Newsletter - Tehachapi Chamber of Commerce
Newsletter - Tehachapi Chamber of Commerce
October 2012 Newsletter Platinum Level HONORING TEHACHAPI'S FINEST Gold Level Tehachapi Businesses of the Year 2013 & Citizen of the Year 2013 The Greater Tehachapi Chamber of Commerce and the Tehachapi News will once again be accepting nominations for the 2013 Tehachapi Citizen of the Year and the 2013 Tehachapi Large and Small Businesses of the Year. Last year's recipient of the Citizen of the Year was Mary Ann Hester. Small Business of the Year was Books & Crannies and Large Business of the Year was Aspen Builders, Inc. Silver Level Do you know an outstanding Citizen, someone who, through outstanding community service or volunteerism, has a significant impact on the community over the past year or over the past several years; A Large (10+ employees) or Small (1-9 employees) Business which has contributed to the community through their volunteer efforts, Greater Tehachapi Chamber Of Commerce 209 E Tehachapi Blvd P.O. Box 401 Tehachapi, CA 93581 661 822-4180 Fax 661 822-9036 continuous involvement, and support of charitable organizations or improvement of the economic climate? Take this opportunity to nominate them. Nomination forms are available at the Chamber office 209 E Tehachapi Blvd., the Tehachapi News, 411 N Mill St. Nomination forms will also be published in the Tehachapi News and will be available online at Deadline for Submission of Nominations is Monday, November 26. 2012 at 4:00 p.m. Awards will be presented at the Greater Tehachapi Chamber of Commerce Annual Installation and Recognition Gala in January 2013. Your Chamber Working For You We'd like to share some ways we have promoted your business last month… Phone Calls Office Visitors 242 189 Referrals Directories 506 367 Information Maps Packets 22 34 October Chamber Network Luncheon "Alan Burgess" CEO Tehachapi Hospital Please join the Greater Tehachapi Chamber of Commerce at our October Chamber Network Luncheon, Tuesday, October 16, 2012 12:00 p.m. at Don Juan's, 20700 South St, Ste B-C. Our guest speaker will be Alan Burgess. Mr. Burgess will be providing an update on the new hospital and Tehachapi Valley Health Care District. Alan J. Burgess, FACHE, CFAAMA is board certified in healthcare administration by both the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) and the American Academy of Medical Administrators (AAMA), where he is a also the Chair-elect and a member of the Executive Board of the Academy. He earned his Bachelor of Science from the Brigham Young University, in Provo, Utah and his Master of Arts in Healthcare Administration from the George Washington University in Washington, DC. Following his 21-year career in the United States Air Force as a Medical Service Corps Officer, he transitioned to the civilian healthcare field. He has been CEO of several small rural hospitals, including another Critical Access Hospital. He was CEO of a two-hospital jointventure in New York State where he led the startup operation of a brand new clinical laboratory serving the two member hospitals and the surrounding communities. He was awarded an 18-month personal services contract as the Medicaid Hospital Audit Program Manager for the State of New York. He directed a system of three federally qualified rural health clinics (FQRHCs) serving the Karuk Tribe of California. For most of the four years prior to coming to Tehachapi, he was the Tribal Health Administrator/CEO of the critical access hospital on the Duck Valley Indian Reservation, serving the ShoshonePaiute Tribes. Mr. Burgess was appointed the CEO of the Tehachapi Valley Healthcare District, effective June 1st, 2007. He was the 2008 recipient of the Vanguard Award of the American Academy of Medical Administrators and in 2009 he was recipient of the Richard A. Harley Diplomate of the Year Award for Healthcare Executives. This month’s Spotlight is on our own Chairman of the Board of the Greater Tehachapi Chamber of Commerce, MARTY PAY! Marty has been a Farmers Insurance Agent for 32 years 22 of those here in Tehachapi. He has been a member of the Prestigious Toppers Club 21 times and Agent of the Year in three different decades. After a tour in the U. S. Marines, Marty worked for Ma Bell before entering the Insurance Industry in the San Fernando Valley. He wanted to raise his family out of the City and decided Tehachapi was definitely the place to be moving here in 1980. Marty became an instructor in insurance teaching classes for A.D. Banker on auto, home business and financial planning a few years later and continues to teach on the side. He believes the more trained he and his staff become the better they can serve their cliental. With that in mind Marty obtained his Masters in Business Administration six years ago and will finally finish his CLU, financial planning designation this year. Mr. Burgess is also a lifelong Scouter. He joined the Boy Scouts in 1959 and has been actively registered ever since. He earned his Eagle Scout Award with the Eagle Class of 1964. He is a Vigil Honor member of the Order of the Arrow and was honored with the Founder’s Award. He earned his Wood Badge beads as a member of the Fox Patrol and has staffed seven Wood Badge courses, including the first Twenty-First Century Wood Badge Course in the Western Region. He has served as a District Commissioner, a District Chairman, a Council President, and currently serves as the Council Vice President for District Operations. He and his wife, Kathryn, are the parents of four sons – all Eagle Scouts. Marty currently has two offices and four staff people, Ginger Patz, Becky Bourland, Lisa Spencer and Sue Wonacutt. Each has their own expertise in Customer Service and Insurance. He is currently bringing on Marissa Sovell, Rich Swanson and Dave Broussard to expand the operation into other insurance areas. The cost is $15 for Chamber Members, $20 for NonChamber members, which includes lunch. Reservations are required. Please make your reservation by calling the Chamber at 661-822-4180. Reservation deadline is October 12, 2012. Currently he is in his second term as the Chairman of the Greater Tehachapi Chamber of Commerce. Marty also has a Radio Program with Clay Koerner on 1180 KERN, 1230 KGEO and 1410 KERN that airs weekly. He is the Past-President of the Kern County Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors having served on the board for 12 years. Stop by and visit Marty and his staff at 121 East F St. Downtown Tehachapi! 2 3 September Chamber Mixer hosted by J. Williams Personal Financial Planning Jennifer's Terrace 2012 Board of Directors C hairperson Marty Pay Farmers Insurance C hair Elect Claudia Henson Hilltop Publishers Treasurer Tammy Wallace Country Real Estate Past C hairperson Lorraine Berry Individual • Directors • Kathy Carey BVS Properties Phillip Darling Law Office of Phillip H. Darling Carl Gehricke Tehachapi Bible & Bookstore Tim Kielpinski Old Towne Nursery Carolyn Wiles Terra-Gen Power, LLC Ida Perkins President Ashlee O'Brien Administrative Assistant working for our members We'd like to share with you a summary of our website business directory activity last month Main Directory Search Page Visits 772 Alphabetical Listing Search Categorical Listing Search 286 3,668 Search For 63 New Member Listing 29 Referred to Member Website Emails Sent to Members Member Map Views Calls Placed to Members 1,175 6 59 1,590 4 October Membership Anniversaries 31 Years 10 Years 24 Years 8 Years Bank of the Sierra Carefree Full Service Moving & Storage Tehachapi Flower Shop 23 Years California Portland Cement Company 21 Years Expressions Hair & Nail Salon 20 Years Kelcy's Restaurant 19 Years 4 Seasons Realty 18 Years McDonalds 15 Years Little Caesars Pizza Tehachapi Resource Conservation District 6 Years Keller Williams Realty-Alexis Milton 5 Years AAUW Tehachapi Community Theatre 2 Years Lorraine Berry Houchin Community Blood Bank 1 Year Antelope Valley Chevrolet Trader Bo's Western & Work Wear Ultrex Business Solutions, Inc. Knights of Columbus Congressman McCarthy, Senator Fuller, and Assemblywoman Grove Mobile Office Hours at the Chamber Government Representatives will hold office hours at the Chamber office on Tuesday, October 16, 2012 from 10 to 11 AM. For appointments, contact the following representatives: Congressman McCarthy, Representative Vince Fong, 661-327-3611 Senator Fuller, Representative Romeo Agbalog, 661-323-0443 Assemblywoman Grove, Representative Javier Reyes, 661-395-2995 Welcome Our Newest Members High Desert Cellars Efren Chavez 3045 90th St West Rosamond, CA 93560 661-965-15878 Southern Sierra Solar Jim Barrett 139 Balsam St., Ste 1000 Ridgecrest, CA 93555 661-300-1488 Superior Coach Limousine Service Werner Wolf 17821 Tanforan Dr Tehachapi, CA 93561 661-822-5466 Tehachapi Treasure Trove Sandi Thoman 116 E Tehachapi Blvd Tehachapi, CA 93561 661-822-6794 Tekit Computer Pros Mike Smith Tehachapi, CA 93561 661-565-3277 5 TEHACHAPI CLEANING PROZ Information Technology Solutions YOU ARE INVITED! PLEASE JOIN US FOR OUR GRAND OPENING & RIBBON CUTTING Wednesday, October 17th 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM Ribbon Cutting @ 3:30 pm RIBBON CUTTING @ 4:30 PM Raffle Food Door Prizes 20725 South St. #7 For more info call: (661) 821-2532 (661) 821-CLEAN COMMERCIAL • RESIDENTIAL • NEW CONSTRUCTION • WINDOWS Doing Business Since 2006 122 East Tehachapi Blvd, Suite F Contact Us For More Info 661.952.9153 - Monument Commercial Insurance Agency Customer service isn’t a department, It’s An Attitude! Business Auto - Commercial Liability - Property - Work Comp Homeowners - Life & Health - Personal Auto 6 Chamber Services 2013 Chamber "Business After Hours" Mixers For Members Only Mailing Labels $40.00 Electronic (Excel) Mailing List $60.00 Employment Posters Members: Non-Members $44.50 $52.50 The Chamber is currently in the process of preparing our Chamber Mixer host schedule for 2013. Directory of Members Available to all at No Charge Website Advertising - Members Only Contact Chamber Office for pricing and options Free to Members Only Display of Cards & Brochures in the Chamber Office Referrals From: Phone Calls Walk-In's Internet First Hotspot in Newsletter (first 90 days of membership) Chamber Mixers are held on the second Wednesday of each month beginning in March and running through November. Months that are still available for 2013 are March, April, September, October and November. If your business is interested in hosting a Chamber Mixer or would like additional information, please contact us as soon as possible at 661-822-4180 or email to Mixer dates fill up rapidly and are on a first come first serve basis. Advertising - Members Only Newsletter Hotspot Newsletter Card per month per year Relocation Packet Insert/per year $ 35.00 $ 25.00 $200.00 $125.00 shop local ! Support your local business community SUN MON 7 14 1 City Council Mtg BeeKay Theater 6 PM 8 15 City Council Mtg BeeKay Theater 6 PM 21 28 22 29 TUE 2 Board of Directors Mtg Chamber Office 5:30 pm WED 4 GTEDC Mtg 7:30 AM Apple Shed 9 16 3 THU 10 Chamber Mixer hosted by Fiddlers Crossing 206 East "F" St 5:00 to 7:00 PM 661-822-4180 17 11 Moses Master Carpet Grand Opening 4-6 PM Ribbon Cutting 4:30 PM 110 E Tehachapi Blvd 661-822-6959 18 Monument Commercial CHAMBER LUNCHEON Insurance Agency Don Juan's 12 Noon-1:30 Tehachapi Cleaning ProZ Grand Opening 3-5 PM Grand Opening 4-6 PM Government Reps Office Ribbon Cutting 3:30 PM Ribbon Cutting 4:30 PM 20725 South St, #7 Hrs at Chamber Office 122 E Tehachapi Blvd Ste F 661-821-2532 See page 5 for appt Info 661-821-2532 23 30 24 Halloween 31 Main Street Tehachapi Trunk or Treat 5:30-7:30 PM Green St 661-822-6519 25 FRI SAT First Friday Art Reception 5-8 PM TVHD Health & Resource Fair 8 AM-1PM West Park Activity Ctr 661-823-3000 Tehachapi Treasure Trove5 Grand Opening 3 PM Ribbon Cutting 3:30 PM 116 E Tehachapi Blvd 661-822-6794 12 13 19 26 6 20 TVRPD Pumpkin 5K & 10K Run 7 AM Monroe High School 661-822-3228 27 Tehachapi Collaborative 7:30 AM West Park 661-619-5123 Calendar of Events October 2012 For detailed information on events, visit our Community Calendar at 7
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