resurreccion as atraves de la Transfiguracion de Jesus, como 10 proclama el Evangelio. Solo despues de la Resurreccion pudieron los tres discipulos entender 10 que vieron ese dia en la cima de la montana. Pedro, Santiago y Juan fueron con Jesus a la montana. Frecuentemente las montanas eran lugares de revelaciones divinas, y la misma voz que hablo a Jesus en su bautismo Ie hablo tambien en la Transfiguracion, instruyendo a los tres Para que escucharan a Jesus, el Hijo de Dios. Los discipulos estan confuses, pot'que, todavia no entendian la Resurreccion. En lugar de eso ellos se enfocaron en la Gloria terrenal Jesus, y no estaban preparados por el sufrimiento que El habia dicho con anterioridad. REFLEl:CION La Gloria de Dios fue revelado en la Transfiguracion de Jesus. A pesar que no estuvimos alli para ver esa maravilla, los padres estan en una Buena posicion Para entender acerca de la gloria de Dios. Desde la concepcion, nuestros hijos nos muestran las marivillas de Dios. Hay mucho que no nosotro no entendenmos acerca de la formacion y de la creacion, pero estamos disponibles a aceptar el cambio de sus vidas sobre la fe. Es nuestra fe en Dios que nos ayuda a reconocer la creacion y el crecimiento de estos preciosos milagros. CENA DE SOPA CUARESMAL Todos estan invitados, este Miercoles 7 de Marzo, ala Cena de Sopa sin carne empezando alas 6:00 pm seguido por Ref1eccianes Cuaresmales par varios presentadaores, Ingles y Espariol alas 7:00 pm en la Iglesia San Miguel. EL VIA CRUCIS EN CUARESMA Unase a nosotros para rezar el Via Crucis, este Viernes 9 de Marzo, alas 7:00 p.m. En la Iglesia Nuestra Senora de las Americas en Espsnol En la Iglesia San Miguel en Ingles A R£fREA T IN SPANISH UN RETIRO EN ESPANOL A retreat in Spanish will be held from June 1st to June 3rd. at Notre Dame Retreat House in Canandaigua, NY. This retreat is for ALL adults who wish to deepen their relationship with God. There will be presentations, Mass, Reconciliation Service, time for private prayer and enjoying the beautiful setting. Fr. John Henry S.J, Carlos Aedo from the Jesuit Collaborative and the Sisters of Mercy are giving the retreat. The cost is $130 per person. This includes a private room and all meals. Call Sr. Julia for more information or to register. Habra un retiro en espanol e11, 2, y 3 de junio en la cas a de retiros (Notre Dame) en Canandaigua,NY Este retiro es para TODOS los que deseen profundizar su relacion con Dios. Habra presentaciones, Servicio de Reconcfacion, Misa y tiernpo para oracion en privado. Pro Juan Henry S.J., Carlos Aedo de la Collaborativa Jesuitas y las Herrnanas de Misericordia darim el retiro. EI retiro cuesta $130 por persona (incluye: dormitorio privado, comidas etc.).Hay ayuda si necesita. Llamar a Hennana Julia para mas infoonacion 0 para registrarse. 2012 St. Francis Xavier Cabrini Parish Bowl-A- Thon Sunday, March 11,2:00 p.m.· 5:00 p.m. 2012 Parroquia Santa Francis Javier Cabrini Maratan de Boliche AMF Terrace Gardens, 1151 Ridgeway Avenue FUN! FREE BOWLING! PRIZES! To leam more, please call Ray Perez, 458-6431 or 278-7439, or the parish offide, 325-4041. Domingo, 11 de Marzo, 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. AMF Terrace Gardens, 1151 Ridgeway Avenue DIVERSION! BOUCHE GRA TIS! PREMIOS! Para mas informacion, IIamar a Ray Perez, 458-6431 6278-7439, 6 a la oficina parroquial, 325-4041. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS! Featured Advertiser MARTIN IPPOLITO 9aitJo ANTHONY FAMA ATTORNEY-AT-LAW 1Ke. 7f11te1l4i ~tJIIte, ••• MASTER 1395 North Goodman st. 1295 Fairp. , Mile Pt. Rd. 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