Bulletin - August 21 - the community of THE GOOD SHEPHERD
Bulletin - August 21 - the community of THE GOOD SHEPHERD
Now for Good Shepherd First Quarter Financial Report………………………………..…………………….………………………………...pages 2-5 All Souls Day Mass...………………………………………………………………………………………………..……….page 6 Feast of All Saints……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..page 7 Coming Events for Good Shepherd Communion Service—7:00 a.m. Monday-Friday in the Chapel and Saturday at 8:30 a.m. Mass—8:30 a.m. Monday-Friday in the church. Sunday, October 30 Wednesday, November 2 Sunday Social after the 7:30, 9:00 and 10:30 a.m. Masses in the Community Room 7:30 a.m. Mass 9:00 a.m. Mass—Children’s Liturgy of the Word 10:30 a.m. Mass—Children’s Liturgy of the Word Sunday Preschool 12:00 Noon Mass 4:00 p.m. Mass with Contemporary Music Music begins at 3:45 p.m. 5:15 p.m. 8th Grade Confirmation 9:00 a.m. 5:15 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Monday, October 31 9:30 a.m. 2:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. Knitters and Crocheters CPR/AED Training AA Group/Alanon Group Thursday, November 3 9:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 6:15 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Eucharistic Exposition Ministry of Mothers Sharing (M.O.M.S.) Our Blessed Mother’s Rosary Group RCIA Experiencing God: The Three Stages of Prayer Mindful Living Group Friday, November 4 Tuesday, November 1 8:30 a.m. 12:15 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Women’s Prayer Group K-6 Faith Formation CPR/AED Training All Souls Day Mass in the church Bell Choir Women’s AA Saturday, November 5 Feast of All Saints Mass Feast of All Saints Mass Sacrament of Reconciliation (chapel) Feast of All Saints Mass St. Vincent de Paul Ministry Adult Choir 8:30 a.m. 4:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. First Reconciliation II Workshop Mass—Blood Pressure Screening after Mass in the parish office Sarah Smith/Nicholas Tenhundfeld Wedding Community Life IN MEMORIAM We remember parishioner Steve Roell, husband of Julie, father of Caitlin Roell; parishioner George Smith, husband of Anne; Mary Catherine Shea, mother of parishioner Richard Shea; and parishioner Kandace Pandzik, wife of James; and parishioner William Page. New Requests for Prayers Nicole Carrelli Conrad Richard Gossman Melissa Lovell Wedding Sarah Smith and Nicholas Tenhundfeld Saturday, November 5 6:30 p.m. New Parishioners Agnes and Cedrick Kwuimy Maria-Pierre, Marcelino and Lucy Kwuimy Need to Know and Contact Information on pages 14 and 15 1 The Community of the Good Shepherd State of the Parish Report For the Three Months Ending September 30, 2016 PART I - TOTAL STATE OF THE PARISH This is our State of the Parish report for the first quarter of the fiscal year. Our fiscal year began on July 1, 2016 and will end on June 30, 2017. Overall, revenue is down $22,000 compared to the budget. The largest shortfall is in Sunday collections. Based on prior year's numbers, the Finance Commission increased planned collections by 2%. We hope to see Sunday collections improve as we move through the fiscal year. Despite the shortfall in revenue, we kept expenses under budget by $24,000 which resulted in a surplus of $4,684 for the first quarter. We currently have $235,362 in Short-Term savings set aside for Special Projects. The majority of this money is from fiscal year 2015-2016. Please see page 4 of this report for a complete list of our 2016-2017 fiscal year projects. We also have $110,664 in savings for our chapel rennovation. These funds came from parishioner donations and part of the 20% rebate from the One Faith, One Hope, One Love campaign. We thank you in advance for your continued support of the parish; working together, we will continue to build up the kingdom of God! Fiscal Year 2016-2017 YTD ACTUAL (3 Months) Fiscal Year 2016-2017 YTD BUDGET (3 Months) Fiscal Year 2015-2016 ACTUAL (12 Months) Total $540,741 0 0 $540,741 $562,764 0 0 $562,764 $2,578,845 0 0 $2,578,845 Total $536,057 0 $536,057 $560,861 0 $560,861 $2,405,101 0 $2,405,101 $4,684 $1,903 $173,744 $111,104 $0 $271,289 $123,933 $0 $252,212 Financial Results Revenue Operations - Detail Section A Debt Transfer from Parish Organizations Expense Operations - Detail Section A Debt Net Income/Deficit Charity Results In-Flow Charity - Designated Collections - Detail Section D Out-Flow Charity - Designated Collections - Detail Section D Cash Balances Account Balances Parish Checking Account - Detail Section B Parish Savings - Detail Section B Outreach & Charity Savings - Detail Section D Stipend Account - Detail Section B Total Cash 2 Fiscal 2016-2017 (3 Months) Fiscal 2015-2016 (12 Months) $111,489 312,191 463,857 11,796 $110,262 308,947 476,687 10,197 $127,335 206,830 457,609 3,325 $899,333 $906,093 $795,099 Fiscal 2014-2015 (12 Months) The Community of the Good Shepherd State of the Parish Report For the Three Months Ending September 30, 2016 PART II - DETAILS A. OPERATING REVENUE/EXPENSES (Normal revenue and expenses required to maintain and improve the ministry of Good Shepherd) Fiscal Year 2016-2017 YTD ACTUAL (3 Months) Fiscal Year 2016-2017 YTD BUDGET (3 Months) Fiscal Year 2015-2016 ACTUAL (12 Months) PARISH REVENUE Offerings Parish Activities Interest Other Revenue Total Operating Revenues $516,249 A 21,388 B 2,009 1,095 $540,741 $534,480 26,200 684 1,400 $562,764 $2,423,834 142,977 3,892 8,142 $2,578,845 OPERATING EXPENSES Salaries, Wages & Benefits Rectory & Household Office Expenses Transportation/Seminars Parish Activities Worship & Pastoral Care Ministries Education & Formation Ministries Administrative Expenses Building Maintenance Utilities - Gas & Electric Diocesan Assessment Technology Expense, Furniture & Equipment Exchange Account Capital Improvement and Projects Transfer to Debt Service for monthly payments Total Operating Expenses $376,238 10,700 25,357 840 23,146 12,145 34,346 149 24,834 27,352 0 950 0 0 0 $536,057 $369,694 9,374 30,958 2,091 20,409 17,322 34,372 1,351 51,150 23,840 0 300 0 0 0 $560,861 $1,419,845 50,301 128,874 3,190 96,977 76,561 96,792 1,683 173,438 105,343 245,737 6,360 0 0 F 0 $2,405,101 Subtotal Operating Surplus/Deficit $4,684 $0 $4,684 C D F G $1,903 $0 $1,903 $173,744 $0 $173,744 A - Based on the previous year's collections, the Finance Commission increased Sunday collections by 2% for this fiscal year. For the first quarter of the fiscal year, we've fallen short on the projected collections by $16,000. B - The 55+ Ministry has eliminated the monthly luncheons that were budgeted for the year. C - Due to staffing changes, we will run over budget on this line item for the year. D - The major variance between the actual number and the budget number is for the 55+ Ministry. F - The variance between the actual and budgeted numbers represent deferred expenses. G - Our payment is taken directly from our checking account. Unfortunately, we were billed twice in error. This will work itself out next quarter. B. ACCOUNT BALANCES (Non-Designated Funds & Chapel Renovation) ACCOUNT BALANCES SUMMARY (On Hand) Parish Checking Account (adjusted for outstanding checks) Parish Savings 5/3rd Parish Savings Account - Short-Term Savings Chapel Renovation (One Faith Rebate & Donations) Long-Term Savings on Deposit with Archdiocese Stipend Total Account Balances 3 9/30/2016 7/1/2016 $111,489 $110,262 209,459 110,664 102,732 11,796 $546,140 207,488 27,941 101,459 10,197 $457,347 The Community of the Good Shepherd State of the Parish Report For the Three Months Ending September 30, 2016 C. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS & ONE-TIME PROJECTS 2016-2017 SPECIAL PROJECTS NEW AUDIO-VISUAL SYSTEM IN THE CHURCH REPLACE WORN CHAIRS IN THE CHURCH ROOF REPLACEMENT OVER ROOMS 1-3 REPLACE CARPET IN THE MAIN FOYER AREA REPAIR AND SEAL THE PARKING LOT REPLACE FADED OUTDOOR SIGNS $25,000 50,000 16,500 21,000 48,000 5,100 Total Special Projects Funding Debt-free Savings from Fiscal Year 2014-2015 Fiscal Year 2015-2016 Debt-Free Savings Special Project Envelopes Kroger Rewards Program Transfer from Long-Term Savings Spending Fund Balance Special Note: $165,600 Fiscal Year 2016-2017 YTD ACTUAL $0 0 4,436 851 0 $5,287 Fiscal Year 2016-2017 YTD BUDGET $0 0 12,501 1,250 0 $13,751 Fiscal Year 2015-2016 ACTUAL $50,000 125,425 65,829 4,208 23,213 $268,675 $0 $0 $38,600 $5,287 $13,751 $230,075 We have $235,362 in the Special Projects fund. The majority of this income is from fiscal year 2015-2016. We will use $200,000 of this for the LED lighting in the main church. The lighting project is a carryover from fiscal year 20152016. The remaining $35,362 will be put toward the special projects listed above. 2016-2017 PROJECTS FUNDED BY SPECIAL DONATIONS VESTMENTS BASEBALL FIELDS CHAPEL ARCHITECTS Total Special Projects Special Note: 4 $1,348 343 4,075 $5,766 We have a curent balance of $110,664 for the chapel renovation. The $4,075 expense was paid using funds from last fiscal year. In addition, the $343 expense for the fields was paid using prior year funds. The Community of the Good Shepherd State of the Parish Report For the Three Months Ending September 30, 2016 D. OUTREACH AND CHARITIES Good Shepherd Outreach Ministries Beginning Balance Revenue Outreach - Shepherds Care, Caring Hands St. Vincent de Paul Psalm 23 Scholarship $52,037 13,692 363,162 27,601 $3,961 8,576 13,490 17,542 $5,112 11,320 4 40,001 $50,886 10,948 376,648 5,142 7,022 13,172 $476,686 4,018 0 $47,587 3,965 14 $60,416 7,075 13,158 $463,857 Designated Collections required by Archdiocese Fund for Religious Retirement Bishop's Overseas Relief Good Friday/Holy Land Shrines Respect Life Ash Wednesday/Eastern Europe Mission Sunday Campaign for Human Development Holy Father/Peters Pence Special Mission Appeal Summer Mission Appeal Catholics Come Home Appeal Catholic Ministries Appeal (CMA) Chaplain's Military CRS Rice Bowl CISE/Seeds of Growth Total Designated Collections $0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0 $0 75 0 90 20 322 0 0 0 6,837 0 45,957 0 0 40 $53,341 $0 75 0 90 20 322 0 0 0 6,837 0 45,957 0 0 40 $53,341 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0 Other Collections Little Sisters of the Poor Total Other Collections $0 $0 $10,176 $10,176 $10,176 $10,176 $0 $0 $476,686 $111,104 $123,933 $463,857 Disbursements Ending Balance Urban Kids Program at Purcell Marian GS-SOS - Support for Our Service Members 55+ Ministry Assistance Total Good Shepherd Outreach Ministries Total Outreach Ministries, Designated & Other A A - The amount listed represents checks made out to Good Shepherd that ran through our accounting process. These funds were sent to the Stewardship Department at the Archdiocese. They will be responsible for the year-end tax statements. MATERIAL GOODS & GIFTS IN KIND (JULY - SEPTEMBER) l Our Healing Christ Ministry (a non-sacramental ministry of Good Shepherd) held 16 sessions for 130 people. Over 160 volunteer hours were l l l l l l l l 5 dedicated to the ministry. Of the 130 participants, 125 completed an evaluation form and stated they would recommend the ministry to others. The Knitters and Crocheters Group made 400 knitted hats and scarves, most of which are donated to the Whitley City Shoebox project. Fifty-one blue bins filled with food and other personal care items went to support St. Francis Seraph Ministries in Over-the-Rhine. Our Sanctity of Life Ministry collected over 3,500 items for local pregnancy centers. Habitat for Humanity volunteers dedicated over 400 hours completing a home for a family in need. Thirteen bags of food were given to needy families in our area. St. Vincent de Paul assisted 84 families with food, clothing, rent and utilities. They also filled the SVDP truck with clothing and household goods during their annual truck drive. They continue to accept clothing and household items in the "Take It or Leave It" Room. Through our GS-SOS Ministry (Good Shepherd Supports Our Service Members), 500 personally written messages went to deployed service members. We provided 610 meals to Shelter House (formerly Drop Inn Center) and Tender Mercies. Feast of All Souls Wednesday, November 2 Mass at 7:00 p.m. Presider: Fr. Tom Mannebach The Bereavement Ministry and the Good Shepherd community welcome all who have suffered a loss through death to this Liturgy of Remembrance. Join us on Wednesday, November 2 at 7:00 p.m. when we will remember especially our parishioners and family members who have died this past year. We remember all who have died this past year especially parishioners and their family members listed below. Eugene Ackermann Menandro Alejo Karl Armbruster Cynthia Bacha Mary Backherms Frances Baker Aidan Matthew Barker Howard Basinger Carrie Beck Daniel Bender Patrick Bowes Claire Brill Audrey Britt Alphonso Caligiuri Donald Cameron John Carpinello Edward Chartier Richard Cimiluca Michael Cisneros Susan Colucci Margaret Dempsey Edward Deye Joan Dunlop Jerry Durkin Robert Elder Donald Fehr Mary Jo Fellerhoff Tom Forgacs Mary Gramann Elizabeth Guenot Joy Hamilton Landis Nancy Harmon 6 Marialice Heck Robert Henderson Erv Holzman Jackie Horning Donald Jordon Vivian Ketterer Nancy Kraimer Germaine “Geri” Kuhlman George M. Laughlin Suzanne Laybourne Philip Maechling John “Sal” Maritt William “Chip” Martin James McCaffrey Ronald Meldon Dennis Meyrose Mary Minor Thomas Mongan Margaret Mary Morse Mary Jean Mosley Gene Myers Richard Myklebust Fred Nagelhout Mary Anne Nopper Claire North Raymond Oldiges John Olszewski William Page William Palmer Frank Palopoli Kandace Pandzik William Payne Mary Lou Ranieri Mary Virginia Redlin Fr. Bill Reichel, OFM Don Roell Steven Roell Ed Rogala Walter Rugh Selma Russell Mary Schafer Agnes Schellman Virginia Schultz Mary Catherine Shea Helen Sherman Mary Ann Sherwin George Smith James Smith Jeff Smith Fred Tasch Harry Tepe Marcelline H. Valenti John Wasniewski James Wermes Paul Wesselkamper Bob Wetterich Bill Widmeier Robert “Hank” Woehler Dorothy Wolbers Joseph Woods Mark Young Marjorie Zeno Worship Questions? Contact Steve Lindner at 489-8815 ext. 702 or e-mail steve.lindner@good-shepherd.org. Masses for the Feast of All Saints A Holy Day of Obligation Tuesday, November 1, 2016 8:30 a.m. Mass Fr. Tom Mannebach 12:15 p.m. Fr. Tom Mannebach 7:00 p.m. Fr. Jack Wehman Masses for the Feast of All Souls Wednesday, November 2, 2016 8:30 a.m. Fr. Jack Wehman 7:00 p.m. Fr. Tom Mannebach (No 6:15 p.m. Anointing Mass) Ministers Needed for the Feast of All Saints If you are currently involved as a lector, gift bearer, minister of the Eucharist, or usher at a weekend Mass here at Good Shepherd, your help is needed at one of the All Saints Holy Day Masses listed above. If you are planning to attend one of these Masses, and wish to volunteer, please stop in or phone the parish office at 489-8815. Servers Needed If you are in the fifth, sixth or seventh grade and are interested in being a server at the 9:00 a.m. or 4:00 p.m. Sunday Masses, we could use your help. We will train you at a time that is convenient for you. Please call Steve Lindner if you are interested in serving. (Contact information listed above.) Do you have an extra pyx at home? If you have an extra pyx at home and the need for the pyx no longer exists, we ask that you please return the pyx to the parish office. Thank you. The Book of the Dead The Book of the Dead will be in the church, by the statue of Mary, prior to each weekend Mass in November for those who wish to remember deceased family members and friends who have died this past year. Remembering the dead through the month of November is a tradition of the Church going back many centuries. The book will be available in the church until Sunday, November 20, and then in the parish office through November 30. We are glad to provide this book for you as you list the names of those you love. Please know they are in our prayers. Reminder...if your loved one has already been entered in the book you should not re-enter his/her name. Baptismal Instruction There will be no Baptismal Instruction on Sunday, January 1, 2017 due to the holiday. There will be instruction on Sunday, November 6 and Sunday, December 4 at 1:30 p.m. in the church. Scripture for Next Week—32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time by Deacon Max Schellman First Reading—2 Maccabees 7:1-2, 9-14: This passage tells of the arrest and torture of a mother and her sons. We hear of how four of the sons are tortured and martyred for faithfully following Jewish practices. The value of faith and martyrdom is emphasized as they each look to God’s reward after death. Second Reading—2 Thessalonians 2:16—3:5: Paul prays for the Thessalonians. He encourages them to pray for him as well. He tells them of his confidence in the Lord. He says the Lord will be faithful to them and give them strength to fight “the evil one.” Gospel—Luke 20:27-38: Some Sadducees, who didn’t believe in the resurrection, question Jesus by creating an odd and unusual set of circumstances: a childless widow marries each of her husband’s seven brothers and in turn each dies childless. Under Levite law, if a brother dies with no children his brother must marry the deceased’s wife and raise the first child as the child of the deceased brother. The Sadducees then ask Jesus whose wife she will be at the resurrection. Jesus responds by showing that their question is not relevant. He shows that those in covenant with God are not separated from him even by death. We can ask ourselves, do we at times allow irrelevant information to negatively influence our faith in God? 7 Pastoral Care and Outreach This fall, our community is uniting with hundreds of other cities around the world for the 40 Days For Life campaign. Since 40 Days For Life began we have seen: 11,796 lives saved from abortion 133 abortion workers quit 73 abortion facilities closed Believers throughout our community are invited to join together for 40 days of fervent prayer, fasting and peaceful vigil for an end to abortion at “Women’s Med Center” abortion facility in Sharonville. Good Shepherd’s Sanctity of Life Ministry is in charge of the closing prayer of 40 Days for Life on Sunday, November 6 at 12:00 Noon in front of the Sharonville abortion clinic located at 11250 Lebanon Rd., Sharonville. A rosary will be led by Deacon Mark Westendorf. Contact Sandy Robinson at 469-9251 with questions. All are invited. Contact Leslie Marsh at 513-404-4622 or leslieannmarsh@gmail.com M ANAGEMENT Workshop Series The third in the series of the Life Management Skills Workshops will be held on Monday, November 14. The topic will be “Financial Preparation for Retirement.” The workshop is free of charge, but in order that we may provide adequate seating, materials and refreshments, please let us know if you plan to attend by Wednesday, November 9. Registration forms are available in the parish office, or register by calling John Fink at 489-8815 ext. 724 or Colleen Smith ext. 740 or e-mail john.fink@good-shepherd.org or colleen.smith@good-shepherd.org. FINANCIAL PREPARATION FOR RETIREMENT MONDAY, NOVEMBER 14 6:00 P.M.– 8:45 P.M. FINANCIAL PLANNING FOR YOUR FUTURE Christopher Oberholzer, CFP Infinity Wealth Counsel, LLC Practicing Mindful Meditation Mindfulness is paying attention to our present moment experience, with a sense of acceptance, without judgment. Please join the members of the Mindful Living Group for a conversation about “The Mindfulness Revolution.” We will meet on Thursdays, November 3 and November 10 from 7:00-8:30 p.m. in Room 30. For more information, call Laurie and Art Ftacnik at 575-9618 or e-mail to aftacnik@fuse.net. AED & CPR Class Offered at Good Shepherd The church is supplied with two Automatic External Defibrillators which may be used with certain apparent heart attack victims. Staff, ushers, catechists and other interested parishioners are invited to be trained in CPR, and in the use of the AED machines. Training will take place from 2:003:30 p.m. on Monday, October 31 and on Wednesday, November 2, 5:30-7:00 p.m. Please sign up with Jack Peltz, Wellness Minister, by calling the parish office, 489-8815, ext. 709 and leaving him a voice mail or by e-mail jack.peltz@good-shepherd.org. 8 · building your nest egg prior to retirement · smart investing for your future goals PROTECTING YOUR NEST EGG Ray Pikna, Wood & Lamping, LLP · exemption planning: what it is and why it matters · building a bigger financial safety net before you need it · how to protect your assets when unexpected financial hardship hits Financial Exploitation, Medicare Fraud and Scams Anne Fredrickson, Ohio SMP Medicare Fraud Project Mary Day, Elder Financial Exploitation Prevention Division · how to avoid financial exploitation, frauds and scams · how to detect, prevent and report suspected Medicare fraud, waste and abuse MONETARY GIFTS Mark Reckman, Wood & Lamping, LLP · how to provide monetary gifts · tax considerations with regard to monetary gifts The Fourth Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service —Save the Date Sunday, November 20, 2016 6:30 p.m. The Montgomery Ministerial Association cordially invites the Montgomery community to their annual Ecumenical Thanksgiving Prayer Service; Sacred Readings, Reflections and Song hosted by Good Shepherd. Sacred Readings, Reflections & Song (Following the service there will be a reception for all.) Donate a swtheete — help make lete! night comp First Thanksgiving Ecumenical Prayer Service hosted by Good Shepherd 2013. Are you able to donate a sweet treat for our reception following this special service? Please phone Teri Cunningham in the parish office at 489-8815 ext. 738. Thank you! 9 Pastoral Care and Outreach GOOD SHEPHERD SUPPORTS OUR SERVICE MEMBERS and You are invited to our Veterans Day of Recognition on Friday, November 11 sponsored by the GS-SOS and the 55+ Ministries. Please see our website for a full schedule of events or pick up a flyer in the plexiglas stands at the three main entrances to church. This Veterans Day event is open to ALL parishioners. You do not need to be members of the 55+ Ministry or GS-SOS (Good Shepherd Supports Our Service Members) to attend. Reservation Form Veteran’s Name____________________________________________________________________________________________ Branch of Service_____________________ Years Served (e.g. (02/1960 to 02/1968)______________________________________ Spouse’s Name or Family Member Name(s)____________________________________________________________________ Contact Phone Number__________________________ E-mail Address______________________________________________ No Charge for Veterans—Spouse and/or Guest—$11.00 for brunch/lunch Veteran—I will attend____ Sorry, I cannot attend____ (We would still like to recognize you in some small way if you are not able to attend.) Spouse and/or guests who will attend #____ Amount Enclosed________________ Cash___ Check___ Please send this reservation form, along with payment if applicable, to John Fink at Good Shepherd or drop it off in the parish office. You may also e-mail John with the above information at john.fink@good-shepherd.org. Education and Formation Shoebox Project November 15 and 16 Jesse Tree Advent Night November 18, 7:00-8:30 p.m. If you are able to donate any personal care items, small toys or school supplies that can fit in a shoebox, you are asked to drop them off in the “Take It or Leave It” Room. This year we need to fill 700 boxes for the children in Whitley City, KY. The children in our Summer and Weekly programs will fill the shoeboxes on November 15 and 16 during the weekly sessions. If you are able to help the children pack and wrap their boxes, please call the office or e-mail Sandy Rivet at rivetsa@aol.com. Mark your calendar for our next Friday, Family, Faith, Fun and Food Night. Families are invited to learn about some of Jesus’ ancestors from the Old Testament who helped prepare the way for the birth of Jesus. Each family will receive a Jesse tree and ornaments which can be added each day during Advent. There is no cost for this intergenerational event. Families are asked to bring a dessert to share. In order to prepare enough materials, please call the parish office to register, 489-8815. Experiencing God: The Three Stages of Prayer by Thomas H. Green, S.J. Last session with Deacon Max Schellman this Thursday, November 3 Deacon Max, in addition to his duties at Good Shepherd, is an Adjunct Faculty member at The Athenaeum of Ohio and teaches in the Deacon Formation Program. He has also taught in the Lay Pastoral Ministry Program In Experiencing God, Thomas H. Green, S.J., presents a brief and accessible guide to prayer. Green reminds readers that prayer life is, above all, a relationship with God and a deepening of our experience of God. Fr. Green, who died in 2009, spent a lifetime teaching fellow Christians to pray. Experiencing God is a treasury of his best insights. The sessions will meet at Good Shepherd in the Community Room at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 3. If you are interested in participating, please call the office to register at 489-8815. The book is $12.00 and is available in the parish office. 10 Education and Formation Feast of All Saints Tuesday, November 1 On November 1, the Tuesday Faith Formation classes will not meet for their sessions. Families are encouraged to attend the 7:00 p.m. Mass for the Holy Day celebration of the Feast of All Saints. The Wednesday Faith Formation classes WILL meet on November 2 at 5:15 p.m. Congratulations to Walter and Abby Plummer on the birth of their son, William Arlington Plummer! William was born on October 20. All the Plummers are doing well! Teens in grades 9-12, are invited to our November events. (No Flock Night this Sunday, October 30.) Flock Nights: Sundays, November 6, 13 and 20 5:00-7:00 p.m. in the Youth Room Encounter Cincinnati: Saturday, November 19 6:00-10:30 p.m. Jr. High Faith Formation Schedule Tuesdays (7th & 8th Grades) Nov. 1: Session begins at normal time. All will attend All Saints Day Mass together from 7:00-8:00 p.m. Nov. 8: Regular session location/time Nov. 15: Regular session location/time. We will help with the Shoebox Project. Nov. 22: No Session Sundays (8th Grade) Oct. 30: Regular session location/time Nov. 6: Regular session location/time Nov. 13: Regular session location/time Nov. 20: Parent Night (parent & student attend) Jr. High Summer Faith Formation & 7th Grade Home Study! Mark your calendars! Our next session is Sunday, November 13, 10:05-10:25 a.m. in Room 15—Youth Room (one parent attends with student). 11 Calling all 20 and 30-somethings of our parish! Come and join us on Wednesday, November 2 from 7:00-9:00 p.m. for dinner together and on Wednesday, November 16 from 7:008:30 p.m. in Room 29 for our monthly faith discussion evening. Contact Walter for dinner location. Please keep our Rite of Christian Initiation (RCIA) candidates and catechumens in your prayers as they continue the first steps of the RCIA process. Monthly Journaling Group Our Journaling Group will meet on Thursday, November 17 at 7:00 p.m. in Room 29 to meet and connect with one another through our stories, have private journaling time, and reflection on the season of thankfulness and where we feel the spirit moving in our lives. All are welcome to join. Call Emily Weierman at 489-8815 ext. 726 or e-mail emily.weierman@good-shepherd.org for more information and to RSVP. Contact information for Walter Plummer: 489-8815 ext. 737 or e-mail walter.plummer@good-shepherd.org. Stewardship Sunday Social $165,600 $165,000 $155,000 Fiscal Year 2016-2017 Special Projects $145,000 $135,000 $125,000 Last week, $2,706 was received through $115,000 the Special Projects envelopes. This brings our total to $91,644 for this fiscal $91,644 year. Our current balance in the fund is now $239,226. Join us in the Community Room after the 7:30, 9:00 and 10:30 a.m. Masses on the following Sundays. October 30 November 6 November 13 November 20 We will have a light breakfast of fruit, yogurt cups, assorted doughnut holes, cinnamon rolls, assorted turnovers, bagel bites with cream cheese, coffee, tea, hot chocolate and juice boxes. Did you miss our presentation by national speaker John Carr, A Teachable Moment—Faithful Citizenship and Pope Francis: Integrating Faith and Politics on Monday, October 17? No worries, it was videotaped and is now available to view on our website. Go to www.good-shepherd.org and on the home page look under Quick Links. Patty Lindner Director of Communications Guidelines of the Church Regarding Involvement in Political Issues We would like to remind you that Good Shepherd follows the Archdiocesan guidelines regarding Church involvement in political issues. The Church is responsible for helping parishioners understand and accept the importance of their involvement in the political process by participating in the elections and speaking to the moral dimension of political issues. Even though the Church provides moral guidance on political issues, the Church does not engage in political activity. The Church will not endorse political parties, candidates or take any action that could be construed as an endorsement of a party or candidate. In keeping with these guidelines, we do not permit political flyers or pamphlets to be placed on cars in our parking lot, “voter guides” distributed on parish premises, or signs to be placed on the parish grounds. Have You Ever Considered Donating Stock Instead of Cash! Did you know you can make significant gifts to the parish without reaching for your checkbook? Gifts of appreciated stock enable you to support your church with no impact on your cash flow. Donating stock is easy; just give the information below to your broker. He/she will do the rest! Company Name: Fifth Third Bank DTC Number: 2116 Account Number: 0104471751DH Account Name: Good Shepherd Parish Your name and contact information must be on the delivery instructions Special note to P&G donors: Stock donations are now being handled by Wells Fargo. Please contact Teri Cunningham in the parish office at 489-8815 ext. 738 to obtain the instructions for your donation. Stock donations do not appear on your year-end contribution statement. You will receive a letter from Fr. Mannebach acknowledging your gift once we sell the stock and receive the proceeds. Please retain this letter for tax purposes. If you have any questions concerning stock donations, please contact Teri Cunningham at 489-8815 ext. 738 or e-mail teri.cunningham@good-shepherd.org. As always, we thank you for your generous support! 12 Around the Parish Sunday, October 30, 2016 Audio Visual: Come, Follow Me Artists: Marcel and Melissa Goodwin Presiders for the Weekend of November 5/6, 2016 Sunday 7:30 a.m. Fr. Mike Graham, SJ Tom Dean Burdsall/Flege Gick Family Saturday 4:30 p.m. Fr. Jack Wessling Dan Dutro K. & P. Hoeting Anderson Family Presider Announcer Lector Gift Bearer 9:00 a.m.* Fr. Mike Graham, SJ Grant Bruner Goodwin/Harmon Niehaus Family 10:30 a.m.* Fr. Robert Goebel Jim Buehler Grether/Klein Muennich Family 12:00 Noon Fr. Tom Mannebach Beverley Frank Teipen/Lavely Adams Family 4:00 p.m. Fr. Tom Mannebach Rita Cybulski Lenett/Parsley TBD *An interpreter for those with hearing impairments will be present at the 9:00 and 10:30 a.m. Masses in the Church. Collection Information October 16, 2016 $ 25,727 YTD Collections $ 613,144 YTD Budget $ 636,971 Surplus/(Deficit) $ 23,827 Contribution Breakdown: Quantity Envelopes 446 Dollars $ 19,254 Loose Checks $ 4,344 Loose Cash $ 1,329 EFT/Charge Card Donors $ 0 Stock/Gift $ 800 Total (Thank You!) $ 25,727 Avg. donation per envelope $ 43.17 Masses for the Week Mon., October 31 8:30 a.m. The Badinghas Family Special Intention Tues., Nov. 1 8:30 a.m. Michelle Hummel Special Intention 12:15 p.m. In memory of Keith Jester 7:00 p.m. Wed., Nov. 2 Yvonne Cesta Special Intention 8:30 a.m. In memory of Michael Wilson 7:00 p.m. For all the deceased of The Community of the Good Shepherd Thurs., Nov. 3 8:30 a.m. Kristen English Special Intention Fri., Nov. 4 8:30 a.m. In memory of Marian Niehaus and deceased family/friends, James Johns, Peter Marino, John Harmon, Vincent Teepen, Catherine M. Burke, Daniel Hosbrook, Mary Ann Helmicki, Mary Margaret Schafer, George Smith, Steven Roell, Bruno Anello, Gene Ackermann Sat., Nov. 5 4:30 p.m. Sun., Nov. 6 7:30 a.m. In memory of Msgr. Laurence Higgins 9:00 a.m. In memory of Frank Palopoli 10:30 a.m. 12:00 noon 4:00 p.m. In memory of Tom Forgacs Jennie Banovich Special Intention The Community of the Good Shepherd In memory of Carl Shinkle Prayers Are Requested for the health and well being of the following: Michael Adler Mark Anastasi Chloe Anderson Jane Anderson Travis Baker Amy Beal Norah Birkmeyer Karissa Boston Bill Boup Julie Bowen Family Maureen Bramlage Esther Brotherton Dale Brown Nicholas Bucci Doris Buckman Frank Budetti Ginny Burd John Burke Jamie Busemeyer Dottie Campbell Nick Carrelli Angela Carroll Beverly Chartier Richard Chisholm Bill Cleary Bob Comorosky Norah Cooney Randy Corgan William H. Curran Jr. Geoffrey Davies Joseph Degliuomini Jackie Donoghue Angela/John Dornbach Terri Doyle Laurel Linnea Deubell Debbie Eberhart Betty Effimoff Hazel Elder Kristen English Family Tim Field Nancy Fisher Joanne Fittro Sam Fogle Dianne Forgacs John Forsthoefel Gary Franke Wendy Franklin Rebecca Gallaher Paulette Gerstemeier Maureen Giglio Judy Glassmeyer-Sullivan Hannah Gluck Andrew Goad Clara Good Tom Gray Pat Hack Owen Halmi Fred Hartman Helt Family Linda Henkel Zsolt Hertelendy Helen Hess Teresa Hinrichsen Ed Hubbart Sr. Mary Ann Humbert Janet Hutzell Denver Jackson Betsy Jacquez Pat and Jerry Jenkins Mindy Johnson John Jolley Jan Jungclas Nicholas Kaelin Bob Keegan Doug Koehne Betsey Kohls Richard Kohne Elizabeth Daly Koon Jim Krekeler Helen Kruse Carol Ann (Doucette) Kuklar Mary Kulkarni Claire Kuprowicz Wendy Laughlin Dan Lavely Francis Lazar Denise Leguillon Frank Lerner William/Shirley Littlepage Eric L. Losekamp Nancy Losekamp Rhonda Losekamp David Lovell Helen Martin Anna May Pat McConkey Bud McEvoy Dick McKeever Paul Meinking Al Meisman Matthew Merkle John Merritt Military Personnel Michael Miller Jeanine Monzel Ann Morgan Tracy Morgan Marilyn Myklebust Laurie O’Brien William Parker Ursula Pledger Trevor Quan-Lazar Erin Radulski Fran Rainier Madeline Hope Rebori (Roelker) Daniel Reesor Richard Riedy and Family Gary Rivet Zofia Rohres Melanni Rohrig Betty Romito Veronica Roth Ralph/Jean Schlueter Laura Schuckman Chuck Sellars Mary Frances Sharpshair Sophia Sharpshair Natalie Sheipline Pat Sick Diane Skie Kacey Spontak Joe Stemple Betty Stewart Apryl Strittholt Ed and Ann Strotman Sturdy Family Natalia Tanguma Don Taphorn Bob Tate John Tate Family Bob Thieman Margaret Thompson Transplant patients Scott Trapp Andy Tucker Anthony Ullman Mary Vailati Brian Vonderhaar Tracy Waechter Mike Walker Patricia Wallace Walton Family Karen Weitzel Ed Weis Pauline Westendorf Maureen Whitfield Don Whitney Dan White Patricia Woeste Stephanie Woodward Elizabeth Wurzelbacher Sylvia Yutuc Michael Zegarski Military Personnel of our families currently in harm’s way... Jeffrey Scott Calder FC1 Michael Clines SGT Charles Lape Ben Scott Massingale Major Molly Chester SSGT Eric Halchak SPC Jarrod Lundy Mason McCosham 13 Larry Muennich Welcoming Need to Know We warmly welcome our new parishioners and guests who are joining us today. If you are interested in learning more about Good Shepherd, or would like to register as an official member of the parish, please stop by the Welcome Desk located in our main foyer. A member of our Welcoming Ministry will be honored to assist you. Baptism Infant Baptisms are celebrated on the second and fourth Sunday of the month at 1:30 p.m. Please register for Baptism by calling Steve Lindner (513-489-8815 ext. 702 or e-mail: steve.lindner@good-shepherd.org). Before the Baptism, parents need to attend a session to explore the meaning of Baptism. Sessions are held on the first Sunday of the month at 1:30 p.m. Adult Initiation Into the Church Adults and children (7 years of age or older) who wish to become Catholics are invited to call Emily Weierman, (513-4898815 ext. 726 or e-mail emily.weierman@good-shepherd.org). First Eucharist (First Communion) First Eucharist (First Communion) is celebrated on three occasions in late winter and early spring. Parents are invited to call Nancy Dallas (513-489-8815 ext. 761). Children are invited to the Sacrament when they are in the second grade or have reached the age of 7. Children receiving First Eucharist (First Communion) need to be prepared to receive First Reconciliation (Confession). Preparation for First Reconciliation (Confession) begins early fall each year. Confirmation for Youth Confirmation is celebrated in the spring each year for youth who have not yet received the Sacrament. Confirmation Preparation takes place within the 8th grade Faith Formation curriculum. Classes run September through April for next year’s candidates. Please contact Walter Plummer with any questions (513-489-8815 or e-mail: walter.plummer@goodshepherd.org). Marriage Marriages are celebrated throughout the year with exceptions made for Christmas holidays and the season of Lent. Please contact Steve Lindner for information (513-489-8815 ext. 702 or e-mail: steve.lindner@good-shepherd.org). Preparation for marriage begins eight months before the Sacrament is celebrated. For preparations, call Steve Lindner (513-489-8815 ext. 702 or e-mail: steve.lindner@good-shepherd.org). Pastoral Care of the Sick Anointing of the Sick The Anointing of the Sick can be offered when someone is seriously ill, requires surgery, or if the same illness or condition becomes more serious. Each week on Wednesday at 6:15 p.m., the anointing is offered within Mass (in the Chapel). Please notify Deacon Dennis Berry (513-489-8815, ext. 708, or e-mail: dennis.berry@good-shepherd.org) in advance of your need. Our parish priests also come to the sick person at home, in the hospital, or at Hospice. Ministry to the Dying: Anointing and/or Viaticum If a person is near death, he or she may be anointed. However, if the dying person is able to swallow, it is recommended that they receive the Eucharist as Viaticum. The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick ought to be celebrated at the beginning of an illness. Viaticum is to be celebrated when death is close. The Eucharist, given as Viaticum, is food for the passage through death to eternal life. A priest or a deacon may give Viaticum to the dying person. When a priest is unavailable, it is important that the deacon visit the dying to pray with that person and the family and offer Viaticum. Please call the parish office (489-8815). After hours, please leave a message about the location of the dying person and your contact phone number. That message will be relayed to a priest or deacon. Reconciliation (Confessions) Tuesdays from 5:30-6:15 p.m. in the Reconciliation Room in the chapel. Those attending the Sacrament can enter through the doors to the chapel, prepare in the chapel and enter the Reconciliation Room when they see the priest is not occupied with another penitent. Vocations Single men or women interested in answering the call to Priesthood or Religious Life are encouraged to contact the pastor or the Diocesan Vocations Director at 513-421-3131. Annulment For confidential information concerning annulments, please call Fr. Jack Wehman at 513-489-8815 ext. 748. Decree on Child Protection The Archdiocese of Cincinnati’s Decree on Child Protection is our way of protecting all of the vulnerable individuals in our community. If you suspect that someone is being abused, please contact the Coordinator of Ministry to Survivors of Abuse at the Archdiocese at 513-263-6623 as well as local law enforcement. In Hamilton County, you can contact Child Protective Services at 513-241-KIDS (5437). To Report Financial Misconduct If you suspect the misuse or misconduct of Church finances, you may call the EthicsPoint hotline at 1-888-389-0381 or see the Archdiocese website (www.catholiccincinnati.org) under Ministries & Offices, Finance and click the link “To Report Financial Misconduct.” You will be taken to a secure site to file your report. 14 Need to Know The Bulletin All articles for the parish bulletin should be submitted 10 days before the given weekend. Please call Nancy Niehaus 513-489-8815 ext. 725 or e-mail: nancy.niehaus@good-shepherd.org. Parish Meetings Meetings of the Assembly of Leaders, the Finance Commission, the Education/Formation Commission, the Worship Commission, and the Pastoral Care/Outreach Commission are open to all parishioners to observe. Please call the parish office for information (513-489-8815). Meetings are announced in the Coming Events for Good Shepherd page of the bulletin. Parish Ministries All members of the parish are welcome to join any of the parish ministries. For information and contact, please see the Staff Page of this bulletin. Psychological and Spiritual Care To encourage professional, personal, or family counseling as well as spiritual direction, Dr. Jack Peltz or Deacon Dennis Berry, on staff here at Good Shepherd, would be happy to make referrals to psychologists, psychiatrists, counselors, and spiritual directors for those in need. Recorded Homilies All homilies preached on weekends are available by downloading them from our webpage—www.good-shepherd.org. Low Gluten Hosts Low Gluten (0.01%) hosts are available at all weekend Masses. Please come to the Sacristy 10 minutes before the start of Mass and let the Sacristan know that you are in need of this Low Gluten Host. At Communion time, come to the hand rail by the statue of Mary to receive the Eucharist. St. Vincent de Paul If you have furniture or appliances that you wish to donate, St. Vincent de Paul will accept these donations and will pick them up from your home. To schedule a pick up, donate to a thrift store or donate a car, boat or RV, please call 421-CARE (2273). Contacts Accoutrements Audio Visual Baptism Robe/Embroidery Blood Pressure RN Caregiver Support Group Caring Hands/B-North Communion Distributors Caring Hands/ Home Assistance Caring Hands/Home Communion Distributors Caring Hands/Lodge Christmas Gift-Giving Couples Bridge Club Earth Shepherds Steve Lindner Bob Losekamp Judith Whitton Julia Theil Alex Poon 513.489-8815 513.325.9283 513.677.8837 513.229.0229 513.271.2717 Deacon Dennis Berry 513.489.8815 Good Shepherd 513.489.8815 Jeanne Markle Charlotte Finch Marion Stickle Ruth Inderhees James Heileman David Oen Eucharistic Exposition Luisa Cerda Family Fellowship CMTE Sandy Rivet GS-SOS Nancy Niehaus Habitat for Humanity Gerry Ellspermann Healing Christ Ministry Theresa Kajs —A non-sacramental ministry of Good Shepherd Knitters & Crocheters Jeanné Kilgore Mary Albright Lambtenders Tina Caudill Meadowbrook Care Center Jeanne Markle Men’s Fellowship Group Bill Cleary M.O.M.S. Group Colleen Furey New Vision Sandra Smith Prayer Blanket Ministry Lou Ullrich Sanctity of Life Sandy Robinson St. Vincent de Paul Sandy Robinson Scholarship Ministry Mary Lahti White Shelter House (Drop Inn Ctr) Kathy Schibi Shepherds Care Jim Stickle 15 513.489.3609 513.677.2277 513.733.0816 513.891.0565 513.531.7336 513.205.8603 513.328.2315 513.309.6018 513.793.7035 513.774.7595 513.706.6398 513.779.9220 513.677.2140 513.530.0650 513.489.3609 513.312-5009 513.239.6612 513.563.1868 513.247.9466 513.469.9251 513.469.9251 513.793.9817 513.678.3054 513.733.0816 Shepherds Share Special Olympics Tender Mercies Third Image (Widow/Widowers) Ushers Whitley City Builds Project Whitley City Donations Whitley City Shoebox Project Women’s Prayer Group Carol Geers Bill Sutman Mary John Trouy Frank Bruening Steve Lindner Tom Kilgore Paul Inderhees Sandy Rivet Barb Hemmerle 513.234.0974 513.793.6112 513.469.2195 513.984.4289 513.489.8815 513.779.9220 513.891.0565 513.309.6018 513.793.4918 Quips and Blessings by Fr. Jack Lord God, Whose days are without end and whose mercies beyond counting, keep us mindful that life is short and the hour of death unknown. Let your Spirit guide our days on earth in the ways of holiness and justice, that we may serve you in union with the whole Church, sure in faith, strong in hope, perfected in love. And when our earthly journey is ended, lead us rejoicing into your Kingdom, where you live forever and ever. Amen. From Catholic Household Blessings & Prayers Call me (513-489-8815) about: Rev. Tom Mannebach Rev. Jack Wehman Pastor, ext. 723 Associate Pastor, ext. 748 fr.mannebach@good‐shepherd.org fr.wehman@good‐shepherd.org Deacon Dennis Berry, ext. 708 Care for the sick, dying & bereaved dennis.berry@good‐shepherd.org Rick Hagee, ext. 706 Music Ministries rick.hagee@good‐shepherd.org Jack Peltz*, ext. 709 Marriage & Wellness Minister jack.peltz@good‐shepherd.org Tina Caudill*, ext. 741 Preschool Forma on tbcaudill@aol.com Pa y Lindner, ext. 713 Communica ons pa y.lindner@good‐shepherd.org Rev. Michael Graham, SJ Weekend Presider Teri Cunningham, ext. 738 Welcoming/Finances teri.cunningham@good‐shepherd.org Steve Lindner, ext. 702 Worship/Bap sm/Weddings steve.lindner@good‐shepherd.org Rev. Jack Wessling Weekend Presider Nancy Dallas*, ext. 761 Sacrament Prep/CLOW Dianne Moore ext. 703 Parish Recep onist dianne.moore@good‐shepherd.org Walter Plummer, ext. 737 Nick Pierok, ext. 715 Youth Minister Music Minister nick.pierok@good‐shepherd.org walter.plummer@good‐shepherd.org Deacon Max Schellman** ext. 719 Human Resources John Fink*, ext. 724 55+ Ministry john.fink@good‐shepherd.org Dan Parker, ext. 793 Facili es/Scheduling dan.parker@good‐shepherd.org Colleen Smith*, ext. 740 55+ Ministry colleen.smith@good‐shepherd.org Assigned Deacons Sr. Debra Wischmeyer, SND Deacon Mark Westendorf* Sr. Elaine Winter, SND Emily Weierman, ext. 726 ext. 717 ext. 714 ext. 716 Coordinator of Adult Faith Forma on Bookkeeping emily.weierman@good‐shepherd.org Coordinator of Outreach Ministries K‐6 Faith Forma on m.westendorf@good‐shepherd.org sr.elaine@good‐shepherd.org sr.deb@good‐shepherd.org Deacon Rick Gallenstein** ext. 719 Deacon Jim Jones** ext. 714 *denotes part‐ me staff member **denotes unpaid assigned Deacon Cullen Anderson* Chris Banzhaf* Audio‐Visual Technicians Mike Nigg Patrick Conklin Maintenance Staff, ext. 729 16 Robert Tims Part‐ me office staff—first row, le to right: Ellen Obert, full‐ me clerical assistant, ext. 701. Part‐ me front office staff: Chris ne Bissmeyer, Diane Blasch, and Susan Dickerson. Second row, le to right: Gidg Lazar, and Marcia Schuckman, ext. 700. Nancy Niehaus, Bulle n Editor, ext. 725, nancy.niehaus@good‐shepherd.org.