
Parish Mission
As a sacrifice of
praise the people of
St. Bartholomew and
St. Joan of Arc
welcome people of
every race, language
and way of life
around the table of
our Lord Jesus Christ
in an American
expression of Roman
Catholic worship.
Sharing our time,
talent and
treasure in acts of
justice, we proclaim
the “Gospel of Life”
with and for the
people of Camden.
Father Gerard Marable, Pastor
Deacon Tom Jennings
Office Staff
Ms. Bonnie Tilghman
Mrs. Debbie Carroll
Mrs. Damariz Cabrera
Mr. Alberto Carmenate
Religious Ed Ms. Karen Loveland
Ms. Margarita Nieves
Anointing of the Sick Fr. Marable
Marriage-Dcn. Tom Jennings
Reconciliation - Sat. 3:15 pm
at St. Joan of Arc Church
“Those who work,
those who soldier,
those who pray”
“Only God”
“Una Comunidad de Comunidades”
Parish Center
St. Bartholomew Church
751 Kaighns Avenue
Camden, NJ 08103
St. Joan of Arc Church
3107 Alabama Road
Camden, NJ 08104
Mass Times:
Sunday: 7:30 am
11:00 am
Mass Times:
Saturday: 4:00 pm (English)
Sunday: 9:00 am (Spanish)
Office: (856) 365-0573
Fax: (856) 365-0744
Rectory: (856) 962-8642
Fax: (856) 962-7123
Twenty-First Sunday
in Ordinary Time
Sick List
Please pray for those who are ill and those who care for
August 21, 2016
In keeping with the Jubilee Year of Mercy and
Compassion Our Parish Theme for 2016 is:
“Works of Mercy Enlarge the People of God.”
Announced Masses at St. Bartholomew
Sun 08/21
7:30 am Preston Williams/Thelma Williams
11:00 am Vernon Lee Forrester/Cherryl Summers
Wed 08/24
12 noon
Sun 08/28
7:30 am For the People of the Parish
11:00 am Reggie Hurdle/Cherryl Summers
For the Intention of the Deceased Members
of the Carpinelli Family
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Sunday, August 21st ~ 8:30 a.m.
St. Bartholomew Site
Eternal Rest
Frances Carey
“Miss Cookie”
Announced Masses at St. Joan of Arc
4:00 pm Claire Walker/Joe Nikituk
Sun 08/21 9:00 a.m. Olga A. Vazquez/Margie Nieves &
Ivan Merced & Family
2016 Religious Education Class Registration
Registration is now being taken for the 2016-17 Religious
Education Program at St. Joan of Arc rectory. Applications will be accepted during office hours—Tuesday
through Friday, 8:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Registration fee:
Sat 08/27 4:00 pm For the Intention of the Deceased Members
of the Carpinelli Family $35.00 per child. Please bring child’s birth certificate and
baptism certificate with you to register. For more inforSun 08/28 9:00 am For the People of the Parish
mation call (856) 962-8642.
Thu 08/25
8:00 am For the Souls in Purgatory
The People’s Tithe
20th Sunday in Ordinary Time: $
Includes $ from online giving
50/50: $
Thank you for your continued generosity!
“Making Up”
“Making up” is a phrase used among Catholic people who support
their church by using the parish envelope system.
When someone misses Mass they place their usual offering in their
envelope and set it aside. The next time they attend Mass, they deposit two or more envelopes into the collection.
“Making up” is really not a burden or additional sacrifice; it is
simply a new habit. By adopting this method of weekly support, you
provide the parish with a stable and reliable income.
Sick Visits
If you or someone in your family is ill and would like a visit
from our clergy or a Eucharistic Minister, Please call St.
Joan of Arc Rectory at (856) 962-8642.
Senior Day Observance
All Seniors are invited to a Senior Day Chat and Chew at
10:00 a.m. this Sunday (August 21st) at St. Bart’s George
Murry Hall. Please come out and join your friends. Fr.
Gerard will celebrate all Seniors at all Masses.
St. Josephine Bakhita Weekly Activities
Sunday, 08/21/16:
Senior “Chat & Chew”
KPC Meeting
8:30 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
11 a.m. Mass
St. Bart’s Site
St. Bart’s Hall
St. Bart’s Site
Wednesday, 08/24/16:
Charismatic Group Meeting
6:00 p.m.
Columbus House
Friday, 08/26/16:
Narcotics Anonymous
7:30 p.m.
St. Bart’s Hall
Saturday, 08/27/16:
Soup Kitchen
12-1 p.m.
St. Bart’s Hall
Sunday, 08/28/16:
KPC Scholarship
After Masses
St. Bart’s Site
Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time
Next Sunday’s Readings (08/28/16):
1st Reading: Sirach 3:17-18, 20, 28-29 (126C)
Responsorial Psalm: 68:4-5, 6-7, 10-11
2nd Reading: Hebrews 12:18-19, 22-24a
Gospel: Luke 14:1, 7-14
St. Bart’s Liturgical Ministers Schedule: 08/28/16
7:30 a.m.: Bernard Roney
*** ~ Karen Loveland
* 11:00
* a.m.: Barbara
Eucharistic Ministers:
Tom Highsmith ~ Denise Highsmith ~ Betty Atkins
St. Bart’s Altar Server Schedule: 08/28/16
11:00 a.m. Mass:
Gianna Douglas ~ Howard Chapman ~ Isaiah Ray
St. Bart’s Media Ministry Schedule: 08/28/16
11:00 a.m. Mass:
Barbara Cerminara
*** ***
KPC Scholarship Breakfast
The Knights of Peter Claver are sponsoring a “Scholarship Breakfast” to help sponsor boys and teens to attend the Black Men’s Conference in October on Sunday, August 28th and Sunday, September
11th. The men will be ser ving br eakfast after the 7:30 and 11:00
a.m. Masses at St. Bart’s site. Please come out and help us reach our
goal. Your support will be greatly appreciated!
Pastoral Council Member Selection
The selection of new Pastoral Council members will take
place on Tuesday, August 23rd at 6:30 p.m. in the George
Murry Hall at St. Bartholomew
All people who accepted nomination are asked to attend
this selection process. All current Pastoral Council members are invited to attend as well, and are asked to RSVP to
St. Joan of Arc*rectory
* * at (856) 962-8642.
Parishioners are also invited to witness this process.
* * Apply
to become a Camden County
Police Department Officer!
The New Jersey Civil Service Commission is accepting applications
for police officers until August 31st. To begin the process and sign up
to take the Law Enforcement Examination, go to
Under the heading for Job Seekers select “Law Enforcement Examination (LEE)” then follow the instructions provided. Those who
apply can also visit where information will
be posted
* *about
* seminars to prepare for the Law Enforcement Examination along with links to the Civil Service Commission’s public safety jobs section.
To get started with Electronic Giving, log onto http://, click on the Parish Giving Logo
for instructions.
Pastor’s Reflection
On the Feast of the Assumption of Our Lady this past Monday I
participated in two Masses. One at 12 noon was in Atlantic City. It
was from the Italian tradition of the ‘Wedding of the Sea’.
We began in the AC Convention Hall with Mass and a congregation of at least a thousand people. We had a small procession on the
Boardwalk, with an image of the Blessed Mother. Then we walked
across hot sand to the ocean.
Dennis entered the AC life* * Bishop
guard boat, was rowed out to sea, blessed the ocean and threw the
garland into the sea. It was all very Catholic. Afterward at St.
Michael’s Church there was a festival of food, music, and games. I
enjoyed a very Catholic day.
At 7p.m. in Philadelphia at Sts. Peter and Paul Cathedral, I attend
the solemn High Mass of the Assumption according to the
‘Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite’, which means the Mass
was in Latin and in the form prayed before Vatican II with the priest
facing the altar. It was beautiful. There were thirty altar servers
(male) and twenty ‘maidens’ with heads covered among those who
filled the Cathedral. It was all very Catholic.
I was transported back to my childhood of ‘Dominus vobiscum.
Et cum spiritu tuo’ and transported into the old style beauty of the
Latin Rite Mass.
Both of these Masses, God willing, will take place next year on
the Solemnity of the Assumption.
I encourage you to make time for one or both.
Fr. Gerard
Stewardship Reflection
Stewards seek God’s Standards
“For behold, some are last who will be first and some are
first who will be last.” Luke 13:30
Our standards in our society are so different from God’s standards.
We often rate or rank people by what they have, how powerful they
are, or how successful they are. Jesus reminds His Stewards that
God will not judge us by the same earthly standards.
Please come to a County Surrogate Presentation
Friday, September 9th ~ 12 to 4 p.m.
St. Bartholomew Site ~ George Murry Hall
10th Annual Bisons on the Beach
Date: Saturday, September 17, 2016 ~ 3 to 7 p.m.
Place: LaCosta’s, 40th & Landis Ave., Sea Isle City NJ
Price: $20.00/p/p in advance; $25.00/p/p at the door
Includes: BBQ Buffet featuring kielbasa, unlimited beer,
wine and soda. Discounted drinks also available.
Also includes music and dancing.
NEW THIS YEAR – You can register on the website and also see who else is registered to attend.
Please make checks payable to Kathleen Gehringer or Michael
Costello. Please note “St Joe’s Alumni” in the memo section of the
check by September 1st and mail to Kathleen Gehringer, 113 Knox
Boulevard, Marlton NJ 08053. Please include the following information with your check: Graduation Year, Name, Maiden Name,
Address, Phone/Cell Numbers and Email Address.
Questions?? Call: Kathleen Slupski Gehringer (’61) 856-9835563, Denise Cannon Bennett (’69) 856-546-5215, or Michael Costello (’66) 609-410-1060. Handicap parks free anywhere.
Join us as we pray the Rosary
every Sunday before the 9:00 a.m. Mass
at St. Joan of Arc Church Site
Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time
Parish Family
Sunday, September 18th
St. Joan of Arc Site
Bi-lingual Mass at 10:30 a.m.
at St. Joan of Arc Church
TV Raffle ~ Sunday, September 18th
Take a chance to win a 50 inch TV!
Donation: $5.00 each or 5 for $20.00.
Tickets now available at SJOA Rectory
and also after Masses.
Save the Date! Revival! September 26th & 27th
Praise and worship at the
Cathedral Bascilica of Saints Peter & Paul
18th and Ben Franklin Parkway, Philadelphia, PA
Featuring inspiring preaching, uplifting prayer,
great music, and joyful movement!
Choir prelude at 6:30 p.m., Revival 7:00 p.m. sharp!
All are welcome!
For more information call the Office of
Black Catholics at (215) 587-3541
Diocesan Marian Pilgrimage to the
Basilica of the National Shrine
of the Immaculate Conception
Washington, DC
Saturday, October 1st
Adult: $20.00, Youth (12 & under): $15.00
Dinner NOT included.
There will be a specially designated Holy Door for the Jubilee of
Mercy which pilgrims are invited to pass through. The Sacrament of
Penance will be offered in the morning. Events such as a concert of
sacred music, the Holy Rosary and the Procession of Parishes in the
upper church will take place. Parishes are invited to participate by
bringing and carrying a banner with the name of the parish or patron
Departure: From the Shop Rite par king lot at the Gar den
State Pavilion, Rt. 70, Cherry Hill. BUS LEAVES PROMPTLY AT
7 A.M. Return: Ar r ive back in Cher r y Hill by 8 p.m. Dinner at
Maryland House (not included in price of ticket).
To reserve your seat call Mrs. Thelma Williams (St. Bart’s site) at
(856) 365-3675 or Margarita Nieves (SJOA site) at (856) 962-8642.
“Rooted in Our Faith” Day of Reflection
Saturday, November 5th ~ 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
St. Josephine Bakhita Parish
751 Kaighns Avenue, Camden
$10.00 fee includes lunch
To register or for more information, email James E. Andrews,
Director of Diocese of Camden Black Catholic Ministries and
Cultural Diversity at or call
(856) 583-2907 or 2904.
and let them know you
appreciate their support of
the parish bulletin.
That’s the best way to thank
them for your bulletin.