Our Lady of the Assumption Our Lady of the
Our Lady of the Assumption Our Lady of the
Our Lady of the Assumption Lynnfield, Massachusetts SECOND SUNDAY OF EASTER/DIVINE MERCY APRIL 3, 2016 Welcome! No matter what your present status in the Catholic Church, no matter what your current family or marital situation, no matter what your current personal history, age, income, background, gender, race, ethnicity or spirituality, no matter what your own selfself-image or holiness or virtue - you belong to Christ and you belong to us! You are invited, accepted and respected here at Our Lady of the Assumption Parish we welcome you. We want to share our Roman Catholic way of life with you! SECOND SUNDAY OF EASTER/DIVINE MERCY APRIL 3, 2016 O U R L A DY O F T H E A S S U M P T I O N P A R I S H 17 Grove Street, Lynnfield, MA 01940 Parish Office 781.598781.598-4313• Fax 781.598.0055• • www.LynnfieldCatholic.org PARISH PASTORAL TEAM MASSES Saturday Vigil ~ 4:00 pm Sunday ~ 7 am, 9 am and 11 am Monday, Wednesday, Friday ~ 9:00 am Rev. Paul E. Ritt, Pastor pritt@ola-smg.org Rev. Anthony Luongo, Parochial Vicar aluongo@ola-smg.org BAPTISMS Generally, second Sunday monthly at a 12:30 pm ceremony. For further information, please contact the parish office. Deacon Thomas O’Shea toshea@ola-smg.org Deacon Edward Elibero eelibero@ola-smg.org PASTORAL ASSOCIATE FRANCIS PHAM fpham@ola.smg.org MARRIAGES Engaged couples, please contact Father Paul or Father Tony at least six months prior to the intended wedding date. DIRECTOR OF PARISH MINISTRIES Mrs. Donna Delahanty ddelahanty@ola-smg.org CONFESSIONS Saturday 3:00 - 3:45 pm or by appointment FINANCE AND OPERATIONS MANAGER Mrs. Caterina Benitez cbenitez@ola-smg.org HOLY DAYS OF OBLIGATION As announced ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Ms. Janine Sano jsano@ola-smg.org REGISTRATION Welcome. Please introduce yourself to Father Paul or Fr. Tony after Mass. To become a registered parishioner, please contact the parish office. SCHOOL PRINCIPAL Mr. James J. Grocki 781-599-4422 MASS INTENTIONS Please contact Janine at 781.598.4313 or email jsano@ola-smg.org to request an intention for an upcoming Mass. COLLABORATIVE DIRECTOR OF YOUTH FAITH FORMATION Mr. Stephen Gannon sgannon@ola-smg.org COLLABORATIVE BUSINESS OFFICE HOURS 17 GROVE STREET, LYNNFIELD Monday - Thursday 8 AM - 4 PM *Friday - 8 AM - 12 Noon *Closed Friday June, July and August CLOSED ON HOLIDAYS MUSIC DIRECTOR Mr. Jayson Cote jcote@ola-smg.org FACILITIES MANAGER JJ Kenney John.kenney74@gmail.com COLLABORATIVE PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL Len Morrison, Vice Chair FAITH FORMATION Alexis McDuffee - Grades K - 6 amcduffee@ola-smg.org Stephen Gannon - Grades 7 and 8 sgannon@ola-smg.org Andrea Gagnon - Grades 9 and 10 agagnon@ola-smg.org Susan Ardizzoni, Chris Barrett, Elizabeth Basile, Piri Collard, Anthony Della Piana, John DiBello, Jim Fagan, Mark Ferri, Patty Glennon, Larry Guinee, Anthony Guerriero, Karen McGarrahan, Dennis Rogers and Janine Saldanha PARISH FINANCE COUNCIL Richard O’Connor, Chair (financecommittee@ola-smg.org) Richard Mazzola, Janet Moran, Karen McGarrahan Paul Pellegrino and Nick Restuccia 2 SECOND SUNDAY OF EASTER/DIVINE MERCY APRIL 3, 2016 At the conclusion of this Octave of Easter, we celebrate the Second Sunday of Easter, also known as the Sunday of Divine Mercy. During this Jubilee Year, we are celebrating the abundant mercy of our God. Indeed the “motto” for this Holy Year is Merciful like the Father. How fitting it is that a week after the Solemnity of the Resurrection of Christ, we observe a Sunday dedicated to Divine Mercy, and hear a gospel story that proclaims the lavish mercy of the Lord. It is the story of “Doubting Thomas,” the apostle who at first did not believe that the crucified Jesus had risen from the dead and had even appeared to Thomas’ fellow disciples bearing a message of peace, and empowering them to forgive sins in his name. On hearing the astounding news about the risen Jesus, Thomas insists that unless he could see the resurrected Jesus for himself, and could touch the nail marks in his hands and spear cuts in his side, he would never believe that Christ was alive and well. The next time Christ appeared to the Twelve, who again were gathered inside locked doors, the risen Jesus provides the evidence Thomas sought, inviting him to put his finger into the Lord’s wounds, and to see with his own eyes and verify with his own hands that Jesus had indeed been raised to a new and glorious life. Thomas’ response is a powerful statement of belief: “My Lord and my God!” Jesus’ reply is to emphasize the grace and the virtue of faith: “Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed.” This story is an eloquent and telling testimony to the mercy of the Lord, who forgave Thomas his stubborn refusal to believe in his resurrection, and led him to a deep and abiding faith. Pope Francis says this about God’s mercy: “We need constantly to contemplate the mystery of mercy. It is a wellspring of joy, serenity and peace. Our salvation depends on it…In mercy we find proof of how God loves us. He gives us his entire self, always, freely, asking nothing in return. He comes to our aid whenever we call upon him.” May we always rejoice in the mercy of our God, and never hesitate to approach the Lord for his merciful help in times of need! Saturday, April 2 4:00 pm (Vigil Mass) Catherine Donovan, 15th Anniv. Sunday, April 3 7:00 am Mary R. McGovern, Anniversary 9:00 am Anthony and Mafalda Guiffre, Memorial 11:00 am Helen Stavro and Soter Stavro, Memorial Monday, April 4 9:00 am George, Yolanda and George, Jr. DeMayo, Memorial Wednesday, April 6 9:00 am Theresa Bertolino, 17th Anniversary Friday, April 8 9:00 am Catherine and George O’Connor, Memorial Saturday, April 9 4:00 pm (Vigil Mass) James and Mildred Cause, Memorial and Frank Cause, 1st Anniversary Sunday, April 10 7:00 am Mary Ann Donnelly, Memorial 9:00 am Lenore Contarino, 2nd Anniversary 11:00 am Florence Tomczykowski and Kolodziej and Tomczykowski Family, Mem’l Kindly remember in your prayers the deceased members of our parish, all who have asked for our prayers and for those who have no one to pray for them. Please pray for Joanne Norton, Debbie Catalano, Ben Trocki, Carole Lu, John LeFort, Jerry Foster, Christie Ness, Joe Chen and Baby Joey Chuda. Divine Mercy Sunday Prayer Service Sunday, April 3, 2016, 4 PM at OLA Church We welcome you to come join us in prayer including adoration, benediction and the reciting of the Divine Mercy Chaplet. Jesus told St. Faustina he wanted this feast celebrated the first Sunday after Easter. “On that day (Divine Mercy Sunday) the very depths of My tender mercy are opened. I pour out a whole ocean of graces upon those souls who approach the fount of my mercy. On that day, all the divine floodgates through which graces flow are opened. News and Notes: Join us for a Divine Mercy prayer service on Sunday, April 3 at 4PM at OLA. Thanks to all those who contributed their time, talent or treasure to make our celebration of the Easter Triduum so beautiful. Special words of gratitude go to Jayson Cote, our musicians and singers for enhancing our liturgies through their music ministry. We are also grateful to Fr. Tony, Francis Pham, Dan Whelan, Kathy Lucey, Donna Hegan, other parishioners and our florists for helping to decorate or otherwise Regarding Divine Mercy Sunday, Jesus told St. Faustina, “The soul that will go to confession and receive Holy Communion shall obtain complete forgiveness of sins and punishment.” The Message of Divine Mercy: As Easy as ABC A-Ask for God’s mercy B-Be merciful to others C-Completely trust in Jesus 3 (continued on next page) SECOND SUNDAY OF EASTER/DIVINE MERCY APRIL 3, 2016 FAITH FORMATION/ RELIGIOUS ED REGISTRATION for students entering Kindergarten through Grade 10 for the 2016/2017 school year has begun. Assignments will be made on a first come, first served basis. Placement is pending catechist and classroom availability. The forms will soon be available on our website. (continued from previous page) our churches so fittingly for Holy Week. Thanks to Donna Delahanty for her invaluable support of our catechumens and candidates for their full Christian Initiation at the Easter Vigil. Here is the latest update on the 2016 Catholic Appeal: as of March 22, just a little over two weeks after the formal kickoff of this year’s Appeal, St. Maria Goretti parishioners had pledged $19,460, which is 70% of their goal of $27,797; and Our Lady of the Assumption parishioners had pledged $26,955, which is 49% of their goal of $54,938. Needless to say, we are off to a flying start in meeting our respective fair share assessments for this current calendar year. If you have not yet made a pledge, please fill out one of the pledge cards at the entrances of our churches or go to www.bostoncatholicappeal.org and make a pledge that you can fulfill anytime in 2016. Thanks for your continued generous stewardship of your home parish and the wider Catholic Church in eastern Massachusetts. Continued Easter blessings to all of you in the week ahead! Fr. Paul Every Easter, we join with family and friends to honor and thank our priests. Our 614 diocesan priests celebrate our joys, comfort us in times of crisis or sorrow, and are there during the ordinary and extraordinary moments of life. Remember the priests who have made a meaningful difference in your life, and consider honoring him/them with a generous gift to this collection. Our priests have dedicated their lives to serving us. Now it is our turn to fulfill the promises made to care for them in their time of need. Thank you for your prayerful and generous support of our priests. New Annulment Workshop In this Year of Mercy, Pope Francis has created new norms for the processing of annulments. If you, or someone close to you, longs to be reconciled with this issue, a workshop presented by the Metropolitan Tribunal explaining this process and answering your questions, will be held at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, April 13, 2016 at St. Barbara Parish, Woburn. SMG Rectory at 7:45 AM 1st and 3rd Saturday of each Month Next meeting will be held April 16th Please join us! If you would like additional information on the group, please contact John DiBello (781) 334-0038 Through your support of the 2016 Catholic Appeal, we are able to bring the Gospel message to life. If you have yet to make a pledge to the Appeal, please complete a pledge form available in the pews. Thank you for your prayers and support. DO YOU ENJOY SPENDING TIME WITH SENIORS? ABC Home Healthcare has opportunities to help seniors live at home safely and comfortably in our parish area. Duties include companionship, meal preparation, shopping, light housekeeping and laundry. Part-time hours and flexible schedules to meet your needs. For more information, call Christine at 781 914-3273. Visit their website www.ABCHHP.com HOLY YEAR OF MERCY December 8, 2015 to November 20, 2016 4 SECOND SUNDAY OF EASTER/DIVINE MERCY APRIL 3, 2016 The Lynnfield Knights are inviting all families of our Collaborative to attend a complimentary breakfast, every 4th Sunday beginning April 24, at their Hall in Post Office Square, Lynnfield, from 9:30 AM to 11:00 AM. Please participate in this fellowship to strengthen the Collaborative. For breakfast details, hall rental and membership in the Knights, call Chris Flood at (781) 254-9200. Grief Support Group Thursday evening, April 7th 6:30 p.m. SMG Parish Hall Have you lost a loved one through death? Or, have you experienced a loss of some kind that makes it difficult for you to be at peace? Come share your story, and we will share your burden. Bring a guest. All are welcome, whether or not you are grieving. Please register at dhegan@ola-smg.org or at 334-6199. Facilitator: Donna Hegan and Tom Adamczyk. “When I Was Sick You Visited Me....” The Office of Pastoral Care at Union Hospital, NSMC in Lynn, is seeking volunteers, who would be willing to bring Eucharist to the patients. The Chaplains will be willing to train those who are interested. Please contact the Union Hospital Pastoral Care Office at 781-477-3955. CATHOLICISM FOR DUMMIES Are you confused about your faith? Do you feel inadequate when people begin to talk about the Catholic Church? Looking for answers to practical questions about God and His Church? In search of a useruser-friendly reference book about Catholicism? Class will meet on Thursday mornings at St. Maria Goretti Church, following the 9 AM Mass, at 9:30 AM in the Parish Hall. Even if you were unable to attend our first session, you are welcome to attend our next two meetings: April 7 and April 14. You may purchase a book online or at Andy Lane in Peabody. Study questions are available to do before the first class. To register, contact Donna Hegan dhegan@ola-smg.org or 334-6199 SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY SVdP asks you to be the “eyes and ears” for your neighbor. Perhaps you don’t need help, but your neighbor does. Kindly refer them to SVdP at (781) 513-6695. The only thing that matters is that the referral is part of our Collaboratives’ geographic region. Did you know the referral does not have to be Catholic, homeless or destitute? We seek to help those in true need, due to an adverse circumstance. Please ask them to call and we will see if you can help. JUSTICE FOR JESUS The April projects for the Social “Justice for Jesus” group are “Visit the Sick” and “Visit the Imprisoned”. Our next meeting is Saturday, April 9th, at 9 AM in the Collaborative Business Office. We would like to thank those EMHC visiting the homebound. Perhaps you’d like to make a gift to Jesus by visiting someone you know who is ill or doing something spontaneous for a nursing home resident. Our collaborative now has a Prison Ministry led by Steve Gannon and Dennis Rogers. Please pray for the success of this new Ministry and for the well-being of the imprisoned and those impacted by it. SAVE THE DATE July 11 - 15 9 AM to 12 Noon Vacation Bible School Expedition Everest Open to students in preschool thru grade 5 More information to follow Questions? Please email Alexis amcduffee@olaamcduffee@ola-smg.org 5 SECOND SUNDAY OF EASTER/DIVINE MERCY APRIL 3, 2016 SUMMER PROGRAM NORTHEAST CATHOLIC COLLEGE Sunday, July 24 to Saturday August 6 Room is still available for the Summer Program in Warner, NH. The Program offers participants the opportunity to study theology, philosophy, literature and political science. Students attend daily Mass and enjoy sports, socials and day trips, including hiking and canoeing. This is for students who will be entering their sophomore, junior or senior year of high school in the fall of 2016 or if you have just graduated high school Register at www.NortheastCatholic.edu Info is available at admissions@northeastcatholic.edu or (603) 456-2656. 2nd Sunday of Easter Our response to good news is often one of doubt. A popular program on public television is Antiques Roadshow. People bring in their old treasures to have them appraised. Whenever someone has an item that receives a high estimation of value, the response is inevitably one of doubt and suspicion: “No way” or “You’ve got to be kidding” or “Are you serious?” We need to confirm, to verify, and to see for ourselves that something good is true. No one ever says those things when the estimate is low or an item is deemed worthless. Instead, they say things like, “I knew it” or “I thought that would be the case.” We are indeed plagued by doubt. It’s no surprise then that Thomas doubted. He was not present when Jesus appeared and he just could not believe what the other Apostles were telling him. He needed to see and feel for himself if he was to have faith. When Jesus appears again, He gives Thomas what he needs to believe. We all have moments of doubt and we seek reassurance that Jesus will give us what we need just as He gave Thomas what he needed. Jesus does not reject faith because of doubt; he rejects doubt with the fulfillment of faith. Faith stands in the present and looks to the future. Be confident. The Lord will finish the good work He has begun in you. Maximilian: Saint of Auschwitz, the moving, live production performed by Leonardo Defilippis of Saint Luke Productions, will be presented at Our Lady, Star of the Sea Church in Marblehead on Wednesday, April 6 at 7:00 p.m. Experience firsthand the story of this heroic priest, Fr. Maximilian Kolbe, who courageously fought the forces of evil, and offered his life for a family man in the concentration camp of Auschwitz during World War II. The program is filled with all the elements of professional theater, runs 90 minutes, and is suitable for ages 10 and up. Admission is free, and donations will be accepted. For additional information, information contact Our Lady, Star of the Sea Parish Office at 781-631-0086 or visit www.staroftheseamarblehead.org ~James Gaffney, © 2010 Karides Lic. to St. George Publishing jim@stgeorgepublishing.com FLOWER DONATIONS IN HONOR OF: Bisesti Family Catalano Family D’Amico DiBlasi Family Lovetere Family Thomas/Rena Materazzo The Neglected Paul Ryan, M.D. WW II Veterans Watch the gripping trailer & learn more at www.StMaxDrama.com 6 SECOND SUNDAY OF EASTER/DIVINE MERCY APRIL 3, 2016 PLEASE PRAY FOR THOSE LOVED ONES WE REMEMBERED AT OUR EASTER MASSES Andy Accomando M/M Joseph Alvino Walter J. Amirault Mary/Mario Asara Adelisa/Josephine/ Consuelo Atos Caoili/Atos Family Dr/Mrs Gregorio Atos Ronald M. Baglio Peter Baker Louis Barbuto Christy/Theresa Bertolino Bisesti Family John/Michael/Phyllis Bisesti Mildred Boodro Mary/James Borg Dominick/Ida Bossi Edward Boushell M/M E. Boushell M/M Brady Parents Peter F. Brady, Jr. Rose/Fred Brennan William Brown John Burns Donald G. Bushway Grace/Jerome Cagnina Lucy/John Calandro Marilyn Calichman Alice Campbell Carmine/Mary Louise/ George Cardillo Susan Carr Carroll Family Rose/Frank Cartolaro Christopher/Susan Casey John O. Casey Joseph D. Casey, Sr. Joseph D. Casey, Jr. Michael A. Catone Ruth Chisholm Frank/Esther/John Ciarlante Mary/Santo/James, Jr. Cirrone Mary/John Clement Albert/Claire Cole Rocco/Clara Condardo Lawrence/James/Jesse Jr. Cunha Margaret Cusack Anthony/Lucy Cuzzi Edward/Ellen Daisy Francesca L. Daly D’Amico Family Vincenzo/Santa D’Amico Francesco/Fortunata DeGenova Francis/Vivian DeGenova Amelia/Rocco DeMarco Domenic/Emma DeMarco Peter/Joan DeNisco Dennis Family Joseph/Gertrude D’Entremont M/M Joseph D’Entremont Thomas/Helene d’Entremont M/A DeRosa Desmond/Fandel Families Ugo/Dorothy DiBiase Antone/Rose DiBlasi Carmela/Salvatore DiBlasi DiBlasi Family Sylvia DiChiara Frank/Mary DiMaggio Frank DiMaggio, Jr. John/Frieda DiNatale Joan DiNino Primo/Blanche DiVirgilio Thomas A. Doherty Mary Ann J. Donnelly Thomas Doran Catherine/Cornelius Driscoll George/Virginia Dunderdale Lillian/George Dziedziak Kyle/Edward Jr. Elibero Elmstrom Family Bill Emery Rhoda Eppich Fallon Family Ray/Laura/Domenico Ferrari Lucia Ferullo Susie Fici Annie/Martin Flaherty Margaret Flynn Rupert/Lillian Foglietta Lorraine M. Francullo Frazier/Palladino Families Mary Fulginiti Mary/Arthur Gallagher Edward H. Gallant, Sr. Gallant Family 7 Frances Gargano Gatti Family Lino/Frank/Angie/Louis/ Dina/Henry Gatti Claire/Russell/James/ Claire M. Gaudet Nancy/Bernard Gelotti Grace/Armand Gentile and Family Tito A. Gentile Margaret Gibbons Alice/Benjamin Gigliotti Gilchrist Family Gill Family Bruno Giromini Antonietta Giugliano Glynn Family Michael Gonzales Rocco/Margaret Graziano E.F.Renato/Elda P.Grilli Thomas E. Grogan Thomas/Josephine Grogan Daniela Guarracino Jean Halloran John Paul Halloran Jack Hazel Hennessey Family Edward L. Holt Cornelius/Marguerite Hourihan Paul/Catherine Jones Victor/Lillian Julian Chuck Kaliris Ernie Karavetsos William L. Kautz Marcie (Poska) Kennedy Kirby/Sheehan Families Christopher Klimowicz M/M Zygmunt Kolenda Kolodziej Family Rose Kotchian Bette Krupsky Francis/Dorothea/Francis J. Kulakowski Eugene/Wanda/Harasym Kuleszka M/M J. Lamorte William Lamorte W. Lana SECOND SUNDAY OF EASTER/DIVINE MERCY APRIL 3, 2016 (continued) John/Elisa Larese Larese Family M/M James Lawler Lawrence E. Lawler Ernest LeBlanc Robert J. LeBlanc George/Edith Lloyd Lovetere Family Joseph/Weda/Salvatore/ Angelina/Francis Lovetere Esther M. Lydon Barbara/Michael Lyons M/M Michael Lynch Sean P. Lynch Louis Malagrifa Eleanor/Edward Malik Carlo Marotti Elizabeth “Betty” Marrin Henry/Donald Marrin Joe Martin Donald Massucco Philip/Agrippina Mazzola Stella/Thomas McGrane McHugh Family Robert McMahon, Sr. Robert “Bo” McMahon, Jr. M/M Michael McSweeney Meagher Family Ruth Melanson Mary/Eugene Meuse Miraglia/Clark Families Elvira/Domenic Misiano Doris Moir Christopher J. Molloy Kathleen C. Molloy Helen/Leonard/Jean Monaco Maria/Carlos/José Moniz Joe/Agnes Moran Thomas/Delia Moran James/Elizabeth Morris Kenneth Morison Dr. Miriam Morse Helen/Philip Mullett Michael Munroe Joseph W. Murphy James Murray Irene/Eugene/James Nadeau Nazzaro Family (EB) Anthony/Rose Nicosia Leo H. Nugent Kelly Ann O’Brien Victoria French O’Brien George/Kathleen O’Connor Johnny/Pat O’Donnell Helen O’Keefe John J. O’Leary Mary B./Thomas F. Sr./ Joan M./Richard R. O’Leary Lena O’Neil James/Mary Owston Mary/Domenic Palladino Giovanniua/Modesto Pannaccione Sam/Ann Pedone Adeline/Vincent Pellegrino John/Mae Peno Rosina/Sabino Petrillo and Family Domenic/Angela Plati Joanne Pomer Josephine/Lawrence/ James Porter Peg/Pete Poska Norman Pottier John F. Prochilo, Sr. Jennifer Punch Rachel/Richard Quade Angelo/Sarah Quarantello Ruth/Bernard Quinlan Jeremiah/Elizabeth Rahilly Dennis/Delia Reen Ellen/James Rich Rich and Ryan Families Lawrence Richman Helen/Anthony Rickley Richard/Birdie Roach Eleanor/Everett Robinson Ray/Ellen Rogers Arli Romalho David L. Ross Herbert/Gertrude Ross Zachary Rourke Claire J. Ruggeri Anne Runyan Maria C./Giovanni/Saise Sacco Saldanha/Rodrigues Families Saniuk Family Jennie/Val Sano Joseph V. Sano 8 James/Brunetta Sartori John/Donna Scanlan M/M Joseph Scanlon John/Mary Serino John/Claire Shannon Joseph/Jeremiah Sheehan Silva and Pappas Family Jack Simione Joseph/Mary Simione Herb/Lil/Thomas Simpson Michael Siraco Eileen/Arthur/Marie/ Joan Smith Eleanor/Albert Smith Joan Sobolesky Miguel Soto Theresa Spagnoli Angelo Spano M/M John Spano Spayne Family M/M R. Stanchi Robert C. Sullivan Allen/Fran Taylor Andrea Taylor J/C Thomas Mary A. Tierney Carolyn Tiihonen Patti Toscano Florence Tomczykowski Tomczykowski Family Millie/Marty Tozza Benjamin Tropeano, Sr. Evelyn/James Turner Frank/Victoria Uzzolino Mary Vail Ruggero Vivori Winifred H. Walek Lynne M. Walsh Audrey Walton Mary T. Welch Whelan Family Sheyle Whittier Jody Wight Woods Family Lowell Wright Wynne Family Joseph Zarrella For Advertising call 617-779-3771 Pilot Bulletins Meet Fr. Tom— Bringing Christ to All Ages When Fr. Tom Macdonald walks through the streets of Dorchester, people don’t see just a young friendly face. They see a priest. It’s been three years since Fr. Tom was ordained a priest of the Archdiocese of Boston. Yet in that short time, he has become a trusted and respected friend, neighbor, and priest at the St. Ann/St. Brendan parish collaborative. “Many of the good people in these close-knit communities have seen so much more of life than I have,” says Fr. Tom, “but it’s their faith in the priesthood, their faith in the Church, and their faith in Christ that enables them to see Christ in me. It is a beautiful gift that I feel blessed to receive new again each day.” To see Fr. Tom’s story, visit clergyfunds.org. Our priests are there for us and our families without question or hesitation. Please show your gratitude and consider making a generous gift to your parish collection this Easter. “Support your priests with your love and prayers, that they may always be shepherds according to Christ’s heart.” –Pope Francis To support our priests, visit clergyfunds.org or text PRIEST to 56512. (msg. & data rates may apply) Thank you for your prayers and generous support of our priests. Thank you for helping to ensure a continuum of care and quality of life for all our active and senior priests. Clergy Health and Retirement Trust Caring for the Well-Being of our Boston Priests For Advertising Information, Please Call 617-779-3770 Spotlight Advertising www.PilotBulletins.net PRINTING SERVICES for Small Businesses Professional Printing for Small to Medium-Sized Businesses Door Hangers Envelope Flyers/Brochures Greeting Cards Letterhead Booklets Bookmarks Business Cards Calendars CD Covers Posters Presentation Folders Stickers Table Tent Cards & much more Magnets Newsletters Notepads Plastic Cards Postcards Our Newest Feature: Large-Format Printing Banners Car Magnets Posters Booklets & Newsletters Flyers Graphic design services are available for all projects upon s Wellness Serie The Standish request. for Women Brochures What’s Inside " ! % $ ! ## + " 4 ! 5 ! 4 -./. &, 2 *& )))*&+ 2 " ! !& '( 0 &$ 2 2 ! % $ " ! ! , , +- #$% " 6) & & / . / 2 ! 0 !! ! ! 1 ! 78 2 2 ! ! 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N�� E������ E�� Dow ntow n Map of Win gate Arts CARING HAN DS Center for Massa ge and Wellbeing 55 Wingate Street Haverhill, MA Tel. 978-994-3188 www.caringhandsm t.com 63 Massage, Energy Work & Opportuniti es to Explore Mind, Body, and Spirit oya Francisco Mont Academy Director hips Section Champions New England Jr. st 1 June 28th to July pionships Clay Court Cham Jr. nd Engla New 13th July 10th to July pions hips Hard Court Cham New England Jr. st 17th August 14th to Augu Gynecologic Saturday, June Studio @ 13 Salon 13 Railroad Squar and Spa e Tel. 978-373-14 33 area, and tour Kindly RSVP by June 23 IVING SSISTED L DENT & A PREMIER INDEPEN EMORY SUPPORT COMPASS M 55 - Caring Hands 45 - Peddler’s Daugh ter & Bistro 45 Restaurant 21 - North Star Yoga 19 - Wicked Big Cafe 1190 Adams Ramp up Your Game Maria’s Famil y Restaurant 8 Locust Stree t Tel. 978-521-14 72 www.mariasfamilyresta BISTRO 45 Clayton 45 WingaChris te Street al , Haverssion s Profe hill, MA Tenni Tel. 978-46 9-9700 Wednesday to Saturd www.bistro-45.com ay Cuisine: Tapas & Europ 5 p.m. – 10 p.m. / Bar until 1 a.m. mactennis.com ean influence toya@ isco Montoya | fmon Franc 232 978-526-8900 ext. mactennis.com Celeste Frey | cfrey@ 351 978-526-8900 ext. urant.com www.projectsoundre cording.com Essex Street Grille 25 Essex Stree t Tel. 978-372-44 77 www.essexstreetgrill 27th st e.net • June 14th to Augu ys • Mondays - Frida BUILDING Design: Jim Fonseca • www.co mpuart.net 68 Commonwealth West Concord, Avenue MA 01742 ConcordPark.net We invite you to explore the Wing ate Street Arts Distri ct, a fun and funky area of Haverhill, centr ally located yet slightl tucked away. y Just minutes from the train station and one street over from downtown’ s Washington Street , adventure awaits you! What ties it all togeth er is our love of Arts. Keep an eye the out for the mural in the center of Wingate Street, a project created by the community that depicts the history of the city. THE pm Check out the exhib • 1:30 - 5:30COM its MUNITY. businesses; the Arts in the various District supports • 8 years and up local artists by invitin CELEBRAT by Nick Bollettieri g them to show ned ING and sell their work • Program Desig THE ARTS | 978.369.4728 n, MA 02124 Street | Bosto Wander on Wingate! s to Wander: Project Sound Recording Studio 45 Wingate Stree t Tel. 978-374-43 39 26th, 2 – 4 pm delicious desse rts and music “String Swing.” Enjoy our lovely 617.298.5656 outdoor garde n our ng beautiful comm unity. RSVP by calli Additional Place .com le Living light lunch. seminar and a is ck Valley, and in the Merrima Hospital private practice Sangal has a and Lowell General st Dr. Purnima al Medical Center logy. As a speciali Saints Memori ics and Gyneco affiliated with scopy, as chief of Obstetr copy & Hystero Join where she served e in Laser Laparos us as we e and advice. welcome she offers expertis ion guidanc Summer with in Gynecology, from triosis, as well as prevent endomethe Jazz Trio Pelvic pain and SUMMER www.studioat13salon e minimally invasiv Village Assisted nd 11-1 PM for this valuab on May 22 , 62 80 - Angles and Art 63 - Second Though ts 62 - Mizan Aveda Conce pt Salon 61 - Positive Images Gallery 61 57 - Wei Chi Pop into the pub Colby for a pint or trea Dave t your self toDirec a tor Program Tapas Junio Bar.r ted by leading Cancers: Presen dish Join us at Stan 2010 Celeste Frey Academy Manager Postcards & Slim Jims FEST of and Prevention l. Early Detection Dr Purnima Sanga gynecologist 19 45 57 AVEDA CON CEPT SALON 62 Wingate Street Haverhill, MA Alex Howard Tel. 978-556-9131 Coach www.mizansalon.co Head m PEDDLER’S DAU GHTER 45 Wingate St. Haverh ill, MA Tel. 978-372-9555 Daniel Quiceno www.thepeddlersdau ghter.c Professional s om Tenni Authentically prepar ed Irish dishes & American fare. Live music Thursday, Friday & Saturday night! Lunch & dinner Mon-S at 11 a.m.–1 a.m. & Sun Noon – 1a.m. W ing ate Str eet Ar ts Dis tric t 55 61 80 Dist rict 21 M��� ��� T����� A������ S���� New England Open 1 June to 28 May Chowder Pro-active Tips Available in a varietyof sizes and layouts Yard Signs in a variet And watch for upcom y of venues. There is always some ing events... thing in the works on Wingate ! 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