Pickity Place - Amherst Citizen


Pickity Place - Amherst Citizen
www.amherstcitizen.com • AUGUST 23, 2011 •
Souhegan High School
Fall 2011 Evening Enrichment Courses & Workshops
to rustle up a few tasty things in the
kitchen. There’s something here for
everyone, experienced or not. The
focus will be on making seasonal
dinners, with a few desserts included. Recipes are provided.
The instructor is Elizabeth Skipper, an accomplished personal chef
and culinary teacher, of The Everyday Epicure in Amherst. www.
General Information:
Check http://www.sprise.com/shs
for a detailed schedule and courses
To register:
Call 673-9940 ext “5317” during school hours or email mpaul@
sprise.com to register. Course size
is limited to space available. The
courses will be filled with the first
registered and payments before the
first class will secure your seat. The
cost of the course is based on the
number of weeks the course meets
and residence in the SHS School
All courses and workshops meet
at Souhegan High School – 412 Boston Post Rd. Amherst, NH 03031.
Wild Words Creative Writing
Teacher: Ute Carbone
Dates: Monday
September 26,
October 3, 17, 24, November 7, 14
Time: 7:00 – 9:00pm.
Cost: $70 .00 for residents, $80
.00 for non-residents
Come and write in a fun, supportive atmosphere.
The goal of Wild Words is to inspire flow in first draft writing.
Through in-class writing activities,
participants produce new writing
and then read aloud what they have
written. Only positive feedback is
given about the strengths of the new
work in order to help writers see the
value of what they have written and
to foster a better sense of each writer’s unique voice.
Ute has taught first-draft writing
workshops for about twelve years
and loves the community of writers this work creates and I keep a
fan page based on the workshops at:
***Please check start dates!***
Yoga: Moving Into Peace
Teacher: John Silva
Dates: Monday September 12,
19, 26, October 3, 17, 24, November 7, 14***
Times: 7:00 – 8:30-pm
Cost: $70.00 for residents, $80.00
for non-residents
We will focus primarily on yoga
postures and breath work, with
some seated meditation and occasional free-form movement. Each
week we will emphasize one or two
postures in detail. We will empower body, mind, and spirit toward
peace. Each class will last 90 minutes, the last part of which will be a
relaxation period. This course is appropriate for all levels of experience,
especially beginners. Participants
should bring a yoga mat or large
towel, a cushion or yoga wedge, and
throw or blanket for relaxation.
Watercolor Painting
Teacher: Kevin Dadoly
Dates: Tuesday September 27,
October 4, 11, 18, 25, November 1
Time: 7:00 - 9:00pm
Cost: $70.00 for residents and
$80.00 for non-residents
Having Fun in the Kitchen!!
Join Kevin Dadoly as he instructs
this popular studio course designed
to enhance and challenge all levels
of watercolor artists from the beginner to the exhibiting artist! Expect to explore all types of painting
techniques, and subject matter, in
an enjoyable and positive environment.
Teacher: Elizabeth Skipper
Dates: Monday
September 26,
October 3, 17, 24, November 7, 14
Time: 6:00 – 9:00pm.
Cost: $100 .00 for residents, $110
.00 for non-residents plus a lab fee
for ingredients. Enrollment limited
to 12 students.
Do you love to cook? This class
is for you. Do you hate to cook?
This class is for you, too. If you enjoy cooking, you’ll learn new techniques and dishes and expand your
culinary horizons. If you don’t enjoy
cooking, we’ll look at why and try to
fix that! Cooking is a wonderful skill
to have, and everyone should be able
Crazy Quilting Class
Teacher: Joan Poltack
Dates: Tuesday September 13,
20, 27, October 4, (break), 25,
November 8***
Time: 7:00 – 9:00 pm
Cost: $70.00 for residents, $80.00
for non-residents
Join this fun and inventive class
where you will learn traditional
Victorian crazy quilting, starting
with fabric selection and piecing
techniques. There is lots of room for
creativity, as there are no patterns
or rules to follow. Once the fabric
base is created, you will learn a variety of embroidery stitches that will
embellish the piece. You can go as
“crazy” as you wish with this! Some
silk ribbon embroidery will be included. Participants may choose to
finish their work into a pillow, small
wall hanging, sachet, ornament, or
Christmas stocking. Students are
requested to bring sewing scissors,
a ruler, and pins. A lab fee of $5 will
be collected at the first class to cover other necessary items.
Fly Tying for Beginners
Teacher: Peggy Brenner
Dates: Tuesday September 27,
October 4, 11, 18, 25, November 1
Times: 6:00 – 7:30pm
Cost: $50.00 for residents, $60.00
for non-residents
A hands on course of the basic
techniques used to create just about
any fly for fishing on our home waters, a combination of freshwater
and saltwater.
We will cover the vise and tools
and tie our first flies. We’ll learn
thread and materials control and selection during all our classes along
with a dozen basic skills used in just
about all fly tying. By the end of six
weeks we will have constructed 12
patterns, starting with the Wooly
Bugger/worm, soft hackles, foam
flies, clousers and on to dry flies and
each student will have a fly selection
that can be used anywhere in New
The instructor will supply tools
and vises for use in class, along with
all materials and instruction sheets
for each fly.
Peggy Brenner has been teaching fly tying for the past 6 years at
United Fly Tyers, Casting for Recovery and International Women’s
Fly Fishing. She is also a demonstration tyer at the major fly fishing
shows around the country.
Deed and Probate Research
for Genealogy & House History
Teacher: Jackie Marshall
Dates: Tuesday
September 27,
October 4, 11, 18, 25, November 1
Time: 7:00-8:30pm
Cost: $50.00 for residents and
$60.00 for non-residents
This course will zoom in on the
specifics of deed and probate research. Deeds are an absolute necessity for the house historian, and
frequently overlooked by the genealogist. Probate records often contain important information about
land as well as the expected family
relationships. Learn how to decipher old handwriting, understand
terminology, locate those illusive
records, and draw a map from a
metes & bounds description.
Pronunciation Guide
Basic Expressions and Greetings
Ordering in a “Gasthof”
Days of the week and telling time
Back to School or Work?
Is one family member staying home alone?
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l Essentials
Back to Schoostu
dents will
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Creatively unique,
r with organizers,
carry that cool facto d pens, mouse
journals, custom-c
Casual Cat.
pads and mor
at poster?
Need a frame for th too!
Yeah... we can do th
Register Now for Girls On The Run
What is it? Girls on the Run is a
curriculum based, after school program that utilizes the power of running to provide girls the tools to
celebrate their bodies, honor their
voices, recognize their gifts and activate their power! Over the course
of 10 weeks, the girls meet twice a
week with their trained, volunteer
coaches to play fun running games
and discuss topics such as makStained Glass Lamp
ing healthy decisions, body image
Teacher: Susanna Ries
and the media, cooperation and
Dates: Tuesday
September 27,
October 4, 11, 18, 25, November 1 team building, and contributing to
the community. The program culTime: 6:00-8:00pm
minates with the girls running or
Cost: $70.00 for residents and
walking in a non-competitive 5k
$80.00 for non-residents
Come learn how to make a event which will be held on Sunday,
stained glass lamp shade using geo- November 20th.
Who is it for? Girls on the Run is
metric designs and/or globe-shaped
molded lamp shades. Molds and for 3rd and 4th grade girls of ALL
patterns will be supplied to help fitness and ability levels. The only
you get started. This is a beginner’s requirement is to believe in GIRL
Where is it? Girls on the Run
but previous glass cutting, foiling and soldering is a plus. You will will have a Fall program at Wilkins
need to purchase sheets of glass for School in Amherst. The group will
this class. There will be time spent meet on Mondays and Wednesdays
learning how to cut the panels, and
how to assemble the lamp shade.
Lamp bases will NOT be provided,
5. Seasons and Months of the year
so bring your own to class.
Susanna Ries has been creating 6. Numbers from 1-1000
original stained glass for 21 years.
Her passion for glass began when Wednesday
she took classes at Renaissance
Glassworks in Nashua NH. She has Beginning Hoopdance
been showing her artwork at two Teacher: Kate Walsh
local galleries, East Colony Fine Art Day: Wednesday September 28,
in Manchester and the League of October 5, 12, 19, 26, November
New Hampshire Craftsmen Store 11
in Concord. Susanna’s background Time: 6:30-8:00pm
is in Fine Art - she earned a BA De- Cost: $50.00 for residents and
gree in Art from Colby-Sawyer Col- $60.00 for non-residents
lege in New London, New HampCatch the fun and fitness of the
hoopdance craze. Beyond the hula
Conversational German for Be- hooping of the past, hoopdance
combines a great core workout with
ginners I
moving around to get your heartTeacher: Susi Ehrenstein
rate up. Learn waist and hip hoopDates: Tuesday September 13,
ing, halos, corkscrews,and the
20, 27, October 4, 11, 18***
swoop in this level 1 class. Practice
Times: 6:00 – 7:30pm.
hoops will be provided. Join us in
Cost: $50.00 for residents and
your comfortable exercise clothes
$60.00 for non-residents
Are you planning on going on a ready to have fun.
vacation to Germany or are you fre- T-Shirt Quilt: Preserve those
quently travelling there on business Memories!
and would like to be able to order Teacher: Jean Cannon
in a “Gasthof” or converse in your Dates: Wednesday September
28, October 5, 12, 19, 26, NovemThen sign up for this 6-week-in- ber 11
troductory class! Lesson content Time: 7:00 – 9:00pm
will cover:
Cost: $70.00 for residents and
Ponemah Road • Route 122
Amherst, NH • 672-0032
Ask about our Back to School Specials!
“When it has to
be Special!”
$80.00 for non-residents
Are your bureau drawers, closets,
and storage boxes filled with your
T-shirts from school, sports,
camp, vacations, concerts, etc. that
you just can’t part with? Come to
this T-Shirt Quilt class and learn
how to turn these treasures into a
warm, comfy, quilt that will be great
for curling up with on a cold winter
night. This class will focus on making the quilt top only. If there is
enough interest a second class will
be offered, to teach you how to quilt
this T-shirt treasure, or you will be
given information on how to have
this quilt finished by a professional
You will need a portable sewing
machine in good working order, basic sewing supplies, and approximately 1 dozen t-shirts. This number is somewhat flexible. This, along
with other fabric requirements,
tools, and supplies will be discussed
at the first class. Some sewing experience will be helpful, but not necessarily quilting experience.
Gluten Free Baking & Cooking
with Oonagh
Teacher: Oonagh Williams
Dates: Wednesday September 28,
October 5, 12, 19, 26, November
Time: 7:00 – 9:00pm.
Cost: $70.00 for Amherst residents, $80.00 for non-residents
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Pickity Place
“School’s IN...
Mom’s OUT!”
- over three acres of lush themed gardens
- 5-course gourmet herbal luncheon
- greenhouse/ garden shop
- herbal gift shop
- red riding hood museum- hands on/take
home inspirational work shops
no Dip
Spicy Jalape
th mini Raviol
Basil M
ree Be
Marinated Th Dressing
with Sherry
ower Seeds
ead with Sunfl tine
Multigrain Br
Salmon Stru
— or —
er Fettuccine
n Black Pepp
Mediterranea Cauliflower Romano
Broccoli and isu with Kahlua
Rolled Tiram
e and fresh fru
whipped crem
Lab fee to be determined by the
chosen menu
Join Chef Oonagh for a gluten
free cooking/baking class. Since the
kitchen at Souhegan is not a gluten
free facility, Chef Oonagh will bring
her own equipment and all the ingredients. In the first class the participants will decide on the recipes
for the series: previous recipes have
included gluten free pumpkin roll,
English hobnob cookies, various
chocolate cookies, chicken marsala,
beef stroganoff and chicken soup.
Students will eat all the dishes prepared in the class.
British born, Independent, Award
Winning, Chef Ooangh has a culinary arts degree and trained in London and Switzerland. Chef Oonagh
gives presentations and classes on
gluten free cooking and living, consults and guides people in adapting
to a gluten free lifestyle, caters gluten free dinner parties and is finalizing a gluten free cookbook.
Pottery Studio
For Reservations, Dial Ext. 0
248 Nutting Hill Road
Mason, NH 03048
the Amherst Citizen • 11
Teacher: Mary Salmon
Dates: Wednesday
28, October 5, 12, 19, 26, November 11
Time: 7:00 – 9:00pm
Cost: $70.00 for residents and
$80.00 for non-residents $20.00
lab fee for supplies.
6 Weeks of studio experience creating with clay. Pinch, coil, and slab
construction as well as wheel throwing. Decorative glaze and texturing
techniques will be explored.
from 4:00 to 5:15 p.m. starting on
September 7th.
How do I register? Registration
will open at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday,
August, 27, 2011! Please visit our
website www.girlsontherunnh.org
to register online.
Cost per girl is $129 for the 10
week/20 lesson program. A healthy
snack is provided with every lesson.
Girls MUST bring a water bottle
and have sturdy sneakers.
Multi-Child Discount: If a family registers more than one daughter
in the same season, they are eligible
for a multi-child discount. Register
one daughter and receive $25 off the
second daughter’s tuition.
If you do not have access to a
computer or need further assistance with scholarship information, please contact Jen Hubbell at
778-1389. Space is limited to a 12
girl team and registration is on a
first-come, first-served basis! Girls
on the Run New Hampshire is a
501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
Save $$$ Couponing and Beyond
Teacher: Julie Koitzsh
Dates: Thursday
29, October 6, 13, 20, November
3, 10
Times: 7:00 – 9:00pm.
Cost: $70.00 for residents and
$80.00 for non-residents
Learn the tricks on how to reduce
your grocery bill by up to 80% and
have fun doing it! **Coupons and
FREE giveaways at EVERY class!!**
Topics include:
• How to decipher a Sales Flyer~
What really IS a good deal.
• Getting organized~ never let a
good coupon expire!
• What is “coupon stacking” and
why is it good.
• Coupon Secrets retailers don’t
want you to know.
• How to create your own pantry
stockpile with plenty to share
with others.
A notebook and a willingness to
clip and shop is recommend
Colorful Copper, Whimsical
Teacher: Karen Mitchell
Dates: September 29, October 6,
13, 20, November 3, 10
Times: 6:00-8:30pm
Cost: $80.00 for residents, $90.00
for non-residents
Copper comes in many forms,
like wire in multitude of colors and
sheet as thin as foil. Using simple
tools, we will cut and bend, hammer and stamp, twist, coil knit and
crochet our way to fun and funky
jewelry. We will add color with colored copper wire with heat and with
resin inlay. We’ll use pebbles beads
and our imaginations. It is easier
than you think!
Understanding Music
Teacher: Ann Morrison Spinney
Dates: September 22, 29, October
6, 13, 20, 27
Times: 6:30-8:00pm
Cost: $50.00 for residents and
$60.00 for non-residents
Deepen your enjoyment of music
in all styles from around the world
by getting familiar with basic concepts about melody, rhythm, instruments, and song forms. Our classes
will consist of guided listening and
discussion of recordings, including
some well-known pieces and some
styles you might never have heard
before. You will be asked to find examples of music you like (or dislike!)
to discuss in class, and encouraged
to keep a “listening journal” for the
duration of the course.
In the first three sessions we will
define the elements of music and
what makes sounds musical; different types of instruments and how
they relate to society; and basic
principles of musical form. In the
remaining three meetings we will
focus on pieces and styles that particularly interest our group.
Dr. Spinney is the author of Passamaquoddy Ceremonial Songs:
Aesthetics and Survival (2010) and
articles on Native American music
and dance, Irish music, and popular music. She is a former orchestral
clarinetist, a member of the Boston
Village Gamelan, and taught a variety of courses in music at the college level from 1990 to 2010.
Conversational Italian for Intermediate Level I
Teacher: Susi Ehrenstein
Dates: Thursday
15, 22, 29, October 6, 13***
Times: 6:00 – 7:30pm.
Cost: $50.00 for residents and
$60.00 for non-residents
This class has graduated from the
beginner to the intermediate level
and is able to conjugate a number
of verbs in the present tense and future tense.
Many nouns, adjectives, pronouns and prepositions have been
introduced in various different
grammatical contexts. Class is at an
Early Reader level.
Grammatical content, reading
and dialogue will be offered.