Photonics - Spectaris
Photonics - Spectaris
Photonics SPECTARIS-Spotlight Facts and Data on a Key Technology - benefits at a glance Contacts – networks – multipliers We promote the dialogue between its member companies and provide opportunities for cross-industry exchange. Providing key information We keep you updated on current industry trends and provide access to key economic and market data. 426 Representing your interests members We stand up for your interests, participate in decision-making and are professional contact for the ministries. Maintaining an extensive national and international network We support companies in their export activities of international markets. Gaining a competitive edge through knowledge Excellent seminars, forums and information meetings: We provide you with information, activities and advice on the major challenges of the future. wichtigen Zukunftsthemen. We are SPECTARIS Become a SPECTARIS member. Contact SPECTARIS e. V. Werderscher Markt 15 10117 Berlin Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information on our services: +49 (0) 30 41 40 21- 0 The photonics industry in Germany The german photonics industry in numbers 130 K 30B 9 % employees EUR total revenue R&D rate 1,000 companies Development of the German photonics industry 13.1 9.5 9.3 43.7 B 29.4 B 26.7 B 17.4 19.9 30.6 2014 2011 2020 (projection) Domestic revenue (B EUR) Foreign revenue (B EUR) Sources: Photonics industry report/Optech Consulting, 2014: Calculations: SPECTARIS TOP 5 target countries for German exports LASERS OPTICAL COMPONENTS AND BEAM SOURCES China The Netherlands The U.S. The U.S. China Switzerland The U.S. and China are the most important non-European costumers of photonic products. Switzerland Japan 100 M EUR Export 2015 500 M EUR Export 2014 Sources: Federal Statistical Office, SPECTARIS 800 M EUR Japan Korea 100 M EUR For more details on foreign trade data, SPECTARIS members may go to: Global photonics market SOUTH KOREA Global market share in the segment (market shares exceeding 10 %) 41 % GERMANY 17 % NORTH AMERICA 17 % JAPAN CHINA 17 % 28 % 11 % 40 % 32 % 41 % 26 % 43 % 40 % 31 % 58 % 31 % 19 % 32 % 19 % 20 % 18 % 35 % 15 % 26 % Japan and China are 14 % 11 % among the biggest producers of photonics. Experts anticipate that China will expand its global market position. 29 % 19 % 18 % 14 % TAIWAN EU (excluding Germany) Measurement & imaging technology Displays Communication technology Information technology Medical technology & life sciences Light sources Source: Branchenreport Photonik Photovoltaics Production technology Safety and defence technology Expected photonics production Photovoltaics 11 % Flat panel displays 5 % Biophotonics It is anticipated that in 2017 the global photonics market will be worth 724 billion EUR in total. The annual growth rate of 6 % between 2012 and 2017 illustrates the industry potential. 1 % LEDs 19 % Optical fibre for telecommunications 9 % Image sensors and I/O devices –18 % Optical components and modules 0 % Laser sources 8 % Optical data media –6 % 10 M USD 100 M USD Expected revenue for 2016 Annual growth rates 2012 – 2017 Source: PIDA (Taiwan) 200 M USD Selected growth markets OLED displays Lasers Analysts expect the OLED total market volume to reach 37 billion USD by 2020. Displays will account for 97% of the revenue and lighting for 3%. The laser market continues to grow, though the growth rate is expected to decrease from 6.9 % to 4.4 % between 2005 and 2016. Annual growth between 2015 and 2025 Annual growth between 2014 and 2016 41 % Automotive / aviation Medical technology 27 % TV Research & defence 24 % Portable electronics Messtechnik 18 % Industry Communication 17 % Microdisplays Material processing 9 % Tablets / notebooks Lithography 6 % Mobile phones Printing industry Optical storages 3 % Other Displays –20 % 2014 2015 –10 % 0 % 10 % 20 % 2016 Source: Strategies Unlimited Sources: IDTechEX, Allied Market Research Additive manufacturing Endoscopy Analysts expect the global market for additive manufacturing to reach 17.2 billion USD by 2020. It is anticipated that the total endoscopy market will continue to grow significantly and reach 33.6 billion USD by 2020. Annual growth between 2014 and 2020 Annual growth between 2014 and 2022* Aviation & defence 8.7 % Capsule endoscopy 5 Industry Medical video endoscopes 4 7 % Healthcare Automotive Jewellery Energy Flexible endoscopes 3 6 % Endoscopy in total 2 6.1 % Medical technology 1 4.1 % Other sectors 0 % min. 15 % 25 % max. Sources: Analyse A.T. Kearney, Wohlers Report, SmarTech Markets, Credit Suisse 35 % Sources text: MarketsandMarkets, Frost & Sullivan, Grand View Research * Sources chart: (1) EvaluateMedTech von 2014–2020, (2) endoscopy / equipment / accessories: MarketsandMarkets von 2015–2020, (3) Technavio von 2015–2019, (4) MarketsandMarkets von 2014–2019, (5) Grand View Research von 2014–2022 We are SPECTARIS A A. Schweizer / Adolf Thies / ADOS / AESCULAP / Agilent Technologies Deutschland / Alcon Pharma / ALS Automated Lab Solutions / ALU REHAB / AMO Germany / Andreas Hettich / Anton Paar ProveTec / AOYAMA OPTICAL GERMANY / ArjoHuntleigh / Arnold & Richter / ARRI Lightning Stephanskirchen / art photonics / asecos / asphericon / ATMOS MedizinTechnik / August Wulf Collection / AXEL S. Modebrillen B B&B EYEWEAR / B.Braun Avitum Saxonia / Bauer und Häselbarth Chirurg / Bausch & Lomb / Befort Wetzlar OD / Belimed Deutschland / Berghof Products + Instruments / Berliner Glas / Bierther Submikron / Bischoff & Bischoff Medizin- und Rehabilitationstechnik / BITMOS Gesellschaft für Medizintechnik / BLANCO CS / bon Optic Vertriebsgesellschaft / Bosch + Sohn / BRAND / Breas Medical / Breitfeld & Schliekert / BÜCHI Labortechnik / Buchmann Deutschland / Buchner Medtec Consulting / Bürkle C Carl Martin / Carl Zeiss / Carl Zeiss Jena / Carl Zeiss Meditec / Carl Zeiss Microscopy / Carl Zeiss Sports Optics / Carl Zeiss Surgical / Carl Zeiss Vision / Caspar & Co. Labora / CETICS Healthcare Technologies / Christoph Miethke / clearlab / Coherent Kaiserslautern / Coherent LaserSystems / Condor / Conta Optic / CooperVision / COVIDIEN Deutschland / CRYSTAL / CULLMANN GERMANY D Daniel Kürten / Deutsche Augenoptik / DeVilbiss Healthcare / DIETZ / DITABIS / DMB-Apparatebau / Dörr / Dr. Johannes Heidenhain / Dr. K. Hönle Medizintechnik / Dr. Mach / Dräger Safety / Drägerwerk E EBM DESIGN Exclusive Brillenmode / EDDYCAM / Edmund Optics / Elementar Analysensysteme / Eppendorf / Eppendorf Instrumente / Eppendorf Vertrieb Deutschland / Erka Kallmeyer Medizintechnik / Ernst Krauskopf – Fabrik für chirurgische und zahnärztliche Instrumente / Eschenbach Optik / Eschweiler / EsCo Orthopädie-Service / ESSILOR / ESW / Eugen Stratemeyer / ewa-marine F F. & M. Lautenschläger / F.W. Breithaupt & Sohn / Ferdinand Menrad / ficonTEC Service / FISBA / Fisher & Paykel Healthcare / FLAIR Modellbrillen Dr. Eugen Beck / FLO Medizintechnik / FMB Care / FPM / FRANK OPTIC PRODUCTS / Fraunhofer-Institut für Angewandte Optik und Feinmechanik / Fraunhofer Institut für Photonische Mikrosysteme / Fraunhofer Institut für Physikalische Messtechnik / Fraunhofer-Institut für Nachrichtentechnik Heinrich Hertz Institut / Fraunhofer-Institut für Lasertechnik / Fraunhofer-Institut für Schicht- und Oberflächentechnik / FRIO international optics / Fritsch / Fritz Stephan G Galifa Contactlinsen / GD Optical Competence / Gebrüder Martin / GEOMED Medizin-Technik / Gerstel / GETEMED Medizin- und Informationstechnik / GIMMI / Greiner / GTI medicare H HÄLSA Pharma / HAMA / HAMAMATSU PHOTONICS Deutschland / Handicare / Hans Müller HMP Medizintechnik / Hans-Joachim Marwitz / Haver & Boecker / HECHT Contactlinsen / Heidelberg Engineering / Heinen + Löwenstein / Heliopan Lichtfilter Technik / Hellma / Hellma Optik / HENSEL-VISIT / Heraeus Noblelight / Hermann Bock / Hermle Labortechnik / Herolab / HEYER MEDICAL / Hill-Rom / Hirschmann Laborgeräte / Hittech Prontor / HNP Mikrosysteme / Hoffrichter Medizintechnik / Hohenloher Spezialmöbelwerk Hommel-Etamic / HOYA LENS Deutschland / HP Medizintechnik I ic! berlin Brillenproduktions / IDEX Optics & Photonics / ILMVAC / ILUDEST Destillationsanlagen / Image Engineering / IMT Masken und Teilungen / Industrieverband Schneid- und Haushaltswaren / INFICON / Infors / ingeneric / Innovative Tomography Products / Innovavent / InProcess Instruments / Instrument Systems / INTERCO / INTERSPIRO / Invacare / IVKO J J&M ANALYTIK / JENOPTIK / JENOPTIK Defense & Civil Instruments ESW / JENOPTIK Diode Lab / JENOPTIK Laser / JENOPTIK Optical Systems / JENOPTIK Polymer Systems / JENOPTIK Robot / Joh. Stiegelmeyer / Johnson & Johnson Medical / Jos. Schneider Optische Werke / Jüke Systemtechnik / JULABO K Kaiser Fototechnik / Karl Kaps / Karl Leibinger Medizintechnik / Karl Storz / Kendrion Kuhnke Automation / Kirchner & Wilhelm / KLS Martin Group / KNAUER Wissenschaftliche Geräte / Koberg & Tente / Kowa Optimed Deutschland / Kröber Medizintechnik / Krüss L Labotect Labor-Technik Göttingen / Landesinnung Chirurgiemechanik / Laser 2000 / Laser Components / LASERVISION / LASOS Lasertechnik / LAUDA DR. R. WOBSER / Leica Biosystems / Leica Camera / Leica Geosystems / Leica Microsystems CMS / LIMO / LINDE Gas Therapeutics / Linde Remeo Deutschland / LLS Rowiak LaserLabSolutions M m2 Handels- und Vertriebsgesellschaft / Manfred Alberts / mark’ennovy / Mauser Einrichtungssysteme / MEDICARE Medizinische Geräte / Medicon / MELAG Medizintechnik / Memmert / Menicon / Meopta-optika / MERSEN Deutschland / Messer Group / Metrolux Optische Messtechnik / MeVis Medical Solutions / Meyer-Haake / Meyra / MICRO-EPSILON / Miele & Cie. / Mikrop / MINOX / MMM Münchener Medizin Mechanik / MÖLLER-WEDEL / MPG&E Handel und Service / MPV MEDICAL / Müller-Welt Contactlinsen / MULTIBLITZ / N NanoFocus / NDI Europe / NEOSTYLE / Netzsch Gerätebau / Newport Spectra-Physics / NIKA Optics / Nikon / nova motum Services & Consulting / Novalung / Novoflex Präzisionstechnik O OASYS / OBE-Präzision / Oculus Optikgeräte / OHARA / Ollendorf Mess-Systeme / OLYMPUS Deutschland / Olympus Europa / OLYMPUS Winter & Ibe / OMRON Medizintechnik / op Couture Brillen / opdo Walter Sengespeick / Optics Balzers Jena / Optische Werke G. Rodenstock / Optiswiss / ORAFOL Fresnel Optics / Otto Bock HealthCare / Otto Rüttgers / OWIS / OWP Brillen P PARI / PENTAX Europe / Peter Huber Kältemaschinenbau / PHARMA TEST Apparatebau / phenox / Philips Respironics / Photonic Sense / PMA Purification Membranes Analytics / POG Präzisionsoptik Gera / Polytec / Pricon / Primetta / Prinz Optics Vertriebsgesellschaft / Protect Laserschutz Q Qioptiq Photonics R R82 / RADIMED / Ratiolab / REHAVISTA / Reichmann Feinoptik / ResMed Deutschland / ResMed / Retsch / Richard Wolf / Robert Riele / Rodenstock / Rowiak / Rudolf Riester / Rupp + Hubrach Optik S S+M Rehberg / S1 Optics / Salvia Lifetec / SALVIA medical / Sartorius Lab Instruments / SASSE Elektronik / Sauflon Pharmaceuticals / Schmidt & Bender / Schmidt+Haensch / Schmitz und Söhne / SCHÖNE OPTIK Maschinenfabrik / SCHOTT / SCHULTE-ELEKTRONIK / Schulz Optische Fabrik / SCHWIND eye-tech-solutions / seca / Semeda Medizinische Instrumente / Shimadzu Deutschland / SHP Steriltechnik / Sigma Laborzentrifugen / Signet Armorlite Optic / Silhouette Deutschland / Sill Optics / solar-semi / SomnoMed® Germany / son-x / SOPRO-COMEG / Söring / SpectroNet / StarMedTec / STEINER-OPTIK / Stiegelmeyer Pflegemöbel / Sunrise Medical / Sutter Medizintechnik / SWAROVSKI OPTIK / Swarovski Optik Vertriebs / Swiss Eye International / Swiss Optic / Systec T tec5 / Textilia Stahlwaren-Manufaktur / Thales Electronic Systems / THEIS FEINWERKTECHNIK / Thermo Fisher Scientific / Thomashilfen für Behinderte / Topro / Toptica Photonics / Trimble / TRUMPF Medizin Systeme U UniTransferKlinik Lübeck / URSULA Hotstegs V VacuTec Meßtechnik / VACUUBRAND / Vauth-Sagel / VISIBILIA / Contact SPECTARIS e. V. Werderscher Markt 15 10117 Berlin Vistan Brillen / VISTEC / VitalAire / VITRON Spezialwerkstoffe / Vivisol Deutschland / Vixen Europe / Völker / Volpi W Wagner & Kühner / Waldner Laboreinrichtungen / Walter Binde Optik / Walter H. Becker / WEBECO / WEINMANN Emergency Medical Technology / Weinmann Geräte für Medizin / Welch Allyn / WETZLICH Optik-Präzision / WILAmed / Wilhelm Haselmeier / WITEG Labortechnik / Wöhlk Contact-Linsen Z Zapp Precision Metals / ZETT OPTICS 2 2mag
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