bakerstown connections - First Presbyterian Church of Bakerstown, PA
bakerstown connections - First Presbyterian Church of Bakerstown, PA
BAKERSTOWN CONNECTIONS JUNE 2015 P.O. Box 127, Route 8 at Heckert Road, Bakerstown PA 15007 Phone: 724-443-1555 Website: FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH of BAKERSTOWN Connecting the people around us to the God who loves us ... through Reaching, Growing, and Serving! Sunday Schedule 8:45 - 9:45 a.m. Praise Worship Service 10:00 - 10:50 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 - 12:00 p.m. Choral Worship Service The Café is open from 9:45-10:45 a.m. Senior Pastor - Dan Muttart Assistant Pastor - Jeremy Collins Parish Pastor - Gary Weston Director of Christian Education - Sandy Floyd Choral Director - Mia Tepper Organist - Rich Anthony Children’s Ministry Asst. - Danni Hackel Youth Ministry Asst.- Lee Haney Business Manager - Mike Herron Financial Assistant - Kelly Ganter Program Assistant - Leslie Ward Office Assistant - Linda Smith Hospitality Coordinator- Brenda Clifford Housekeeper - Lisa Wood Custodian - Mike Risk Pastor Emeritus - Richard A. Morledge Deadline for July/Aug. Newsletter: June 10 A Glimpse at the Calendar June 1-5, 8-12, BPCC Preschool Camp June 7, Youth Sunday, Senior Recognition June 11-19, Summer’s Best 2 Weeks June 13, Serving Day June 14, Flying Solo June 21, Father’s Day, Baptism Sunday June 28, Communion July 13-17, Summer Blast Camp—Everest July 19, Summer Blast Sunday—One 10 a.m. Worship Service July 25, Youth Outcry Concert August 12-14, Hosanna / FPCB Work Days August 20, Pirates Game, Faith Night August 29, Chancel Choir Retreat See bulletins, call the church office, or visit for details. Dear Friends, With the printing of this newsletter, graduations and graduation parties are going to be in full swing. It’s a great time, when you sit back and reflect on the accomplishments of your high school student or college graduate. But we also know that for the majority of graduates, life doesn’t stop there. After a time of celebration, it is time for those graduates to move forward with their plans for the future. The same can be said of the Christian faith. When we are new Christians, we are anxious to know everything about the faith — how the Old Testament connects to the New Testament, how the Bible can be used to guide us through life, and more. Though we never truly stop learning about the plans of God as revealed in His Scripture, there does come a time, however, when we have to move beyond knowledge for the sake of knowledge, and move out with that knowledge into the world, to fulfill the Great Commission of going and making disciples of all the nations. As you enjoy this summer, as you take the time to revel in the beauty of God’s creation, my encouragement is that you also look around you with your “God eyes” on — seeing your surroundings and perhaps the needs of people you encounter from His perspective. Then, act as a Christian graduate: apply what you have learned about the Christian faith and Christian service into the life of somebody else — God will reveal clearly the person or people He is placing in your life. Graduation is just the beginning of a young person’s journey. The Christian knowledge you gain at church and through your own private study is just the beginning of the mature Christian’s journey. Blessings, Pastor Dan Reaching . . . Growing . . . Serving BAKERSTOWN CONNECTIONS Adult Education (Sundays Mornings; 3 Sundays Evenings) page 2 Something new . . . Sunday Mornings at 10 a.m. JUNE 7 & JUNE 14 Co-Ed Studies, “Dust to Glory” June 7, The Conversion of Paul, Mitch Tepper June 14, Romans, Mike Reynolds Also, Women’s Studies, Daniel. Geneva Room. Three Sunday Evenings 7 – 8 p.m. Men’s Studies, Men’s Fraternity. Administration Building. Parenting Group, James Dobson’s “Leaving a Legacy”. Heritage Room. Join us: JUNE 21—AUGUST 16 ford Road, Gibsonia). After getting your ice cream at Edward’s Ice Cream, bring your lawn chairs together in the nearby field! Enjoy time with Pastor Jeremy. “COUNTER CULTURE” by David Platt; Jeremy Collins, facilitator Do Christians in the contemporary church have the courage to counter the culture? See how the gospel compels followers of Christ to counter culture on a wide variety of social issues in the world around them. The Bible is clear on a number of issues: Who God is—the holy, just, and gracious Creator of the universe Who we are—men and women created in the image of God for our good and for God’s glory Who Christ is and what He has done—His life, death, and resurrection What it means to follow Christ—to die to ourselves and to live in Him Why this matters for eternity—heaven and hell are at stake in our response to the gospel So how do these truths affect how we respond to the social issues of our day—realities such as poverty, sex slavery, abortion, immorality, the degradation of marriage, the neglect of orphans and widows, racism, and persecution? David Platt believes that the truths of the gospel should compel us to a contrite, compassionate, and courageous personal response to social issues in the culture. Using biblical foundations, practical illustrations, and personal exhortations, this study is a pointed yet winsome call for readers to faithfully follow Christ in countercultural ways. June 14 (Edward’s Ice Cream, 518 Baird- July 19 (Wynn home, 11064 Babcock Blvd., Gibsonia), Kerrie & Joe Wynn have opened their backyard for us to meet. Ice cream sundaes will be provided. Just bring your lawn chair! Enjoy time with Pastor Gary. August 9 (Narcisi Winery, 4578 Gibsonia Road, Gibsonia). Gather at Narcisi Winery with your lawn chairs. Small snacks will be provided. Enjoy time with Pastor Dan. Bring your lawn chair and Bible. Enjoy lite refreshments and fellowship as we look at some of your pastors’ favorite Bible verses! Family and friends are encouraged to attend! To help us plan, please RSVP the Wednesday prior to the Sunday evening … or 724-443-1555. Reaching . . . Growing . . . Serving BAKERSTOWN CONNECTIONS Church Family News / Faith Night Church Family News Please contact the church office with news to share! Born: Bo Charles Derby, son of Colleen Hughey Derby & Todd Derby, grandson of Chuck & Darlene Hughey, and greatgrandson of Bill Ludwig, on April 21 Laurel Rose McKenzie, daughter of Julie Utz McKenzie & Gray McKenzie, granddaughter of Bob & Connie Utz, and great-granddaughter of John & Jeanne Utz, on May 2 Shae Lynn Crummy, daughter of Lindsey Jacobs Crummy & Tyler Crummy, and granddaughter of Bill & Marty Crummy and Jake & Judy Jacobs, on May 8 Baptized on Mother’s Day, May 10: Spencer Franklin Mahan, son of Colleen Shoup Mahan & Jamie D. Mahan, grandson of Tom & Gerri Shoup Gabriella Linda Samperi, daughter of Marissa Williams Samperi & Peter P. Samperi and granddaughter of David & Elaine Williams Happy Anniversary: Paul & Joyce Merten will celebrate their 50th on June 26 Our Prayers Go Out to: Greg Clifford in the death of his father John W. “Jack” Clifford on May 1 April Lichina and Ashley Wright in the death of their father David M. Wright on May 24 In Memoriam: Florence C. Ball … May 2, 2015 Ruth A. Wilson … May 7, 2015 Ruth M. Stephan … May 18, 2015 page 3 “Please pass along my sincere In Our Mailbox thanks to our church family. I have received some wonderful cards with great words of encouragement from June Manderfield, John and Jeanne Utz, and Stan and Susie Boone. Being deployed is tough, besides asking and leaning on God to get you through, one of the things to look forward to is mail from family and friends back home. It's hard to describe, but it just gives you that feel good spirit and a renewal for what we are doing. Knowing friends and family are praying for us and thinking of us, does a lot to boost our morale! Again thank you for all the support and love!! Tell the church thank you for their support and prayers, it doesn't go unnoticed and it's greatly appreciated! Ryan Schleiden” “Our Family at Church, You are more than ‘Church Family’, You are ‘Family’! And we are praising our Lord for giving you to us. Thank you all for your loving care and support. Greg & Brenda and the Clifford Family” Church Gardening & Landscaping Opportunity Do you have a green thumb and enjoy working outdoors? The Property Committee of Session has had the support of various Church Ministry Teams to help our Custodian Mike Risk take care of the church grounds for the past several summers. This year it was suggested by a member of the congregation that there may be other members of the congregation not currently serving on a Ministry Team who may also have the desire and time to help maintain the church grounds. If you enjoy weeding, trimming bushes, watering flowers, etc. we could really use your assistance during the growing season. Please contact Property Committee members Bob Hackel, Dave Deiters, Roy Millhouse, Sue Kushner or Business Manager Mike Herron to let them know of your interest. Have a happy summer, everyone! Thank you for your consideration of this request to help keep our grounds attractive! Faith Night @ PNC Park—August 20th A Great Opportunity for the entire FPCB Church Family! This is a fantastic evening to cheer on the Buccos and after the game hear the gospel proclaimed. We will have 50 tickets, and prices should be between $20-$25. Email if you are interested. Reaching . . . Growing . . . Serving BAKERSTOWN CONNECTIONS page 4 Discipleship & Fellowship / Stephen Ministry Water Color Class Art Show — Sunday Morning, May 10 in the Café Many thanks to Shelby Hill and the talented students in his two water color classes at FPCB. The Café was transformed into an art gallery on May 10! Flying Solo A ministry for Single Women The next Flying Solo get-together is June 14 at the North Park Clubhouse at 12:30 p.m. Contact: Betty Bayne, 724-443-6256. FREE FITNESS at FPCB concluded on May 21 after 6 energetic weeks under the direction of Mia Tepper. The 12—14 participants shared nutrition tips, a devotional, and a 30minute workout each week. A new session will be planned in the fall. TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) Tuesdays at 6 p.m. in the Colonial Room Men & women are invited. Contact: Lisa Wood at 724-898-7848. Do you ever clean out old boxes in the spring to make room Stephen Ministry for more “treasures”? When I was doing that task recently, I found an old Bible in the back of a closet. As I took this precious book off the shelf, a note card written by my daughter when she was just getting to know herself and her God fell to the floor. She wrote, “In the same way, we can see and understand only a little about God now, as if we were peering at his reflection in a poor mirror; but someday we are going to see him in his completeness, face to face. Now all I know is hazy and blurred, but then I will see everything clearly, just as God sees into my heart right now. There are three things that remain: faith, hope and love—and the greatest of these is LOVE!” This snippet was part of a paper she was writing. I see this faith in so many young people in our church, and would like other children to enjoy the love and faith that we share here. Our children will be leaders someday in this troubled world, and they need to know the love of God through Christ. Let us help them to hear and to share the message. Wonderful things can happen if we trust God and help one another. Stephen Ministers want you to know that we are here for you. Everything is shared in strict confidence. If interested, speak with our pastors, any Stephen Minister, or call Bob Joyce at 724-443-8379. “Dear Lord, help me to share the wonders of faith and love even when the sharing may be difficult! Amen.” Your friend in Christ, Pat Eversole Reaching . . . Growing . . . Serving BAKERSTOWN CONNECTIONS Stewardship Serving Day June 13 from 8:30 a.m.—3:00 p.m. Reaching, Growing & Serving… It’s time for the third annual “Serving Day”. The Stewardship Team is again sponsoring a day to provide all the members of our congregation with a practical way of putting the “Serving” portion of our church motto into action. The plan is that on one Saturday each year, we will come together in the church parking lot, “dressed for work”, for a brief morning prayer and then perform some service in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Our first “Serving Day” was spent providing some needed outdoor maintenance and landscaping at the Lighthouse facility. Our second “Serving Day” was spent doing some indoor painting, outdoor landscaping, removal of some old concrete steps and other maintenance issues at the Samaritan Counseling Center. This year we will be working around the FPCB Campus. The scope of work is being determined from a list created by the Property Committee during their campus walkaround. Work involved this year will include some landscaping, minor repairs, outdoor painting, etc. We expect to be able to provide work for all ages, for any skill level that you may have. Please reserve Saturday, June 13th from 8:30 a.m. till 3:00 p.m. on your calendars. While we would appreciate an e-mail being sent to to let us know you plan to attend so we can properly prepare for a hearty lunch, we welcome anyone who has a few hours to offer anytime during the day. Details will be provided in the bulletin and on the church web site as we finalize plans. Thank you in advance for your consideration of this request! We hope to have another great day “Serving” the Lord in a practical way at His church in Bakerstown. Free Coffee Wednesday Starts June 3 6:30-9:00 a.m. Free coffee will be given away in the FPCB parking lot on Wednesdays for 12 weeks! page 5 It could have Stewardship been an episode from the T.V. show “Glee” as I watched a roomful of graduating students singing and dancing as the music of “Uptown Funk” blared throughout the classroom, an energetic teacher singing and performing right alongside her excited kids. The only difference in this “episode” was that these students were preschoolers. Later in the morning, I interviewed the teacher – notably different from typical interviews. The room was dark, Zen music was playing, and 20 worn-out kids were on little mats sleeping with their blankets—some snoring. I turned on my recorder and whispered as loud as I could in hopes it would record: “So, how do you like your preschool curriculum?” I had observed the teacher all morning, and don’t think I had ever seen someone so enthusiastic, energetic and invested in her teaching job. Imagine my surprise when I learned her goal in life had nothing to do with teaching preschoolers: She had been a star basketball player in college and was getting her master’s degree in coaching—she wanted to be a basketball coach. Like the teacher I saw, some of you may not be in your ‘ultimate place’ right now, either physically, mentally, or spiritually. But I encourage you right now to be exceedingly enthusiastic about the gifts you have been given by God—whatever they are; share them with others and watch the blessings flow like I saw in the preschool classroom that day. “Enthusiasm” comes from Greek and literally means “the God (entheo) inside (iasm)”. Let others see God inside you and be blessed by your enthusiasm today! Mary Ehmann, Stewardship Team Reaching . . . Growing . . . Serving BAKERSTOWN CONNECTIONS Children’s Ministry page 6 Children’s Ministry Summer Blast 2015—Theme: “EVEREST” July 13-17 from 9 a.m.—12:30 p.m. Summer Blast Sunday, July 19 at 10 a.m. For Children Age 4 - Grade 5 People of all ages came out to ring the bell 144 times to celebrate FPCB’s 144th Birthday on May 20! Return registration forms and a $25/child payment by June 1 to be guaranteed a t-shirt. For registrations received after June 1, the cost is $30/child. Be sure to order your Base Camp Sing & Play CD for just $7 so your child can take home the music they sing every day. Youth and adults are encouraged to serve There are so many ways to serve: crew leader, worship team, snack team, office staff, child care, decorations, photographers. Download your volunteer registration form at or pick up a copy in the Christian Education entrance and return it to the church office or email by June 12. Orientation for Summer Blast Monday, June 29 at 7 p.m. in the Colonial Room. Station leaders and Crew leaders (grade 6—adult) are asked to attend the Summer Blast Orientation. Childcare is available if requested in advance. Contact: Sandy Floyd, 724-443-1555 or Fall TEAM. Sunday, August 12, 12:30 p.m. Colonial Room. A time for teachers to be encouraged, appreciated and motivated. All teachers should plan to attend as we prepare for a new year! Parents, please note . . . On Youth Sunday, June 7, children in grades K-5 will remain in the sanctuary following the Children’s Moment. Sunday School will meet at 10 a.m. Summer Schedule: In June, July and August we will combine these classes: K-Grade 2; and Grades 3-5. On June 14, children will be planting flowers around the Administration Building. Do you have a heart for children to learn & grow in knowing Jesus? Prayerfully consider how you might be a part of this exciting ministry to children. Scheduling for the next year (September 2015—August 2016) begins soon. Needed are: teachers of Sunday School from 9 - 10:50 a.m. or 11 a.m. – noon (four times/quarter) childcare givers in the stork & toddler area from 8:30 – 10 a.m. or 10 a.m. – noon (one Sunday/month) childcare givers for 2 & 3’s and 4/pre-k’s during worship (one Sunday/month) resource room team (organize supplies and materials for teachers and families to use) Youth are invited to help with childcare and in the classroom if they have finished 6th grade. Contact: Sandy Floyd, or 724-443-1555. Reaching . . . Growing . . . Serving BAKERSTOWN CONNECTIONS Mission / BPCC / Tweener’s Retreat Mission Updates The mission of The Lighthouse The Lighthouse Foundation is encouraging others to find hope in Christ by meeting their immediate needs and empowering them towards self-sufficiency. We do this by ministering to the whole person, which includes services and programs designed to meet an individuals physical, spiritual, mental, emotional, financial, and relational needs. Hosanna Industries Hosanna Industries has completed 50 projects for needy households this year to date, with a current project waiting list of 92 and over 100 in the application process! “Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” Gal. 6:2. Jesus has called us to love God and love one another above all else. This kind of love inspires us to meet people where they are in their time of despair and meet their needs so that they are restored to a life full of purpose, hope and dignity. Let’s pitch in and help to complete even more projects! August 12-14 for Hosanna / FPCB Workdays! The job location will be determined as we get closer to that date due to weather and client circumstances. Please sign up trusting that you will be doing productive work to show Christ's Love to our needy neighbors! All ages and skill levels welcome! Hosanna will provide the tools. Middle-schoolers will also have the opportunity to stay on Hosanna's campus with Jeremy that week. Contact Amanda Becker at 412-559-7062 or to sign up. Tweener’s Retreat at Ligonier May 8-9 Six boys led by Jeremy Collins and Dan Saniga had time for both spiritual growth and fun at the Tweener’s Retreat at Ligonier. page 7 The Lighthouse relies on hundreds of volunteers each year who donate their time to our foodbank, facilities projects, produce distribution, and other projects and events. To volunteer at The Lighthouse, please call 724-898-4673. FPCB volunteers got a lot of landscaping done at the Lighthouse for our church’s Serving Day in 2013. I would like to personally thank each one of our BPCC staff members as our school year begins to come to a close for the 2014-15 school year! “Gifts of the Heart” You are “the gift that keeps giving” for children! You are there for them almost every day through inclement weather, through fatigue, through all of your own personal life’s ups and downs. For some of your children, you may be the only one in their lives that is always constant, always there, always caring. You are the gift that keeps on giving! God has “called” each of you to this ministry, and I sure am grateful that He did!! Thank you for being the hands and feet of Jesus to our little ones! Beth Joyce, Anne Kronenwetter, Marci Cyphert, Christina Dean, Cathy Collier, Robin Williams, Sue Novelli, Joan Grassucci, Leah Prasse, Brenda Joyce, Jill Sweet, Bev Stone, Kiki Cherry, Jane Mobley. Preschool Director Emily Willard Reaching . . . Growing . . . Serving BPCC Phone: 724-443-5330 Emily Willard, Director JUNE 2015 NEWSLETTER Non-Profit Org. Nonprofit Standard Mail Permit #9 U.S. Postage Bakerstown, PA 15007 First Presbyterian Church of Bakerstown P.O. Box 127 Route 8 at Heckert Road Bakerstown, PA 15007 Phone: 724-443-1555 Internet: Sunday Schedule: 8:45 — 9:45 a.m. Praise Worship Service 10:00 — 10:50 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 — 12:00 p.m. Choral Worship Service The Café is open from 9:45-10:45 a.m. Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle. Upcoming Events . . . Youth Sunday: June 7th !!!! Our students will be leading worship in both services. We hope you join us for worship as together we proclaim the truth that “Our God is not dead.” NYC Missions Trip: July 26th - August 1st Our High School students will be spending the week in New York City serving the community in soup kitchens, shelters and churches. It will be a fantastic opportunity to serve God outside the walls of the church. Hosanna Missions Trip: August 10th - 14th Our Middle School students will be working alongside the Hosanna mission workers during this entire week. The FPCB church family also has the opportunity to join us the 12th, 13th, and 14th. It will be a great chance to work with us for the purpose of the gospel. Reaching . . . Growing . . . Serving
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07-and-08.2015-NEWSL.. - First Presbyterian Church of Bakerstown
Senior Pastor - Dan Muttart
Assistant Pastor - Jeremy Collins
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Organist - Rich Anthony
bakerstown connections - First Presbyterian Church of Bakerstown, PA
P.O. Box 127, Route 8 at Heckert Road, Bakerstown PA 15007 Phone: 724-443-1555 Fax: 724-443-5223 Website:
P.O. Box 127, Route 8 at Heckert Road, Bakerstown PA 15007 Phone: 724-443-1555 Fax: 724-443-5223 Website: