bakerstown connections - First Presbyterian Church of Bakerstown, PA


bakerstown connections - First Presbyterian Church of Bakerstown, PA
P.O. Box 127, Route 8 at Heckert Road, Bakerstown PA 15007  Phone: 724-443-1555  Fax: 724-443-5223  Website:
Connecting the people around us
to the God who loves us ...
through Reaching, Growing, and Serving!
Sunday Morning Schedule
8:45 - 9:45 a.m. Contemporary Service
10:00 - 10:50 a.m. Sunday School
11:00 - 12:00 p.m. Traditional Service
The Café is open from 9:45-10:45 a.m.
Senior Pastor - Dan Muttart
Associate Pastor - Karen Anderson
Parish Pastor - Gary Weston
Children’s Ministry - Sandy Floyd
Youth Ministry - Jeremy Collins
Choral Director - Mia Tepper
Interim Organist - J. Richard Szeremany
Business Manager - Mike Herron
Financial Assistant - Linda McDonough
Program Assistant - Leslie Ward
Office Assistant - Linda Smith
Hospitality Coordinator - Dianna Croskey
Housekeeper - Lisa Wood
Deadline for Nov. Newsletter: Oct. 10
A Glimpse at the Calendar
Oct. 6, FPCB / HI Workday
Oct. 7, World Communion Sunday
Oct. 7, Youth Silver Ring Thing
Oct. 13, New Connections
Oct. 14, Confirmation Trip to North Park
Oct. 14, Sing for Joy Concert
Oct. 21, Dedication of the Terrell Trade
Skill Learning Center at Hosanna
Oct. 27, Caring & Carving (Leaf Raking
& Pumpkin Carving)
Oct. 28, Third Grade Bible Presentation
Nov. 4, Stephen Ministry Sunday
Nov. 4, Annual Congregational Meeting
Nov. 9 & 10, “Sunset Manor” Drama
Nov. 18, New Members Join
Nov. 22, 10 a.m. Thanksgiving Service
See bulletins, call the church office,
or visit for details.
Dear Friends,
During this month, our all-church look at The Story continues with chapters
five, six and seven – encompassing the call of Moses to lead the Israelites to
the Promised Land, their forty-year wilderness journey to that goal, and then
finally, under Joshua, God’s leading them to establish the nation of Israel.
That historical account, from Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy and
Joshua, shows us the broader plan of God to establish a nation of people that
would be a light – that would draw other nations to the worship of the One
True God, and help them see that to live in relationship with Him was the key
to true meaning in life.
That call from God, and its being carried out – hesitatingly – by the Israelites,
was not without its perils. The Israelites had to contend with doubts as trials
came their way; with the temptation to sin and take the easy way out; and with
the consequences of their sin – God waited for an entire generation to die off
before he allowed the Israelites to enter the Promised Land.
As we have been seeing throughout The Story, all this can speak to you and
me personally in a number of ways. It tells us that anytime God lays it upon
your heart to do something – to take the risk and help that friend, to start the
new business or the new job, to take a stand for your faith at home, in your
neighborhood or at work – you are going to have doubts. It tells us that there
will be temptations in our lives as the pressure builds – temptations to take the
easy (and sometimes sinful) way out. It tells us that we have to be prepared to
accept the consequences of our actions.
But all through this journey, God continually showed the Israelites that He
was present with them. What you and I today can glean from this is that God
will be present with us, as we venture into the “wilderness” of a new job, a
new home, a new relationship, or a changed relationship status. Indeed, as
God told Joshua, “Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be
discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go” (Joshua
1:9 NIV).
Whatever you are facing now, whatever “exodus” God may have you in as part
of your story, know that you are not alone, and that God has and will always
have a marvelous plan for your life.
Reaching . . . Growing . . . Serving
Christian Education/Rally Day
page 2
Karen’s Corner
We are off to a great start on our journey with The Story. We have sold about four times as many Bibles as we originally
thought we would need. But what is even better is that we are hearing over and over how much folks like them.
On our first sessions of the Wednesday night Bible studies we had sixty people total attending. A few attended both the 7:00
p.m. basics class and the 8:00 p.m. going deeper class. Again, the feedback from both was positive.
Sunday we had sixty more people in Sunday school. The Co-ed Class in Fellowship Hall had about fifty people in attendance.
The Kid Raisers and Men’s Class found that the video and the discussion of Chapter One fit well into their particular interests. The Women’s Class joined other classes for the morning as their teacher was away.
One of the things the Kid Raisers class liked was going over the “Parent’s Page” that offers suggestions on ways to use the
week’s chapter to interact with and have spiritual discussions with your children. You don’t have to attend class to get one.
Just go to the church’s website and click on The Story. There you will find a link to the Parent’s Page. On the Parents’ Page
you will find suggestions for all age groups of children – even teens.
One of the best things about The Story is that if you miss a class you won’t get behind or be unable to get something out of
the next Bible study or Sunday School class. Each lesson stands on its own. Also you can listen to Pastor Dan’s sermon based
on that week’s chapter on the website.
I hope everyone has signed up for the “Bible Blasts” – our daily email devotions (Monday-Friday). Don’t assume that we
have your email address and you will get them automatically. You need to call the office and confirm with Linda that you are
on this particular email list. Each week’s devotions
are based on The Story chapter for the week.
Remember – we will do The Story for eleven weeks
and take a break for the four weeks of Advent. Then
we will pick up with Chapter 12 the first week in
God’s Word has power to sustain, encourage, guide,
and empower. It can change our lives and the life of
our church. My prayer is that we will continue to
drink deeply from the “well of living water.”
There is no Adult Education * on Sunday,
November 4 so that everyone can attend …
Rally Day on September 9 was well-attended and it was a
great kick-off for the 2012-2013 Sunday School year.
Intriguing interviews were held with Moses and Paul by Delilah.
The 140th Annual Congregational Meeting
Sunday, November 4 at 10 a.m. in the Sanctuary
The purpose of the meeting is:
1. To act upon the 2012 Nominating Committee’s
recommendations for the Office of Ruling Elder,
Deacon, and Auditor, Class of 2015.
2. To act upon the Proposed 2013 Ministry Budget. A copy
of the budget will be mailed to your home in midOctober. An informational meeting on the budget with
Session will be held on Sunday, October 28 at 10 a.m.
(* except for New Connections)
Reaching . . . Growing . . . Serving
Contact the office
with news to share.
Church Family News and Events
Church Family News
Happy Anniversary:
 Bob and Shirley Edwards celebrated their
55th on August 10
 Harold and Elsie Cunningham will celebrate
their 60th on October 16
Happy Birthday:
 Don Balla celebrated his 70th on Sept. 30
 Ted Nichols celebrates his 82nd on Oct. 12
 Lisa Wood celebrates her 40th on Oct. 20
Our Prayers Go To Out to:
 Ann Martin in the death of her mother Edna
T. (Tommie) Walter on August 25
 The family of Mary K. Turner, who died on
August 10. Mary is a former member of
FPCB. A memorial service will be held in
In Memoriam:
 Nancy A. Raybold … August 31, 2012
 Robert P. Cleeland … September 17, 2012
New Connections
Saturday, October 13 at 10 a.m.
If you’ve been visiting FPCB -- for a long time,
or just recently -- and are considering
membership, you are invited to this class about
the Christian faith, our Presbyterian heritage,
and our ministry at Bakerstown on Saturday,
October 13 at 10 a.m. in the Colonial Room.
Lunch is provided; childcare is available if
reserved ahead.
Following this initial meeting, the class will
meet on Sundays at 10 a.m. for six weeks. We
understand that everyone may not be able to
make all of the classes, but we encourage
regular attendance in order for you to form
friendships and learn about FPCB. And of
course, there is no obligation to join the church
at the conclusion of the classes. Those who
decide to join FPCB will be enthusiastically
welcomed into membership on Sunday,
November 18.
If interested, please speak with Dan Muttart or
Karen Anderson, sign up on an activity card or
the friendship pad on Sunday, or call Linda
Smith at 724-443-1555.
page 3
Bakerstown Bible Blasts
IF …
IF ...
IF …
You have not signed up yet but want to, please provide your
email address to the church office
You have signed up but aren’t getting them, let the church office know so we can look into the problem & take care of it
You would like us to add a family member or friend to the list,
please provide their email address to the church office
Celebrate World Communion Sunday
by Gary Weston
It all began at a Presbyterian Church in the Shadyside neighborhood
of Pittsburgh in 1936 as a day for first Presbyterians, but eventually
for Christians everywhere, to publicly give testimony to our oneness in
Christ by celebrating the Lord’s Supper on the same day of the year –
the first Sunday in October. The hope was that by doing so we would
be moving toward making a reality Jesus’ prayer that we Christians
might be one, just as God the Father and Son and the Holy Spirit are
One. (John 17:13)
Sadly, though, here in 2012, the fulfillment of that hope appears more
elusive than ever. How should we relate to those with whom we might
disagree? Will we be obedient to Christ and work toward making
Jesus’ prayer a reality, or will we be disobedient?
My hope is the former; and towards that end let me offer three words
of counsel: Pray, Serve and Worship.
Pray for those Christians with whom you disagree. If Jesus
commands us to love our enemies and to pray for those who persecute
us (Matthew 5:44), surely He expects us to love and to pray for other
Christians, no matter where they happen to fall on the theological
Serve along side those with whom you disagree. That’s what
those in the first century Church had to do. (See for example Galatians
and James.) The apostles Peter and Paul and James and their respective adherents were often at very different places , but they found ways
to serve together because they served the same Lord… Jesus Christ.
We need to do the same. Para-church ministries such as the Lighthouse Foundation, Meals on Wheels, Hosanna Industries and the Honduras Hope Mission need every Christian’s support.
 Worship together with those with whom you disagree. If you
are physically able, make it a priority to be present in worship on the
first Sunday in October. Join in the world-wide celebration of Communion, and publicly give testimony to your oneness with other Christians. And if, because of illness or infirmity you are not physically
able to be in worship on October 7, call the church office so that we
can make arrangements to bring Communion to you at your home as
soon as possible thereafter. That way you, too, can offer your testimony to our oneness, and to the truth that despite our theological differences we are all still sisters and brothers in Christ. Together we are…
Sharing Christ’s love,
Parish Pastor Gary Weston
Reaching . . . Growing . . . Serving
Music & Drama/Women of Bakerstown/Sharing a Smile
New members are welcome in all choirs:
For Children: Angels in the Wings
A Choir for Grades 3-5
Rehearsals are Thursdays from 4:30-5:15 p.m.
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Letters to a Pastor . . .
Dear Pastor, I know God loves
everybody but He never met
my sister. Arnold, age 8
Dear Pastor, My father should be a minister.
Every day he gives us a sermon about something. Robert, age 11
For Youth: Joyful Noise
A Choir for Grades 6-12
Rehearsals are Thursdays from 6-7 p.m.
Dear Pastor, I’m sorry I can’t leave more
money in the plate, but my father didn’t give
me a raise in my allowance. Could you have a
sermon about a raise in my allowance? Patty,
age 10
For Adults of All Ages: Chancel Choir
Rehearsals are Thursdays from 7:30-9 p.m.
Sing for Joy Concert!
FPCB’s Annual Sacred Choral Concert
Sunday, October 14 … 7 p.m. in the Sanctuary
Enjoy an evening of sacred music!
Join Mia Tepper, Richard Szeremany, the Chancel Choir,
the Ensemble, Joyful Noise, Angels in the Wings, the
Bakerstown Bells, and the Butler Tabernacle Choir in a
glorious night of music. Bring your family and friends.
You are sure to be blessed!
Mark your calendar for . . .
Dear Pastor, My mother is very religious. She
goes to play bingo at church every week even
if she has a cold. Annette, age 9
Dear Pastor, I think a lot more people would
come to your church if you moved it to Disneyland. Loreen, age 9
Dear Pastor, Please say a prayer for our Little
League team. We need God’s help or a new
pitcher. Alexander, age 10
Dear Pastor, My father says I should learn
the Ten Commandments. But I don’t think I
want to because we have enough rules already
in my house. Joshua, age 10
Dear Pastor. I liked your sermon on Sunday,
especially when it was finished. Ralph, age 11
Drama Team News
“Sunset Manor”
November 9 (evening) and November 10 (matinee)
Sunset Manor is a comedy/drama set in a nursing home. It is our
prayer that Sunset Manor will give our audience the opportunity to
take a heartwarming look into the lives of several elderly residents at
a home for the aged. We pray that it will remind us of the importance
of caring for some of the most valuable but vulnerable people in our
society. Our message is one of dignity, hope, forgiveness and a reminder that we all have a purpose in life, regardless of our age and
Contact: Ellen Shore
Christmas Tea
Tuesday, December 4
Reaching . . . Growing . . . Serving
Program: Kellie & Eric DeFade,
Traditional Christmas Music
We hope to have the Angel Gifts List
available in October.
Stewardship/BPCC/Veteran’s Day
When I think of a steward, a servant or Stewardship
someone in the hospitality industry
comes to mind. Stewardship is often associated with
church fundraising and spending, and more recently, care
of the environment. A dictionary gave me a better understanding of the term.
Stewardship: “The careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one’s care.”
God has made us stewards of His World, His Word, and
His People – each other.
We practice this stewardship in many ways: picking up
litter, raking a neighbor’s leaves; buying cookies or popcorn from a Scout; offering congratulations and condolences to friends and strangers; donating a backpack,
baby-bottle, or an item from the apple tree; joining a
committee at church, school or local government; being
a sports booster; making a meal for a sick friend or
grieving family; offering prayers and support for our
soldiers, missionaries and relief workers world-wide;
raising our children.
page 5
Bakerstown Presbyterian Children’s Center (BPCC)
They climbed from car safety seats and through open minivan doors. As their small feet touched the parking lot pavement they looked at the building before them. They securely took hold of a loving hand and began the first steps of
their journey. Some were filled with apprehension, some
shed a tear or two while others tried to smile confidently.
They approached the
building and entered the
door beside a teddy bear
wearing a BPCC t-shirt
and thus began their
great adventure of learning and growing with God.
We’ve had a great beginning of the school year! Thank you parents, grandparents
and caregivers for your love and support.
Preschool Director: Emily Willard, 724-443-5330
This is all “responsible care” using our time, talents and
treasures. Be a joyful steward and reap the rewards.
“Each man should give what he has decided in his heart
to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God
loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7
Remember to make giving a way of living!
Mike Clogan and the Stewardship Team
Another Way to Share the Love of God …
South Butler Community Meals-on-Wheels
(SBCMOW) is in its fifteenth year of operation and delivery of meals to our community. While the people we serve
have changed, the opportunity has remained the same—to
serve our neighbors in need of a helping hand! SBCMOW
is in need of more helping hand: more volunteers.
Please consider giving a small portion of your week or
your month towards serving your own community and our
Lord through this local outreach ministry. We need people
to help make the meals and others to deliver them. Call
our office at 724-898-0080 to discuss the options for
volunteering. Or call Tim Stenner at 724-538-9380
( if you have an questions
regarding our program. God has blessed us and our
neighborhood through this mission in the past, and we
look forward to continued service to Him as South Butler
Community Meals-On-Wheels moves into the future.
Veteran’s Day Observation (November 11)
It’s that time of year again where
we remember those who have or are
presently serving our country in the
military. If pictures of your loved
ones have been on display in the
past, they will be on the display
again. But if there are changes in
their status, let me know so I can
make corrections to their pictures.
If you have never participated before, all you have to do is
bring to the office a picture of your veteran and some information like name, rank, when and where they served and your
relationship to them. The pictures will be returned to you unharmed. I scan them. If you are into scanning them yourself,
you can do that and attach them to an email sent to me at
As before, the display will be in both the Narthex and Café.
I look forward to adding your special veteran to this year’s
Pastor Karen
Reaching . . . Growing . . . Serving
Children’s Ministry
Children’s Ministry
Bible Presentation to 3rd Graders, October
28. At both worship services, we will recognize our
third graders at this milestone in their faith
development. Parents, call the church office by
October 1 and indicate which service your child will
attend and how you would like their name inscribed
in their Bible. There will be a meeting for parents of
third graders, Sunday, October 21, at 10 a.m.
Fellowship @ Windsor Place, Sunday,
October 14, 1-3 p.m. Children in K - Grade 5 and
their families are invited to visit with our friends at
Windsor Place of Gibsonia on Gibsonia Road. We
meet at FPCB at 1 p.m., load into cars, and then go
out to Windsor Place. Each time we visit, we have a
different activity for the children and residents to
participate in together. This visit we will enjoy Fall
Bingo, other games and enjoy a snack. Permission
forms need to be completed for each child prior to
their first visit; they may be picked up in the front of
the Christian Education building or downloaded at Sign up on an activity card or call the
church office to participate. Contact: Sandy Floyd.
Winter TEAM (Teacher Enrichment
Appreciation Motivation), November 4 at
12:30 p.m. Colonial Room. All Children’s
Ministry teachers are invited to prepare for the
Winter Quarter. A light lunch will be served.
Childcare provided if requested in advance.
page 6
Wellness Policy
Children’s Ministry
To help our children and teachers stay healthy, we ask that you keep your
child at home with any of these symptoms:
fever greater than 101.5 °F
questionable rash or sign of lice
vomiting or diarrhea
illnesses (impetigo, active chicken pox, measles,
mumps, flu)
symptoms of conjunctivitis (pink eye)
If your child is being treated with antibiotics, he/she should be on the drug
for at least 24 hours before coming to the church. To allow time for your
child to recover and stop the spread of illness to others, he/she should be
symptom free for 24 hours before coming to church.
Please let us know of any contagious disease so others can be notified of
the exposure.
Also, if your child has a continually clear-runny nose, cough or rash due
to non-contagious allergies, please let us know. We realize some
symptoms hang on long after the child is no longer contagious.
At church, children will use a sanitized wipe or gel to clean hands before
entering the classroom. They will also wash their hands properly before
preparing or eating snacks, using the bathroom, coughing or wiping
noses. Frequent hand washing prevents the spread of many diseases.
Summer’s Best 2 Weeks 2013 (June 13-21) Registrations
are due now! Most FPCB children & youth attend Summer One of
Summer’s Best 2 Weeks at the Que. Secure your spot for 2013 camp.
Return your application directly to camp.
SB2W Movie Trail: December 9, 10 a.m. Fellowship Hall.
Caring & Carving (Leaf Raking & Pumpkin
Carving), October 27, 9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Fall
leaf raking & pumpkin carving for all the church
family! Meet at the FPCB parking lot with your leaf
rakes. Bring your pumpkin and carving tools, too.
We will go into the community to get yards ready for
fall/winter. A parent/guardian is encouraged to attend
with children. At 12 p.m. we will gather for a light
lunch in the Colonial Room (hotdogs and macaroni
and cheese). At 12:30 p.m. we’ll carve our pumpkin.
Treat bags for all! This event is sponsored by the
Mission Committee and Children’s Ministry.
Children’s Ministry CLASS ACTIVITY
to help build Relationships
This coming year children will have a chance to get together outside
of their class time on Sunday mornings. Children and their families
will get to know each other as well as many of their teachers. At least
one parent/grandparent will attend activities for age 2 – grade 2. Be
looking for dates for each age group’s activity.
Ages 2 – 4/Pre-K - Play in the Park, in Richland Park
Kindergarten, Grades 1 & 2 – Glow in the Dark Miniature Golf, in
Pittsburgh Mills
Grades 3 & 4 – Bowling
Grade 5 – Clubhouse dinner and games
Save the dates next summer!
Summer Blast 2013
Age 4 - Grade 5, July 15 – 19, 2013; Summer Blast Sunday, July 21, 2013
Youth that have completed 6th grade and adults are encouraged to serve at Summer Blast Camp.
How can you help next year? Crew leader … Station leader … Kitchen crew … Childcare … PowerPoint … Registration …
Behind the scenes … Decorating
Contact: Sandy Floyd, 724-443-1555 or
Reaching . . . Growing . . . Serving
Mission/Stephen Ministry
page 7
Hosanna News:
Mission Updates
Dedication of the Terrell Trade Skill Learning
Center at Hosanna Industries, Oct. 21, 1-3 p.m.
There is a need for vocational skill training and Hosanna is
excited to consider our ability to meet the needs of at-risk
young people and provide them with practical educational
programs, a meaningful place to learn and grow, and hope
for the future. We also recognize the need for a facility that
will allow for teaching about missions, visioning, beginning a non-profit, becoming an entrepreneur, and how to be
both efficient and effective. Additionally, this facility will
provide a place for leaders and visionaries to gather and
share ideas, and to collaborate regarding societal needs and
potential solutions. The building that will house all of this
is a two-story building with spaces for training in each of
the construction trades. There is a classroom, lounge, wood
shop, and large group instruction area.
The center is named in honor of Hosanna’s longtime friend
and supporter, Mary Terrell. Mary has spent the majority
of her life devoted to education. Her work ethic, organizational ability, selfless dedication, and love of the Lord have
been and continue to be an inspiration to all who have
come to know her.
The dedication of the Trade Skill Learning Center is on
October 21. The event will start as an open house from 1-3
p.m. and it will end with the dedication. Please consider
joining us as we celebrate this new beginning at Hosanna.
It would be great to have lots of FPCB folks at Hosanna
Industries on this great day!
Save the dates:
Caring & Carving (Leaf Raking & Pumpkin Carving),
October 27, 9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. A Church Family Event
Hosanna Industries Gift Delivery Jazz Night,
December 7. Call the office at 724-770-0262 if you
would like to deliver a gift, or donate a ham or turkey.
Are you looking to support our
Honduras Hope Mission Team?
We are looking for homemade crafts to be donated
and sold at the Mission Mall at St. Paul’s United
Methodist Church on Saturday, November 17. Items
commonly sold are knitted/crocheted items, handmade
jewelry and wooden crafts. I have some ideas for popular
items for kids that can be made that would sell well for
little cost. Any items donated must be homemade. Please
contact Mary Beth Pratt for any questions, donations,
or ideas, 412-680-4919, or Let’s
help to make this upcoming mission trip a “Great Week
in the Kingdom!”
Hosanna Industries
DID YOU KNOW that Hosanna Industries is hosting a 1st Annual Festival of Trees Benefit, and would
love for you to come and see the trees. They will be on display
for the October 21 open house. Artificial trees will be decorated
and on sale for purchase to benefit future clients. Call 724-7700262 for more information.
DID YOU KNOW that the Lighthouse Foundation is always looking for volunteers — for the bookstore, the food
bank, people to serve as drivers and help with the grounds, residential volunteers, and wheels of work volunteers? To learn
more, call 724-898-4673.
One of God’s amazing gifts to us is
Stephen Ministry
our minds. From morning till night,
we use our minds to help us fulfill our responsibilities and take
care of ourselves and others. Some say we use only a small portion of our brains, leaving much room for learning and improvement. Each of us learns something new each day. This year at
FPCB we will be learning and understanding the Word of God
as a “Story” that we all know and love. Won’t it be wonderful
to learn more about God and to experience more deeply His
love? I am excited to soak up this knowledge with a mind that is
ready, willing, and able!
As a Christian and a Stephen Ministry, I want you to remember
that the Stephen Ministers are here to support and care for you.
What you say is in strict confidence. I have a list of wishes for
anyone who needs them.
Where there is pain . . . I wish you peace and mercy
Where there is self-doubt . . . I wish you renewed
confidence to work through it
Where there is tiredness or exhaustion . . . I wish you
understanding, patience, and renewed strength
Where there is fear . . . I wish you love and courage
If you need a Stephen Minister, tell Dan or Karen, one of the
“blue badgers”, or call Bonnie Blackstone at 724-443-7730.
“Dear Lord, give me the comfort of a good friend, someone I
can tell all to without worry. Help me trust this person, and let
them not judge me for my shortcomings. Give me a hand to
hold, a shoulder to cry on, and a strong breath of kindness that
we can share and know all is well between me and thee.”
Reaching . . . Growing . . . Serving
Non-Profit Org.
Nonprofit Standard Mail
Permit #9
U.S. Postage
Bakerstown, PA 15007
First Presbyterian Church
of Bakerstown
P.O. Box 127
Route 8 at Heckert Road
Bakerstown, PA 15007
Phone: 724-443-1555
Sunday Morning Schedule:
8:45 — 9:45 a.m.
Contemporary Service
10:00 — 10:50 a.m. Sunday School
11:00 — 12:00 p.m. Traditional Service
The Café is open from 9:45-10:45 a.m.
You idiot—He said
“Cast the nets!”
Living without faith is like driving in a fog.
Important Dates
October 6—Hosanna Work Day, 8 a.m.-4 p.m.
Meet at church at 7:15 and bring a bag
October 7—Silver Ring Thing (7th-12th grade),
5:30-9:30 p.m. This is an awesome opportunity for teens to hear about abstinence.
Our Youth Group Series October
14-28 is called Surrender.
What are you willing to give up?
October 14—Confirmation Class Trip to North
Park, 12:15-4 p.m. Students and their mentors take a trip to North Park to do some
group-building activities.
Laurelville Retreats
 Junior High is November 2-4
 Senior High is November 30-December 2
Cost is $90. Laurelville is the best time you can
have in the fall, hands-down. We spend the
weekend playing games, having fun, and most
of all, learning about God. Please get your
deposit of $50 in ASAP so we are assured of
these dates.
Contact: Jeremy Collins —
724-443-1555 (church) or 412-980-3370 (cell) or
Remember to sign up for the youth e-mail list on our website,!
Reaching . . . Growing . . . Serving

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BAKERSTOWN CONNECTIONS P.O. Box 127, Route 8 at Heckert Road, Bakerstown PA 15007  Phone: 724-443-1555  Fax: 724-443-5223  Website:

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