Who do I contact in PTS ? - Pangbourne, Tidmarsh and Sulham
Who do I contact in PTS ? - Pangbourne, Tidmarsh and Sulham
Who do I contact in PTS ? To arrange Baptisms, Weddings, Thanksgivings and Funerals, and to discuss matter of faith, or to request a visit at home or hospital for prayer or communion: T HE P ARISH Rector Reverend Heather Parbury rector@pangbournechurches.info ST JAMES THE LESS : ST LAURENCE : ST NICHOLAS 0118 984 2928 0118 984 2698 0118 956 1820 To make a payment, donate your gift to church or pledge regular giving please talk to a Church warden or the Rector . To give, or receive, information about events, rotas, services, courses and all parish communications Parish Administrator: Rachel Buckingham Please make sure you send any dates to Rachel for inclusion in the church calendar and website admin@pangbournechurches.info 7.45am 10am 11am 25th September 2016 Readings Old Testament Epistle Gospel 07816485731 Amos 8.4-7 1 Timothy 2.1-7 Luke 16.1-13 The Collect Gracious God, you call us to fullness of life: deliver us from unbelief and banish our anxieties with the liberating love of Jesus Christ our Lord Amen Situations Vacant—The Parochial Church Council Teenage group ‘JJs’ Bonnie Yule Kuehne 17th Sunday after Trinity Readings Old Testament Epistle Gospel 7.45am 10am 4pm Noah’s Ark for Mums, carers, babes and preschools every Friday morning from 10am in St James S U LH AM AN D Holy Communion St James Holy Communion & Baptism St James Family Worship St Nicholas Church Office 0118 984 5066 Church Office open in Pangbourne Village Hall on Wednesday and Friday 12 –3pm of Pangbourne with Tidmarsh and Sulham invites applications for the post of : 1 Treasurer to the PCC 2 Secretary to the PCC 3 Deanery Synod rep For more information contact Rev Heather on rector@pangbournechurches.info P ANGBOURNE T I DM A RSH 18th September 2016 For anything to do with our 3 village churches and churchyards - Church Wardens: Jill Palfrey Julia Sheppard WI TH OF 18th Sunday after Trinity Holy Communion Parish Holy Communion Messy Church St James St James St James Amos 6.1a, 4-7 1 Timothy 6.6-19 Luke 16.19-end The Collect God, our judge and saviour, teach us to be open to your truth and to trust in your love, that we may live each day with confidence in the salvation which is given through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen 2nd October 2016 19th Sunday after Trinity Tuesday Tea Club for seniors in Pangbourne Village Hall Rev Jean Rothery 0118 984 3625 7.45am 10am 11am Holy Communion Service of the Word FW Harvest St James St James St Laurence Follow us on facebook@pangbournechurches Follow us on Twitter@ptschurches http://www.pangbournechurches.org.uk Readings Old Testament Epistle Gospel LOOKING FOR AN APARTMENT TO RENT Looking for 2 bedroom and furnished apartment to rent in Pangbourne, Goring or Whitchurch, to be shared by two responsible workers. Contacts: 07428 353435 or 07453 384926. The Collect Faithful Lord, whose steadfast love never ceases and whose mercies never come to an end: grant us the grace to trust you and to receive the gifts of your love, new every morning, in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen Habakkuk 1.1-4, 2.1-4 2 Timothy 1.1-14 Luke 17.5-10 Dates for your Diary What’s On ? Education Sunday September 11th 2016 Please continue to pray for all the schools linked with members of our church. Thank you to : Wilma Grant comprehensive school chair of governors ; Laura Ogilvie Jones teacher and Director of Admissions at Downe House; Will Ogilvie Jones, teacher and Housemaster at Pangbourne College; Jen Greene, deputy head at Madejski Academy; Karen Christian teaching assistant at Pangbourne Primary School; Carol Atkins Family Support Worker in Tilehurst; Sarah O’Halloran Prep school secretary ; Dilys Rogers retired teacher; Ben Atkins, GCSE student; Lauren and Hayden Christian, pupils at Pangbourne Primary: for sharing with us in the service to celebrate Education Sunday. We are also keeping in our prayers our foundation governors at Englefield Church of England Primary School: Julia Sheppard, Ross Kuehne and Chris Gittins; and Julie Read, safeguarding officer for the parish and Early years teacher at Pangbourne Primary School. Weekday services in St James Monday - Saturday 8.30am Morning Prayer Wednesday 10am Holy Communion followed by Coffee and Chat Friday 10am Noah’s Ark in St James for Mums and babes, Tots and carers. Noah’s Ark new term has begun. If you would like to help on a Friday morning from 9.30am to help set up or take a turn on the welcome and hospitality team please talk to Rev Heather. PTS Parish Harvest Celebration 2 October 11am St Laurence Harvest Lunch afterwards in Tidmarsh Village Hall. Deluxe Ploughman's Buy tickets from Julia Sheppard or Jill Palfrey. Our collection this year goes to the Church Urban Fund. Please give generously. This Autumn, Archbishop Justin Welby is calling on churches across the country to share their harvest. This is all part of the Mustard Seed Appeal, a campaign to create just finance in our country and bring an end to the money problems that are dominating as many as 8 million lives in the UK today. When your church takes part, you will be joining churches across the country as we work to deliver just finance to every diocese in England. Sunday 25 September 10am Thank You service in St James. Please come to hear about the plans for Reverend Andrew Bond’s future ministry, and say ‘thank you’ for his ministry here in PTS. Drinks and cake after. 4pm Messy Church in St James Tuesday 27 September 2pm Seniors teas, Pangbourne Village Hall Wednesday 28 September 8pm PCC Meeting in St James Wednesday 5 October 7:45pm Reading Minster Eucharist with the new Bishop of Oxford Right Reverend Steven Croft Please let us know if you would like to have a lift. admin@pangbournechurches.info 16 October Christian Aid Big Switch Service 10am St James PTS Environment Group and Guest Speaker Rev. Darrell Hannah. Come and find out about Kingdom Values and the Environment and help us to make choices. The Big Autumn Workout! Green Gym in St James churchyard. The next session is Thursday 6 October, 15 October, 9.30am to 12 noon. Working outside in God’s creation with plants and the land is beneficial to your health and our churchyards! Come and get that warm glow of satisfaction and perspiration. Refreshments provided. There are vacancies on our ‘PCC’ - Parochial Church Council. If you have a heart for the mission of the church in this parish, and could give commitment to 3 years service, please consider standing for election next Spring. Anyone who might be interested to join us on 25th January 2017 at Greyfriars Church, Reading for a CPAS event for PCC members please see the notice board in St James for info and/or have a word with the rector, Rev Heather Are you interested in joining Pangbourne Pilgrims on a visit to Wetsminster Abbey this winter? This pilgrimage, guided tour and worship after the Abbey was closed to the public was very popular. If you missed the last time or would like to go again please let Christine Tims know of your interest.