The LiƩle Disciple Winter FesƟval - The Church of St Bernard, White


The LiƩle Disciple Winter FesƟval - The Church of St Bernard, White
51 Prospect Street, White Plains, ew York 10606
March 10, 2013
The LiƩle Disciple
Winter FesƟval
Rev. Robert J. Morris
Pastor &
Director of Rel. Ed.
Verónica Melendez
Administrative Assistant
Jennifer Frias
The Little Disciple
Learning Center
Maria Mendez
of Religious Education
Parish Trustees:
Reyna Lefkowitz
Christina Eyssen
5:30 pm
9:00am, 10:30am,
Saturday 4:00-5:00 pm
On Saturday March 2nd and Sunday
March 3rd the LiƩle Disciple Learning
Center Winter Wonderland FesƟval
took place in the gym. Children enjoyed the diīerent bounce houses and
games. The FesƟval also included tours
of our preschool as well as delicious
food prepared by Roberto Lepe. Thank
you to everyone who volunteered and
aƩended the FesƟval.
El sábado 2 de marzo y domingo 3 de
marzo el FesƟval de Invierno de los
Pequeños Discipulos tomo lugar en el
gymnasio. Los niños disfrutaron de
diferentes casas inables y juegos. El
FesƟval tambien incluyo tours de la escuela prescolar al igual que comida deliciosa preparada por Roberto Lepe. Gracias a todos los que fueron voluntarios y
a los que asisƟeron al FesƟval.
The Pastor’’s Page
Coming to Our Senses
It has been said that the one
parable that best summarizes
the overall message of the Gospel is the Parable of the Prodigal Son. Why?
Because it is as story that everyone can relate to on some level; we are all Prodigal
Sons or Daughters at some point on our spiritual journey through life.
We can look upon the distant country that
the Prodigal Son travels to as a frame of
mind, condiƟon of heart, or state of sin that
moves us away from the message of the
Gospel takes us into a place of our own making where sin becomes a way of life. Sin always comes under the disguise as something
good and desirable, even something that
might look like ““fun””. Isn’’t that the reason
why we choose it? However, sin, as we all
know, is not fun or enjoyable for long. Some
people may think sin is ““fun”” unƟl it entraps
them in an addicƟon. Other may see sin as
fun unƟl indelity destroys a marriage and a
family. Sin might be regarded as ““fun”” unƟl
greed, arrogance, or decepƟon distort and
bend someone’’s life out of shape and leave
them isolated from God and from others. Sin
might seem like it is ““fun”” unƟl it makes
someone spiritually and physically sick.
The most important moment in this parable
is the moment that the Prodigal Son ““comes
to his senses”” and realizes that he has
sinned. That awareness is what leads him to
make a life change. The Ɵmes when we can
look at ourselves and say, ““I have sinned””
are moments of great moral awakening and
spiritual maturity. Even more important that
this awareness is the decision to make a
change and ““come back home to God””. To
say ““ I have sinned”” and to make no eīort at
reconciliaƟon with God is too miss out on
the best that life has to oīer- the redempƟve grace of Jesus Christ. The path to Easter
for the Prodigal Son, and for all of us, is
found in being able to say, ““I have sinned””
and then, taking the necessary steps toward
reconciliaƟon with God.
These days, there are many Catholics who
do not come up to receive communion. It is
very sensiƟve and personal decision, and
one that is between the person and God
alone. None of us should stand in judgment
of those who do not come up for Holy Communion; I certainly don’’t. The judgment
that we can and should make is on ourselves
and we make that judgment at every Mass
before the distribuƟon of Holy Communion.
That judgment is this: ““Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof,
but only say the word and my soul shall be
As Catholics, we hear that ““word”” very powerfully in the Sacrament of ReconciliaƟon.
The Prodigal Son experiences this ““word”” in
the parable when he comes home and is
embraced by his father. Hopefully we all will
experience God’’s healing word in the Sacrament of ReconciliaƟon someƟme soon and
come home to the truth, to love, to forgiveness, and to Holy Communion with God
and one another. That is what ““coming to
our senses”” is all about!
-Fr. Morris
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La Página del Pastor
Llegando a Nuestros SenƟdos
Se ha dicho que la parábola que mejor resume
el mensaje del Evangelio es la parábola del Hijo
Pródigo. ¿Por qué? Debido a que es una historia
en la cual todo el mundo puede relacionarse en
algún nivel. Todos somos hijas e hijos pródigos
en algún momento de nuestro viaje espiritual a
través de la vida.
Podemos mirar hacia el país lejano adonde viaja
el Hijo Pródigo como un estado de ánimo, el estado del corazón, o el estado de pecado que
nos aleja del mensaje del Evangelio nos lleva a
un lugar de nosotros mismos donde el pecado
se convierte en un forma de vida. El pecado
siempre está bajo el disfraz de algo bueno y
deseable, incluso, algo que parece diverƟdo.
¿No es esa la razón por la que lo elegimos? Sin
embargo, el pecado, como todos sabemos, no
es diverƟdo o agradable por mucho Ɵempo. Algunas personas pueden pensar que el pecado
es "diverƟdo" hasta que se les encierra en una
adicción. Otros pueden ver el pecado como diversión hasta que la indelidad destruye un matrimonio y una familia. El pecado puede ser considerado como la diversión hasta que la ambición, la arrogancia, y el engaño distorsionan y
doblan la vida de alguien fuera de forma y los
deja aislados de Dios y de los demás. El pecado
puede parecer que es diverƟdo hasta que alguien se enferma espiritualmente y İsicamente.
El momento más importante en esta parábola
es el momento en que el Hijo Pródigo "viene a
sus senƟdos", y se da cuenta de que ha pecado.
Esa conciencia es lo que le lleva a hacer un cambio de vida. Los Ɵempos en los que podemos
mirar a nosotros mismos y decir: "He pecado"
son momentos de gran despertar moral y madurez espiritual. Aún más importante que esta
conciencia es la decisión de hacer un cambio y
"volver a casa con Dios". Decir "he pecado", y
no hacer ningún esfuerzo en la reconciliación
con Dios es perder lo mejor que la vida Ɵene
para ofrecer, la gracia redentora de Jesucristo.
El camino hacia la Pascua del Hijo Pródigo, y para todos nosotros, se encuentra en ser capaz de
decir: "He pecado", y luego, dando los pasos necesarios hacia la reconciliación con Dios.
En estos días, hay muchos Católicos que no vienen para recibir la Comunión. Es una decisión
muy sensible y personal, y que se encuentra entre la persona y Dios. Ninguno de nosotros debemos juzgar de los que no vienen a la Sagrada
Comunión, y yo deniƟvamente no lo hago. El
juicio que podemos y debemos hacer es en nosotros mismos y hacer ese juicio en todas las
misas antes de la distribución de la Sagrada Comunión. Este juzgamiento es el siguiente:
"Señor, no soy digno de que entres en mi casa,
pero di una sola palabra y mi alma será sanada"
Como Católicos, escuchamos "palabra" con mucha fuerza en el Sacramento de la Reconciliación. El Hijo Pródigo experimenta esta "palabra"
en la parábola, cuando llega a casa y es abrazado por su padre. Esperemos que todos experimentemos con la palabra sanadora de Dios en
el Sacramento de la Reconciliación en algún momento pronto que podamos volver a casa con la
verdad, el amor, y el perdón y a la Sagrada Comunión con Dios y entre sí. Esto es de lo que
"venir a nuestros senƟdos" se trata!
-Fr. Morris
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The LiƩle Disciple
Learning Center
Preschool Summer Program
This Summer The LiƩle Disciple Learning Center will be
oīering a six week Summer Program for 3 and 4 year
olds, running from July 9th –– August 15th. Each week will
include a new theme, arts and craŌs, outdoor fun, stories, music and more!!
Three day program Tues, Wed, Thurs
8:30 AM -2:30 PM
TuiƟon: $750.00 for the complete
six week program.
2013-2014 School year registraƟon
The LiƩle Disciple Learning Center is happy to announce
that registraƟon for the Preschool 2013-2014 school
year is now open. If your child is turning 3 or 4 on or
before September 1st 2013 you can enroll your child in
our Preschool for the 2013-2014 school year.
For more InformaƟon :
Jennifer Frias, Preschool Director
Youth Group Calendar
Midnight Run Prep
Midnight Run
Spiritual Conference
Movie Night
Bake Sale
Game Night
Lent ReconciliaƟon Monday,
March 25th
Monday, March 25th, is Advent ReconciliaƟon Monday
throughout the Archdiocese of New York. All parishes
will be providing the Sacrament of ReconciliaƟon for the
faithful from 3:00pm to 8:00pm. Confessions will be
heard at the Church of St. Bernard on Monday March
25th from 3:00pm to 8:00pm, in place of our Annual
Lent Penance Service.
St. Bernard’’s Seniors
On March 21st the St. Bernard’’s Seniors
are planning to aƩend Restaurant Week.
Please contact BeƩy Hanlon at 428-8740
if you would like to join us and for more
The Catholic Widows and Widowers
The Catholic Widows and Widowers are reacƟvaƟng
their Junior Division and cordially
invite you to aƩend a meeƟng or
spiritual and social support at St.
Pius X Church in Scarsdale on
March 25th. Mass for deceased
spouses is at 7:00 pm followed by
a meeƟng at 7:45 pm. For more
informaƟon call 914-948-4682.
Upcoming Parish MeeƟngs
i Blood Drive today Sunday, March 10th at 9:00 am in
Chapel Hall.
i Virgin of Caacupe MeeƟng on Wednesday, March
13th at 8:00pm.
Youth Group Movie Night on Thursday, March 14th
at 7:00pm in the RecreaƟon Room.
Catechist FormaƟon Class on Friday, March 8th at
7:00pm in the Community Room.
St. Bernard’’s Group Clean up (Community Service),
Saturday, March 16th at 11:00 am.
Pro-life/Prayer Gathering (Community Service), Saturday, March 16th at 2:00 pm.
Marriage Spirituality Group MeeƟng on Sunday,
March 17th aŌer the 12:00 pm Mass in the FaƟma
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Centro de Aprendizaje de
los Pequeños Discipulos
Programa Preescolar de Verano
Un programa de 6 semanas para 3 & 4 años, el cual empezara el 9 de julio - 15 de agosto, el cual incluira cada
semana un nuevo tema, artes diverƟdas y artesanias, diversción al aire libre, historias, musica y mucho más!!
Programa de 3 días Martes, Miercoles,
Jueves de 8:30 am - 2:30 pm
Matriculación : $750 por el programa complete de 6
2013-2014 Registración Escolar
El Centro de Aprendizaje de los Pequeños Discipulos estamos felices de anunciar que la registración preescolar del
año 2013-2014 esta abierto. SI su niño cumplira 3 o 4 años
antes de 1ro de sepƟembre 2013 usted puede matricular a
su niño en nuestro año preescolar 2013-2014.
Para más información:
Jennifer Frias, Director Prescolar
Calendario de Grupo de Jovenes
Jueves 3/21
Friday 3/24
Jueves 3/28
Viernes 3/29
Jueves 4/4
Domin. 4/7
Jueves 4/11
Preparacion para el Midnight Run
Midnight Run
Conferencia Espiritual
Noche de Pelicula
Venta de Bocadillos
Noche de Juegos
Lunes de la Reconciliación de Cuaresma, 25 de marzo
El lunes 25 de marzo es el lunes de la Reconciliación de
Cuaresma en toda la Arquidiócesis de Nueva York. Todas
las parroquias estarán ofreciendo el Sacramento de la Reconciliación a todos los eles de 3:00pm a 8:00pm. En la
Iglesia de San Bernardo tendremos confesiones el lunes 25
de marzo de 3:00pm a 8:00pm en lugar de nuestro servicio
anual de Penitencia de Adviento.
Grupo de Personas Mayores
de San Bernardo
El 21 de marzo el grupo de personas
mayores esta planeado en asisƟr a la
seman del Restaurante . Por favor contacte
a BeƩy Hanlon al 428-8740 si planea asisƟr
y para mas información.
Viudas y Viudos Católicos
El Grupo de Viudas y Viudos están reacƟvando su División Junior y cordialmente le invitamos a asisƟr a una reunión o al grupo espiritual y de apoyo
social en la iglesia de SanST. Pius X en
Scarsdale el 25 de marzo. Misa de difuntos esposos sera a las 7:00 pm seguido de una reunión a las 7:45 pm.
Para obtener más información, llame 914-948-4682.
Proximas Reuniones
i Donación de Sangre en San Bernardo hoy domingo,
10 de marzo a las 9:00 am en Chapel Hall.
i Reunion de la Virgen de Caacupe el miercoles, 13 de
marzo a las 8:00 pm.
i Reunión del Grupo de Jóvenes - Noche de pelicula el
jueves, 14 de marzo a las 7:00 pm en el Salón de
i Limpieza de terreno de San Bernardo (Servicio Comunitario), sabado, 16 de marzo a las 11:00 am.
i Pro-Vida/ Reunion de Oracion (Servicio Comunitario), sabado 16 de marzo a las 2:00 pm.
i Reunión de Grupo Matrimonial——Corazones Unidos
el domingo, 17 de marzo despues de la misa de las
12:00 pm en el Salón de FaƟma.
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Parish Schedule - Horario de la Parrroquia
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Fifth Sunday of Lent
8:00am Spanish RCIA - Guadalupe Room
9:00am Family Mass
10:10am Religious Education Class
10:15am Spanish Bible Study
10:30am English Mass
10:30am Cursillistas Meeting - Chapel Hall
12:00pm Spanish Mass
1:00pm Marriage Spirituality Group MeetingCorazones Unidos - Fatima Room
Monday, March 18, 2013
St. Cyril of Jerusalem Bishop & Doctor of the
Church - Memorial
9:00am Communion Service–– Chapel Hall
12:30pm Central Westchester Priest Vicariate
Meeting - Chapel Hall
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
St. Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
–– Solemnity
9:00am Communion Service-Chapel Hall
9:00am Communion Service ––Chapel Hall
7:30 pm English Bible Study - Fatima Room
7:30pm English Bible Study - Fatima Room
8:00pm AA Meeting - Chapel Hall
8:00pm AA Meeting Chapel Hall
Wednesday, March 13 2013
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
9:00am Mass -Chapel Hall
9:00am Mass–– Chapel Hall
4:00pm Religious Education Class
4:00pm Religious Education Class
4:00pm Spanish Bible Meditation
4:00pm Spanish Bible Meditation ––Guad. Rm
5:30pm Youth Choir Practice - Music Room
5:30pm Youth Choir Practice - Music Room
6:30pm Religious Education Class
6:30pm Religious Education Class
6:30pm Spanish Bible Meditation - Guadalupe Rm. 6:30pm Spanish Bible Meditation ––Guad. Rm
7:30pm Adult Choir Rehearsal-Music Room
7:30pm Adult Choir Practice
8:00pm English RCIA-Fatima Room
8:00pm English RCIA - Fatima Room
8:00pm Virgin of Caacupe Meeting-Community Rm Thursday, March 21, 2013
9:00am Mass–– Chapel Hall
Thursday, March 14, 2013
3:00pm Senior Meeting - Restaurant Week at W.P.
9:00am Mass -Chapel Hall
7:00pm Religious Education Class
7:00pm Religious Education Class
7:00pm Spanish Bible Meditation
7:00pm Spanish Bible Meditation
7:00pm Youth Group Meeting-Midnight Run
7:00pm Youth Group Meeting - Movie Night
Friday, March 22, 2013
Day of Abstinence from meat
Friday, March 15, 2013
St. Turibius of Mogrovejo Bishop
Day of Abstinence from meat
9:00am Mass–– Chapel Hall
9:00am Mass -Chapel Hall
6:30pm English Classes - 2nd Fl. Classroom
6:30pm English Classes - 2nd Fl. Classrooms
7:00pm Stations of the Cross - English
7:00pm Stations of the Cross - English
7:00pm Midnight Run
8:00pm Stations of the Cross - Spanish
8:00pm Stations of the Cross - Spanish
Saturday, March 16, 2013
Saturday, March 23, 2013
10:30am Youth Choir Practice - Music Room
Family Catechesis
11:00am St. Bernard’’s Group Clean-up 10:30am Youth Choir Practice - Music Room
Community Service
11:00am Catechist Formation Class-Community Rm.
4:00pm Confessions
12:00pm Spanish Baptisms
5:30pm Sunday Vigil Mass
2:00pm Pro-Life/Prayer Gathering -
Sunday, March 10, 2013
Fourth Sunday of Lent
Youth Group Bake Sale
8:00am Spanish RCIA
9:00am Family Mass
9:00am Blood Drive
9:00am LDLC Open House
10:10am Religious Education Classes
10:15am Spanish Bible Study–– Guadalupe Room
10:30am English Mass
10:30am Cursillistas Meeting - Chapel Hall
12:00pm Spanish Mass
1:00pm Divine Infant Jesus MeetingGuadalupe Room
Monday, March 11, 2013
9:00am Communion Service–– Chapel Hall
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord
8:00am Spanish RCIA - Guadalupe Room
9:00am Family Mass
10:10am Religious Education Class
10:15am Spanish Bible Study-Guadalupe Rm.
10:30am English Mass
10:30am Cursillistas Meeting - Chapel Hall
12:00pm Spanish Mass
Monday, March 25, 2013
9:00am Communion Service-Chapel Hall
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
10:30am Communion Service-Chapel Hall
7:30pm No English Bible Study - Fatima Room
8:00pm AA Meeting - Chapel Hall
Wednesday, March 27 , 2013
9:00am Mass- Chapel Hall
4:00pm No Religious Education Class
4:00pm Spanish Bible Meditation - Guad. Rm.
5:30pm Youth Choir Practice - Music Room
6:30pm No Religious Education Class
6:30pm Spanish Bible Meditation - Guad. Rm.
7:30pm Adult Choir Practice
8:00pm No English RCIA - Fatima Room
Thursday, March 28,2013
Holy Thursday
6:15pm Mass of the Lord’’s Supper ––Spanish
7:00pm Spanish Bible Meditation ––Guad. Rm
7:00pm No Religious Education Class
7:00pm Spanish Bible Meditation-Guad. Rm
7:00pm Youth Group Meeting-Spiritual Conference
8:00pm Mass of the Lord’’s Supper - English
Friday, March 29, 2013
Good Friday
Day of Fast & Abstinence from meat
9:00am Mass - Chapel Hall
3:00pm Liturgy of the Lord’’s Passion - English
5:00pm Stations of the Cross - Spanish
6:15pm Liturgy of the Lord’’s Passion - Spanish
7:00pm Stations of the Cross - English
Saturday, March 30, 2013
Holy Saturday
10:30am Youth Choir Practice - Music Room
12:00pm RCIA Easter Vigil Practice
4:00pm Confessions
7:30pm Easter Vigil Mass
Community Service
4:00pm Confessions
4:00pm English Cursillo - Chapel Hall
5:30pm Sunday Vigil Mass
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Invest just five minutes a day, and
your faith will deepen and grow——a
day at a time.
SUNDAY, MARCH 10, 2013
Everyone’’s invited to the party
Just as we’’ve learned that the word prodigal applies
more to the father in Jesus’’ famous parable than to the son (it is the father
who loves and forgives without counting the cost), so also the key figure in
the story may very well be the elder brother. It is easy to share his perspective: Work hard, do the right thing, and you’’ll come out on top. How quickly
he becomes sullen when reminded that his father’’s love——like God’’s rain——
falls even on his kid brother. One can feel sympathy for the elder son, selfexiled from the party. Thank goodness the parable ends with the prodigal
father still waiting for his stubborn older son to join the celebration.
TODAY’’S READINGS: Joshua 5:9a, 10-12; 2 Corinthians 5:17-21; Luke
15:1-3, 11-32 (33)
““Now we must celebrate and rejoice, because your brother was
dead and has come to life again.””
What’’s done is done
An inexhaustible source of human unhappiness is the ability to recall and
vividly relive painful past events. In no time at all you can find yourself digging up regrettable past events, recalling painful memories, refueling resentment over some slight, or beating yourself up for some personal failure.
Fortunately the season of spring reminds us that God is forever looking forward. Bulbs are bursting forth. New blades of grass emerge. Buds appear on
tree branches. All of creation moves forward; shouldn’’t you as well? Today is
a good day to refrain from looking backward. Instead, along with God and
nature, face the unwritten future with joyful hope.
TODAY’’S READINGS: Isaiah 65:17-21; John 4:43-54 (244)
““The things of the past shall not be remembered or come to
Believe in the source of all healing
Nothing seems more miraculous than a healing. When the sick get well despite all odds or disability is restored to wholeness, even the skeptical feel
the heartbeat of faith. Miracle-workers like Moses, Elijah, and even Jesus
often saw disbelief melt into fervor when the natural order of things was
infiltrated by divine grace. Yet all wonder-workers report the same frustration when momentary faith dissolves into doubt again as soon as the miracle
becomes a memory. Faith is not in the miraculous but in God for whom nothing is impossible.
TODAY’’S READINGS: Ezekiel 47:1-9, 12; John 5:1-16 (245)
““Their fruit shall serve for food, and their leaves for medicine.””
Accept you are a child of God
One of the things that got Jesus into trouble with his enemies was
that he had the audacity to say he——and everyone——was a child
of God. OK, he went further than that to declare he was the very
Son of God, and for some people of his day, such a claim of divine
origins was the worst kind of blasphemy.
Perhaps, though, something else was going on. Maybe Jesus’’ opponents
recoiled from the possibility of being that close to God themselves, a potential that pointed to a loving closeness with God and one another they felt
unworthy of. They might have realized that such intimacy also meant a responsibility to follow a God who loves God’’s children that much.
TODAY’’S READINGS: Isaiah 49:8-15; John 5:17-30 (246)
““I do not seek my own will but the will of the one who sent me.””
Praise for the imitation of Christ
Jesus was not interested in human praise because he saw that as often as
not there is an element of self-interest in one’’s praise of others. On the other
hand, if imitation is the highest form of praise, count Jesus on board with that
kind of it. He calls you to follow him, to imitate him, in thought, word, and
deed, rather than merely pay him lip service. We gather together in worship
not because that is sufficient to fulfill our calling but rather to gather strength
and support to follow through on our vocation once we walk out the church
doors. Do your best imitation of Jesus today!
TODAY’’S READINGS: Exodus 32:7-14; John 5:31-47 (247)
““I do not accept human praise.””
Get to the meat of the matter
Fasting is a spiritual practice acknowledged across religions. Muslims respect
it as a way to grow in compassion for the needy. Jews see it as a way to
heighten awareness of God’’s many gifts and broaden periods of self-denial
to include refraining from bathing, sex, and wearing leather shoes (once
considered a luxury). Synagogue attendees could show up feeling quite grubby——and grumpy——for certain observances. We might keep in mind the
fourth-century monk John Cassian’’s warning: ““What we gain from fasting
does not compensate us for what we lose through anger.”” Food for thought!
TODAY’’S READINGS: Wisdom 2:1a, 12-22; John 7:1-2, 10, 25-30 (248)
““His life is not like that of others, and different are his ways.””
Think for yourself
There’’s an exchange in the Gospel of John that says something about the
perception of truth. Jesus’’ teaching had impressed many. Some even thought
him the promised Messiah, the last and greatest prophet. Others, however,
weren’’t so sure. Tradition said the Savior was supposed to come from Bethlehem, but they only saw him at work in Galilee. You see the irony: Christ
actually did come from Bethlehem; they just didn’’t realize it. It’’s even more
paradoxical because in being what they thought was faithful to the predictions of their past prophets, his detractors didn’’t see the one right in their
midst! Ask yourself: ““Would I recognize a true prophet in my midst, or would
I be blinded by my preconceived notions?””
TODAY’’S READINGS: Jeremiah 11:18-20; John 7:40-53 (249)
““Some in the crowd who heard these words of Jesus said, ‘‘This is
truly the Prophet.’’ ””
©2013 by TrueQuest Communications, L.L.C
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Mass Intentions for the Week
Last Sunday’’s CollecƟon :
Saturday, March 9, 2013
5:30 Sergio Ripari
Sunday, March 10, 2013
9:00 For the people
First CollecƟon:
Second CollecƟon:
Today’’s Second CollecƟon is for Catholic Relief Services.
Next week’’s second collecƟon will be for Fuel. Thank
you for your generous support of our parish.
10:30 Alfred Jendrzej
12:00 Armando Cuahuey & Enedina Tlahuel
Monday, March 11, 2013
9:00 Communion Service
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
La segunda Colecta de hoy es para el Servicio de Alivio
Catolico. La segunda colecta de la proxima semana sera
para la Calefacción. Gracias por sus generosas
contribuciones a nuestra parroquia.
9:00 Communion Service
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
9:00 Dorothea McElduī
Thursday, March 14, 2013
9:00 Fr. Zembrzuski
Friday, March 15, 2013
9:00 Provideza & Francesco Gambona
Saturday, March 16, 2013
On the Fridays of Lent, StaƟons of the
Cross are held in the Church in English at
7:00pm and in Spanish at 8:00pm.
Michael B. Finn
Sunday, March 17, 2013
StaƟons of the Cross——Viacrucis
Habrá un Viacrucis en inglés los viernes de
Cuaresma a las 7:00pm y uno en español a
las 8:00pm.
Bill Fargelli
10:30 Anne Formica
12:00 For the people
Prayers for the Sick
Fourth Sunday of Lent
Please remember in your prayers those who are ill and
those who serve them. Recemos por todas las personas
de nuestra parroquia quienes se encuentran enfermas.
Whoever is in Christ is a new creaƟon: the old things
have passed away; behold, new things have come.
—— 2 Corinthians 5:17
Keith Camacho
Charlie Ginter
Maria Ripari
Isabel Villar
Hymns in Spanish - CanƟcos en Español
523 Cantemos al amor
525 Oh buen Jesús
526 Alơsimo Señor
530 Juntos como hermanos
Cuarto Domingo de Cuaresma
El que vive según Cristo es una creatura nueva; para él
todo lo viejo ha pasado. Ya todo es nuevo.
—— 2 CorinƟos 5:17
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Centro Hispano’’s Services and Programs
Educational Programs:
· Computer classes for adults.
· English classes for adults on Fridays –– Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced levels. (BOCES)
· English classes for adults with computers Monday –– Friday
· GED Classes in Spanish (BOCES)
· Culture through Technology Computer classes and homework help for 5th and 6th graders.
· Saturday Academy for 7th to 9th graders.
· Literacy class for Kindergarten and first graders..
· Community service program for high school students.
· Tutorial Program at White Plains High School
· My Older Sister Mentoring/Tutorial Program at Eastview
Middle School
· Scholarships to Hispanic students who live or attend school
in White Plains.
· Special workshops sponsored by the White Plains School
Cultural and recreational Programs:
· Annual Health Fair
· Annual Heritage Day Festivals –– Westchester and White
· Girl and Boy Scout Troops
· Celebration of the Three Wise Men
General Services
· Bi-weekly updated job and housing listings
· Legal services to domestic violence victims.
· Letter writing services.
· Notary Public services
· Phone calls to doctors, lawyers, hospitals, employers, landlords, utility companies, clinics, and social service agencies.
· Special workshops with a Hispanic psychologist.
· Translation of documents.
· Assistance completing applications
· Food Pantry on Fridays
· El Centro Hispano will be distributing fresh food on the following Thursdays:
· March 7 and 14
· April 4 and 11
· May 2 and 23
· June 6
· The refrigerated truck from Food Bank for Westchester will
be at the parking lot near Centro Hispano from 4:00 to 6:00.
All are welcome to benefit from this program. Please bring
a bag.
Programas y servicios del Centro Hispano
Programas educativos:
· Clases de computación para adultos.
· Clases de inglés para adultos. Tres niveles: Principiante,
Intermedio y Avanzado.(BOCES).
· Clases de inglés con computadoras. Lunes ––viernes (BOCES)
· Clases de ““GED”” en español (BOCES)
· Clases de cultura por medio de la tecnología y ayuda académica para estudiantes de quinto y sexto grado.
· Ayuda académica para estudiantes de séptimo, octavo y
noveno grado. (Sábados)
· Programa de entrenamiento para ganar horas comunitarias.
· Programa de Tutoría en la Escuela Secundaria de White
· Programa de Tutoría y Mentoras Mi Hermana Mayor en la
Escuela Intermedia Eastview.
· Becas para estudiantes de escuela secundaria que residen o
estudian en White Plains.
· Conferencias especiales auspiciadas por el Sistema Educativo de White Plains.
Programas culturales y recreativos:
· Feria Annual de la Salud
· Celebración Anual de la Hispanidad en Westchester y White
· Tropas de Boy y Girl Scouts
· Celebración de los Tres Reyes Magos
Servicios Generales:
· Listados de empleos, apartamentos, cuartos y casas disponibles en Westchester actualizado dos veces a la semana.
· Ayuda legal para víctimas de violencia doméstica.
· Redacción de cartas
· Servicios de Notario Público
· Servicio de llamadas a doctores, agencias gubernamentales,
abogados, clínicas, hospitales, etc.
· Conferencias con una psicóloga hispana.
· Traducción de Actas de Nacimientos y Matrimonios.
· Ayuda para llenar solicitudes
· Distribución de alimentos los viernes.
El Centro Hispano distribuirá alimentos frescos los siguientes jueves:
7 y 14 de marzo
4 y 11 de abril
2 y 23 de mayo
6 de junio
El camion refrigerado de Food Bank for Westchester estará estacionado
cerca del Centro de 4:00 –– 6:00 p.m. Todos están invitados a beneficiarse de este programa. Por favor traiga bolsa.
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