The Buyer`s Broker and YOU
The Buyer`s Broker and YOU
To find out more Le courtier, The broker, your votreally allié Thecourtier Le brokervous is there accompagne to help you à chaat cune des every stepétapes of thedepurchase l’achat ou orde sale la vente of your de votre property. propriété. WellBien informed au fait des ressources about the resources qui peuvent at yourvous disposal, être utiles, his roleil is vous to guide sert deand guide advise et vous you conseille pour towards the successful que votre transaction completion soityour of unetransaction. réussite. For any questions, feel free to contact the OACIQ Info Center: The Buyer’s Broker and YOU by email at by phone at 450-462-9800 or 1 800 440-7 170 • between 9:00 AM and 4:00 PM on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday • between 10:00 AM and 4:00 PM on Wednesday His role and obligations towards the buyer and the seller The Les buyer’s obligations broker’s du courtier obligations* de l’acheteur1 The broker’s client is you when… …envers son …towards hisclient client: : l’acheteur the buyer …towards the seller The broker is acting on your behalf to purchase a property, whether or not you have signed a Brokerage contract with him. Thecourtier Le buyer’s de broker l’acheteur must doit protect protéger and promote et promouthe voir les intérêts interests of the de buyer. l’acheteur. He must Il doit advise le conseiller and inform et l’informer him objectively avec objectivité of any fact de that tout isfaitrelevant pertinent to àthe la transaction. His obligations towards you in this case are not the same as towards the other parties involved in the transaction. For this Pour cettereason, raison, the le courtier buyer’sdebroker l’acheteur must doitact agirindans the le sens des direction of intérêts his client’s de interests. son client.He Le may courtier not ne disclose peut divulguer to the seller d’information or his brokerconfidentielle any confidential ou or stratégique strategic au vendeur ou information concerning à son courtier the buyer concernant or the transaction l’acheteur ou in la transaction progress, except en with cours, the sauf buyer’s si l’acheteur authorization. l’y autorise. The buyer’s broker must provide fair treatment to the seller. Even if his role is not to defend and promote the interests of the seller as he must do with the buyer, he must still advise and inform the seller objectively of any fact that is relevant to the transaction and include all the conditions pertaining to the seller’s protection in any transaction proposal. In addition, De plus, lethe courtier buyer’sde broker l’acheteur must only doitpropose uniquement to his présenter client immovables, à son cliententerprises des immeubles, or mortgage des entreprises products ou des produits that match his hypothécaires needs or hiscorrespondant criteria. He must à sesalso besoins give ou critères. the client a rationale Il doit également for the options l’informer he proposes. des motifs qui l’ont mené à la sélection des choix proposés. A few examples Quelques exemples The buyer’s broker protects the buyer’s interest by providing Le courtier him de l’acheteur with examples protège les of intérêts transactions de ce derthat nier en lui fournissant des exemples de transactions have taken place concerning similar properties, called portant sur desThis comparables. immeubles helps the similaires, buyer make à titreandeinformed comparables. L’acheteur decision regardingpeut the asking ainsi établir price en he toute will set connaisfor his sance de cause le prix qu’il va offrir. property. Hedoit Il must aussi also recommander recommendà that l’acheteur the buyer de faire have effechis tuer une inspection paran un inspector inspecteurwho répondant property inspected by meets aux the conditions prévues requirements outlined par in la the réglementation OACIQ regulations. de l’OACIQ. A few examples The buyer’s broker may not ask a seller who is not represented by a broker to sign a Brokerage contract with him, because he is already representing the buyer. By doing so, he would voluntarily place himself in a conflict of interest. When the seller is represented, the buyer’s broker may not present a Promise to purchase to the seller in the absence of his broker, except with the broker’s authorization. The seller’s broker obligations are listed in the pamphlet The Seller’s Broker and YOU. *