ÿþV a b i l o C R S N 2 _ 1 2 _ 2 0 1 5
ÿþV a b i l o C R S N 2 _ 1 2 _ 2 0 1 5
*:CRSN University of Ljubljana Faculty of Education Univerza v Ljubljani Center za mislim* in spodbujanje nadarjenosti Pedagoška 1)-77;1 tl—r%73‘1 11,9,11 fakulteta 121- 111-11i Kardeljeva ploščad 16 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija telefon +386 (0)1 58 92 200 faks +386 (0)1 53 47 997 +386 (0)1 58 92 233 Ljubljana, 13. 11. 2015 Spoštovani, Vljudno vabljeni na študijsko popoldne Centra za raziskovanje in spodbujanje nadarjenosti (CRSN) na temo SODELOVANJE IN PODPORA IZOBRAŽEVANJU NADARJENIH, ki bo potekalo na Pedagoški fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani v sredo, 2. decembra 2015, med 15.00 in 18. 30 uro, predvidoma v predavalnici št. 212. Srečanje v organizaciji CRSN na Pedagoški fakulteti Ul je eden od dogodkov, s katerimi se na PeF UL pridružujemo aktivnostim Tedna Univerze v Ljubljani. Namen srečanja, na katerem bodo sodelovali mednarodno uveljavljeni strokovnjaki, je: - izvedeti več o osebnostnem razvoju in značilnostih nadarjenih otrok in mladostnikov, se seznaniti z načini dela / obravnave nadarjenih v nekaterih evropskih državah (Irska, Madžarska), pridobiti informacije glede prijave različnih ustanov / organizacij na razpis za vključitev v nacionalno mrežo za nadarjene in promovirati razvoj nacionalne CRSN mreže za nadarjene, - se družiti, izmenjati izkušnje in bolje spoznati nove potencialne partnerje. Dogodek je za udeležence brezplačen, vendar iz organizacijkih razlogov vljudno prosimo, da svojo udeležbo potrdite najkasneje do 25. novembra 2015 preko https://www.lka.si/a/76274. Veselimo se srečanja z vami! lzr. prof. dr. Janez Krek lzr. prof. dr. Mojca Juriševič ,,,oka Predstojnica CRSN na Pedagoški fakulteti , • 1:7EW - Dekan Pedagoške fakultete Ul Okvirni program srečanja: 15.00-15.30 UVODNI POZDRAVI Dr. Mojca Juriševič, predstojnica CRSN na PeF UL Dr. GoranTurk, prorektor Univerze v Ljubljani Dr. Janez Krek, dekan Pedagoške fakultete UL Kulturni program: študentje PeF UL pod mentorstvom Brine Jež-Brezavšček 15.30-16.30 Personal development of the gifted: 40 years of research & Dr. Tracy Cross in Dr. Jennifer Cross practice 16.30-17.00 Odmor 17.00-17.20 Centre for Talented Youth (CTY) Ireland presentation & Dr. Colm O'Reilly Collaboration with parents 17.20-17.40 European Centre Budapest (ETC) Budapest presentation Csilla Fuszek & Templeton project 17.40-18.00 CRSN mreža za nadarjene: zakaj in kako? 18.00-18.30 Dr. Mojca Juriševič Diskusija in zaključki CRSN je julija 2015 prejel pomembno evropsko akreditacijo, ki predstavlja inovativno iniciativo Evropskega odbora za visoko sposobne (ECHA), da na evropski ravni v mednarodno sodelovanje poveže ljudi in ustanove, ki se na različne načine — raziskovalno, strokovno, družbeno — ukvarjajo s problematiko nadarjenih oziroma talentiranih. Koristi, ki izhajajo tovrstne akreditacije, so večplastne: hitrejše in učinkovitejše informiranje, tematsko povezovanje, strokovno delovanje in znanstveno raziskovanje ter optimizacija intelektualnih in finančnih virov znotraj posamezne države in na mednarodnem nivoju. Poudariti velja, da je letos akreditacija potekala prvič in da je bil CRSN PeF UL akreditiran poleg trinajstih drugih evropskih inštitucij. S tem pomembnim priznanjem se naš center oziroma fakulteta uvršča med mednarodno prepoznane pobudnike zagovorništva nadarjenih. Namen mrelenja imenovanih/akreditiranih talent centrov — European Talent Centres Network — je sodelovanje in spodbujanje nadarjenih državljanov Evrope v skupno dobro na različnih področjih družbenega udejstvovanja, od skrbi za duševno zdravje do umetnostnih in znanstvenih presežkov ter razvoja. PRIJAVA NA RAZPIS ZA vključevanje v nacionalno CRSN mrežo za nadarjene bo dostopna na http://www.pef.uni-lj.si/crsn.html od 1. decembra 2015 do 31. januarja 2016. 2 Predstavitev gostujočih predavateljev - mednarodno uveljavljenih strokovnjakov: Tracy L. Cross, Ph.D., holds an endowed chair, Jody and Layton Smith Professor of Psychology and Gifted Education, and is the executive director of the Center for Gifted Education at The College of William and Mary. He has published more than 150 articles, book chapters, and columns; made more than 200 presentations at conferences; and published eight books. He received the Distinguished Service Award from The Association for the Gifted (TAG) and the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC), the Early Leader, Early Scholar and Distinguished Scholar Awards from NAGC, and in 2009 was given the Lifetime Achievement Award from the MENSA Education and Research Foundation. He has edited four journals in the field and is the current editor of the Journal for the Education of the Gifted. He served as president of NAGC. Izbor monografij prof. Tracyja L. Crossa: TwAta. On ti. Ste °11 ,the SUICIDE AMONG GIFTED CH II DRIN AND A 1)01 I.SChN IS MING ,111[411.1t. ,11 MINO )Clal 311d Ernotional EirVell ti i GIFTED Gniti Ckildren I.IVCSor Gifted iNg IScyI. (na Pli.• SocialEmotional Curriculum "-Soda —(Emotional LiVCS Gifted 'iltr;ts Morality, Ethics, and Gifted Minds 3 Jennifer Riedl Cross, Ph.D. is the Director of Research at the Center for Gifted Education. With a doctorate in educational psychology, specializing in cognitive and social processes, Dr. Cross is the co-editor, with Tracy L Gross, of the Handbook for Counselors Serving Students with Gifts and Talents. She served as guest editor, with James Borland, of a special issue of Roeper Review on the topic of gifted education and social inequality. Her research in the field emphasizes the social aspects of gifted education, from individual coping with the stigma of giftedness to attitudes towards giftedness and gifted education. Colm O'Reilly, Ph.D. is the Director of the Irish Centre for Talented Youth (CTYI) at Dublin City University. CTYI provides fast paced classes for academically talented students aged 6 — 16 years from all over Ireland and overseas. Currently the Centre caters for over 5000 students per annum and it is the only recognised teaching centre for gifted children in the Republic of Ireland. CTYI run over 120 academic courses annually for gifted students. Colm has worked in the area of gifted and talented education for the last 15 years and has published articles and presented papers at numerous conferences around the world. He has experience in teacher training for gifted students around Ireland and is responsible for the implementation of many classes and initiatives for gifted children and teachers in Ireland. Colm is a member of the Academic Advisory Board at the Center for Gifted Education at the College of William and Mary in Virginia and the Center for Talented Youth at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. .0 . . \ ,. i Csilla Fuszek is originally a teacher of Hungarian nationality who worked for over 15 years as a teacher in primary, secondary and higher education. Since 2000 she is specified in the field of gifted and talented education. As a civil servant she worked 7 years as a managing director of nationwide talent development programs aimed to promote equal opportunities to the disadvantaged strata of society. From 2007 — 2011 she was the managing director of the Csklyi Foundation which is one of the biggest civil education foundations focusing on talent support in Hungary. Since 2008 she has been a lecturer at Ebtvbs Lorkid University. Since 2009 she has been working for the Association of Hungarian Talent Support Organizations. She was responsible for international connections and for collecting best practices outside and inside Europe. Since 2012 she is responsible for the European Talent Centre — Budapest. 4