Sunday, February 21, 2016


Sunday, February 21, 2016
Parish Mission Statement
The Peace of Christ calls us to create a
Christian Community where God is found
in the beauty and joy of our worship; in the
breadth of our outreach; and in our love for
one another.
Rev. Robert J. Schrader, Pastor
Rev. Timothy T. Brown, Parochial Vicar
Rev. Carlos M. Sánchez, Parochial Vicar
Weekend Liturgy Schedule
4:30 p.m. St. James
8:00 a.m. St. James
9:00 a.m. St. John
9:45 a.m. St. Ambrose
11:00 a.m. St. John
5:00 p.m. St. Ambrose
Weekday Liturgy Schedule
7:45 a.m. St. James
9:15 a.m. St. Ambrose
7:45 a.m. St. James
12:10 p.m. St. John
7:00 a.m. St. John
9:15 a.m. St. Ambrose
12:15 p.m. St. Ambrose
Holy Day Liturgy Schedule
Please check the bulletin
the week of the Holy Day.
Saturday: 3:45 - 4:15 p.m. St. James
8:15 - 8:45 a.m. St. John
4:15 - 4:45 p.m. St. Ambrose
Parish office for all three worship sites:
St. Ambrose, St. James and
St. John the Evangelist
See page 8 for staff extension numbers and
other church information.
To reach a priest in an emergency
call the Rectory (585) 482-4280
Priest mailing address:
549 Humboldt St.,
Rochester, NY 14610-1221
Peace of Christ Web Site:
February 21, 2016
Dear Parishioners,
We welcome Bishop Matthew Clark this weekend as he begins our 2016
Parish Lenten Retreat. We are happy to have him as the presider at our Saturday 4:30 P.M. Mass at St. James and at our Sunday 9:00 A.M. Mass at St.
John’s. The theme of the retreat itself is “How do we live mercy in our every
day lives?”, and the retreat talks themselves are Sunday, Monday and Tuesday evenings at St. Ambrose at 7:00 P.M. A few additional components: on
Monday, there is a soup supper at 5:30 P.M. in Dailey Hall in our St. John
Neumann School at our St. Ambrose site, and on Tuesday, there is a lunch
also in Dailey Hall at 12:00 Noon immediately preceding a 1:00 P.M. talk in
St. Ambrose Church for those who prefer afternoons to evenings (the Tuesday evening talk at 7:00 P.M. will be a repeat of the 1:00 P.M. talk). Please,
plan to attend this retreat as the centerpiece of your Lenten observances this
year, especially in this Jubilee Year of Mercy declared by Pope Francis.
Indeed, as we continue our parish and personal reflection upon the
Works of Mercy in this Year of Mercy, we continue through Lent with the
Spiritual Works of Mercy, and this weekend’s Work is to “Instruct the Ignorant.” Making sure we take part in the parish offerings of ongoing formation
in our faith (such as our Lenten Retreat) and supporting our parish Catholic
School at St. John Neumann (by sending your children there, giving via our
web site to the support of the school [go to http:// and then click “donate on-line”]
or making special arrangements to help provide scholarships for students
whose families cannot afford to send them) are ways to observe this Work.
Also on Sunday, our RCIA dismissal will take place at the 9:45 A.M.
Mass. Be sure to keep in mind all who will be receiving their Sacraments of
Initiation at this year’s Easter Vigil just five weeks from this weekend: Karen Stolz, William Wilkinson, Juan Figueroa, Leslie Figueroa, Mikayla
Figueroa, Afton Lathigee, Joseph Rodriguez, Valencia Rodriguez, William
Wilkinson Jr., Belle Wilkinson, and Thomas John Wilkinson. Also today,
CYO plays from 1:00 to 4:00 P.M., and our Junior and Senior High Youth
Groups will watch a movie titled Lost Boy this afternoon in St. John’s
Church Hall. Remember also that today is the last of the four 3rd-Sunday
winter “Fuel Collections.” Thanks for your support to keep us warm!
Monday is the 284th anniversary of the birth of our first President,
George Washington; the feast of the Chair of our first Pope, St. Peter; and the
Full “Snow” Moon at 1:20 P.M. (about 4 hours before it rises). Be sure to
celebrate these things by signing up for the 5:30 P.M. Soup Supper (during
which the Moon will rise) and attending Bishop Clark’s 7:00 P.M. talk.
Tuesday (with the Moon very closely below Jupiter), remember to sign
up for the 12:00 Noon lunch and come to either the 1:00 or 7:00 P.M. closing
talk by Bishop Clark for our Parish Lenten Retreat.
Wednesday at St. James:Family Faith, 5:30 pm; and Coffee Hour, 7 pm.
Thursday, it’s only 4 weeks ‘til collecting Operation Rice Bowls.
Friday, let’s abstain from meat and prep our Sunday envelopes.
Saturday, it will already be three years since Pope Benedict’s farewell
address to Vatican City. Also that day, we have CYO in Dailey Hall from
1:00 to 4:00 P.M., and our big Fruit of the Vine event is in St. John’s Hall
from 7:00 to 10:00 P.M. This is always a most enjoyable event, and is so
because of the hard work of a very dedicated core of workers who have been
preparing for this event for the past several months. It raises funds which are
very useful, and also serves as a wonderful get-together for parishioners and
neighbors for a super night enjoyed by all. Thank you ahead of time to all
coordinators of this event, and to all who support it by your presence!
Next Sunday we have Scrutinies, First Eucharist prep, CYO, a Memorial
Service for indigent burials, and a Youth Mass. Check the bulletin for times.
—Father Schrader
Second Sunday of Lent
Page Two
Mass Intentions
Monday, February 22
The Chair of St. Peter the
7:45 Gerda Abbatiello by Steve & Maria Palermo JA
Tuesday, February 23
9:15 Michael Malerk by the Malerk Family AM
Wednesday, February 24
7:45 Dorothy Izzo by Family JA
12:10 Month’s Mind—John Hasenauer JO
Thursday, February 25
7:00 Month’s Mind — Arthur Rodgers JO
9:15 Manuel Fernandez by Eileen Ramos AM
Friday, February 26
12:15 Month’s Mind — Dale Grenolds AM
12:45 Stations of the Cross AM
Saturday, February 27
4:30 Cynthia Balconi by Ginny and Sister Marlene JA
Sunday, February 28
Third Sunday of Lent
Loretta Perrotta by St. James Choir JA
For All Parishioners Living and Deceased JO
Jim & Sara Lachiusa by Family AM
Daniel Patrick Emerson by Ladies Auxiliary JO
Bernice Schum by Esther Kubus AM
The Sanctuary Lamp at St. James Church
will burn this week
In Memory of Frank Beahan
The Stations of the Cross began as the
practice of pious pilgrims to Jerusalem who
would retrace the final journey of Jesus
Christ to Calvary.
Later, for the many who wanted to pass
along the same route, but could not make the
trip to Jerusalem, a practice developed that
eventually took the form of the fourteen stations currently found in almost every church.
Stations of the Cross will be held after
the Friday, 12:15 pm Liturgy at St. Ambrose
Please travel the journey that Jesus
made to Calvary with us.
READINGS FOR February 28
Third Sunday of Lent
First Reading:
Ex. 3:1-8a, 13-15
Second Reading:
1 Cor. 10:1-6, 10-12
Luke 12:1-9
Year C
Monday through Friday
6:30 am
Christ the King (Mon., Tues., Fri.)
8:00 am
St. Thomas More (M-F)
8:15 am
St. Rita’s in Webster (M-F)
8:15 am
Annunciation (M-F)
8:30 am
Our Lady of Lourdes (M-F)
8:30 am
St. Cecilia (W, Th, F, Sat)
9:00 am
Holy Spirit (M-F)
11:30 am
St. Margaret Mary (M-Th)
Monday through Thursday
8:15 am St. Paul’s in Webster
Friday 8:30 am Communion Service
Second Sunday of Lent
Page Three
Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are days of
both fast and abstinence. In the United States, all Fridays of Lent are days of abstinence.
The law of abstinence obliges those 14 years of
age and older not to eat meat. Abstinence from meats
is to be observed by all Catholics 14 years old and
older on Ash Wednesday and on all the Fridays of
The law of fast obliges all those from ages 18
through 59 to refrain from eating between meals and
to limit their eating to one full meal and two lighter
meals for the day.
Fasting is to be observed on Ash Wednesday and
Good Friday, by all Catholics who are 18—59. Those
who are bound by this may take only one full meal.
Two smaller meals are permitted if necessary to
maintain strength according to one's needs, but eating solid foods between meals is not permitted.
Be still
and know that I am God.
Psalm 46
St. John Neumann School
31 Empire Blvd. at Culver Rd.
Preschool through Grade 5
Preschool programs for 3 and 4 year olds
Full-Day Kindergarten
New York State Certified Faculty
Faith-Based Activities and Community Service
Character Education
Before and After School Care
Academic Enrichment Programs
Hot Lunch Program
Registration now open at St. John Neumann
School for the 2016-2017 school year.
Register before April 30, 2016 and your registration fee of $125 (due at time of registration) will be
applied toward your tuition.
Also, anyone going into Kindergarten can take
advantage of 2015-2016 pricing with registration paperwork and fee submitted by April 30th.
Registration and Financial Aid Packets Available
We invite you to contact our office
to arrange your personal tour.
Thank you for continuing to
save your Box Tops for Education. Collection boxes are located in each of our Peace of
Christ Parish church sites. We
earn ten cents with each top
Stewardship Means Sharing
Since the Parish Office was closed on Monday, February 15 for Presidents’ Day, and
Tuesday, February 16 was a snow day, the bulletin was sent to the printer before the
collection was counted.
Our numbers last week in both the attendance and the collection were down significantly
because of the bitter weekend. Thank you for whatever make-up offerings you can make
this weekend to help us reach our needed income for our ministries.
Second Sunday of Lent
Page Four
Sunday, February 21— 4:30—7:00 pm
Both Junior and Senior High Youth Groups
St. John’s Church Hall—Movie Night
Wednesday, February 24—5:30—7:00 pm
Religious Education Classes for PreK through
Grade 5 in St. James School
Sunday, February 28—11:00—12:00
First Eucharist Children’s Workshop in Youth Rm at
St. James School
Karen Stolz
William Wilkinson
Juan Figueroa
Leslie Figueroa
Mikayla Figueroa
Afton Lathigee
Josephy Rodriguez
Valencia Rodriguez
William Wilkinson Jr.
Belle Wilkinson
Thomas John Wilkinson
May their love of Jesus and Jesus’ love for them sustain each
one of the above in faith through
all the years ahead!
Spiritual Work of Mercy—Instruct the “Ignorant”
The word “ignorant” has very negative connotations for most people. Indeed, who wants to be considered ignorant? The basic meaning of the word, however, is simpler to understand as a person who is uninformed, unaware or lacking knowledge on a particular
topic. It is not an insult, but a reality that we all need
more knowledge on different subjects especially when
looking at the depth and richness of our faith. There is
always something to learn about our faith whether it’s
an inspiration, new understanding or guidance towards
living our life as followers of Jesus. Jesus told His
apostles to “teach.” As teachers, we must instruct ourselves first, but never act as if we have the corner on
all answers. A true teacher knows where to help folks
find an answer on faith or direct him or her to a resource such as our parish priests for information and
comprehension. As parents we are the first teachers of
our children as we guide them through learning prayers, attending Mass, and partaking in the sacraments.
We are teachers as we interact with extended family,
friends, neighbors. Are we approachable to begin a
dialogue? Do we model our quest for more religious
learning in our day-to-day lives? Are we willing to
share our faith experiences if it helps instruct and direct
someone looking for faith answers? As St. Francis of
Assisi once said, “Preach the Gospel at all times, and if
necessary, use words.”
Some practical ways to live “instruct the ignorant”
are as follows:
† Attend Family Gatherings at Peace of Christ and
be involved in instructing your children in the fait
and preparing for sacraments.
† Attend Adult Faith Formation events such as the
retreat, speakers or other presentations.
† Go on a retreat sponsored by the parish.
† Read the Catholic Courier and other faith-based
† Support St. John Neumann with time and
financial help if possible.
† Assist with RCIA and Pre-Cana programs.
† Contribute to the support of seminarians.
† Contribute to the Society of the Propagation of
the Faith.
† Work in our Vacation Bible School
† Invite someone to attend Mass or a presentation
with you.
Second Sunday of Lent
Page Five
Refrigerator Page
Parish Calendar
9:00 Coffee Hour in Church Hall JA
9:00 Children’s Liturgy of the Word in Church JO
9:45 Children’s Liturgy of the Word in Church AM
10:45 Coffee Hour in Dailey Hall SJN
4:30 Jr. & Sr. High Youth Group in Church Hall JO
7:00—8:00 LENTEN RETREAT with Bishop Clark in
Church AM
Peace of Christ Lenten Retreat
Bishop Emeritus Matthew Clark
5:45 Lenten Soup Supper in Dailey Hall SJN
7:00 LENTEN RETREAT with Bishop Clark in
Church AM
10:15 Reflection Group in Dining Rm. PO
12:00 Lenten Lunch in Dailey Hall SJN
1:00 LENTEN RETREAT with Bishop Clark in
Church AM
7:00 LENTEN RETREAT with Bishop Clark in
Church AM
5:30 Religious Education for PreK—Grade 5 in
School JA
6:30 St. Ambrose & St. James Choirs in Church AM
7:00 Community Coffee Hour in Church Hall JA
7:00 St. John’s Choirs in Church JO
7:00 Rosary in Chapel JO
12:45 Stations of the Cross in Church AM
10:30—11:30 POC Combined Choir in Church AM
9:00 Coffee Hour in Church Hall JA
9:00 Children’s Liturgy of the Word in Church JO
9:45 Children’s Liturgy of the Word in Church AM
10:45 Coffee Hour in Dailey Hall SJN
11:00 First Eucharist Youth Workshop in Youth Rm. JA
2:00 Memorial Prayer Service for the Poor in Church
“How Do We Live Mercy in Our
Every Day Lives?”
Saturday, Feb.20, 2016
Mass – St. James 4:30 PM
Sunday, February 21, 2016
Mass – St. John’s 9:00 AM
Presentation - St. Ambrose Church 7-8 PM
Monday, February 22, 2016
Soup Supper - Dailey Hall 5:30
Presentation - St. Ambrose Church 7-8 PM
Tuesday, February 23, 2016
Luncheon - Dailey Hall - 12:00 PM
Presentation - St. Ambrose Church 1-2 PM
Evening Presentation - St. Ambrose Church 7-8 PM
Soup Supper
Tuesday Luncheon
Sign-up sheets are at all three church sites, or you
can call the Parish Office at 288-5000. Thank you
and we hope to see you at the Retreat!
AM=St. Ambrose, JA=St. James, JO=St. John the Evangelist,
PO=Parish Office, SJN=St. John Neumann School
Second Sunday of Lent
Page Six
Céad Mile Fáilte
St. Patrick’s Dinner
(adults only)
Saturday March 12, 2016
Start the evening with the 4:30 Mass
Dinner served at 6:00PM
St. James Church Hall
Corned Beef & Cabbage
(catered by Lorraine’s), dessert and beverages.
Music, Irish Dancers
Wine and Beer
Tickets $20 each
Sold after the weekend Masses on Feb. 20/21,
Feb.27/28, March 5/6 at all three churches.
No tickets sold at the door.
Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus Council #15638
and the Ladies Auxiliary
Stations of the Cross will be held after the
Friday, 12:15 pm Liturgy at St. Ambrose Church.
Please travel the journey with us that Jesus
made to Calvary.
All Catholics in the 12-county Roman Catholic Diocese of Rochester are invited to participate in a
special diocesan-wide Day of Penance and Mercy Wednesday,
March 9, 2016, to experience
God’s mercy and forgiveness
through Confession. Priests will
hear individual Confessions from
12:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at St. Ambrose Church.
FROM THE ENCYCLICAL – “On Sunday, our participation in the Eucharist has
special importance. Sunday, like the Jewish Sabbath, is meant to be a day which heals our relationships with God, with ourselves, with others and
with the world. Sunday is the day of the Resurrection,
the “first day” of the new creation, whose first fruits are
the Lord’s risen humanity, the pledge of the final transfiguration of all created reality.”
FROM THE HEADLINES – the Scar Inlet Ice Shelf in
Antarctica is expected to collapse by the end of
March, due to warming temperatures. It will result in a
rise in sea level. See
WHAT YOU CAN DO – one of the Lenten disciplines
is prayer. When receiving the Eucharist, pray for the
healing of our world and for greater care of all God’s
Community Outreach Day
Saturday, April 30, 2016
Suggested projects are needed for our annual Community Outreach Day. Possibilities are yardwork, cleaning,
handyman work, organizing and painting.
Think of parishioner and non-parishioner neighbors who could use some helping hands with special
Please submit your suggestions to Jane McGrathBriggs at: or call (585) 288-8835
Sign-up sheets for volunteers will be available at the
Welcome Table one month before the event.
The Diocese has created a special website at http:// to explain the sacrament and offer
"how to's."
Women at the Foot of the Cross:
A Benefit Performance for Refugees
Have you ever wondered about the profound pain and suffering of the women disciples as they
watched the crucifixion of their beloved Jesus? Have you ever considered how their pain might
connect with so many refugees today who are also being crucified?
On Monday evening, March 14, (the Monday before Holy Week), the “Women of the Well” will
be telling their stories at St. Ambrose Church (Empire Boulevard at the corner of Culver Road),
7:00 – 8:00 p.m. Come and hear from (1) the woman who anointed Jesus (Mark 14:1-9), (2) the
wife of Pilate, named Claudia in the Tradition (Matthew 27:1-2 and 19), (3) one of the women of
Jerusalem (Luke 23:26-28), (4) the women “looking on from a distance” (Mark 15:40-47), (5) Mary
the mother of Jesus (John 19:25b-30), and (6) Mary of Magdala (John 19:25b, 41-42). After each
proclamation of Scripture, the woman tells her story. It is through liturgical dance (to the Suffering Servant of Handel’s Messiah) that the women “looking on from a distance” make their story known.
Please join us for this powerful program, a benefit to support today’s refugees through the Catholic Relief Organization. Donations are gratefully accepted for this cause. The program is sponsored by the Faith in Action
Network of the Greater Rochester Community of Churches.
Second Sunday of Lent
WINE TASTING – February 27!
There are still some tickets available at the
parish office ($25), so hurry over if you would l
ike to attend this year’s wine tasting event which
is traditionally a sell-out. You will enjoy tasting
wines from eight major Finger Lakes wineries,
as well as sampling oils and vinegars from F. Oliver’s, delicious desserts from Baker Street Bakery, wonderful chocolate samples from Hedonist Artisan Chocolates, and many
mouth-watering hors d’oeuvres and tasty treats throughout
the evening. If you have given up alcohol for Lent, you will
find alternative beverages to wet your whistle!
Twenty amazing raffle baskets to tempt you will be raffled off, as well as our Grand Prize Raffle featuring three
unbelievable prize packages!!!
(And if this isn’t enough to entice you to come, this year
our Silent Auction will feature an airplane ride with our own
Red Baron, Fr. Tim!!! You must be at the tasting to submit
bids for the Silent Auction, so be sure to get your tickets for
the event at the Parish Office right away. Hope to see you
at the Fruit of the Vine on February 27, from 7-10pm in St.
John’s Parish Hall “Vineyard”!
Questions? Call Jane Way at 747-9565.
Community Outreach Day
Saturday, April 30, 2016
Suggested projects are needed for our annual Community Outreach Day. Possibilities are yardwork, cleaning,
handyman work, organizing and painting.
Think of parishioner and non-parishioner neighbors
who could use some helping hands with special projects.
Please submit your suggestions to Jane McGrathBriggs at: or call (585) 288-8835
The Contribution Statements were
mailed out to all registered parishioners. If you did not receive your statement, please call the Parish Office at
288-5000 ext. 102.
If you haven’t picked up your Pictorial
Directory yet, stop and pick yours up at
the Parish Office.
These directories are for parishioners who had their
portraits taken by LifeTouch in 2014.
Page Seven
Fruit of the Vine Grand Raffle Prizes –
on sale now!!
The Fruit of the Vine wine tasting event is
quickly approaching on Saturday, February 27th.
The Grand Raffle is also part of this wonderful
event and this year you have an opportunity to
win one of three amazing raffle prizes!! You do not
have to be at the wine tasting to win, and you can still
be part of the excitement by buying raffle tickets for a
chance at one of these THREE GRAND PRIZES:
Chew and Brew at Rohrbach’s Brewpub! Enjoy food
and beer pairing with dinner for 6 of your closest
friends at our very own local brewpub.
Experience Our Neighborhood at ARTISANworks!
Enjoy a beautiful Ramon Santiago framed print
“Diversity” along with 10 admission passes to
ROC the Night! Enjoy dinner at Tavern 58, 2 GEVA
tickets and an overnight stay with breakfast at
the Strathallan.
Tickets will be on sale after every Mass starting the
weekend of 2/6 through the weekend of 2/20 and also
available for purchase at the parish office. The cost of
the tickets is $10 each or 3 for $20 and it is cash only.
Don’t miss out!
Saturday, MARCH 19
3 pm performance at
Geva Theatre Center
Benefiting the Residents of St. Ann’s Community
Will My Bunny Go To Heaven?
Sister’s Easter Catechism
Celebrate the Easter Season with Sister as she answers time worn questions like “Why isn’t Easter the
same day every year like Christmas?” Sister unearths the origins of Easter bunnies, Easter eggs,
Easter bonnets, Easter baskets and of course those
yummy Easter Peeps. Classroom participation is a
Tickets $28
Call the Geva Box Office at 232-4382 and Mention
Code “Annie’s Angel” for this special ticket rate!
“Jesus awaits us in this sacrament of love.” (St. John
Paul II) Our monthly Office of the Blessed Sacrament
is full of insights to our faith in the Real Presence of
Jesus that are current for the New Evangelization.
The Psalms, spiritual readings, prayers, and silent
adoration are a great way to give praise and thanks
to God and to acknowledge His gifts to us. Please be
with us on Saturday, February 27, 8:00 to 9:00 PM, in
St. Kateri Parish at Christ the King Church. All are
Page Eight
“Love One Another”
Rochester Catholic Women’s Conference
Early-bird registration for the Rochester Catholic Women's
Conference has been extended until February 19. Register
now before we sell out!
RCWC is featured in the February issue of the Catholic Courier. Read the article here:
It’s that time of year again and time to file your income
tax. CASH, a free program for low income filers, is available at the former Volunteers of America building at 214 Lake
Avenue. They are not taking appointments this year. Hours
are 9:00 am — 8:00 pm Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays; 9:00 am — 5:00 pm on Fridays and Saturdays.
Closed on Wednesdays.
The free AARP program is available at the Irondequoit
Senior Center on Pinegrove Avenue on Tuesdays and
Thursdays. For an appointment call 336-6077. You do not
have to be a member of AARP to qualify.
Preparers at both sites are trained and IRS certified.
NEW THIS YEAR: because of issues of identity theft,
the IRS now requires that you bring the Social Security
card for everyone whose name appears on your return.
The Peace of Christ Parish Bulletin is provided
for our parish through the generosity of the
advertisers on the back pages of the bulletin.
Please support their businesses.
St. Ambrose Church
Located at
25 Empire Blvd.
Rochester, NY 14609
St. James Church
Located at
130 Brett Rd.
Rochester, NY 14609
St. John the Evangelist
Located at
553 Humboldt St.
Rochester, NY 14610
Peace of Christ Parish Office
25 Empire Blvd., 14609-4335
(585) 288-5000, Fax: (585) 654-7658
Web Site:
Office Hours:
Mon. through Fri:
8:30 a.m. - 12:00 and 12:30 - 4:00 p.m.
Tues. and Wed. 5-8 p.m., Sun. 10:45 - 12:45
St. John Neumann School
Mrs. Jackie Senecal, Principal
31 Empire Blvd., 14609-4335
(585) 288-0580
Rev. Robert J. Schrader, Pastor, Ext. 104
Rev. Timothy T. Brown, Parochial V icar, Ext. 105
Rev. Carlos M. Sánchez, Parochial V icar, Ext. 111
Drew Desmarais, St. Ambrose Pastoral Associate, Ext. 103
August Misiurewicz, St. John the Evangelist Pastoral Minister, Ext. 120
Sr. Marlene Vigna, RSM, St. James Pastoral Associate, Ext. 123
Melissa Mang, Director of Catechetical Programs/Y outh Ministry, Ext. 121
Patty Macera, Finance Director, Ext. 117
Tina Warren, Bookkeeper, Ext. 118
Colleen Griffith, Secretary, Ext. 102
Vicki Iannettone, Secretary, Ext. 119
Janet Andrychuk-Tedesco, St. Ambrose/St. James 8:00 AM
Dir. of Music Ministry/Organist, Ext. 110
Terrance Keach, St. John the Evangelist/St. James 4:30 PM
Music Director/Organist Ext. 122
Sheila Tumminelli, W edding Coordinator, Ext. 107
Bob Crego, Pastoral Council Chairperson
Our Peace of Christ Parish Community staff mission is to deepen the presence of Jesus, in ourselves and among all in our parish,
by loving, empowering and serving others in their need today.